ECEN3453 Plant Tour
Gardenia !akeries P"iliines, In#$ Gardenia Centre, Star Avenue, Laguna International Industrial Park (LIIP),
New State-of-the-art Plant
Gardenia%s lant in !i&an, Laguna "as 'een one o t"e to edu#ational eld tri destinations in t"e #ountr* sin#e it oened t"e a#tor* or ree lant visits$ +"e #oman* s"o#ases its orld-#lass 'read manua#turing a#ilit* t"at is IS. and /ACCP #ertied, giving #onsumers t"e assuran#e o rodu#t ualit* and ood saet* in a ell-sanitied 'aker* environment$ It is t"e #oman*%s ride and o* "ere, ea#" da*, "undred t"ousands o loaves o 'read and sna#k items are rodu#ed in a ull* automated a#ilit*, untou#"ed '* "uman "ands$ 3ot resting, Gardenia ust inaugurated its ne si4t" lant #aa'le o rodu#ing 150,000 loaves er da* or a 50 in#rease in its #urrent rodu#tion #aa#it*$ +"is lant uses an imroved #on#et in t"e ingredient "andling and makeu s*stems, use o ro'oti#s in "andling 'aking ans, and a uniue te#"nolog* in t"e deanning ro#ess "i#" romises to 'e gentler to t"e 'read$ Gardenia%s lant in Laguna is toured '* as mu#" as
7,000 to 8,000 visitors a da*$
New State-of-the-art Plant
Gardenia%s lant in !i&an, Laguna "as 'een one o t"e to edu#ational eld tri destinations in t"e #ountr* sin#e it oened t"e a#tor* or ree lant visits$ +"e #oman* s"o#ases its orld-#lass 'read manua#turing a#ilit* t"at is IS. and /ACCP #ertied, giving #onsumers t"e assuran#e o rodu#t ualit* and ood saet* in a ell-sanitied 'aker* environment$ It is t"e #oman*%s ride and o* "ere, ea#" da*, "undred t"ousands o loaves o 'read and sna#k items are rodu#ed in a ull* automated a#ilit*, untou#"ed '* "uman "ands$ 3ot resting, Gardenia ust inaugurated its ne si4t" lant #aa'le o rodu#ing 150,000 loaves er da* or a 50 in#rease in its #urrent rodu#tion #aa#it*$ +"is lant uses an imroved #on#et in t"e ingredient "andling and makeu s*stems, use o ro'oti#s in "andling 'aking ans, and a uniue te#"nolog* in t"e deanning ro#ess "i#" romises to 'e gentler to t"e 'read$ Gardenia%s lant in Laguna is toured '* as mu#" as
7,000 to 8,000 visitors a da*$
Baking Breads Untouched By Human Hands
+"e lant tour aims to imart to t"e students t"e knoledge knoledge a'out modern 'read rodu#tion t"at is untou#"ed '* "uman "ands$ Additionall*, it romo romotes tes t"e imortan imortan#e #e o roer roer nutritio nutrition n and sanitati sanitation on ra#ti#e ra#ti#es s as oundations to a "ealt"* mind and 'od*, and as ell values edu#ation$ 9"ile Gardenia%s se#rets to su##ess ill 'e s"ared to visitors via an audio-visual resentation (A:P), t"e most e4#iting art o t"e rogram is t"e a#tual #atalk tour o t"e visitors as t"e* eno* vieing t"e #omlete lant a#ilit* and ste-'*-ste ro#ess o 'aking 'reads, t"e Gardenia a*$ 3o'od* leaves t"e a#tor* it"out taking t"eir good oses it" a 'read samle at t"e "oto oortunit* areas$ 3o onder t"e* #annot orget t"eir unusual eld tri, 'aking 'reads untou#"ed '* "uman "ands; Making 'read t"e Gardenia a* is as#inating and edu#ational or kids and adults alike - to see "o stale ood, like 'read, is made on su#" a massive s#ale$ +o vie t"ousands o loaves sta#ked in tiers on to siral #oolers and 'e a'le to see automated "andling ro#ess is an ae-insiring and un learning learning e4eri e4erien#e en#e$$ +"e 'read 'read making making ro#ess ro#ess makes makes #"ildr #"ildren en are#iate t"e lengt"s t"e eole o Gardenia go t"roug" to make sure t"e 'read t"e* get is res", sae, deli#ious and nutritious$
Giving a Unique Learning !"erience and #alues nhancement
+"e tour serves as an edu#ational edu#ational and inormational a#tivit* roviding roviding visitors a uniue learning e4erien#e$ Gardenia%s ree lant tour is anot"er maniestation maniestation o Gardenia%s Gardenia%s #ommitment to eole$ It is edu#ational 'ut also euall* as#inating, delig"tul and deli#ious
and logisti#s o "osting t"ousands o visitors er da*
Lo#ation= Star Avenue, Laguna International Industrial Park (LIIP), Mamlasan, !inan, Laguna Conta#t no$= o o
+runk +runk Line= (02) 88>-888> to >0 ? (02) 8@5-0>1 to 2 ? (02) 872-7100 872-7100 to 01 Mo'ile= B67>20>11@606 (Smart) ? B67>18>@27@1 (Glo'e) ? B67>22861618 (Sun) a4= a4= (672 (672)) 80> 80>-6 -62 28 8 ? (0@ (0@>) >) 57>57>-11 11@ @
Satellite Map
Gardenia’s Bread Factory
Gardenia’s Legacy in te Ba!ing "ndustry Tracing Bac! "ts #istory$ Gardenia’s #u%&le Beginnings
Gardenia%s roots go 'a#k to Singaore "ere, in 1>8, it 'egan as a "um'le in-store 'aker*$ In#reasing demand led to t"e oening o Gardenia%s rst-#ommer#ial 'aker* at Pandan Loo in Mar#" 1>87$ Gardenia "as sin#e 'een t"e market leader in Singaore and "as e4anded its oerations in Asia to #ountries su#" as Mala*sia and +"ailand it" t"e latest in t"e Gardenia #"ain o 'akeries "ere in t"e P"iliines$ It all 'egan in 1>>, DA Limited t"roug" Gardenia International Pte$ Ltd$ esta'lis"ed Gardenia !akeries P"iliines In#$ and started #onstru#tion o its 'aker* lant in Laguna International Industrial Park (LIIP), !i&an, Laguna$ Gardenia P"iliines started its oerations in 1>>8 it" t"e state-ot"e-art 'read a#tor* rated as one o t"e most modern large s#ale 'read
manua#turing a#ilit* in t"e #ountr*$ Its maor, "ig"l*-automated euiment #ome rom t"e 'est 'aker* euiment suliers rom German*, /olland, EF and ESA making it t"e leading manua#turing #oman* in t"e P"iliines$ .ver t"e *ears, Gardenia "as gained ide a##etan#e and is no #onsidered as t"e most idel* distri'uted loa 'rand, rea#"ing man* arts o t"e #ountr*$ 'orld(class Products$ Gardenia’s Stead)ast Co%%it%ent to *uality
Gardenia P"iliines oers a ide arra* o suerior 'aker* rodu#ts in#luding "ite, "eat and "ealt" 'reads, Havored loaves, andesal and sna#k items like sna#k #akes, muns and toasts$ Gardenia 'reads are knon or t"eir good taste, res"ness, sotness, oven-'aked aroma and nutritive value$ +"e oular Classi# 9"ite !read is #"olesterol ree and 'romate ree, "as ero transat, and is vitamin and mineral ortied, e4#eeding J./ re#ommendations$ Its rodu#t slogan KSo good$$$*ou #an even eat it on its onK
Gardenia, 'eing a #onsumer-o#used and 'randed ood #oman*, is singularl* driven in delivering suerior #onsumer value t"roug" roviding #onsumers it" suerior rodu#ts$ +"e Gardenia trademark means value and is rese#ted all over Asia$ Gardenia
it" International
.rganiation or
Standardiation IS. >001= 2000 #erti#ations rom 2007 to 200> and "as no ugradedto IS. >001=2008 in #omlian#e it" Dualit* Management S*stem and #erti#ation or rodu#t ualit* e4#ellen#e$ +"is assures t"at #onsumers onl* get t"e "ig"est ualit* rodu#ts in t"e market$ Moreover, Gardenia is /ACCP (/aard Anal*sis and Criti#al Control Point) #ertied sin#e
2007 to resent<roo o t"e #oman*%s ad"eren#e to t"e s*stemati# aroa#" in t"e identi#ation, evaluation, and #ontrol o ood saet* standards$ rom 200@-2010, Gardenia as a##orded Suer'rands status '* Suer'rands Ltd$, an indeendent aut"orit* and ar'iter on 'randing$ +"is, on t"e ot"er "and, re-arms t"at Gardenia "as met t"e stringent #riteria o market dominan#e, longevit*, goodill, #ustomer lo*alt* and overall market a##etan#e$ Anot"er nota'le aard is t"e Annual 3ational Consumers% Aard (A3CA) as t"e .utstanding !read Manua#turer or ve straig"t *ears$ +"ese are some testaments "i#" rove t"at Gardenia rovides onl* t"e 'est rodu#ts or iliino #onsumers$ Mo+ing to te Future$ Pa+ing te ,ay )or Gardenia’s Continued Success
Gardenia P"iliines ioneered a uniue distri'ution s*stem, ensuring t"at onl* res" 'reads rea#" #onsumers ever* da*$ Gardenia stri#tl* ollos its international oli#* o keeing onl* res" sto#ks on t"e store s"elves$ As soon as rodu#ts #ome out o t"e a#tor*, deliver* vans leave t"e rodu#tion lant as earl* as @ o%#lo#k in t"e morning to 'ring t"e rodu#ts to se#i# lo#ations in t"e #ountr*$ Nela#ing unsold 'reads in store s"elves it" onl* res"l* 'aked to-ualit* rodu#ts during ea#" da* o deliver* is a Gardenia ra#ti#e unmat#"ed in t"e industr*$ Sin#e t"e start o its oerations, Gardenia%s distri'ution "ad gron raidl*$ Gardenia is no #onsidered as t"e most idel* distri'uted loa 'rand in Metro Manila to as ar as Isa'ela, A'ra, Caga*an and Ilo#os rovin#es in t"e 3ort", !i#ol and Sorsogon in t"e Sout", and 3egros, Samar, Antiue, Aklan, Iloilo and Le*te in t"e :isa*as region$ In#reasing demand led Gardenia
to rea#" Ce'u, !o"ol, !utuan Cit*, Iligan Cit*, Misamis .riental, !ukidnon and Javao Cit* in Mindanao$ rom GardeniaOs esta'lis"ment in 1>>8, t"e 'rand%s su##ess "as 'een starkl* evident it" its #ontinuous and raid sales grot"$ +"is #om'ination o suerior rodu#t ualit*, advan#ed 'read-making te#"nolog* and e4tensive s*stem o distri'ution reHe#ts t"e #onsumeroriented vision o Gardenia P"iliines t"at 'rings #onsumers t"e "ig"est level o rodu#t satisa#tion$ +"e reason 'e"ind GardeniaOs su##ess is no se#ret it is t"e eole "o made Gardenia "at it is toda* and t"e goal o sustaining Gardenia%s leaders"i and e4#ellen#e$ .ur ent"usiasm to serve #onstitutes t"e *east t"at raises t"e doug" and it" t"is, Gardenia ill #ontinue to take t"e lead$ -ision “Our vision is to become the premier company in the baking industry and the related food and beverage industry, known and emulated for our best quality products that delight the consumer. It is the pride of every employee, investor, trade partner and stakeholder.”
$ission “Our mission is to serve consumers with the best quality assortment of great-tasting bakery and related food and beverage products, with world-class
facilities and
an ecient
distribution network, thereby providing a fair return on shareholder investments.”
Core -alues
Customer Jriven- 9eala*s ut t"e #ustomer rst in ever*t"ing e do$
Innovation Q !e constantly initiate change and encourage creativity.” +eamork and Proessionalism Q “!e are one company, one team
working together professionally.” Integrit* Q “!e uphold honesty and ob"ectivity in the things that we
do.” R4#ellen#e Q “!e relentlessly pursue continuous improvement and aim
for the highest standard in our work.” Steards"i Q “!e treat company resources with pride as if they are
our own.”
Food Sa)ety Policy “!e, at #ardenia $akeries %hilippines, are committed to assure customers and consumers that our products are produced with superior quality ingredients and according to strict safety and hygienic standards that comply with statutory and regulatory requirements.”
*uality Policy “!e, at #ardenia $akeries %hilippines, are committed to delight consumers by providing best quality bakery products.” “!e
improvement of our processes, products and services, ensuring compliance with our customers' and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.” “!e are steadfast in our commitment that quality begins with each and every one of us.”
#ontinuous suort and lo*alt*$ !e#ause o t"is, Gardenia ill #ontinue to rovide #onsumers it" t"e 'est 'read rodu#ts t"at t"e* #an eno* an*time, an*"ere$
Gardenia !akeries P"ils$, In#$ 'agged t"ree ne aards in t"e J+ICenter or Industrial Cometitiveness Sear#" or Model Coman* "eld last ul* 8, 2011$ !eing t"e onl* #oman* to in all t"ree #ategories o t"e ProA#tive
Management Dualit*
Produ#tivit*, attests to GardeniaOs mission to enri#" t"e ualit* o lie or t"e iliino not onl* t"roug" t"e manua#turing o "ig" ualit* 'reads, 'ut also in #aring or t"e elare o ever* amil*, #ommunit* and emlo*ee 'e"ind its su##ess$ +"e Pro-A#tive Program A#"ievement Aard is given *earl* '* t"e Jeartment o +rade and Industr* a#ross all industries in re#ognition o a #oman*Os e4emlar* a#"ievements in institutionaliing its rograms$ Cororate entrants are evaluated and udged a##ording to do#umented a#ts and "ig"l* measura'le results$ As t"e inner o t"e La'or Management Nelations"i aard, Gardenia invests "ig"l* in strengt"ening emlo*eesO knoledge, a'ilities, attitude and morale t"roug" #oman*-sonsored trainings and events resulting in t"eir #ontinued "ig" motivation, "ainess, "ealt" and ell-'eing$ .ut 'esting t"e rest in t"e amil* 9elare?Communit* Nelations #ategor* stems rom GardeniaOs various rograms su#" as KJail* !readK "i#" rovides 10,000 loaves o 'read to t"e various se#tors o so#iet* eekl* sonsors"is o edu#ational a#tivities or emlo*ees and students, medi#al missions, liveli"ood and outrea#" rograms or t"e o'less and t"e oor as ell as environmental roe#ts or t"e entire #ommunit*$ Rmerging as t"e #"amion in Dualit* and Produ#tivit*--#ategor* it" stringent #riteria--is t"e result o "aving a 6k lant (t"e largest and t"e most advan#ed in t"e #ountr* toda*) t"at allos or "ig" inut and e#ien#*, a state-o-t"e-art and Kuntou#"ed '* "uman "andsK 'read rodu#tion ro#ess, #onsisten#* in meeting IS. and /ACCP standards and various #onsumer aards lus a ver* strong #ustomer o#us, among ot"ers$
9it" 7 ne eat"ers in its #a, Gardenia is indeed a role model #oman* t"at leads '* e4amle, insiring ot"er #omanies to enri#" t"e lives o t"e eole t"e* serve in various industries$
%S& '%nternational &rgani(ation for Standardi(ation) *++,.++/ 0erti1ed 2y 0erti1cation %nternational Phili""ines3 %nc4 .++5 to "resent
+"e IS. Certi#ation signies t"e #oman*%s rigorous standards o ualit* and e#ien#* set '* IS., t"e orld%s largest develoer o standards$ !eing IS. #ertied means t"e #oman* "as a orld #lass Dualit* Management S*stems (DMS) t"at "as 'een and is 'eing evaluated '* a #erti*ing 'od*<rom design, develoment, manua#turing, all t"e a* to t"e distri'ution$ +"is #erti#ation urt"er assures t"at #onsumers onl* get t"e "ig"est ualit* rodu#ts in t"e market$
H600P 'Ha(ard 6nalysis and 0ritical 0ontrol Points) 0erti1ed 2y 0erti1cation %nternational Phili""ines3 %nc4 .++5 to "resent
+"is International Standard se#ies reuirements or a ood saet* management s*stem "ere an organiation in t"e ood #"ain needs to demonstrate its a'ilit* to #ontrol ood saet* "aards in order to ensure t"at ood is sae at t"e time o "uman #onsumtion$ +"is #erti#ation is a roo o t"e #oman*%s ad"eren#e to t"e s*stemati# aroa#" in t"e identi#ation, evaluation, and #ontrol o ood saet* standards$ Su"er2rands By the Su"er2rands 6sia .++7 to .+,+
+"is restigious distin#tion is given to t"e P"iliines% strongest and most re#ognied 'rands t"at "ave met t"e standards o market dominan#e, longevit*, goodill, #ustomer lo*alt* and overall market a##etan#e$ 6nnual National 0onsumers8 6wards '6N06) By the 0onsumers Union of the Phili""ines '0UP) 9&utstanding Bread $anufacturer: .++7 to .++/
+"e A3CA gives re#ognition to t"e Produ#ts, Servi#es and Individuals "o #ontinuall* endeavor or e4#ellen#e in t"e rodu#ts t"at t"e* make, and render t"e 'est servi#e at all times$ It is in t"is manner t"at ever* *ear t"e #onsumer s"os its token o are#iation '* a* o a golden statuette t"at s*m'olies /.3.N and PNRS+IGR or t"e rodu#ts and servi#es #"osen or its maniestation o e4#ellen#e t"at toers a'ove all$
Manu)acturing Process
(he #ardenia production and sales teams work throughout the night to ensure that only the freshest bread reaches you. )othing is rushed. (he entire process takes * hours to complete.
Gardenia uses t"e traditional .%erican Sponge and /oug &read( %a!ing %etod to 'ake *ou t"at sot-te4tured loa it" a tender #rust and distin#t taste$ +"is uniue met"od ensures t"at GardeniaOs 'read sta*s res" longer and tastes so good *ou #an even eat it on its on$
.uto%atic Blending
+"e rodu#tion ro#ess 'egins it" a #omuteried 'lending o t"e e4a#t amount o ualit* ingredients needed$ +"is "els to ensure eual goodness in ever* loa$
Production o) Sponge Mi0
+"e se#iall* ormulated Gardenia enri#"ed Hour, uried ater, *east, vitamins, and minerals are added toget"er to orm t"e songe "i#" is released into a troug"$
Fer%entation 1oo%
+"e songe doug" is t"en ket in a ermentation room, under #ontrolled temerature and "umidit* or @ "ours, so t"at Car'on dio4ide is released, and songe #an rise$ +"is ermentation ro#ess "els t"e songe to develo a uniue Gardenia 'read te4ture, aroma and taste$
Production o) /oug Mi0
At t"is stage, t"e songe is mi4ed again it" ot"er ingredients to orm t"e doug"$ Jeending on t"e t*e o 'read to 'e 'aked, t"ese #an in#lude skimmed milk oder, vegeta'le s"ortening, "eatgerm, 'ran, malt or "one*$
+"e doug" is t"en divided into t"e reuired eig"t or ea#" loa and #onve*ed to a rounder$
At t"e rounder, ea#" ie#e o doug" is kneaded so t"at Car'on Jio4ide is traed and t"e 'read #an develo a sot te4ture "en it is 'aked$
+"e doug" ie#es t"en go t"roug" t"e #"e#keig"er$ /ere, t"e ie#es t"at are over or under t"e reuired eig"t are automati#all* ree#ted$
"nter%ediate Proo)er
+"e doug" is t"en let to rest in t"e intermediate rooer or 10 minutes 'eore 'eing molded and la#ed into t"e 'aking ans$
/ere, t"e doug" is s"aed a##ording to t"e desired #onguration and t"en automati#all* la#ed into t"e ans$
.uto%atic Lidder
+"e ans are lidded automati#all* to give t"e 'read its uniorm re#tangular s"ae$
Final Proo)er
At t"is nal rooer stage, t"e *east is alloed to rise urt"er under #ontrolled temerature and "umidit*$ .n#e t"e doug" "as risen to t"e desired "eig"t, it is nall* read* or 'aking$
Tunnel 2+en
/ere, Gardenia 'reads are 'aked or a'out 20 minutes at a temerature o aro4imatel* 200 degrees Celsius in t"e state-o-t"e-art tunnel oven$
.uto%atic /elidder and /epanner
/ot rom t"e oven, t"e res"l* 'aked loaves are t"en reoved '* va#uum sun#tion 'eore 'eing #onve*ed to a 'read #ooler$
Bread Cooler
+"is 'read #ooler #an "old u to 8000 loaves o 'read er "our$ +"e res"l* 'aked and "ot 'read loaves need to 'e ket in t"e #ooler or a'out an "our until slig"tl* a'ove room temerature 'eore it is read* or a#king$
.uto%atic Slicer and Bagger
9"en t"e loaves are su#ientl* #ooled, it is t"en read* to 'e sli#ed, raed and made #onvenient or #onsumtion in attra#tive Gardenia a#kaging me#"ani#all* sealed it" G-lo#ks tags t"at are rinted it" use-'* dates$
+"e res"l* 'aked 'reads are t"en delivered to retail outlets$
Policy on Sa)ety and #ealt at 'or! Gardenia !akeries P"iliines, In#$ is devoted to rote#ting t"e lie and "ealt" o its orkers$ +"e o'e#tive o t"e #oman*%s roessional and ro#ess saet* ro#edure is to identi* and #arr* out reventive measures aimed at redu#ing o##uational diseases, industrial a##idents and ot"er in#idents$ Gardenia used and smeared advan#ed rodu#tion te#"nolog* and rogressive se#urit* measures or orkers% saet*$ +"e manua#turing ro#ess as made to 'e a ull* automated rodu#tion in order to minimie t"e risk and "aards or t"e emlo*ees and to rodu#e to ualit* loaves and 'reads to satis* t"e #onsumers$ +"e #ontinual imrovement o t"e manua#turing ro#ess and t"e saet* management s*stem minimies t"e risks to t"e emlo*ees and t"e gives t"e #oman* a orld-#lass ro#ess saet* and rodu#tion standards$
+"e #oman* ollos e#ient rodu#tion and engineering ro#ess management ra#ti#es and rovide training to in#rease emlo*ee ro#ien#* t"oug" t"e rodu#tion onl* uses minimal "uman intervention$ Its ull* automated manua#turing s*stem en#ourages and motivate a sae orking environment or t"e minimal num'er o emlo*ee on t"e rodu#tion ro#ess$ Sa)ety is non(negotia&le
At Gardenia, e 'elieve t"at sustaina'le su##ess #an 'e rea#"ed onl* t"roug" eole$ 3o ot"er asset in t"e #oman* is as imortant as t"e eole t"at #ontri'ute it" t"eir ork to our #ulture and our 'usiness results$ +"ereore, e devote all t"e ne#essar* energ* and attention to rote#t emlo*ees, #ontra#tors and an* ot"er eole involved it" t"e #oman* along t"e value #"ain, in#luding suliers, #ustomers and t"e u'li#$ +"is Poli#* on Saet* and /ealt" at 9ork is 'ased on t"e Cororate !usiness Prin#iles and t"e Management and Leaders"i Prin#iles, "i#" are 'inding or t"e "ole #oman* Con)or%ity
+o 'e at t"e oreront o a##ident revention in t"e industr*, e imlement in all our sites t"e mandator* .##uational Saet* and /ealt" Management S*stem, "i#" meets or e4#eeds t"e reuirements o t"e "ealt" and saet* las ali#a'le in t"e #ountries in "i#" e oerate$ Strong sa)ety and ealt organiation
Gardenia 'elieves t"at a##idents are reventa'le and t"ereore one a##ident is one too man*$
9e integrate Saet* and /ealt" in t"e management o our 'usiness in su#" a a* t"at all a#tivities are #onsidered it" a erse#tive o revention o all t*es o a##idents and rote#tion o t"e eole at ork$ +o advan#e a strong saet* #ulture t"at ee#tivel* revents a##idents e esta'lis" lo#al saet* and "ealt" organiations t"at rovide se#ialist advi#e to managers and emlo*ees$
9e #ommit to erorm s*stemati#
identi#ation o "aards and to manage t"em it" aroriate risk assessments and su'seuent a#tions to minimie danger$ 9e esta'lis" emergen#* and #ontingen#* lans to deal it" residual risks$ +"is aroa#" also minimies t"reats to t"e 'usiness, rote#ting our s"are"olders% interests$ Constant and consistent i%pro+e%ent
.ur .##uational Saet* and /ealt" management s*stem is 'ased on t"e #on#et o #ontinuous imrovement$ 9e imrove #onstantl* our erorman#e '* designing and adating ro#esses, ork ra#ti#es and s*stems in t"e dire#tion o 'etter ergonomi#s and greater saet*$ 9e 'ase our imrovement on t"e monitoring o saet* and "ealt" erorman#e as ell as on t"e anal*sis o in#idents t"at rodu#e inuries and o orkla#e a#tivities "ose #umulative ee#ts ma* lead to illnesses$ Leadersip and participation
.ur #oman* re#ognies t"e #riti#al role o senior management to ensure a sae and "ealt"* ork environment$ As an integral art o managing t"e 'usiness, managers Q at all levels Q are a##ounta'le or managing orkla#e "ealt" and saet* it" strong
leaders"i and #redi'ilit*$ +"eir annual o'e#tives in#lude a #ontri'ution to t"e saet* #ulture and erorman#e$ +o reinor#e an alread* strong saet* #ulture, our #oman* sets am'itious goals and "ig" standards, as art o its .##uational Saet* and /ealt" management ro#ess$ At t"e same time, emlo*ee involvement is indisensa'le to esta'lis" and maintain saet* and "ealt" in t"e orkla#e$ Nese#t o saet* rin#iles, standards and ro#edures is a #ondition o emlo*ment$ Conversel*, emlo*ees are emoered to= Q #"allenge an* unsae a#ts t"e* see or er#eive Q ut a task on "old i t"e* udge t"at saet* is not adeuate, until a #ometent erson takes aroriate risk #ontrol measures$ Rmlo*ees are resonsi'le or orking in a sae manner to revent inur* to t"emselves, ello orkers and ot"er ersons$ +"e* are asked to 'e#ome a#tivel* involved in rograms to imrove "ealt" and saet* erorman#e in t"e orkla#e$
Bea+ioral approac
.ur #oman* attri'utes t"e "ig"est imortan#e to eole%s 'e"aviors as t"e main a#tor or t"e revention o a##idents$ 9e 'elieve t"at ever* time an a##ident o##urs, t"e root #auses #an 'e tra#ed to someone%s 'e"avior$ +"ereore, e imlement rograms t"at
en#ourage emlo*ees to engage in dialogue Q it" eers and management Q a'out sae and at risk 'e"aviors$ Co%%unication education and training
+"e #oman* 'uilds a roa#tive saet* #ulture '*= o
driving t"e imlementation and #ontinual imrovement o t"e .##uational Saet* and /ealt" Management S*stem t"roug" #ommuni#ation
stake"olders edu#ating, training and euiing emlo*ees to ensure t"at t"e* are emoered to avoid unsae situations and to resond raidl*
to une4e#ted events inHuen#ing, training and edu#ation o #ontra#tors, suliers and #ommunit*$
"%ple%entation certication and audits
.ur #oman* imlements t"is oli#* t"roug" t"e .##uational Saet* and /ealt" Management S*stem, "i#" in#ludes eriodi# sel-assessments and se#i# audits$ Lo#al management is a##ounta'le or its imlementation$ +o ensure a #onsistent and #o"erent imlementation orldide, Gardenia su'mits all its manua#turing sites to ./SAS 18001 #erti#ation '* indeendent a##redited 'odies$ Co%%unity supply cain contractors and oter sta!eolders 6.ur #oman*%s 'usiness model is 'ased on t"e #reation o s"ared
value or t"e #oman* and t"e so#iet*$ 9it" our ork to oster our #oman*%s saet* #ulture Q or e4amle t"roug" sae driving rograms or emlo*ees and #ontra#tors Q e also a#t on t"e saet* #ulture o t"e
#ommunities in "i#" e oerate, 'ot" '* giving an e4amle o #ommitment and '* redu#ing a##idents during 'usiness outside our sites$ o
Communi#ate it" lo#al #ommunities and t"eir emergen#* servi#es, roviding t"em it" adeuate "ealt" and saet*
inormation on our oerations Rn#ourage emlo*ees to al* t"eir saet* and "ealt" learning in t"eir rivate lie, at "ome and during leisure$
+"is is t"e Gardenia distri'ution #enter, it%s t"e largest in t"e P"iliines and amaingl* disat#"es 650,000 loaves T 'uns o 'read a da*; +"at ould make a distri'ution T logisti#s s*stem so"isti#ated enoug" to 'ring res" 'read to ea#" store dail* T rela#e unsold 'read on store s"elves$
+"e Gardenia lant is IS. >001= 2008 #ertied T /CAPP (/aard Anal*sis and Criti#al Control Point) #ertied Q roo t"at t"e #oman* stri#tl* ad"eres to t"e "ig"est standards o ood ualit* T saet*$
"S2 7889$:88; o
IS. >001=2008 #erti#ation "as 'een in la#e or over a de#ade no and is used '* 'ot" #ustomers and #omanies as a met"od o
#ontrolling t"eir ualit*$ +"e Standard rovides a rameork to manage *our 'usiness and ensure a "iloso"* o #ontinual imrovement in all ase#ts o *our
'usiness$ It is e4ternall* assessed on an ongoing 'asis to ensure t"ese 'usiness ra#ti#es are maintained$
(he principles of I+O /0* are/
IS. >001= 2008 is an international standard related to ualit* management s*stem, ali#a'le to an* organiation rom all t*es o 'usiness se#tors and a#tivities$
IS. >001=2008 is 'ased on eig"t ualit* management rin#iles (all undamental to good 'usiness ra#ti#e)$ 9"en ull* adoted, t"ese rin#iles #an "el imrove *our organiational erorman#e= o
Customer o#us= organiations deends on t"eir #ustomers, and t"ereore need to s"ae a#tivities around t"e ulllment o market
need Leaders"i= is needed to rovide unit* o urose and dire#tion Involvement o eole= #reates an environment "ere eole 'e#ome
ull* involved in a#"ieving t"e organiationOs o'e#tives Pro#ess aroa#"= to a#"ieve organiational o'e#tives, resour#es and
a#tivities need to 'e managed as ro#esses, it" an understanding o o
"o t"e oututs o one ro#ess ae#ts t"e inuts o anot"er S*stem aroa#" to management= t"e ee#tiveness and e#ien#* o
t"e organiation deends on a s*stemied aroa#" to ork a#tivities Continual imrovement= adoting t"is as a art o ever*da* #ulture is a
ke* o'e#tive or an organiation a#t 'ased de#ision-making= ee#tive de#isions are 'ased on t"e
logi#al and intuitive anal*sis o data and a#tual inormation Mutuall* 'ene#ial sulier relations"is= su#" relations"is ill en"an#e t"ea'ilit* to #reate value$
$ene1ts of I+O /0* o
Involves +o management in t"e imrovement o t"e Dualit* management S*stem a#ilitates t"e organiation to 'e#ome a #ustomer-o#used
organiation$ Rnsures sustained #ustomer satisa#tion '* rodu#ing, delivering servi#es and roviding suort un#tions t"at meet #ustomerOs needs
and e4e#tations$ In#reases t"e ee#tiveness and e#ien#* o t"e organiation t"roug" #ontinual imrovement in s*stems and rodu#ts ?servi#es ualit*$
#.CCP Certied <#aard .nalysis Critical Control Point= 2344% 52a6ard 3nalysis 4ritical 4ontrol %oint7 is internationally accepted
contamination from chemical, microbiological and physical ha6ards.
/ACCP audits o#us on t"e otential #auses o ood saet* "aards '* assessing t"e entire rodu#tion ro#ess, and t"en al*ing reventative #ontrols at #riti#al oints$ Criti#al #ontrol oints ma* in#lude euiment, t"e sul* #"ain o ra materials or emlo*ee training and suervision$ !* using t"e /ACCP s*stem, #ontrol is s"ited rom end rodu#t testing (#orre#tive) into t"e design and manua#turing o rodu#ts (reventive) and #an 'e alied to a se#i# rodu#t or to an e4isting or ne ro#ess$ /ACCP "as international re#ognition as t"e most #ost-ee#tive means o #ontrolling ood 'orne disease and is endorsed as su#" '* t"e oint A.?9/. Code4 Alimentarius Commission$ +"is #erti#ation rogramme is mainl* to "el ood industr* or #atering servi#es to develo, imlement, and evaluate t"e saet* and ualit* o t"e oeration ro#ess$ A #erti#ate ill 'e issued 'ased on t"e #onormit* o general reuirements o /ACCP$ As an e4erien#ed and rese#ted ood saet* #erti#ation 'od*, e "ave e4ertise in t"e ull range o international saet* regulations, and #an "el *ou ormulate a #ogent, #ost ee#tive ood saet* management s*stem$ Se#i#all* or t"e #atering industr*, in addition to /ACCP e oer a ull suite o Good Catering Pra#ti#e (GCP) audits to rovide *ou it" t"e essential tools or t"e #atering industr*, ensuring *ou "ave an essential oundation or ot"er imortant ood saet* standards, su#" as S.P and IS. >001=2008 Certi#ation - Dualit* Management$
Personal Protecti+e E>uip%ent
Gardenia uses a small num'er o emlo*ees on t"eir rodu#tion ro#ess due to t"eir ull* automated s*stem o manua#turing$ +"at small num'er o emlo*ees on t"e rodu#tion stage ere t"ere 'asi#all* to monitor and #"e#k t"e rodu#tion$ All t"e ro#ess in manua#turing loaves?'reads are on t"e ma#"ines and euiment, as o t"e #oman*%s less "uman intervention s*stem imli#ation$ !ut t"ose emlo*ees on t"e rodu#tion ere still reuired to use t"e designated PPR or ood industries or t"e emlo*ees and #onsumers% "ealt" and saet*, and sin#e Gardenia is a /ACCP #ertied, it stri#tl* ollos t"e standards given or t"e ood industr*$ %rotective clothing performs several functions in the 9ood Industry/ o
Legal Q :arious Negulations res#ri'e t"e t*e o #lot"ing "i#" must
'e orn '* ood orkers o
Sa)ety Q 9"en a rodu#t "as to 'e used "i#" is otentiall* "armul to
t"e user, adeuate ersonal rote#tion must 'e rovided o
reuirements, most ood manua#turers, ese#iall* t"ose making "ig" risk rodu#ts, adot a mu#" ider aroa#" "en #"oosing garments, and maor retailers ma* "ave t"eir on reuirements or suliers o
/enoting place o) ,or! Q +"is is o arti#ular imortan#e "ere
#ross #ontamination o ro#essed ood rom ra ood must 'e revented$ A orker "o "as #rossed to anot"er area it"out #"anging "is overall is immediatel* aarent i "e is earing a dierent #olour or trim or st*le rom t"e ot"ers in t"at area$ It is strongl* re#ommended t"at t"ere is a dierent #olour #oding or "ig" #are and lo risk
rodu#tion areas in#luding t"e #"anging rooms$ o
Encouraging clean ,or!ing Q It ma* not 'e ossi'le to enor#e
ride in t"e uniorm in t"e same a* as in t"e or#es 'ut i a orker is rovided it" ell-tting, #omorta'le #lot"ing "i#" 'ears t"e #oman* logo and is regularl* laundered, "e ill kno t"at "is emlo*er is #on#erned a'out #leanliness and "*giene$ (Coman* logos also are re#ognied '* t"e maor retailers and suliers$ Note$ In most industries 5e.g. car industry7 employees wear protective clothing to protect themselves and their clothing from the materials with which they are in contact. In #ardenia, under food industry, protective clothing or equipment like coats, gloves, masks, hairnets are worn to protect the food or the loaves and breads from the handler. (his was "ust an end e8ect of their fully automated system with less human intervention which lessen the risks and ha6ards for the employees at work.
Legal 1e>uire%ents
+"e ood Saet* (General ood /*giene) Negulations state t"at “:very person working in a food handling area shall maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness and shall wear suitable, clean, and where appropriate, protective clothing.” (hese ;egulations also state that “adequate changing facilities for personnel must be provided where necessary”.
+"e /ealt" T Saet* at 9ork A#t gives an emlo*er t"e general dut* o ensuring t"e "ealt", saet* and elare o all "is emlo*ees$ /ealt" and Saet* Negulations #an 'e made under t"is a#t “Imposing requirements with respect to the provision and use in speci1ed circumstances of protective clothing - including clothing a8ording protection against the weather”.
+"e Control o Su'stan#es /aardous to /ealt" Negulations (C.S//) stiulate t"at "ere t"e use o su#" su'stan#es #annot 'e #ontrolled '*
ot"er means, “(he employer shall provide those employees with such personal protective equipment as will adequately control their e&posure to substances ha6ardous to health” $ Certain #leaning #omounds and inse#ti#ides are
o'vious e4amles o "ere se#ial #lot"ing is ne#essar* or t"ose using t"em$ /oever, #ommon ingredients in 'ulk ma* 'e irritant or "ave ot"er #"ara#teristi#s t"at make t"e earing o rote#tive #lot"ing a ise re#aution$ #ead Co+erings
+"e "air reresents a sour#e o 'ot" oreign matter #ontamination and 'a#terial #ontamination$ It t"ereore ollos t"at "ats s"ould 'e orn in ood remises and t"at t"e "air s"ould 'e entirel* en#losed$ It s"ould 'e e4lained to t"e earers to "* t"ere is a need or "air #overing$ Nemind t"em o t"eir "*giene training and t"e need to 'e aare o t"e risks o oreign 'odies and at"ogens rom t"eir "air$ Man* #ustomer #omlaints involve nding "airs in ood)$ 9"atever st*le o "at is #"osen, it is 'est, ese#iall* or long "air, i "airnets are orn underneat" t"e "at$ +"e "airnets s"ould 'e 'rig"tl* #oloured (usuall* 'lue) to 'e easil* seen$ Some are manua#tured it" small metal tags$ +"ese "ave t"e advantage t"at i t"e* a##identall* enter a rodu#t, a metal dete#tor ill lo#ate t"em$ .ver t"e "airnet s"ould 'e orn one o t"e various "ats availa'le$ St*les must 'e o a generous sie to #over all t"e "air and 'e #omorta'le$ Rlasti#ation must 'e inserted in a a* t"at ill avoid an* irritation in use$ Man* t*es #an "ave a snood atta#"ed to #ontain t"e "air gat"ered at t"e ne#k$ or a'solute rote#tion a 'ala#lava "at "i#" #overs all 'ut t"e a#e ma* 'e reerred$ +"e #"oi#e ill deend ver*
mu#" on t"e t*e o ood and t"e duties o t"e orker$ In re#ent *ears "ats and "airnets are oten rela#ed '* mo' #as "i#" #over all t"e "air on t"e "ead$ Preera'l*, t"e mo' #as s"ould 'e single use ones it" a silver stri$ +"ese #as are disosed o "en t"e earer leaves t"e ood area, and "en t"e* return a ne one is orn$ Mo #as #ome in man* dierent #olours (green, *ello, red, 'lue et#) and t"ereore 'e #"osen to t it" t"e #olour #oding o t"e ork area$ +ril'* "ats are oten used or managers$ +"ese "ave t"e disadvantage o 'eing di#ult to #lean and o turning *ello$ It s"ould 'e re#ognised t"at t"e* "ave a limited lie and rela#ements s"ould 'e availa'le$ /ard "ats ma* 'e ne#essar* as a saet* re#aution "ere "ead ima#t is ossi'le, e$g$ it" items travelling on an over"ead #onve*or$ +"e* "ave t"e advantage o 'eing easil* #leaned$ Jisosa'le aer "ats o t"e orage t*e used in #atering outlets are not suita'le or ood a#tories, e4#et or visitors "o do not #ome into #lose ro4imit* it" un#overed ood$ Jisosa'le "ats made rom non-oven a'ri#s #an 'e ee#tive or "ig"-risk areas "ere a dail* #lean issue is a must, and ma* 'e a #"eaer alternative to laundering$ All t"e "ead "air s"ould 'e #overed in#luding 'eards and mousta#"es$ !eard snoods in net and disosa'le a'ri# are availa'le, and s"ould 'e orn to minimise #ontamination$ +"is also in#ludes t"e site engineers, all #ontra#ted sta and an* visitors to t"e site$ +"e ears, e*es and nose o a orker ma* reuire rote#tion$ or someone "andling dust* ingredients, su#" as Hour, a a#e mask ill rote#t t"e lungs rom in"aled dust$ I t"e orkstation is near to nois* ma#"iner*, ear deenders must 'e rovided$
a#e mask a#e mask in Gardenia is use to rote#t t"e emlo*ees rom in"aling dust rom Hour used, and to rote#t t"e rodu#t rom t"e "andlers, siml* to avoid #ontamination or unanted su'stan#e or t"e loaves?'read (rodu#ts)$ As a "al mask, it does not #over t"e uer art o t"e a#e and t"ereore does not rote#t t"e e*es$ It does not rote#t rom "ead inuries o an* kind to ot"er arts o t"e "ead su#" as ima#t rom alling o'e#ts$ or e*e rote#tion, noise rote#tion or "ead rote#tion ot"er saet* euiment must 'e used in #onun#tion it" a "al mask$ or e*es to 'e rote#ted rom no4ious su'stan#es in t"e air a ull mask, "i#" #overs t"e "ole a#e, #an 'e used$ +"is "as a transarent #over t"at enguls t"e uer art o t"e a#e$
+"e 'od* is #ommonl* #overed '* one o t"ree t*es o overgarment a #overall ('oiler suit) searate a#ket or s"irt and trousers or a #oat overall er"as it" overall trousers$ +"e #oat overall "as t"e advantage o 'eing suita'le or ear over a skirt$ In Gardenia, t"e* are using dierent #olor o #overall er da*, t"e* "ave designated #olor ea#" da* and it is num'ered on t"e rig"t side o t"e sleeve$ 9"en de#iding "i#" st*le to adot, attention s"ould 'e given to "o sta ill dress and undress$ or all ra#ti#al uroses it is imossi'le to remove a #overall it"out trailing a #onsidera'le ortion o it on t"e Hoor
and risking una##eta'le #ontamination 'ot" rom general #"anging areas$ Nemem'er t"at t"e rote#tive #lot"ing arti#ularl* or "ig" #are ork ares s"ould never 'e orn outside t"e rodu#tion area$ +"e oeratives must #"ange out o it "en leaving t"eir ork area even "en visiting t"e #anteen$ Prote#tive #lot"ing s"ould never 'e orn "en visiting t"e toilet$ +"e #ost ill 'e almost dou'led i a#ket and trousers are #"osen$ Also t"ere is little dieren#e in t"e #ost o laundering an* one item o #lot"ing, as ea#" "as to 'e individuall* "andled$ Man* met"ods o garment #losure "ave 'een tried su#" as :el#ro, metal or lasti# is and metal or lasti# ress-studs$ Metal ress-studs are #urrentl* most #ommonl* used 'ut alt"oug" t"e* are e4tremel* relia'le t"e* #an on rare o##asions 'e#ome deta#"ed$ +"eir metal #onstru#tion is t"en an advantage in t"at t"e* are metal dete#ta'le$ Some garments are no 'eing made it" t"e ress-studs #on#ealed 'e"ind a H* ront$ +"is #an make it di#ult or t"e laundr* to #"e#k or missing studs 'ut t"is design "as roved relia'le$ /oever, i t"e earer sends time leaning against a orkto, t"e ressure o t"e stud against t"e sura#e #an raidl* ear a "ole in t"e ront o t"e garment$ +"e num'er and sa#ing o studs on t"e ront o t"e garment is imortant to avoid gaing$ A it#" o >0mm (7$55 in) 'eteen studs "as 'een suggested$ or some areas it is ne#essar* or garments to 'e #losed u to t"e t"roat, "i#" ill reuire a modi#ation to t"e design and e4tra ressstuds$ Rlasti#ated #us ill give a snug t at t"e rist 'ut t"e* ma* 'e lia'le to deterioration and t"e deel* ri''ed a'ri# is more di#ult to #lean$ Garments s"ould not "ave outside o#kets, as t"ere is t"e danger t"at ens and ot"er items ma* all out "en t"e earer leans over a #ontainer o
rodu#ts In some manua#turing areas inside o#kets as ell as outer o#kets are not alloed$ All ersonal items must 'e let in a lo#ker area$ 9"atever st*le o garment is orn, it must #omletel* #over all ot"er #lot"ing$ Garments s"ould not 'e orn un'uttoned even to t"e aist, nor s"ould s"ort-sleeved overalls 'e orn over long-sleeved garments$ Foot,ear
Gardenia ollos t"e reuirement o .##uational Saet* and /ealt" Administration (.S/A), t"e* ensure t"at emlo*ees use rote#tive ootear "ile orking on t"e manua#turing areas$ +"eir saet* s"oes #ome in man* st*les 'ot" ormal and inormal$ /oever, orkers reuire relia'le and dura'le ork s"oes or t"eir saet*$ +raditional saet* s"oes are steel toed, 'ut it #an also 'e made o #omosite materials su#" as t"ermolasti#s and aluminum$ olloing #onsiderations are to 'e made or sele#ting rig"t t*e o saet* s"oes or t"e orkers= o o
o o
9ork environment and asso#iated "aards Material used in saet* s"oes and t"eir ee#tiveness to resistant "aards 9ater, "eat and #old resistan#e Rle#tri# resistan#e, un#ture and #ut resistan#e Ideall*, ootear s"ould 'e dedi#ated to t"e ork area$ .eratives
s"ould ensure t"at t"e s"oes t"at t"e* #"oose are #omorta'le and ell tting$ +"e s"oes s"ould 'e readil* #leana'le$ +"e* s"ould 'e stored on #leana'le ra#ks in t"e #"anging room$ It is good ra#ti#e as ell as or "ealt" and saet* reasons t"at t"e earing o saet* s"oes s"ould 'e #omulsor*$ Suliers and sto#kists ill
visit a#tories, oten it" a mo'ile s"o and tting room, or items #an 'e o'tained '* mail order t"roug" t"e ersonnel or elare deartment$ S"oes s"ould 'e #"osen "i#" "ave a reinor#ed toe#a and a non-sli sole$
reuirements$ A##ordingl*, a range o sies o sare ootear s"ould 'e ket availa'le or t"em$ .t"erise, lasti# overs"oes s"ould 'e availa'le to #over t"e visitors% s"oes "en t"e* rea#" t"e #"anging room$ 9ellington 'oots ill 'e reuired "ere et ro#essing or #leaning is #arried out, or "ere a oot'at" is installed at a doora* to revent #ross#ontamination$ ootear s"ould 'e #olour #oded "ere ever ossi'le as a reminder o t"e "*giene reuirements o t"e rodu#tion area$ Glo+es
!etter #lean "ands t"an dirt* gloves is a sa*ing it" a #ertain amount o trut" in it$ It is o'vious "en "ands eel sti#k* or look dirt*, it is not so o'vious "en gloves are in t"at #ondition$
9earing gloves is never
an e4#use or not as"ing t"em and t"e "ands$ It "as 'een ound t"at earing imervious gloves #an #ause t"e skin to ersire, 'ringing 'a#teria to t"e sura#e$ S"ould t"e glove 'e#ome un#tured, t"e result #an 'e #ontaminated ood$ Man* #omanies #arr* out "and "*giene sot #"e#ks$ +"is roves a valua'le tool "en t"e oerative 'elieves "e or s"e ould rat"er ear gloves t"is #an 'e easil* done it" glo-germ kits$ 9ork gloves are ersonal rote#tive euiment orn during ork roe#ts t"at #over and rote#t t"e "ands rom t"e rist to t"e ngers$ 9ork gloves are meant to save t"e userOs "ands and ngers rom unne#essar*
ounds su#" as #uts, 'listers, slinters, skin un#tures or "eat and #"emi#al 'urns$ Gloves var* in t*e deending on t"e ork environment$ 9ork gloves ma* also 'e knon as saet* gloves or rote#tive gloves$ Jue to t"e dierent "aards and #onditions en#ountered '* dierent roessionals, t"ere are man* dierent kinds o ork gloves$ +"e nature o t"e task ill determine "at kind o glove a roessional reuires$ In Gardenia, t"e* are using t"e #onventional met"od "i#" most o t"e 'read manua#turing #omanies are using$ +"e* still "ave au#ets or as" areas in t"eir orking area it" otassium ermanganate solution to as" t"eir "ands$ %<4 thin clear transparent disposable gloves
+"ese gloves are reerred gloves or ood "andlers as it%s #"ea in #omarison to late4 or vin*l gloves$ Rven "ile earing t"ese gloves orkers s"ould 'e trained to sit#" over to ne airs in #ase o damage or "ig" ersiration in "ands$ .ne "as to as" "is "ands and use dr*er 'eore utting u ne gloves$ +"ese t*es o gloves are mostl* used "ere glove #"anging is reuentl* reuired$ =ate& disposable gloves
+"ese gloves are reuired or "andling o "ot o'e#ts su#" "ot #ookies "ile at 'aking se#tion or removing dee#tive 'is#uits rom oven or deanning oerations, oven loading or unloading in 'aker* manua#turing ro#ess$ It%s also used in area "ere orkers "ave to "andle #"emi#als$ Late4 gloves are #ostlier t"an P:C ol* gloves "en#e it is used onl* "ere *ou #annot rela#e it it" P:C ol* gloves$ +"ese "ave to 'e as"ed and sanitied or multile use$ +"ese gloves #ould sometimes results in ras"es and it#"ing$
+"e imortan#e o t"e #orre#t rote#tive #lot"ing oli#* #annot 'e over em"asied$
otential sour#e
#ontamination ("airs, skin s#ales, t"reads and 'uttons rom #lot"ing, et#$) and mi#ro'ial (in#luding at"ogens) #ontamination$ It is t"ereore essential t"at oeratives orking in t"e ood and related industries su#" as Gardenia !akeries are aare o t"is risk and ear t"e aroriate #lot"ing in t"e ood rodu#tion area$ Nu%&er o) Fire E0tinguiser 1e>uired
1>26$150(#) (1) (i) A re e4tinguis"er, rated not less t"an 2A, s"all 'e rovided or ea#" 7,000 suare eet o t"e rote#ted 'uilding area, or maor ra#tion t"ereo$ +ravel distan#e rom an* oint o t"e rote#ted area to t"e nearest re e4tinguis"er s"all not e4#eed 100 eet$ 1>26$150(#) (1) (iv) .ne or more re e4tinguis"ers, rated not less t"an 2A, s"all 'e rovided on ea#" Hoor$ In multistor* 'uildings, at least one re e4tinguis"er s"all 'e lo#ated ada#ent to staira*$
Esing a ire R4tinguis"er (Gardenia Poli#*?Guideline to ollo) +"e olloing stes s"ould 'e olloed "en resonding to in#iient stage re= o o
Sound t"e re alarm and #all t"e re deartment, i aroriate$ Identi* a sae eva#uation at" 'eore aroa#"ing t"e re$ Jo not allo t"e re, "eat, or smoke to #ome 'eteen *ou and *our
o o
eva#uation at"$ Sele#t t"e aroriate t*e o re e4tinguis"er$ Jis#"arge t"e e4tinguis"er it"in its ee#tive range using t"e P$A$S$S$
te#"niue (ull, aim, sueee, and see)$ !a#k aa* rom an e4tinguis"ed re in #ase it Hames u again$ Rva#uate immediatel* i t"e e4tinguis"er is emt* and t"e re is not
out$ Rva#uate immediatel* i t"e re rogresses 'e*ond t"e in#iient stage$
Most re e4tinguis"ers oerate using t"e olloing P$A$S$S$ te#"niue= 1$ PELL$$$ Pull t"e in$ +"is ill also 'reak t"e tamer seal$ 2$ AIM$$$ Aim lo, ointing t"e e4tinguis"er nole (or its "orn or "ose) at t"e 'ase o t"e re$ )O(:/ >o
discharge horn on 4O0 e&tinguishers, it gets very cold and may damage skin. 7$ SDERRUR$$$ Sueee t"e "andle to
release t"e e4tinguis"ing agent$
@$ S9RRP$$$ See rom side to side at t"e 'ase o t"e re until it aears to 'e out$ 9at#" t"e area$ I t"e re re-ignites, reeat stes 2 - @$ If you have the slightest doubt about your ability to 1ght a 1re....:<34?3(: I@@:>I3(:=AB
Poto /ocu%entation