1. MSc MSc Proj Projec ectt Mana Manage geme ment nt An un derg radu ate deg ree wi th at least a Secon d Class or 50% (wh ic hever is applicable) applicable) or GPA GPA not less than 2.5 2.50 0 out of 4 or equivalent equivalent from a recognised recognised higher education institution or alternative qualifications acceptable to the University of Mauritius Preference Preference will be giv en to candidates having at least two years of relevant work experience
2. MSc MSc Build Buildin ing g Servi Service ces s Engin Enginee eeri ring ng An un derg rad uate degr ee in any engi neeri ng di sci pl in e wi th at l east a Seco nd Class or 50% 50% (whichever (whichever is applicable) applicable) or GPA GPA not less than 2.50 2.50 out of 4 or equivalent equivalent from a recognis recognised ed higher higher educa education tion institution institution or alter alternat native ive qualifica qualifications tions acceptable to the University of Mauritius
2 Years Part-Time
2 Years Part-Time
Preference Preference will be given to candidates having at least two years of relevant work experience
MSc Total Quality Management and Performance Excellence An un derg radu ate degr ee wi th at least a Secon d Class or 50% (wh ic hever is applicable) applicable) or GPA GPA not less than 2.50 2.50 out of 4 or equivalent equivalent from a recognised recognised higher education institution or alternative qualifications acceptable to the University of Mauritius
2 Years Part-Time
Preference Preference will be giv en to candidates with relevant work experience
MSc Electrical Engineering (Specialisation: 4. Communication Engineering/ Control Systems/ Power Systems) 1 Year Year Full -
An und erg radu ate deg ree in Elect ri cal and Elect ro ni c Engi neer in g , Elect ron ic and Communication Communication Engineering Engineering , Information Information and Communication Communication Technologies Technologies , Electron Electronics ics and Comput Computer er Scien Science, ce, Mecha Mechatronic tronics s , Mecha Mechanica nicall Engine Engineeri ering, ng, Physics with Electronics Electronics , or any other Electrical Electrical Engineering related related field with at least a Second Second Class or 50% (whichever is applicable) or GPA not less than 2.50 2.50 out of 4 or equivalent equivalent from a recognised recognised higher higher education institution or alternative alternative qualificatio ns acceptable to the University University of Mauritius
2 Years Part-Time
5. MSc MSc Com Compu pute terr Sci Scien ence ce An un derg radu ate deg ree in Comp ut er Sci ence , Info rmat io n Syst ems or any ot her IT relate related d field with at least least a Second Second Class Class or 50% 50% (whichever (whichever is applicable) applicable) or GPA GPA not less than 2.50 2.50 out of 4 or equivalent equivalent from a recognised higher education education instit ution or alternative qualification s acceptable acceptable to the University University of Mauritiu Mauritiu s.
2 Years Part-Time
6. MSc Enterp Enterprise rise Syste Systems ms Develop Developmen mentt and Manage Managemen mentt An un derg rad uate d egree in Comp uter Scien ce o r o ther rel ated ar eas, or a deg ree in Business/Management Business/Management with IT based modules acceptable to the department with at least a Second Second Class or 50% (whichever is applicable) or GPA not less than 2.50 2.50 out of 4 or equivalent from a recognised higher education education institut ion or alternative Familiarity with accounting concepts is advantageous.
2 Years Part-Time
7. MSc Internet Technology and Web Development An un der grad uate d egr ee in Comp uter Scien ce o r o th er r elat ed ar eas wi th at l east a Second Class or 50% (whichever is applicable) or GPA not less than 2.50 out of 4 or equivalent from a recognised higher education institution or alternative qualificatio ns acceptable to the University of Mauritius .
2 Years Part-Time
8. MSc Software Engineering Projects and Management An un der grad uate d egr ee in Comp uter Scien ce o r o th er r elat ed ar eas wi th at l east a Second Class or 50% (whichever is applicable) or GPA not less than 2.50 out of 4 or equivalent from a recognised higher education institution or alternative qualificatio ns acceptable to the University of Mauritius .
2 Years Part-Time
9. MSc Industrial Engineering and Management An un derg radu ate deg ree in Scien ce, Engi neer in g, Ag ri cu lt ure/A gr ic ul tur e rel ated subjects, Management or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Senate with at least a Second Class or 50% (whichever is applic able) or GPA not less than 2.50 out of 4 or equivalent from a recognised higher education institution or alternative qualificatio ns acceptable to the University of Mauritius Preference will be given to candidates with relevant work experience