Game Designed by Richard H. Berg
The Xiliens have invaded again, and are pitting Earth's mightiest Kaiju warriors against each other in a world-wide brawl of monstrous proportions! Which Kaiju will stand victorious in the Kaiju World Wars Components: • • • • • • • • • • • •
" #oard $ %lastic Kaiju miniatures & %lastic stac(able building tiles $ )-sided Kaiju *tatus cards ++ Event cards )) ombat cards ) .ction cards "" /nfo cards "& Kaiju ondition cards ) 0-sided dice " 1ule 2 *cenario boo( .ssorted cardboard to(ens 3Turn 4rder to(ens, Tan(s, %ersonnel arriers, 5ardens, %onds, 6ire, 1adiation 7one mar(ers, "-*tor8 #uildings, and 9estruction, :ealth 2 Energ8 status mar(ers;<
.bout the components= T:E 5.>E#4.19 The 5ameboard contains "?0 one-inch s@uares, which regulate movement as well as placement of buildings< A/nsert 5ameboard /mageB T:E Kaiju The game contains four Kaiju= 5odCilla, King 5hidorah, 5igan, and 1odan, each represented b8 a plastic miniature< A/nsert Kaiju 6igures /mageB T:E #D/9/F5 %/EE* 5odCilla Kaiju World World Wars Wars contains & plastic building pieces< The building pieces are stac(ed, as
shown below, to ma(e buildings up to $ levels<
The reverse side of each piece represents 1ubble, which happens when a building is destro8ed< 4nl8 one rubble piece is needed to represent this stateG no stac(ing is necessar8< A/nsert #ulding Tile 6rontH#ac( 2 *tac(ed Tile /mageB 3Fote= 6or best stac(ing, each tile should be rotated &° from the tile below it)
T:E .19* A/nsert /mage hartB There are five separate dec(s of cards= II Info cards J 6or @uic( reference to some important rules and game mechanics< II Action Cards - *how what Actions that Kaiju can do and how much Energ8 it costs to do so 3the number of .ction ards var8 per Kaiju;< The cards that sa8 Basic Game are not used in the Advanced Game< II Combat Cards - *how the Combat capabilities for each Kaiju, how to use them, and when< The number of ombat ards var8 per Kaiju< omparing one Kaijus card to another 3.ttac(H9efense; is how ombat is resolved< II Event Cards - %rovide outside factors over which pla8ers often have little control 3but are all based on events from the Toho films;, as well as providing pla8ers with “Power Up” cards that can be claimed in order to use their Kaijus Special Abilities < II ai!u Condition Cards - used to indicate a Kaiju has been noc"ed #own or Stunned <
T:E Kaiju *T.TD* .19* Each Kaiju is represented not onl8 b8 his plastic piece but his ai!u Status Card < Each Kaiju *tatus ard contains the following information= II $ealt% &rac" '#ama(e) , indicates how man8 LhitsM a Kaiju has ta(en, as well as the :it Fumber that will enable him to initiate recover8 II Ener(* &rac" , indicates how man8 energ8 points the Kaiju has used< II Advanced Special Abilities A/nsert *tatus ard /mageB T:E 9/E The game provides ) siN-sided dice 3"d0; for use in resolving Combat<
T:E .19#4.19 %/EE* The game uses cardboard pieces to represent non-Kaiju participants, including &an"s and Armored Personnel Carriers 3APCs;, which are numbered to determine their in-5ame-Turn-order< *ome cardboard pieces represent relativel8 flat pieces of LterrainM, such as Ponds+ Gardens+ ,ire+ eNtra -. Stor* Buildin( &iles+ /estaurants Buildin(s and 0uclear ,allout &o"ens < There are also /nformational mar(ers to use so that pla8ers can (eep trac( of what has been happening on their Kaiju *tatus ards<
The Combat pieces 3starred 'special' side used onl8 when called for b8 an Event ard; include= "O &an"s "O Armored Personnel Carriers 'APC) A/nsert /mage of aboveB The &errain pieces include= Ponds 3with + 5arden and ) 6ire bac(s; Gardens 3with + 6ire and ) %ond bac(s; ,ire 3with + %ond and ) 5arden bac(s; ) -.Stor* Buildin( &iles 3+ var8ing face st8les; ) Special /estaurants 3denoted with red border and L6449M teNt; O 0uclear ,allout &o"ens 3used onl8 when called for b8 an Event ard; A/nsert /mage of aboveB The Informational pieces, corresponding to each pla8er include= $ Ener(* 1ar"ers 3#lue; $ $ealt% 1ar"ers 34range; $ #estruction Point &rac"ers 3#earing each Kaiju's image; $ Pla*er &urn.2rder &o"ens 3Fumbered "-$; A/nsert /mage of aboveB &$E GA1E Winning the game depends on the chosen *cenario, which usuall8 as(s that a pla8er either gain a given number of 9estruction %oints, or destro8 opposing Kaiju before the8 can win< . pla8er has man8 options in his turn J as well as when it is other pla8ers turns J though much of the focus for pla8ers is on how to best use their Energ8 %oints - when to use them and when to save them< Some Important #efinitions
The following eNpressions and abbreviations are used throughout the rules= ai!u= The Papanese word for monster< -d3= .bbreviation for one siN-sided die< #/: #ieroll < . #/1 is a dieroll modifier, a number added to or subtracted from that dieroll< EP: Ener(* Points < These are the points each pla8er has that determine what he ma8 do when it his his turn, or even when it is another pla8ers turn< Energ8 %oints, or E%, are li(e mone8< Qou spend them if 8ou have them, and 8ou (eep trac( of 8our Lban(M of E% on 8our Kaijus *tatus ard< #P: #estruction Points < These points, accumulated b8 destro8ing buildings and combat pieces as well as inflicting harm on opposing Kaiju, are used to determine who has the upper hand as the game progresses< /n some cases, the8 ma8 be used to determine victor8< 9estruction %oints are charted on the numbered trac( bordering the 5ameboard< 4ine of Si(%t< 4* refers to the abilit8 of the Kaiju using his 6ire %ower to see his target< The 4* is traced from the e8es of the Kaiju directl8 to the bod8 of the target< The onl8 thing that would bloc( 4* is another Kaiju or a evel + or evel $ 3*(8scraper; building< /f the 4* seems to just Lnic(M the edge of a building, consider it bloc(ed<
Gettin( /ead* to Pla*:
6irst, select a *cenario from the Scenarios section located at the bac( of this boo(< *etup the board according to the rules of the *cenario< *ome *cenarios will allow pla8ers the abilit8 to customiCe their own maps< Keep in mind that each Buildin( &ile represents one level of a building, up to a maNimum of four< Pond and Garden counters ma8 also be used< %la8ers do not have to fill up all the ots, but the fewer buildings the game has, the fewer 9estruction %oints will be available< %lace all the &an"s and APCs to the side unless the scenario calls for them to start on the 5ameboard< The8 do not have to be placed in an8 numerical order< FeNt, each pla8er should select which Kaiju the8 wish to use in the game, ta(ing the appropriate miniature , Status card , Action cards , #estruction mar"er , and Status card mar"ers < /f pla8ing using the .dvanced rules, the8 should also ta(e the Combat cards for that Kaiju< Dnless the selected *cenario rules sa8 otherwise, 8ou should then= •
9ecide whether to use Basic Combat or Advanced Combat < /f pla8ing using #asic ombat, remove the %ower Dp cards from the Event 9ec(, and do not use the ombat cards< 6lip the Kaiju *tatus cards to their #asic ombat side<
/f pla8ing using .dvanced ombat, remove the #asic ombat cards from the Kaiju .ction cards< 6lip the Kaiju *tatus cards to their .dvanced ombat side<
*huffle the dec( of Event ards and, randoml8 and blindl8, deal out one card to each of the siN spaces on the 5ameboard's Event 1ow< %lace the remaining dec( face down for later use in the designated spot on the 5ameboard<
%lace the 9estruction >ar(er for each active Kaiju on the space of the 9estruction Trac( around the edge of the 5ameboard<
%lace the :ealth >ar(er for each Kaiju on the highest numbered space on the :ealth >eter on that Kaiju's *tatus ard< %lace the Energ8 >ar(er on the " on the Energ8 Trac(<
With ever8thing in place, 8ou are now read8 to start pla8<
Pla*in( t%e Game:
5odCilla= Kaiju World Wars is divided into 5ame-Turns< Within each 5ame-Turn are %la8er 1ounds, in which each pla8er conducts his actions b8 spending Energ8 %oints< There are no set number of Turns, nor is there an8 set number of individual %la8er 1ounds< Each 5ame-Turn ends when all pla8ers have used all their available Energ8 %oints or the8 have all %assed consecutivel8< .t the end of each 5ame-Turn, Events ma8 occur which will change the flow of the game< This repeats until the Rictor8 onditions for the *cenario have been met< /ound Se5uence . &urn 2rder
Each round starts b8 determining the turn order for the round< %la8ers ta(e turns in order of their 9estruction *core on the 9estruction Trac(, with the most destructive Kaiju ta(ing the first turn< .n8 pla8ers tied for 9estruction roll off using the dice< The most destructive pla8er ta(es the Turn4rder to(en numbered S"S, the neNt most destructive pla8er ta(es the Turn 4rder to(en numbered S)S, and so on< 9uring the first round, the scenario rules will dictate which Kaiju goes first J otherwise, roll to determine order as if tied<
The Game-Turn
A. Assign Energy Points (EP). .t the beginning of each of their turns, each pla8er receives their Energ8 %oints< Formall8, the8 simpl8 move their Energ8 mar(er to the space mar(ed S"S on their status card< /f a Kaiju is Enra(ed 3see below; however, the8 move the mar(er to the S""S space instead< A ai!u is considered Enra(ed if t%eir #estruction Score is at least -6 points %i(%er t%an t%e #estruction Score's) of all ot%er opposin( ai!u7 Fote that, in some scenarios, multiple Kaiju are on the same Steam
Example: King Ghidorah™ is playing against Gigan™. King Ghidorah's™ Destruction core is !"# $hile Gigan's™ is "%. King Ghidorah™ is Enraged# &ecause his Destruction score is at least "% points higher than Gigan's™. #< Pla*er Action /ound < The %la8er who goes first now eNpends some, all or none 3as he wishes; of his E% to underta(e .ctions 3listed below;< To ta(e an action, the8 simpl8 place the action card face up in front of them, pa8 the relevant Energ8 cost, and follow the teNt of the card< When that %la8er has finished underta(ing the .ctions he wishes J he d oes not have to use all of his E% in his 1ound - the %la8er to his left 3cloc(wise; now underta(es a %la8er 1ound .n8 Energ8 %oints 8ou don't spend this turn ma8 be spent in defense during another pla8er's turn in .dvanced 5ame ombat, but unused Energ8 %oints do not carr8 over to the beginning of 8our neNt turn in the neNt round 3when Energ8 %oints reset;<
< End of t%e Game.&urn < %la8 continues in the above fashion until either "< Fo pla8er has an8 E% remaining, or )< .ll %la8ers %ass - use no E% J in succession< 9< Event Card P%ase = The pla8er who went first in the 5ame-Turn rolls one die 3"d0; and consults the Event 1ow< The 91 indicates which Event card is consulted< That event is resolved, and the selected Event card is disposed and replaced with a new card for the neNt 5ame-Turn< E< 8ictor*9 %la8ers chec( to see if an8one has won, according to the Rictor8 onditions of the *cenario< /f not, underta(e another 5ame-Turn, starting with L., above<
FD>#E1 46 .T/4F* The number of Energ8 %oints, or E%, a pla8er usuall8 start a 5ame-Turn with is ten 3";< Each Kaiju in the game is considered to be a L%la8erM, so if someone is using two Kaiju, he will have " E% for each Kaiju he controls< .t the beginning of each 5ame-Turn, regardless of how man8 E% he has remaining, his E% .vailable is re-set at ten 3";< %la8ers (eep trac( of how man8 E% the8 have remaining to use on their Kaiju *tatus ard< W:.T .T/4F* .1E .R./.#E %la8ers spend E% to underta(e .ctions< The .ctions available during a %la8ers .ction 1ound are delineated b8 the .ction ards that Kaiju has< The Energ8 %oint costs are listed on a Kaijus .ction ard< The8 var8 from Kaiju to Kaiju< II The cards mar(ed #asic ombat are used onl8 in the #asic 5ame< II *ome cards are discarded after use 3e
Actions a Pla*er 1a* Use in Anot%er Pla*er
The actions below are the onl8 ones a pla8er ma8 underta(e Lout of turnM< Pla* Event Card < . %la8er ma8 use an8 Event ard that he purchased that indicates it ma8 be pla8ed during an opponents 1ound b8 pa8ing the E% listed on that card to so use it<
AThere are onl8 two purchasable cards, #race Qourself can onl8 be pla8ed during Event 1esolution and %ower Dps onl8 appl8 when it's a Kaiju's turn < 1ovement -6-
1egardless of the ph8sical siCe of the Kaiju figures, each Kaiju is considered to onl8 occu p8 " space, even if some part of the Kaiju might seem to occup8 another space< 6or the sa(e of clarit8 while pla8ing, a Kaiju is considered to occup8 the space in which his head, torso, and feet are standing< 514DF9 >4RE>EFT #esi(n 0ote = 5round >ovement includes not onl8 Lwal(ingM but the abilit8 of some Kaiju to Lfl8M ver8 short distances< Thus King 5hidorah, who is ver8 slow an d clums8 using his LfeetM moves over ground prett8 much the same as other Kaiju<
The cost of a Kaiju, to use 5round >ovement to enter a Racant ot or *treet *@uare is " E% per *@uare< Tan(s or .%s ma8 move ) s@uares per activationG see below< .ll such movement is across *@uare sidesG no unit ma8 move diagonall8< 3Fote, the8 ma8 6ire diagonall8, but not .ttac( diagonall8<; Kaiju pa8 eNtra costs to enter certain s@uares, as listed below< Buildin(s = 4nl8 Kaiju ma8 move into s@uares with #uildings< /n doing so, it destro8s the #uilding, turning it into 1ubble< The cost to do so is based on the height of the building= " plus 3; the number of levels< Thus a $-level building costs >% to move into< II 4nce a building has been so destro8ed it is replaced b8 one L1ubbleM piece 3the reverse side of an8 building piece; to indicate that s@uare is now covered in 1ubble II /f a building has been destro8ed b8 6ire .ttac(, see below< onsult the #uildings /nfo card< Ponds=Gardens: Tan(s and .% ma8 not enter< osts ) Energ8 for Kaiju to enter< 9oes not bloc( line of sight< onsult the %onds 2 5ardens /nfo card< /ubble = 1ubble ma8 not be removedG if a Kaiju uses 1ubble as a Thrown 4bject the 1ubble piece remains where it is< .%s 3%ersonnel arriers; cannot enter< osts ) Energ8 for Kaiju to Enter< 9oes not bloc( line of site< onsult the 1ubble /nfo card< ,ire= #uildings destro8ed b8 6ire are replaced b8 L6ireM mar(ers 3not 1ubble;, indicating these buildings are burning intensel8< Fo Tan(s or .%s ma8 enter these s@uares, and an8 Kaiju that moves into such a s@uare 3at a cost of " E%; incurs " :it in doing so< Fo Kaiju ma8 ever end movement in a 6ire *@uare< onsult the 6ire /nfo card< •
#esi(n 0ote= 6ires cannot be put out, nor do the8 spread<
Fote that opposing Kaiju cannot move through each other, although friendl8 Kaiju 3Kaiju described as being on the same team b8 the *cenario rules; ma8< Fo Kaiju ma8 end their turn occup8ing the same space as another Kaiju< 4nce on the 5ameboard no unit ma8 move off the 5ameboard< /f it does so, it is eliminated<
6Q/F5 ertain Kaiju can 6l8, or travel distances greater than one s@uare at a time< Their .ction cards will indicate if it has that abilit8, as well as the E% it needs to do so and the n umber of times during the entire game that it ma8 do so< /n addition, a Kaiju ma8 onl8 6l8 once per 5ame-Turn, and once a 6light .ction card has been used, it is discarded from the rest of the game< When a Kaiju wishes to 6l8, simpl8 pic( him up from his location and place him where he is to land< :e can land onl8 on a *treet, Racant ot, 5arden or 1ubble *@uare and not in a s@uare occupied b8 another Kaiju or 6ire< /t annot land on >ilitar8 units< *T.K/F5 Kaiju, Tan(s and .%s ma8 never occup8 the same s@uare< . Kaiju that moves into a s@uare occupied b8 >ilitar8 destro8s the vehicle, ta(ing the appropriate damage 3see 1ilitar* Units; as the soldiers flee to safet8< 6./F5 6acing is the direction a Kaiju, Tan( or .% is pointing toward< The basic premise is that an8 individual piece, be it >ilitar8 or a Kaiju figure, ma8 face in an8 direction the pla8er wishes, once it has entered a *@uare< hanging that facing direction would be part of >ovement, but it does not cost an8 E% or >ovement %oints to do so< /t ma8 onl8 be done when it is that Kaijus %la8er 1ound< 6acing never affects into what s@uare a piece ma8 move, but it ma8 affect in which direction and where it ma8 6ire .ttac(< T./* *ome Kaiju figures have tails that eNtend into an adjacent s@uare< The Kaiju is 02& considered to be in the s@uare which its tail occupies< /f a Kaiju moves into a s@uare that has a Kaiju tail and announces he is going to attac(, the Kaiju with the tail is moved, turned around, so that he is facing the attac(er< The tail end of the Kaiju ma8 be used to (noc( down #uildings< II /f a tail would enter a #uilding s@uare because of voluntar* movement b8 that pla8er and (noc( that #uilding down, the Kaiju must pa8 the E% cost to do so< 4therwise, it ma8 not be so placed< II /f a tail end must be moved J involuntar* - and it causes a #uilding (noc( down, the Kaiju does not pa8 the E% cost to do so, but he does not get an8 9% for (noc(ing down the #uilding 3even if he wants to pa8 the E% cost to do this;< Tails that LmoveM diagonall8 into #uilding s@uares have no effect on the #uildings in those diagonal s@uares< Knoc(ing down a #uilding with a tail produces 1ubble<
ombat occurs when one unit 3Kaiju or >ilitar8; attac(s another< There are two t8pes of ombat in the game = #attle, in which the two pieces engaging in combat are in adjacent s@uares and 6ire ombat, in which the attac(ing unit is more than one s@uare awa8< Fote= >ilitar8 do not attac( other >ilitar8<
4>#.T DF/T* . Kaijus #attle abilit8, for both #asic #attle and .dvanced, is noted on their individual Kaiju .ction, ombat and *tatus cards< Tan(s and .%s have their own cardboard units<
Common Combat &erms
/n both the #asic 5ame and the .dvanced 5ame, attac(s are referred to as either 1anged o r >elee< >elee .ttac(s are between Kaiju who are orthogonall8 3diagonals do not count; adjacent to each other< 1anged .ttac(s are between Kaiju who have one or more empt8 spaces between each other 3counting orthogonall8;< 1anged .ttac(s are limited b8 the distance between the .ttac(er and the 9efender< Each 1anged .ttac( has a 1ange value and if the distance between the two Kaiju is greater than this number, the attac( cannot be used< .dditionall8, 1anged .ttac(s re@uire ine of *ight< ine of *ight is an imaginar8 line drawn from the center of one Kaiju's head to the center of another Kaiju's head< /f this line is bloc(ed, the attac( cannot be used< ine of *ight is bloc(ed b8 other Kaiju and buildings which are + or $ tiles tall< .ll ombat damage is trac(ed through each Kaiju's :ealth >eter< Each Kaiju has a :ealth >ar(er which is placed on this trac( to show how much health the8 currentl8 have, and is moved up this trac( when the Kaiju ta(es damage< Basic Game Combat
Dsing #asic ombat, each attac( is simpl8 either a 1anged .ttac( or a >elee .ttac(< /f 8our Kaiju is orthogonall8 adjacent to another Kaiju, 8ou can use 8our >elee .ttac( on that Kaiju< . >elee .ttac( will allow 8ou to roll several dice, with the potential to inflict " point of damage per die rolled< /f 8our Kaiju is not orthogonall8 adjacent to another Kaiju, 8ou might be able to use 8our 1anged .ttac(< . 1anged .ttac( allows 8ou to roll " die and potentiall8 inflict the amount shown on the die as damage<
Advanced Game Combat
Dsing .dvanced ombat, each Kaiju has several cards usable for either .ttac( or 9efense 3or both;= the ombat cards< The attac(er selects a ombat card with which to .ttac(, and the defender selects a ombat card he wishes to use to in 9efense< #oth cards are revealed and placed side-b8-side, with the .ttac(ers red .ttac( side neNt to the 9efender's blue 9efense side< In Advanced Combat+ &%e Attac"er is limited to pla*in( eac% Combat Card onl* once per /ound 'not &urn+ /ound)7 &%e #efense is also so limited+ e>cept if %e %as alread* pla*ed all %is cards+ in w%ic% case %e ma* use a card a second time7 &%e Attac"er pa*s t%e EP w%en Attac"in(? #efender does not pa* an* EP to use an* Battle Combat Card in #efense7 @Insert Ima(e •
*ome cards allow the pla8ers to improve their chances in ombat, either b8 spending Energ8, or through use of their Kaiju's %ower Dp< .ll such bonuses must be declared before the ombat dieroll< The .ttac(er decides whether to add an8 bonuses first, then the 9efender< .fter bonuses are declared, the attac(er rolls the die< 4n the ombat /cons on the edge of the .ttac( and 9efense cards, count up from the bottom the number shown on the die, and appl8 the result shown< /cons shown on the .ttac(er's side are applied to the 9efender, and vice versa< The ombat results are= •
• •
3*tunned; - /f the Kaiju was alread8 *tunned, he loses " :ealth for each previous *tunned card< %lace a *tunned card on the affected Kaiju's *tatus card< *tunned Kaiju ma8 not use *iCe 2 *trength or .erial *lam attac(s< /n all ombat with a *tunned Kaiju, opponents ma8 modif8 the dieroll b8 "< *tunned Kaiju must pa8 " eNtra Energ8 %oint to attac(< /f a *tunned Kaiju is *tunned twice or more, it must pa8 ) eNtra Energ8 %oints on its neNt attac(< 1emove one *tunned card after the *tunned Kaiju's neNt attac(< 3uts; - 1oll the die< The affected Kaiju receives half that amount of damage, rounded up< 3Knoc(ed 9own; - %lace a Knoc(ed 9own card on the affected Kaiju's *tatus card< /f attac(ing, the affected Kaiju's turn ends< /f defending, the affected Kaiju ta(es " point of damage< /f alread8 *tunned, the opposing Kaiju's owner ma8 move the affected Kaiju into an adjacent #uilding, inflicting " point of damage, reducing the #uilding to 1ubble The opposing Kaiju does not get destruction points< Knoc(ed 9own Kaiju ma8 spend " Energ8 %oint during their turn to stand up 3remove the Knoc(ed 9own card;< Knoc(ed 9own Kaiju ma8 not .ttac( or use 9efensive bonuses< 35rappled; - #oth the .ttac(er and the 9efender ta(e " point of damage< Feither Kaiju can move into another space for the remainder of this turn< hen Kaiu are Grappled they cannot do anything other than om&at: no *ire# no +o,e# no -eal. he Grapple status is remo,ed at the end o/ the urn (not 0ound). 3ombo *tri(es and Wea(points; - *ome cards have a combat icon with white stars in them these are called ombo *tri(es< When a ombo *tri(e is lined up with a Wea(point, treat it as the corresponding ombo *tri(e Effect on the ombo *tri(e's card< 4therwise, treat it as the icon pictured<
A1eplace below image with image of real componentsB
1n this example# &ecause 0odan2s™ EAKP314 lines up $ith God5illa2s™ 3+63 01KE 744ED icon# this means the 3+63 01KE e//ect o/ that icon is used (in this case# G0APP8ED# &ecause the icon possesses 9 stars).
• •
31etreat; - The defender ma8 move awa8 from the attac(er, ) spaces, unless 5rappled< 3#lan(; J . blan( space means that no action for that Kaiju too( place, but the8 are still subject to their opponents ombat /con< /f neither side shows an icon for the number rolled, the .ttac( misses entirel8, and no ombat result is applied<
When a Kaiju has lost all their :ealth %oints, the8 are too wea(ened to continue to fight, and must recover on >onster /sland< 1emove the Kaiju from the game< The pla8er controlling that Kaiju is considered eliminated from pla8, unless controlling another Kaiju alread8 in the game<
*%E/. .#//T/E* Each Kaiju has *pecial .bilities 3see his Kaiju *tatus ard, .dvanced side; which he can use onl8 after pla8ing one of the Event ards that allows the Kaiju to %ower Dp< The Kaiju *tatus ards note what the8 are, how much Energ8 is re@uired, what the8 entail, and how the8 are limited< 6/1E .TT.K* 6ire .ttac(s are (aiju throwingHshooting something at another (aijuG eilitar8 or #uilding b8 using his 1ang ed 6ire %owers< II The ombat ards 1anged .ttac(s are limited to Throwing 1ubble II *pecial 6ire 1anged .ttac(s can be found on each Kaijus *tatus ard<
To use a 1angedH6ire .ttac( from his *pecial .bilities, the Kaiju must not be orthogonall8 adjacent to the target unit< :e ma8 be adjacent diagonall8< >oreover, 1anged .ttac(s ma8 be traced diagonall8 3unli(e >ovement;< 4bjects ma8 be thrown 3pla8 of a ombat ard; into adjacent s@uares Kaiju ma8 use their 6ire *trength onl8 once per 5ame-Turn for abilities on the Kaiju *tatus ard< 6or Throwing 1ubble, that is limited b8 card pla8 restrictions and the availabilit8 of 1ubble< Throwing objects re@uires a LthrowingM card pla8 3allowing a single throw; and allows no defensive cards in response< 1oll the dice and loo( for the corresponding effect along the attac(er s edge of the card< #lan( spaces .F9 the Lmirror defender s effectsM have no effect
The distance over which a Kaiju ma8 use his 6ire .ttac( *trength is given on his ard< That distance ma8 be traced 3diagonall8, if necessar8;, at a LcostM of " for each s@uare the ine of *ight goes through< Example: Assuming no &uildings# a lineo/sight /iring /rom G; to *< $ould co,er ; =uares.
. Kaijus 6ire .ttac( *trength 3not 1ubble throw; is a dieroll 1angeG e getting a ?92# thus in/licting 9 hits on Gigan™. (-ad he rolled a ?@2 he $ould ha,e missed.) -e no$ discards the Po$er 7p ard.
There is no defense against Thrown 4bjects at a distance of ) s@uares or greater< The defender ma8 pla8 a ombat ard in defending against Thrown 4bjects b8 an adjacent Kaiju< Each Kaiju has a 6ire 9efense *trength< This rating is used solel8 to reduce the number of :its inflicted b8 a 1anged .ttac( other than a Thrown 4bject< Thus, a fire 9efense o f J" would reduce a + :it dieroll to ) :its< II 6ire defense *trength is not used against attac(s b8 Tan(sH.%< 3O<+O; Kaiju ,ire #efense Stren(t%s =
/odan: 6 Godilla: .G%idora%: .Gi(an: .D Example: God5illa™ pays9 EP to uses his Atomic 6reath (Po$er 7p)# # trength o/ ?";2 against Gigan™. God5illa™ rolls a ?;2# in/licting -its on Gigan™. 6ut Gigan2s™ De/ensi,e *ire trength o/ !# representing his &eing encased in diamond# adusts his -its to ?!2 (not the ?;2 that $ould ha,e &een in/licted i/ unadusted). 1/ God5illa2s™ dieroll had &een a ?@2 there $ould &e no -its.
-1 A4D 0E3BE0C $its: ombat J both #attle and 6ire J produce :its, injuries to the unit in @u estion< Each pla8erHKaiju (eeps trac( of the :its it has incurred on :ealth Trac( on his Kaiju *tatus ard< /fHwhen :its reach the LM boN, that Kaiju is too wea( to continue fighting and must retreat to >onster /sland< /ecover*: Kaiju ma8 reduce the number of :its the8 have incurred through 1ecover8< To use 1ecover8, t%e ai!u ma* not be ad!acent to anot%er ai!u < /t costs ) E% to remove hits, although the abilit8 to do so is restricted to Kaiju who have incurred a certain number, as noted on his .ction ard< The pla8er rolls one die, the result is the number of :its that ma8 be removed< Example: God5ila™ lhas incurred < -its. -e needs to 0eco,er some and expends ! EP to do so#
rolling "d. -e rolls a ?!2# there&y remo,ing ! o/ his -its. ai!u ma* initiate /ecover* onl* once per /ound7
4o Kaiu especially God5illa is e,er illedFdestroyed in &attle. hen they lose they ha,e su//ered so many hits that they must retire to their home &ase e.g.# +onster 1sland /or some 00.
#estro*in( Buildin(s and 1ilitar* Units
Whether using the #asic or .dvanced rules for combat, no d ieroll is needed to determine damage on #uildings or >ilitar8 Dnits - simpl8 pa8 the Energ8 cost of the .ttac(, remove the #uilding or >ilitar8 Dnit from the board, and score the appropriate number of 9estruction points< When destro8ing a #uilding, leave a #uilding tile, rubble-side-up, in the space the #uilding occup ied< Kaiju can also use a ombat ard to destro8 a building, under the following circumstances= •
/t must be a *iCe 2 *trength ombat ard 35igan™ , however can also use his .riel *lam; and the8 must pa8 the E% to use< The destruction of the #uilding is not automaticG 8ou still have to roll the die as per the card< /f 8ou get an8 combat result 3red boN on card; - this is for .dvanced rules onl8 -,the #uilding is down<
.n8 +- or $-unit #uilding destro8ed with a 1anged .ttac( is considered 4n 6ire - /nstead of rubble, place a 6ire to(en in the space the #uilding occupied< Fo dieroll is necessar8, but it must be within 1ange and the Kaiju must pa8 E% to use his 6ire *trength< *etting buildings 4n 6ire scores fewer 9estruction points than simpl8 destro8ing them< hro$ing 3&ects at &uildings has no e//ect on them. .dditionall8, #uildings and >ilitar8 Dnits ma8 be destro8ed b8 simpl8 moving through them< This increases the movement cost for entering the space< Fote that >ilitar8 Dnits ma8 cause damage to a Kaiju when stepped on 3see the section titled +ilitary 7nits;< 9estro8ing an8 #uilding or >ilitar8 Dnit scores 9estruction %oints= •
• •
#uildings are worth ), +, $, or 0 points, depending on their height 3", ), +, or $ tiles, respectivel8;< *etting a building on fire is worth or O points, depending on the building's height 3+ or $ tiles, respectivel8;< " and )-level buildings cannot be set on fire b8 an8 Kaiju< .%s are worth " point< Tan(s are worth + points<
1E*T.D1.FT #D/9/F5* Two special, visuall8 distinct /estaurant Buildin(s ma8 also occup8 the map 3as described b8 the scenario setup;< These are treated as regular "-stor8 #uildings, but will give 8our Kaiju a boost of :ealth of up-to + points< When 8ouve moved into one of these buildings, roll a die< Qour Kaiju recovers half the rolled number 3rounded down; in :ealth points, up to their maNimum health< i(e
regular "-stor8 #uildings, entering the 1estaurant #uilding space costs " Energ8, and the 1estaurant #uilding is reduced to 1ubble< Each 1estaurant #uilding can onl8 be used to heal once per game < < < and the (aiju does get 9estruction points, A ai!u must enter a /estaurant Buildin( space for its trait to be applied7 Attac"s '1elee or /an(ed) will not suppl* t%is benefit7 @insert color version of (rap%ic
Z-Pizza and Tony S’s Bar & Restaurant ser,e delicious and nutritious /oodstu//s /or all creatures# great and smallH
1ilitar* Units
Tan(s and .%s are used b8 the cit8's militar8 forces to defend the cit8 against attac(s< These units aggressivel8 maneuver to bloc( and damage the battling monsters< 9uring a pla8er's turn, it is the responsibilit8 of the other pla8er or pla8ers to monitor and move the >ilitar8 Dnits< .n8 time the most destructive Kaiju moves while visible to a >ilitar8 Dnit, that >ilitar8 Dnit will move two spaces towards that Kaiju< 6uildings and other Kaiu &loc +ilitary 8ine o/ ight. Ponds# Gardens# *ire# 0u&&le and other +ilitary 7nits do not. /f the Kaiju moves out of view of a >ilitar8 Dnit, that unit will not continue to pursue the Kaiju< >ilitar8 Dnits will onl8 move during the most destructive Kaiju's turn 3The Kaiju with the highest 9estruction score;< .s soon as another Kaiju scores a higher 9estruction %oint total, the >ilitar8 Dnits will immediatel8 begin targeting the new Lmost destructiveM Kaiju. .ll >ilitar8 Dnits can move through streets< Tan(s can move through rubble, and .%s can move through %onds and 5ardens< >ilitar8 Dnits cannot move through 6ire, #uildings, each other, or an8 Kaiju< The numbers on the >ilitar8 Dnits are solel8 for purposes of determining which Dnit moves first and has the right of wa8 in the event that two Dnits are moving towards the same s@uare< /f this occurs, the8 move in numerical order with the lowest numbered vehicles moving first< Tan(s are capable of firing on Kaiju from a distance of ) spaces< While in range of a Kaiju, the8 will fire once during ever8 movement made b8 that Kaiju< Tan(s attac( with a single die each< 4n each roll of 0, the8 inflict " point of damage< Kaiju 6ire 9efense *trength does not appl8< .dditionall8, both Tan(s and .%s open fire when crushed b8 a Kaiju, as the soldiers evacuate their vehicles< .gain, this is done using a single die for each such vehicle, and inflicts " point of damage on each roll of 0<
Important ote! Although "ilitary #nits $ill only mo%e to pursue the most estru'ti%e (ai)u* they $ill atta'+ any (ai)u , oth $hen a (ai)u mo%es $hile in range* an $hen a (ai)u steps on the "ilitary #nit.
Tan(s and .%s are automaticall8 eliminated when either of the following happens= II The8 get hit b8 Kaiju 6ire, including Thrown 4bjects< II . Kaiju enters the same *@uare the8 are in 3and a utomaticall8 crushes them;
&%e End of a /ound . &%e Event /ow
.fter all pla8ers have ta(en a turn, the current Event is resolved< 1oll one of the dice and select the card matching the number shown< 6ollow the directions printed on the card< 4nce a card is selected it is removed from the Event Trac(< /t is then resolved immediatel8 and returned to the bottom of the dec(< /f a Purc%asable card is selected b8 the dieroll, discard it without an8 effects or Event ta(ing place and draw a new card to replace it< That's the end of the round< hec( the *cenario's rules to see if an8 other effects are applied at the end of a round, then start a new round< T/E 0AR1S
/F64 .19* These "" cards contain all the rulesHmechanics 8ou need to (now< The 0 ombat 1esult cards are self-eNplanator8, as are the 1ubble, 6ire and %onds cards • The #uildings ard is @uic( reference as to 9estruction %oints earned< • The >ilitar8 Dnits is @uic( reference as to >ilitar8 movements< • *T.TD* .19* These cards are used to indicate when a Kaiju has been Knoc(ed 9own andHor *tunned< The results of each are on the cards, as well as how to remove them< Fote that a second Knoc(ed 9own means the Kaiju just suffers an additional 9amage %oint< *tunned status is removed when that Kaiju a ttac(s, one *tunned card per attac(< .T/4F .19* The .ction ards show the %la8er what his Kaiju ma8 do during a 1ound, and the cost in E% to do so< The cards mar(ed L#asic ombatM are not used< 4>#.T .19* These cards are the combat capabilities for each KaijuG the8 each have different cards< The cards with red boNes 3right-hand side; ma8 be used for .ttac(sG those with blue boNes 3left-hand side; for 9efense<
>ost cards have both< ards cost E% to use for .ttac(G not for defense< Each card ma8 be used onl8 once per 1ound< The onl8 eNception to this is if the 9efender has used all his cards once alread8< /f so, he ma8 repeat the use of a card as needed< ombat cards are not used to defend against 1anged 6ire .ttac(s of ) s@uares or greater< EREFT .19* The Event ards represent two things= II 4utside events and factors be8ond the control of the pla8ers that ma8 pop up to change the course of events< II %urchasable ards, as represented b8 the %urchasable icon< These include= U %ower Dp ards 3the ones with the big footprint and !; which pla8ers ma8 use to %ower Dp their Kaiju, enabling to use the *pecial .bilities on their *tatus ard< These ma8 be obtained b8 91, as above, or b8 purchase< . pla8er ma8 spend " E% during his 1ound to purchase an8 one %ower Dp ard< That %la8erHKaiju ma8 do so onl8 once per 5ame-Turn< The other bu8able cards cost + E%, as noted on the card< 4 o player may e%er ha%e more than t$o 234 Spe'ial 0ars in his han # regardless o/ the num&er o/ Kaiu he controls. U The LBrace ;ourself M card is pla8ed to Lnegate the effects of an event pla8ed against 8ouM at an8 time, including after an8 dierolls for Event resolution have been made<
I00I0G &$E GA1E
The object of one pla8er is to have his Kaiju amass more #P before the other Kaiju, or to have his Kaiju force the other pla8er s Kaiju to leave the game before he reaches the 9% goal stated in the *cenario< Each *cenario describes the conditions for winning< %la8 continues until the victor8 condition has been met< *ome *cenarios can be won b8 defeating a specific Kaiju, or b8 being the last Kaiju still in the game 3after all the others have returned to >onster /sland;, but this ma8 not alwa8s be the case< 1ead the *cenario's victor8 conditions carefull8 before and during each game< Kaijus (eep trac( of 9% earned on the 9estruction Trac( bordering the >ap on the 5ameboard< 9% are awarded as follows= 9% " + ) + $ 0
1eason Eliminate .% Eliminate Tan( 9estro8 evel " #uilding 9estro8 evel ) #uilding 9estro8 evel + #uilding 9estro8 evel $ #uilding
*et evel + #uilding on 6ire *et evel $ #uilding on 6ire
SCENARIOS On the following pages, you will find four different gameplay scenarios that outline various ways you and your friends can play this game.
However, the fun of GODZILLA™: Kaiju WORLD WAR™ doesnt stop there!
"y going to our website www.#O$%&' you will be able to download more official scenarios, find usersubmitted scenarios and be able to enter contests and submit your own designs!
120S&E/ 4AF
1ecommended for first-time pla8ers
%.QE1*= ) - $ /t's ever8 monster for himself in this #attle 1o8ale! The Kaiju World Wars have raged across our planet leaving nothing but destruction in their wa(e<
R/T41Q 4F9/T/4F*= The first Kaiju to score + 9estruction %oints 41 the last Kaiju standing wins, whichever comes first< This means 8ou must be smart and tough! Dse >elee .ttac(s to smac( 8our opponent around a bit, but don't be afraid to run awa8 when the action gets too intense!
*%E/. 1DE* 641 T:/* *EF.1/4= /n + or $ pla8er games, defeating a Kaiju scores " 9estruction points< /n this free-for-all scenario, no cit8 is safe, so 8ou and 8our opponents pic( the arena< Evenl8 divide buildings, ponds, gardens, fire and rubble amongst each pla8er< 1oll to determine which pla8er gets to place the special 1estaurant buildings< Then ta(e turns placing $ mar(ers on the board at a time, starting with the oldest member of the group< . pla8er ma8 choose to stop adorning the board an8time, relin@uishing his eNtra mar(ers to the group pot which an8 other pla8er ma8 eNchange for one of their pieces in their turn< %la8ers ma8 build upon an8 pla8ers buildings 3eNcluding 1estaurants; up to a maNimum height of $, but ma8 not otherwise modif8 an occupied space< When all cit8 bloc( spaces have been occupied or when all pla8ers have agreed upon the la8out, each pla8er ma8 select ) militar8 units and place them, one at a time, in turn, on the map< 6or the first turn, roll the dice to determine pla8er turn order< Each Kaiju must start in a different corner of the board, with the first pla8er choosing their corner first, and so on< Ainsert scenario board setup imageB
&$E E0# 2, &2;2F
%.QE1*= ) to $ 3all four Kaiju are used; The Xiliens are tr8ing to destro8 downtown To(8o, and have sent 5igan and King 5hidorah to ta(e care of the tas(< /t's up to 5odCilla and 1odan to save the cit8 from destruction!
R/T41Q 4F9/T/4F*= 5igan and King 5hidorah win as a team b8 destro8ing all the buildings of $ height, all the pondsHgardens and at least five height-+ buildings 41 b8 defeating both 5odCilla and 1odan< 5odCilla and 1odan win as a team b8 defeating both 5igan and King 5hidorah<
*%E/. 1DE* 641 T:/* *EF.1/4= 5igan or King 5hidorah starts the game, roll to d etermine which and select a corner in which to enter< FeNt, 5odCillaH1odan does the same< The remaining member of team 5iganHKing 5hidorah goes third and lastl8, the remaining 5odCillaH1odan< With three pla8ers, one pla8er pla8s both monsters for either the 5odCillaH1odan team or the King 5hidorahH5igan team< /f onl8 two pla8ers are pla8ing, both pla8ers control two monsters of one team< %onds and 5ardens can be attac(ed, but onl8 with a ranged attac(< 4nce destro8ed, the8 are removed from the board< #efore an8 pla8er ta(es a turn, the 5odCillaH5igan team ma8 place + tan(s and troop carriers on the board in an8 open spaces< Ainsert scenario board setup imageB
%.QE1*= ) 35igan and 5odCilla; 5igan has awo(en after 8ears of slumber, and his appetite needs to be sated< :is fierce hunger has brought him to the seaside town of harleston, * and its thriving fishing industr8< .ll the )-stor8 buildings on this map have 6ish 1estaurants in them< 9rawn b8 the smells of coo(ing fish, 5igan will attempt to gorge himself on those buildings< /t's up to 5odCilla, with a little help from the local >ilitar8 forces, to ta(e down 5igan and his Kaiju-siCed appetite<
R/T41Q 4F9/T/4F*= 5igan wins if he stomps ten of the fifteen )-stor8 buildings on the map or reaches 09%< 5odCilla wins if he defeats 5igan<
*%E/. 1DE* 641 T:/* *EF.1/4= 5igan goes first, entering on the left side of the board 3see map;< 5odCilla enters the game through an8 *treet *@uare on the edge of the gameboard at least " s@uares from where 5igan is at the time< 5igan cannot attac( an8 of the )-stor8 buildings< :e must move into their spaces< 5odCilla cannot be defeated either b8 5igan or >ilitar8 Dnits< /f 5odCilla's :ealth would be reduced to Cero, he instead starts his neNt turn with ) less Energ8< 5igan does not receive health benefits from destro8ing 6ish 1estaurants< ote: he 0estaurants descri&ed in this cenario do 43 act a s 0estaurant 6uildings $ith the a&ility to restore -ealth. ote: Players may alter this cenario to ha,e in,ol,e any t$o Kaiu# $ith the Kaiu replacing Gigan™ starting /irst.
Ainsert scenario board setup imageB
!"#!R KI"G GHIDORAH™$ *&$+- / (&ll four 0ai1u) 2n downtown 3anhattan, 4od5illa6, 4igan6, and odan6 have fought a pitched battle with no clear victor. #he city is devastated and the monsters have all suffered in1uries. 7hile toying with the 0ai1us abilities from afar, the 8iliens choose to send their terrifying agent, 0ing 4hidorah6, to finish them all off! %29#O$ 9O:;2#2O:- 4od5illa6, 4igan6, and odan6 win by defeating 0ing 4hidorah6. 0ing 4hidorah6 wins by defeating all other 0ai1u He must be the last monster remaining on the board. -*+92& '+- O #H2- -9+:&2O 4od5illa6, 4igan6, and odan6 cannot use their light or eap actions for this scenario. 2f playing using &dvanced 9ombat, 0ing 4hidorah6 starts with one *ower 'p card. 4od5illa6, 4igan6, and odan6 potentially start this scenario with damage. +ach 0ai1u rolls = die and adds / to determine their starting health. 4od5illa6, 4igan6, and odan6 also start with ;estruction points. +ach 0ai1u rolls a die and scores that number of destruction points. 0eep rolling until each 0ai1u has at least = ;estruction points. #he 0ai1u with the highest ;estruction points starts the game. #hat monster picks a corner on the board in which to enter, remaining players pick from the remaining corners. #he 8iliens have disabled all of the monsters? flying@leaping abilities. 4od5illa6, 4igan6 and odan6 may only use their Heal card once in the game. 0ing 4hidorah6 scores AB ;estruction *oints for each 0ai1u he defeats.
Ainsert scenario board setup imageB
7ith a heavy heart, #oy %ault dedicates C4od5illa6 0ai1u 7orld 7ars6 to the memory of our longtime friend, !d Wires. -ince the creation of our company in =DDE, +d has been #oy %aults goto guy for any figures that needed to be painted. He often attributed his work for us to be the start of his incredible career that now spans many worldrenowned companies and licenses. &lways eager to work and guaranteed to do a brilliant 1ob, the loss of +d will leave an empty hole in the toy industry that may never be filled. +d 7ires final contributions to #oy %ault were the figurine prototypes for this game which served as the basis for the coloring in this very copy. &s you can see, +d went out on top and he will be sorely missed. #hanks for the years of fantastic work, +d. Game %redi&s:
4ame F -cenarios designed by Richard H. Berg &dditional ule F -cenario design and development by 'au( B(a)e* Zac 'ens+(* and #+ny mi&h
9over and board artwork, icon design by R+n ,encer 0ai1u profile artwork, military units, pond and garden markers by %hris -ui((iams 4ame artwork and layout by Zac 'ens+( igures sculpted by Daid Wi(s+n "uilding tiles and additional sculpting assistance by Raen H++d igure prototypes painted by !d Wires 4od5illa6 9onsultant Daid Henry -pecial thanks to all the playtesters who helped this game through its gradual evolution Richard H. Berg/s ,++( +0 &ire(ess &es&ers* &he !as& #ennessee Gamers* Kein 1 Rh+nda Bender* !d Bryan 1 eery+ne e(se 2h+ 2as 2i((ing &+ ,(ay &he ,r+&+&y,es . #hanks everyone!
&lso check out our citysmashing card game
and be on the lookout for GODZILLA6 : #RI3IA6!
#oy %ault 2nc., AGE &merican 4reeting 9ard d., 9orbin 0$ /= #oy %ault6 and I A= #oy %ault 2nc. &ll ights eserved. 4od5illa6, 0ing 4hidorah6, 4igan6, odan6 and the 9haracter ;esigns are trademarks of #oho 9o., td. I A= #oho 9o., td. &ll rights reserved.