Flex PLM Installation Guide
Table of Contents 1.
General Guidelines:.............................................................................................. 2
Oracle Installation:............................................................................................... 2
Windchill PDMLink 10.1 Installation......................................................................8
FlexPLM 10.1 M010 Installation..........................................................................32
Restart the Environment.................................................................................... 43
Adding Windchill Directory Server as a Windows service...................................43
Backup............................................................................................................... 45
Sample User Credentials.................................................................................... 46
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1. General Guidelines: 1. Admin Rights is needed to install Flex PLM 10.1 2. Oracle 11g R2 has to be installed manually using the installable
2. Oracle Installation: 1. Remove the check box and click on next
2. Click on ‘Yes’ 3. Select Install database software only and click on next
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4. Select single instance and click on next
5. Click next
6. Select ‘Standard Edition’ and click next
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7. Select Oracle Base: (ex. D:\Oracle11gR2) [Do not give any space in between while creating this folder]
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8. Click on ‘ignore All’ checkbox and click next.
9. Click on finish
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10.Click close button once the installation is complete.
11.Restart the system.
3. Windchill PDMLink 10.1 Installation 1. Execute the PTC Solution Installer setup.vbs:
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2. Click ‘OK’ to continue.
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3. Click next to continue.
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4. Select ‘I accept’ and click ‘Next’ to continue.
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5. Select ‘Solution’ option and click ‘next’ to continue.
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6. Select ‘Windchill PDMLink’ and click ‘next’ to continue.
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7. Select ‘Thumbnail Generator and Viewable compression Utilities’ option and click next to continue.
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8. Select options of each component as shown above and click ‘next’ to continue.
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9. Review the above screen and click ‘next’ to continue.
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10.Choose the ‘Create’ option for ‘Database’ and ‘Database Installation User’ as oracle and FlexPLM will be installed in same machine. Do not check ‘Database Application User’. Click ‘Next’ continue.
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11.Choose the option as appropriate and click ‘next’ to continue. 12.Give the details of email Id as –
[email protected], Company name infosys, SON – leave it as blank, SCN – leave it as blank. Click ‘next’ to continue.
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13.Change the base installation folder to ‘D:’. Remove default ‘Windchill_10.1’ in Base installation directory path. The Base Installation Directory path should be: ‘D:\Ptc’. Click next to continue.
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14.Select ‘Create database schema’ and ‘Load Base data’ option. Click ‘next’ to continue.
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15.Give the fully qualified DNS name for the webserver (DNS name is the name of the desktop say blrkec114903d.ad.infosys.com. This will be auto populated). Leave the default value for the ports as it is. For the Servlet Engine DNS leave it as localhost. Click ‘Next’ to continue.
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16.Review the above screen and click ‘next’ to continue. 17.Do not select ‘Enable Multibyte’, give oracle server’s dns host name, DB listener port, Oracle SID and oracle username as mentioned below (If it is auto populated already, leave it as is, else give the values as mentioned below): Oracle Database DNS Registered Host Name: Ex. blrkec877532d.ad.infosys.com Oracle Database Listener Port Number: 1521 Oracle Database System Identifier (SID): wind Oracle User Name for Windchill Installation: wcadmin Oracle User password for Windchill Installation: wcadmin Click ‘next’ to continue. Page 21
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18.Enter the ldap server DNS name (will be auto populated), give ‘ldapadmin’ as password for LPAD Server Administrator password. Review rest of the values and click next to continue.
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19.Enter ‘wcadmin’ as password for Windchill Site Admin. Enter ‘infosys’ as the initial organization name and ‘ad.infosys.com’ as Organization Internet Domain Name. Review the rest of the values and click next to continue.
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20.Select ‘Next’ to continue.
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21.Browse and locate the installable folder location and click next to continue.
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22.Review and make sure all the components are saying ‘Staging Area’, as shown in above Fig. Click ‘Next’ to continue.
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23.Review the summary of the installation parameters. Click the save button at the top to save the summary for future debugging purposes. Click ‘Install’ to continue.
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24.Review the installation results. If the Installation is success click ‘done’ to close the installer. If there is any error occurred during install, review the log file for details. Fix the error eg: database connection issue etc… then rerun the solution installer with option ‘recovery’ in ‘Install Type options’ page. Rest all pages remains the same. 25.Check the Windchill PDMLink Installation is success: Check Apache console is running. Check Server Manager Console is running and there is no error. Check Method Server console is running and there is no error. In Windows start menu Windchill_10.1 Windchill Home Page.
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26.Take a copy of the PTC(D:\ptc) folder as a backup in say D:\WCBackup\Windchill. 27.Take the database backup.
4. FlexPLM 10.1 M010 Installation
Whenever the servers starts or restarts wait until the Method Server is ready completely and then proceed with the installation otherwise it will fail Oracle Home Listener and Oracle Service Wind should be started and Server Manager, Method Server and Apache must be stopped before installing Flex. 1. Extract flexplm_v_10.1_M010_03_PDMLINK10.1_M010_21.zip to Windchill Installation Directory eg: D:\ptc\Windchill.
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2. Click Extract to continue.
3. When there is a popup for confirmation of File replace. Select ‘Do this for all current Items’ and click yes to continue.
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4. In Windchill shell, navigate to WT_HOME\src\com\lcs\build\installer folder and run install bat as shown above.
5. Select ‘y’ for configuring apache.
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6. Select ‘new’ for installaion.
7. Enter ‘wcadmin’ as Windchill administrator user credential.
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8. Select ‘y’ for apache configure from template.
9. Select ‘y’ for DB schema.
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10.Enter db password as: wcadmin
11.Select ‘RFA’ for library name.
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12.Select ‘n’ as for using different container. 13. After the above step, installer will restart Apache and Method server. Wait for the method server to be completely up , i.e wait for the Method server ready message on the MS console before proceeding to next step.
14.Select ‘y’ for loading library RFA. Keep monitoring the MS console for any error. Page 38
15.Select ‘y’ for loading RFA objects. Keep monitoring the MS console for any error.
16.Select ‘y’ for system setup. Keep monitoring the MS console for any error. 17.After the above step, installer will restart Apache and Method server. Wait for the method server to be completely up, i.e wait for Page 39
the Method server ready message on the MS console before proceeding to next step.
18.Select ‘y’ to load RFA files.
19.Press ‘Enter’ key to proceed. Installer will restart Apache, and Method server to complete the installation.
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20.Hit ‘Enter’ to exit installation. 21.Check FlexPLM Installation is completed successfully. Method server is up and the console doesn’t have any error.
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Login into FlexPLM Home page.
Navigate to Administrative Manage Processes Lifecycle Administrator and check Lifecycle applets are working fine. Navigate to Administrative Manage Users Site Users and check ‘Participant Administrator’ is working fine.
5. Restart the Environment 1. Reboot the environment, to kill the processes that have been started during installation process like Apache and Windchill Directory Server.
6. Adding Windchill Directory Server as a Windows service 1. Navigate to F:\ptc\WindchillDS\server\bat and Click on ‘control-panel.bat’.
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2. Select ‘Local Server’ option as shown above.
3. Under ‘Runtime Options’, click on ‘Windows Service’. In ‘Window Service Configuration’ popup window, select ‘enable’.
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4. After adding successfully Windchill Directory Server to windows service, success screen is given as shown above. 5. Start ‘Windchill Directory Server’ from windows service.
7. Backup 1. 2.
Take back up of PTC folder. Take back up of Flex Oracle Tables. Refer below command for example Exp wcadmin/wcadmin@wind file=d:\backup\flexdbaug102012.dmp log =d:\backup\flexdbaug102012.log statistics=estimate grants=y
Export of LDAP entries. a) Navigate to F:\ptc\WindchillDS\server\bat and Click on ‘controlpanel.bat’.
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Select ‘Local Server’ option as shown above.
Click on Export LDIF option. Export LDIF Window browse locate the backupldif location say ‘D:\backup\exportldifaug2012.ldif’.
8. Sample User Credentials 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Oracle User Name: wcadmin Oracle Password: wcadmin Windchill UserName: wcadmin Windchill Password: wcadmin LDAP Server Administrator Name: cn=Manager LDAP Server Administrator Password: ldapadmin
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