A Few Good Men is a courtroom drama with Marines as characters. Two soldiers stationed at the Naval base in Guantanamo, Bay, Cuba, named Lance Corporal awson and !rivate owney are accused o" murder. The two #.$. Army Marines have pleaded innocent as the other cadet was murdered, but they claim they have been ordered to ha%e him. Their superior o""icer has &iven another story so it is time to &o to court. Lt. aniel 'a""ee and Lt. Cmdr. (oanne Galloway are assi&ned to be their lawyers. Lt. aniel as a lawyer is )nown "or plea bar&ainin& * settlin& cases out o" court and thus he has never been inside a courtroom. +hile Lt. Cmdr. (oanne doesnt believe awson and owney came up with the idea to )ill +illiam $antia&o- she has suspicions that they were "ollowin& orders. The de"endants claim that !FC $antia&o, the victim, was &iven a C/0 102. Code 1ed is a disciplinary action that e3ists only amon& Marines stationed at Guantanamo Bay. Bay. 4n Code 1eds, soldiers are physically punished "or misconduct. These disciplinary actions are strictly o"" the record, and ille&al. +illiam $antia&o wanted to leave Gitmo because clearly based on how many times he messed up this was not his callin&. Col. Nathan (essup would not let him leave thou&h. 5e was committed at all costs to ma)e $antia&o into a &ood marine so that he could de"end the nation. Col. Col. (essu (essup p orde ordered red two two marin marines es 6the 6the de"e de"end ndan ants ts77 to &a& &a& $ant $antia ia&o &o and and shav shavee his his hair hair as a punishment "or bein& a bad marine. $antia&o ended up accidentally dyin& "rom su""ocatin& on the ra& used to &a& him. urin& the course o" the hearin&, it is su""iciently proved that Code 1ed2 is an uno""icial disciplinary action conducted at Gitmo. $o Col. (essup says he ordered it. 4n the con"rontation between Lt. 'a""ee and Col. (essup leadin& up to the iconic dialo&ue Lt. 'a""ee8 id you order the C/0 109 Col. (essup8 :/# G/AMN 14G5T 4 4;2 Col. (essup "roth about the ri&id chain o" command within the Armed Forces with +e "ollow orders or !0/!L0 402. That a Marine o""icer will not and cannot i&nore his superiors orders under any circumstances. 4n the the movi movie, e, the the cour courtt ta)es ta)es this this bit bit o" in"o in"orm rmati ation on and and comb combin ines es it with with Code Code 1ed 1ed con"ession in order to prosecute (essup. The Code 1ed practice is con"irmed by many witnesses, but this ri&id chain o" command2 is not proved or endorsed by anybody other than (essup. $o it must stand as his interpretation that a superior o""icers orders will never be i&nored and will always be "ollowed and not a "act and there"ore not a sel"
/"" the top o" my head, where 4 see problems in the movie A Few Good Men includes8 6>7 #se o" evidence that would never be admitted 6"or any number o" reasons7. 6?7 4nappropriate =uestions by the lawyers. 6@7 4nappropriate investi&atory techni=ues by the lawyer. 6lawyers cannot do certain thin&s that police can do7 67 iolation o" ethical rules in terms o" conduct by the lawyers in myriad ways. 67 Con"essions on the witness stand by the real criminal. 6D7 The speed o" thin&s. There are myriad delays. 6E7 Availability o" evidence. Criminal lawyers call it the C$4 e""ect. 67 +itness misconduct.