Importance of fortune on KP AstrologyFull description
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Dear astro Brothers, I am very fortunate to explain about Fortuna. As per KP theory, all are destiny nothing can change, this e !no from readers. if a person got deep astrological !noledge and application of Fortuna, he can ma!e "little" changes in his future !arma. to change little also they need What is fortune?
#ormally people thin!ing that some one only get opportunity or luc!. Fortune is very simple philosophy, to understand about fortunate people please see bello statement. $here are to people A and B. %ome event happened in there life same time. &'An agriculture land purchased by B very near to land of A. But A got good agriculture groth and B had poor groth. (' A and B both are friends. $hey are getting married same time. A got beautiful and educated ife. But B got normal and uneducated ife.
)' A and B both are faced a big accident. B got lot of damages in body and A got nothing even one scratch.
In above statements ho is luc!y* +ithout doubt "A" is luc!y. K%K told in his article that comparison only ma!es one fortunate. if e are not seeing A ithout B then e cant say A is luc!y. "%o !eep in mind that comparison ma!es one person as luc!y"
$his same philosophy applied in astrology.
+hat is Fortuna*
Fortuna = (Lagna long + Moon Long) – Sun Long
%ymbol of Fortuna is ±. Pointing arro is the symbol. $hat means Fortuna means exact point of degree, a targeted point.
xample of Fortuna calculation
-agna &(/.(/ 0oon
/1.(& 23'
44444444444444444444 &5&.61 %un
78.)6 24'
444444444444444444444 ±Fortuna
Fortuna falls in moon sign2cancer', 9upiter star and 0ars sub. in &( bhavas here is Fortuna* KP readers expressing that Fortuna falls in )rd house then fortunate from younger brother and sister. But here I am going to explain some ne concept from my on experience.
Application Applicatio n of Fortuna: Fortuna:
First e ant to chec! the value of Fortuna cusp sub lord. if Fortuna cusp sub lord;s star signifies (,1,&& then good Fortuna. $hat same star signifies /,5,&( then it or!s very negative. If that star lord of Fortuna cusp sub lord signifies both then Fortuna value is medium.
As per my experien experience ce compare to Fortuna Fortuna point the the cusp sub sub of Fortuna Fortuna here it falls that that only poerful. for example the fortuna in above calculation falls in cancer. and sub lord is mars. In that horoscope mars falls in
=o to use Fortuna in daily life* $here are ten fortunate elements e can derive from Fortuna. &'
Fortunate Day
Fortuna;s sub lord rules a day per ee!. that day is fortunate day. in example : fortuna sub lord is mars. %o fortunate day is $uesday ('
Fortunate #umber
each planet rules each number. please avoided numerology. ta!e first 7 numbers in (67 series or ta!e vimchothri dasa order. as per example mars rules number /. )'
Fortunate >od
each planet represent one devata. as per example mars denotes narasimha or subramanya. 6'
Fortunate color
ach planet represented by one color. 0ars denotes blood red here. /'
Fortunate %tar
planets ruling three stars. that three stars are fortunate to native. e can ta!e tree mars stars for above example. 1'
Fortunate month
$he sun is month planet in transit.yearly once the sun ill pass through the Fortuna;s sub lord, that month ill be fortunate. as per example mars in
Fortunate year
9upiter is year planet in transit. &( years once 9upiter transit the sign of Fortuna sublord . that year ill be fortunate year. 5'
Fortunate time
-agna denotes time. daily lagna pass through the point here forutna sublord falls. that time is fortunate time. this time e very auspicious. so e can also ta!e as %ubha 0uhurtha. Because this time ill not apply to all people, particularly auspicious for that native. 7'
Fortunate gem
#avaratna or natural gems ill be good for human mind.K%K told to choose gems based on &&th cusp. @ompare to && th cusp, this Fortuna sub or!s ell. Based on above example,
mars denote coral. &8' Fortunate $ree ach planet or star denotes tree. if e gro that tree in our living place it gives good prana for our life. 0ars denots peepal tree. 2based on astro tree I am going to install a modern village near to coimbatore tamil nadu. I hope it proves the astrological energy coming from star. see' Fortuna e cant use in =orary. it applicabale only in natal chart. Finally fe ords about fortuna. fortuna is nothing but thithi in panchanga. but thithi remains very long time for a day. so e adding lagna ith thithi to get exact time for that horoscope. %ri !rishna born in ashtami and %riram born in navamai that all denotes only fortuna. Above all all information information submitting submitting from my on experience. experience. so I !indly reCuesting reCuesting people people that that first apply this theory and as! Cuestions. Because this is purely from my experience not from any boo!s. In the %oul of supreme