Essays on Frankenstein and summary of novel including character arcs Introduction by Harold BloomFull description
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Characters? Setting? Narrator? Plot Summary? Power point Visual Aids?
Study Discussion uestions What special set of circumstances inspired the four friends to attempt to write ghost stories? Compare the difficulty Shelley has with the reason her companions give up their efforts. What gives Shelley her idea for a story? What does the intensity of her vision suggest aout her reaction to !r. !arwin"s e#periments? Why is the relationship etween student and monster in her vision oth similar to and different from the relationship etween the Creator and humanity? Why might the similarities of these relationships e $supremely frightful%? What does the selection reveal aout the relationship etween Shelley and her husand? &he novel then egins with a series of letters in which the narrator of the novel is writing his thoughts and plans. What is his name? &o whom is he writing the letters? Where is the narrator going? Why has he chosen to ma'e this voyage? (f what does the narrator dream? What is his goal? )ow has the narrator* +oert Walton* prepared for his great enterprise? What gives him the idea? Why does Walton want a friend? )ow does he define a friend? Walton says he is a $+omantic.% What is a +omantic person li'e? What time of year is it when Walton egins his voyage? !escrie the strange thing that is seen y Walton and his crew. !escrie the man who later is rought on the ship. What does the man as' that is astonishing to Walton? Why do you suppose he as's this, what does he want to do? )ow does Walton feel aout this man? Why? )ow does this man react to Walton"s dream or goal? What story is the stranger going to tell Walton? Why is he going to share this story? Who do you suppose will e the narrator of Chapter -?
Group # 2: • • • • •
Frankenstein '
ou*e I+ ,apters 1+ 2+ 3+ and 4 (pages 33-5)
Characters? Setting? Narrator? Plot Summary? Power point Visual Aids?
1. . 0. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1:. 11.
Study Discussion uestions .or capters 1 and 2 What are /ran'enstein"s parents li'e? )ow do they feel aout each other and aout their child? Who is li2aeth? !escrie her. )ow does she come to 4oin the /ran'enstein family? )ow do people react to li2aeth? )ow does Victor feel aout li2aeth? )ow are Victor and li2aeth different? What 'ind of person is Victor? Who is )enry Clerval? What is he li'e? )ow is he different from Victor? )ow does li2aeth affect Victor and )enry? At age eighteen what does Victor say is his passion* and what is the eventual result of it? What does Victor want to accomplish in life? Why does Victor turn to the study of mathematics? What prevents him from continuing this study?
1. . 0. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1:. 11. 1.
Study Discussion uestions .or capters 3 and 4 -dentify the misfortune which Victor views as an omen of his future misery efore he leaves for the university. What does Victor"s mother say she wants for Victor and li2aeth? )enry cannot accompany Victor to the university* why? )ow does )enry"s father relate to the themes of power and friendship? Why does Victor not want to study the contemporary scientists suggested y ;.
Group # 3: • • • • •
Frankenstein '
ou*e I+ ,apters 5+ "+ + and $ (pages 5$-%&)
Characters? Setting? Narrator? Plot Summary? Power point Visual Aids?
,apters 5 and " 1! !escrie the appearance of the creature that /ran'enstein creates. 2! )ow does !r. /ran'enstein feel aout his creation? 3! What does he do after the creature comes to life? 4! !escrie Victor /ran'enstein"s distured dream. 5! What does /ran'enstein do when the creature reaches out to him? "! What do you thin' is the creature"s reason for reaching out for !r. /ran'enstein? ! )ow does Victor feel when he reali2es his creation has left his apartment? )ow does he ehave right after this reali2ation? $! What does Victor find very tormenting? %! After creating the monster* what does Victor study now? 1&! According to Victor* why is )enry a good friend to him? 11! !escrie )enry"s mood at the end of this chapter.
,apters and $
1. What tragedy happens in Victor"s family? . )ow does Victor feel as he nears his home? 0. What does Victor see in the midst of a violent thunderstorm? 3. /or what reason does Victor decide to remain silent aout his monster? 5. Who has een accused of the murder and for what reason? 6. Why does Victor not tell anyone aout his creation to clear =ustine"s name? 7. Why does Victor thin' that =ustine"s tortures do not e>ual his own? 8. Why does li2aeth"s speech in court hurt =ustine? 9. )ow does =ustine show her goodness? 1:. !o you thin' Victor is as guilty as he feels he is? (f what do you thin' he is guilty* if anything?
Group # 4: • • • • •
Frankenstein '
ou*e II+ ,apters 1+ 2+ 3+ and 4
(pages %3-11$)
Characters? Setting? Narrator? Plot Summary? Power point Visual Aids?
,apters 1 and 2 1. What happens to Victor after =ustine is put to death? What is his father"s opinion of Victor"s $immoderate grief%? . What 'eeps Victor from 'illing himself? 0. What effect have these events had on li2aeth? 3. What ma'es Victor go to Charmouni#? 5. #plain $ I was a wrec'@ut naught had changed in those savage and enduring scenes.% 6. As Victor clims the mountains* what effect do they have on him? 7. Why does Victor clim ;ontanvent in spite of the rain? 8. What are Victor"s feelings as his creation approaches him? What is the first thing he says to his creature? 9. !escrie the e#pression on the creature"s face. 1:. )ow does the creature respond to Victor? 11. With what does the creature threaten Victor? 1. What does the creature say aout his present position? 10. /or what reason does Victor follow the creature and listen to his story
,apters 3 and 4 1. )ow does the creature descrie his first days of life? . Why does the creature decide to travel* and why is this a difficult decision for him? 0. )ow does the creature respond to fire? 3. What happens when the creature enters a village? Where does he end up staying? 5. )ow does the creature feel aout the cottagers? At first* how does he react to the e#pression of emotions he oserves them displaying? 6. Although the creature wants to 4oin these people* why does he decide not to? 7. )ow does the creature show understanding and 'indness to this family? 8. What does the creature spend the winter doing* and what does this reveal aout him? 9. What does the creature say he discovers aout himself? What feelings does this discovery cause? 1:. What does the creature plan to do regarding the family? )ow is he feeling at this point?
Group # 5: • • • • •
Frankenstein '
ou*e II+ ,apters 5+ "+ + and $
(pages 11%-14")
Characters? Setting? Narrator? Plot Summary? Power point Visual Aids?
,apters 5 and "
1. #plain the second sentence of this chapter $- shall relate events that impressed me with feelings whichhave made me what - am.% BPg. 99 . )ow does the creature feel aout spring? 0. What does the creature learn that changes /eli#"s feelings from sorrow to 4oy? 3. What is the creature going to e ale to learn now that Safie has arrived? What 'ind of progress does he ma'e? 5. #plain why Safie wants to marry /eli#. )ow does her father feel aout this? 6. Why does /eli# have to leave Saf ie for what he hopes is a short time? 7. What happens to /eli#* his father* and sister? 8. What does SafieDs father do while in e#ile?
,apters and $ 1. (verall* what is the creature"s reaction to the cottagers? . What is the creature"s reaction to ;iltonDs poem Paradise Lost? According to the creature* how is he oth li'e and dissimilar to Adam? 0. What does the creature learn from papers found in Victor"s poc'et? 3. /or what does the creature hope* and what plans does he ma'e to achieve this hope? 5. )ow does the old man react to the creature? 6. What happens when the others return? 7. )ow does the creature feel? What does he wish he had done? What is his ne#t plan? 8. What happens to the cottagers? What is the creature"s reaction to this? 9. Why does the creature decide to go to Eeneva? )ow have these horrile circumstances changed the creature? 1:. What happens that ma'es the creature feel even more itter? 11. Why does the creature 'ill William? )ow does the creature feel afterward? 1. What does the creature do with the portrait he ta'es from William? 10. What does the creature say /ran'enstein must do?
Group # ": • • • • •
Frankenstein '
ou*e II+ ,apter % and ou*e III+ ,apters 1+ 2+ and 3 (pages 14$-1$)
Characters? Setting? Narrator? Plot Summary? Power point Visual Aids?
ou*e II+ ,apter % and ou*e III+ ,apters 1 1. Why does the creature say he is malicious? !o you thin' his feelings are 4ustified andFor understandale? . Why does the creature thin' he will e happy with a female li'e himself? !o you agree with him? #plain why or why not. 0. !escrie Victor /ran'enstein"s reaction to the monster"s re>uest. What does he decide? !o you agree with his decision? Why or why not? 3. What are !r. /ran'enstein"s feelings when he returns home? 5. Why does Victor not want to marry li2aeth right away? 6. Why does Victor decide to go to ngland? )ow does he feel aout )enry going with him? 7. #plain the following statement Victor ma'es $Gut through the whole period during which - was the slave of my creature* - allowed myself to e governed y the impulses of the moment.% Eive e#amples of how this is true. 8. Contrast )enry and Victor. 9. !escrie )enry and Victor"s 4ourney. What is )enry"s opinion of the area around the +hine? 1:. )ow is )enry a +omantic? 11. )ow does Victor tal' aout )enry toward the end of this chapter?
ou*e III+ ,apters 2 and 3 1. !escrie Victor"s feelings as he 4ourneys through ngland. . Why does Victor decide to go to Scotland? 0. !escrie the place he pic's to wor'. )ow does he feel aout his laors? 3. Eive four reasons why Victor changes his mind. !o you agree with his reasoning? !o you see anything wrong in his decision? 5. What opinion does Victor have of his creation? !o you agree with this assessment of the creature? 6. What does Victor do after reali2ing the potential prolems of creating a female monster? Who oserves his actions? 7. What is your reaction to the creature"s speech? !o you agree with him at all? !o you thin' Victor has treated him fairly? 8. When does the creature say he will get his revenge? 9. Why does Victor leave Scotland? 1:. What does Victor have to do efore he leaves? Why does he feel this is an odious ut necessary tas'? 11. What is the ne#t fearful thing that happens to Victor? 7
1. What happens to Victor after he survives the storm and ma'es it to land?
Group # : • • • • •
Frankenstein '
ou*e III+ ,apters 4+ 5+ "+ and (pages 1%-225)
Characters? Setting? Narrator? Plot Summary? Power point Visual Aids?
,apters 4 and 5 1. Who has een murdered* and why is Victor accused of the murder? . )ow does Victor feel when he regains consciousness? 0. What finally rings aout his release? 3. Why does Victor want to return home? )ow has his mental condition deteriorated? 5. Why does Victor feel he can"t e with people? What opinion does Victor e#press aout his creation? 6. Why doesn"t Victor tell of the creature"s e#istence and its crimes? !o you thin' he is right or wrong? 7. What is his father"s opinion of Victor? 8. &he monster vowed to e with Victor on his wedding night. What has Victor assumed the monster"s meant? Could it have some other meaning? 9. Why does Victor decide to marry li2aeth immediately? 1:. What will Victor tell li2aeth after they are married? Eive your opinion of this plan. 11. What precautions has Victor ta'en? 1. )ow does li2aeth feel aout the wedding? Why is she an#ious? 10. What do you thin' will happen on Victor"s wedding night? ,apters " and 1. What is Victor"s plan for dealing with the creature? . Why does Victor as' li2aeth to retire without him? What sends him running to the edroom? 0. What happens to li2aeth in the edroom? )ow does Victor"s father react to this ad news? 3. What action does Victor ta'e? What is the result? 5. Victor* in his anger* says to the magistrate* $)ow ignorant art thou in thy pride of wisdomH% BPg. 17: What is the irony in this? 6. Where does Victor meet his creature again* and why does the creature say he is satisfied? 7. )ow does the creature further torture Victor? Where is he leading Victor* and for what purpose? 8. What does Victor as' of Walton? 9. -n his great despair* what is the only consolation Victor gets? 1:. #plain Victor"s statement $When - reflected on the wor' - had completed* no less a one than the creation of a sensitive and rational animal* - could not ran' myself with the herd of common pro4ectors All my speculations and hopes are as nothing, and* li'e the archangel who aspired to omnipotence* - am chained in an eternal hell.% 11. Why does Walton dread a mutiny y his crew? What opinion does Victor e#press to the men concerning continuing the 4ourney? 1. What advice does Victor give Walton? 8
10. -n your opinion* is the 4ustification the creature offers for his actions ade>uate? What is his plan now?