Evidence 10: Advantages and disadvantages of importing and exporting in / to Colombia
IMPOR It is the customs regime by which goods imported from abroad or from a Special Economic Development Zone can circulate freely in the customs territory, in order to remain in it definitively, after the payment of the duties and taxes to the Importation, surcharges and penalties, where applicable, and compliance with customs formalities and obligations (C!CI, "#$#%&
Description' he ob)ective of imports is to obtain raw materials, machinery, technology or services that do not exist in the country of the entrepreneur or if the here, of unsatisfactory *uality& +owev +owever er,, the global globalia iatio tion n of mar-et mar-ets s for goods goods and servic services es has moved moved foreign suppliers to the importing country, facilitating their ac*uisition, which forces them to balance the pros and cons of international purchases&
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$& In developing countries it is necessary to reach an international level of *uality, which re*uires to improve machinery, raw materials and processes, based on imports, necessary for export& "& In high.cost manufacturing countries, it is probably cheaper to import than to manufacture, thus becoming resellers, from manufacturers to traders& /& In countries with international free trade agreements, the gradual reduction of import taxes to ero will lower the cost of international purchases&
$& 0uying in another country reduces income from the country where the entrepreneur resides, economic problems such as greater imports than exports& "& Imports always carry the ris- of an increase in the price of the foreign currency& 0usinesses tied to the increase of foreign currency by imports that are their main source of income, should hedge foreign exchange or futures, in bro-erage houses, to protect themselves& /& Imports, to a large degree, ma-e the entrepreneur dependent on international purchases& 1ny dependency wea-ens the company and with greater reason, international suppliers for the distance, deliveries and conditions&
I consider that there are both advantages and disadvantages to the export process, but the most important thing is that the people who carry out this activity must ta-e into account all the possible ris-s they will have, for that reason it is indispensable that you see- advice with some expert f foreign trade& 1nd the following aspects should be considered'
2+1 13E +E 1D41516ES 7 E8!3 $& he sales of our country rise notably thus causing a better economy in our country since our rade 0alance avoiding that there are trade deficits& "& hey are the engine of the economy of our country as it helps us with sources of )obs at the national level, and considerably reducing poverty in our country& /& It allows us to be more competitive internationally, and allows us to show the world outside a variety of products that our country can mar-et& 9& :a-e the most of the resources of our country and loo- for alternatives to position ourselves in the mar-et& ;& 2e have a stronger position in front of other suppliers or our direct or indirect international competition& <& 2e have access to new international mar-ets, also certain tariff measures can be applied for their commercialiation because of their *uality and prices&
2+1 13E +E 3IS=S 7 E8!3
$& Irrigate that our buyers are not reliable people& "& 1nalye the way of payment of our buyers avoiding so that they are people delin*uent& /& 5ot getting ade*uate funding to compete at the international level& 9& 3is-s due to political or economic provisions& ;& !ossible ris-s of force ma)eure, such as accidents in which the goods can not arrive on time&
0ibliographic 4enta)asydesventa)asdelaimportacion www&diariodelexportador&com>