Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
Chapter 12 Some Lessons from Capital Market History
Chapter 12 Some Lessons from Capital Market History Answer Answer Key Key
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Last year, T-bills T-bills retrne! 2 per"ent while yor in#estment in lar$e-"ompany sto"ks earne! an a#era$e of % per"ent. &hi"h one of the followin$ terms refers to the !ifferen"e between these two rates of retrn' A. risk premim (. $eometri" (. $eometri" retrn C. arithmeti" C. arithmeti" ). stan!ar! ). stan!ar! !e#iation *. #arian"e *. #arian"e +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Comprehension Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$% &opic: is( premium
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
2. &hi"h one of the followin$ best !efines the #arian"e of an in#estments annal retrns o#er a nmber of years' A. The A. The a#era$e sare! !ifferen"e between the arithmeti" an! the $eometri" a#era$e annal retrns. (. The (. The sare! smmation of the !ifferen"es between the a"tal retrns an! the a#era$e $eometri" retrn. C. The C. The a#era$e !ifferen"e between the annal retrns an! the a#era$e retrn for the perio!. ). The ). The !ifferen"e between the arithmeti" a#era$e an! the $eometri" a#era$e retrn for the perio!. E. The a#era$e sare! !ifferen"e between the a"tal retrns an! the arithmeti" a#era$e retrn. +efer to se"tion 12./
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Comprehension Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$+ &opic: ,ariance
. Stan!ar! !e#iation is a measre of whi"h one of the followin$' A. a#era$e A. a#era$e rate of retrn B. #olatility C. probability C. probability ). risk ). risk premim *. real *. real retrns +efer to se"tion 12./
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$+ &opic: Stan*ar* *eiation
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
/. &hi"h one of the followin$ is !efine! by its mean an! its stan!ar! !e#iation' A. arithmeti" A. arithmeti" nominal retrn (. $eometri" (. $eometri" real retrn C. normal !istribtion ). #arian"e ). #arian"e *. risk *. risk premim +efer to se"tion 12./
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$+ &opic: &opic: Normal *istribution
%. The a#era$e "ompon! retrn earne! per year o#er a mlti-year perio! is "alle! the 00000 a#era$e retrn. A. arithmeti" A. arithmeti" (. stan!ar! (. stan!ar! C. #ariant C. #ariant D. $eometri" *. real *. real +efer to se"tion 12.%
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$ &opic: &opic: 0eometric aerage return
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
. The retrn earne! in an a#era$e year o#er a mlti-year perio! is "alle! the 00000 a#era$e retrn. A. arithmeti" (. stan!ar! (. stan!ar! C. #ariant C. #ariant ). $eometri" ). $eometri" *. real *. real +efer to se"tion 12.%
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$ &opic: &opic: Arithmetic aerage return
. Assme that the market pri"es of the se"rities that tra!e in a parti"lar market fairly refle"t the a#ailable information relate! to those se"rities. &hi"h one of the followin$ terms best !efines that market' A. riskless A. riskless market (. e#enly (. e#enly !istribte! market C. 3ero C. 3ero #olatility market ). (lmes ). (lmes market E. effi"ient "apital market +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#+ Section: !"$1 &opic: &opic: 2fficient capital mar(et
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
4. &hi"h one of the followin$ statements best !efines the effi"ient market hypothesis' A. *ffi"ient A. *ffi"ient markets limit "ompetition. (. Se"rity (. Se"rity pri"es in effi"ient markets remain stea!y as new information be"omes a# ailable. C. Mispri"e! C. Mispri"e! se"rities are "ommon in effi"ient markets. D. All se"rities in an effi"ient market are 3ero net present #ale in#estments. *. 5rofits *. 5rofits are remo#e! as a market in"enti#e when whe n markets be"ome effi"ient. +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Comprehension Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#+ Section: !"$1 &opic: &opic: 2fficient mar(ets
6. Sta"y pr"hase! a sto"k last year an! sol! it to!ay for 7 a share more than her pr"hase pri"e. She re"ei#e! a total of 78.% in !i#i!en!s. &hi"h one of the followin$ statements is "orre"t in relation to this in#estment' A. The A. The !i#i!en! yiel! is e9presse! as a per"enta$e of the sellin$ pri"e. (. The (. The "apital $ain wol! ha#e been less ha! Sta"y not re"ei#e! the !i#i!en!s. C. The C. The total !ollar retrn per share is 7. D. The "apital $ains yiel! is positi#e. *. The *. The !i#i!en! yiel! is $reater than the "apital $ains yiel!. +efer to se"tion 12.1
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Comprehension Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$! &opic: eturns
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
18. &hi"h one of the followin$ "orre"tly !es"ribes the !i#i!en! yiel!' A. ne9t years annal !i#i!en! !i#i!e! by to!ays sto"k pri"e (. this years annal !i#i!en! !i#i!e! by to!ays sto"k pri"e C. this years annal !i#i!en! !i#i!e! by ne9t years e9pe"te! sto"k pri"e ). ne9t years annal !i#i!en! !i#i!e! by this years annal !i#i!en! *. the in"rease in ne9t years !i#i!en! o#er this years !i#i!en! !i#i!e! by this years !i#i!en! +efer to se"tion 12.1
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$! &opic: Dii*en* yiel*
11. (aysi!e Marina :st annon"e! it is !e"reasin$ its annal !i#i!en! from 71./ per share to 71.%8 per share effe"ti#e imme!iately. ;f the !i#i!en! yiel! remains at its preannon"ement le#el, then yo know the sto"k pri"e< A. was naffe"te! by the annon"ement. (. in"rease! proportionately with the !i#i!en! !e"rease. C. !e"rease! proportionately with the !i#i!en! !e"rease. ). !e"rease! by 78.1/ per share. *. in"rease! by 78.1/ per share. +efer to se"tion 12.1
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$! &opic: Dii*en* yiel*
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
12. &hi"h one of the followin$ statements relate! to "apital $ains is "orre"t' A. The "apital $ains yiel! in"l!es only reali3e! "apital $ains. B. An in"rease in an nreali3e! "apital $ain will in"rease the "apital $ains yiel!. C. The "apital $ains yiel! mst be either positi#e or eal to 3ero. ). The "apital $ains yiel! is e9presse! as a per"enta$e of the sales pri"e. *. The "apital $ains yiel! represents the total retrn earne! by an in#estor. +efer to se"tion 12.1
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$! &opic: Capital gains y iel*
1. &hi"h of the followin$ statements is "orre"t in relation to a sto"k in#estment' ;. The "apital $ains yiel! "an be positi#e, ne$ati#e, or 3ero. ;;. The !i#i!en! yiel! "an be positi#e, ne$ati#e, or 3ero. ;;;. The total retrn "an be positi#e, ne$ati#e, or 3ero. ;=. >either the !i#i!en! yiel! nor the total retrn "an be ne$ati#e. A. ; only (. ; an! ;; only C. ; an! ;;; only ). ; an! ;= only *. ;= only +efer to se"tion 12.1
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$! &opic: Stoc( returns
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
1/. The real rate of retrn on a sto"k is appro9imately eal to the nominal rate of retrn< A. mltiplie! by ?1 @ inflation rate. (. pls the inflation rate. C. mins the inflation rate. ). !i#i!e! by ?1 @ inflation rate. *. !i#i!e! by ?1- inflation rate. +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$% &opic: eal return
1%. As lon$ as the inflation rate is positi#e, the real rate of retrn on a se"rity will be 0000 the nominal rate of retrn. A. $reater than (. eal to C. less than ). $reater than or eal to *. nrelate! to +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$% &opic: eal return
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
1. Small-"ompany sto"ks, as the term is se! in the te9tbook, are best !efine! as the< A. %88 newest "orporations in the B.S. (. firms whose sto"k tra!es TC. C. smallest twenty per"ent of the firms liste! on the >DS*. ). smallest twenty-fi#e per"ent of the firms liste! on >AS)AE. *. firms whose sto"k is liste! on >AS)AE. +efer to se"tion 12.2
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#" Section: !"$" &opic: Small#company stoc(s
1. &hi"h one of the followin$ statements is a "orre"t refle"tion of the B.S. markets for the perio! 162-288' A. B.S. Treasry bill retrns ne#er e9"ee!e! a 6 per"ent retrn in any one year !rin$ the perio!. B. B.S. Treasry bills pro#i!e! a positi#e rate of retrn ea"h an! e#e ry year !rin$ the perio!. C. ;nflation eale! or e9"ee!e! the retrn on B.S. Treasry bills e#ery year !rin$ the perio!. ). Lon$-term $o#ernment bon!s otperforme! B.S. Treasry bills e#ery year !rin$ the perio!. *. >ational !eflation o""rre! at least on"e e#ery !e"a!e !rin$ the perio!. +efer to se"tion 12.2
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#" Section: !"$" &opic: 3istorical recor*
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
14. &hi"h one of the followin$ "ate$ories of se"rities ha! the hi$hest a#era$e retrn for the perio! 162-288' A. B.S. Treasry bills (. lar$e "ompany sto"ks C. small "ompany sto"ks ). lon$-term "orporate bon!s *. lon$-term $o#ernment bon!s +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#" Section: !"$% &opic: 3istorical returns
16. &hi"h one of the followin$ "ate$ories of se"rities ha! the lowest a#era$e risk premim for the perio! 162-288' A. lon$-term $o#ernment bon!s (. small "ompany sto"ks C. lar$e "ompany sto"ks ). lon$-term "orporate bon!s E. B.S. Treasry bills +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$% &opic: is( premium
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
28. &hi"h one of the followin$ "ate$ories of se"rities has ha! the most #olatile retrns o#er the perio! 162-288' A. lon$-term "orporate bon!s (. lar$e-"ompany sto"ks C. interme!iate-term $o#ernment bon!s ). B.S. Treasry bills E. small-"ompany sto"ks +efer to se"tion 12./
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$+ &opic: 3istorical ris(ss
21. &hi"h one of the followin$ statements "orre"tly applies to the perio! 162-288' A. Lar$e-"ompany sto"ks earne! a hi$her a#era$e risk premim than !i! small-"ompany sto"ks. (. ;nterme!iate-term $o#ernment bon!s ha! a hi$her a#era$e retrn than lon$-term "orporate bon!s. C. Lar$e-"ompany sto"ks ha! an a#era$e annal retrn of 1/. per"ent. ). ;nflation a#era$e! 2. per"ent for the perio!. E. B.S. Treasry bills ha! a positi#e a#era$e real rate of retrn. +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#" Section: !"$% &opic: 3istorical returns
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
22. &hi"h one of the followin$ time perio!s is asso"iate! with hi$h rates of inflation' A. 1626-16 (. 16%-161 C. 164-1641 ). 1662-166 *. 2881-288% +efer to se"tion 12.2
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#" Section: !"$" &opic: )nflation
2. &hi"h one of the followin$ statements "on"ernin$ B.S. Treasry bills is "orre"t for the perio! 162- 288' A. The annal rate of retrn always e9"ee!e! the annal inflation rate. (. The a#era$e risk premim was 8. per"ent. C. The annal rate of retrn was always positi#e. ). The a#era$e e9"ess retrn was 1.1 per"ent. *. The a#era$e real rate of retrn was 3ero. +efer to se"tions 12.2 an! 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#" Section: !"$" an* !"$% &opic: 3istorical returns
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
2/. &hi"h one of the followin$ is a "orre"t rankin$ of se"rities base! on their #olatility o#er the perio! of 162-288' +ank from hi$hest to lowest. A. lar$e "ompany sto"ks, B.S. Treasry bills, lon$-term $o#ernment bon!s (. small "ompany sto"ks, lon$-term "orporate bon!s, lar$e "ompany sto"ks C. small "ompany sto"ks, lon$-term "orporate bon!s, interme!iate-term $o#ernment bon!s ). lar$e "ompany sto"ks, small "ompany sto"ks, lon$-term $o#ernment bon!s *. interme!iate-term $o#ernment bon!s, lon$-term "orporate bon!s, B.S. Treasry bills +efer to se"tion 12./
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$+ &opic: 3istorical ris(ss
2%. &hat was the hi$hest annal rate of inflation !rin$ the perio! 162-288' A. between 8 an! per"ent (. between an! % per"ent C. between % an! 18 per"ent D. between 18 an! 1% per"ent *. between 1% an! 28 per"ent +efer to se"tion 12.2
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#" Section: !"$" &opic: )nflation
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
2. The e9"ess retrn is "ompte! as the< A. retrn on a se"rity mins the inflation rate. B. retrn on a risky se"rity mins the risk-free rate. C. risk premim on a risky se"rity mins the risk-free rate. ). the risk-free rate pls the inflation rate. *. risk-free rate mins the inflation rate. +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$% &opic: 24cess return
2. &hi"h one of the followin$ earne! the hi$hest risk premim o#er the perio! 162-288' A. lon$-term "orporate bon!s (. B.S. Treasry bills C. small-"ompany sto"ks ). lar$e-"ompany sto"ks *. lon$-term $o#ernment bon!s +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$% &opic: is( premium
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
24. &hat was the a#era$e rate of inflation o#er the perio! of 162-288' A. less than 2.8 per"ent (. between 2.8 an! 2.% per"ent C. between 2.% an! .8 per"ent D. between .8 an! .% per"ent *. $reater than .% per"ent +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#" Section: !"$% &opic: )nflation
26. Assme that yo in#est in a portfolio of lar$e-"ompany sto"ks. Frther assme that the portfolio will earn a rate of retrn similar to the a#era$e retrn on lar$e-"ompany sto"ks for the perio! 162-288. &hat rate of retrn shol! yo e9pe"t to earn' A. less than 18 per"ent B. between 18 an! 12.% per"ent C. between 12.% an! 1% per"ent ). between 1% an! 1.% per"ent *. more than 1.% per"ent +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#" Section: !"$% &opic: 3istorical returns
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
8. The a#era$e annal retrn on small-"ompany sto"ks was abot 00000 per"ent $reater than the a#era$e annal retrn on lar$e-"ompany sto"ks o#er the perio! 162-288. A. B. % C. ). 6 *. 11 +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#" Section: !"$% &opic: 3istorical returns
1. &hi"h one of the followin$ was the least #olatile o#er the perio! of 162-288' A. lar$e-"ompany sto"ks (. inflation C. lon$-term "orporate bon!s D. B.S. Treasry bills *. interme!iate-term $o#ernment bon!s +efer to se"tion 12./
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$+ &opic: 3istorical ris(s
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
2. &hi"h one of the followin$ statements is "orre"t' A. The $reater the #olatility of retrns, the $reater the risk premim. (. The lower the #olatility of retrns, the $reater the risk premim. C. The lower the a#era$e retrn, the $reater the risk premim. ). The risk premim is nrelate! to the a#era$e rate of retrn. *. The risk premim is not affe"te! by the #olatility of retrns. +efer to se"tions 12. an! 12./
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$% an* !"$+ &opic: is( premium
. &hi"h of the followin$ "orrespon! to a wi!e freen"y !istribtion' ;. relati#ely low risk ;;. relati#ely low rate of retrn ;;;. relati#ely hi$h stan!ar! !e#iation ;=. relati#ely lar$e risk premim A. ;; only (. ;;; only C. ; an! ;; only ). ;; an! ;;; only E. ;;; an! ;= only +efer to se"tion 12./
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$+ &opic: 5 re6uency *istribution
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
/. To "on#in"e in#estors to a""ept $reater #olatility, yo mst< A. !e"rease the risk premim. B. in"rease the risk premim. C. !e"rease the real retrn. ). !e"rease the risk-free rate. *. in"rease the risk-free rate. +efer to se"tion 12./
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$+ &opic: is( premium
%. ;f the #ariability of the retrns on lar$e-"ompany sto"ks were to in"rease o#er the lon$term, yo wol! e9pe"t whi"h of the followin$ to o""r as a reslt' ;. !e"rease in the a#era$e rate of retrn ;;. in"rease in the risk premim ;;;. in"rease in the 4 per"ent probability ran$e of the freen"y !istribtion of retrns ;=. !e"rease in the stan!ar! !e#iation A. ; only (. ;= only C. ;; an! ;;; only ). ; an! ;;; only *. ;; an! ;= only +efer to se"tion 12./
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$+ &opic: ,ariability of returns
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
. &hi"h one of the followin$ statements is "orre"t base! on the histori"al re"or! for the perio! 162-288' A. The stan!ar! !e#iation of retrns for small-"ompany sto"ks was !oble that of lar$e"ompany sto"ks. (. B.S. Treasry bills ha! a 3ero stan!ar! !e#iation of retrns be"ase they are "onsi!ere! to be risk-free. C. Lon$-term $o#ernment bon!s ha! a lower retrn bt a hi$her stan!ar! !e#iation on a#era$e than !i! lon$-term "orporate bon!s. ). ;nflation was less #olatile than the retrns on B.S. Treasry bills. *. Lon$-term $o#ernment bon!s n!erperforme! interme!iate-term $o#ernment bon!s. +efer to se"tion 12./
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$+ &opic: 3istorical returns an* ris(s
. &hat is the probability that small-"ompany sto"ks will pro!"e an annal retrn that is more than one stan!ar! !e#iation below the a#era$e' A. 1.8 per"ent (. 2.% per"ent C. %.8 per"ent D. 1 per"ent *. 2 per"ent +efer to se"tion 12./
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$+ &opic: 7 robability *istribution
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
4. A""or!in$ to Geremy Sie$el, the real retrn on sto"ks o#er the lon$-term has a#era$e! abot< A. .4 per"ent (. 4. per"ent C. 18./ per"ent ). 12. per"ent *. 1/.4 per"ent +efer to se"tion 12.%
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#" Section: !"$ &opic: 3istorical returns
6. The histori"al re"or! for the perio! 162-288 spports whi"h one of the followin$ statements' A. A hi$her-risk se"rity will pro#i!e a hi$her rate of retrn ne9t year than will a lower-risk se"rity. (. ;f yo nee! a state! amont of money ne9t year, yor best in#estment option to!ay for those fn!s wol! be lon$-term $o#ernment bon!s. C. ;n"rease! lon$-rn potential retrns are obtaine! by lowerin$ risks. D. ;t is possible for small-"ompany sto"ks to more than !oble in #ale in any one $i#en year. *. ;nflation was positi#e ea"h year thro$hot the perio! of 162-288. +efer to se"tions 12.2 an! 12./
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#" Section: !"$" an* !"$+ &opic: 3istorical returns
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
/8. &hi"h of the followin$ statements are tre base! on the histori"al re"or! for 162-288' ;. +isk an! potential rewar! are in#ersely relate!. ;;. +isk-free se"rities pro!"e a positi#e real rate of retrn ea"h year. ;;;. +etrns are more pre!i"table o#er the short-term than they are o#er the lon$-term. ;=. (on!s are $enerally a safer in#estment than are sto"ks. A. ; only B. ;= only C. ;; an! ;;; only ). ;; an! ;= only *. ;;, ;;;, an! ;= only +efer to se"tions 12. an! 12./
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#" Section: !"$% an* !"$+ &opic: 3istorical returns an* ris(s
/1. *stimates of the rate of retrn on a se"rity base! on a histori"al arithmeti" a#era$e will probably ten! to 00000 the e9pe"te! retrn for the lon$-term while estimates sin$ the histori"al $eometri" a#era$e will probably ten! to 00000 the e9pe"te! retrn for the shortterm. A. o#erestimate o#erestimate B. o#erestimate n!erestimate C. n!erestimate o#erestimate ). n!erestimate n!erestimate *. a""rately a""rately +efer to se"tion 12.%
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$ &opic: Blume's formula
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
/2. The primary prpose of (lmes formla is to< A. "ompte an a""rate histori"al rate of retrn. (. !etermine a sto"ks tre "rrent #ale. C. "onsi!er "ompon!in$ when estimatin$ a rate of retrn. ). !etermine the a"tal real rate of retrn. E. pro:e"t ftre rates of retrn. +efer to se"tion 12.%
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$ &opic: Blume's formula
/. &hi"h two of the followin$ are the most likely reasons why a sto"k pri"e mi$ht not rea"t at all on the !ay that new information relate! to the sto"k isser is release!' ;. insi!ers knew the information prior to the annon"ement ;;. in#estors nee! time to !i$est the information prior to rea"tin$ ;;;. the information has no bearin$ on the #ale of the firm ;=. the information was anti"ipate! A. ; an! ;; only (. ; an! ;;; only C. ;; an! ;;; only ). ;; an! ;= only E. ;;; an! ;= only +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#+ Section: !"$1 &opic: 8ar(et e fficiency
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
//. &hi"h one of the followin$ is most in!i"ati#e of a totally effi"ient sto"k market' A. e9traor!inary retrns earne! on a rotine basis (. positi#e net present #ales on sto"k in#estments o#er the lon$-term C. 3ero net present #ales for all sto"k in#estments ). arbitra$e opportnities whi"h !e#elop on a rotine basis *. reali3in$ ne$ati#e retrns on a rotine basis +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#+ Section: !"$1 &opic: 8ar(et e fficiency
/%. &hi"h one of the followin$ statements is "orre"t "on"ernin$ market effi"ien"y' A. +eal asset markets are more effi"ient than finan"ial markets. (. ;f a market is effi"ient, arbitra$e opportnities shol! be "ommon. C. ;n an effi"ient market, some market parti"ipants will ha#e an a!#anta$e o#er others. D. A firm will $enerally re"ei#e a fair pri"e when it isses new shares of sto"k. *. >ew information will $ra!ally be refle"te! in a sto"ks pri"e to a#oi! any s!!en "han$e in the pri"e of the sto"k. +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#+ Section: !"$1 &opic: 8ar(et e fficiency
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
/. *ffi"ient finan"ial markets fl"tate "ontinosly be"ase< A. the markets are "ontinally rea"tin$ to ol! information as that information is absorbe!. B. the markets are "ontinally rea"tin$ to new information. C. arbitra$e tra!in$ is limite!. ). "rrent tra!in$ systems reire hman inter#ention. *. in#estments pro!"e #aryin$ le#els of net present #ales. +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#+ Section: !"$1 &opic: 8ar(et e fficiency
/. ;nsi!e information has the least #ale when finan"ial markets are< A. weak form effi"ient. (. semiweak form effi"ient. C. semistron$ form effi"ient. D. stron$ form effi"ient. *. ineffi"ient. +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#+ Section: !"$1 &opic: 8ar(et e fficiency
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
/4. A""or!in$ to theory, st!yin$ histori"al sto"k pri"e mo#ements to i!entify mispri"e! sto"ks< A. is effe"ti#e as lon$ as the market is only semistron$ form effi"ient. (. is effe"ti#e pro#i!e! the market is only weak form effi"ient. C. is ineffe"ti#e e#en when the market is only weak form effi"ient. ). be"omes ineffe"ti#e as soon as the market $ains semistron$ form effi"ien"y. *. is ineffe"ti#e only in stron$ form effi"ient markets. +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#+ Section: !"$1 &opic: 8ar(et e fficiency
/6. &hi"h of the followin$ statements relate! to market effi"ien"y ten! to be spporte! by "rrent e#i!en"e' ;. Markets ten! to respon! i"kly to new information. ;;. ;t is !iffi"lt for in#estors to earn abnormal retrns. ;;;. Short-rn pri"es are !iffi"lt to pre!i"t a""rately base! on pbli" information. ;=. Markets are most likely weak form effi"ient. A. ; an! ;;; only (. ;; an! ;= only C. ; an! ;= only ). ;, ;;;, an! ;= only E. ;, ;;, an! ;;; only +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#+ Section: !"$1 &opic: 8ar(et e fficiency
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
%8. ;f yo e9"el in analy3in$ the ftre otlook of firms, yo wol! prefer the finan"ial markets be 0000 form effi"ient so that yo "an ha#e an a!#anta$e in the marketpla"e. A. weak (. semiweak C. semistron$ ). stron$ *. perfe"t +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#+ Section: !"$1 &opic: 8ar(et e fficiency
%1. Do are aware that yor nei$hbor tra!es sto"ks base! on "onfi!ential information he o#erhears at his workpla"e. This information is not a#ailable to the $eneral pbli". This nei$hbor "ontinally bra$s to yo abot the profits he earns on these tra!es. Ii#en this, yo wol! ten! to ar$e that the finan"ial markets are at best 00000 form effi"ient. A. weak (. semiweak C. semistron$ ). stron$ *. perfe"t +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#+ Section: !"$1 &opic: 8ar(et e fficiency
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
%2. The B.S. Se"rities an! *9"han$e Commission perio!i"ally "har$es in!i#i!als with insi!er tra!in$ an! "laims those in!i#i!als ha#e ma!e nfair profits. Ii#en this, yo wol! be most apt to ar$e that the markets are less than 00000 form effi"ient. A. weak (. semiweak C. semistron$ D. stron$ *. perfe"t +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#+ Section: !"$1 &opic: 8ar(et e fficiency
%. ;n!i#i!als who "ontinally monitor the finan"ial markets seekin$ mispri"e! se"rities< A. earn e9"ess profits o#er the lon$-term. B. make the markets in"reasin$ly more effi"ient. C. are ne#er able to fin! a se"rity that is temporarily mispri"e!. ). are o#erwhelmin$ly s""essfl in earnin$ abnormal profits. *. are always ite s""essfl sin$ only histori"al pri"e information as their basis of e#alation. +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: N/A Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#+ Section: !"$1 &opic: 8ar(et e fficiency
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
%/. ne year a$o, yo pr"hase! a sto"k at a pri"e of 72.1. The sto"k pays arterly !i#i!en!s of 78.28 per share. To!ay, the sto"k is sellin$ for 724.28 per share. &hat is yor "apital $ain on this in#estment' A. -7/.1 B. -7.6 C. -7. ). -7.1 *. -72.6 Capital $ain J 724.28 - 72.1 J -7.6
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$! &opic: Capital gain
%%. Si9 months a$o, yo pr"hase! 188 shares of sto"k in Ilobal Tra!in$ at a pri"e of 74.8 a share. The sto"k pays a arterly !i#i!en! of 78.1% a share. To!ay, yo sol! all of yor shares for 7/8.18 per share. &hat is the total amont of yor !i#i!en! in"ome on this in#estment' A. 71% B. 78 C. 7/% ). 7%8 *. 78 )i#i!en! in"ome J ?78.1% × 2 × 188 J 78
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$! &opic: Dii*en* income
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
%. A year a$o, yo pr"hase! /88 shares of Stellar &oo! 5ro!"ts, ;n". sto"k at a pri"e of 74.2 per share. The sto"k pays an annal !i#i!en! of 78.18 per share. To!ay, yo sol! all of yor shares for 7/.48 per share. &hat is yor total !ollar retrn on this in#estment' A. -742 (. -72 C. -71,%24 D. -71,/44 *. -71,8 Total !ollar retrn J ?7/.48 - 74.2 @ 78.18 × /88 J -71,/44
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$! &opic: &otal *ollar return
%. Do own /88 shares of &estern Fee! Mills sto"k #ale! at 7%1.28 per share. &hat is the !i#i!en! yiel! if yor annal !i#i!en! in"ome is 7%2' A. 1.4 per"ent B. 1.2 per"ent C. 1.4 per"ent ). 1.1 per"ent *. 1.21 per"ent )i#i!en! yiel! J ?7%2/887%1.28 J 1.2 per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$! &opic: Dii*en* yiel*
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
%4. &est &in! Tors sto"k is "rrently sellin$ for 7/4 a share. The sto"k has a !i#i!en! yiel! of 2. per"ent. How m"h !i#i!en! in"ome will yo re"ei#e per year if yo pr"hase 288 shares of this sto"k' A. 72/.6 (. 7.28 C. 712/.48 ). 72.88 E. 72/6.8 )i#i!en! in"ome J 7/4 × 8.82 × 288 J 72/6.8
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$! &opic: Dii*en* yiel*
%6. ne year a$o, yo pr"hase! a sto"k at a pri"e of 7/.%8 a share. To!ay, yo sol! the sto"k an! reali3e! a total loss of 22.11 per"ent. Dor "apital $ain was -712.8 a share. &hat was yor !i#i!en! yiel!' A. /. per"ent (. /.44 per"ent C. %.82 per"ent ). 12. per"ent *. 1/.4 per"ent )i#i!en! yiel! J -8.2211 - ?-12.87/.%8 J /. per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$! &opic: Dii*en* yiel*
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
8. Do :st sol! 88 shares of &esley, ;n". sto"k at a pri"e of 71.86 a share. Last year, yo pai! 78.62 a share to by this sto"k. #er the "orse of the year, yo re"ei#e! !i#i!en!s totalin$ 71.28 per share. &hat is yor total "apital $ain on this in#estment' A. -714 (. -7182 C. 7182 ). 714 *. 728 Capital $ain J ?71.86 - 78.62 × 88 J 7182
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$! &opic: Capital gain
1. Last year, yo pr"hase! %88 shares of Analo$ )e#i"es, ;n". sto"k for 711.1 a share. Do ha#e re"ei#e! a total of 7128 in !i#i!en!s an! 7,168 from sellin$ the shares. &hat is yor "apital $ains yiel! on this sto"k' A. 2.8 per"ent (. 2. per"ent C. 24.4% per"ent ). 26.1 per"ent *. 1.82 per"ent Capital $ains yiel! J ?7,168%88 - 711.1711.1 J 24.4% per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$! &opic: Capital gains y iel*
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
2. To!ay, yo sol! 288 shares of ;n!ian +i#er 5ro!"e sto"k. Dor total retrn on these shares is %.% per"ent. Do pr"hase! the shares one year a$o at a pri"e of 71.18 a share. Do ha#e re"ei#e! a total of 7188 in !i#i!en!s o#er the "orse of the year. &hat is yor "apital $ains yiel! on this in#estment' A. .4 per"ent B. /.8/ per"ent C. %. per"ent ). .2 per"ent *. ./1 per"ent Capital $ains yiel! J .8%% - ?7188728871.18 J /.8/ per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$! &opic: Capital gains y iel*
. For months a$o, yo pr"hase! 1,%88 shares of Lakesi!e (ank sto"k for 711.28 a share. Do ha#e re"ei#e! !i#i!en! payments eal to 78.2% a share. To!ay, yo sol! all of yor shares for 74.8 a share. &hat is yor total !ollar retrn on this in#estment' A. -7,688 B. -7,%2% C. -7,1%8 ). -72,6%8 *. -72,4% Total !ollar retrn J ?74.8 - 711.28 @ 78.2% × 1,%88 J -7,%2%
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$! &opic: Dollar returns
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
/. ne year a$o, yo pr"hase! %88 shares of (est &in$s, ;n". sto"k at a pri"e of 76.8 a share. The "ompany pays an annal !i#i!en! of 78.18 per share. To!ay, yo sol! all of yor shares for 71%.8 a share. &hat is yor total per"enta$e retrn on this in#estment' A. 4./ per"ent (. 6.18 per"ent C. 6.2 per"ent ). 2.%8 per"ent E. .%/ per"ent Total per"enta$e retrn J ?71%.8 - 76.8 @ 78.1876.8 J .%/ per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$! &opic: 7ercentage return
%. Last year, yo pr"hase! a sto"k at a pri"e of 7/.18 a share. #er the "orse of the year, yo re"ei#e! 72./8 per share in !i#i!en!s while inflation a#era$e! ./ per"ent. To!ay, yo sol! yor shares for 7/6.%8 a share. &hat is yor appro9imate real rate of retrn on this in#estment' A. .8 per"ent B. .6 per"ent C. .14 per"ent ). 6.6 per"ent *. 18.16 per"ent >ominal retrn J ?7/6.%8 - 7/.18 @ 72./87/.18 J 18.16 per"ent Appro9imate real retrn J 8.1816 - 8.8/ J .6 per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$% &opic: Appro4imate real return
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
. ne year a$o, yo pr"hase! 288 shares of a sto"k at a pri"e of 7%/.14 a share. To!ay, yo sol! those shares for 7/8.2% a share. )rin$ the past year, yo re"ei#e! total !i#i!en!s of 71/ while inflation a#era$e! /.2 per"ent. &hat is yor appro9imate real rate of retrn on this in#estment' A. -2/.28 per"ent B. -24./8 per"ent C. -28.88 per"ent ). 28.88 per"ent *. 2/.28 per"ent >ominal retrn J 7/8.2% - 7%/.14 @ ?71/2887%/.14 J -8.2/28 Appro9imate real retrn J -8.2/28 - 8.8/2 J -24./8 per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$% &opic: Appro4imate real return
. &hat is the amont of the e9"ess retrn on a B.S. Treasry bill if the risk-free rate is 2.4 per"ent an! the market rate of retrn is 4.% per"ent' A. 8.88 per"ent (. 2.48 per"ent C. %.%% per"ent ). 4.% per"ent *. 11.1% per"ent There is no e9"ess retrn, or risk premim, for a risk-free se"rity s"h as the T-bill.
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$% &opic: is(#free security
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
4. A sto"k ha! retrns of 11 per"ent, -14 per"ent, -21 per"ent, % per"ent, an! / per"ent o#er the past fi#e years. &hat is the stan!ar! !e#iation of these retrns' A. 14./ per"ent (. 28.21 per"ent C. 28.4 per"ent D. 22.8 per"ent *. 2./6 per"ent A#era$e retrn J ?8.11 - 8.14 - 8.21 @ 8.8% @ 8./% J .822 σ J√ 1?% - 1 ?8.11 - 8.8222 @ ?-8.14 - 8.8222 @ ?-8.21 -8.8222 @ ?8.8% - 8.8222 @ ?8./ 8.8222 J 22.8 per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$+ &opic: Stan*ar* *eiation
6. The "ommon sto"k of Air Bnite!, ;n"., ha! annal retrns of 1%. per"ent, 2./ per"ent, -11.4 per"ent, an! 2.6 per"ent o#er the last for years, respe"ti#ely. &hat is the stan!ar! !e#iation of these retrns' A. 1.26 per"ent (. 1/.1/ per"ent C. 1.%8 per"ent ). 1.4 per"ent E. 16.8% per"ent A#era$e retrn J ?8.1% @ 8.82/ - 8.114 @ 8.26/ J -.86% σ J√1?/ - 1 ?8.1% - 8.86%2 @ ?8.82/ - 8.86%2 @ ?-8.114 - 8.86%2 @ ?8.26 8.86%2 J 16.8% per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$+ &opic: Stan*ar* *eiation
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
8. A sto"k ha! annal retrns of . per"ent, -4. per"ent, %. per"ent, an! 11.1 per"ent o#er the past for years. &hi"h one of the followin$ best !es"ribes the probability that this sto"k will pro!"e a retrn of 28 per"ent or more in a sin$le year' A. less than 8.1 per"ent (. less than 8.% per"ent bt $reater than 8.1 per"ent C. less than 1.8 per"ent bt $reater the 8.% per"ent D. less than 2.% per"ent bt $reater than 1.8 per"ent *. less than % per"ent bt $reater than 2.% per"ent A#era$e retrn J ?8.8 - 8.84 @ 8.8% @ 8.111/ J 8.8268 Σ J √ 1?/ - 1 ?8.8 - 8.826 2 @ ?-8.84 - 8.8262 @ ?8.8% - 8.8262 @ ?8.111 - 8.8262 J 8.84 Bpper en! of 6% per"ent ran$e J 8.8268 @ ?2 × 8.84 J 16.2 per"ent Bpper en! of 66 per"ent ran$e J 8.8268 @ ? × 8.84 J 2.64 per"ent A retrn of 28 per"ent or more in a sin$le year has between a 1 per"ent an! a 2.% per"ent probability of o""rrin$ in any one year.
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$+ &opic: 7robability of occurrence
1. A sto"k has an e9pe"te! rate of retrn of 1 per"ent an! a stan!ar! !e#iation of 21 per"ent. &hi"h one of the followin$ best !es"ribes the probability that this sto"k will lose at least half of its #ale in any one $i#en year' A. 8.1 per"ent B. 8.% per"ent C. 1.8 per"ent ). 2.% per"ent *. %.8 per"ent Lower bon! of 66 per"ent ran$e J 8.1 - ? × 8.21 J -%8 per"ent 5robability of losin$ %8 per"ent or more in any one year is 8.% per"ent.
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$+ &opic: 7robability of occurrence
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
2. A sto"k has retrns of 14 per"ent, 11 per"ent, -21 per"ent, an! per"ent for the past for years. (ase! on this information, what is the 6% per"ent probability ran$e of retrns for any one $i#en year' A. -1.% to 28.% per"ent (. -2/.8 to 1.48 per"ent C. -8.2 to .2 per"ent ). -/.4 to %/.4 per"ent *. -1. to 1. per"ent A#era$e retrn J ?8.14 @ 8.11 - 8.21 @ 8.8/ J 8.8% σ J ?8.14 - 8.8%2 @ ?8.11 - 8.8%2 @ ?-8.21 - 8.8%2 @ ?8.8 - 8.8%2 J .18%4 6%N probability ran$e J 8.8% ± ?2 × 8.18%4 per"ent J -8.2 to .2 per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$+ &opic: 7robability of occurrence
. Dor frien! is the owner of a sto"k whi"h ha! retrns of 2% per"ent, - per"ent, 1 per"ent, an! 1 per"ent for the past three years. Dor frien! thinks the sto"k may be able to a"hie#e a retrn of %8 per"ent or more in a sin$le year. (ase! on these retrns, what is the probability that yor frien! is "orre"t' A. less than 8.% per"ent (. $reater than 8.% per"ent bt less than 1.8 per"ent C. $reater than 1.8 per"ent bt less than 2.% per"ent D. $reater than 2.% per"ent bt less than 1 per"ent *. $reater than 1.8 per"ent A#era$e retrn J ?8.2% - 8. @ 8.81 @ 8.1/ J 8.81% σ J √ 1?/ - 1 ?8.2% - 8.81% 2 @ ?-8. - 8.81%2 @ ?8.81 - 8.81%2 @ ?8.1 - 8.81%2 J 8.246 Bpper en! of 4 per"ent ran$e J 8.81% @ ?1 × 8.246 J 24.6 per"ent Bpper en! of 6% per"ent ran$e J 8.81% @ ?2 × 8.246 J %%.24 per"ent The probability of earnin$ at least %8 per"ent in any one year is $reater than 2.% per"ent bt less than 1 per"ent.
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$+ &opic: 7robability of occurrence
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
/. A sto"k ha! retrns of 1% per"ent, 4 per"ent, 12 per"ent, -21 per"ent, an! -/ per"ent for the past fi#e years. (ase! on these retrns, what is the appro9imate probability that this sto"k will retrn at least 1% per"ent in any one $i#en year' A. less than 8.% per"ent (. $reater than 8.% per"ent bt less than 1.8 per"ent C. $reater than 1.8 per"ent bt less than 2.% per"ent ). $reater than 2.% per"ent bt less than 1 per"ent E. $reater than 1.8 per"ent A#era$e retrn J ?8.1% @ 8.84 @ 8.12 - 8.21 - 8.8/% J 8.82 σ J √1?% - 1 ?8.1% - 8.822 @ ?8.84 - 8.822 @ ?8.12 - 8.822 @ ?-8.21 - 8.822 @ ?-8.8/ 8.822 J 8.1/% Bpper en! of 4 per"ent ran$e J 8.82 @ 8.1/% J 1.% per"ent 5robability of earnin$ at least 1% per"ent in any one year is $reater than 1 per"ent.
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$+ &opic: 7robability of occurrence
%. A sto"k ha! retrns of 1/ per"ent, 1 per"ent, -18 per"ent, an! per"ent for the past for years. &hi"h one of the followin$ best !es"ribes the probability that this sto"k will lose no more than 18 per"ent in any one year' A. $reater than 8.% bt less than 1.8 per"ent (. $reater than 1.8 per"ent bt less than 2.% per"ent C. $reater than 2.% per"ent bt less than 1 per"ent D. $reater than 4/ per"ent bt less than 6.% per"ent *. $reater than 6% per"ent A#era$e retrn J ?8.1/ @ 8.1 - 8.18 @ 8.8/ J 8.8 σ J √1?/ - 1?8.1/ - 8.82 @ ?8.1 - 8.82 @ ?-8.18 - 8.82 @ ?8.8 - 8.82 J 8.1118 Lower bon! of 4 per"ent ran$e J 8.8 - ?1 × 8.1118 J -%.11 per"ent Lower bon! of 6% per"ent ran$e J 8.8 - ?2 × 8.1118 J -1.21 per"ent 5robability of losin$ more than 18 per"ent in any $i#en year is between 2.% an! 1 per"ent. Ths, the probability of >T losin$ more than 18 per"ent is between 4/ an! 6.% per"ent.
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$+ &opic: 7robability of occurrence
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
. #er the past fi#e years, a sto"k pro!"e! retrns of 11 per"ent, 1/ per"ent, 2 per"ent, -6 per"ent, an! % per"ent. &hat is the probability that an in#estor in this sto"k will not lose more than 18 per"ent in any one $i#en year' A. $reater than 8.% bt less than 1.8 per"ent (. $reater than 1.8 per"ent bt less than 2.% per"ent C. $reater than 2.% per"ent bt less than 1 per"ent D. $reater than 4/ per"ent bt less than 6.% per"ent *. $reater than 6% per"ent A#era$e retrn J ?8.11 @ 8.1/ @ 8.82 - 8.86 @ 8.8%% J 8.8/ σ J √1?% - 1?8.11 - 8.8/2 @ ?8.1/ - 8.8/2 @ ?8.82 - 8.8/2 @ ?-8.86 - 8.8/2 @ ?8.8% 8.8/2 J 8.8461 Lower bon! of 4N probability ran$e J 8.8/ - ?1 × 8.8461 J -/. per"ent Lower bon! of 6%N probability ran$e J 8.8/ - ?2 × 8.8461 J -1.2 per"ent The probability of losin$ 18 per"ent or more is $reater than 2.% per"ent bt less than 1 per"ent. Ths, the probability of >T losin$ more than 18 per"ent is $reater than 4/ per"ent bt less than 6.% per"ent.
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$+ &opic: 7robability of occurrence
. A sto"k has annal retrns of per"ent, 1/ per"ent, - per"ent, an! 2 per"ent for the past for years. The arithmeti" a#era$e of these retrns is 00000 per"ent while the $eometri" a#era$e retrn for the perio! is 00000 per"ent. A. /.% /.% B. /.% /.% C. . .16 ). .16 . *. . . Arithmeti" a#era$e J ?8.8 @ 8.1/ - 8.8 @ 8.82/ J /.% per"ent Ieometri" retrn J ?1.8 × 1.1/ × 8.6 × 1.82.2% - 1 J /.% per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$ &opic: Arithmetic an* geometric returns
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
4. A sto"k has annal retrns of 1 per"ent, 21 per"ent, -12 per"ent, per"ent, an! - per"ent for the past fi#e years. The arithmeti" a#era$e of these retrns is 00000 per"ent while the $eometri" a#era$e retrn for the perio! is 00000 per"ent. A. .46 .2 (. .46 /.8 C. .2 .46 ). /.8 .2 E. /.8 .46 Arithmeti" a#era$e J ?8.1 @ 8.21- 8.12 @ 8.8 - 8.8% J /.8 per"ent Ieometri" retrn J ?1.1 × 1.21 × 8.44 × 1.8 × 8.6/.28 - 1 J .46 per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$ &opic: Arithmetic an* geometric returns
6. A sto"k ha! retrns of 1 per"ent, / per"ent, 4 per"ent, 1/ per"ent, -6 per"ent, an! -% per"ent o#er the past si9 years. &hat is the $eometri" a#era$e retrn for this time perio!' A. /.2 per"ent (. /. per"ent C. %.1 per"ent ). %.6 per"ent *. %.8 per"ent Ieometri" a#era$e J ?1.1 × 1.8/ × 1.84 × 1.1/ × 8.61 × 8.6%1 - 1 J /.2 per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$ &opic: 0eometric return
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
48. A sto"k ha! the followin$ pri"es an! !i#i!en!s. &hat is the $eometri" a#era$e retrn on this sto"k'
A. -1%.4 per"ent B. -1%.21 per"ent C. -1. per"ent ). -12.61 per"ent *. -11./4 per"ent +etrn for year 2 J ?71.2 - 71./8 @ 78.%871./8 J /.682 per"ent +etrn for year J ?71%./4 - 71.2 @ 78.%871.2 J -.4%84 per"ent +etrn for year / J ?76.1% - 71%./4 @ 78.2%71%./4 J -6.2% per"ent Ieometri" retrn J ?1.8/682 × 8.61/62 × 8.82%1 - 1 J -1%.21 per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$ &opic: 0eometric return
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
41. #er the past fifteen years, the "ommon sto"k of The Flower Shoppe, ;n". has pro!"e! an arithmeti" a#era$e retrn of 12.2 per"ent an! a $eometri" a#era$e retrn of 11.% per"ent. &hat is the pro:e"te! retrn on this sto"k for the ne9t fi#e years a""or!in$ to (lmes formla' A. 11.8 per"ent (. 11.46 per"ent C. 12.88 per"ent ). 12.8 per"ent *. 12.12 per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$ &opic: Blume's formula
42. (ase! on past 2 years, &esterfiel! ;n!strial Spplys "ommon sto"k has yiel!e! an arithmeti" a#era$e rate of retrn of 6. per"ent. The $eometri" a#era$e retrn for the same perio! was 4.% per"ent. &hat is the estimate! retrn on this sto"k for the ne9t / years a""or!in$ to (lmes formla' A. 4.8 per"ent (. 4.62 per"ent C. 6.1 per"ent ). 6.4 per"ent E. 6.%8 per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$ &opic: Blume's formula
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
4. A sto"k has a $eometri" a#era$e retrn of 1/. per"ent an! an arithmeti" a#era$e retrn of 1%.% per"ent base! on the last years. &hat is the estimate! a#era$e rate of retrn for the ne9t years base! on (lmes formla' A. 1/.6 per"ent (. 1/.6 per"ent C. 1%.24 per"ent D. 1%. per"ent *. 1%./2 per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$ &opic: Blume's formula
Essay Questions
4/. )efine an! e9plain the three forms of market effi"ien"y. The "rrent sto"k pri"e refle"ts the followin$ information for ea"h form of effi"ien"y<
Fee!ba"k< +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: eflectie thin(ing Bloom's: -no.le*ge Difficulty: Basic Learning Objectie: !"#+ Section: !"$1 &opic: 8ar(et e fficiency
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
4%. &hat are the two primary lessons learne! from "apital market history' Bse histori"al information to :stify that these lessons are "orre"t. First, there is a rewar! for bearin$ risk, an! se"on!, the $reater the risk, the $reater the potential rewar!. As e#i!en"e, st!ents shol! pro#i!e a brief !is"ssion of the histori"al rates of retrn an! the relate! stan!ar! !e#iations of the #arios asset "lasses !is"sse! in the te9t. Fee!ba"k< +efer to se"tions 12. an! 12./
AACSB: eflectie thin(ing Bloom's: Comprehension Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#" an* !"#% Section: !"$% an* !"$+ &opic: Capital mar(et history
4. How "an an in#estor lose money on a sto"k while makin$ money on a bon! in#estment if there is a rewar! for bearin$ risk' Arent sto"ks riskier than bon!s' There is a rewar! for bearin$ risk o#er the lon$-term. Howe#er, the natre of risk implies the retrns on a hi$h risk se"rity will be more #olatile than the retrns on a low risk se"rity. Ths, sto"ks "an pro!"e lower retrns in the short rn. ;t is the a""eptan"e of this risk that :stifies the potential lon$-term rewar!. Fee!ba"k< +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: eflectie thin(ing Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#" Section: !"$% &opic: is( an* return
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
4. Shawn earne! an a#era$e retrn of 1/. per"ent on his in#estments o#er the past 28 years while the SO5 %88, a measre of the o#erall market, only retrne! an a#era$e of 1.6 per"ent. *9plain how this "an o""r if the sto"k market is effi"ient. An in#estor "an pr"hase se"rities that ha#e a hi$her le#el of risk than the o#erall market. ;n an effi"ient market, these se"rities will earn a hi$her retrn o#er the lon$-term as "ompensation for the assmption of the in"rease! risk. This is the first lesson of the "apital markets< There is a rewar! for bearin$ risk. Fee!ba"k< +efer to se"tion 12.
AACSB: eflectie thin(ing Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#" an* !"#% Section: !"$% &opic: is( an* return
44. Do want to in#est in an in!e9 fn! whi"h !ire"tly "orrelates to the o#erall B.S. sto"k market. How "an yo !etermine if the market risk premim yo are e9pe"tin$ to earn is reasonable for the lon$-term' Do "ol! "ompare yor e9pe"tation to the histori"al market risk premim for the Bnite! States, as well as other in!striali3e! "ontries, reali3in$ of "orse, that the ftre will not be e9a"tly like the past. >e#ertheless, this shol! in!i"ate whether or not yor e9pe"tation is at least reasonable. Fee!ba"k< +efer to se"tion 12./
AACSB: eflectie thin(ing Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: )nterme*iate Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$+ &opic: 3istorical ris( premium
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
Multiple Choice Questions
46. Sppose a sto"k ha! an initial pri"e of 748 per share, pai! a !i#i!en! of 71.% per share !rin$ the year, an! ha! an en!in$ share pri"e of 74. &hat was the "apital $ains yiel!' A. 1.%% per"ent (. 1.6 per"ent C. 4.8% per"ent D. 4.% per"ent *. 18.// per"ent Capital $ains yiel! J ?74 - 748748 J 4.% per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic 2OC 9: !"#" Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$! &opic: Capital gains y iel*
68. Sppose yo bo$ht a 1% per"ent "opon bon! one year a$o for 76%8. The fa"e #ale of the bon! is 71,888. The bon! sells for 764% to!ay. ;f the inflation rate last year was 6 per"ent, what was yor total real rate of retrn on this in#estment' A. -/.44 per"ent (. -%.2 per"ent C. 6.1 per"ent ). 6.4 per"ent *. 18./ per"ent >ominal retrn J ?764% - 76%8 @ 71%876%8 J 8.16/ +eal retrn J ?1 @ 8.16/?1 @ 8.86 - 1 J 6.1 per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic 2OC 9: !"#+ Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$% &opic: Nominal an* real returns
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
61. Cal"late the stan!ar! !e#iation of the followin$ rates of retrn<
A. 18.6 per"ent (. 12.8 per"ent C. 1./4 per"ent ). 1/./2 per"ent E. 1%.84 per"ent A#era$e retrn J ?8.8 @ 8.2% @ 8.1/ - 8.1% @ 8.1% J 8.86/ Stan!ar! !e#iation J √ 1?% - 1 ?8.8 - 8.86/ 2 @ ?8.2% - 8.86/2 @?8.1/ - 8.86/2 @?-8.1% 8.86/2 @ ?8.1 - 8.86/2 J 1%.84 per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic 2OC 9: !"# Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$+ &opic: Stan*ar* *eiation
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
62. Do#e obser#e! the followin$ retrns on Crash-n-(rn Compters sto"k o#er the past fi#e years< 2 per"ent, -12 per"ent, 2 per"ent, 22 per"ent, an! 14 per"ent. &hat is the #arian"e of these retrns' A. 8.8288 B. 8.82%44 C. 8.812% ). 8.814/ *. 8.82 A#era$e J ?8.82 - 8.12 @ 8.2 @ 8.22 @ 8.14% J 8.11/ =arian"e J 1?% - 1 ?8.82 - 8.11/2 @ ?-8.12 - 8.11/2 @ ?8.2 - 8.11/2 @ ?8.22 - 8.11/2 @ ?8.14 - 8.11/2 J 8.82%44
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic 2OC 9: !"#; Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$+ &opic: ,ariance
6. Do#e obser#e! the followin$ retrns on Crash-n-(rn Compters sto"k o#er the past fi#e years< per"ent, -18 per"ent, 2/ per"ent, 22 per"ent, an! 12 per"ent. Sppose the a#era$e inflation rate o#er this time perio! was . per"ent an! the a#era$e T-bill rate was /.4 per"ent. (ase! on this information, what was the a#era$e nominal risk premim' A. %.1% per"ent B. %./8 per"ent C. .81 per"ent ). . per"ent *. .8 per"ent A#era$e retrn J ?8.8 - 8.18 @ 8.2/ @ 8.22 @ 8.12% J 8.182 A#era$e nominal risk premim J 8.182 - 8.8/4 J %./8 per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: Basic 2OC 9: !"#!< Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$% &opic: Nominal ris( premium
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
6/. Do bo$ht one of Ireat &hite Shark +epellant Co.s 18 per"ent "opon bon!s one year a$o for 78. These bon!s pay annal payments, ha#e a fa"e #ale of 71,888, an! matre 1/ years from now. Sppose yo !e"i!e to sell yor bon!s to!ay when the reire! retrn on the bon!s is 1/ per"ent. The inflation rate o#er the past year was . per"ent. &hat was yor total real retrn on this in#estment' A. 4.6 per"ent B. 6.11 per"ent C. 6.14 per"ent ). 6.// per"ent *. 6.%4 per"ent
>ominal retrn J ?7%6.62 - 78 @ 718878 J 8.11/ +eal retrn J ?1 @ 8.11/?1 @ 8.8 - 1 J 6.11 per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: )nterme*iate 2OC 9: !"#!% Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$% &opic: eal return
Chapter 12 - Some Lessons from Capital Market History
6%. Do fin! a "ertain sto"k that ha! retrns of / per"ent, -% per"ent, -1% per"ent, an! 1 per"ent for for of the last fi#e years. The a#era$e retrn of the sto"k for the %-year perio! was 1 per"ent. &hat is the stan!ar! !e#iation of the sto"ks retrns for the fi#e-year perio!' A. 21.6 per"ent (. 2/.64 per"ent C. 2.1 per"ent D. 1.2 per"ent *. /.82 per"ent +etrn for missin$ year< 8.8/ - 8.8% - 8.1% @ 8.1 @ 9 J 8.1 × % 9 J % per"ent St! !e# J √ 1?% - 1 ?8.8/ - 8.1 2 @ ?-8.8% - 8.12 @ ?-8.1% - 8.12 @ ?8.1 - 8.12 @ ?8.% - 8.12 J 1.2 per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Analysis Difficulty: )nterme*iate 2OC 9: !"#!+ Learning Objectie: !"#% Section: !"$+ &opic: Stan*ar* *eiation
6. A sto"k ha! retrns of 12 per"ent, 1 per"ent, 1 per"ent, 16 per"ent, 1% per"ent, an! - per"ent o#er the last si9 years. &hat is the $eometri" a#era$e retrn on the sto"k for this perio!' A. 18.68 per"ent B. 11.14 per"ent C. 1.% per"ent ). 1/. per"ent *. 1%.81 per"ent Ieometri" a#era$e J ?1.12 × 1.1 × 1.1 × 1.16 × 1.1% × 8.6/1 - 1 J 11.14 per"ent
AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Application Difficulty: )nterme*iate 2OC 9: !"#! Learning Objectie: !"#! Section: !"$ &opic: 0eometric aerage return