Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF EDUCAT EDUC ATION ION FIRST QUARTER EXAMINATION IN ENGLISH 10 NAME____________________________________________ YEAR AN AND SE SECTION________________________________
SCORE___________ DATE____________
PART 1 A. Most Important E!m!nts "n P!rs#as"$! %r"t"n& D"r!'t"ons( Cop) t*! !tt!r o+ t*! ,or-p*ras! t*at "s /!st -!s'r"/!- /) !a'* n#m/!r. A.
+. -. . /. .
cental clai"
0. e)i#ences
c. conclusion
#. techni2ue
1. Restate Restates s the a!u" a!u"ent ent an# an# e$pess e$pesses es a call call to action action.. %. The state"ent state"ent that that assets assets &hat &hat the &ite'spea( &ite'spea(e e &ants the ea#e'listen ea#e'listene e to belie)e. belie)e. Contains the easons* e$a"ples* statistics* opinions use# to suppot a point of )ie& o stan#. . Sp!'"a T!rms D"r!'t"ons( Mat'* !a'* t!rm "n 'o#mn ,"t* t*! most appropr"at! -!s'r"pt"on "n 'o#mn A. A catch, hoo( A. ta#itional sto, that is oote# in paticula fallac, cultue* is basicall, eli!ious an# se)es to e$plain ",th a belief* a ",steious natual pheno"enon o a itual pesuasi)e essa, 0. the state"ent e$peiencin! e$peiencin! the poposition poposition a!u"ent thesis state"ent o )ie& C. &o#s that ston!l, appeal to e"otion D. eoneous appeal to e"otion use# as pesuasi)e techni2ue. E. ties to con)ince ea#es to #o so"ethin! o accept the &ite3s point of )ie&. C. Grammar( Mo-as D"r!'t"ons( C*oos! +rom t*! poo o+ ans,!rs t*! ,r"t!r2ssp!a3!r2s "nt!nt"on as *"nt!- /) !a'* #n-!r"n!- !4pr!ss"on. A.
0. pobabilit,
C. obli!ation'a#)ice
D. pe"ission
4. Ditas Ditas can can pla, pla, the the !uita !uita an# an# piano. piano. 15. Stu#ents Stu#ents "ust pa, attention to the the teache. teache. 11. 11. She coul# be be at ho"e to#a,. to#a,. 1%. Ma, I use ,ou bi(e* please6 1. You shoul# tal( to he about the issue. 15. O#ina, tials can be tune# into e$tao#ina, "o"ents. 16. 7e "ust fin# coua!e e)en in s"all thin!s that &e #o. 17. You "a, use the ca toni!ht if ,ou &ant. 18. 8ac( "ust &ite a epot to"oo&. Int!ns"$! an- R!+!4"$! Prono#ns D"r!'t"ons( D!t!rm"n! ,*!t*!r !a'* #n-!r"n!- ,or- "s #s!- as an "nt!ns"$! or r!+!4"$! prono#n. %r"t! IN "+ "t "s "nt!ns"$! an- RE "+ "t "s r!+!4"$!. 1. 7hen &e ousel)es ae caeless* caeless* &e put ousel)es an# othes in #an!e. #an!e. 14. I enolle# ",self in a #ance #ance class last su""e. su""e. %5. The pesi#ent hi"self hi"self po"ise# to stop the teitoial #ispute bet&een bet&een t&o nations. %1. You You can potect ,ouself fo" ha" b, ta(in! a fe& i"potant pecautions. pecautions. %%. The co"pan, itself !a)e the e"plo,ees e"plo,ees a &a!e incease. %9. You You can see ,ouself "oe cleal,. cleal,. %+. :ife itself offes offes ,ou "an, oppotunities. oppotunities. %-. I ",self li(e a little stoll stoll afte #inne. #inne. %. The ;uos coul# not not a!ee a"on! the"sel)es. the"sel)es. %/. The "a,o pesente# pesente# the ne& po!a" po!a" b, hi"self.
PART 9 A. R!a-"n& an- L"t!rat#r! D"r!'t"ons( R!a- t*! +oo,"n& passa&! 'ar!+#) an- 'op) t*! !tt!r o+ t*! ,or- or p*ras! t*at /!st 'omp!t!s !a'* n#m/!r!- "t!m.
1 It3s tueB At cetain points in ou li)es* &e stop an# as( this 2uestion@ o& #o &e tun challen!es to oppotunities6 % Yes* Yes* it3s not eas,* but that #oesn3t "ean it is i"possible to #o. 9 This "eans that &e nee# to e"e"be the i"potant &a,s to put into action. + Of couse* the fist thin! to #o is to eflect not in thou!htlessness but &e nee# to stat to focus an# anal,
%. The "ain point of the aticle is best e$pesse# in sentence no._____. no._____. A. 1 0. % C. D. 4 %4. The !eneali
in sentence no. A. connotation connotation 0. #enotation #enotation C. opposite opposite D. s,"bol 91. This aticle'passa!e aticle'passa!e &oul# "ost pobabl, inteest a'an__________ a'an___________? _? A. teena!e teena!e 0. ol# "an "an C. chil# D. infant 9%. The passa!e passa!e is an e$a"ple e$a"ple of a'an_ A. anec#ote anec#ote 0. bio!aph, bio!aph, C. pesonal pesonal essa, D. pesuasi)e pesuasi)e essa, 99. The &ite3s co""ent'eaction co""ent'eaction about challen!es an# oppotunities oppotunities is best suppote# suppote# b,@ A. facts 0. opinion opinion C. easons easons D. statistics statistics 9+. The ston!est e)i#ence e)i#ence use# b, the &ite to suppot his opinion about tunin! tunin! challen!es to oppotunities is state# in Sentence no._____ A. 9 0. C. / D. 9-. An effecti)e effecti)e pesuasi)e techni2ue techni2ue use# b, the autho to e"phasi
9/. The passa!e appeals appeals "oe to the sense sense of _______ _______ A. feelin! feelin! 0. si!ht C. soun# D. taste 9. The &ite3s attitu#e to&a# inne inne sten!th is best #escibe# as_____. as_____. A. a#"iation a#"iation 0. citicis" C. inspiation inspiation D. suppot suppot 94. Most pobabl,* pobabl,* the &ite3s pupose in this poe" is to _____. A. e$pess e$pess a feelin! C. e)eal the the tuth 0. !i)e an a#)ice D. &in othe3s appo)al +5. The last fi)e lines of the poe" poe" e$pess "oe of a'an_____. a'an_____. A. call to )ali#ation )ali#ation 0. hu"ilit, C. inspiation inspiation D. in)itation in)itation
So#r'!( D"$!rs"t) "n En&"s* 10 TG