INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following question !ar" onl# the answer for each ite$ %# shading the %o& corres'onding to the letter of #our choice on the answer sheet 'ro(ided ) *hat is that that a''urtenant a''urtenant struct structure ure install installed ed at the %ase$ent %ase$ent floor floor of a %uilding %uilding in in which waste water are drained+ a su$' 'it % se'tic tan" c catch %asin d floor drain , Interconnect Interconnection ion of sewer sewer ser(ice ser(ice 'i'e 'i'e into into a sewer $ain $ain is $ade $ade %# 'unching 'unching the sewer $ain a hole to fit the sewer ser(ice In what 'oint on the sewer $ain does interconnection $ade+ a ./ ./ a%o a%o(e (e the the flo flow w li line of the the $ai $ain n c at the %ot %otto$ of the sewe sewerr $ai $ain n % on the to' of the sewer $ain d at $iddle side of the sewer $ain 0 Saddle Saddle cla$' cla$' is a 'i'e fittin fitting g which is not use use when the water water ser(ic ser(icee is to %e interconnected to the t#'e of water $ain a centrifugal cast iron 'i'e c gal(ani1ed iron 'i'e % as%estos ce$ent 'i'e d P2C 'i'e 3ow far should should a se'tic se'tic tan" tan" %e constructed constructed awa# awa# fro$ the the water su''l# su''l# source source to 're(ent conta$ination+ a ,4$ % )4$ c .4$ d .$ . The The soil soil %ranc %ranch h 'i'i 'i'ing ng inst instal alle led d in hori1o hori1ont ntal al run run $ust $ust %e su'' su''or orte ted d %# iron iron hanger hanger at closed closed inter(al inter(al to 're(ent 're(ent sagging sagging *hat is the distance distance a'art a'art the hangers+ a ).$ % 0$ c .$ d 4 5 $ 6 To reduce the the e&cessi(e e&cessi(e 'ressure 'ressure that that 'roduces 'roduces a ha$$ering ha$$ering sound7 sound7 how long7 long7 a 'i'e should %e added and installed on the to' of riser of the highest fi&ture le(el to a%sor% air 'ressure a 40 8 49$ % 4 8 )$ c )-).$ d 46 8 ),$ *hat *hat is the $ini$u$ $ini$u$ hori1ont hori1ontal al distanc distancee requir required ed %etween %etween (ent ter$ina ter$inall and window o'ening of a %uilding+ a ).$ % 0$ c )$ d 4 . $ 5 *hat *hat should should %e the $ini$u$ $ini$u$ cleara clearance nce that that should should %e $ade with res'e res'ect ct to the floor line to allow con(enient o'ening or closing of a clean out+ a )44 $$ % ,44 $$ c .4 $$ d 044 $$
9 *hat is the si1e of relief (ent on a circuit (ented soil %ranch installation of 'lu$%ing fi&tures+ a ; ti$es the dia$eter of the soil 'i'e c ); ti$es the dia$eter of the soil 'i'e % equal dia$eter of the soil d < ti$es the dia$eter of the soil 'i'e )4 *hat is the si1e of the #o"e or %# 'ass (ent for a high rise %uilding+ a equal si1e of the $ain (ent c ); ti$es the si1e of the $ain (ent % ; ti$es the si1e of the $ain (ent d < ti$es the si1e of the $ain (ent
)) The 'i'e or shaft which is used to re$o(e foul or congested air fro$ a fi&ture or a roo$ and con(e# the sa$e to the at$os'here is called ============= a local (ent % crown (ent c %ac" (ent d (entilating 'i'e ), *hat is the t#'e of water closet 'rescri%ed for 'u%lic toilet+ a elongated %owl t#'e % o(al %owl t#'e c circular %owl t#'e d egg sha'ed %owl t#'e )0 *hat is the 'i'e fitting with outside thread and 'ro>ecting square head used for closing the edge of another fitting+ a 'lug % ca' c "not d %ushing ) The handica''ed fi&tures are usuall# designed for 'eo'le with less 'h#sical a%ilit# than the general 'u%lic For the handica''ed7 what is the 'rescri%ed height of the toilet %owl+ a .4 $$ % 44 $$ c .44 $$ d 644 $$ ). The difference %etween a tu%e and a 'i'e is that the tu%e has relati(el# thin wall and ===== a straight edge % the listed si1e corres'ond to the outside dia$eter % relati(el# square edge d the listed si1e corres'ond to the inside dia$eter )6 *hat is the 'rescri%ed distance of (ent fro$ tra' seal in 'lu$%ing installation+ a ).$ % 46$ c ,$ d )$ ) *hat is that (ent 'i'e s#ste$ on 'lu$%ing which liquid waste flow through? a wet (ent % #o"e (ent c stac" (ent d %ac" (ent )5 *hat is that (ent 'i'e in 'lu$%ing that ser(e the %uilding drain and %uilding sewer+ a 2STR % S2TR c #o"e (ent d relief (ent )9 *hat is that rece'tacle attached to the 'lu$%ing s#ste$ other than a tra' on which water or waste $a#%e collected or retained for ulti$ate discharge into the drainage+
a catch %asin drain
% $anhole
c %leeder
,4 *hat is the 'i'e connection in which a %all is held in a cu'-li"e shell that allows $o(e$ent in e(er# direction+ a uni(ersal >oint % unifor$ 'atent c sli' >oint d caul" >oint ,) @each field is categori1ed as one of the on site efferent dis'osal for se'tic tan" 3ow far should %e the distance fro$ a shallow well to 're(ent conta$ination of water+ a ,.$ % .4$ c ).$ d 4$ ,, In 'lu$%ing7 the uno%structed (ertical distance through the free at$os'here7 %etween faucet su''l#ing water and the flood le(el ri$ of a fi&ture is called ======== a air ga' % airline c flushing lane d goose nec" ,0 *hat is the $ini$u$ ca'acit# of the water tan" needed for a co$'lete water closet flushing in a toilet+ a )9 @ % ,6 @ c ). @ d ), @ , *hat is (ertical distance %etween the di' and the crow weir of the tra'+ a tra' seal % crown air c leader d %leeder ,. *hat is that fittings so installed in 'lu$%ing s#ste$ to 're(ent 'assage of air7 gas and so$e (er$in through the 'i'e+ a tra' % chec" (al(e c fla' (al(e d gate (al(e ,6 *hat is the t#'e of wrench used in wor"ing with 'lated finish and in 'lace with too s$all to ad$it 'i'e wrench+ a stra' wrench % closed wrench c o'en wrench d 'i'e tong , *hat is that fitting that o'erates auto$aticall# when refilling the water tan" after each discharge and shutting off co$'letel# when the tan" is alread# full+ a float (al(e % foot (al(e c 'ressure regulating (al(e d chec" (al(e ,5 *hat is the radius of a circular lagoon whose ri$ area is equal of a rectangle whose sides are ,.$ A ).$ res'ecti(el#+ a 906$ % 50$ c 9,6,$ d 5,4,$ ,9 'lu$%er desire to 'u$' water fro$ a well 64 feet at the rate of )44 g'$7 assuring that the 'u$' he will %e using has on effusing of )44 *hat is the horse'ower of its 'u$'+ a ). 3' % , 3' c ) 3' d )D 3'
04 *hat is the ca'acit# of 'u$' in 3orse'ower is lift )47444 gallon at highl# 94 ft7 assu$ing weight of water is 50 'ounds 'er gallon+ a 09 3' % 0. 3' c 3' d 0 3' 0) added and the tan" was fast half full7 what is the (olu$e and ca'acit# of the tan"+ a ,)4 gal % ,44 gal c 0)4 gal d 044 gal 0, n oil tan" is 0$ long7 0$ wide and ,$ high7 when it is full of coconut oil s'ecific gra(it# of 4947 find the downward force at the %otto$ of the tan" a )67044 "g % )67,44 "g c ).7,44 "g d )7,44 "g 00 swi$$ing 'ool is 6$ wide %# ),$ long7 of is ),4$ dee' in one end and ,4 at the other end 3ow $an# gallon of water does it contain+ a 07 )4 gal % 07,4 gal c 007,4 gal d 07,.4 gal 0 rectangular ground reser(oir is to %e constructed to ser(e the water su''l# require$ent for a co$$ercial %uilding the outside di$ension of the reser(oir is 5$ long7 6$ wide and 5$ dee' Co$'ute for the total cost of e&ca(ation if the cost of la%or is P.444 'er cu%ic $eter a P )79,4 % P )97,44 c P )57,44 d P )75,4 0. !aster Plu$%er can finish the e&ca(ation and 'i'e la#ing of stor$ drainage in 5 hrs7 !aster Plu$%er B require )4 hrs to do sa$e >o% 3ow $an# hours are required if %oth AB wor" together+ a , hrs % 0, hrs c . hrs d 0. hrs 06 'lu$%er is to use a dee' well as sources of water to su''l# for the %uilding under construction and he want to esti$ate the length of inta"e 'i'e7 so7 fro$ the surface of the ground he dro' a coin into the well and after , seconds he heard the s'lashing sound down under7 how dee' is the well+ a 0,, ft % 6 ft c ,,, ft d 00 ft 0 drainage 'i'e should it %e installed underground it $ust ha(e or $ini$u$ dia$eter of : a )44$$ % .4$$ c . $$ d .$$ 05 secondar# 'i'eline in sewerage a co$$on sewer to which no other sewer is tri%utar# is called a interce'tor % lateral c dead end d %ranch 09 That 'i'e which con(e#s waste water and water carried waste without fecal $atter a waste 'i'e % wet stand 'i'e c (ent 'i'e d wet (ent 4 %acteria li(ing or acti(e in the a%sence of free ogen is called a aero%ic % anaero%ic c facultati(e aero%ic d all
of the a%o(e ) (alue which auto$aticall# closes the flow of water in a re(erse directions a glo%e (al(e % chec" (al(e c float (al(e d angle (al(e
, The greatest stress which the $aterial can stand without 'er$anent defor$ation is called a ulti$ate stress % tensile stress c wor"ing stress d none fro$ a%o(e 0 (ent for a single fi&tures or %atter# of fi&tures which is connected into the sa$e stac"7 into which the fi&tures discharge a unit (ent % local (ent c wet (ent d continuous (ent (ent which also ser(e as a drain is called a wet (ent % local (ent c loo' (ent
d %ac" (ent
. $ethod of installation not allowed in a lateral to a(oid 'ressure and retardation of flow of waste water causing de'osition of solid is a shar' cur(e % el%ow c gate (al(e d crossconnection 6 The sanitar# drainage s#ste$ for 'u%lic health reason7 $ust discharge to a waterwa# % 'u%lic stor$ drainage c 'u%lic sewer s#ste$ d se'tic tan" *hat do #ou call that (ents for fi&tures intended to (entilate the foul odors and re$o(e air fro$ ad>acent area+ a local (ent % (entilation 'i'e c (a'or relief 'i'e d all of these 5 This 'i'e is so$e of the oldest 'lu$%ing $aterials and (er# suita%le for underground installation7 %ut ne(er reco$$ended to con(e# water for hu$an consu$'tion %ecause it is 'oisonous a lead 'i'e % as%estos 'i'e c %itu$inous 'i'e d cla# 'i'e
9 *hat ha''en when air co$es into contact with wastewater in the drainage s#ste$ a dragged along with the fi&ture along the s#ste$ % sudden (acuu$ occur in the s#ste$ c flooding of the fi&ture along the s#ste$ d circulation of the air in the s#ste$ sto'
.4 *hat is that de(ice use to 're(ent %ac"flow where%# air is ad$itted to the su''l# 'i'e whene(er a (acuu$ occur+ a gate (al(e % air relief (al(e c float (al(e d (acuu$ %rea"er .) Pi'e $aterials used inside the %uildings and 're$ises shall confor$ to the Standard S'ecifications set forth this organi1ation a $erican *ater *or"s ssociation E** % Phili''ine Standard Council EPSC c $erican Societ# for testing !aterials EST! d United @a%oratories EU@ ., *hen heat is a''lied to waterG $olecular acti(it# intensified and such 'article e&'and in itself7 followed %# the change in %eha(ior a %eca$e a%nor$al c decreases the (olu$e % increases the (olu$e d %eca$e contracted .0 *hat is the 'rescri%ed color coding of 'i'ing under Stea$ Hi(ision of a high 'ressure 'i'e a %lac" % white c red d %lue . *hat is that fitting that o'erate auto$aticall# refilling the tan"s after discharge and shutting of co$'letel# when the tan" is alread# filled+ a foot (al(e % float (al(e c glo%e (al(e d %all coc" .. *hat is that controlled outlet in a 'i'eline used to discharge water or drained the s#ste$s a %low-off % dead end c cleanout d all of these .6 *hich of the following is not a function of all faucets+ a te$'erature control % (olu$e control c le(el control on?off control
. *hat is the %asic ele$ent of a cold water su''l# s#ste$ in a %uilding+ a downs'outs % su%soil drain lines c riser run outs water closet
.5 *hich t#'es of urinals are quite in o'eration+ a washout and si'hon >et c washout and washdown % si'hon >et and %low out d %lowout and washdown .9 *hat is that rece'tacle installed at corner wall that collect rain water fro$ a %alcon#+ a downs'out % %ee-hi(e roof drain c roof drain d scu''er drain
64 *hat is that s#ste$ of arrange$ent of (enting so installed that one (ent will ser(e two tra'+ a relief (ent % unit (ent c wet (ent d local (ent 6) *hat is the $ini$u$ si1e of a fire hose outlet of an interior wet stand'i'e+ a ,. $$ dia % ) $$ dia c ,4 $$ dia d 05 $$ dia 6, %uilding su%drain is located at what le(el+ a %elow the le(el of the 'u%lic sewer c %elow the %ase$ent floor le(el % a%o(e the le(el of a 'u%lic sewer d a%o(e the %ase$ent floor le(el 60 *hat is the ter$ with reference to the load 'roducing effect on the 'lu$%ing s#ste$ for different "ind of 'lu$%ing fi&tures+ a flush tan" (olu$e % de$and load c fi&tures (alue d fi&tures unit 6 Caul" >oint shall %e fir$l# 'ac"ed with oa"u$ or he$' and 'oured with 'ure lead7 what is that de'th of lead o(er oa"u$+ a ,.$$ % 0, $$ c 05 $$ d )0 $$ 6. *hat is the de'th of the %uilding sewer when installed+ a )$ % 40$ c 46.$
d ),$
66 The connection of sewer ser(ice line into a sewer $ain is $ade # entering the sewer 'i'e at what 'oint+ a a%o(e the flow line of the sewer c at the to' of the sewer $ain % at the %otto$ of the sewer $ain d at the side of sewer $ain 6 *hich of the following is NOT a t#'e of la(ator#+ a s'lash-%ac" % ledge-%ac" c re(erse tra'
d counter to'
65 *hat do #ou call a connection in which a %all is held in a cu' li"e shell that allows $o(e$ent in e(er# direction+ a union 'atent % sli' >oint c uni(ersal >oint d %all >oint 69 *hat t#'e of end connections which are used for (al(es s$aller than , inches in dia$eter+ a threaded % flanged c co$'ressi(e d union 'atent
4 *hat do #ou call that 'oint which is uno%structed o'en edge of the fi&ture+ a flushing surface % ri$ c %lister d drain %oard ) Nor$all#7 stor$ water should NOT %e discharged into this %od# of water+ a la"e % ri(er c dr# well d ground water
, Hr# stand'i'es shall ha(e sufficient strength to withstand a water 'ressure of how $uch when read# for ser(ice+ a . "g?c$ % )4 "g?c$ c ,4 "g?c$ d,. "g?c$ 0 The soil %ranch 'i'ing installed in hori1ontal ru $ust %e su''orted %# su%stantial iron hanger at close inter(al to 're(ent sagging7 what is the a''ro&i$ate distance %etween su''ort+ a , $ a'art % )$ a'art c ).$ a'art d none of these PH )49. 'rescri%es that dr# stand'i'e is required for e(er# %uilding of how $an# floors+ a 0 store# or $ore % store# or $ore c , store# or $ore d . store# or $ore . On $ost two-handle faucets7 the ste$s: a rotate cloc"wise % rotate in the sa$e direction countercloc"wise
c rotate countercloc"wise d rotates cloc"wise
6 Flush $eter is another na$e for : a flush tan" % relief (al(e (al(e
c (acuu$ %rea"er
The %asic ele$ents of a cold water su''l# s#ste$ include the a riser run outs % su%soil drain lines c downs'outs closets
d flush
5 The water ser(ice is a 'i'e that e&tends fro$ the a water riser run out to the water tan" c water $ain to the water tan" % water $ain to the water $eter d water $ain to the %uilding 9 In ter$ of discharge7 one fi&ture unit re'resent the flow rate a''ro&i$atel#: a gal % . g al c 5 gal d 6. gal 54 The area of hole of roof drain to effecti(el# collect and drain rain water in roof is: a , & the area of drain 'i'e c & the area of drain 'i'e % 0 & the area of drain 'i'e d . & the area of drain 'i'e
5) In water su''l# s#ste$ the uno%structed (ertical distance thru the free at$os'here %etween a faucet su''l#ing water and the flood le(el ri$ of the fi&ture is called: a air lane % drain c air ga' d sin"
5, The s'ace %etween the liquid le(el line to the inside to' co(er of se'tic tan" is called: a air s'ace % free%oard c o(erflow d (entilation s'ace
50 The tra' 'ro(ision required to restaurant and other esta%lish$ent where sewage co(ers large a$ount of grease 'rior to discharge to sewer a dru$ tra' % grease tra' c catch %asin d S-tra' 5 'it or rece'tacle at low 'oint to which waste water are drained: a catch %asin % su$' 'it c leaching field d se'tic tan" 5. It is the 'i'e e&tension of a solid or waste stac" a%o(e the highest hori1ontal drain connected to the stac": a (ent stac" thru roof c local (ent % stac" (ent thru roof d loo' (ent 56 It is the arrange$ent of (enting so installed that one (ent will ser(e two tra' a local (ent % unit (ent c wet (ent d relief (ent 5 It is a 'i'e which con(e# onl# liquid waste free fro$ fecal $atter: a %ac" (ent % loo' (ent c wet (ent d #o"e (ent 55 It is a 'ortion of the (ent 'i'e through which liquid waste flow: a local (ent % utilit# (ent c indi(idual (ent
d relief (ent
59 It is a lost of tra' seal due to unequal at$os'heric 'ressure condition and due to ra'id flows of water thru the tra' a wind effect % ca'illar# attraction c si'honage d %ac" 'ressure 94 It is a lost of tra' seal due to sus'ension of foreign o%>ect such as string rugs or lint into the tra' seal e&tending o(er the outlet ar$ of the tra': a wind effect % e(a'oration c ca'illar# attraction d si'honage 9) Construction of se'tic tan" should %e located at a distance awa# fro$ the source of water su''l# to 're(ent conta$ination: a ).$ % )4$ c ,4$ d .$ 9, The to' co(er and the $anhole of a se'tic tan" usuall# e&tended a%o(e the surface of the ground to o(erco$e surface water infiltration: a ).c$ % )4c$ c .c$ d ,4c$
90 It is a co$'art$ent in the se'tic tan" for the settle$ent of floating or sus'ended $atters7 sand7 de%ris and an# e&cessi(e a$ount of grease or oil fro$ sewage a %athing cha$%er c chlorination cha$%er % sedi$entation cha$%er d sewage cha$%er 9 se'tic tan" is a water tight rece'tacle for which sewage is digested than a %iological action $ainl# %# $icroorganis$ such as a facultati(e %acteria % aero%ic %acteria c anaero%ic %acteria d en1#$es 9. The retention 'eriod or the ti$e for which sus'ended $atters in se'tic tan" would settle and sta%ili1e is: a , hrs % ), hrs c )5 hrs d 04 hrs 96 The soil %ranch $ust %e slo'e at a grade so that waste content is gi(en a flow of 'i'e (elocit# to assure a self scouring condition and lessen the 'ossi%ilit# of seal loss sto''age and retarded flow: a < inch 'er foot % ; inch 'er foot c J inch 'er foot d )inch 'er foot 9 *aste 'i'e is classified into two wa#s7 according to the t#'e of fi&ture it ser(e7 direct waste is one ter$inal solidl# >oined to the 'lu$%ing s#ste$7 whereas indirect waste has ter$inal drain 'i'e si$'l# e$'t# into the: a 'lu$%ing s#ste$ % en(iron$ent c canal d none of these 95 *ater 'ressure in hot water are considered ha1ardous and $a# resort to e&'losion of sewage tan" when it e&ceed water cooling 'ressure of: a )44 'si % ),. 'si c )04 'si d ).4 'si 99 *hen air co$es into contact with wastewater in the drainage s#ste$ it causes: a circulation of the air in the s#ste$ sto' c flooding in the fi&ture along the s#ste$ % dragged along with the liquid flow d sudden (acuu$ in the s#ste$ )44 The cold-water su''l# is deli(ered into the hot water-tan" %# $eans of a %oiler tu%eG this tu%e has a hole within 6 inches fro$ the to' of the tan"7 the 'ur'ose of which is to ser(e as: a (acuu$ %rea"er % (entilation c ins'ection hole d %low-off