St. Louis Review Center, Inc. 17-A KIDAR BLDG. Gen Luna Street, Davao City Tel. o. (082) 224-2515 or 222-8732 Cel. o.! 09228749028/09228749029
"#A$ DRILL $AT% II October 2015 DIR"CTI&S! This is a test of your ability to thin
out solutions to !uantitati"e #roble$s in %athe$atics& 'nalye an sol"e each #roble$ carefully& carefully& *eter$ine the correct ans+er fro$ the four choices a,b,c,& 1&
9& 10&
11& 12&
essie essie is 10 10 years years than than his sister sister&& .f ose#h ose#h 25 years of ae in 1983, in +hat year coul he ha"e been born a& 1948 b& 193 c& 1958 & 1953 .n the the %athe$ %athe$ati atics cs test, test, 35 35 stuen stuents ts #asse #asse an 30 faile& o+ $any stuents too the rest a& 0 b& 50 c& 40 & 30 ' cube cube is a rectanu rectanular lar soli, soli, the lenth, lenth, +ith, +ith, an heiht of +hich ha"e the sa$e $easure calle the ee (e) of the cube& The "olu$e of a cube is foun by cubin the $easure of the ee& 6hat is the "olu$e of a cube +hose ee is 4 c$ a& 4 c$3 c& 27 c$3 b& 127 c$3 & 20 c$ 3 ' "ehic "ehicle le consu consu$es $es one lite literr of tra tra"e "ell 10 ilo$eters& 'fter a tune-u#, it tra"els 15 farther on one liter& To the nearest tenth, ho+ $any liters of asoline +ill it tae for the "ehicle to tra"el 230 ilo$eters a& 20 c& 23&15 &15 b& 20&1 20&15 5 & 23 To fin fin the the #eri #eri$et $eter er () () of a lent lenth h of 1 1 inches an a +ith of 12 inches, +hich of the follo+in e!uations can be use a& (1) (1):(1 :(12) 2) c& 2(1 2(1)(1 )(12) 2) b& 2( 2(1 1:1 :12) 2) & 2 2(1 (1) ):( :(12 12)) art art of a ,00 ,000 0 in"est in"est$en $entt $ae $ae a 12 #rof #rofit& it& The other #art $ae an 8 loss& The net ain +as 400& o+ $uch of the in"est$ent in"est$ent aine #rofit a& 1,00 1,00 c& 4,400 4,400 e& 5,000 5,000 b& 2,0 2,000 00 & 4,9 4,900 00 ' ress ress +as +as $ar $are e o+n o+n at 30& 30& The The ress ress no+ no+ costs 280& 6hat +as the ;#rice before the $ar o+n a& 84 b& 19 c& 280 & 933 e& 400 The oceans oceans of the the +orl +orl cont contain ain 0&5 0&52 2 < 10 12 cubic $eters of +ater& The total a$ount of +ater in the +orl is only 3&23 < 10 12 cubic $eters& 6hat #ercent of the +orls +ater is in the ocean a& 10 10 b& 20 20 c& 25 25 & 30 30 e& 35 35 133 133 1/3 1/3 < 3 : 1 1 2/3 2/3 < 12 === === a& 20 b& 84 c& 104 & 204 e& 300 >etty >& *ay li"e 3 years fro$ 18tu to 18ut& The su$ of tu an ut is 11& .n +hat year +as >etty >& *ay born a& 1829 1829 b& 185 185 c& 185 185 & 1874 1874 e& 1892 1892 oo at this series? series? 10, 5, 8, 8, 4, , 3, 4, 4, @ 6hat nu$ber shoul co$e ne
14& The ieal +eiht for for $en can can be eter$ine usin usin the for$ula + 0&98h A 105& .n this for$ula, + is the #ersons +eiht in ilos +ithout clothin an h is the #ersons heiht in centi$eters +ithout shoes& .f %acys heiht is 150 c$, +hat is his ieal +eiht a& 42 b& 44 c& 45 & 47 e& 49 15& *onna is 25 years years youner youner than her father& father& Bi"e years ao, her father +as t+ice as ol as she +ill be 5 years fro$ no+& o+ ol is *onna toay a& 5 b& 10 c& 45 & 5 e& 70 1& T+o T+o nu$bers ha"e ha"e a su$ of 3& 3& T+o T+o ti$es the larer nu$ber is 1 reater than three ti$es the s$aller nu$ber& 6hat is the larer nu$ber a& 18 b& 22 c& 41 & 45 e& 3 17& *r& ere #rescribes #rescribes 10 $l of a 10 10 solution of $eicine& The #har$acist has a 25 solution an 5 solution of this $eicine& o+ $any $il liliters of the 25 solution shoul be $i
ST. L&'IS R"(I") C"T"R IC.
a& b&
a& 300 b& 200 c& 250 & 150 e& 450 2& T+o #lanes lea"e an air#ort at noon, one flyin east at a certain s#ee an the other flyin +est at t+ice the s#ee of the for$er& .f the #lanes are 2,700 $iles a#art in three hours, ho+ fast is the slo+er #lane flyin a& 150 $#h & 1,020 $#h b& 900 $#h e& 2,020 $#h c& 300 $#h 27& 't the inoy >i Eister ouse, Toby can clean all the +ino+s in 5 hours& eah can o the sa$e Hob in 3 hours& o+ lon +ill it tae the$ to clean all the +ino+s toether a& 8 5/8 hrs& & 8 hrs& b& 2 3/7 hrs& e& 1 7/8 hrs& c& 2 hrs& 28& 6hat co$es ne
, L '>L/3 c& 3(':>:L)/&3 (':>:L)/3 & '>L/':>:L 37& 6hich of the follo+in has the G'ET Fu$erical "alue a& 11/12 b& /8 c& 5/7 & K 38& .f 2 a##les cost 25&00, ho+ $any a##les can be #urchase for 100&00 a& 8 a##les c& 2 oens b& I oen & 1 I oens 39& .f 2 tables#oons 1 li!ui o&, an 5 tables#oons M cu#, then, ho+ $any li!ui ounces are there in one cu# a& 4 ounces c& 1 ounces b& 10 ounces & 24 ounces 40& 2 is +hat #ercent of 5
a& 25 b& 38 c& 40 & 35 41& '? 17 5/8 : 21 K a& 38 3/8 b& 39 3/8 c& 39 4/8 & 38 4/8 42& 6hen the fraction 2/3, 5/7, 8/11 an 9/13 are arrane in an ascenin orer, the result +oul be a& 8/11, 5/7, 9/13, 2/3 b& 5/7, 8/11, 2/3, 9/13 c& 2/3, 8/11, 5/7, 9/13 & 2/3, 9/13, 5/7, 8/11 43& '**? 48&3:9&28:43&45:&2385 a& 581&0 c& 581&5990 b& 581&5985 & 581&598 44& 15 is 20 of +hat nu$ber a& 75 b& 78 c& 80 & 70 45& 7 is 5 #ercent of +hat nu$ber a& 120 b& 125 c& 145 & 140 4& The ratio of t+o nu$bers 5? 3 an their ifferences is 20& 6hat are the nu$bers a& 50, 30 b& 55, 35 c& 40,0 & 45, 5 47& The ratio of t+o nu$bers is 1? 33& The larer nu$ber is 24& 6hat is the s$aller nu$ber a& 131 b& 130 c& 129 & 128 48& K of 100 is e!ual to 5 ti$es +hat nu$ber a& 10 b& 75 c& 25 & 15 49& 6hat is the s$allest #ositi"e nu$ber +hich, +hen it is i"ie by 3, 4 or 5, +ill lea"e a re$ainer of 2 a& 42 b& 22 c& 2 & 122 50& 6hich of the follo+in nu$ber has the larest nu$erical "alue a& (3:3:3) to 3 r #o+er b& (3<3) to 3 r #o+er c&( 4<3<3) to 2 n #o+er & 3 cube : 3 s!uare 51& Giht #ercent of 3 is 72 of +hat nu$ber a& 2&0 b& 2&88 c& 3&24 & 4 52& 6hich of the follo+in has the reatest "alue a& /10 b& 8/12 c& 17/24 & 7/9 53& .f 25 of 50 of 80 is 10, then M of 5/10 of 80 is a& 40 b& 20 c& 15 & 10 54& 6hat nu$ber is 35 $ore than 70 a& 105 b& 135 c& 170 & 185 55& The nu$ber is 15 less 7N +hen ae to ten, +hat +ill the nu$ber be a& 28 b& 18 c& 17 & 15 5& 6hat is -2 : (-3&1) : (-&02) a& -&512 b& 5&012 c& 0&512 & -5&12 57& G"er oo Eyste$s e$#loy 115 #eo#le& *urin the lo+ season, it lai off 20 of its e$#loyees& >y +hat #ercent $ust the co$#any increase its $an#o+er to return to full ca#acity a& 20 b& 22 c& 23 & 25 58& Colen >ell >oos offer 2004 6orl 'l$anac $are at 2, 450&00 less iscount of 10 an 5 & 'nother boostore offers the sa$e boo but +ith a sinle iscount of 15& o+ $uch oes the buyer sa"e by buyin at the best #rice a& 12&25 b& 12&50 c& 12&00 & 10&50 59& ulu tra"els a istance of 20 ilo$eters at 0 $s& #er hour (#h) an then returns o"er the sa$e route at 40 #h& 6hat is his a"erae rate for the roun tri# in $s& #er hour a& 50#h b& 48 #h c& 47 #h & 4 #h 0& %r& %ilby too his four chilren to the trae e
ST. L&'IS R"(I") C"T"R IC.
an both of the$ earne a total of 800&00& This +ee, P$a +ore 12 hours an Lass, 4 hours an they earne a total of 1, 250&00& o+ $uch is Lasss hourly rate a& 48&00 b&49&50 c& 44&08 & 44&50 2& 6hat is P$a hourly rate a& 89&90 b& 89&00 c& 88&75 & 89&47 3& G$an is 15 years ol& Qeronica is one-thir oler& o+ $any years ao +as Qeronica t+ice as ol as G$an& a& 3 b& 5 c& 7&5 & 10 4& ' train runnin bet+een Lala$ba an %aallanes arri"es at its estination 10 $inutes late +hen it oes at 40 $s& #er hour& 'n 1 $inutes late +hen it oes at 30 $s& #er hour& 6hat is the ifference bet+een the t+o to+ns a& 25$s& b& 12$s& c& 75$s& & 80$s& 5& ae is 7 years ol& is son ay is 29 years ol& .n ho+ $any years +ill ay be e
79& 6hat #ercent of 1 is 40 a& 2&5 b& 2500 c& M & 250 80& 1 M subtracte fro$ its reci#rocal is a& -9/20 b& &45 c& 25 & 9/20 81& 6hat is the ratio of M to 3/5 a& 1?3 b& 3?20 c& 5?12 & 3?4 82& 6hat is the ifference bet+een R150 an R54 a& 3R b&1R c& R2 & 2R 83& One tenth is +hat #art of three-fourths a& 3/40 b& 1/8 c& 2/15 & 15/2 84& o+ $any 1/8s are there in 2 5/8 a& 21 b& 22 c& 23 & 24 85& ' blue neon liht blins e"ery 4 secons& ' re one blins e"ery 5 secons, +hile a reen one blins e"ery secons& o+ $any ti$es +ill they blin toether in one hour a& Once b& 10 ti$es c& 20 & 0 8& %aro #ai 400 for a blouse& .f the blouse +as sol at 20 iscount, +hat +as its oriinal #rice a& 80 b& 480 c& 500 & 540 87& ulius ro"e 193&5 ilo$eters i he tra"els in one hour o+ lon it +ill tae hi$ to tra"el 150&5 ilo$eters $ore a& 43 $ 3&5 hrs& c& 40 $ 7&3 hrs& b& 54 $ 4 hrs& & 42 $ 4 hrs& 88& %r& ere earne 27, 895 fro$ $ano #lantation& e also earne 352,18 fro$ his #oultry far$& o+ $uch i he earn in all a& 379,953 c& 379,93 b& 380,03 & 479,03 89& Lhristine bouht 8 ilos $ararine& Ehe use 2 1/3 ilos for bain cae an 1 I ilos for s#ahetti& o+ $any ilos of $ararine +ere left a& 5 5/5 ilos c& 5 1/ ilos b& 4 1/ ilos & 3 5/ ilos 90& %rs& Ealas bouht $eters of +ire for 20& o+ $uch +ill 9 $eters of +ire cost a& 15 b& 20 c& 25 & 30 91& >elen e#osite 4, 000 in a ban +ith an interest of 7 I #er 'nnu$& o+ $uch is the interest of her $oney after one year a& 100 b& 300 c& 1000 & 3000 92& There are 40 #u#ils +ith only 20 te
ST. L&'IS R"(I") C"T"R IC.