Fourth Sector using two 33 Antennas Samsung NEO November 2016
Contents A Fourth Sector Implementa Implementation tion Options Guidelines for Fourth Sector Illustration Illustra tion for Case1 : Cell A is loaded Default Tilt Guidelines
Multi-Sector Implementation Guidelines – Option A •
Three Single Band antenna installed on 3 poles
Add additional pole mount.
De-install existing existing 2300 single band antenna & install two – 2300 band -33 degree antenna on two poles.
Additional BBU with 2300 band channel card & UAMA card is required required required along with necessary CPRI/Jumper cables.
Multi-Sector Implementation Guidelines – Option B •
One Multiband antenna & One 850 Single band antenna on two poles
Install 2 additional poles & install two –2300 band -33 degree antenna.
Existing Multiband antenna to be used for1800 band. Additional BBU with 2300 band channel card & UAMA card is required along with necessary CPRI/Jumper cables.
Azimuth Guidelines for fourth sector
Case Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Loaded Sector Cell A Cell B Cell C
Existing Orientations Orientations Cell A Cell B Cell C Azimuth Azimuth Azimuth 0° 0° 0°
120° 120° 120°
240° 240° 240°
Proposed Orientations Orientations New Azimuth New Fourth Sector for loaded Azimuth Sector 30° 330° 90° 150° 210° 270°
Example Ex ample : Case 1 - Cell A is to to be offloaded offloaded Existing Orientations
Proposed Orientations with fourth Sector 33 ° Antenna 65° Antenna
Existing Cell A to be re-oriented
Fourth Sector
Recommended Angular Separation of 90°
Recommended Angular Separation of 90 °
Tilt Guidelines for fourth sector
Type 1 Type 1 Type 4
Existing Antenna Antenna Make & Antenna Ga Gain Model Rosenb senbe erge rger-S r-S-Wa -Wave 17.5 dBi 23/23-65-18DV10-F Ace-XXDW-17-65 -65i-VT -VT ≥16.5 dBi
Existing Antenna Antenna Make & Mo Ante Antenn nna a Gai Gain n del Rosen osenbe berg rger er-S -S-W -Wa ave 2 17.5 dBi 3/23-65-18DV10-F ≥16.5 dBi Ace-XXDW-17-65 -65i-VT -VT
Replacement Antenna Antenna Make Antenna & Model Gain