Family Tree of the Prophets: "O man kind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam) and (then) from him(Adam) He created his wife (Eve) and from them both He He created many men and women." Al-Quran-Surah Al-Quran-Surah 4:1
Adam + Eve/ Hawwa* ‘Adam’ was created out of mud on Friday.
First set of twins Habil/Hebel/Abel
Hawwa was made from Adam’s lower left rib, That is why its still missing in all men! Adam means: Mud, Hawwa means: Living
Second set of twins
Akleema* 5 Psalms were sent to him. 2nd Prophet of the World after Adam.
Seth/Sheth/Sheeth + (wife)?? TABLE sure about the info; info; ?? means: Not sure Anusha/Anoush/Enos/Enosh
Could be wrong info.
‘*’ means: Name of a female. Cainan/Kenan Mahlalil/Mahalaleel Yarid/Yard/Jared Noah means: One who cries a lot! Known for the Arc and great flood. His wife Waala was a disbeliever. He lived for 950 years approx.
Aknoukn / Enoch / Henoch/ Hanuk / Turmeas / Ikhnou--"Idrees"
Noah/Nuh + Waala*
Lamik/Lamech (who accidently killed Adam's son Qabeel??)
Sam/Shem Sam/Shem Yafu Yafus/ s/Ja Ja het het (Oldest son)
(Drowned by flood)
(Idris was the 3rd Prophet after Adam and Sheeh for 308 years. He was the first man to write with a Pen.) Source: Ibn Kathir: Stories of the Prophets.
Shalikh/Saleh/MethuSalih Shalikh/Sal eh/MethuSalih// Shelah ( Sent for ppl of Ad.)
Hud, (Sent for the ppl of Ad capital of Iram.)
Falik/Phalig/Peleg Rav/Raghu/Reu Sarv/Sarough/Serug
Cruel king Nimrod, descendant of Cush and Ham, who tried to kill Abraham in is youth by throwing him in fire.
Nahur/Nahor Tarih/Tarikh/Terach/Terah/Azar??
Nimrod/ Numrood
Azar +
Amaslai Bas Karnevo
“Abraham/Avraham/Ibrahim ” (Father of Prophets-He lived for 175 years.)
Abraham was his Uncle!
Children from Nahor: Huz, Buz, Kemuel, Chesed, Hazo, Pildash, Jidlaph, Bethuel
Abraham divided the family tree of Bani Israel in two branches by marrying Hagar and Egyptian Princess Sarah who was offered to him as a slave,….why? Read his story.
Abraham + Sarah Rebekah*
Abraham + Hagar/Hajra (The Egyptian King’s daughter)
Lut + Edis/Ideth/Edith
Abraham,"Founder Abraham,"Founder of Israelian`nations." His father was a disbeliever (idol sculptor.)
Dau Dau hter hter #1 #1
Ishmael/Ismael Older step brother of Issac. Had 12 sons and a daughter.
Rabia/Rebaccah married her cousin Issac/Ishaq > Her brother’s two daughters married her son Jaccob/Yaqub. See below.
Dau Dau hter hter #2 #2
Issac/Ishaq/Yitzhac 5 or 6 years younger than Ismael. He lived for 180 years. Was married to his cousin: Rebecca.
Shoab/Jethro + Daughter #1
Saphora/Zepporah Saphora/Zepporah + Moses
Saphora was married with Moses and had nine sons
Son of Nahor
See above.
Issac/Ishaq/Yitzhac 5 or 6 years younger than Ismael. He lived for 180 years. Was married to his cousin: Rebecca.
Laban was Brother of Rebekah. Had 2 daughters. Leah was almost blind, and Rachel was very pretty.
Older step brother of Issac. Had 12 sons and a daughter ,
Laban + *??
Ishaq + Rebekah/Rabia/Ri Reb ekah/Rabia/Rivka* vka* Rabia: Daughter of Bethuel See above.
Father of Rome
Jaccob/ Yaqoub /Yaacov
Jaccob-Married two of his cousins, who were also sisters and thus divided the family tree in two again.
Jaccob + Leah/Lia*
Jaccob + Rachel/Rahil*
Jacob is also known as "Israel" means: Friend of God. Jacob had 12 sons and one daughter. No. of Offspring from Leah
1-Issachar/Ashkar 2- Levi /Lavy/Levy 3-Reubon/Reuven 4-Judah/Yahuda +Tamar* 5-Simeon/Shimon/Shamun 6- Zebulun/Zabun 7-Dinah* (daughter) *From Leah's salve girl (Ziplah): 1.Gad/Jud/Jadd and 2.Asher/Asar/Azar Hilkiah
Menasheh/Manasseh?? [Jeremiah/ Aramayah/ Yirmyah]
No. of Offspring from Rachel
1-Joseph/Yusuf 2-Benjamin/Benyamin *From Rachel's slave girl (Bilhah): 1.Daan and 2.Naptheli/ Naphsthli < Twins > Pharez/Perez
Joseph/Yusuf + Asenath* Zarah*
-Hezron/Essron -Aram -Amminadab -Nahshon/Nasson -Salman/Salmah+Naomi* -Bazz/Buz/Boaz+Ruth* -Obed/Obaid -Jesse/Yasseh??
Yusuf lived for 110 years.
(He was also married to Zulekha*. He had 3 sons.
Mesha/YushaBinnun Mesha/YushaBinnun
From Aphraem/Ephrayim: -- Shultam -- Adi -- Elisha
Rehmat/Raheema* Rehmat/Raheema* (She was married to Ayub/Job/Iyov.)
David/Dauood + Miqel/Michel * (Miqel was the daughter of King Saul.)
He had 13 sons.
King Solomon/Suleiman/Sholomo
David is the descendant of Jacob/Y'aacub He was youngest of 7 brothers. His wives included: Avigail, Avital, Batsheva and Miqel. David had 13 sons. His oldest son's name was: Amnon. David brought first [1st] Holy book of Allah: "Zabur"/Psalms . It consisted of only 30 pages of Psalms or songs of David. He was also the teacher of Hakeem Luqman. He killed Goliath.
King Solomon/Suleiman + Bilqis/Saba*of Bilqis/Saba*of Sheeba And 99 other wives including Naamah*
Ishmael/Ismael Older step brother of Issac. Had 12 sons and a daughter ,
1.Nabet/Nebajoth 2.Qidar/Kedar
3.Edbael/Adbeel 4.Mebsham/Mibsam
-Rahbaam/Rehoboam Iyam/Abija? Eisha/Asa Yahfashat/Jehoshaphat Ahrihu/Ahaziah Yamish/Joash/Jehoash Amisa/ Amaziah Azariah/Uzziah/Hosea? Mutham/Jotham Ahriq/Ahaq/Ahaz Hosqia/Hezekiah Misha/Manasseh Amun/Amon ?? Bashim/ Azar ??
Among the prophets between David and Zechariah is Isaiah (Shi'a) , Ibn Amoz (Amsiah). According to Muhammad Ibn Ishaaq, Isaiah appeared before Zechariah (Zakariah) and John the Baptist (Yahya) . He is among those who prophesied about Jesus (Isa) and Muhammad . The king during his time was called Hezekiah (Hazkia).
5.Mishama 6.Duma/Dumah 7.Micha/Massa 8.Hudud/Hadar 9.Yetma/Tema 10.Yetour/Jetur 11.Nafis/Naphish 12.Qidman/Kedemah
Amram?? + Jochebed*/Yocheved/Yukha bin Laawiy (Levi) He was married to daughter of Levi/Laawiy
Jethro/Shoaib/Hobab Father in law of Moses???
Moses/Musa/Mo she
Aaron/Harun/Aharown Aaron/Har un/Aharown Kulthum (known as Miriam by Jews.)
Aaron was 3 or 12 years older than Moses???
These later formed twelve tribes inhibiting Makkah and surrounding countries of Saudi Arabia.
Offspring from
Imran/ Amram?? + Jochebed*/Yocheved/Yukha bin Laawiy (Levi) Moses was not eloquen, so Aaron served as Moses’s spokesman.
Aaron/Harun/Aharown +
Kulthum/(Mirium Kulthum/(Mirium by Jews)
Elisheva/Elisheba/Elizebeth* Found in Nile as an infant and thus adopted and raised by Pharoh and.his wife ‘Asiya bint Mazzaem,’ *Moses grew up playing with a younger foster brother, Pharoh's son Ramesses. *He brought the 2nd Holy book of Allah: Tourat/Torah
Ilyas/ Elijah??? descendant from the progeny of Harun???
Al-Yaasa/ Elisha/ Eliseus ???
He was the son of Safet/Shaphat/Ukhtub and cousin and the successor of Ilyas. of Ilyas.
-Adnaan -Maad -Nazar/Nadhar -Mudar -Ilyas
-Aaron's 4 sons. 3. Nadab 4. Abihu 1. ElAzar/Eleazar ElAzar/Eleazar Pinchas----2. Ithamar Abbishua--Bukki------Uzzi--------Zerahiah---Ahitub-----Zadok------Ahimmaz--Azariah----Johanan----Shallum----Zilkiah-----Azaraih----Seraiah-----Jehodazak-Means:Help Ezra/Uzzair??Hoseah?
-Mudarikah -Khuzaymah -Kinanah -Al Nadar -Malik -Fahir/Fihr -Khalib/Ghalib -Lou'ai/Luayy -Ka'ab Zohra/Zahra+Qusayy -Murrah
Other Prophets and saints mentioned in Quran: * Prophet of Ar Ras * Prophet of Antioch * Danniel * Shammil/ Samuel * DhulQarnain
-Kellab/Kilab (Ruler of Mecca) -Qosay
-Abd Manaf
From the lineage of David: Zachariya
From the family of Levi: Sisters: Anne/Hannah and Elisebeth
Imran + Anne/Hannah?
Elisebeth/Elizebeth/AlYashbi +Zachariya/Zechariah/Zachary *Zachariya was Mary's uncle and guardian.. * He was a priest of a temple and and a carpenter. *He hid in a tree to save himself from Israelites.
Mary/Marium Yahya/John the Baptizer
Ess'a (Eesa)//Yohanah/
John: Mary's younger cousin, since he was born after her. *John is burried in Damascus. *John was Uncle of Jesus.
Abd Manaf
*Isaa/Esa means: One who who saves himself from sins. He was a Carpentor. There was no prophet between Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad , according to the hadith in Bukhari.
Al Matlib
Abu Talib
Abu Lahab
Muhammed (Peace be upon him) Mohammad means: "He who is praised." praised." * He was an only child and an orphan. * He never got a single day of schooling in his life. * That is why his nick name was ‘Ummi’ meaning: "One who cant read or write."
Last Prophet Muhammed: A Successor to Christ and seal to the Prophet hood.