Handout provided to support http://prezi.com/bjjry5vzda1h/flipped-learning-action-research-findings/ presentation given at Blended Learning Symposium,...
ini tentang model pembelajaran flipped classroomFull description
What is Flipped learning ?Full description
ETEC 500 Assignment
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sample action research "COURTESY OF NUEVA ECIJA DIVISION"
action research
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HahaFull description
Hughes, I. (2008). Action Research in Healthcare. In P. Reason & H. Bradbury (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Action Research (2nd ed., pp. 381-393). London: Sage.Full description
for action researechFull description
Sample Action Research ProposalFull description
Effectiveness of Using DEAR and ABRC Materials in Teaching Reading
Action Research
this is was edited action research of DepEd https://cdn.fbsbx.com/hphotos-xap1/v/t59.2708-21/12010793_704985912965978_1109975619_n.docx/dep-ed.docx?oh=957ae92d6fa8049ec63f467306d191b8&oe=561…Full description
ictFull description
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This is an action research for the absentee students in Maigo National High School 2016.
DOCXFull description
Kaz Silvestri - Using Flipped Learning in the College ClassroomFull description
Nicho las Jac kson kson – Ac tion Researc Researc h Thesi Thesis s for M A E Ed d uc a tion thro ugh Edg ehill Univers University ity
Does the the im plem entation of a ‘flipp ‘flipp ed ’ c lass lassroom and ‘fli ‘flipp pp ed ’ learni learning ng a ffec t enga gem ent, m otivati otivation on a nd the perfor performa ma nc e of stud stud ents on a n A/ S Lev el Co m p uting c ourse ourse a nd , if so, in what wa ys? ys?
A . What is a flip lip pe d c lass lassroom / flipp lipp ed learnin learning g? Flip lip p ed lea rning d efinition: efinition:
a m od el of tea c hing hing in whic whic h a stud stud ent’ s hom ew ork is the trad itional itional lec ture view ed out side of c la ss on a vo d c a st. The n c la ss time is sp en t on inquiryinquiry-b b a sed lea rning ning which wo uld uld inc lude wha t w ould trad itiona itiona lly b e view view ed a s a stude nt’ s hom ew ork a ssignme nt. Overmyer J (2011)
Flipp lipp ed learning learning infog rap hic hic :
Gerstein J (2012)
Nicho las Jac kson kson – Ac tion Researc Researc h Thesi Thesis s for M A E Ed d uc a tion thro ugh Edg ehill Univers University ity
B. Re a son ons s for the resea rc h
Negative feedback on enjoying learning on similar courses
Lack of stimulus for deeper/further learning of content on similar courses
Desire to enhance independent learning in students
Flipped Learning
C. Views on flipp ing
Stud e nts a re em p o we red Class Classroo m b ec om es mo re inc lusi usive a nd mo re a c tive tive
Stud e nts rec eive m o re help
• •
Le c tur tu re s a re st st ill ill in in us u se Desi Desire / a b ility to lea rn a nd ma ster co ntent Suita b ility lity fo r a ll sub je c ts
Nicho las Jac kson kson – Ac tion Researc Researc h Thesi Thesis s for M A E Ed d uc a tion thro ugh Edg ehill Univers University ity
D. Finding s c onc lusion lusion I believe that a flippe flippe d m od el c an b e succ succ ess essful ful where there there is a spe c trum trum o f typ es of ma terials prod uc ed to suit suit different different typ es of lea lea rners rners. For exam ple , there c ould b e som e vo d c a sts tha t stude stude nts ha ve to wa tc h p rior to c lass lass for c ove ring som e o f the key p oints b ut the se a re then fo llowe d up with exerc exerc ises a llowing lowing stud ents to c hec k their their unde rsta nding, ap ply their knowled g e a nd transfer transfer this to oth er sc sc en a rios. os. Anoth er exam p le tha t I fee l co uld uld ha ve imp rove d flip flip pe d lea rning ning in my res resea ea rc h wo uld uld ha ve b ee n to o ffer d elivery elivery o f the the o ry out o f le le sso ns usi using a virtua virtua l cla ssroo m . Using tha t m e tho d , stude nts w ould ha ve ha d t he c ha nc e to a sk q uesti uestions ons a nd g et help w ith understanding. The flipp flipp ed mo de l should should not be followe followe d rigidly. A m ore flexib flexib le use use of the m od el w he re som e the ory is is d elivered elivered in less lesson s eithe r as a summ a ry to w ork d o ne o ut o f less lesso ns o r int int ro d uc e d in le sso ns, ns, sho sho uld b e use use d . This c o uld b e de pe ndent o n how d iffic ffic ult ult a tea c her pe rc eives eives the c ontent to b e w ith mo re d ifficult a rea s of a syllab yllab us ta ug ht in a m ore trad itiona l style. style. Eve n m ore o f a rad ica l dep artur arture from from the work cha mp ioned b y Bergma Bergma nn and Sam Sam s and Khan, that that I feel rea rea lly lly c ould ha ve imp roved the learning learning e xpe rience for stude nts in my resea resea rch wo uld hav e b ee n to have stude stude nts involved in creating their learning, assessing their learning as they progressed, akin akin to the the o ry of “ p a rtne rs in lea rning rning ” (To sha lis lis a nd Na kkula kkula , 201 2012) 2).. Ho Ho w e ve r, s suc uc h a n a pp roa c h w ould ha ve req req uir uired longe r term d evelop me nt of stude stude nt ski skill lls s, a wa y of wo rking and lea rning ning de sign on a muc h g rand er sc sc ale.
Thanks for listening
Nic Nic k Ja Ja c kson kson @largerama http://largerama.creativeblogs.net