frequently asked queries by people before joining accenture QUE.HELLO FRIENDS, MY JOINING DATE IS IN ------------ AND LET ME TELL U THAT I AMWEAK IN MY SUBJECTS. SO, IF ANY SENIORS PLZ TELL ME WAT KIND OF PREPARATION SHOULD I DO ?? ans- dnt u wry.. u jus ve to b thorugh in C... de remainin u can pick up as dey train u... dey ll train u up on RDBMS,SQL...4 passing every test dey give u 3 attempts...need nt get tensed.. u can cope up... Start Readin now... or full have SleeplesNights durin ur Training. Q. WANTED TO KNOW WHAT THEY WILL TEACH US DURING TRAINING PERIOD AND SHOULD I HAVE TO TAKEANY COURSES BEFORE JOINING ACCENTURE. SO PLZ HELP ME. a. wont teach u nething although they will try hard to make u know every subject within 2 days... which is not feasible atall.......... all objective questions that comes in several company offcampus test ... try to solve yesvant kanetkar's TEST URSKILL .. that may help u... rest try to find as many online questions on c as possible........ dont learn nething u r never surein wat platform u will be put in.... Q. TRNG LOCATION ?? a. Accy HRs will intimate u thru mail as to when ur trainings would start. So don't bother!You must have given them a preference list as to the order of the locations u prefer. However, before this "PreferenceList" come a few other priorities. I'll just list them for you.1. The first priority is based on requirement. If you've opted for Banglore, but there is a requirement in Mumbai(and nonein Banglore), you're preference list is gonna be chucked out through the window!2. If you're preference says Pune, but there are no fresher training facilities in Pune! So you'll be posted to a trainingfacility(say in Mumbai as that's the closest to Pune and also if Mumbai can accomodate you). They may contemplate atransfer later in your career.Now, if you do get posted to a location you didn't actually picture yourself, you could always request for a transfer.Your trainings can be anywhere in Mumbai, Hyd, Chennai or B'lore.
The location MAY also depend on ur preferencesheet which u gave while u successfully cleared the interview. Once ur trainings are over, the HR MAY post u to adifferent location. But it depende stotally on ur luck wheter u get ur preferred location..u may or may nt Q. TRNG ACCOMMODATION ?? a. u guys are gonna get royal accomodation during the first 2 weeks. After that u better fend for urself. And yeah...when Imean royal... i mean ROYAL!!! Enjoy while it lasts! Officially...accy wouldn't provide u any help with the accomodation.However, u could speak to the training co-ordinators here and they'll help u to get a house on RENT.. yeah... its kindagood that we become independend soon! In my case, we enjoyed the first week... come back from office and use theswimming pools and gyms of the places where we stayed, roamed around, made new friends, got dropped by thecompany bus right in front of our places,etc! After the first week, u'll fell comfy with a few ppl and will start hunting for houses after training! Now, these brokers here know that we're laden with money (IT industry has that kinda reputation),so they make maximum use of it! Finally most of us found houses...the trainin period is usually for 2 months... Q. IN R OFFER LETTR IT'S MENTIONED THT WE'LL B GETTIN 10,000 FOR RELOCATION..??IS IT FIXED.I MEAN EVRYBDY WILL GET THT OR DO WE NEED 2 SHOW R EXPENSES WHICH WE MADE 4RELOCATION N WE'LL GET THT AMOUNT ONLY [OFCRSE UP2 10000...]??? a. All ur expenses will be reimbursed subject to a MAXIMUM of 10k. If u produce bills for 8k u'll only be given 8k.However, even if u produce bills for 15k, only 10k will be reimbursed. 5k is ur own expense. I hope I've clarified this.anything which will contain ur relocation within 10k! And this could also include ur parents flight charge. Q. CAN WE CHOSE THE TECHONOLOGY IN TH 2ND MONTH F TRAININ? OR WE'LL BE ALLOTTED ONE BASEDONE SOME CONDITIONS..????
a. The HRs, at the end of the first month of training, will ask u which technology ur most comfy in. If ur comfy with Java,and they've not enough ppl for Java, they'll put u in Java rather than .NET where they've a greater requirement. If ur comfy with nothing, then they'll put u in something they feel best.streams are most of the time decided on random basis, depends upon the requirement at the moment, but chances arebright that you can choose between, three-four streams, while in training and you mite end up, getting technology of your choice,well for swappig, depends upon the hr, if she agrees thats fine. Q. WAT R THE SUB TAUGHT IN TRNG?? a. practicals - C, data structures, DBMStheory - SDLC etc ... Q. BENCH PERIOD ?? a. Now on minimum bench period... zero days. You could get locked onto a prj as soon as u exit training. How long will ube on bench if u get there??? As long as some prj needs ur services Q.WEEKLY APPRAISALS...?? a. i guess u meant weekly reviews of what u've done. Thats all time bound and prj specific. If the prj is into its final phases,u may have a daily review, else it could be a weekly or a monthly review. Now, if u actually did mean appraisals as inevaluating ur performance in accy... then the HRs would have no other job than to keep evaluating We've those kind of appraisals once in six months! Q. AGREEMENT ?? a. Bond is an agreement between u and the company stating that you'd work with Accy for a minimum period or else paycompensation to the company towards your training and allied expenditure. Now, in Accy... UR asked to sign a bond onlywhen u nearly complete the training. Depending on your technology, the bond amout may vary. For example the bondamount for Java is 50,000/- whereas that for a hot skill like Peoplesoft, it's 1,00,000/-. The bond duration is for one year.Hope i've answered this?
Q. HEY,CAN U TELL ME THE WORK PATTERN IS IT HECTIC OR SO?? a. Work is as hectic as the prj demands. If ur into a maintenance prj, in all probability ur work is pretty chill. If u get intodevelopment, in all probability the pressure depends on how fast u move things! Q. WILL THERE B ANY MEDICAL TEST BEFORE JOINING??????? a. no… Q. THERE ARE A LOT OF RUMOURS THAT IN INDIA ACCENTURE ONLY HAS OUTSOURCIN NCONSULTANCY...BUT NO CORE TECHNICAL WORK IS UNDERTAKN....I KNW IT CNT BE TRUE LUKIN AT THESTRATURE OF THE COMPANY...BUT STILL WANTD TO CONFIRM IT WID U..... A. Accenture is Technology, Outsourcing and Consulting company and can expect all types of work in India. If you in toSolution then the nature of work will be technology. Working on a outsourcing way is not easy need to come across lots of challenges. Coz you will be working on a domestic on site format and its challenging to satisfy the clients and its goodexperience. It also make you understand how other company works and at the same time how accenture functions itsoperation.As everyone knows Accenture is the No.1 Consulting company in the world. And technology in accenture is par frommany other companies. Lots of scope to learn new techonology. Will scrub shoulders with many Tech savvy guys. Q. I HAVE A DOUBT, TELL US SOMETHING ABOUT ON-SITE OPPURTUNITIES IN ACCY, IT IS OFTEN SAID THATSINCE THERE IS ENOUGH WORKSPACE IN OTHER COUNTIES FOR ACCY THERE IS NOT ENOUGH ON-SITEOPPURTUNITES WHEN COMPARED TO OTHER INDIAN COMPANIES WHICH HAVE LESSER PRESENCE INOTHER COUNTRIES. a. Oh yeah... onsite opportunities are again prj dependend. If the prj feels u've worked long enuf and that the onsite teamcould do with u, u'll be there! How long... maybe 1-2 yrs!Or else if there a kinda training which the prj wants u to
do and if this training's only available onsite, they'll send u .Now, does accy give lesser oportunities to go onsite... well Acy has a presence of abt 1.5lac employees worlwide! Whomall will they give an onsite opportunity? Infy (at max)has only half accys strength. So u may feel they send ppl onsite moretoo often. This is my personal opinion. I'm not saying I'm right... but i believe i'm not wrong either Q. IS THE SALARY GOING TO BE REVISED BEFORE WE JOIN?? a. sal will increase after u join, confirmd, 1yr after u join dat is.. lol.cheerz.. Q. TEST DURING TRAINING ??? a. well, in training, tests are taken of only those subjects,which are taught during the training, and yes if you fail, you aregiven two more attempts to secure 60 %, failing to achieve this, could led to termination.u'll have to take periodical exams during ur training... just like we have sessionals during our college. But the onlydifference is, all u need to do here is pass and this performance wouldn't be considered in ur accy career again. Q. WHAT WILL BE THE DIFFICULTY OF THE THREE TESTS IN THE GREENFIELD TRAINING?.LIKE IF U RATE ITOUT OF 5? A. Three tests there will be1. Technical2. Soft skills3. domain specific1. in technical, we wil learn C,C++,SQL,RDBMS,S/W engineering etc. rating can be 42. in soft skills , we wil learn communication skills, how to deal with clients and overall personality development.. ratingagain 43. In domain specific training, they will put us in specific domain or project , it can be java, data mining, databases,developing, ERP, SAP etc. so we wil be given specific n exclusive training for that Q. DO WE GET TO CHOOSE THE DOMAIN (TECHNOLOGY) WE WANT TO WORK ON ... OR THE HRS DECIDE ITFOR US ?? a. The HRs decide bro... if we were left to decide for ourself, there wouldn't be any guy in mainframesU can work broadly on Java, .NET, Peoplesoft, Testing or Mainframes. Mainframes seem to be in the obsolence mode,so I would
recommend u try to avoid that. Testing is fine and experienced testers are in great demand too! Peoplesoft isan ERP and it also seems to have regular client bonuses. Microsoft is currently giving a big boost to .NET by introducingthe Avanarde prj. And JAVA is evergreen and u can never go obsolete with Java (at least not so for the next 10 yrs)! Sonow its ur pick.Training...well... i believe training should always be domain specific. No use teaching u all the domains when u'll work justin one, right?!! However, first month of training is common for all. Q. DOES OUR PERFORMANCE IN THE TRAINING PERIOD HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE ALLOTMENT OFDOMAIN AND IDC (IF WE PERFORM WELL WILL OUR HRS ALLOW US SELECT THE DOMAIL AND IDC) ? a. really don't think ur training performance is of any importance for future prjs. Its just like once u get placed from coll ur % no longer matters at office! Once ur in, ur IN. Thats all...Why do I think so??? Bcoz, the topper of training batch as well as ppl who did below avg are posted in the same prj. Sothats why i thing training performance isn't all that important. Its just impreative u pass, thats all! Q. IS ACCENTURE HIRE N FIRE COMPANY ?? A. The answer to your question is Accenture is not a hire and fire company. The only thing accenture wont encourage isfaking them and violating the policy. If they find that some of them doing then they will immediately sack them. Which iswith every company. Apart from that accenture is a cool place to work and it has a very very unique working culture andalso the training in accenture is second to none. Q. GROWTH IN ACC ? A. Growth rate in accenture IS very good only if you are very goodAs far as growth is concerned its high at accenture if you performing beyond expectation not just in your project but other activities aswell like attending training and completing certifications on testing etc. The min hike during appraisal will be20%. The appraisal cycle happens during the August end and the new revised salary will be given on Sept salary.
Q. SALARY HIKE ?? A. while hiring they give you less but on the subsequent yr appraisal they will put you on the industry standard (from 30-50% hike) i think thats a lot. Q. WATS IDC ? A. its Indian Delivery Center(Solutions, Services, Enterprise etc). Q. REGARDING BANK GUARANTEE, I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHETHER WE HAVE TO PAY ANY AMOUNTINITIALLY FORM OUR POCKETS AS BANK GUARANTEE OR THINGS OF THAT SORT. ??? a. Absolutely NO!!! All u've to do is sign a guarantee saying u wouldn't leave accy for at least one yr. This shoudl becountersigned by one blood relative and another not necessarily blood relative. The countersigning is b'coz if u dont'tcough up the cash, accy would be legally entitled to extract the money from ur blood relative! There is absolutely nothingelse to it!!! Q. IS IT COMPULSORY TO SUBMIT PASSPORT AT THE TIME OF JOINING?IS THERE ANY RELAXATIONBECAUSE IT'S NOT POSSIBLE FOR ME TO GET IT BEFORE JULY. I DID NOT GET MY OFFER LETTER STILL???? a. A passport in simple words just says ur ready to go onsite if the company wants u to. If u get an onsite opportunity andu don't have a passport then, u'll have to get one made if u want to go onsite. Thats all!!! Q. AND I WANTED TO KNOW HOW MUCH ON HAND SALARY WIL WE GET IF OUR PACKAGE IS 2.7 PA? a. hand sal cme to 17-18k depends hw u design ur sal..(yes we get to design our sal..) Q TRANSPORT ???
a. They provide FREE EXTENSIVE Transport facilities. One of the best in the software industry. They've buses runningfrom one corner of mumbai to the next.PS: If u use company transport, ur TA is subject to tax. However, this would just amt upto Rs.100/- per month. Thats chill,right?!! Q. ARE WEEKENDS OFF ??? a. Hell yeah!!! But that is unless ur prj doesn't want u to specifically work on weekends. However, in my career till now,I've never worked on weekends!!! Q. DRESS CODE...?? a. Business Formals for men (without the tie) and women from Monday thru Thursday. In friday you can wear any damnthing u want provided it has a collar(for men) and it doesn't expose tooooo much skin(for women & men)! Q. WORK CULTURE ?? a. Its a total fundu place and may remind u of college sometimes. The team lunching together, pulling legs, laughing outloud, running around (rarely.. but no one stops u), chatting, joking, etc!!! In fact there have also been scenes where we'veorganized a tug of war within a bay! Now beat that! Q. ) VARIABLE PAY ?? a. You always get ur variable pay, right?!! Only thing is that it comes ones in six months or in other words is bi-annual! Itskinda ur one month salary in advance every year! Do u know anybody who hasn't received their variable pay in accy? Q. ESPP ??? a. Hell yeah... accy does have ESPP (Employee Share Purchase Plans) wherein 2.5k of ur salary per month is allotted tobuying shares. The good thing abt this is u incur no brokerage fees on this purchase.
Q. TEA COFFEE ?? a. I personally dn't drink coffee and tea... but if u really want to carry something to ur desk... why coffee... why not theFREE HOT CHOCOLATE our machine vends for u guyz?!! Q. THE EMAIL ID ,I GAVE DURING OUR PLACMNT TIME HAS SOME PROBLM N M NOT ABLE TO ACCESS IT..?? a. simply write them a mail at
[email protected] ur date & place & batch of recruitment...they will do the rest..hwever donot change the phonenumber u gave them...cheerz... Q. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES THAT ACCENTURE WILL SPONSOR YOU 2 TO DO MBA AT IIM-B OR XLRI ?? A. The chances are there to be part of MBA programe only for those guys whose designation are TL and above andconsistently getting a good ratings Q. AFTER ONE JOINS THE COMPANY WAT R THE EFFORTS ONE NEEDS TO PUT IN SO AS TO GET GOODRATINGS AND B CONSISTENT?? A. The utmost criteria to be among the top to push for a good ratings are 1) Good work atitude2) Visibility among the Team3) Good rapport with all the team members and most importantly with your superiors.4) Need to deliver your modules on time and also it should be a quality deliverables. Also helping your peer 5) Good Communication Skill ( This simple word has got big definition). It doesnt mean just speaking ability it also meanshow good a communicator you are amongst the team. If you late if you on going on leave you should communicate inadvance to your supervisor.etc..... Q. SWAPPING TRNG OR JOINING LOCATION ?? a. Now on Swapping, there are strings attached to the swap! The person with whom u intend to swap must be acceptableto ur prj too (huge hurdle here as the prj will have to train these ppl and this means waste of precious time)! If this is
okand ur prj mates are chill with a new person coming into it, the HRs should be able to sort it out from there!PS: Agar HRs ka bas chalta... they'd given everyone their preferred location! Q. AS ACCY DEVIDES OUR CTC IN NET SAL,VAR PAY,LTL.... N ALSO HEARD THT THEY ALLOW EMPLOYEESTO CONFIGURE IT. CAN ANY1 TELL ME WTS D BASIC PER MONTH THEY PROVIDE TO A FRESHER????? NWTS THE PERCENTAGE THEY ALLOW IN PF N HRA???? a. PF% is self decided. u can put in upto 12% of ur basic sal and the company will put in the same amt too. So if u put in5%, the company will chip in with 5% too. I guess thats how it works.I'm not really sure how muchur basic will be... however, it should be something between 9&11k. On ur HRA... I really don'tknow the %, but it is somewhere between 1.5-3k. Q. I CAN SEE IN MY OFFER LETTER SOME EXTENSION OF 90 DAYS PERIOD .. HOW MANY PEOPLE GET INTO IT... WHAT CAN U TALK ABOUT THAT EXTENSION. ? a. Extension is something which u can avail if u will are unable to join accy on the specified date due to personal or whatso ever reasons! All u gotta do is write a mail to the HR (call her up first to confirm the mail id u gotta send it to) and askfor an extension. They'll do the rest. Q. HOW WILL I GET JOINING INFO ?? a. Guyz... u need a valid email id first so that the HRs can send you the jng letter. Later when u approach ur jng date, theHRs will give u a call to know if u'll join or not Q. WHAT IS THE POLICY ON USE OF GADGETS INSIDE THE COMPANY PREMISES?CELL, IPODS, DIGICAMS, WALKMANS, LAPTOPS, PEN DRIVES ETC? a. ur mobile phones are exempt from policy as long as u don't take pics, record videos, listen to mp3s and allied stuff. Soits quite obvious that walkmans are
against policy. Digicams, pen drives and ipods are a strict NO-NO. And finally ur personal laptop will have to be approved by ur manager. If he approves it, u shouldn't have a prob. However, u can't usewi-fi or any other network to connect ur laptop!this laptop will be monitored by the accy network. These guys can monitor ur lappy online anytime of the clock!So u storeanything personal u can rest be assured of a royal screw session!Accy does allow u to use headsets attached to ur PC, however, u need to raise a request at some place and they'll give uur headset. And on why no mp3s??? We were told during induction that mp3 mostly contain pirated music,so...And the final part... NO ONE STICKS TO THESE POLICIES!!! ppl do personally listen to mp3s download videos, takevideos & pics thru their cell cams.... But do make sure u never do this in front of an evangelic HR!!! Q. DOESNT ERP NEED DOMAIN SPECIALISTS ??? a. hmmm... yes, ERP does require domain specialists too. But you also need some ppl who will do all the very basic stuff here, right? Now these freshers will be trained gradually to match up to their seniors. Besides, if all companies startlooking for experienced guyz, what'll happen when all these guys buzz off?!! You could think abt it... Q. WHAT DO I THINK OF ACCY ADS??? a. Well... I feel they're pretty creative, but unfortunately it fails to reach out to the common mass as to what accy does. I'veheard ppl saying is accy an internationaly reknown "sports club"??? Man... that freaked me out... but can't help it, right?our ads r a bit "tangential" to ordinary ppl.Whn i ws recruited by ACN most of my relatives said one and the same thing "Why dint u opt for Infosys? "We may make damn good ads, but i believe ACN will remain under marketed in india for some more yrs...i think its ppllike u and me who will have to do the grass root marketing!!! Q. I WANTED TO KNOW THAT WHAT AALL RECRREATIONAL FACILITIES CAN B AVAILED IN OFFICES, JAISESWIMMING POOL ANY SORT OF SPORTS, WATCHING CRICKET ETC..AND YES CAN WE
ENJOY ORKUTINGTHERE ??? a. Another lack lusture stuff from accy... we've only 2TT tables, one pool table and one helluva(a-m-a-z-i-n-g) GYM, butamazingly small in size too for a 5000 strong building. I guess we do have culturals once in a while too!But the final word is, I don't think u'll like the recreation facilities they provide here. Q. WHAT KIND OF MEDICAL FACILITIES I CAN EXPECT FOR MY PARENTS ??? a. All Accy employees are covered by medical insurance upto Rs.3,00,000. You can cover upto 6 ppl including urself! All ugotta do is put in ur parents names as ur dependants. After this whatever medical bills they incur will be reimbursed.bro... I guess anything which needs a doc! I believe that this is kinda similar to Mediclaim and other insurance. Irecently wanted to claim for my Dad's hospital charges (he was admitted for a couple of days for chest congestion, hadloads of scans done, etc). All these ppl said was, bring along the originals of all bills along with the photocopy of the scanreports and they'd reimburse the entire amount Q.DOES ACCY PROVIDE CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY. ?? a.Depends on what u call cutting edge technology and what kinda job u'll do later in ur career... Now trainings depend onthe trainers the most. I've come across amazingly great ppl (who know the A-Z of the topic) as well as really pathetic ppl(who're just there to get a few brownie points!). Q. WHTS IS D AVG TIME A JSE TAKE TO JUMP TO D NXT HIGHER LEVEL(DUDE U LEFT THS QUERYUNANSWRD IN D PREV POST). ALSO PLZ LEMME KNW D GROWTH PROSPECTS FR A FRESHER IN ACCEN. a. 1yr. And you'll grow at the rate u perform and keep ur bosses happy. Q. WHTS D KIND OF SALARY HIKE DOZ A PERSN WHU HS WRKD FR 1.5ODD YRS IN ACCEN GETS, WHILESWITCHING TO ANOTHER CO.?? I MEAN I HAV KNWN GUYS MAKIN A SWITCH FRM INFY BEING PAIDROYALLY IN D NEW FIRM JUS COZ F D KINDA TRAININ THOZ
GUYS R IMPARTED. PLZ COMPARE IF POSB. a. Ur right! If u work in accy for a couple of yrs, u'll be in real hot demand within the market. Why??? Bcoz accy is thebest place to train ur fresh mind. By the time u exit accy u'll have good solid fundas and that will make u quite tempting for other softy companies. Q. I WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT THE STATE OF DEVELOPEMENT WORK AC ACCY. DO THEY ALLOCATE AFRESHER IN DEVELOPMENT. a. 1. yes they do put freshers on development. Q. WHAT ABOUT THE HIKE IN ACCENTURE. WHEN DO THEY GIVE IT AND WHATS THE % OF HIKE. a. hike is dependent on ur performance, u can b rest assured it will b more than the sal of the batch tah joins after u..depnding on ur performance hike has no limits.. Q. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO GET THE DESIGNATION OF SOFTWARE ENGG AND THEN SENIORSOFTWARE ENGG IN ACCY. a. u get a mandatory promotin to the post of SE after an year.. thereafter it is agin soley on ur tech skills nd performance... Q. IS D PLACE WHR I HAV BEEN POSTED FOR TRAINIG, THE PERMANENT PLACE WHR I WUD BEWORKIN....OR AFTR THE TRAINING THEY WILL SHIFT US TO ANOTHER PLACE..?? a. mostly ur traing loc is ur joing loc...but u can apply for a transfer Q. WATS THE SCHEDULE LIKEWAT SORT OF TRAINING ETC IS BEING VIENCAN U PLZZZ TELL US A MORE BOUT IT !!!! a. presently v're undergoing basic trng which comes before domain trng .. yes it is classroom teaching only, but in Lab .. dlab is @ an ext. loc. not in Accy office
..isnt much tuff .. but u need to keep ur feet on fire .. lazy hue tau gaye kaam as v've 2 keep on givin 2-3 tests every weekthruout d 2 months trng .. being regular n attentive koi prob. nahi ayegi9 to 5-6 is our schedule - 5 day week Q. CAN U PLZ TELL US WAT ALL DOCUMENTS DO WE NEED TO CARRY AT THE TIME OF JOINING??? a. u will hav to carry all certificates...10 & 12th...thn degrees certificates(all from 1st year onwards)...6paasport size photos...2 stamp size pics...ur offre letter ...passport…Pan info:blood grp & alergy if u havthats it.....i Q. HOW IS THE FOOD AT ACCENTURE...HOW MANY TIMEZ DO DEY PROVIDE NON-VEG...DO THEY PROVIDECANTEEN FACILITY OR DO WE HAV TO PAY??? WAITIN 4 RPLY A.there's a huuuuuuuuge cafeteria where ya can hav enythin u need ... ya'll hav 2 pay either by cash or get it cut in frm ur package via food coupons Q. CAN U TELL ME WHAT WILL HAPPEN ABOUT THAT 20K VARIABLE PAY WHICH IS OTHER THAN 2.3L.. DOWE GET THE FULL AMOUNT OR PART OF IT.. AND WHEN DO WE GET IT... a. you get it semi annually.first installment in sep and next in march Q. ACCY LEAVE POLICY...?? a. 10 - public holidays in a year...7 - sick leaves....20 days of vacation.. Q. CN U TELL ME WHICH IS BEST ACCENTURE OR TCS ???? a. when u have come to an accenture community it is obvious that v say Accenture is the best.. N in general if u want infoAccenture is the worlds highest outsourcing company and one among the top ten in America.. And among the top 100 inworld.. N TCS as you know its Indian company.. Oppurtunities compared to Accenture is less in TCS..
Q. SHOULD I CARRY BOOKS OF C,C++,DBMS, OR THEY WILL PROVIDE MATERIAL ?? a. dey provide course material but i guess thts not its better you carry books...i didnt carry n so i had to buy dem... Q. ABROAD CHANCES ?? a. well if u waana sighting chances to go abroad as fresher then honestly u have to be exceptional but i would say begrounded build a good conceptual knowledge of ur stream and then may be in ayear or two u will be onsite. Q. HOW MANY DAYS BEFORE WE SHOULD REACH TO THE PLACE ? AND THE ACCOMODATION WILL BEGIVEN FROM WHICH DAY ? IS IT FROM THE DATE OF JOINING OR ONE DAY BEFORE THAT. a. u don't have to worry they makecaccomodation arrangements for u 1 day prior to joining so u need not get worriedwaha ek din pehle se karenge pahucho sab naye hai jaan pehchaan ho jaayegi aur wahan sab settle ho jaayega so chill