FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure
Safety Health & Environment Section Environmental Management System (EMS)
an! "evelo#ment & $ef%rishment Environmental Management 'roce!%re
#ul$ %01 Version '(0
"oc%ment revie !%e *%ly +01, 'lease Note )*his Note )*his is a "ontrolled do"ument+ please ensure $ou are usin the most re"ent version available on the ,Lan intranet (
!ae 1 of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure "oc%ment History "ate
"escri#tion of mo!ifications
/( u"land
2nitial draft of do"ument issued for revie3(
#( Ri"hards
#( Ri"hards omments on Estates /e"tion
D( !ri"e
D( !ri"e has drafted initial !ro6e"ts /e"tion & /( u"land has revie3ed "hanes and "ommented(
/( u"land %0(0(10
D( !ri"e
D( !ri"e has developed the "ontent further(
/( u"land
Revie3ed "hanes and proposed 7uestions to D! to stru"ture additional re7uired "ontent(
D( !ri"e
D( !ri"e developed the "ontent of the !ro6e"ts /e"tion further(
/( u"land
!repared final draft for authorisation
/( u"land
9pproved pro"edure
/( u"land
,pdates follo3in internal audit & pro"edure development
,pdates to se"tions %(1+ %('+ %(.+ '(1+ '(1(1+ '(1(8+ '(1( follo3in internal audit a"tions & pro"edure development(
/( u"land
,pload to /hare!oint+ h$perlins updated+ revision postponed to 9utumn 1' to "oin"ide 3ith on-oin site "he"in and "ontra"tor manaement 3or "ompletion and interation of previous FM Finan"e staff into Development+ Maintenan"e & Estates( 9n interim referen"e has been made to these staff 3ithin this minor version: FM Development+ Maintenan"e & Estates !ro6e"ts & Resour"e *eam+ this ma$ be sub6e"t to "hane(
9pril %01.
/( u"land
First redraft of entire pro"edure prior prior to peer revie3( !eer revie3 b$: N( Duff$+ D( !ri"e
Nov %01.
,pdates made follo3in peer revie3 ;see above<( *his version in"ludes the ne3 !ro6e"t Do"umentation pro"ess ;'(1<
#ul$ %01
hanes to se"tion '(1 ) !ro6e"ts: '(1(1 !ro6e"t ommen"ement ommen"ement '(1(' ontra"tor sele"tion ) pro"urement of "ontra"tors is no3 "ontained in FMENV01. '(1(. onstru"tion !hase ) !D s$stem and site "he"list '(1(5 ontra"tor ompeten"$
!ae + of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure
9uust %01
Revie3ed b$ David =riffiths( uildin /urve$ors repla"es !ro6e"t Manaers throuhout the do"ument( /e"tion 1(% and '(1(% ) use of e7uivalent ratin s"hemes added(
File Name
Environmental 9spe"ts Reister
FM ENV 00.
Environmental /ustainabilit$ !oli"$
FM ENV 00%
@nline Reister of Leal & @ther Re7uirements
*ravel !lan
%01' - 1
Not appli"able
REE9M Edu"ation %00 - Aiher Edu"ation Model
onsultant Desin and uild riefin Do"ument
/ustainable !ro"urement Environmental Manaement !ro"edure
FM Development !ro6e"t Do"umentation =uidan"e
333(leislationupdateservi"e("o( u
Not appli"able %(0
Not appli"able
"oc%ment ontrol .%thorise! Michael .hern hief @peratin @ffi"er
'a%l Morris Dire"tor of Fa"ilities Manaement
*ohn $ichar!s Estates+ Development and Maintenan"e Manaer
"avi! 'rice !rin"ipal uildin /urve$or ;Maintenan"e<
lair hallen Environment & /ustainabilit$ Manaer
!ae 2 of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure
!ae 4 of +-
"avi! 3riffiths !rin"ipal uildin /urve$or ;Development<
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure
ontents 1 ntro!%ction 1(1 !urpose 1(% /"ope 1(' Responsibilities 1(. ontinual 2mprovement + Estate Strategy %(1 Estate *ransa"tions %(% Estate LeaseB ontra"ts %(' !lannin onsents %(. /pa"e Definition 2 'ro6ects '(1 @perational ontrols '(% omplian"e @bliations ) Manaement *e"hni7ues
!ae 5 of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure
*his pro"edure des"ribes the approa"h ,Lan 3ill tae to manae and mitiate its land development and buildin as a "ateor$ of sinifi"ant environmental aspe"ts ; FMENV00.<+ 3ithin the ,niversit$Cs Environmental Manaement /$stem ;EM/<+ to ensure the ,niversit$Cs operations remain "ompliant 3ith relevant parts of its: •
Environmental /ustainabilit$ !oli"$
/ustainable !ro"urement !oli"$
iodiversit$ 9"tion !lan
arbon Manaement !lan
,Lan *ravel !lan %01' ) 1
,Lan Environmental Manaement !lan FMENV0%0
Leislation Reister ;FMENV00< ) leal and other "omplian"e obliations Ne3round Leislation ,pdate /ervi"eC+ "onta"t reenteamu"lan(a"(u for a""ess(
,LanCs Environmental 9spe"ts Reister ;FMENV00.< identifies the ,niversit$Cs ph$si"al "hanes to the land use mae-up of the estate as havin a sinifi"ant impa"t on the environment( *his aspe"t 3ill therefore be the fo"us of our mitiation and manaement 3ithin the EM/( m#ortant note this do"ument should be read alonside the remainin 5 Environmental Manaement !ro"edures "ontained 3ithin the EM/ 3hi"h are the operational "ontrols to manae and mitiate the ,niversit$Cs sinifi"ant environmental aspe"ts: •
FMENV016 Waste Management
FMENV014 Sustainable Procurement
FMENV012 Use of Natural Resources
FMENV01 Pollution Pre!ention
FMENV01" #ra!el$#rans%ort
!ae 8 of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure
*his do"ument applies to operations "ondu"ted from the ,niversit$Cs !reston "ampuses( 9 simplified summar$ of the staes involved in estate development and manaement is outlined belo3
Fig%re 17+ S%mmary "evelo#ment9 Maintenance an! Estates 'rocess
Estates • • • • • •
/trate$ 2dentifi"ation of pur"haseB sale opportunities Liaison 3ith it$ oun"il Manae propert$ transa"tions ;in" due dilien"e< !lannin !ermission & onditions /pa"e Definition
No an the need be in"orporated into eGistin estateH
"evelo#ment Ies
• • • •
!ro6e"t manaement of spa"e definitionB need Ne3 build+ refurbishment & small 3ors Finalise desin 2nvitation to tender ;2**<+ *ender & appointment of "ontra"tor /atisf$ plannin "onditions @btain REE9M ratin ;or e7uivalent<
uildin to be manaed b$ "entral FM staff dire"tl$H No
Estates •
/et up and manae FM "ontra"ts &ot'er((
Ies 2s there a "hane to spa"e useH
Maintenance • • • •
!ae , of +-
Aelpdes Maintain estate ;enineers< Respond to issues reported ontinuall$ improve environmental manaement via arbon Manaement !lan Maintain utilities+ heatin & "oolin
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure *he ,niversit$Cs alteration of its estate 3hether throuh landB buildin transa"tions+ the "reation of ne3 buildins+ refurbishment of eGistin ones or even a "hane of land use "an have a sinifi"ant impa"t on the environment+ for eGample Natural resour"es are used durin builds and refurbishments+ some of the materials needed 3ill "ome from finite resour"es lie primar$ areate+ others 3ill be made up of predominatel$ virin or ener$ intensive resour"es( 9ll materials used possess embodied "arbon 3hi"h should be fa"tored into desin and demolition "hoi"es( E7uipment 3ill "onsume fuelB ener$ that "ontribute to lobal "limate "hane( Jaste 3ill be enerated at a time 3hen landfill "apa"it$ is disappearin+ a parti"ular impa"t if demolition is not re"lamation led( Durin estate development 3or there is also a hiher ris that pollution is "aused 3hether in terms of nuisan"e+ land "ontamination or inade7uate drainae manaement( !lantin and lands"apin are used b$ the ,niversit$ to "reate a positive visual impa"t lo"all$ and enhan"e biodiversit$ and there is also the possibilit$ of habitat or "ontaminant disruption( Jithin FMENV00. Environmental 9spe"ts Reister the "onditions listed belo3 are identified in relation to the development of buildins and land use in"ludin alteration of eGistin buildins( *hese "onditions hihliht the importan"e of identif$in and adherin to environmental manaement "ontrols( *hese "ontrols are identified 3ithin this pro"edure+ the$ aim to raise a3areness amonst parties involved in pro6e"ts in order to minimise the environmental impa"ts des"ribed above 3henever possible( S#ecial Note Unli)e an* ot'er area of Uni!ersit* acti!ities+ %ro,ucts an, ser!ices t'e construction an, significant refurbis'ment of buil,ings interacts -it' t'e en!ironment in a -a* t'at affects t'e abilit* of t'e Uni!ersit* to manage an, mitigate t'e ma.orit* of its ot'er i,entifie, significant en!ironmental as%ects/ Therefore staff responsible for implementing this procedure &liste, in section 1/( must also be familiar -it' t'e ,etails of t'e other environmental aspects of University activities+ as ,escribe, in t'e Uni!ersit*s En!ironmental s%ects Register &FMENV004(+ to ensure t'e* un,erstan, 'o- they can support the EMS b* facilitating effecti!e en!ironmental management else-'ere in t'e organisation/ Normal on!ition /$stemati" investiation and anal$sis via normal desin pro"ess( .normal on!ition /hort leadin times leadin to potential "ompromises in investiations( Emergency on!ition 2n"ident or "ontamination ;e(( fire+ flood or "ontamination from ad6a"ent land< (
!ae : of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure
*his do"ument applies to staff 3ithin the ,niversit$ 3ho are involved in either land development+ buildin and buildin refurbishment( *hese eneral responsibilities are summariKed in the table belo3( Further details of spe"ifi" role responsibilities "an be a""essed in FMENV00' EM/ Manual+ responsibilit$+ roles+ resour"es and authorit$( om#liance ;ligations
;#erational control
Environmental !rote"tion ;Dut$ of are< Reulations
uildin /urve$ors
!ro6e"t Manaement =uidan"e Do"ument
Environmental !rote"tion ;ontrols on @Kone-Depletin /ubstan"es< Reulations %011 Fluorinated =reenhouse =ases Reulations ;F-=as Reulations< %004 ;/2 %1<
uildin & Refurbishment ontra"tors uildin /urve$ors ) 2nstallation of s$stem to use "ompliant as t$pes & use of "ontra"tors 3ith re7uired trainin(
Ener$ Effi"ien"$
R Ener$ Effi"ien"$ /"heme
*he uildin ;9mendment< Reulations ) !art L
uildin /ervi"es Manaer
FM ENV 01% ) onoin "omplian"e+ maintenan"e of standards
Ener$ & arbon Mt @ffi"er Maintenan"e Manaer ;uildins< Maintenan"e Enineers
RE Environmental 9ssessment Method
FM ENV 015 ) re7uirements to be fa"tored into the desin(
Ener$ !erforman"e of uildins ;ertifi"ates and 2nspe"tions< ;Enland and Jales< Reulations
FM ENV 015 ) 2nstallation of oriinal s$stems(
FMENV01% ) @noin use & servi"eB repair of s$stems(
@Kone depletin substan"es ;ualifi"ation< Reulations %004
FM ENV 015 ) responsibilities of "ontra"tors
uildin /urve$ors
AEFE arbon Redu"tion *arets
!lannin Re7uirements •
*ravel !lan: Re7uirement
uildin /urve$ors
FM ENV 015 ) re7uirement to be fa"tored into the desin(
for seein !lannin !ermission •
!lannin ;Listed uildins and onservation 9reas< Reulations 1440 ;/21440B1514<
*o3n and ountr$ !lannin 9"t
FM ENV 015
ountr$side & Rihts of Ja$ 9"t %000
!ropert$ oordinator
ontrol of pollution •
ontaminated Land ;Enland< Reulations
!ae - of +-
uildin /urve$ors
FM ENV 015 - re7uirement to be fa"tored into the desin(
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure
%00 •
uildin & Refurbishment ontra"tors
/tatutor$ Nuisan"e &
=rounds Maintenan"e Manaer
ontrol of !ollution ;@il
FM ENV 014 ) onoin manaement of "omplian"e(
Environmental Noise Reulations •
9sbestos =uidan"e A/=%.
=as /afet$ ;2nstallation and ,se< Reulations
JaterB /e3erae •
uildin /urve$ors
Jater Resour"es 9"t 1441 9nti-!ollution Jors
FM ENV 015 - re7uirement to be fa"tored into the desin in"ludin responsibilities for appli"ation of relevant dis"hare "onsents(
Reulations 1444 FMENV 014 - "ontrols des"ribed to prevent pollution of "ontrolled 3ater( iodiversit$
uildin /urve$ors •
Jildlife and
FM ENV 015
=rounds Maintenan"e Manaer
ountr$side 9"t
17271 $ole om#etence Jithin the /AE *rainin Needs 9nal$sis the trainin and development re7uired b$ the roles listed in se"tion 1(' are outlined to ensure ade7uate eGperien"e and "ompeten"e(
ontin%al m#rovement
*he ,niversit$ 3ill monitor the implementation of the operational "ontrols identified 3ithin this pro"edure usin a "ombination of internal audits and t arets( *hese tarets 3ill be part of a proramme of improvement under an overall "ontinual improvement ob6e"tive for land development and buildins 3ithin FM ENV 0%0 ,Lan Environmental Manaement !lan(
!ae 10 of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure
Estate Strategy
*he ne3 Masterplan 3ill serve to address the medium to lon term ob6e"tives that 3ill drive the ,niversit$Cs strate$ for3ard in the future ensurin the best use of the estate+ buildins and publi" spa"es( *he FM Development+ Maintenan"e and Estates Manaer holds the responsibilit$ for deliverin pro6e"ts identified in the Masterplan( *he follo3in land use and buildin development hierar"h$ is referred to durin this pro"ess+ it sets out the order in 3hi"h land use and buildin development should be "onsidered based on their relative environmental impa"ts( *he eviden"e that this hierar"h$ is used to help manae+ mitiate and "ontinuall$ improve the sinifi"ant environmental impa"t of this element of ,niversit$ operations 3ill be found 3ithin the respe"tive desin brief for buildins and the relevant standard is a"hieved(
Refurbish BREEAM (HE) Very Good
Land Good public transport links - commuting
Land Poor public transport links
Demolition Reclamation ed
Demolition Aggregate re-use
New Build BREEAM Excellent HE
!ae 11 of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure
Estate ransactions
2t is the responsibilit$ of the Development+ Maintenan"e and Estates Manaer to oversee the pur"hase or sale of the ,niversit$Cs estate and ensure this pro"ess remains "ompliant 3ith relevant leal and Environmental Manaement /$stem ;EM/< re7uirements( *he pur"hasin soli"itor 3ill "ommission a des top surve$ for the site as the first minimum step in pre pur"hase due dilien"e pro"edure( 9ll "opies of surve$s and related investiations are stored b$ the Estates *eam in the estateB buildin filesC( *he follo3in flo3 "hart sets out the default environmental due dilien"e undertaen b$ the Estates *eam
Due Diligence Process
!e" site identi#ied #or purc$ase
Figure !"
*tart o# process
P$ase % & 'esktop surey conducted *urey includes identi#ication o#+ End o# process
Historical uses E,isting enironmental consents lood risk .denti#ied areas o# contaminated land
/onnector to separate process Re#erence document
/ommissioned by t$e 0/an *olicitor Enironmental /ontrol
!otential Environmental 2ssue identified e(( =round !ollution <
/onduct P$ase .. site surey to include+ .ntrusie contamination tests ia bore$oles
N Enironment and *ustainability Manager to summarise report #indings in+ Register of #ite #ur$e%s &FMEN'RE()"*+
E,isting disc$arge consents *ite drainage plans
and ac1uired by 0/an and deelopment o# site taken #or"ard as a M 'eelopment Pro2ect FM Development notified of ne3 entr$ on the Reister of /ite /urve$s ;FMENVRE018<
!ae 1+ of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure
Estate ease/ ontracts
*he Estates *eam are responsible for neotiatin leases for some buildins and land that maes up the ,niversit$Cs estate( 2n "onne"tion 3ith some of these leases there are also related fa"ilities manaement "ontra"ts that are also set up b$ the Estates *eam(( 2t is re"oniKed that the "ontent of su"h "ontra"ts set important foundations for environmental manaement in order to enable the ,niversit$ to maintain its environmental manaement s$stem ;EM/<( Landlords and "ontra"tors should be in"entivised to invest in ener$ effi"ien"$ and effe"tive 3aste manaement for eGample( *he team have a responsibilit$ to refer to the Environmental 9spe"ts Reister ;FMENV00.< 3hen neotiatin "ontra"ts and 3herever possible ensure the "ontra"ts "ontribute to the redu"tion of the ,niversit$Cs sinifi"ant environmental aspe"ts as a minimum(
'lanning onsents
2t is the responsibilit$ of the Development+ Maintenan"e and Estates Manaer to obtain appropriate plannin "onsents for ne3 sites either prior or post pur"hase and development uildin /urve$ors if plannin permission is re7uired for a pro6e"t( !lannin "onditions ma$ be atta"hed to the "onsent( *hese are "onditions that need to be met prior to use( For eGample there ma$ be a "ondition in the plannin permission that refers a minimum amount of mi"ro eneration that is re7uired in a ne3 buildin or a re7uirement to "ondu"t a biodiversit$ surve$ at "ertain intervals( 2n addition+ the ,niversit$ ma$ be re7uired b$ the planners to fulfill a /e"tion 10C areement 3ith the lo"al authorit$+ for eGample+ b$ main a finan"ial "ontribution to the lo"al bus net3or( !lannin "onditions must be sent to the Environment and /ustainabilit$ Manaer and re"ords ept 3ithin the FM Estates file(
S#ace "efinition
Jithin the Estates *eam the FM /pa"e 9dvisor maes re"ommendations for the best use of the ma6orit$ of eGistin or ne3 spa"e( *he spa"e NormsC used as a uidan"e tool b$ the ,niversit$ are outlined in the ,Lan /pa"e Model 3hi"h "onsiders spa"e re7uirements in"ludin spa"e for sustainabilit$ and environmental re7uirements( /pa"e NormsC are translated in a /pa"e DefinitionC for ea"h ne3 buildin or ma6or refurbishment pro6e"t( Details of spa"e re7uirements for standard room re7uirements are then set out in a series of room Data sheets 3hi"h in"lude "onsiderations for spa"e in relation to ener$ and 3ater effi"ien"$+ "ommutin and 3aste minimisationBre"$"lin( *he FM /pa"e 9dvisor maintains a series of eGample data sheets that are "onsulted+ adapted or adopted to ensure /pa"e NormsC+ DefinitionsC and Data /heets refle"t best environmental pra"ti"e( 9n$ "hanes in the ,niversit$Cs Environmental 9spe"ts Reister ;FMENV00.< are dis"ussed 3ith the FM /pa"e 9dvisor( Durin the implementation of a development or refurbishment pro6e"t the FM Development /e"tion ma$ update the spa"e definition of a buildin on"e further details reardin plant
!ae 12 of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure room spa"e re7uirements or ne3 uildin Reulation re7uirements be"ome available durin a pro6e"t(
!ae 14 of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure
*he ,niversit$Cs buildin pro6e"ts are manaed b$ the Development team 3ithin Fa"ilities Manaement ;FM< Development Maintenan"e and Estates /e"tion( Development pro6e"ts rane from those identified as part of the ,niversit$ Master !lan+ Maintenan"e 2mprovement !ro6e"ts ;M2!< and also various development pro6e"ts 3hi"h evolve from the /pa"e DefinitionC 3or "arried out b$ the Estates /e"tion or are identified to meet the ,niversit$Cs business re7uirements for eGample 9""ommodation /ervi"es( 9s a result of this variet$+ pro6e"t manaement and environmental "ontrols need to be suffi"ientl$ fleGible to suit a rane of different pro6e"ts(
;#erational ontrols
'ro6ect ommencement
*he FM Development /e"tion follo3 a !ro6e"t Do"ument ;!D< /$stem to ensure the "orre"t pro6e"t manaement "ontrols are met for ea"h pro6e"t( *he udet 9uthorisation Form ;2nternal referen"e !D'< is used b$ FM Development to re"ord development pro6e"ts 3hi"h have been authorised b$ senior manaement( *he do"ument ives details of the summar$ of 3ors and the lo"ation+ 3hether the pro6e"t is at the feasibilit$ or live stae and in the "ase of live pro6e"ts 3hi"h !ro6e"t @ffi"er has been assined pro6e"t manaement( *he FM =reen *eam are on the "as"ade list+ ivin the team advan"e noti"e of pro6e"ts to ensure environmental "ontrols "an be in"luded into the pro6e"t brief( 2n addition+ the =reen *eam staff meet reularl$ 3ith the !rin"ipal uildin /urve$or ;Development< to dis"uss manaement and mitiation of the sinifi"ant environmental aspe"ts asso"iated 3ith the pro6e"t( $es#onsiility *he !rin"ipal uildin /urve$or ;Development< is responsible for ensurin that the =reen *eam are full$ informed of forth"omin development pro6e"ts and involved as staeholders at the desin stae(
!ae 15 of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure
"esign 'hase
Dependin on the nature of the desin+ some s"hemes 3ill be desined in house others 3ill be desined b$ eGternal "onsultants( *he in house s"hemes ma$ be full$ in house or ma$ involve the uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t
y#e of nformation
$elevance to Environmental Management ontrols
*he desiner 3ill referen"e the follo3in ,niversit$ information in the desin pro"ess: 1
onsultant and Desin & uild ontra"tor riefin do"ument
*his outlines e$ minimum desin standards in"ludes referen"es to desinin for lo3 3ater use+ lo3 ener$ use+ use of lo3 =J! ases+ re"ordin re"$"led "ontent of materials and usin materials from sustainable sour"es(
uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t<
REE9M ratin "riteria ;Ne3 uilds and full buildin Refurbishments<
*his ensures that the RE Environmental 9ssessment Method ;or e7uivalent< "riteria are interated into the desin stae of the pro6e"t(
lient and uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t<
E7uivalent ratin s"heme ;e(( R2/ /9< '
,Lan /pa"e Model
/pa"e NormsC in"lude spa"e for re"$"lin stations+ "$"le storae et"(
FM /pa"e 9dvisor
/tandard Room Data /heets
RD/ detail spa"e re7uirements for spe"ifi" rooms 3ith "onsiderations iven to ener$ and 3ater effi"ien"$+ re"$"lin and "ommutin re7uirements
uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t<
EGistin site information
2n"ludin 9sbestos Reister+ drainae plans+ eGistin plannin "onditions+ *!@s et"
uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t<
Details of an$ surve$s and investiation 3or "arried out b$ the ,niversit$
Ma$ in"lude 9sbestos refurbishment surve$s+ !hase 1 and !hase 11 environmental surve$s(
uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t<
!ro6e"t spe"ifi" information
2n"ludes ensurin leal and other
!ae 18 of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure
reardin the ,niversit$Cs Environmental Manaement /$stem
re7uirements are met(
/urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t<
9 list of staeholders
/taeholders 3ill in"lude representatives 3ith environmental interest ;!ro6e"t Liaison+ !D.<
uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t<
ontractor Selection
9t the ,niversit$ there are . "ateories of !ro6e"t based on "ost+ these and the related environmental "ontrols involved in pro"urement pro"ess for the sele"tion of "ontra"tors are "ontained 3ithin FMENV01. /ustainable Development !ro"urement pro"edures( 27174
onstr%ction 'hase
2t is vitall$ important that as "ontra"tors perform 3or on our behalf ;i(e( the$ are outsour"ed pro"esses< environmental "ontrols are put in pla"e to ensure "omplian"e 3ith the environmental manaement s$stem re7uirements( *he 're=Start Meeting ;internal referen"e !D5a< is a formal meetin 3ith the desin team+ the "ontra"tor and the "lient arraned prior the "ontra"tor "ommen"in on site( *he purpose of the meetin is to "over a number of "ontra"tual formalities and to reiterate the ,niversit$Cs eGpe"tations of "ontra"tor "ondu"t( *he re7uirement for "ontra"tors to re"eive a site indu"tion 3ill be "learl$ stated in the meetin and re"orded in the minutes alon 3ith a lin to the online indu"tion( *he ,niversit$ has developed a Site n!%ction for "ontra"tors( *he indu"tion outlines mandator$ site rules to ensure the safet$ of ,niversit$ staff+ students+ visitors+ neihbours as 3ell as the "ontra"torCs o3n staff( Follo3in the site rules 3ill also ensure a "ontra"tor minimises the environmental impa"t of their operations+ ensurin "omplian"e 3ith the ,niversit$Cs Environmental Manaement /$stem ;EM/<( *he indu"tion must be "ompleted b$ "ontra"tors 3orin on the ,niversit$Cs behalf at its !reston ampuses ;it$ ampus and ,niversit$ /ports 9rena< before "ommen"ement of a pro6e"t( *he De"laration ;FMENVRE0.%< needs be sined b$ a nominated "ompan$ representative+ usuall$ a member of staff in a manaerial role su"h as the Dire"tor+ /ite /upervisor+ statin that the$ have "ompleted and understood the trainin ;!art 9<( 2t is also the responsibilit$ of the "ompan$ to ensure that all its operatives in"ludin sub-"ontra"tor operatives re"eive trainin( $ sinin !art of the De"laration the "ompan$ representative a"no3ledes this responsibilit$ and must state on the form ho3 the$ intend to "as"ade the trainin( *he uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< needs to eep the sined De"laration in the pro6e"t folder for auditin purposes( Refresher trainin is re7uired ever$ $ear to ensure "omplian"e( 9n area on Vernon . th floor has been made available for "ontra"tors to "omplete the /ite 2ndu"tion(
!ae 1, of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure *he role of the uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< throuhout the "onstru"tion phase of a pro6e"t is to "he" a 3ide rane of aspe"ts+ "onstru"tion 7ualit$+ "ontra"t "omplian"e+ health & safet$ and environmental "omplian"e( *he 'ro6ect hec> Sheet for Site Visits ;internal referen"e !D1< should be used for all pro6e"ts to re"ord and date site visits( Fre7uen"$ of site visits undertaen b$ uildin /urve$ors relates to the tass bein "arried out on site but at least one "he" a month should be "ompleted for ea"h pro6e"t( 9n$ environment related non-"onformities+ near-miss or in"idents should be re"orded on FMENVRE 0.0 b$ the uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< and sent to the /AE se"tion so that an investiation "an be initiated( $es#onsiility *he uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< is responsible for ensurin that the "ontra"tor indu"tion trainin is "ompleted and up to date and that the De"laration ;FMENVRE0.%< is sined( uildin /urve$ors are also responsible for "ompletin !D1 "he"s+ 3ith re"ords ept in pro6e"t files and for reportin an environment non-"onformities+ near-miss or in"idents ;FMENVRE0.0<(
ontractor om#etency
*he follo3in are mandator$ to help ensure "ontra"tor "ompeten"$ prior to "ommen"ement of the "ontra"t( ;Note: onl$ those "he"s as relevant to the environmental manaement s$stem are listed<:
9ll "ontra"tors 3orin on site must hold onstru"tionline "ertifi"ation( onstru"tionline in"ludes a mandator$ environmental 7uestionnaire for the reistration pro"ess and "ontra"tors "an be suspended if the$ do not suppl$ all the information re7uired( *he ,niversit$ "an also "he" "ontra"tors for "omplian"e via onstru"tionline or the on-line "ompeten"$ portal+ /afet$ /$stems in !ro"urement ;//2!<( N@*E: 2t should be noted that the ans3ers to the environmental 7uestionnaires are not verified b$ onstru"tionline and therefore a "ontra"torCs reistration does not uarantee a minimum level of "ompeten"e in environmental manaement( *he$ are ho3ever+ useful referen"e resour"es for !ro6e"t @ffi"ers to refer to if "on"erned about a "ontra"torCs environmental "ompeten"e(
9ll "ontra"tors must hold a valid Jaste arriers Li"en"e to "ompl$ 3ith the Jaste ;Enland and Jales< Reulations %01% for the removal of "ontra"tor 3aste from site ;see '(%(%<( 2f the "ontra"tor is not a produ"er of 3aste a 3aiver must be souht from the Environmental /ustainabilit$ Manaer ;see FM ENV =N 01.<(
@n"e sele"ted "ontra"tors emplo$ed b$ the ,niversit$ are manaed b$ Fa"ilities Manaement( Jithin Fa"ilities Manaement 3ell establish s$stems of 3or are in pla"e to ensure the "ompeten"$ of "ontra"tors on the basis of appropriate edu"ation+ trainin or eGperien"e in relation to relevant leal and other re7uirements asso"iated 3ith the 3or bein undertaen( !ae 1: of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure
*he follo3in table summarises the method+ responsibilit$ and lo"ation of Re"ords used to ensure "ontra"tor "ompeten"$ in relation to different "ateories of "ontra"tor 3or undertaen at the ,niversit$:
onstr%ction an!
Maintenance ontracts
Small ?or>s
*ender !ro"ess:
e$ ontra"tor "he"s:
!ermit to Jor pro"ess:
2nstru"t previousl$ used "ompetent "ontra"tors and dedi"ated staff 3here possible(
!B ontra"tor uestionnaire
Jaste "arriers Li"en"e
Jaste "arriers Li"en"e
Jaste "arriers Li"en"e
/ite 2ndu"tion
/ite 2ndu"tion
/ite 2ndu"tion
2ndividual F-=as and =as /afe "ertifi"ate "he"s
2ndividual F =as and =as /afe "ertifi"ate "he"s
2ndividual F-=as and =as /afe "ertifi"ate "he"s
FM uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t;s<<
FM Maintenan"e
1 off 6os
$eactive Maintenance
$ef%rishment Metho!
onstru"tionline Jaste "arriers Li"en"e !re-/ite Meetin /ite 2ndu"tion /ite he"list
,se of dedi"ated staff ontra"t Revie3 ;/ee FMENV01.<
$es#onsil e 'erson(s)
FM !rin"ipal FM !rin"ipal uildin /urve$or uildin ;Development< /urve$or ;Maintenan"e< uildin /urve$ors
!ae 1- of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure
Manaer uildin /ervi"es Manaer ocation of *ender $ecor!s assessment 3ithin ea"h ontra"t file(
!ae +0 of +-
opies of "ertifi"ation filed 3ithin !ro6e"t ontra"t files
/tapled to "op$ of !ermit to Jor(
/ee Maintenan"e ontra"ts
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure
om#liance ;ligations @ Management echniA%es
*he manaement of all leislative aspe"ts of "onstru"tion 3or are "ontinuall$ "onsidered throuhout the pro6e"t pro"ess in"ludin the desin stae+ "onstru"tion stae and into the post "ompletion user and maintenan"e stae( 2f the pro6e"t is bein "arried out in-house 3ith the uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< a"tin as lead desiner( *he uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< 3ill be dire"tl$ responsible for ensurin leal "omplian"e( @n larer and more "ompleG pro6e"ts the uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< ma$ not have a dire"t relationship 3ith all desiners or "ontra"tors involved in pro6e"t( Ao3ever+ the$ 3ill al3a$s ensure that the dire"tl$ appointed eGternal "onsultant;s< and main "ontra"tors are "ompetent to "arr$ out the re7uired tass( Jith reard to sub "onsultants and sub "ontra"tors+ 3here uildin /urve$ors have no dire"t relationship+ the$ 3ill ensure the dire"tl$ appointed "onsultant;s< and main "ontra"tors have suitable manaement measures to verif$ the "ompeten"e and 7ualifi"ations of their sub "onsultants and sub "ontra"tors( *he ris assessment and method statements enerated b$ the "ontra"tor 3ill indi"ate ho3 the "ontra"tor has assessed all aspe"ts of the site and detail ho3 the$ propose to manae their operations on site in"ludin their sub-"ontra"tors( !rior to 3or "ommen"in on site+ a ris assessment and method statement 3ill be produ"ed( @n larer s"hemes this 3ill be substituted 3ith the "onstru"tion phase health and safet$ plan( *hese do"uments 3ill demonstrate the "ontra"tors approa"h to "onsiderin manain both safet$ and environmental riss and form t he basis of the areed site 3orin pra"ti"es( *he onoin monitorin of "omplian"e on site ma$ be manaed in a number of 3a$s dependin on the siKe and "ompleGit$ of the pro6e"t( @n the in-house pro6e"ts 3here the uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< is the sole professional or lead desiner+ the$ 3ill periodi"all$ inspe"t the site looin for "omplian"e 3ith areed 3orin pra"ti"es( 9n$ deviations from areed 3orin pra"ti"es or brea"hes ;or potential brea"hes< of leislation 3ill be a"tivel$ manaed b$ the uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< 3ith the "ontra"torCs manaement( @n the larer or more "ompleG s"hemes "omplian"e monitorin 3ill be "arried out b$ eGternal "onsultants su"h as+ "ler of 3ors+ uildin /urve$ors+ "ontra"t administrators or desiners( Maintenan"e 3or or smaller s"ale 3ors of a hiher ris 3ill be "overed b$ the need for a permit to 3or( urrentl$ the permit s$stem operates usin dupli"ate paper "opies( *his s$stem is in the pro"ess of bein revie3ed and repla"ed 3ith ele"troni" "omputer based s$stem( 27+71
Site ?aste Management 'lans
Jhilst it is no loner a leal re7uirement for "onstru"tion pro6e"ts in Enland over '00+000 to have a /ite Jaste Manaement !lan ;/JM!< as ,Lan is "ommitted to improvin the environmental performan"e of "onstru"tion pro6e"ts the Development team use a do"ument
!ae +1 of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure titled /ite Jaste Manaement !lans- lients @b6e"tivesC 3hi"h outlines the ,niversit$Cs eGpe"tations 3ith reard to "onstru"tion 3aste( $es#onsiility *he uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< is responsible for ensurin that the ob6e"tives of the /JM! lientCs @b6e"tivesC are in"orporated in all relevant pro6e"ts(
27+7+ Environmental 'rotection ("%ty of are) $eg%lations ontra"tors appointed b$ Fa"ilities Manaement are re7uired to hold a valid Jaste arriers Li"en"e ;,pper *ier< before the$ are emplo$ed b$ the ,niversit$( *his is be"ause the ma6orit$ of these "ontra"tors 3ill be dealin 3ith or produ"in demolition or "onstru"tion 3aste and the Environment 9en"$Cs definition of "onstru"tion 3asteC in"ludes improvement+ repair and alteration( *he eG"eptions to this re7uirement are: ;1< Jhere an assessment of the nature of their 3or b$ the oriinator+ pro"urement team or uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< deems that a li"en"e is not ne"essar$ ;i(e( the$ are not a"tuall$ produ"in an$ 3aste as a result of their a"tivit$ e(( !ortable 9pplian"e *estin ;!9*<<( *he result of the assessment must be endorsed in 3ritin b$ the Environment & /ustainabilit$ Manaer before appointin the "ontra"tor( ;%< 2f a "ontra"tor is usin a third part$ ;i(e( a sip "ompan$< to remove 3aste from ,niversit$ premises+ the "ontra"tor is responsible for ensurin: a< the sip "ompan$ used holds a valid Jaste arriers Li"en"e+ b< the "ontra"tor must also retain a "op$ of the 3aste transfer note issued b$ the third part$ ;to be "he"ed b$ the uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t
!ae ++ of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure 27+72
Environmental 'rotection (ontrols on ;Bone="e#leting S%stances) $eg%lations/ Fl%orinate! 3reenho%se 3ases $eg%lations (F=3as $eg%lations) / ;Bone !e#leting s%stances (C%alification) $eg%lations
*hese reulations relate to the safe "ontrols on oKone depletin substan"es( *he desin and alterations of installations shall be "arried out b$ "ompetent professionals( *he installation and alteration 3or shall onl$ be "arried out b$ persons approved for su"h 3or( Jorin 3ith F-ases in air-"onditionin s$stems needs to be undertaen b$ "ompetent me"hani"al professionals 3ho must hold+ or be supervised b$ someone that holds+ as a minimum one of the follo3in 7ualifi"ations: it$ & =uilds ertifi"ate in Aandlin Refrierants /"heme %084-1'
onstru"tion 2ndustr$ *rainin oard /afe Aandlin of Refrierants Referen"e #11-1. *he level of 7ualifi"ation re7uired depends on the spe"ifi" tas involved( *he follo3in refrierants are no3 banned from use: •
AF refrierants that are labelled as re"$"led+ re"overed or re"laimed from similar e7uipment or bu$ re"$"led AFs "an no loner be used on the open maret ;sin"e '1 De"ember %01.<( *he use of AFs+ in"ludin re"$"led AFs+ for servi"in and maintainin e7uipment are no3 banned ;effe"tive from 1 #anuar$ %015<( R%% is a AF "ompound+ virin R%% "annot be used in air "onditionin s$stems ;effe"tive from 1 #anuar$ %010< and re"$"led R%% is also banned for use ;effe"tive 1 #anuar$ %015<(
$es#onsiility *he uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< shall ensure that "ompetent professionals and operatives are used and 3or "omplies 3ith the Reulator$ deadlines listed above( /ee se"tion '(1(5 for further details of the methods used to ensure "ontra"tor "ompeten"$( 27+74
Energy 'erformance of D%il!ings (ertificates an! ns#ections) (Englan! an! ?ales) $eg%lations
9 Displa$ Ener$ ertifi"ate must be displa$ed in the fo$er of ea"h of the ,niversit$Cs uildins( Reulations also mae it mandator$ for o3ners of air "onditioned buildins to lode inspe"tion reports of air "onditionin s$stems ;above 1%J< on the Enland and Jales "entral Reister ept on behalf of the /e"retar$ of /tate( $es#onsiility *he uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< shall ensure an Displa$ Ener$ ertifi"ate is prepared for ne3 buildins( *he Ener$ and arbon Manaement @ffi"er should be
!ae +2 of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure "onsulted to ensure the desin team and "ontra"tors develop a "ertifi"ate usin appropriate data definitions( *he Enineer and Maintenan"e Manaer is responsible for ensurin that the 9 inspe"tion reports are loded on the "entral reister( 27+75
$ Energy Efficiency Scheme
*he Development se"tionCs pro6e"ts are sinifi"antl$ related to the arbon Redu"tion ommitment ;R< Ener$ Effi"ien"$ /"heme( uildin /urve$ors 3or "losel$ 3ith their ener$ and buildin servi"es "olleaues in the Maintenan"e se"tion to embra"e ener$ effi"ien"$( 2n lare sinifi"ant s"hemes ener$ and servi"es "olleaues 3ill be full$ involved in the pro6e"t as staeholders( 2n smaller s"hemes our ener$ and servi"es "olleaues are formall$ "onsulted via the !D. !ro6e"t Liaison /heet( /pe"ifi" responsibilities for R "omplian"e are detailed in FMENV=N008( $es#onsiility *he uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< is responsible for liaisin 3ith ener$ and servi"es "olleaues to ensure the pro6e"t embra"es the re7uirements of the R Ener$ Effi"ien"$ /"heme(
27+78 he D%il!ing (.men!ment) $eg%lations @ 'art !art L of the uildin Reulations relates to the "onservation of fuel and po3er( 9ll alterations and ne3 buildin pro6e"ts that are sub6e"t to uildin Reulations 3ill either meet or eG"eed the re7uirements of !art L( Jhen prin"ipal 3ors are undertaen ;ne3 or sinifi"ant eGtensions to eGistin buildins< improvements should be made to improve the ener$ effi"ien"$ of the 3hole buildin( $es#onsiility @n pro6e"ts bein desined in house the uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< shall dire"tl$ ensure "omplian"e 3ith !art L( For pro6e"ts 3here an eGternal "onsultant is a"tin as lead desiner the uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< shall liaise 3ith the "onsultant to ensure "omplian"e( uildin /urve$ors shall ensure that the uildin ontrol ompletion ertifi"ate is re"eived b$ the ,niversit$( 27+7, D$E Environmental .ssessment Metho! uildin Resear"h Establishment Environmental 9ssessment Method ;REE9M< is a "ommonl$ used environmental assessment method for buildins( REE9M "overs an eGtensive rane of environmental and sustainabilit$ issues that allo3 the ,niversit$ to demonstrate the environmental "redentials of its ne3 and refurbished buildins( *he ,niversit$ endeavors to deliver ne3 buildins to the REE9M EG"ellent standard( 2f the buildin is of a simple nature 3e 3ill endeavor to deliver a REE9M @utstandin buildin(
!ae +4 of +-
FM ENV 015 Land Development & Refurbishment - Environmental Manaement !ro"edure /inifi"ant refurbishment pro6e"ts 3ill endeavor to deliver a s"heme to the level of REE9M Ver$ =ood( *he ,niversit$ aims to full$ embra"e the REE9M pro"ess and 3herever pra"ti"al 3ill see to full$ utiliKe all the "redits available in the REE9M pro"ess( From the earl$ staes of a pro6e"t there 3ill be reular REE9M 3orshops held 3ith the desin team and staeholders to ensure the optimum "redits are bein tareted( *he lead desiner ;or "ontra"tor in the "ase of desin and build pro6e"ts< 3ill be re7uested to produ"e and monitor a REE9M tra"er do"ument( !ro6e"ted REE9M s"ores 3ill be reported at pro6e"t proress meetins ensure that remedial a"tion need to a"hieve the taret ratin "an be "onsidered( 9 "op$ of "ompleted REE9M assessments must be sent to the Environment and /ustainabilit$ Manaer+ 3ho 3ill enter their details into the Reister of /ite /urve$s ;FMENVRE018<+ a "op$ of the report and "ertifi"ate 3ill be stored in the Estates file for the relevant buildin( $es#onsiility REE9M "overs all aspe"ts asso"iated 3ith the deliver$ of a pro6e"t( *he uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< 3ithin the Development team 3ill be responsible for "oordinatin the pro6e"tCs approa"h to REE9M after the s"heme has been handed over from the Estates team( 27+7: HEFE aron $e!%ction argets *he ,niversit$Cs prin"iple funder AEFE+ have lined the a"hievement of "arbon redu"tion tarets 3ith their "apital investment frame3or( $es#onsiility *he uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< shall be responsible for liaisin 3ith the Ener$ and arbon Manaement @ffi"er to ensure the pro6e"t embra"es AEFE arbon Redu"tion *arets( *his liaison 3ill be formall$ do"umented usin form !D.( 27+7-
ravel 'lan $eA%irement for see>ing 'lanning 'ermission
!lannin !ermission appli"ations for sinifi"ant developments are supported b$ travel plans( *he ,niversit$Cs *ravel !lan aims to support sustainable and a"tive travel( *he *ravel !lan aims to redu"e solo "ar 6ourne$s and en"ourae more sustainable options( $es#onsiility *he plannin permission appli"ation for a pro6e"t ma$ be submitted b$ the uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< or ma$ be submitted b$ an eGternal "onsultant a"tin as lead desiner( *he uildin /urve$or ;in "hare of the pro6e"t< 3ill liaise 3ith the ,niversit$Cs /ustainable *ravel oordinator to implement and maintain the ,niversit$Cs *ravel !lan( 27+710
'lanning (iste! D%il!ings an! onservation .reas) $eg%lations
*here are a number of listed buildins 3ithin the ,niversit$Cs estate( *hese 3ould be sub6e"t to the additional "onstraints asso"iated 3ith listed buildins and "onservation areas( !ae +5 of +-