This specification covers the general requirements for design, manufacture, supply, farication, inspection, testing and transportation of the !"E#EL G ENERAT$R #ET to e used in TAN%&NG 'R"&( TER)"NAL TAN( at Tan*ung 'rio+, %a+arta, "ndonesia for 'T.%a+arta Tan+ Terminal. This specification shall e read in con*unction ith attachments if any.
-. !EE EEN"T" N"T"$N $N# # $ner
/ 'T. %a+arta Tan+ Terminal
/ Aude0 'rivate Limited.
#upp #uppli lier er2 2en endo dorr the
/ The The part party y or or man manuf ufac actu turer rer hom hom the the pur purch chas aser er agre agreed ed to plac place e
$rder for the Equipment and #ervices. Ten Tender3id
/ Tec Technical and commercial offer sumitted y the potential #upplier2endor
/ !iesel Generator #et as per this #pesification and ot other attachments if any.
4. 2E 2EN! N!$R $R5# 5# RE#'$ RE#'$N# N#"3 "3"L "L"T "T6 6 3.1 Genera Generall
All equipment equipments, s, material material and and accessories accessories shall e e deemed strictly strictly in accordan accordance ce ith ith this specification and related documents referenced hereith. "f in the opinion of the vendor that a deviation to any part of the specification is necessary, vendor shall sumit the deviation list ith its *ustification fully descried in his id proposal.
"n the asenc asence e of the specif specific ic deviation deviation list list ith ith the sumit sumitted ted id, id, the 'urchas 'urchaser er shall assume that the vendor ill fully comply ith all the requirements as laid don in the requisition.
"f in the the opinion opinion of the vendor vendor that that a deviatio deviation n to any part part of the the equipment equipmentmater materials ials specification and this specification ould e eneficial to the 'urcheser, such deviation may e quoted as an alternative.
2endir shall clearly state in id his desired deviations and alteration from this requisition in riting, su*ect to the 'urcheser5s approval efore 'urchase $rder is issued. 2endor shall e fully responsile for full compliance to the purchase specification.
9ualificationse0ceptionse0clusion stated or implied on other documents or descriptive literatures accompanying the id ill not e considered as deviation unless they are also stated on the dedicated deviation list. "t is alays the intent of the purchaser to uy the equipments, fully in complying ith this specification ithout any deviation.
The vendor shall ma+e +no to the 'urchaser if the equipments offered y him comply in all respects ith and approval for installation and operation y the local statutory and pro*ect specification.
The vendor shall e responsile of the proper protection, anticipated transits and the timely and correct delivery of all equipment to the location specified in this specification.
$missions from this specification of any item essensial to the correct functioning of the system shall e rought to the attention of the 'urchaser and included in the scope of supply.
All the items supplied under this specification shall to e totally rand ne >un?used@, reputale ma+e, shall have een on the mar+et for min . 8 years, supported y ma*or user5s reference list in the similar application.
3.2 Quotation Requirement
2endor shall provide detailed rea+ don of prices on each individual item and shall sho in an e0plicit price schedule.
The testcomformance certificates shall e provided at no charge at all. Recent creations, e0tensive modifications of the standard designs and prototypes are not acceptale at all. Equipment that ill ecome osolete in the near future shall not e quoted.
The complete requirements on vendormanufacturer documentation, quality assurance, factorinspection, and freight, etc. shall e part of scope of supply and included in the rea+don cost.
All prices quoted shall e ased on " >"ncoTerms-BBB@, %a+arta'ort, "ndonesia, including transportation to installation sites.
The quotaed prices of the supplied itemsequipments in the id shall e valid for a minimum period of to >-@ mounts from date of offer.
2endor are strongly requested to offer a delivery time of the equipment for not longer that si0teen >1:@ ee+s fromdate of purchase order placement.
All 'rices shall e in &nited #tates of America, dollar >C@
The vendor shall quote including in his id proposal for providing service assistance during installation, testingpre?commisioning and commissioning of the equipment in the specified *o site.
The quotation shall e on daily rate asic for each category of specialists e0cluding all moiliDation, demoiliDation and incidental costs ith shall e quoted separately if applicale.
4.-.1B The vendor shall, in his id proposal, qualify that he has adequate resources availale to provide purchaser ith the spare parts and maintenance support in this rerion reasonaly near to the specified *osite.
3.3 Vendor Document Submission
At an enquiry stage, documentation shall e provided, as specified in this specification to allo evaluationof the proposals. The folloing documentations shall e included as a minimum/
List of deviations to this specification
2endor5s technical proposal.
2endor to sumit all the related documentation together the quotation as specified in the Attachments.
The vendor is also required to sumit test report y the authoriDed authority during the delivery.
3.4 Working Language
All documents, draings, catalogues, correspondence, etc.shall e in English Language.
3. !nit o" #$$lication
All dimensions, quantities, eight, volumes,etc shall e given in metric unit.
3.% Sco$e o" Su$$l&
this specification cover the supply of diesel generator set fot tan*ung prio+ terminal pro*ect. $nly "#$?=BB1 registered reputale manufacturer shall e quoted as detailed elo.
The Generator set shall include, ut not limit to the supply of the folloing/? •
3ase plate s+idcoupling and guardssoundproof enclosure. Local gauge panel instruments integral engine and generator control panels mounted on !iesel generator set s+id including circuit rea+er, automatic e0citation system, automatic voltage regulator, automatic speedfrequency control system. Noise and viration suppression equipment. Engine starting system including static attery charge and starting attery sets
Engine and generator cooling systemslurication systems
omustion air inta+e and e0haust system including attenuarators.
Engine fuel systemfuel tan+ >day tan+ fuel storage tan+@pumps.
#oundproof enclosure containing synchronous A generator and e0citation equipment, diesel engine and au0iliaries ready to e mounted on a concrete pad.
All necessary interconnecting pipe or+s and valve, including drain connections terminating at the edge of the ase plate.
All electrical or other connections >oilfuel circuits etcF@ facilities.
inal paint and touch?up.
#uitale seaorthiness pac+ing for shippingtransportation.
#tart?up test and tests for placing into operation.
"nitial spare part, if any, recommended y the 2endor)anufacturer for safe guarding the operation of the equipment the running in and starting?up periode shall from an integral of the equipment cost.
#pare part recommended y the 2endor)anufacturer for normal day to day operation and maintenance over a periode of one year folloing the initial operation shall e quoted separately as optional in his id proposal.
The complete requirements on vendor documentation, quality assurance, e0pediting and factory inspection, rountine and factory acceptance tests,etc. shall form part and percel of the scope of supply.
The field commissioning and testing of the equipment shall e included in the quoted equipment cost.
Tese !iesel Engine !riven Generator #et shall e delivered fully assemled and tested for installation and hoo+?up y other and shall complete ith altenator, driving diesel engine, control panel and all specified accessories and fittings.
3.' Deli(er& Sc)edule
The AT is estimated to commence in the - nd ee+ *une -BB= at vendor5s office !elivered to installation site u - nd ee+ *uly -BB= .#AT ill egin in 1 st ee+ of Augustus -BB=.
2endor is to provide a pro*ect schedule indicating ho the aove can e achive and highlight any critical path.
3.* S$ecial +ool
The #upplier shall supply a complete set of special tools, templates, operating handles and any devices necessary for the erection , operation, testing and maintenance of the !iesel Generator #et.
The tool and equipment shall e housed in a separate loc+ale o0 or on a suitale tool rac+.
3., -ommissioning S$ares
These shall include fuse lin+s, lamps,etc, and those item considered consumale or from e0perience, li+ely to requirement during installation and commissioning of the equipment.
3.1S$ecial +ool
4.1B.1 The equipment shall comprise full type?tested assemlies in current, regular production at the manufacturer5s or+s. 4.1B.- The #upplier shall provide a statement defining the availaility, reliaility and maintenaility of his equipment >)T3 and )TTR@ in relation to defined product lifetime e0pectancy.
7. A''L"A3LE $!E# AN! #TAN!AR!# 4.1 Regulation
The equipment shall e designed, manufactured, tested and supplied in accordance ith the accepted design practices, attached andor referred draings and applicale sections of codes and standards listed elo, including any modification, interpretations or additions there of y the 'urchaeser.
&nless otherise specified, all documents referred herein shall e the latest edition revision or amandent in effect and shall form an integral part of this requisition. "t may e notd that the list may not e complete and additional requirements or codes are ithin the requisition at other locations.
The equipment shall comply ith the laters revisions of all the statutory requirements, Regulations and y los enforced y the local authorities such Regulation !epartment , "ndonesia.
4.2 Regulation
The !esign, manufacture, supply, farication, inspection, testing and transportation of the !iesel Generator #et shall comply ith the latest editions of the folloing codes and standards/
"nternational Electrotechnical ommission