ENV20 Introduction to Environmental Engineering 1 st Term 2017-2018
Part I. Write the meaning of the following acronyms: (10 pts) 1. PO – PO – Permit Permit to Operate 2. EMB – EMB – Environmental Environmental Management Bureau 3. ODS – ODS – Ozone Ozone Depleting Substances 4. EGF – EGF – Environmental Environmental Guarantee Fund 5. AQMF – AQMF – Air Air Quality Management Fund 6. NAAQGV – NAAQGV – National National Ambient Air Quality Guideline Values 7. POPs – POPs – Persistent Persistent Organic Pollutants 8. GWP – GWP – Global Global warming Potential 9. AAQGV – AAQGV – Ambient Ambient Air Quality Guideline Values 10. TLV – TLV – Threshold Threshold Limit Value Part II. Answer the questions below:
1. What are criteria pollutants? Give the criteria pollutants enumerated in R.A. 8749. Complete table below: (35 pts) Criteria Pollutants (1) SOx
(2) NOx
(3) Carbon Monoxide
Major Source
Fossil fuel and lowgrade fuel (coal) combustion, nonferrous metal smelting, H2S, mercaptans Burning fuel, power generation plants, industrial furnaces, transportations, waste disposal systems
incomplete combustion of carbon-containing fuels, such as gasoline, natural gas, oil, coal, and wood
Acceptable TLV
2 ppm (8 hours)
Environmental Impact
Acid rain: damage to plants/animals, plants/animals, smog, smog, haze; aesthetic damage; corrosion of materials
Control Technology
Flue gas desulfurization
Photochemical smogSome abatement 3-5 ppm injurious to technologies are plants/animals plants/animals and currently available human health. Increased such as Flue gas nitrogen leading upsets recirculation, Low the chemical balance of NOx burners nutrients in water bodies (LNB) and Eutrophication Eutrophication w/c combustion leads to O2 depletion optimization. Prevents blood from Emission Controls 35 ppm (8 hours) carrying oxygen thus are used in today’s extremely harmful to life such as air humans injection, exhaust Contributes to the gas recirculation, formation of smog or catalytic converter ground-level ozone and other emission.
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(4) Particulate Matter
(5) Lead
(6) Ozone
(7) VOC
agricultural Cancel operations, industrial processes, combustion of wood and fossil fuels, construction and demolition activities, and entrainment of road dust into the air paint, gasoline, solder, consumer products
chemical reactions between oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the presence of sunlight paints, paint stripper sand other solvents wood preservatives aerosol sprays cleansers and disinfectants moth repellents and air fresheners stored fuels and automotive products hobby supplies dry-cleaned clothing pesticide
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1 ppm (24 hours)
0.15 ppm (8 hours)
Cyclones, weather, corrosive scrubbers, damage and reductions electrostatic in visibility (smog/haze) precipitator, precipitator, baghouse filter filter
Lead accumulates in the environment and may be retained retained in the soil for up to 2000 years; can also displace other metals from the binding sites on organic matter, hindering chemical breakdown of inorganic soil fragments and may be taken up readily plants
0.03ppm (0.25 hours)
Can cause inflammation and irritate lung airways
10-15 ppm (8 hours)
Photochemical smog formation
Acid neutralization system in battery plants, and and used of air filtration systems composed of settling chambers, cyclones, bag house and scrubbers
Vapor recovery nozzles at the gasoline pumps to reduce refueling emissions
Adsorption using activated carbon
2. If you will be in-charge with the site selection for an industrial plant, which would you prefer, in an attainment area or in a non-attainment area? Explain your answer using RA 8749 Provisions on Attainment and Non-attainment areas. (15 pts) Non-attainment Non-attainment areas encounter encounter persistent persistent air pollution pollution due to the inadequacy inadequacy of the the technologies technologies within the areas. Hence, such areas are "still developing," and may have violated the national and local air quality standards more than industries within attainment areas. Maintenance and solution for air quality problems are also limited available in non-attainment areas. Hence, the most most suitable site for starting up an industry is within attainment areas.
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Cancel Download And Print 3. What will you do if a problem arise in the plant (i.e. boiler broke down) to avoid violations of Clean Air Act? (10 pts) Boilers are essential equipment in many industrial processes. For example, these equipment supply steam to the processes for for heating. heating. Sudden breakdown of of boilers may may cause great interruption interruption to the energy supply, thus, immediate action must be taken by experienced engineers to avoid production of contaminants to the environment. In order to avoid these problems, the person in charge within the plant should have an intensive knowledge of the process in order to properly troubleshoot the equipment. Immediate action includes filing of a written report to the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). The report must contain a descriptive timeline for the events during air emission, as well as the proposed sources and maintenance solutions
Excellence Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. habituation. We do not act rightly because because we have virtue virtue or excellence excellence,, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. - ARISTOTLE
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