Hassan Basarally Basarall y
Final Assignment Course Name: Hadeeth 2 Course Code: HAD 402 Instructor:
Shaykh Salman Awan Student Details
Name: Hassan Basarally Student ID: 1120020 Batch: Semester: 4-Spring 2013 Assignment Question Compose an original essay, at least 750 words in length, on the topic of Hadith 12 in An Nawawi’s collection. The collection. The hadith reads: On the authority of Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “Part of the perfection of a person’s Islam is his leaving that which is of no concern to him.” A Hasan hadith. Recorded by al-Tirmidhee and others in that fashion. In addition to the course textbook and lecture session, you may use online and in-print sources of scholarly exegesis, Quranic verses, and other ahadith to illuminate your points. You may also use cultural, psychological, or social commentary if appropriate. Limit direct quotes whenever possible, and be sure to thoroughly demonstrate your understanding of any direct quotes utilized.
Hassan Basarally Basarall y
The collection of Ahadeeth by Imam Nawawi contain many authentic statements of the Prophet,
, that require great contemplation and implementation in the life of a
Muslim. One such Hadeeth is:
Part of the perfection of a person’s Islam is his leaving that which is of no concern to him .
The Hadeeth provides the framework for proper conduct in the community, it is an encouragement to perfect and improves ones practice of Islam, and it is a call to have proper priorities and a warning against not guarding the tongue, a trait that causes many problems on an individual and societal level. One of the great benefits of the collection of Imam Nawawi is that the selection of Ahadeeth gives lessons on the development of the character of the Muslim in terms of belief and manners. Ibn Rajab quotes Ibn Abi Zaid Al Qairawani as saying that this is one of four Ahadeeth 1
that frame the concept of good manners and conduct. The other Ahadeeth are:
Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day speak good, or keep silent; and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbour; and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guest.
Badi, Jamal Ahmed. Commentary of Forth Hadiths of An Nawawi. International International Islamic University, Malaysia. 2002 Narrated by Abu Hurairah, Collected in Saheeh Bukharee Vol. 8, Book 73, Hadith 47
Hassan Basarally Basarall y
A man said to the Prophet,
, “Counsel me,” so he said, “Do not become
angry.” The man repeated [his request for counsel] several times, and [each time] he , , said, “Do not become angry.”
None of you [truly] believes until he loves for his brother that which he loves for himself.
From these Ahadeeth one can glean that the hallmarks of good character of a Muslim are: 1. leaving that which does not concern an individual 2. good speech 3. generosity toward neighbours and guests 4. not being overcome by anger and 5. loving for another Muslim what one loves for oneself. The Hadeeth affirms that Islam is of different levels. Iman is belief in the heart, statements of the tongue and actions of the limbs, it increases with obedience to Allah and decreases with disobedience. This is the benefit from the phrase:
Part of the perfection of a person’s Islam… The Muslim is encouraged here to strive to improve one’s level of Islam, never become complacent and arrogant that one has attained the best state of Iman. This is a message promoted in another Hadeeth in Imam Nawawi’s collection: 3
Narrated by Abu Hurairah, Collected in Saheeh Bukharee Vol. 8, Book 73, Hadith 137 Narrated by Anas ibn Malik, Collected in Saheeh Bukharee Vol. 1, Book 2, Hadith 13
Hassan Basarally Basarall y
Verily Allah has prescribed Ihsaan (proficiency, perfection) in all things.
Striving to perfect ones Islam is itself a form of worship that removes sins. An individual who realises that one’s one’s Islam needs to be constantly improved, will realise that everyone has shortcomings. Such an individual will repent quickly and not become amazed with good deeds done. Allah promises those who repent sincerely and do good deed to replace their shortcomings with a reward:
Except for those who repent, believe and do righteous work. For them Allah will replace their evil deeds with good. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful. (Surah Furqaan 25:70)
The key to understanding this Hadeeth is understanding what does not concern an individual, in the statement:
… that which that which does not concern him
This phrase encompasses many meanings; firstly it can mean an individual’s affairs, concerns 6
and goals. As long as the individual’s personal affairs do not cause harm to the individual or 5
Narrated by Shadeed ibn Aws, Collected in Saheeh Muslim Book 21, Hadith 4810
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society, it is free from interference from others. This is from the freedom that Islam guarantees. Simultaneously, preventing evil is something that the Muslims should be concerned about. It is from the correct conduct of the Muslim that one advises his brother when his behaviour harms his religion or community, as seen in the Hadeeth:
None of you [truly] believes until he loves for his brother that which he loves for himself.
The same way one wants guidance and rectification and refuge from punishment, one must want this for another Muslim. The phrase can also mean what does not affect him and has no 7
connection to him. This in itself is a mercy, as Islam does not force an individual to undertake responsibilities that are excessive and beyond the capability of the individual. In today’s society many people are preoccupied with the flaws of others, ignoring their own. This obsession prevent a Muslim from taking stock of one’s own condition. own condition. What, therefore, is the Muslim supposed to be concerned with? Every action that a Muslim does falls into five Shariah rulings: Waajib (compulsory), Mustahab (recommended), Mubah (allowed), Makrooh (detested) and Haram (prohibited). The Muslim must concern himself with establishing what is Fard and Mustahab in his life while at the same time not becoming involved in that which is Haram, Makrooh or even doubtful. The Muslim should be concerned with what are individual and communal obligations upon him, about establishing the religion of Allah, , in one’s personal, professional and family life. Islam is the middle path, the Hadeeth shows that one must not be excessive is distancing oneself totally from the world or being totally immersed in it. The Muslim should be aware of the problems affecting the community, not to 6
Shathri, Sa’d S a’d ibn Nasir, A Brief Introduction To An Nawawi’s Forty Hadeeth, Knowledge International University. Uthaymeen, Muhammad Muhammad ibn Saleh, Explanatory Notes On Imam An Nawawi’s Forty Ahadeeth, Tarbi yyah Publishing, 2008. 7
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just speak about it but to try to come up with solutions. The Muslims must concern himself with what is beneficial to the individual and community. This is one of the lessons in the Hadeeth:
… let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbour
The Hadeeth does not specify a Muslim neighbour, nor is generosity limited to good treatment, it can include seeking good for someone. An important lesson that is shown in this Had eeth is having proper priorities as a Muslim. When one focuses on what is Waajib and Mustahab there is little time to stray into what is opposite to such things. In addition, focussing on one’s action prevents one from judging others, so the individual keeps himself safe from sin and keeps others safe from his bad thoughts and tongue. Many people find it so difficult to occupy oneself with beneficial actions, how then can time be found to be preoccupied with the affairs of others? Life is too short to waste it on things that do not bring benefit to the individual. This is a lesson lesson from the Hadeeth:
There are two blessings which many people lose: (They are) Health and free time for doing good.
One of the greatest manifestations of being concerned with that which is no benefit is not guarding one’ one’s tongue. Today there is much information available but most of what is available is of no benefit to the believer. Easy access to information does not equate to knowing more it
Narrated by Ibn Abbas, Collected in Saheeh Bukharee, Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 421
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results in easily being side-tracked by frivolous things. This is why one of the hallmarks of good character of a Muslim is to speak good or remain remain silent as mentioned in the Hadeeth:
Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day speak good, or keep silent …
The believer here is given one of two choices, either speak about good beneficial things that the Muslims should be concerned about or remain silent. In Ibn Daqiq al-Id's explanation of the Hadeeth, he quotes
Imam Maalik who mentioned that it reached him that it was said to
Luqmaan: "What has enabled you to attain what we see in you of grace and blessing ?" to which he replied: "Speaking the truth, returning the trusts, and leaving that that which does not concern me." This characteristic of being careful with one’s one’s tongue is how one can implement the Hadeeth in one’s life. Knowing that delving into the things which do not concern and benefit a Muslim is a sign that one’s Islam Isla m is lacking should make an individual ashamed when time that could have been spent on worshipping Allah,
, is wasted in idle talk.
This Hadeeth is very important in developing proper conduct of a Muslim. If inculcates a constant zeal to improve oneself, controls pride and guides the believer to developing proper priorities. In it is an indispensable warning to two things that a extremely dangerous to the Iman of a Muslim: wasting time and not guarding the tongue.