Google’s HRM: HR Planning, Job Analysis Analysis & Design Google’s human resource management involves dierent strategies to address the !or"orce needs o this diversiied business organi#ation$ %his diversiication imoses signiicant challenges to human resource managers o the comany$ 'onetheless, there are certain HRM aroaches that are generally alied to dierent areas o Google$ (or instance, in human resource lanning, Google’s HR managers ocus on the eective use o orecast inormation to minimi#e the surlus or shortage o emloyees, and to establish a balance bet!een the suly and demand or )ualiied emloyees$ Google’s *ob analysis and design aroaches are also varied because o the dierent tyes o *obs in the dierent businesses o the comany$
Google’s Human Resource Planning Forecasting$$ Human resource managers at Google use trend analysis and scenario analysis Forecasting or orecasting$ %rend analysis is a )uantitative techni)ue that allo!s the comany to redict ossible HR demand based on current conditions and changes in the business$ +cenario analysis is Google’s )ualitative techni)ue or orecasting HR demand$ +cenario analysis involves analy#ing dierent combinations o variables to redict HR demand or each resulting scenario$ n this !ay, Google uses a combination o )uantitative and )ualitative techni)ues or orecasting HR demand$ Surplus & Shortage of Employees $ -oncerns about surlus or shortage o emloyees at Google are mostly in the roduction rocesses, such as the manuacture o -hromecast and the rovision o the Google (iber nternet and cable television service$ n develoing and roviding !eb.based and sot!are roducts, human resource surlus and shortage are not a signiicant concern$ (or roduction rocesses, Google’s human resource management identiies ossible surluses and shortages through orecasting techni)ues$ %hus, the comany’s human resource lanning includes orecasted surluses and shortages o human resources$ +uch inormation is used or recruitment and scheduling$ Balancing Supply and Demand$ Demand $ Google’s human resource management aces minimal roblems !hen it comes to balancing HR suly and demand$ /ven i demand or !eb. based0sot!are roducts and online advertising services increase, Google does not need to commensurately increase its human resources in these business areas because o the digital nature o these roducts$ +till, the comany needs to address HR suly and demand in other areas, such as the roduction and distribution o consumer electronics li"e 'e1us and -hromecast$ (or these areas, Google uses a le1ible strategy !here ne! emloyees are hired based on orecasts o human resource needs$ %he combination o Google’s HR management aroaches or orecasting, identiying issues !ith surlus and shortage o emloyees, and balancing o human resource suly and demand eectively suorts the human resource needs o the irm$ Google uses conventional methods
and techni)ues together !ith advanced inormation systems to analy#e human resource data to suort human resource management decisions$
Jo !nalysis and Design at Google "rgani#ational Design$ Google’s organi#ational design enables the comany to le1ibly address human resource needs$ %he interconnections in the irm’s matri1 organi#ational structure allo! human resource managers to easily identiy cross.lin"ages among dierent arts o the organi#ation and use this inormation or the rocesses o *ob analysis and design$ %hus, Google’s organi#ational design acilitates and otimi#es human resource management activities, articularly in *ob analysis and design$ $ethods of Jo !nalysis$ Google uses a combination o !or"er.oriented *ob analysis methods and !or".oriented *ob analysis methods$ Ho!ever, the comany emhasi#es the use o !or". oriented *ob analysis methods in *obs li"e those in research and develoment, as !ell as *obs in roduct design and manuacturing$ Google emhasi#es the !or"er.oriented *ob analysis methods in *obs that re)uire signiicant interersonal s"ills, such as human resource management ositions$ Jo Description & Specification$ 2ecause o the large si#e o the organi#ation, Google has highly varied *ob descritions and seciications$ %he *ob descritions and seciications or ositions in roduct develoment, or instance, signiicantly dier rom the *ob descritions and seciications or ositions in human resource management$ 'onetheless, Google emhasi#es certain characteristics in all emloyees, such as smartness and drive or e1cellence in all *ob ositions throughout the organi#ation$
Google’s HRM: Recruitment, +election, Retention Google’s success is based on its high )uality human resources$ %he comany generally emhasi#es smartness and e1cellence among its emloyees$ Google’s human resource management also includes careully selected strategies, methods, and techni)ues or recruitment and selection, and or the retention o high )uality !or"ers$ %he irm’s recruitment ractices and selection rocess ensure an ade)uate !or"orce$ %he retention rograms at Google are designed to retain e1cellent emloyees$ %hese rograms also attract emloyees to the irm$ %he comany is no! one o the best laces to !or"$ %his oularity and ositive ercetion indicates the success o the irm’s human resource management in recruitment, selection, and emloyee retention$
Google’s Recruitment Practices
Sources$ Google’s human resource management uses a mi1ture o internal and e1ternal recruitment sources to maintain the ade)uacy o its human resources$ %he comany uses romotions, transers, and trainees0interns as the main internal recruitment sources or HR needs$ 3n the other hand, the e1ternal recruitment sources at Google include educational institutions and resondents to *ob advertisements$ Most o these ads are available through the -areers section o Google’s !ebsite$ %hrough these recruitment sources, the comany acilitates a continuous inlu1 o )ualiied !or"ers, !hile matching these emloyees’ caabilities !ith human resource needs$ $ethods$ -onsidering the combination o internal and e1ternal recruitment sources, Google uses indirect methods and direct methods o recruitment$ %he indirect methods are more signiicant to the comany$ %hese indirect methods include advertisements on the comany’s !ebsite$ Ho!ever, Google’s human resource management also uses direct methods in the orm o contacts !ith otential interns and uture emloyees through academic institutions$ %his combination o direct and indirect recruitment methods is aligned !ith the mi1ture o internal and e1ternal recruitment sources to satisy Google’s human resource re)uirements$
Selection Process at Google %he most signiicant criteria used in Google’s human resource management or the selection o alicants are smartness, creativity, drive or e1cellence, and alignment !ith the organi#ation$ %he comany does not use !or" e1erience as a ma*or criterion or selection$ %hese criteria are based on the irm’s goal o ma1imi#ing innovation to suort its broad dierentiation strategy $ %here are dierent rocesses used or the selection o alicants at Google$ Ho!ever, in general, the comany’s selection rocess involves bac"ground chec"s, reliminary screening, on.the.*ob tests, and intervie!s$ Google’s human resource management uses dierent rocedures and stes or the various ositions in the organi#ation$ (or instance, on.the.*ob tests are generally used or ositions that are more re)uently illed through absortion o interns and trainees$
Google’s Employee Retention Programs Google’s comensation ac"ages are the main HRM tool that the comany uses or retaining high.)uality human resources$ %he comany’s comensation ac"ages are cometitive and above average$ (or e1amle, Google rovides high salaries and !ages$ n addition, emloyees get ree meals and other incentives and beneits$ %he tyical design o the comany’s oices emhasi#es un and creativity, !hich attract and retain creative and innovative !or"ers$
Google’s human resource management uses coaching and mentoring to retain and develo emloyees !ith leadershi otential$
Google’s HRM: %raining, -areer Develoment Google’s human resource management ractices cover eective emloyee training rograms, as !ell as erormance management to ma1imi#e human resource caabilities$ %he comany uses aroriate needs analysis to design training rograms aimed at suorting an innovative !or"orce$ %he training rograms and their results are regularly evaluated to ensure that they meet Google’s human resource needs$ Google’s career develoment rograms ensure that emloyees are given considerable oortunities or ersonal and roessional gro!th in the comany$
Employee %raining at Google eeds !nalysis$ Google’s HR management uses dierent tyes o needs analysis, such as organi#ational analysis, !or" analysis, and cost.beneit analysis$ 3rgani#ational analysis identiies ne! human resource needs based on the irm’s current situation$ (or e1amle, in develoing ne! roducts and investing in ne! businesses, Google conducts organi#ational analysis to determine the corresonding human resource re)uirements$ 4or" analysis determines the seciic re)uirements to ulill !or" tas"s$ Google alies !or" analysis on ne! *obs, or !hen an organi#ational restructuring has *ust occurred$ -ost.beneit analysis determines the racticality o training rograms and activities$ Google’s HRM ob*ective in using this tye o analysis is to ma1imi#e the beneits achieved through training rograms$ Program Design$ Google’s HR management uses a combination o the relational model and the results.oriented aroach or training rogram design$ %he relational model ocuses on the relationshi o the comany !ith emloyees$ Google maintains ositive internal relations to oster emloyee articiation in creative and innovative rocesses$ %he results.oriented aroach ocuses on training outcomes$ (or e1amle, in imlementing a training rogram, Google uses this aroach to acilitate emloyees’ learning$ %hus, the relational model otimi#es relations among emloyees, !hile the results.oriented aroach ensures that Google’s human resources are eective$ Deli'ery$ Google’s human resource management delivers training rograms in various !ays, such as discussions, simulations and on.the.*ob training$ Discussions enable Google to maintain rich communications involving emloyees$ 4ith rich communications, training rograms also beneit through ma1imum eedbac" rom the trainees$ %he comany uses simulations to acilitate creative resonses$ +imulations emo!er Google’s emloyees to understand the details o !or" tas"s, ro*ects, and roducts$ %he comany’s HRM uses on.the.
*ob training to ma1imi#e the transer o "no!ledge to ne! hires or interns$ Many o these interns are absorbed into Google’s organi#ation$ E'aluation$ Google has summative and descritive uroses in evaluating training rograms$ %he summative urose is to determine the eectiveness o the rogram in develoing human resources$ %he descritive urose o evaluation is to understand the eects o the training on emloyees$ Google’s human resource management uses evaluation variables li"e trainees’ learning and reactions, and the results o training rograms in terms o changes in human resource "no!ledge, s"ills, and abilities$
(areer De'elopment at Google )ndi'idual*"rgani#ation $atching$ Google matches individual and organi#ational needs by illing ositions based on a combination o erormance araisals and intervie!s$ %hese araisals and intervie!s rovide inormation or human resource managers to ensure roer it bet!een emloyees and the *ob, organi#ation, and team$ n this regard, Google’s human resource management’s aroaches or matching individual and organi#ational needs address erson.*ob it, erson.organi#ation it, and erson.grou it$ %hese dierent "inds o it suort ma1imum human resource erormance at the *ob level, team level, and organi#ational level, resectively$ (areer "pportunities and Re+uirements )dentification $ n relation, Google’s HR management identiies career oortunities and re)uirements through a combination o *ob analysis and coaching$ Job analysis enables HR managers to identiy ossible career otions or individual emloyees$ Google uses coaching as a !ay o understanding the dynamics involving the individual emloyee and ossible career otions !ithin the organi#ation$ %his combination hels HR managers identiy re)uirements or career aths, and ho! these aths resent oortunities or Google’s emloyees$ Employee Potential !ssessment $ Google’s human resource management assesses emloyee otential through intervie!s, araisals, and coaching$ Araisals rovide an ob*ective evaluation o the emloyee’s otential$ ntervie!s and coaching enable Google’s HR managers to determine the otential eectiveness o emloyees or dierent "inds o *obs$ Araisals indicate ho! emloyees are doing in their current *obs, !hile the intervie!s and coaching indicate the emloyees’ level o interest or certain *obs and ho! they could ulill other *obs at Google$ )nstituting (areer De'elopment )nitiati'es $ +ome career develoment initiatives are regularly instituted at Google, !hile others are alied as the need arises$ Regular imlementation o career develoment initiatives are based on the comany’s career develoment rograms$ Google conducts annual araisals, !hich are also used as basis or career develoment$ During or ater araisals, the comany’s human resource management inorms emloyees o
ossible career oortunities$ n addition, the irm institutes some career develoment initiatives as the need arises, such as !hen a ne! business or roduct is develoed$ (or e1amle, the develoment o the Google (iber business creates ne! career oortunities, !hich are resented to the comany’s emloyees$