Sheet music from "She Loves Me"Description complète
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OnceDescrição completa
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by King Priece
Do You
Descripción: You Matter to Me sheet music
You Belong to Me. Optimized for use with iPad/Tablet with reduced margins and file size.Full description
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Descripción: you raise me up score
scoreDescrição completa
musical observation essay of the kinks you really got me
Arrangment: Solo, Choir, Piano, String Orchestra
From KnowingDescripción completa
LESSON PLAN (ENGLISH FORM 4) Date: Form: 4 Theme: People No. of stue!ts: To"#$: Knowing To"#$: Knowing Me, Knowing Knowing You! You! T#me: 2 Periods (70 Minutes) Prof#$#e!$% Prof#$#e!$% &e'e&: Intermediate Lesso! summar%: Teacher Teacher greets the class. Asks the students to take out a piece of paper and to !rite a"out their "iodata. The students folded the papers and gi#e them to the teacher to scram"le. $tudents !ill pick one of the paper. %ather than introducing themsel#es the& introduce their friends on the paper to teacher and class. 'hene#er teacher !ants to kno! additional information a"out their friend the one !ho introduces !ill ask '* +uestions to their respecti#e friends. LEARNING OTOMES:
,.2 Take Take part in social interaction "&-
,.2 1e#el 2
(") participating in con#ersations and discussion
#ii) sing 3!h +uestions to ask further information a"out their friends.
2./ Presenting information to different audience
2./ 1e#el ,
(ii) i#ing a simple recount orall&
(") i#ing instructions descri"ing and narrating orall&
Lear!#!+ out$omes: ,. 5"tain 5"tain infor informat mation ion for for differ different ent purpo purposes ses 2. Presen Presentt informa informatio tion n to differe different nt audien audiences ces ,eha'#oura& O-e$t#'es: i. ood ood $tud $tuden entt- $ho $houl uld d "e "e a"le a"le to to deli deli#e #err info inform rmat atio ion n flue fluent ntl& l& !it !ith h min minim imal al err error orss and and mistakes. A"le to generate 3!h +uestions !ith correct form and function. ii. ii. A#erag eragee- $ho $houl uld d "e a"l a"lee to del deli# i#er er info inform rmat atio ion n !ith !ith fe! fe! erro errors rs and and mista mistake kes. s. A"l A"lee to generate 3!h +uestions. iii. iii. 'eak- ad diffic difficult ult& & to deli#e deli#err infor informat mation ion.. 6rror 6rrorss and and mista mistakes kes are are o"#i o"#ious ous.. na"l na"lee to generate +uestion using 3!h +uestions. O-e$t#'es: At the end of the lesson students should "e a"le to,. 'r 'rite ite a "iodat "iodataa a"out a"out themse themsel#e l#es. s. 2. Intr Introd oduc ucee thei theirr frie friend nds. s. /. Ask +ues +uestio tions ns "& using using '* '* +uestio +uestions. ns. o!te!t: oca"ular& Stue!ts/ "re'#ous 0!o1&e+e: 2 '* +uestions "asic +uestions "asic kno!ledge of themsel#es. Tea$h#!+ a#(s): ,. Mark arker pen.
2. Papers. Mora& *a&ues: ,. onest& 2. Politeness Th#!0#!+ s0#&&s: Multiple intelligences (Intrapersonal Interpersonal) Future stu#es: $tudents !ill learn to take part in con#ersations (asking polite +uestions "& using '* +uestions and kno! ho! to introduce ne! people). Pro$eures: Th#!0#!+ s0#&&s3Mora& Notes: 'a&ues: Set I!u$t#o! ,. Teacher greets the class. A$t#'#t% ,. Teacher !rites on the !hite"oarda) 8ame ") %acec) o""iesd) Am"itions-
2. Teacher asks students to take out a piece of paper and to fill up the items.
A$t#'#t% 5 ,. Teacher asks students to fold their papers. 2. $tudents ha#e to pick the papers. /. $tudents !ill "e introducing their friends to teacher. 4. Teacher asks the particular student to ask their friends a"out his famil& (si"lings father*s and mother*s name) "& using '* +uestions.
&osure ,. Teacher restates the moral #alues and ends the lesson. Fo&&o16u" a$t#'#t%: 'rite an essa& a"out their "est friend ,009,20 !ords.