E X O T I C C O M P A N I O N M E D I C I N E H A N D B O O K by Gregory A. Lewbart,Full description
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Title : Efect O Slicing Thickness To The Drying Rate And Sensory Attributes O Fish Crackers Introduction : Fish crack crackers ers are are ade ade by i!ing i!ing the ingre ingredie dients nts "ith "ith ta#io ta#ioca ca $our $our and and "ater% The i!ture is rolled out& steaed& sliced and dried% In the traditional "ay& to achie'e a!iu cris#iness& ra" crackers usually are sun(dried )rst beore rying to eliinate the oisture% Once dry& they are dee#(ried in oil & in only a e" seconds they e!#and ro thub(si*ed sei(trans#arent chi#s to "hite $ufy crackers & as "ater bound to the starch e!#ands as it turns into stea% I let in the o#en air or ore than a e" hours +de#ending on huidity,& they start to soten and becoe che"y and thereore are ideally consued "ithin a e" hours o being ried% Storing the crackers in a lo" huidity en'ironent en'ironent or an airtight container "ill #reser'e the cris#ness% In this e!#erient& "e "ill obser'e the efect o slicing thickness to the drying rate and sensory attributes o the )sh crackers% Drying o )sh crackers crackers by using dehydration #rinci#le "hich reduce the oisture content and "ater acti acti'i 'ity ty that that can can sto# sto# the the acti acti'i 'ity ty o s# s#oi oila lage ge icr icrob obes es & en*y en*ye es s and and unde undesi sira rabl ble e bioc bioche hei ica call react eactio ion n is also also a##l a##lie ied% d% As the the thic thickne kness ss o crack crackers ers incre increase ases& s& the oistu oisture re conten contentt also also incre increase ases% s% In additi addition& on& the lar larger ger the the thic thickne kness ss o the the crac crack kers& ers& the the long longer er the the dryi drying ng rate rate o the the crackers%
Ob-ecti'e : .% To learn the #rocessing ethod ethod or #roduction #roduction o )sh crackers crackers /% To study the efect o slicing thickness thickness to dehydration dehydration rate and te!ture te!ture ater drying
Ingredient : Fish 011g 2otatoes 011g Ta#ioca Ta#ioca $our 311g Salt /1g Sugar /1g 4ater
2rocedure : .% All the ingredient are #re#ared% /% The skin o the the #otatoes are "ashed% The #otatoes are boiled about .0 inutes& the skin o the #otatoes are reo'ed and ashed% 5% Fish eat& ta#ioca $our& salt& sugar and #otatoes are inced in a bo"l cho##er until all the ingredients are i!ed "ell% 4ater is added slo"ly during the i!ing to or sooth dough% 6% The dough is #laced in stufer or roll "ith #lastic )l to or a cylindrical sha#ed% It then steaed or . hour and 51 inutes and cooled at roo te#erature% 0% The dough is ke#t rerigerator o'ernight to harden the dough or easy slicing% The dough is sliced using slicing achine at diferent thickness% 3% The crackers are arranged on a drying tray and then #laced in the cabinet dryer set at 617c o'ernight or three days%
Discussion Fro the e!#erient& the #rocessing ethod or #roduction o )sh crackers rate and the slicing thickness to the dehydration rate and te!ture ater rying is deterined% In )sh crackers aking #rocess& ta#ioca $our is i!ed "ith )sh and other ingredients and then kneaded to obtain dough% The dough is ored to a cylindrical sha#e and then cooked by boiling or steaing% The cooked dough is cooled and cut to certain thickness "hich is 1%0 & .%0 & /%0 & and 5%0 o )sh crackers and then dried in cabinet dryer% The dried cracker obtained is then ried in hot cooking oil to easure the linear e!#ansion% 8oisture content is de)ned as the #ercentage o "ater in a #roduct% 8oisture in soe or and aount is ound in alost e'erything and can ha'e diferent efects on diferent #roducts% During the e!#erient& oisture content o diferent thickness o )sh crackers is easured by using this orula:( 8oisture content +9, "eight loss;initial "eight ! .11 9 = 9& 65%>. 9 and 6>%01 9 res#ecti'ely% Fro the gra#h constructed& the oisture content is slightly decreases ro 1%0 to /%0 and increased back to 6>%01 9 o oisture content in 5%0 o )sh cracker slicing thickness% 8ean"hile& through the result obtained the oisture content increases as the thickness o )sh crackers increases% 8ean"hile& the drying rate o )sh crackers becoe longer as the thickness o )sh crackers is larger% This is because #roduct structure and co#osition also #lay an i#ortant role in relationshi# bet"een cracker thickness and drying rate%
?esides & linear e!#ansion o diferent )sh crackers thickness is also deterined by using this orula :(
@inear e!#ansion is the increase o a #lanar diension& easured by the linear elongation o a sa#le "hich is e!#osed to t"o gi'en te#eratures
"hich is beore rying and ater rying% @inear e!#ansion o )sh crackers is afected by any actors such as rying tie& oil te#erature oisture content and etc% Fro the result obtained& linear e!#ansion o 1%0 & .%0 & /%0 and 5%0 is 1%==/& 1%>166& 1%>/.. and 1%>50 res#ecti'ely% Fro the result& "e can conclude that the higher the linear e!#ansion& the larger the thickness o )sh crackers% This is becauseB air cell is ored during rying that lead to e!#ansion% 4hen cracker contacts the hot oil& the oisture is e'a#orated and ors #ores in the cracker that "ill increases the linear e!#ansion o the crackers% At the end o e!#erient& sensory e'aluation o #otato crackers is deterined as it is i#ortant in order to deterine the acce#tability o the custoers% The sensory e'aluation that in'ol'ed is including the cris#iness and also the taste beore coent on o'erall acce#tability can be ade% Through the result& 1%0 o )sh crackers sho" that the cris#iness is lighter and 'ery cris#y& "hile the taste e'aluation sho"ing that the taste "as lack o )sh taste instead o #otato and ta#ioca $our taste% And lastly& the o'erall acce#tability sho"ing that it can be acce#ted% 4hile the cris#iness& taste& and o'erall acce#tability o .%0 )sh crackers thickness is cris#y& delicious and can be acce#ted res#ecti'ely% Diferent ro /%0 and 5%0 o )sh crackers "here the cris#iness is not cris#y and o'erall acce#tability can be acce#ted or both o this thickness% 8ean"hile& taste is tasteless or /%0 and #lain or 5%0 % 8ost o the e'aluator e'aluate that .%0 slicing thickness is ost suitable than other thickness% Cracker cris#iness& taste and o'erall acce#tability is also afected by soe actors that occur during rying& and also the ra" aterial used% Through the e!#erient& there are soe source error that ay afect the accuracy o the result and also the sensory e'aluation o #otato crackers% For e!a#le& the "eight o ta#ioca $our& salt and )sh is not easured correctly& the dough also not e!actly steaed according to the tie gi'en as "e longer the tie that it su##osed to be% All o this error ay afect the sensory e'aluation o )sh crackers es#ecially the taste% Certain thickness o the #otato crackers is also not constant as it de#ends on the eciency o the slicing achine% To inii*e these errors 'arious #recautions should be taken %For e!a#le& ore than three consecuti'e sa#les "ere carried out to eliinate the errors o the handlers% Conclusion
The larger the thickness o )sh crackers& the higher the oisture content and the longer the drying rate% Thus& the hy#othesis is acce#ted%
Reerence % @i#aiboon& +/1..,& Efects o Te#erature and Slice Thickness on Drying inetics o 2u#kin Slices & Retrie'ed ro htt#:;;"-st%"u%ac%th F% 2edreschi& + n%d ,& Oil distribution in #otato slices during rying& Retrie'ed ro Tae"ee& T% & +/1.., & Cracker ero#ok: A re'ie" on actors in$uencing e!#ansion & International Food Research Gournal .>+5,: >00(>33 & De#artent o Food Science and Hutrition& Faculty o Science and Technology%