SALAMANDER Amphibious Tricycle Pinoy-made Salamander amphibious trike can tackle land and water Vernon B. Sarne TopGear, TopGear, Jan 21, 2015
If you're into car customization, the name toy !"a#e $i"" certain"y rin% a &e"". The man &ehin ( Toy Toy Boy)its an the company's aftermar)et e*terior esi%ns is +uite popu"ar amon% i"ipino car "o#ers. The curious thin% you see here((the Sa"amaner amphi&ious tri)e((is !"a#e's "atest creation. -e mae this in partnership $ith a ne$ company ca""e -2 Techno"o%ies, Techno"o%ies, e#e"opin% it in particu"ar $ith the firm's technica" hea, !am&erto rmaa.
Because it is amphi&ious, the Sa"amaner can tra#e" &oth on "an an in $ater. It stemme from !"a#e's esire to o somethin% rea""y usefu" for the &enefit of his countrymen. That an his $ish to put the /hi"ippines on the %"o&a" automoti#e map. I $ant to sho$ the $or" that the i"ipino can, !"a#e to" TopGear.c s you rea this, !"a#e an his partners are "aunchin% the thin% some$here in ana"uyon% near our office, actua""y3. It's a &i% ni%ht for the %roup. They ha#e &een toi"in% ay an ni%ht in orer to seam"ess"y ro"" out the Sa"amaner &efore the critica" eyes of the motorin% press. !ast month, !"a#e %a#e us e*c"usi#e access to the Sa"amaner. It $as for a fu""("en%th ma%azine story that $i"" appear in our e&ruary issue. 4riter i)y Tamayo $as a&"e to test it for himse"f, an you $i"" rea his initia" impressions in our ne*t issue. The Sa"ama Sa"amane nerr has t$o po$erp po$erp"ant "ant choice choices6 s6 one e"ectr e"ectric ic an one intern interna"( a"(com com&us &ustio tion. n. Boastin% a si*(person seatin% capacity four in $ater3, the amphi&ious tricyc"e is po$ere &y either a 5)4 e"ectric en%ine or a 250cc %aso"ine motor. 4e assume these are the tar%et specs for the prouction #ersion, &ecause the pro#isiona" spec sheet sti"" mentions a 7)4 e"ectric en%ine an a 200cc motor. 4atch 4atch the #ieo at the &ottom.3 I'#e a"reay achie#e so much in the car &usiness, !"a#e share. o$, I $ant to "ea#e &ehin a "e%acy. I $ant to prouce somethin% that $i"" he"p peop"e.
!"a#e, of course, is referrin% to our country &ein% f"oo(prone. Ima%ine ha#in% an amphi&ious #ehic"e "i)e this $hen the $ater rises. The Sa"amaner $i"" a"so &e practica" as a shutt"e #ehic"e in &et$een sma"" is"ans a"" aroun the archipe"a%o. The on"y hur"e8 s $ith any &ri""iant i"ipino iea, there is current"y a "ac) of funin%, $hich !"a#e hopes to %et as soon as $or spreas a&out his ne$est &rainchi". 4e hope a $ea"thy &usinessman $ith patriotic an phi"anthropic intentions is reain% this. The Sa"amaner is $aitin% to &e e#e"ope, po"ishe an mar)ete to the $or". toy !"a#e is ri%ht6 The The i"ipino can. 4atch the #ieo here6
or a more comprehensi#e story on the Sa"amaner, rea the e&ruary 2015 TopGear TopGear issue. Source:
TopGear Photo & video credits:
TopGear &y 9hristian -a"i"i TopGear in :ouTu&e /oste &y prou prouto& to&e e pinoy at 12621600 / o comments6 ;mai"i" This ;ma T hisB"o%This< B"o%This
Body-heat powered flashlight 4e ha feature in our pre#ious &"o% a&out a $ater(po$ere in#ention that can %enerate e"ectr e"ectrici icity ty.. o$, o$, $e $i"" $i"" tac)"e tac)"e anothe anotherr recor( recor(&re &rea)i a)in% n% an $or"( $or"(cha chan%i n%in% n% in#ent in#ention ion ( a
f"ash"i%ht than can &e po$ere so"e"y &y &oy=s heat. Ima%ine that it $i"" prouce "i%ht &y >ust ho"in% it. o &atteries. ot so"ar(po$ere. It=s such an increi&"e in#ention< The in#entor of this amazin% f"ash"i%ht is a i"ipino(9anaian 15(year o" stuent, nn a)osins). -er pro>ect $as inspire &y a frien from inanao $hose fami"y cou" not affor to pay for e"ectricity. 4ithout "i%ht at ni%ht, her frien cou" not stuy proper"y. She fai"e an entire schoo" year &ecause she cou" not rea her "essons. fter a fe$ prototypes, she un#ei"e her ?ho""o$ f"ash"i%ht,@ so name &ecause it has a ho""o$ a"uminum tu&e at its core that coo"s the sies of the pe"tier ti"es attache to the f"ash"i%ht=s cy"iner. The other sie is $arme &y heat from a han %rippin% the f"ash"i%ht.
Ann Makosinsk holding her invention, the "ollow !lashlight"
nn spent se#era" months esi%nin% the f"ash"i%ht an fi%urin% out its #o"ta%e con#ersion. uch has &een $ritten on"ine a&out po$erin% a f"ash"i%ht $ith pe"tier ti"es, &ut those e#ices use heat from can"es an &"o$ torches. nn=s patent(penin% prototype re"ies on han $armth on"y an re+uire that she ma)e her o$n transformer, amon% other ifference(ma)in% factors. She sai that her in#ention nees at "east 7 to 5 e%rees 9e"sius temperature ifference to $or). She ae that the f"ash"i%ht is iea" for co" temperature &ecause the "ar%er the temperature ifferentia", the %reater the "i%ht prouce. Thou%h her in#ention is not yet reay for commercia"ization an nee to &e impro#e, it $as %oo enou%h for her to $in the 2017 Goo%"e Science air in the 15(1A years o" cate%ory &eatin% out thousans of other stuents from o#er 120 countries an earne praises &y many. -er story has &een share se#era" times in socia" meia an has cau%ht the interest of se#era" peop"e, inc"uin% merican TV host Jimmy a""on. a)osins)i says her f"ash"i%ht can prouce up to 5(foot ?can"es of &ri%htness@&e"o$ the commercia" stanar&ut she says she is $or)in% to ma)e the "i%ht &ri%hter. It prouce rou%h"y 2C "umens compare to ozens or e#en hunres of "umens of "i%ht prouce &y commercia" f"ash"i%hts. She says se#era" companies ha#e #oice interest in her f"ash"i%ht. But she is aamant that unti" her f"ash"i%ht achie#es hi%her &ri%htness at a "o$er cost, she $i"" not a%ree to prouce it for the pu&"ic. Dri#en &y a #ery no&"e o&>ecti#e, she sai, ?I $ant to ma)e sure my f"ash"i%ht is a#ai"a&"e to those $ho rea""y nee it.@
9B9 e$s G"o&a" ation :ahoo
9B9 e$s /oste &y prouto&e pinoy at 262E600 2 comments6 ;mai" ThisB"o%This
Special peratio!s Assault Rifle "SAR#$ A %ilipi!o i!!o&ati&e assault rifle De*elopment
ascination for %uns an a ream of once >oinin% the mi"itary are $hat "e the i"ipino t$in &rothers erinan an rancis Sy3 to the arms inustry. But it $as a contro#ersia" arme ro&&ery in the /hi"ippines in the 0's $herein ro&&ers out%unne po"ice that mae erinan an rancis pursue their passion. They $ante to come up $ith a moern firearm that is accurate, easy to use an ura&"e. ?The mission of ;HHS $ay &ac) in 1C $as to rea""y %i#e an e%e to the /hi"ippine ationa" /o"ice(Specia" ction orce. To %i#e them the e%e in com&at throu%h $eaponry,@ sai rancis as inter#i$e &y BS(9B.
he !ER!RANS logo
;HHS starte in 1E e#e"opin% specia"ize e+uipment for "a$ enforcement an mi"itary. "thou%h a"" proucts $ere manufacture or source in the nite States, it $as the operationa" re+uirements of the /hi"ippine ationa" /o"ice Specia" ction orce //(S3 an specia"ize mi"itary units in the nite States that moti#ate ;HHS to esi%n an e#e"op its proucts. The cha""en%es of the //(S urin% that time an in the present &ecame #ery comp"e*. They ha#e to ea" $ith mu"tip"e threats from, the communist e$ /eop"es rmy /3, the mus"im insur%ents I! an !3, terrorist %roups &u Sayyaf, Jemaah Is"amiyah3, an or%anize crime. "so, in this ay an a%e of terrorism, the "ine &et$een con#entiona" an uncon#entiona" $arfare has iminishe as $e"" as the %rey "ine &et$een mi"itary an "a$ enforcement operations. Specia" operatin% units in ur&an centers toay, conuctin% hosta%e rescue $i"" &e the same troops that $i"" &att"e insur%ents in the >un%"es tomorro$. ncon#entiona" $arfare has
e#o"#e to irre%u"ar $arfare so a ne$ &ree of $arriors are create an to%ether $ith it a ne$ $eapon system. F+RFRA)S S(AR
The main feature of the ;HHS SH is its patente De"aye Sear cti#ation System. It is a me( chanica" e#ice that reuces the cyc"ic rate of fu""(auto fire of the 1A F C1 type rif"es from E50(00 rpm to 550(AE0 rpm. This system oes not on"y reuce the cyc"ic rate of fire &ut a"so reuces the #e"ocity Impact Stress3 of the &o"t carrier assem&"y as it %oes into &attery ma)in% the rif"e #ery contro""a&"e an smooth in fu""(auto fire. He"ia&i"ity is increase &ecause impact stress is reuce consiera&"y an heat is reuce. Burst contro""e fire can &e achie#e $ith >ust a simp"e s+ueeze of the tri%%er as the time &et$een shots are s"o$er an the tempo is constant. The effect is immeiate 9ontro""a&"e ccurate u"" uto ire. nother a#anta%e of the HHS is for short &arre"e rif"es an the use of suppressors.
eatures6 Heuce 9yc"ic Hate of ire Hai" -an%uar $ith Hai" 9o#ers Hemo#a&"e 9arry -an"e A /osition Hetracta&"e Stoc) achine Gun 9hrome Bore -ea#y Barre" S"ia&"e Inepenent Sear Disconnector uzz"e Bra)e Sie Tactica" S"in% ttachment "uminum or Stain"ess Stee" a%azine $ith on( Ti"tin% o""o$er Specifications6
FERFRANS SOAR specs taken from its website
The SH / /iston #ersion of the soar3 $as e#e"ope as ear"y as 200E. This further increase the &enefits of the SH &y chan%in% the %as system $ith a short stro)e piston system $ith the inepenent sear isconnector enhancin% the capa&i"ity of the rif"e to fire $ithout rainin% the $ater in ?o#er the &each@ operations.
eatures6 perates in a"most any en#ironment Sustaine u""(uto ire $F !o$ 9ham&er -eat u"" 9ontro" of ccurate u""(uto ire Heuces /ossi&i"ity of 9oo)(ff Increases /arts !on%e#ity
?#er the Beach@ perations 9apa&"e Specifications6
FERFRANS SOAR P specs taken from its website
ther ;HHS proucts inc"ue the S94 Su&(9ompact 4eapon3, -V!H -i%h Vo"ume !i%ht utomatic Hif"e, S9H Specia" perations apta&"e 9om&at Hif"e3, an the HG! C07 C0mm Hai" ounte Grenae !auncher3. 4e $i"" iscuss these $eapons on the ne*t &"o% entries. Source:
;HHS BS(9B Photo:
;HHS /oste &y prouto&e pinoy at 767C600 / o comments6 ;mai" ThisB"o%This
%S'M( Light Sport Aircraft "R'-S)*+#$ %irst %ilipi!o-made peratio!al Aircraft It has &een ma)in% hea"ines in #arious "oca" pu&"ications inc"uin% internet &"o%s a&out $hat is no$ consiere as the ?first i"ipino(mae aircraft@. It is the t$o(seater "i%ht sport aircraft $ith tai"
num&er H/(S512. -o$e#er, is it rea""y the ?first i"ipino(mae aircraft@8 o, it=s not. 4e ha a"reay &ui"t se#era" aircrafts Defiant 700 is one of them3 in the past inc"uin% a he"icopter as $hat I ha iscusse in my pre#ious &"o%s. ay&e, it=s &etter to re(&ran it as the ?first i"ipino(mae operationa" aircraft@ or ?first i"ipino( mae aircraft in(prouction@. This aircraft $as &ui"t &y amous Secret /recision achinin%, Inc. S/I3 &ase in 9a#ite, /hi"ippines. The company is a supp"ier of aircraft components especia""y parts of the f"i%ht contro" mechanism of airp"anes of #arious aerospace companies inc"uin% Boein% an ir&us.
he RP$S%' Light S(ort Aircra)t
ccorin% to the report &y 2C ras G e$s3, the company ha a"reay prouce t$o operationa" "i%ht sport aircrafts. The H/(S512 $hich $as a"reay so" to a costumer in Batan%as an the other one $hich $as so" to a customer in "oria, S an a"reay f"yin%.
9aptain Bi"" 4ri%ht, pri#ate consu"tant for the H/(S512 pro>ect, sai that "oca" use of the aircraft is constraine at present penin% c"earance from the 9i#i" #iation uthority of the /hi"ippines 9/3. 4ri%ht sai that the p"ane=s cate%ory, $hich is a "i%ht sports aircraft, has yet to &e reco%nize &y the 9/. The p"ane costs a&out 100,000 appro*imate"y /C.C mi""ion3 an has reache 9a#ite or /an%asinan an &ac) on test f"i%hts. ccorin% to 4ri%ht, the p"ane is most"y use &y a#iation schoo"s for f"i%ht instruction an for recreationa" purposes. s reporte &y e$s 5, the p"ane has etacha&"e $in%s that ena&"es its o$ner to sa#e a par)in% space not neein% a han%ar anymore. It can e#en &e par)e in a car %ara%e. It has a safety feature, a sensor foun in its contro" pane" that can etect $hether the $in%s are ti%ht"y an safe"y attache &efore ta)e(off. The p"ane uti"izes an un "eae fue". Editor*s co++ent: he ter+ "gasolina" in the re(ort +a re)er to an unleaded gasoline or a co++on unleaded kerosene$t(e -et )uel such as .et A and .et A$/ hus, the editor uses a general ter+ "unleaded )uel"/0 In a separate inter#ie$ &y Intera)syon TV53, Jun Hamos S/I mar)etin% hea3 is confient an hopin% that the /hi"ippines $i"" &ecome the ne*t aerospace manufacturin% hu& in the re%ion
at "east in the ne*t t$o to three years. -e ae that asie from their company, #arious &i% p"ayers in the inustry ha#e recent"y forme the erospace ssociation of the /hi"ippines ue to the %ro$in% potentia" of the &usiness. or their company a"one, Hamos sai that they are e*pectin% to %ro$ their manufacturin% capacity &y 50 percent in the ne*t fi#e years ue to hi%h eman. nti" recent"y, the /hi"ippine aerospace inustry $as "ar%e"y "imite to maintenance, repair an o#erhau" operations, $hich co#ers assem&"y an maintenance ser#ices of aircraft manufacture in other countries, primari"y in the nite States. t present, the DST K eta"s an Inustry Hesearch an De#e"opment 9enter DST( IHD93 is pro#iin% support to other "oca" a#iation manufacturers in achie#in% +ua"ity assurance stanars inc"uin% trainin% pro%ram as confirme &y !ina fa&"e, DST(IHD9 chief of the techno"o%y information section. She a"so ae that the inustry has a potentia" to %enerate >o&s. The H/(S512 aircraft $as isp"aye urin% the Department of Science an Techno"o%y Science ation ;*hi&it "ast Ju"y 2C, 201C an ran unti" Ju"y 2E in /asay 9ity. ;#ery&oy $i"" &e surprise that $e cou" &e a $inner. The aerospace inustry is, to me, the ne*t &i% potentia" e*port $inner, sai DST Secretary ario onte>o. Source:
G et$or) Intera)syon /hi"star :ouTu&e(2C :ouTu&e(Intera)syon
Photo credit:
Intera)syon /oste &y prouto&e pinoy at 126C1600 o comments6 ;mai" ThisB"o%This
'hilippi!e-made ,o!cept Supercars !his is what a couple o/ Philippine-made concept supercars look like /atric) ;#erett Taeo TopGear, 27 ay 201C
If you're roppin% &y the 201C Trans Sport Sho$ this $ee)en, amon% the isp"ays you a&so"ute"y ha#e to chec) out are the t$o cars entere &y actor ure"io utomo&i"e. actor ure"io utomo&i"e is a f"e%"in% car manufacturer &ase in San /ero, !a%una. The company ta)es its name after the surnames of Le#in actor, an en%ineerin% stuent at amson ni#ersity an the esi%ner of the sti""(unname car, an Brenan ure"io, the o$ner of /acita i&ertech an the #ehic"es' architect an &ui"er.
!irst (rotot(e and is (owered 1 a onda 23A engine The t$o cars on isp"ay "oo) simi"ar &ut are s"i%ht"y ifferent from one another. The ye""o$ one is actua""y the #ery first prototype an is po$ere &y a -ona B1A en%ine. The oran%e one is suppose"y c"oser to prouction an has a itsu&ishi CGA7T tur&ochar%e en%ine. Both #ehic"es are mae of fi&er%"ass an car&on fi&er, an uti"ize VHC front an rear suspensions an 1E(inch Hota $hee"s. 4e as)e actor ho$ c"ose the oran%e car is to comp"etion, an it's reporte"y E0M finishe. 4e >ust nee to finish the interior an comp"ete some of the e*terior items, he pointe out. s to $hy actor ure"io utomo&i"e chose to run an in("ine(four en%in e, it $as a matter of cost. It's easier to fi* since there's an a&unance of spare parts, &ut epenin% on the customer, $e can put their choice of en%ine insie, actor share.
A close to (roduction (rotot(e with Mitsu1ishi 4536 tur1ocharged engine The company hopes to ha#e a prouction(moe" unit reay &efore the en of the year, $ith a price ta% in the ran%e of /1.5 to /1.A mi""ion. 4e on"y p"an to ma)e 10 unitsN that $ay, the cars can retain their #a"ue, ae actor. If $e ma)e more than that, the cars $i"" "ose their #a"ue &ecause they $on=t &e uni+ue anymore.
So, $ou" you &uy a "oca""y manufacture, /1.A(mi""ion supercar if it $ent on sa"e toay8 Source6
TopGear credit6
TopGear /oste &y prouto&e pinoy at 12675600 o comments6 ;mai" ThisB"o%This
Air ,lea!i!g De&ice with (o!ier "Nature.s Air Room (o!ier# A breath o/ /resh air
Nature's Air air cleaning device with ionier
ir po""ution may $e"" &e u&&e as the si"ent )i""er for it harms the unsuspectin% ini#iua" $ho inha"es its harmfu" micro(components. Throu%h the years, the +ua"ity of air in many parts of the $or" has &een eteriorate continuous"y an &eyon accepta&"e stanars. There are se#era" types of air po""utants &ut the most common are particu"ate matters, nitro%en io*ie, car&on mono*ie, an tota" o*iants. ther e+ua""y harmfu" air po""utants are hyrocar&ons an nitro%en o*ies. eica" e*perts isco#ere 1E species of patho%enic fun%i an 20 types of &acteria in the circu"atin% ust. etro ani"a's surrounin% air has no c"eaner. stuy one &y the Department of ;n#ironmenta" an atura" Hesources D;H3 an the sian De#e"opment Ban) DB3 foun
that po""ution "e#e" in the metropo"is is three times the norma" "e#e" $ith particu"ate matter of near"y A00 e*ceein% the 4- safe ust "e#e" of 120 micro%rams per cu&ic meter of air. o$, $e are introucin% our "atest techno"o%y, an air c"eanin% e#ice $ith ionizer that $i"" e#entua""y remo#es smo)e, ust partic"e, oors an e#en air(&orne micro(or%anisms that sprea iseases insie your room an your office. 2ene/its o/ )ature3s Air •
It $i"" remo#e air&orne contaminants. cti#ate car&on fi"ter $i"" remo#e oorsFfumes emitte from c"osets, househo" c"eaners, paints #arnishes, persona" care proucts, ci%arettes an coo)in% smo)e. e%ati#e ions re#ita"ize the air >ust "i)e the natures after the storm, near a $aterfa"" or near the seashore. Stuies sho$ that the ne%ati#e ions &eneficia""y affect human &iochemistry &oth physica""y an menta""y. Description ature's ir, an en#ironmenta" frien"y in#ention, is a perfect so"ution for this )in of en#ironment that $e suffer from oors an microor%anisms. This "atest i"ipino techno"o%y he"ps e"iminate harmfu" ust partic"es, smo)e an air&orne microor%anism that sprea iseases in chi"ren an e"er"y. The proper"y(esi%ne moern ion emitter prouces a com&ination of ne%ati#e an positi#e ions in a ratio of C67. This ratio he"ps the ust partic"es an car&on mono*ie sett"e to the ust co""ector insie the unit, rather than on other surfaces. The e*cess of ne%ati#e ions a"so he"ps to restore nature=s ion &a"ance an enhance natura" hea"th an $e"" &ein% of the user. !echnical speci/ications
ne$ an impro#e air ionizer, the TH;S IH; is a#ai"a&"e for purchase. Go to our on"ine storefor contact etai"s. Source6
Hoo"fo Biescas Sr.
/oste &y prouto&e pinoy at 116CA600 / 5 comments6 ;mai" ThisB"o%This
Lu!asi!/s biological acti&ity a!d medical importa!ce0 disco&ered by a %ilipi!o
A s(ace$)iling +odel o) the Lunasin*s structure
!unasin is a C7(amino aci po"ypeptie isco#ere &y a team of Japanese scientists in 1EO. It $as ori%ina""y iso"ate, purifie, an se+uence from soy&ean see. "thou%h no name has &een %i#en, it $as escri&e as an amino aci se+uence of a soy&ean 5lcine +a7 3 see po"ypeptie ha#in% a po"y !(aspartic aci3 structure at the car&o*y" terminus &y its isco#erers. Su&se+uent research &y Dr. "freo . Ga"#ez at the ni#ersity of 9a"ifornia( Ber)e"ey, ientifie the peptie as a su&unit of the coty"eon(specific 2S a"&umin. Its amino aci se+uence is SL4P-PPDS9HLPLPGV!T/9;L-I;LIPGHGDDDDDDDDD. Due to the hea"th &enefits of soy in $hich it $as e*tracte, Dr. Ga"#ez an associates name it as !unasin from the i"ipino $or ?lunas@ $hich means @cure@. sie from soy as its main source, it is a"so foun in &ar"ey, $heat, amaranth, &"ac) ni%htshae, pinto &ean, corn an rye. Disco*ery o/ biolo6ical acti*ity
!unasin=s &io"o%ica" an cancer(pre#enti#e acti#ity $as isco#ere &y a i"ipino octor urin% his post(octora" research ((( Dr. "freo Ga"#ez in Dr. Benito e !umen=s another i"ipino octor3 "a&oratory in the ni#ersity of 9a"ifornia K Ber)e"ey in 1O. This is an e*cerpt from Dr. e !umen=s statement on the isco#ery of !unasin, ?any years a%o, my "a&oratory initiate a pro>ect on enhancin% the nutritiona" of soy protein an other "e%umes throu%h &ioen%ineerin%. This re+uires increasin% the "e#e" of methionine, the essentia" amino aci, $hich is most "imitin%
in soy an other "e%umes, inc"uin% mun% &ean. The strate%y is +uite strai%htfor$ar6 c"one a %ene coin% for methionine(rich protein H/3 an o#er(e*press the %ene in soy or any tar%et "e%ume. 4e $ere face $ith t$o choices for the source of the H/ %ene QR150N o&tain it from other p"ants or from soy itse"f. I mae the fatefu" ecision to c"one the H/ %ene from soy itse"f, $hich e#entua""y "e to the isco#ery of "unasin as a cancer pre#enti#e a%ent.@
!r" Alfredo F" #alve$ discoverer of %unasin's mitotic activit&
?The choice to c"one the H/ %ene from soy is &ase on the hypothesis that there must &e non( a&unant H/s in soy &ecause most of the proteins in soy see are notorious"y "o$ in methionine an therefore, there must &e other H/s that contri&ute to the o#era"" methionine content of soy protein &ut they are non(a&unant. The process of c"onin% the H/ %ene turne out to &e not easy, ta)in% a&out four years, t$o %rauate stuents an a postoctora" scientist. ne of the %rauate stuents is a i"ipina no$ Dr. Jamie He#i""eza from /!B3, an the postoctora" scientist is another i"ipino from /!B Dr. "freo Ga"#ez3. Dr. He#i""eza contri&ute to the purification of the H/ from soy that e#entua""y "e to the c"onin% of the %ene, an Dr. Ga"#ez too) o#er the pro>ect an isco#ere the anti(mitotic effect of the "unasin %ene $hen transfecte into mamma"ian ce""s an the cancer pre#enti#e effect of the "unasin peptie. 4hi"e it $as not &y esi%n that the ma>or contri&utors to "unasin isco#ery $ere &oth i"ipinos, it is a source of prie to point this out.@ 0ancer research
!unasin has a uni+ue epi%enetic mechanism that interferes at the #ery ear"y sta%es of the carcino%enic processN !unasin is non tissue(specific an $ou" &e effecti#e a%ainst ifferent types of cancer. In aition, !unasin has no )no$n to*ic effects, $hich is consistent $ith its presence in soy&ean that has &een consume in sia for centuries. Dr. Ga"#ez $as the first to ientify the peptie=s a&i"ity to pre#ent the transformation of norma" ce""s into cancerous tumors in ce"" cu"ture. nima" stuies #a"iate the finin%s $hen "unasin
si%nificant"y reuce the tumor incience in mice s)in e*pose to chemica" carcino%ens. In the ori%ina" 2001 stuy that isco#ere an name "unasin, the authors $rote that their resu"ts su%%est a mechanism $here&y "unasin se"ecti#e"y inuces apoptosis, most"y in ce""s uner%oin% transformation, &y pre#entin% histone acety"ationthe protein cou" cause ce"" eath in e#e"opin% cancer ce""s, $hi"e not affectin% re%u"ar ce""s, in mice. This "e to the specu"ation that "unasin mi%ht e*p"ain the numerous epiemio"o%ica" associations &et$een consumption of soy proucts an the "o$ cancer incience o&ser#e in sian popu"ations. In 2007 a stuy conucte &y Bio(Ha !a&oratories sho$e that the protein a"so i not affect immorta"ize an esta&"ishe cancer ce""s. In 200E a stuy performe &y Dr. e !umen foun that "unasin $as foun to he"p pre#ent chemica" carcino%ens an onco%enes from causin% cancer in a s)in cancer mouse moe". The peptie &ecomes &ioa#ai"a&"e in mice throu%h in%estion $ithin a fe$ minutes an reaches the nuc"eus of ce""s $ithin ei%hteen hours. The effecti#eness $as sho$n on"y a%ainst non( esta&"ishe cancer ce"" "ines in this stuy. In 200 another stuy $as performe at the non% ationa" ni#ersity, that foun further e#ience of the inhi&ition of histone acety" transferase. In aition, "unasin has a"so &een sho$n to &in eacety"ate histones, $hich can a"so he"p to pre#ent cancer. 4ayne H. Bi"ac) an Haymon !. Hori%uez $rote that the ina&i"ity for "unasin to )i"" esta&"ishe cancer ce""s $as ue to a %enetic chan%e in ce""s $hen they are first &ecomin% cancerous, $hich isappears $hen a ce"" &ecomes fu""y cancerous. They a"so $rite that the foo has the potentia" to reuce cancer ris), thou%h not affect e*istin% cancer ce""s in a patient, an cou" pro#ie he"p in e*p"ainin% an in#erse corre"ation &et$een soy consumption an the ris) of some cancers. ;*tensi#e researches on !unasin's cancer(pre#enti#e a&i"ity sho$s that !unasin interna"izes insie the ce"" an ens up most"y in the nuc"eusN inhi&itin% core histone acety"ation an acti#atin% tumor suppressor %enes such as /T;. !unasin se"ecti#e"y inhi&its transcription, a ynamic process that occurs at #arious "ocations an at ifferent times in the ce"" an is initiate &y unfo"in% of the chromosomesN a process faci"itate &y histone acety"ation. It is propose that urin% the initiation of the carcino%enic process that in#o"#es transcription, the ynamic process of histone acety"ation(eacety"ation is isrupte. This e#ience emonstrates that the mo"ecu"ar mechanism for !unasin is profoun, compare to other cancer pre#entati#e a%ents in that it se"ecti#e"y )i""s ce""s that are transformin% into cancer ce""s, $ithout affectin% norma" ce""s.
A gra(hical re(resentation on Lunasin*s +echanis+ o) action as a cancer$(reventive (e(tide
Since !unasin has a uni+ue epi%enetic mechanism that interferes at the #ery ear"y sta%es of the carcino%enic process, this su%%ests that !unasin is non tissue(specific an $ou" &e effecti#e a%ainst ifferent types of cancer. In aition, !unasin has no )no$n to*ic effects, $hich is consistent $ith its presence in soy&ean that has &een consume in sia for centuries. The no#e" mechanism of action &y !unasin ma)es it an important research too" in unerstanin% epi%enetic contro" of %ene e*pression urin% cancer e#e"opment. To%ether $ith po$erfu" too"s in %enomics an proteomics, !unasin can &e use to ientify potentia" ru% tar%ets an ia%nostic &iomar)ers. 0ardio*ascular and cholesterol mana6ement research
!unasin's a&i"ity to support cario#ascu"ar hea"th $as ac)no$"e%e &y the merican -eart ssociation at their nnua" Scientific Session in o#em&er, 2012, an Dr. "freo Ga"#ez's presentation a&stract $as se"ecte for pu&"ication in the - Journa", 9ircu"ation. !unasin $or)s in t$o $ays to "o$er serum !D! cho"estero" "e#e"s. irst, it se"ecti#e"y isrupts a necessary step in the prouction of a )ey enzyme, -G(9o reuctase. !unasin reuces the acety"ation of the -istone -7 tai" &y /9 "unasin &"oc)s /9's specific &inin% position at L1C3, thus reucin% the "e#e" of e*pression of the -G(9o reuctase %ene. 4ith "e#e"s of the -G(9o reuctase enzyme "o$ere an a#ai"a&"e for the "i#er to carry out cho"estero" synthesis, the "i#er in turn prouces "ess cho"estero". Secon"y, !unasin upre%u"ates the e*pression of the !D!(receptor %ene. 4ith an increase in the num&er of receptors a#ai"a&"e to c"ear !D! cho"estero" from the &"oostream, !D! "e#e"s a"so ecrease. Stuies sho$ that in the presence of !unasin, the "e#e"s of S/1 the coacti#ator of SH;B/ for !D!(receptor prouction3 are t$o times hi%her than $ithout !unasin present. 4ith
S/1 more reai"y a#ai"a&"e to &in $ith SH;B/, the !D! receptors are prouce more efficient"y, so more !D! cho"estero" is pu""e from the &"oostream, there&y reucin% the circu"atin% serum !D! "e#e"s.
%unasin's cholesterollowering mechanism of action
Since O0(E0M of the circu"atin% cho"estero" in your &oy is prouce $ithin your "i#er, it is important to tar%et this process in aition to consumin% "ess saturate fat an cho"estero" in your iet. !unasin $or)s at an ear"ier sta%e in your &oy=s interna" cho"estero" prouction process than prescription statins. !unasin reuces the amount of -G(9o reuctase enzyme prouce &y the -G(9o reuctase %ene. Statin ru%s $or) &y &"oc)in% the -G(9o reuctase enzyme after it has &een prouce $hen it is on its $ay to carry out the &oy=s interna" cho"estero" prouction cyc"e. Statin ru%s can oftentimes &e too efficient an &"oc) too much of the -G(9o enzyme. This "eas to serious sie effects &ecause a minimum "e#e" of cho"estero" is re+uire in the &oy for certain necessary ce""u"ar functions such as maintainin% ce"" mem&rane inte%rity an hormone prouction. Anti-in/lammatory research
ther stuies ha#e sho$n that "unasin has the a&i"ity to inhi&it the a&errant inf"ammation that can occur in chronic iseases, inc"uin% cancer. This property $as a"so isco#ere &y a team inc"uin% Benito . e !umen, a"on% $ith ;"#ira Gonza"ez e e>ia, Vermont /. Dia, as $e"" as others, as a part of research attempts to create purifie "unasin throu%h a more ine*pensi#e means. 2ene/its o/ unasin
The fo""o$in% "ist inc"ues some of the many &enefits of !unasin $hi"e on %oin% in(epth research continues to unco#er more. Bio(acti#e peptie $ith an epi%enetic moe of action atura" component of soy an other sees K fa#ora&"e pu&"ic perception GHS Genera""y Heco%nize as Safe3 &y the D Iea" chemo(pre#entati#e a%ent to fi%ht s)in cancer ;*tens ce"" "on%e#ity anti(a%in%3 npu&"ishe nti(o*iant effect6 especia""y protects D from o*iation as $e"" "ipis nti(inf"ammatory effect ;ffecti#e ose is minima" on(in#asi#e treatment unasin7s patents fter its isco#ery, se#era" researches ha#e &een mae an patents app"ie. /atents app"ie &y Dr. "freo Ga"#ez anFor Dr. Benito e !umen are as fo""o$s6 927070A11, 927070A19, D;AE700AAD1, ;/101OOE1, ;/101OOEB1, SA10O2EO, SA5CC5A, SO7O502, S200702207E, an 41015AC21. 0ommercial unasin products
Due to the pro#en stuies in #arious hea"th &enefits of !unasin, se#era" companies commercia"ize the peptie as foo supp"ements. Dr. Ga"#ez "icense !unasin $or"$ie ri%hts to He"i# Internationa", a foo science an manufacturin% company. He"i# possesses the on"y proprietary mechanica" e*tractin% process that oes not use chemica"s. They a"so ho" the patent to the peptie, the a&i"ity to ma)e it &ioacti#e an any an a"" future app"ications of the supp"ement.
A 1ottle o) LunaRich 8 M
He"i# Internationa" re"ease its !unaHich Soy /o$er in e&ruary 2012 an c"aim to contain fi#e to ten times more "unasin than orinary soy po$ers, an it e"i#ers that e"e#ate "unasin in a more &ioa#ai"a&"e $ay. In aition, !unaHich soy po$er contains other &eneficia" nutriti#e components of soy, inc"uin% protein, isof"a#ones an more. nother He"i#=s prouct that $as "aunche in January 2017 is the !unaHich UT ccorin% to Ga"#ez, !unaHich UT is a form of !unasin that is &ioacti#e. It=s a shepher mo"ecu"e tra#e"s $ith the "unasin in the &oy as it remains acti#e after i%estion. !unaHich U, the capsu"e form, is sai to ha#e "unasin potency
200 times more than hi%h +ua"ity soy protein. ne 125m% capsu"e of !unaHich U T e"i#ers the same amount of &ioacti#e "unasin foun in 25 %rams of hi%h(+ua"ity soy protein, the ai"y amount ientifie &y the oo an Dru% ministration to he"p reuce the ris) of heart isease. t$o(month supp"y retai"s at "ess than 100. 4ho"esa"e for the same +uantity is "ess &y 20. nother companies are Soy!a&s an i"Gen, Inc. Source: i" i"Gen, Goo%"e /atents " nc&i.n"m.nih.%o# /hi"Star 4i)ipeia He"i# Internationa" ta)e"
Photo credit:
ace&oo) i"Gen, Inc. " He"i# Internationa" /oste &y prouto&e pinoy at O62O600 / C comments6 ;mai" ThisB"o%This
Mc1(M Leather 'roducts - truly %ilipi!o eather cra/tsmanship that is distinctly Filipino Tina rceo(Dum"ao /hi"ippine
If Jim 9ham ha his $ay, he $ou" &e sin%in% a"" the $ay to the &an). That=s &ecause music has a"$ays &een his passion. -e spent a %oo part of his youth sin%in% in com&os, as they $ere )no$n then. -e %"a"y san% for a pittance >ust to &e a&"e to share his "o#e for music $ith his auience. But fami"y "ife, $hich starte $hen he %ot marrie at a%e 1, nippe his sin%in% career in the &u. Hea"izin% he ha to fin a more sta&"e source of "i#e"ihoo to fee, c"othe an she"ter his youn% fami"y, he set asie his %uitar, turne his &ac) on the sta%e an pursue another passion6 "eather %oos.
(c)*( is an e+pert when it comes to accessories for men" That put 9ham on the "on% roa to &ui" cJim !eather Goos to $hat it is toay, one of the &i%%est "oca" manufacturers of men=s "eather accessories that are %i#in% forei%n &rans a run for their money. cJim specia"izes in men=s accessories, $ith &e"ts an $a""ets accountin% for the &u") of its sa"es. oune in the &ac)yar of the fami"y home in 1AE $ith >ust three emp"oyeesJim, his $ife an a he"per from Ba%uio 9ity $here the coup"e met urin% his %uitar p"ayin% aysthe company toay has o#er 700 emp"oyees. cJim mar)etin% mana%er Bernaett 9han% says that cJim has &een a&"e to %ro$ si%nificant"y o#er the past C5 years &ecause of its unstintin% aherence to top +ua"ity stanars. Pua"ity, the company says, is the first in%reient of a %oo prouct an a phi"osophy that %uies its processesfrom se"ectin% materia"s to prouct esi%n, the manufacturin% methos to se"ectin% the most +ua"ifie "eather craftsmen to ma)e the proucts &y han. This means in#estin% in fine "eather from Spain an Ita"y, se$in% machines from Germany, an hi%h "e#e" of craftsmanship from the /hi"ippines. 4hi"e certain phases of the manufacturin% process in#o"#e machines, it sti"" ta)es e*pert human hans to fashion a "eather prouct into somethin% that approaches art. Base on the company=s e*perience, machines are an inferior su&stitute to the $or) achie#e &y e*pert craftsmen. Jim, $hose fami"y use to istri&ute popu"ar $atches such as Hao an !on%ines, "earne a"" a&out the "eather inustry throu%h e*periencetria" an error &ein% a hash tas)master. Initia""y, he #enture into &e"ts. In the ear"y 1O0s, he i not put any &ran &ut mere"y supp"ie to the epartment stores an other retai"ers $ho put their o$n &rans on his proucts. But e#en if he i not ha#e any name, he $as a"reay &i% on +ua"ity, an cJim $as one of the first "oca" manufacturers of "eather accessories to %o a&roa to hunt for the &est materia"s for its tar%et mar)et. It $ent to Japan, for instance, to &uy "eather as $e"" as &uc)"es for the &e"ts.
mon% the first epartment stores to carry the "eather %oos $as the former tis Department store, $hich $as part"y o$ne &y Jim=s sister. Jim=s $ife, a iss Ba%uio pa%eant $inner, $as instrumenta" in finin% &uyers for the f"e%"in% company=s proucts ue to her amia&"e nature. She cou" ta") to anyone an e#eryone, an $ou" easi"y con#ert co" ca""s to potentia" c"ients into sa"es, not >ust in tis, &ut in other epartment stores such as the former Goo ;arth ;mporium. fter a fe$ years of se""in% un&rane %oos, Jim fe"t it $as time to put his o$n &ran on the proucts. -e are to &ran the "eather usin% his o$n name, an inication of ho$ much he &e"ie#e in his proucts. -e $as a"so a&"e to penetrate ne$ istri&ution channe"s, such as the S %roup. The Gaisano an Ho&insons ma""s "i)e$ise carrie cJim "eather %oos, $hich e*pane in ran%e from &e"ts an $a""ets to &a%s an other men=s accessories. ?s the ma""s %re$, the company i, too,@ says 9han%, ain% that cJim=s $ie ran%e of "eather proucts are no$ foun in a"" epartment stores, uner the men=s accessories epartment $here it has its o$n section. rom three, cJim no$ emp"oys 750 peop"e, inc"uin% a fu"" staff of esi%ners, sprea across four factories. ouner Jim, ho$e#er, remains the ri#in% esi%n force. The AA year o" fre+uent"y %oes a&roa to upate himse"f on the "atest trens an techno"o%y. or cJim, there is simp"y no compromisin% on +ua"ity e#en if it means pricin% the %oos a&o#e those of its competitors an e*ertin% e*tra effort to impart on the emp"oyees the nee to maintain prouct stanars. Toay, cJim=s sa"es main"y come from the ori%ina" &e"ts, $hich account for C0 percent of annua" sa"es, fo""o$e &y $a""ets, $ith up to 75 percent. Ba%s an sma"" "eather %oos, such as the occasiona" suspeners, ma)e up the rest. 9han% says that cJim trie to prouce a "aies "ine. But the company iscontinue the "ine $hen the founers rea"ize that "aies fashion re+uire a ifferent s)i""s set. Thus it stuc) to men=s accessories, $hich it )ne$ &y heart. 9han% e*p"ains that, un"i)e $omen=s accessories, those of men ten to &e more sta&"e an i not re+uire fre+uent chan%es. Its mar)etprofessiona"s $ho ha#e "eft their treny ays &ehin, accorin% to the company$ants to &e &oth fashiona&"e an conser#ati#e, steerin% c"ear of anythin% f"ashy.
(c)*( goes abroad in search of top ,ualit& leather used to make bags- belts and wallets" fter C5 years in the mar)et, its cha""en%e toay is to )eep up $ith the times an penetrate the &roaer mar)et to enear cJim to a ne$ %eneration of "oya" customers. This means possi&"y comin% up $ith a separate &ran that $i"" feature proucts usin% other materia"s such as "oca" "eather an po"yester. But the core, ho$e#er, $i"" sti"" &e cJim 9"assic an a"" proucts $i"" conform $ith the cJim phi"osophy of sty"e, +ua"ity an e"e%ance e*presse in proucts of hi%h +ua"ity &ut $ithin reach of most i"ipinos. ?4e $ant e#eryone to en>oy %reat proucts $ith a %reat &ran that is prou"y i"ipino,@ says 9han%. Source6
/hi"ippine Dai"y In+uirer Photo credit 6
/hi"ippine Dai"y In+uirer /oste &y prouto&e pinoy at 60600 C comments6 ;mai" ThisB"o%This
'hilippi!es. low-cost la!dslide se!sor ow-cost landslide sensor tested in Philippines ora Gamo"o SciDe#, 0EF12F11
"o$(cost sensor that can etect "ans"ies has &een e#e"ope in the /hi"ippines an is &ein% promote as an a"ternati#e to e*pensi#e ear"y $arnin% systems manufacture o#erseas. The sensor costs "ess than S1,000, in contrast to stanar commercia""y a#ai"a&"e "ans"ie sensors that can cost up to SA0,000 e*c"uin% insta""ation costs. The /hi"ippine system $as e#e"ope throu%h co""a&oration &et$een the ationa" Institute of Geo"o%ica" Stuies IGS3 an the ;"ectrica" an ;"ectronics ;n%ineerin% Institute, &oth part of the ni#ersity of the /hi"ippines. T$o prototype sensors $ere ep"oye 1C months a%o in the up"an pro#ince of Ben%uet, se"ecte &y the researchers &ecause of its hi%h #u"nera&i"ity to "ans"ies.
(s" Ruffa .arreon- engineering student and research assistant e+plaining the column part of the device
The sensor uses po$er a#ai"a&"e from an e"ectric %ri, &ut has a &ac)(up &attery in case of po$er fai"ure. The sensor is &urie #ertica""y in the &eroc) of the areas that are &ein% monitore for possi&"e "ans"ies, e*p"aine en%ineer an pro%ramme "eaer Joe" Joseph arciano Jr. The sensor "o%s %roun mo#ement e"ectronica""y an transmits a report e#ery ten secons to the IGS, $hich ser#es as a centra" &ase station. Geo"o%ists then process an ana"yse the ata, measurin% #arious parameters that affect the sturiness of s"opes, such as rainfa"" intensity an moisture content. Sanra 9atane, a IGS %eo"o%ist, sai her team has a"reay note a isp"acement of 20 centimetres in /u%uis, Ben%uet, since the sensors $ere ep"oye. But she amitte that, at present, they sti"" ha#e to ientify the tippin% point that inicates $hen a "ans"ie is a&out to occur. ccorin% to 9atane, the pro>ect $as initiate fo""o$in% a "ans"ie in Southern !eyte in 200A that &urie the #i""a%e of Guinsau%on, )i""in% more than 1,100 peop"e. It $as an e*perience that can occur in one in 1,000 cases, an $asW an eye(opener for us, she sai. !ans"ies occur &ecause of "oosene soi" an roc)s. Stron% rains are the most common cause of "ans"ies in the /hi"ippines, a"thou%h %roun mo#ement for e*amp"e, resu"tin% from an earth+ua)e can increase the pro&a&i"ity of a "ans"ie occurrin%. 9atane sai the e#entua" $iesprea ep"oyment of the "ans"ie sensors is a"so an opportunity to create a ata&ase on "ans"ies in the country, an cou" tri%%er an interest in this area of %eo"o%y. But the pro>ect faces se#era" pro&"ems, inc"uin% the "ac) of traine %eo"o%ists to carry out reconnaissance an choose the appropriate area for ep"oyment of the sensorsN interpret the resu"tsN an ma)e a #isua" #a"iation after the ata has &een "o%%e.
9atane ae that the copper $ires attache to the eep"y(&urie sensors ha a"reay &een sto"en t$ice, apparent"y to &e so" as scrap meta". She emphasize the nee to ma)e communities a$are of the importance of sensors, an to train them to mana%e an secure sensors for their o$n safety. The pro>ect is feature in this #ieo. Source6
SciDe# Photo and video credits6
TDTV /oste &y prouto&e pinoy at 11652600 / o comments6 ;mai" ThisB"o%This
'hilippi!e-made MSES Tablet for DST 'ro2ect NA3 4hen the $eather remains to &e unpreicta&"e, there is no other $ay &ut to app"y the most sophisticate scientific too" to miti%ate, if not pre#ent, the ne%ati#e impact of typhoons, f"oos, tsunamis an e#en #o"canic eruptions an earth+ua)es. This is the reason $hy the Department of Science an Techno"o%y DST3 throu%h /ro>ect -ation$ie perationa" ssessment of -azars3 has come up $ith a ta&"et e#ice apt"y ca""e S;S or o&i"e perationa" System for ;mer%ency Ser#ices.
!OS/ (OSES tablet for Pro0ect NOA1
S;S is a ta&"et capa&"e of recei#in% rea"(time $eather an f"oo information reports from DST=s /hi"ippine tmospheric, Geophysica" an stronomica" Ser#ices ministration /GS3 an /ro>ect - that "oca" officia"s, o$n to the &aran%ay "e#e", can access for accurate ecision(ma)in% e#entua""y to pre#ent massi#e estruction an casua"ties.
The E(inch mo&i"e ta&"et is esi%ne "oca""y $ith assem&"e chipset an circuit &oars to ensure the a#ai"a&i"ity of spare parts as $e"" as ser#ice support. It has a ua" SI function, te"e#ision, an raio component an is pac)a%e in a ru%%e she"" $ith a "on%("ife &attery that can "ast up to three ays. S;S a"so pro#ies Dopp"er raar sensor ata, $ater "e#e" sensor ata an measurements cu""e from %au%es strate%ica""y "ocate in ifferent hi%h(ris) areas. "so a#ai"a&"e in the ta&"et is a hazar map that is upate in rea" time. The ta&"et a"so comes $ith other isaster pre#ention apps "i)e the r)o, $hich %i#es historic f"oo ata on the areas in etro ani"a that can &e use to preict the "e#e" of f"oos in se#era" areas in the nation, /ro>ect -, an the "oo /atro". It a""o$s its user to ta)e pictures of ca"amities an its effects such as f"ooe areas, fires, an "ans"ies. The pictures are then up"oae an sent to the comman center #ia 7G or 4ifi. /hotos of specific "ocations such as schoo"s, houses, an hospita"s can a"so &e ta)en an sent immeiate"y for reportin%. The photos $i"" he"p pinpoint the "ocation of search(an(rescue faci"ities, as $e"" as &"oc)e access routes an emer%ency access routes, %i#in% #isua""y accurate information on the situation in each &aran%ay. The centra" comman center can then sen messa%es containin% a#isories or $arnin%s &ac) to the &aran%ays. DST aims to pro#ie the C2,02E &aran%ays $ith this ta&"ets. or the pi"ot test, 1,000 units are e*pecte to &e istri&ute to ifferent &aran%ays in etro ani"a. So if oses cou" $a#e his staff an part the He Sea, S;S may &e the ans$er to scientifica""y mana%in% isasters an a""o$ us to rise a&o#e the f"oos. Source6
DST G et$or) Photo 9redit 6
&p.&" /oste &y prouto&e pinoy at 12601600 / o comments6 ;mai" ThisB"o%This
'ro2ect NA3 "Natio!wide peratio!al Assessme!t of 3aards#$ 'hilippi!es. ad&a!ced disaster pre&e!tio! a!d mitigatio! system /ro>ect - is the Department of Science an Techno"o%y=s DST3 response to the ca"" of /resient Beni%no S. +uino III for a more accurate, inte%rate, an responsi#e isaster pre#ention an miti%ation system, especia""y in hi%h(ris) areas throu%hout the /hi"ippines. The /ro>ect $i"" harness techno"o%ies an mana%ement ser#ices for isaster ris) reuction acti#ities offere &y the DST throu%h /GS, /-IV!9S, an the DST(#ance Science
an Techno"o%y Institute STI3, in partnership $ith the / ationa" Institute of Geo"o%ica" Sciences an the / 9o""e%e of ;n%ineerin%.
A screenshot of Pro0ect NOA1 website
X Distribution o/ 1ydrome-teorolo6ical De*ices in hard-hit areas in the Philippines 81ydromet9 . tota" of A00 automate rain %au%es HG3 an C00 $ater "e#e" monitorin% stations 4!S3 $i"" &e insta""e a"on% the country=s 1E ma>or ri#er &asins HBs3 &y Decem&er 2017 to pro#ie a &etter picture of the country=s surface $ater in re"ation to f"ooin%. X Disaster Risk +:posure Assessment /or 'iti6ation ; i6ht Detection and Ran6in6 8DR+A'-IDAR9 Proect, $hich is tar%ete to &e comp"ete &y Decem&er 2017, aims to prouce more accurate f"oo inunation an hazar maps in 7D for the country=s f"oo( prone an ma>or ri#er systems an $atershes. X +nhancin6 eoha=ards 'appin6 throu6h IDAR . The pro>ect, $hich is tar%ete to &e comp"ete &y Decem&er 201C, sha"" use !IDH techno"o%y an computer(assiste ana"yses to ientify e*act areas prone to "ans"ies. X 0oastal 1a=ards and Storm Sur6e Assessment and 'iti6ation 801ASSA'9 . 9-SS, $hich is tar%ete to &e comp"ete &y Decem&er 201C, $i"" %enerate $a#e sur%e, $a#e refraction, an coasta" circu"ation moe"s to unerstan an recommen so"utions for coasta" erosion. X Flood In/ormation )etwork 8Flood)+!9 Proect $i"" come up $ith computer moe"s for the critica" HBs, automate the process of ata %atherin%, moe"in% an information output, an re"ease f"oo forecasts.
X ocal De*elopment o/ Doppler Radar Systems 8aDDeRS9 . !aDDeHS see)s to e#e"op "oca" capacity to esi%n, fa&ricate, an operate su&(systems of Dopp"er raars for remote"y sensin% the ynamic parameters of sea surface such as $a#e, $in fie", an surface current #e"ocity. X andslide Sensors De*elopment Proect is a "o$(cost, "oca""y e#e"ope, sensor(&ase ear"y monitorin% an $arnin% system for "ans"ies, s"ope fai"ures, an e&ris f"o$. s of ay 2012, ten sensors ha#e &een insta""e in San rancisco, Suri%ao e" orteN Ta%o, Suri%ao e" SurN Tu&"ay, Bu%ias, an Bo)o in Ben%uetN Guihu"n%an 9ity, e%ros ccienta"N St. Bernar, Southern !eyteN an Tu&un%an, I"oi"o. itiona" sensors are e*pecte to &e ep"oye to not "ess than 50 sites &y 2017. X >eather 1a=ard In/ormation Pro1IP9 . 4-I/ in#o"#es the uti"ization of p"atforms such as te"e#ision DST#3 an a $e& porta" http6FFnoah.ost.%o#.ph3, $hich isp"ay rea"(time sate""ite, Dopp"er raar, HG, an 4!S ata to empo$er !Gs an communities to prepare a%ainst e*treme natura" hazars. This is comp"emente &y acti#ities, such as6 a3 conuctin% of I;9 Information, ;ucation, an 9ommunication3 acti#itiesN an &3 the processin% an pac)a%in% of re"e#ant an up(to(ate information for pu&"ic use.