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EXO's Lotto (3rd Album Repackage) Digital Booklet
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Haykay Lotto(lotto world of contribution) June 10, 2013 ·
The below keys worked when you have 90 at the center of the winning draw numbers then you plus the center number above the 90 together…and it will only work for this selected numbers for example When 90 is in the center this week, then you check what is above the 90 in the center i.e last week, if we have 9 then you plus 90 + 9=99 then key is set And remember the first two numbers is the 2 sure and the remaining one is the for perming 90 +9>99 = 13 40 33 06 90+21>111=03 06 25 52 26 90+29>119= 10 30 79 31 86 Use similar calculation for the below keys 120 =78 55 40 15 50 121= 08 76 40 80 89 122= 42 34 72 38 73 137= 27 60 49 72 28 135= 56 60 13 62 57 141= 37 12 90 80 82 143= 44 75 54 43 03 144= 14 05 33 08 86 122= 15 87 16 88 24 150= 06 12 06 15 08 140= 25 51 52 66 06 157= 10 08 66 20 21 158= 06 02 54 03 22 163= 76 42 39 14 62 166= 45 36 81 06 18 164= 26 83 13 35 14 180=44 34 54 08 (38 42 69) 167= 76 40 39 14 62 1 @ center 1+9>10=19 65 63 64 08 53 1+25>26=13 85 15 39 60 1+33>34=49 74 68 14 29 Use the same similar calculation for the below keys 37=07 05 54 33 17 50= 67 39 80 26 64 63= 61 19 66 81 71 72 =48 03 24 12 66 81=33 71 49 68 63 80= 63 25 61 80 35 JUST REMEMBER THAT THE BELOW SET OF KEYS WORKS FOR PREMIER AND GHANA LOTTOS AND ANY GAME
WHERE YOU SEE THAT KEY YOU WILL HAVE TO PLAY IT ON THE SAME GAME AT THE STATED WEEK. E.G IF MIDWEEK IS THE ONE THAT PLAY THE KEY,COUNT THE WEEK AND PLAY ON THE RESULT ON THE SAME MIDWEEK When you see 57 in winning numbers and 89 in machine that’s a key you will then wait for 16 weeks it will play 64 49 2 sure, tooh sure and if you buy this ebook in time then congratulation you are about hit some jackpot because it has set and its just some weeks to pay day,check your lucky g chart and remember to send your number to us so we can send you an smsm when any our key is about to pay When you see 29 lapping 29 at the first box in nay winning numbers of a draw it’s a key what you will do is plus the center number of the recent drawing and the one last week. For instance 58 is in the center number of previous winning numbers and 60 is in the center of this week winnings you will then add 58+60=118 then you separate it into two like this 11 08 and 01 18 that’s two 2sure nad you can also perm it Watch out for 58 -38 in machine numbers It will definitely bring 13-45 in the following week When you see 23-25 in machine or winnings The following week play 24(1 to 90)or look for another banker to compliment it When there is 55 in the center of machine numbers. Next week single 1 will definitely drop Did you take note of 15-51 in winning or machine? The following WEEK please put money on single 8 Whenever you see 52-20 in winning or machine The following week 66 will drop so put your money on it Take note of 55-58-50 in machine numbers The following week 40-49-15 will drop so stake on it When you see 77-29 in winning numbers Place your bet on 55-65 the following week.(sure banker) 82-65 in winning or machine The following week 53-43-34 12 in the centre of winning and 82 as the last machine number Will definitely play 60 the following week Whenever 60 play in the wining or it is 30 or 21 that played They always follow each other play the remaining 2 when any of them come the previous week. Or whenever you forecasted or you have any of them as your banker. Add the remaining 2 Anytime 16 and 26 is lapping each other in machine numbers Count 23 weeks it will play 11-18-19.thats 3 direct(your jackpot Anytime 19 and 28 is lapping each other Count 5 weeks on the 5th week put your money on 33 77 34(another jackpot) When 14 is in the middle of turning numbers in winning box It will play 01-06-60-87 the following week
When you see 88 in the middle of winning Numbers The following week it will play 20 21 When you capture 60 in the middle of winning numbers for Ghana lotto It will play 22-04 the following week When you capture 60 in the middle of winning numbers for premier lotto It will play 57 and 23