Introd"%tion in%l"din* o'er'ie( o& area in+pe%ted and a%ti'itie+ ta,in* pla%e Qatar Foundation – Education City carrying out annual university event at the Green Spine – Zone 3 like every year, inclusive of a stage construction at the t he arena this year. his report follo!s a !orkplace inspection to identify significant ha"ards and risks at Green spine to ensure a s afe and secure environ#ent. $n esti#ated % hours long stage construction and instal#ent of light and sound e&uip#ents !ill take place. '( !orkers !ill !ork accordingly to co#plete the task. he area is surrounded )y !ater front "ones "ones on 3 sides. he only access to the site !ill )e continuously used during the task. *eavy e&uip#ents like cranes and #an lifts are not allo!ed !ithin the arena fearing the da#age it #ay cause to the landscape and irrigation. $ll the re&uired e&uip#ents for the stage, light and sound instal#ent !ill )e do!nloaded at the entrance and then #oved to their respective locations. his process does increase the ha"ards in case of #anual #anual handling. his inspection is done taking previous previous year+s risk assess#ents and after event reports in consideration.
E-e%"ti'e S"mmar. he andscaping, irrigation and housekeeping depart#ents are indeed doing a great help to the !orkers )y provision of facilities !ith a high standard. -hatsoever, the inspection helped to i dentify so#e serious ha"ards. *eavy e&uip#ents #oving through the university path!ays to access the "one – 3 entrance, #anual handling of heavy !eight stage #ateriale&uip#ents, #ateriale&uip#ents, using electrical e&uip#ents at the site and #any other ha"ards that are not visi)le to naked e ye. esting esting fire thro!ers and s#oke )lo!ers for stage perfor#ances are other activities to have a potential to cause har#. *aving !ell trained co#petent !orkers !ill help to co#plete the task !ith a safe and secure environ#ent. /eco##endations are to provide !orkers !ith ade&uate training, increasing the nu#)er of !orkers and using trolleys to reduce or eli#inate the risks fro# #anual handling. 0roper 00E for the !orkers, and pre inspected electrical and hand held tools to )e used )y co#petent !orkers. 1ne serious iss ue to )e resolved at the site is the !ater )odies around the arena. arena. his can )e done )y putting up a fence or )arricades in order to separate or segregate segregate the !ork "one fro# the !ater front area area to eli#inate the contact of !ater and electricity. electricity.
/ain &indin*+ o& t0e in+pe%tion
e%ommendation+ – in%l"de a+ a ta#le in t0e &ollo(in* &ormat1 e%ommendation