k o o b
Use English
s ' r for al a l l e x ams e h c a e t QQQQ m m public publicat ation ionss
Use o f English English B2 for all a ll exams exams
E. Moutsou Published by: MM Publications www.mmpublications.com
[email protected]
Great Britain - Greece - Poland - France - Cyprus - U.S.A. - Turkey Associated Associated companies and representatives representatives thro ugh out the w orld. orld. Copyright © 2009 MM Publications All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transm itted in any form o r by any means, electronic, electronic, mechanical, mechanical, photocopying, rec ording or otherwise otherwise,, witho ut permission in writing from the publishers. publishers. Produced in the EU
C1103001307-5240 C1103002007-5239
ISBN: 978-960-443 978-960-443-928 -928-7 -7
Teach er’s Editio n ISBN: 978-960-443-929-4
Use o f English English B2 for all a ll exams exams
E. Moutsou Published by: MM Publications www.mmpublications.com
[email protected]
Great Britain - Greece - Poland - France - Cyprus - U.S.A. - Turkey Associated Associated companies and representatives representatives thro ugh out the w orld. orld. Copyright © 2009 MM Publications All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transm itted in any form o r by any means, electronic, electronic, mechanical, mechanical, photocopying, rec ording or otherwise otherwise,, witho ut permission in writing from the publishers. publishers. Produced in the EU
C1103001307-5240 C1103002007-5239
ISBN: 978-960-443 978-960-443-928 -928-7 -7
Teach er’s Editio n ISBN: 978-960-443-929-4
Use of English B2 for the FCE FCE Examin ation and other ex ams is intended fo r B2 level students. It systematically eache eaches s gramm ar and vocab ulary and prepares students tho roug hly for all all exams. exams.
" ie FCE Use Use of English Paper contain s fou r parts and lasts 45 minutes. The task types and the n um ber of qu estions in each part are presented in the following table.
Multiple-choice cloze
12 (one mark per question)
Open cloze cloze
12 (one mark per question)
Wor d formation formation
10 (one mark per question)
Key word transformation
8 (two marks per question)
This book is divided into 15 units, followed by a Final FCE Test and a Final ECCE Test.
~ne voca bulary bu lary and g ramma ram marr ta ta ug ht has been d istribute is tribute d in 12 12 units un its (U nits 1-4 1-4,, 6-9 and 11 11-14), each o f which is divided into two sections. In the first section, in units 1,3, 6, 8,11,13 there is a selection of collocations and
expressions, while in units 2,4, 7,9,12,14 there is a selection of prepositional phrases. Phrasal verbs, words ith prepositions, grammatical structures and key word transformations are presented and practised in all 12 - n i t s . This sec tion tion ends w ith two exercises w hich are similar in form at to tasks in the FCE Use of o f E nglish nglish paper and ECCE Grammar and and V ocabulary sections, but which tes t only the items items tau ght in the the c orrespo nding unit. unit.
In the second sec tion, a numbe r of groups o f easily confused confused words and derivatives derivatives are presen ted and
practi practised, sed, followed by two two exercises exercises wh ich test only the items taugh t in the the corres ponding unit. unit. Units 5,10 and 15 are consolidation units which revise the material previously taught. Each of them is actually a complete Use of E nglish nglish P ractice ractice Test followin g the exact format of the the FCE/ECCE examinations, examinations, but tes tes ting ting o n l y the items taught in the four units preceding it.
The F inal FCE Test and F inal ECCE Test are are mo delled on the C ambridge Use of E nglish nglish P aper and on the G rammar rammar and and V ocabu lary sec tions of the U niversity niversity of M ichigan E xamination xamination for the the ECCE.
The reference se ction at the end o f the the book includes an overview ove rview of E nglish nglish G rammar, rammar, voca bula ry notes with with d efinitions efinitions of easily confused words, exam tips tips and three three a ppendices. ppendices. T hese appendices alpha betically present prepositiona prepositiona l phrases, words w ith ith prepositions and de rivati rivatives. ves. The T eacher’s Book cons ists o f two two secti sec tions ons.. The firs t sec tion tion is the S tudent's tudent's Book w ith the ans wers overprinted. overprinted. T he second se ction ction includes notes for the teach teach er and three three photoco piable R evision evision Tests Tests with Key.
U N IT 1
p. 6
p. 16
p. 26
p. 36
p, 46
Section 1
Section 2
Collocations with go, come, reach, get Collocations of the type noun+of+noun Phrasal Phrasal verbs wit h come, go and be Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Tenses
Words easily easily confused (mainly related to the topics of work and employment) Introduction to Derivativ Derivatives es
Prepositional phrases of time and place Phrasal verbs with get, pu ll and throw Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Gramm ar Review: Relative Clauses-Clause Clauses-Clauses s of Time
Words easily easily confused (mainly related to the topics of time and viewing) Adjec Ad jective tive s in -ful, -less and nouns noun s in -ship deriving from noun roots
Expressions with day, year and time Collocations Collocations with hold, run, catch and keep Phrasal verbs with look, check, watch and show Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Review: Adverbs-Comparisons Articl Ar ticleses-Un Un cou nta ble s
Words easily easily confused (mainly related to the topics of people and education) Adject Ad ject ives in -al, -y, -y, -ous, -ous, -ly ( +adverbs) +adve rbs) and nouns in -hood deriving from noun roots
Prepositional phrases phrases (miscellaneous) Phrasa Phrasall verbs w ith keep, hold , catch, carry, wear, wear, wo rk and move Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Determiners-Pronouns
Words easily confused (m ainly related to the topics of travel and tourism) Adject Adj ectives ives in -ic, -ical, ve rbs in -ise and nouns in -ist, -ist, -ian, -ian, -dom deriving from noun roots
Consolidation Consolidation I (Units (Units 1-4 1-4)
U N IT 6 P.so
Collocations with do and make Collocations with break, change, cut, turn and draw Adver Ad verbial bial expressio expr essio ns Phrasa Phrasall verbs w ith make, do, grow, pass, fill and leave Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Infinitive /-ing form
Words easily easily confused (mainly related to the topic of money) Common negative prefixes
p. 60
Prepositional phrases (miscellaneous), linking phrases phrases Phrasal verbs with break, break, burn, cu t and turn Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Modal Verbs
Words easily easily confused (mainly related to the topic of thinking) Verbs in -en and nouns in -ness, -nee, -ncy, -cy deriving from adjective roots
p. 70
U N IT 9 P.so
Collocations with leave, put, set, shake, miss and lose Collocations/Expressions with way Sentence linkers Phrasal verbs with pu t, lay, set, set, settle Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Passive Voice Prepositional phrases phrases (m iscellaneous) iscellaneous) Phrasal Phrasal verbs w ith mix, run, hang, fall, hurry and tr y Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Pronouns-Causative Form
Words easily easily confused (mainly related to the topic of communication) Verbs in -ise and nouns in -ity, -hood deriving from adjective adjective roots
Words easily confused (miscellaneous) Inflections of nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs
Section 1 UNIT UN IT 10
p .
Section 2
Consolid ation II (Units (Units 6-9)
UN IT 11 p.94
Collocations with follow, have, take, give, pay, brin g and mind Phrasal verbs with take, close, knock, clean, clear and clear and drop Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Clauses of concession, reason, purpose and result
Words easily easily confused (mainly related to the topics of crime and punishment) Adject Ad ject ives ive s in -able, -ib le, -ent, -ant and a nd nouns in -ery, -ence, -ance, -ant deriving from verb roots
UN IT 12 p.104
Prepositional phrases (miscellaneous) Phrasal verbs with bring, give, hand, burst and blow Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Review: Conditionals
Words easily confused (mainly related to the topics of health and illness) Nouns in -ion, -ation, adjectives in -ive, -ative and nouns in -al -al deriving from verb roots
UNIT 13 p.114
Ad jectiv jec tive e + Nou n C ollo cations cati ons Collocations with say and tell Idiomatic expressions with all Phrasal verbs with lie, stand , sit, save, dress, dress, pay, end, poin t, lo ck and let Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Unreal Past
UNIT 14 p.124
UNIT 15 15
p .
Prepositional phrases phrases (miscellaneous) Phrasal verbs with call, speak, speak, tel l and count Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Reported Speech
Words easily confused (miscellaneous) Nouns in -ment, -ure, -er, or and -ee deriving from verb roots
Words easily confused (miscellaneous) Irregular Derivatives Adject Adj ective ives s and nouns nou ns d erivin eri vin g fro m the name of a country or continent Adverb Adv erbs s and pro nouns no uns ending end ing in -body, -one, -one, -thing , -where, -how, -ever and -self
Cons olid ation III (Units 11-14 -14)
Final FCE Test
Final ECCE Test
Grammar R e v i e w ...........
Vocabulary N o t e s ..........
...................................................................165 165
Exam T i p s ........................
................ .................. .................. .................... ...... 171
173 Ap pend ix I: Pre posi tion al P hr as es ........ ............ ........ ......... ......... ........ ........ ........ ......... ......... ...... .................. .................. .................. .................... ...... 173 174 Appendix II: Wo rds with Pr ep os itio ns ......... ............. ........ ........ ......... ......... ........ ........ ........ ...................... .................. .................. .................... ...... 174
Appendix III: Derivatives............................................................... ................ .................. .................. .................... ...... 176
Teacher’s Notes ..................
Revision Test 1 ....................
Revision Test II ....................
................ .................... .................. ................... .... 190
Revision Test III ...................
Key to Tests ........................
Complet e the bla nks with the verb s go, come, reach or get. get.
to sleep
on sb’s nerves
off sb’s back
an agreement
down to business
a decision
rid of
to terms with
into trouble
the sack
over the top
in handy
the job
even with
B Complete the sentences with the collocations / expression s in the box below . Use each one only once. in som ebo dy’s shoe s
on top of
in charge of
1 Mr Johnson is
in search of
on the safe side
in charg e of
in troub le with
____the company’s marketing department.
2 People People who who systema tically cheat cheat the the tax system will will one day b e ________ in trouble with
on the safe side
3 The doc tor insisted that I should be given a thoroug h check-up just to be __ 4 The children wandered around the neighbourhood
the Tax Department.
__________ in search of
their lost dog.
5 Nobody would want to b e __________ in his shoes_________ _ pot with all those debts he has to pay off. on top of
6 After weeks of hard hard work, Kevin was confident he was finally
the situation.
Complete the collocations collocations bel ow with the words in the box. You may use some of the wor ds m ore than once. once. In some cases more than one w ord may be correct. correct.
of pyjamas
of lightning
of beer
pair pair
of scissors
of sheep
of sung lasses
of rules
of thunder
of paper .of soap
of traff ic lights
of birds
of flow ers
of toothp aste
of bees
Read the sentences on the left and match the phrasal v erbs with their definitions on the right by writing the correct number in the box next to each definition.
1 While cleaning the basement, I came acr oss something I thought I had lost
years ago. 2 Joe cam e into a lot of money, which changed his life completely. 3 Why doesn’t Julie come round to our place anymore? 4 The scientists took months to come up with a solution to their problem. 5 Richard came down with a bad cold the day before his exams. 6 It took the the woman a few minute s tocome round/to after she had fainted.
stop by, visit
2 inherit 1 fin find by by chan chance ce 6 regain consciou sness 5 betak en ill with 4
think of and suggest
unit 0 1 B GO
move / travel around, visit
1 They decided to go ahead with their trip despite the bad weather conditions.
2 Once you have have finished finished cleaning, cleaning, you can go on w ith your job.
3 The docto r wanted to go over the test results with his patient.
start sth
4 That tie g o e s w i t h your suit nicely.
5 Luckily no one was injured when the bomb went off.
continue doing
6 While visiting Rome, we went round all the major archaeological sites.
turn sour, start to decay
7 The child w e n t t h r o u g h a lot before recovering completely.
examine / discuss in detail
8 The milk w e n t o f f after on ly an hour in the scorching heat.
9 What’s going on in there? Open the door!
BE 1 What's on this weekend at the theatre?
2 We were promised that the the hard times would be over soon. 3
I was about to leave leave home w hen some un expected visitors arrived.
4 I'm for the m ayor's plan plan to relocate the town hall. hall. ’re ruining the garden again! 5 What are the boys up to? Don’t tell me they ’re 6 I mu st be off now. My parents are expecting me for dinner.
Words with Prepositions Prepositions
Complete Complete the blank s with prepositions.
Ad jec ti ve s
experienced happv
an answer
an exDert (take)Dride
h a oD oD V w i th th / a b o u t s t h
a reDlv
a reD ort
respected responsible
w i th th
an opp ortunity
st h
conaratu late sb
praise sb
w i th th
w ith ith
provide sth
fo r
supply sb
w i th th
supply sth
G Read the following sentences sentences and complete them them with prepositions. for
2 I would be more than hap py to provide you 3 We supply all major companies 4 She takes great pride
our products.
the homeless.
yourself. What you did was wrong!
7 The government supplied food and med icine 8 The journ alist was praised
our company's catalogue.
her work . That's wh y she's she's the best in her field.
5 The govern me nt will provide housing
You sho uldn 't be proud 6 You
you and your wife. with
his report
the victims of the hurricane. hurricane. on
p r o v id e sb
fo r
1 Congratulations Rodney! Rodney! I'm I'm so happy
fo r
the starving children of Africa. Africa.
unit unit0 1 Grammar Revision (Tenses) See Gramm ar Revie w page 14 147 ^ Read the text text bel ow and complete each blank with one word. All missing word s are a uxilia ux ilia ry verbs ve rbs (is, was, have, has, had, do, does, did etc.). etc.). _________ ____ _ improved a lot since last year. You see, before My life (1 ) __________has ______ __________ _ ________ _____________ _____ been working in the same job for five years and that I (2 ) _________ __________ beginning to feel rather bored. I ( 4 ) _________ __________ _ was I (3 ) __________was __________
getting ready to apply for an other job when one day my boss boss called called me into her office. office. "Our company ( 5 ) ______ said. "We ( 6 ) ______ ________ _____ ___^^ __________ thinking of starting _________ ___ __________ plan ning t o exp and overseas," she said. with Spain Spain,, therefore we will (7 ) ___________be branch branch there. there. (8 ) ______ ________ __ ^
you think you would be interested in a transfer?" Naturally I accepted, although at
the time I (9)
needing some of our best employees to supp ort our new
_________ ___ ______________also going to promote me _ no t kn ow th a t t h e y ( 1 0 ) ______
to assistant manager.
By the end of this m onth, I will have (11)
_________ ____ _ has exciting my life life (12 ) ______
living in Madrid for a year. You can't imagine how
Simple, Past Past Progressive, Pre sent Pe rfect Sim ple or Present Perfect B Put the verb s in brackets into the Past Simple, Progressive and complete the boxes with the time words below. Use each time word wo rd only once. once. for
w hen
was having
since since
_ (ha ve) a bath b ath ye ster st er da y ev en ing , I was in th e kit ch en .
__________ _ (come) into the kitchen, she couldn't believe her eyes! ________ __ came _________ s h e ______
Mum. I
° iafen looking
(look) for my black belt
haven ’t foun d
fo r
the past hour and Have
(not find) find) it. .
______ ________ __ you
(see) it anywhere?
Mother: No, No, but I thin k you Jim:
________ __ (want) to surprise her. (cook) her favourite dish because I ________ wanted ______
y et
was cooking
__________ _ (lend) it to your brothe r about a week Ieri _________
Oh, you ’re righ t. He
hasn't hasn't ciyen/didrrc give
(no t g(ve) jt back to me. I bet he
nas nas been wearing
it all week. Where is he now, Mum? I'm afraid afraid M ark ___ Mother: I'm __________ 9 0 t H e __________
have have been been working
haven’t finished
.(get) up about an hour before you . (work) on this pro ject (not finish) it
.(leave). . (do). (do) .
this morning but yet
. What am I going to tell my boss?
& M y sister love s cats. /
She loves cats. /
She has gone to Italy.
(She is s til l there.)
She has been to Italy.
(She has returned.)
Mysistershelovescats. I bought this bike two ye ars ago. /
(Only one subject in each sentence.)
(Past Sim ple + ago) There is a book on the table. $>
I- hav e& oug htth is bike -two years ago.
It is Sus an ’s.
I boughtthisbtke twoyearsb efore.
(Use there when me ntioning sth fo r the first time.
I have had this bike for two years. /
Use i t fo r sth already mentioned.)
(Present Perfe ct+fo r) Ibavethi-sbike-lortwoyear-s.—-
€> T h e y don't have a car. / (have = own) T h e y haven't got a car. /
I have had this bike since 1998. /
(have got = own)
(Present Per fec t + since + tim e) I have had this bike since I was sixteen. /
The y haven't a car.
(Present Perfec t + since + Past Simp le)
® H e has a bath eve ry morning. / (have = take) H e does n’t have a bath ev ery m orning. J H e has- got a bath every moTning.
(Only one tim e w ord in each sentence.) I haven't studied for a week, (refers to the past: The
last time I studied was a week ago.)
® James didn't use to smoke so much. /
I have to study for a week, (refers to the future: I
James didn't used to s m o k e s o m u e h .
must stud y fo ra week before I do sth else.)
(did/didn ’t + bare infinitive) &
I have-h ad this-bike since two yea rs ago. »
I haven't eaten spaghetti for six months. /
I do sp eak French. / (emphasis)
He does eat snails. / T h e y did buy a house. / W e did saw the thief.
(do/does/did + bare infin itive)
Key Transformations I have never b een to Malta before. It is the first time I hav e e ver b ee n to Malta.
& The last time I saw h er wa s a ye ar ago. I last saw h er a ye ar ago. I have n’t see n he r for a year.
I had never b een to Malta before. It wa s the first time I had eve r be en to Malta. W he n d id he start working? How long has he bee n working? Ho w lo ng is it since he started working?
It has be en a yea r since I last saw her. It is a yea r sinc e I last saw her.
unit 0 1 Examination Practice A
Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one wo rd in each space.
MONGY what
There is no dou bt tha t money, in the form that we know it today, (1).
keeps mode rn econom ic life function ing. Yet, throug ho ut history, money, in wha tever form, has provided people (2 ) _________ with __________ the ability to buy (3) _________ and/or_________sell goods. Thousands of years (4 ) __________ ago __________ , civilisations (5 ) __________ used _________ to rely on the barter system as a way of exchanging goods. Within this system a person had to exchange one thing for another. This meant that the two parties involved had to ( 6 ) ______ make/reach _______ an agreem ent as to wh at they thou gh t their produ cts were worth. Items such (7) __________ as ___________wh ea t, tobac co and livesto ck have all been used as mon ey at one time or another. It was not u ntil m uch later that humans came up (8) _________ with __________ the idea of m oney in the form of m etal coins. So why
(9 ) __________did___________the b arter system come to an end? The answ er is simple. Coins were m uch easier to handle and c arry around. Since then, the use of coins has become w idespread. It has made commerce simpler and has given countries an opportunity (10) __________ _____________development __________ h^d __________ never by doing business with other co untries furth er afield, which they (11)
done business with before. In recent years, paper money has become more common all over the world, as it is easier to use. It (12) __________ ^ __________ not be long, however, before plastic cards take over completely, replacing coins and paper money.
6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the wor d given unchanged. You must use betwe en two a nd five words, including the wor d given.
We last went abroad a long time ago. n ot
have not been abroad for
a long time.
When did they start living in the suburbs? have
long have the y been living
in the suburbs?
It's the first tim e she has ever had problems w ith the authorities. trouble 4
with the authorities before.
When Carl was yo ung , h e __________________used to go to
. a holiday camp every summer.
After the earthquake, the governm ent supplied food and medicine to the homeless, provided
has neve r had trou ble
When Carl was young , he we nt to a holida y camp ever y summer, used
A fter t he ea rthq ua ke , t he g o ve rn m e n t_______pro vid ed the hom ele ss w ith _____
Lucy hasn't visited me since February. was
The las t _______________ time Lucy visited me was __________________ in February.
How long has he had this car? bought 8
How lon g _________
is it since he boug ht
this car?
I haven't caug ht a cold for ages, down
I last ___________
came down with a cold
ages ago.
.food and medicine.
unit 0 1
Words easily confused Use the correct form of the word s in the boxe s to complete the sentences in each g roup A-H below. You may use some of the words more than once. In some cases, more than one word may be correct.
jo b
oc cu pat io n
w or k
em plo ym en t
1 Pe op le in th e m e d i c a l ______ profession
wo rk long hours.
2 In order to get a (n ) _________ 12^ ______
__since January.
Employment ______ agencies help people find wo rk in their field. occupation ______ __ on the application form.
5 I was asked to w rite my presen t
as a computer analyst, you need a degree in computer science.
3 Betty has been ou t o f ____
prof es sio n
duty task
1 They were set the 2 It is a n ur se 's ___
of cleaning the room after the meeting. _____ _ to make the patients feel comfortable.
3 Her marks are quite high, so she can choose between a medical or a la w ________ course
employee assistant
1 The s ho p
___ helped me choose a jum per
that suited me.
attendant _______ js re sp on sible fo r pa rk ing cu st om er s’ cars.
2 The car park
employees _______ are expected to be at work by 8.30. O u r ________ employer
3 All
at university.
4 Jill wo rked as a (n )_________clerk _______
insists on it.
for a law firm before entering politics.
5 All m y ______ colleagues _______ at the office are friendly. officer
6 Bob is a sen ior
1 A member of a politica l______ staff
2 The teaching
3 The search _ 4 The sh ip's __
in the armed forces.
1 The Maths problem was a(n) ___
gave a speech in the town centre last night. at our school have formed a basketball team.
_ had no luck in findin g th e m iss ing ch ild , served d rinks as the ship set sail.
challenge challenge
and took me over an hour to solve.
2 T h e _______ aim/goal ________ 0f environmental organisations is to stop environmental destruction.