Learning activity 4 Evidence: My presentation outline A. Find a topic of personal interest. Imagine you are going to present that topic orally to your teacher and classmates at school. For this part of the evidence you need to carry out exhaustive research in order to be able to present all the necessary information related to your selected topic. Report the most important aspects of your research through a brainstorm of the ideas and concepts that you think will be relevant to the presentation. Brainstorm Example of topic: Aviation.
Aviation refers to the use of commercial and non-commercial aircrafts for transportation of people or goods. The A380, manufactured b the Airbus !ndustr, is the biggest plane ever made.
Brainstorm Topic The telescope Topic The " an optical instrument that allo#s ou to observe distant ob$ects in much more detail than the na%ed ee b capturing electromagnetic radiation, such as light. !t is a fundamental tool in ast astrono ronom m,, and eac each h deve developm lopment ent or im improv proveme ement nt of thi this s ins instru trument ment has all allo#e o#ed d advances in our understanding of the universe. " The name &telescope& #as proposed b the 'ree% mathematician 'iovanni (emisiani on April )*, )+) )+)), ), during a dinner in ome in honor of 'alileo, a meeting in #hich attendees could see the moons of upiter b means of the apparatus that the famous astronomer had brought #ith him. " There are several tpes of telesc telescopes: opes: refractors, refractors, #hich use lenses reflectors, reflectors, #hich have a concave mirror in place of the lens of the target, and reflectors, #hich have a concav con cave e mir mirror ror and a cor correct rection ion len lens s tha thatt sup support port a sec second ondar ar mir mirror ror.. The ref reflec lectin ting g tele te lesco scope pe #a #as s in inve vent nted ed b !s !saac aac /e /e#t #ton on in )+ )+88 88 an and d an im impo port rtan antt adv advan ance ce on th the e telesco tel escopes pes of his tim time e b eas easil il corr correct ecting ing the chro chromat matic ic abe aberrat rration ion cha charact racteri eristi stic c of refracting telescopes.
B. Now, structure your presentation using the Signpost language learnt during this learning activity. resent your outline through presentation cards. !se as many cards as you need. 'emem%er: $ach presentation card should include a heading, a phrase at the bottom, a number and it should be organi/ed by numbering and bulleting.
(Model) Aviation [Heading
Structure" I#m going to divide this talk into five parts. $arly beginnings. %ivil aviation. %ommercial aviation. &odern aircrafts manufacturers" a. 'irbus. b. (oeing. c. $mbraer. 5. )he most famous aircrafts in history" a. %oncorde. b. (oeing *+*. c. 'irbus '-. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Let!s turn no" to t#e $irst part: t#e early %eginnings o$ aviation& [Bottom p#rase
[Get as far as your mind allows]
Let's begin 1. DEFINITIN
sub$ect toda is the telescope: the telescope is an optical instrument that allo#s ou to observe distant ob$ects in much more detail than the na%ed ee b capturing electromagnetic radiation, such as light. !t is a fundamental tool in astronom, and ever development or improvement of this instrument has allo#ed advances in our understanding of the universe.
Let"s turn now to !. #IGIN
The name &telescope& #as proposed b the 'ree% mathematician 'iovanni (emisiani on April )*, )+)), during a dinner in ome in honor of 'alileo, a meeting in #hich attendees could see the moons of upiter b means of the apparatus that the famous astronomer had brought #ith him. T$at's all I $a%e to say about its origin. &asially t$is was $is (rst a))earane
Now we'll mo%e on to *. IN+ENT#
T&e %e*e+,!- tee+"(e #) /!0e!te I))+ Ne#t"! /! 1 )! )! /6("%t)!t )0)!+e /! t&e tee+"(e "7 &/ ,6e e)/ +"%%e+,!- t&e +&%"6),+ )e%%),"! +&)%)+te%/,+ "7 %e7%)+,!- tee+"(e. A!)/!- t&/ ("/!t 8 9&e%e "e t&)t e) $ T&/ e) $ t" t&)t t&e ()te!te /!0e!,"! #) Ne#t"! t&e "t&e% "! -)0e +"!t%/$,"!.
Lastly ,. TELE-/E L0--E-
There are several tpes of telescopes: refractors, #hich use lenses reflectors, #hich have a concave mirror in place of the lens of the target, and reflectors, #hich have a concave mirror and a correction lens that support a secondar mirror. nfortunately2 I seem to $a%e run out of 3me2 t$en. I will onlude %ery brie4y wit$ t$e sentene I ta5e at t$e beginning [Get as far as your mind allows]
. )o complete the evidence, you must now write a complete list of references using the guidelines given by the 'merican sychological 'ssociation 0''1. 2o not forget to organi/e your references alphabetically.
In previous research carried out by S$N' students in the area of electronic maintenance, the origin and classes of telescopes were announced 0F$RN'N25 65&$S, 74*1.
3hen you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as follows" 4. %lick on the title of this evidence.
7. %lick on Examinar mi e1uipo and look for the file in your computer. &ake sure the file is attached. . 8eave a comment for the instructor 0optional1. +. %lick Enviar . *ote: )his evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to develop them and deliver them correctly. Criterio de evaluación
2repara presentaciones orales haciendo uso del vocabulario las diferentes estructuras gramaticales re1ueridas.