B2 Unit 3 Test
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Use of English: Grammar 1 Complete Complete the the sentenc sentences es with with the the corr correct ect alternatives. and I’ll record/I record/I am 1 Let’s go out tonight, and I’ll recording the the film to watch tomorrow. tomorrow. 2 Who’s Who’s coming/will come to the party? I hope you’ve invited Eddie and Sam. 3 I’ve heard that Disney is going to make/makes an animated scifi film sometime ne!t year. 4 "he instructions in the letter say that we are to wait at the entrance until someone will come/comes to come/comes to show us to the right room. 5 Do you thin# that one day in the future we’ll have been living/be living on on another planet?
2 Fin an an correc correctt the mista!es mista!es in the the sentences. There is one mista!e in each sentence. 1 I would phone $ary, %ut then she phoned me. We’re planning to go to a concert tonight.
2 I’m afraid I won’t %e completed the report %y the end of the day. day. I need another morning at least.
3 What time does the li%rary close on "hursday? I must %orrow a couple of %oo#s %efore it will close.
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3 Complet Complete e the te" te"tt with with one wor wor in each each gap. It is very difficult to imagine what the future (1) )))))))))) %e li#e. Some people earn a living %y predicting the future %ut if they’re they’re predicting something that they thin# will happen in a hundred years’ time, there’s there’s no one to prove them wrong, is there? I thin# that must %e a pretty good (o%. In a hundred years’ time, when we’re all living on the moon, no one is going to say *+h dear. ac# $artin got his predictions wrong %ac# (2) )))))))))) -/-, didn’t didn’t he?’ "hey won’t really %e a%le to as# for their money %ac#0 If we loo# %ac# 1 years and study what people thought thought (3) )))))))))) happen then, then, they didn’t really do very well. "hey thought that everyone would have personal helicopters and eat ta%lets instead of meals. "hat hasn’t happened. So, what a%out the ne!t 1 years? I’m going to try to %e a futurologist for a moment and ma#e some predictions for the year -1-. "he weather is definitely going to change for the worse, and we’ll all pro%a%ly %e living in much smaller places. "he population of the world will have increased dramatically, dramatically, and a lot of animals will (4) )))))))))) e!tinct. "echnology will continue to develop and control our lives, and everything will %e even faster than it is today2 computers, transport, coo#ing and so on. +f course, we’ll all %e using ro%ots to help us at wor# and at home. "he e!perts will have made a lot of advances in medicine %y then, %ut we’ll all %e much poorer, poorer, so we (5) )))))))))) %e a%le to afford to go to hospital. I thin# society will %e clearly divided into the people who *have’ money and the people who *have not’. 3nfortunately, 3nfortunately, I thin# I’ll pro%a%ly %e one of the *have nots’ unless I set up a %usiness as a futurologist and get paid for predictions that pro%a%ly won’t happen0
4 &y 'riday I’ll have %een wor#ing here for si! months. I have a party on Saturday to cele%rate.
5 I’ve (ust eaten some fish that tasted strange and I thin# I’ll %e sic#.
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# Complete the secon sentence so it means the same as the $rst% &sing the wor given. 'o not change the wor given. Use (etween two an $ve wors. 1 What’s the arrival time of 4emma’s train?
D+ES What ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))? 2 I’ve arranged to meet 5edro outside the cafe at 6.7.
8$ I ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) the cafe at 6.7. 3 5aul is wor#ing in 9ew :or# for si! months from ne!t anuary.
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- Complete the sentences with these wors. travel
1 We had a terri%le )))))))))) to London %ecause it rained heavily all morning, and the roads were very wet. 2 I thin# they’ll postpone the )))))))))) of the shuttle %ecause of high winds. 3 "he astronauts had an e!cellent )))))))))) in the sea at e!actly the point they had predicted they would come down. 4 Scientists are uncovering more and more facts a%out the %eginning of the )))))))))) all the time. 5 )))))))))) is very important and educational for everyone. It teaches us so much.
4 "he tic#ets were more e!pensive than I’d thought.
W+3LD I didn’t #now ))))))))))))))))))))))))))) so e!pensive. 5 "he traffic is terri%le, and I don’t thin# it’s possi%le to catch the train now.
$ISS "he traffic’s terri%le, and I thin# we are ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).
Use of English: )oca(&lar* + Complete the e$nitions with the correct wors. ,o& are given the $rst letters. 1 8n a)))))))))) is a small o%(ect in space. 2 8 s)))))))))) is made %y man and put into space for communications.
Complete the stor* e"tract with wors forme from the wors given. When =arry opened his eyes, everything was dar# %oth inside and outside the spacecraft. =is head was hurting %adly, and his mouth felt dry. =e loo#ed at his watch. =e had %een (1) )))))))))) >conscious for a long time. =e reviewed his situation. =e remem%ered attempting to re enter 4olath’s or%it %ut he had (2) )))))))))) >calculate his speed, and the spacecraft had reacted %y falling uncontrolla%ly through the atmosphere. =arry had tried to (3) )))))))))) >a%le the automatic controls, %ut this had %een impossi%le, and the space craft had hit the ground heavily. =arry groaned. =e #new it had %een (4) )))))))))) >responsi%le of him to ta#e the craft in the first place. 8t this very moment, there was pro%a%ly an international search going on for him, and he #new he shouldn’t (5) )))))))))) >estimate the anger of the leader of 8gron.
3 8 s)))))))))) is a vehicle that carries people and o%(ects into space. 4 8 s)))))))))) s)))))))))) is a place in space where people stay and do e!periments. 5 8 t)))))))))) is an instrument we can use to loo# at o%(ects that are a long way away.
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/ Choose the correct alternatives to complete the te"t. I’ve en(oyed loo#ing at the stars since I was a child and used my dad’s (1) ))) to e!amine the night s#y. In those days, most of the %ig constellations were visi%le, and it was ama@ing to see the shapes the stars made in the s#y. I thin# my favourite was +rion’s &elt %ecause it was usually Auite clear. I also loved listening to my dad’s stories a%out the constellations and what the stars represented. "hey filled my (2) ))) almost more than the %edtime stories my mother used to read to me at night. In later years, my interest in stars decided what career direction I should go in and I have now %een an (3) ))) for ten years, studying the stars. "hey still fascinate me. =owever, what I find very sad is the fact that young children today do not have the same (4) ))) as I did to watch the stars. With pollution, worsening weather and the effects of street lights, it is far more difficult to see the stars with the na#ed eye any more. "o see clear s#ies, you have to go outside of (5) ))) areas and into uninha%ited parts of the country where it is still possi%le to see and marvel at the wonder of the night s#y in all its glory. 1 A camera B telescope C glasses D microscope 2 A dream B memory C imagination D thought 3 A astrologer B asteroid C astronaut D astronomer 4 A opportunities B luc# C openings D times 5 A grown up B %uilt up C stood up D put up
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0eaing 0ea the article a(o&t a T) series. 'ecie if the statements are tr&e T% false F or not mentione 45. The Time Traveller who has Survived the Test of Time
5eople have always %een intrigued %y the possi%ilities of time travel, so it is not surprising that one of the most popular sciencefiction "B series in the world is a%out that very su%(ect. Doctor Who, produced %y the &&C in the 3<, is also said to %e the longest running scifi series ever, having started in 9ovem%er /7 and, after a %rea# of a%out /1 years from /F to -1, still continues today. "here have %een GG episodes of the series0 It is certainly a widelyloved and much respected series, which has won awards all over the world and is still appreciated today %y people in over 1 countries. So, why has Doctor Who survived the test of time? +ne answer is %ecause of the very clever writing involved in creating and continuing the series. Doctor Who is uniAue in that the central character, the Doctor, a "ime Lord who travels %ac#wards and forwards through time helping people and challenging evil, has had ten reincarnations. "his a%ility of the Doctor to regenerate himself in another %ody when death approaches has %een %uilt into the plot to ena%le different actors to ta#e over the part and allow the character of the Doctor to survive as long as we wish him to. So far, there have %een // Doctors, the most recent %eing $att Smith, who too# over from the talented David "ennant in -/.
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Doctor Who was originally created for family viewing and has nearly always %een shown at prime time on television, most often on Saturday evenings. =owever, it Auic#ly earned the reputation for %eing very frightening and in the early days there were complaints that Doctor Who was too scary for children. It was giving children all over the country nightmares0 It is true that this side of Doctor Who has also %een one of its attractions. 8s well as the most outrageously monstrous monsters from other planets, with numerous eyes, legs, teeth, etc, the writers also managed to create terrifying villains from the most ordinary sources. "here were the policemen with %lan# faces, the stone statues in a churchyard and the models in a shop window. "hese stories captured the horror of the familiar %ecoming sinister. 8nd, of course, no one could ever forget the Doctor’s personal enemies2 the Dale#s, machineli#e ro%ots with scary mechanical voices, threatening to *e!terminate’ everyone they met. "he series has terrified generation after generation of &ritish children, who traditionally watched the Doctor from *%ehind the sofa’.
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1 Doctor Who has %een on television continuously since /7.
2 Doctor Who has #ept its popularity due to the availa%ility of the actor who has always played the title role.
3 "he element of fear in Doctor Who has increased over the years.
4 +ne frightening aspect of the series is that characters cannot trust things that they and we #now very well.
5 $ost &ritish people #now the name of "H'H9$ the current Doctor.
Surprisingly, Doctor Who was initially intended to %e an educational programme as well as an entertaining one. "he Doctor travels %oth %ac# and forward in time, on our planet earth as well as in outer space. "his gave the series scope to set adventures in different time periods and different areas, informing children a%out history, geography and science. In the early days, a historical adventure alternated every second wee# with a future%ased one. "he Doctor has %een seen at important wars, in the urassic period and with great figures from history2 Bictoria, Churchill and so on. Even in recent times he has returned to the 'rench revolution and had adventures with Charles Dic#ens, 8gatha Christie and Bincent Ban 4ogh. Doctor Who is so much a part of &ritish culture that nearly everyone you as# will %e a%le to hum the theme tune >the first purely electronic theme music to %e made, name the time machine >the "ardis, descri%e and imitate a Dale# and say which actor played the Doctor when he or she was a child. 8lthough a%sent for a few years, t he Doctor returned with a vengeance in -1 and now has a whole new following. "he creativity of the programme’s writers and the status of the Doctor as a national hero will ensure that he remains on our screens and in our hearts for a long time to come.
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6istening 17 6isten to the e"tracts an choose the correct alternatives to answer the 8&estions. 1 :ou hear two people tal#ing a%out a wee#end activity. What did the %oy do on Saturday? A =e went to an e!hi%ition.
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9riting 119rite a stor* for a school magaine. ,o&r stor* m&st (egin with these wors: When $iles loo#ed out of the spacecraft’s window, he could see a small light in the distance.
9rite 1/7;2+7 wors.
B =e went for a wal# %y the river.
C =e played tennis at the clu%.
2 :ou hear two people tal#ing a%out a film review. What sort of film is the review a%out?
))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
A a horror film
B a comedy
C a scifi film
3 :ou hear an announcement at an airport. Why are some passengers %eing offered a free meal?
))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
A &ecause they won’t get a meal on their flight.
B &ecause they’ve %een waiting a long time.
C &ecause they’ve paid for it as part of their tic#et.
4 :ou hear two women tal#ing a%out a student. What is enny studying at university? A music B chemistry C %iology 5 :ou hear part of a news %roadcast. What happened in 4rantford last night?
))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
A "here was a %om% e!plosion.
B "here was a traffic accident.
C "hings fell from space.
))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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