Malvar Campus Malvar, Batangas COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION
EPISODE 3: THE TEACHER IN A SCHOOL SETTING Name of FS Student: ________________________________ Course, Year & Section: _______________________________ Resource Teacher: Teacher: 1. __________________ Signature: _________________Date: ________ Resource Teacher: Teacher: 2. __________________ Signature: _________________Date: ________ Resource Tea Teacher: cher: ____________ __________________ ______ Signature: Signature: _________________ _________________Date: Date: ________ Coo!erating Schoo": ______________________________________________
My Performance Foc!e" on: Con#en# $a%&"y of #e!#'(&)* #+e connec#&on ,e#-een Ta,%e of an" #e!# $a%&"y an" con!#rc#&n0 con!#rc#&n 0 #e!# -+ Task
Exemplary (4) All tasks were done with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations
Superior (3)
Satisfactory (2)
Unsatisfactory (1) ewer than hal! o! tasks were done; or most ob"ectives met but with poor quality
All or nearly all tasks were done with high quality
Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality
Analysis questions were answered completely
Analysis questions were not answered completely$
%lear connection with theories
'aguely related to the theories
&rammar and spelling are superior
&rammar and spelling acceptable
(e!lection statements are pro!ound and clear) supported by experiences !rom the episode$
(e!lection statements are clear; but not clearly supported by experiences !rom the episode$
(e!lection statements are shallow) supported by experiences !rom the episode$
(e!lection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences !rom the episode$
#y *ort!olio
*ort!olio is complete) clear) well+organi,ed and all supporting documentation are located in sections clearly designated$
*ort!olio is complete) clear) well+organi,ed and most supporting documentations are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations$
*ort!olio is incomplete; supporting documentation is organi,ed but lacking$
*ort!olio has many lacking components; is unorgani,ed and unclear$
- u bm i s s i o n
.e!ore deadline
On the deadline
A day a!ter the deadline
wo days or more a!ter the deadline
Observation/ Documentation:
Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories/exemplary grammar and spelling$
#y Analysis
#y (e!lection
Analysis questions were not answered$ &rammar and spelling unsatis!actory
-ub otals
FS 6 Instructor
______________________ Date
PAGE | 1
Republic of the Philippines BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY
Malvar Campus Malvar, Batangas COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION M CONCRETE E4PERIENCE his e!periential learning episo"e #ill ta$e %ou to the actual school setting& 'ere, %ou #ill spen" more time ma$ing observations an" tal$ing to %our resource eacher& he steps that #ill gui"e %ou in %our (ourne% in thus episo"e are as follo#s) *& +isit a particular teacher as %our resource person in a school& & Secure the teacher-s program& Stu"% the time sche"ule an" the activities& .& Ma$e a class observation at certain perio" of the "a%-s activities& Base" on the "ail% program, /n" out #hat the teacher is suppose" to "o "uring the time of %our visit& 0bserve #hat the teacher is "oing& a$e note of the "i1erent activities& Cop% the Class program of the eacher here) 2ame of the eacher)_____________________________ 2ame of the School)______________________________ District of________________________________________ Division of_______________________________________ C34SS PR05R4M 5ra"e ________ Perio"