ID : in-5-Logical-Reasoning [1]
Class 5 Logical Reasoning For more such worksheets visit
Answer Answer t he quest ions ions (1)
Round each each number number to nearest nearest tens and f ind the product. 93 × 77 × 67
Joel did yoga 13 days days ago. He He does yoga o nly on T hursday. What What is t he day today ?
(3) A dog is chasing chas ing a mous e.
The dog starts at 5 m and jumps 2 m every time. The mouse starts at 8 m and jumps 1 m every time. If they bot h st art at the s ame ame time, time, af ter ho w many many jum jumps ps would the do g would reach reach the mouse? (4 )
How many many triangles triangles are t here in this f igure ?
Choose correct answer(s) from given choice (5)
♠ × 6 = 6 = ♥ ♥ - ♠ = 150, If
then what what is t he value value of
(6 )
♥ + ♠ ?
a. 210 a. 210
b. 27 b. 270 0
c. 150 c. 150
d. 24 d. 240 0
Vandit Vandit a, Usha, Sulekha and Aditya Aditya are playing cards. Vandita Vandita and Us ha are part ners. if Usha is f acing acing east, and Sulek Sulekha ha is sit ting on lef t hand side of Usha. Aditya Aditya is f acing acing which which direc directio tio n ? a. north a. north
b. east b. east
c. south c. south
d. west d. west
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ID : in-5-Logical-Reasoning [2]
(7 )
Which of the f ollowing 2 statements is t rue Statement 1 : All rectangles are squares. Statement 2 : All squares are rectangles.
a. None of these
b. Only st atement 1
c. Statements 1 and 2
d. Only st atement 2
What is t he next t erm in this series? 1
4 a.
1 7
1 11
1 16
1 22
, ...
38 c.
39 (9 )
1 35
T he table below shows t he number of pencils needed f or dif f erent number of st udents . If each st udent s hould get same number of pencils, how many pencils are needed f or 10 st udents ? Number of St undent s Number of pencils 1
a. 30
b. 29
c. 32
d. 33
(10) If D > B, B > C and C > A, then which of the f ollo wing is def initely wrong. a. A > D
b. D > A
c. B > A
d. D > C
(11) T here are red and white balls in a bag. T wo- f if th o f the balls are red. If 13 red and 7 white more balls are added to t he bag, which of f ollowing is co rrect? a. There are more red balls than white balls b. There are more white balls than red balls c. Cannot be determined f rom given inf ormation d. T here are same number of red and white balls
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ID : in-5-Logical-Reasoning [3]
Fill in the blanks (12) If
= 16 ,
= 20
= 16 ,
= 28
(13) When a number is put into the machine below, a diff erent number comes out . If 8 goes in, 3 comes out . If 10 goes in, 5 comes out . If 12 goes in, 7 comes out .
14 ↓
Number Machine
If 14 goes in,
sho uld come out ?
(14) Find the next number in the s equence. 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27 , 28, 29, 30, (15)
T he empty boxes below sho uld have numbers 463
. 471
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ID : in-5-Logical-Reasoning [4]
Answers (1)
3 jumps Step 1 Af ter 1 st jump, dog will be at 7 and mous e will be at 9 Step 2 Af ter 2 nd jump, dog will be at 9 and mouse will be at 10 Step 3 Af ter 3 rd jump, dog will be at 11 and mous e will be at 11 Step 4 T heref ore, do g will catch mous e in 3 jumps.
(4 )
10 Step 1 Following triangles are t here in this f igure
Step 2 T heref ore t here are 10 triangles in this f igure
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ID : in-5-Logical-Reasoning [5]
a. 210 Step 1 We have been to ld that
♠ × 6 = ♥. This means, one heart is same in value as 6 spades.
Step 2 We have also been told that
♥ - ♠ = 150. This means t hat:
Value of one heart - Value of one spade = 150 In the f irst s tep, we learnt t hat the value of one heart is same as 6 spades. Combining these two f acts, we can say that: Value of 6 spades - Value of 1 spade = 150 T his means, the value of 5 spade = 150. Step 3 If the value of 5 spades is 150, then the value of one spade will be 5 times less, t hat is, 150/5 = 30 Step 4 Going back to what we learnt in st ep 1, the value of one heart = 30 × 6 = 180 Step 5 T his means, the value of 1 heart + 1 spade is = 180 + 30 = 210 Step 6 Now the value of
♥ + ♠ is 210 .
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ID : in-5-Logical-Reasoning [6]
a. north Step 1 T he f ollowing picture sho ws the relation between the f our directio ns:
Step 2 It is given that Usha is f acing east . T herefo re, she sho uld be sitting as f ollows,
Step 3 It is also given that Sulekha is sitt ing on t he lef t hand side of Usha. T heref ore, she sho uld be sitting as f ollows,
Step 4 Since Vandita is Usha's partner, she should be sitting opposite to Usha. Similarly Aditya is Sulekha's partner, and he s hould be sit ting o ppos ite t o Sulekha.
Step 5 Now, we can see t hat Aditya is f acing the north direction.
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ID : in-5-Logical-Reasoning [7]
d. Only stat ement 2 Step 1 Any quadrilat eral wit h f our right angle co rner is rectangle. Step 2 A square is a special kind o f rect angle, it is o ne where all the sides have t he same length Step 3 T heref ore we can say that All squares are rectangles and All rect angles are not square Step 4 T heref ore only stat ement 2 is correct
(8) b.
1 37 Step 1 If we loo k at the numbers in the series
1 11
1 16
1 22
, ..,
we will f ind that the numerato r of all terms in the series is 1 and the dif f erence between the denominators in successive terms is increasing by 1: 7-4=3 11 - 7 = 4 16 - 11 = 5 22 - 16 = 6 29 - 22 = 7 Step 2 T he dif f erence between 29 and the denominato r of the next term should be 8. Step 3 T hus t he next denominator sho uld be 29 + 8 = 37. Step 4 Theref ore, the next term of the series is
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ID : in-5-Logical-Reasoning [8]
a. 30 Step 1 Let us lo ok at the table caref ully and f ind some patt ern between the number of st udents and number of pencils needed. Step 2 We can see t hat t he number of pencils needed is always equal to the number of st udents multiplied by 3. Step 3 T his means, the number of pencils needed f or 10 st udents is 10 × 3 = 30 pencils.
(10 ) a. A > D Step 1 It is given that D is greater than B, and B is greater than C. Theref ore, we can inf er that D to o is greater than C. Step 2 Now we know t hat D is greater t han C, and it is given that C is greater than A. T heref ore, we can inf er that D too is greater than A. Step 3 Since D > A, the s tatement A > D is def initely wrong.
(11) c. Cannot be determined fro m given inf ormation Step 1 It is given that T wo- f if th balls are red and rest are white. Since Two- f if th is smaller than half , there are more white balls t han red balls. Step 2 Now more red balls ar e added than white balls Step 3 T here were more white balls t han red balls, but no w more red balls are added, therefo re we can not det ermine f or s ure if there will be more red balls or white balls.
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ID : in-5-Logical-Reasoning [9]
9 Step 1 Lets write all pairs o f input and output numbers, 8
Step 2 If we observe these numbers, we can see that o utput number is 5 less t han the input number Step 3 Same pattern s hould be f ollowed when number 14 go es in, theref ore o utput number, = 14 - 5 =9
(14) (15)
35 462
Step 1 Lets obs erve the boxes where numbers 4 63 and 471 are writt en 463 is at 2 nd position 47 1 is at 10 th position Step 2 Diff erence in their positio n = 10 - 2 = 8, Dif f erence in numbers = 47 1 - 463 = 8 Step 3 From above dif f erences we can inf er that each part on t his line represent 1 Step 4 Theref ore number at f irst pos ition should be, = 463 - (2 - 1) = 462 Step 5 Theref ore number in f irst box = 4 62 Step 6 Second miss ing box is at 7 th position Number at 7 th position = 462 + (7 - 1) = 468
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