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Confents Storter Mg bestfriends! Thepresentsimpleond continuous The postsimple
Thepresentperfect(1):everond never Thepresentperfect(2):for ond since
On the stoge
ThepresentperJector postsimple? The presentperJect(3):olreodg,get,just ond before
Comporotive ond superlotive odjectives Tooond enough
Review1 4 5 6
Theworld oroundus Thepostcontinuous ond the postsimpte Usedto Theenvironment Dogtrip
Will ond won't Thepresentcontinuouswith future meoning
Begoingtofor plonsond intentions Begoingtofor mokingpredictions bosedon whot Uouconsee
42 48
ReviewI 7 8 9
Firstoid Ourfovouritefood Possibilities
Reported speech(1) Reportedspeech(2):soidond told ond time words
(1):offirmotiveond negotive FirstconditionoL (2):questionsond shortonswers FirstconditionoL
Modolsfor possibititg: mog,might ond could Hoveto
Review3 fO Lifein the post
70 Indefinitepronouns Questiontogs
11 Mokingo fil.m
Thepossive(L):presentsimpte With ond bg
12 Fomousinventions
(2):postsimple Thepossive (3):questions Thepossive
86 92
Review4 Grommorreference
The presentsimpleand continuous The past simple
Younormallygo what are you doing,Ryan? Maddyand Bethon out with Martin,Tommy, Saturdays. l' m talking to themright now, Muml
Ryan we alwaysgo outtogether on Saturday afternoons.
to totk obouthobits We usethe presentsimpLe ond routines. Younormolly go out with yourfriendson Saturdags. Orthingsthot oreolwogstrue. Wego outtogether on Saturdagofternoons.
to to[k obout We usethe presentcontinuous whot we oredoingnow. I'm talking to them. like now,right now, Or with time expressions of the moment. I'm talking to them right now,Mum!
Weofien usethe presentsimplewith odverbsof frequencA[ikesometimes,never,usuo[19,often, mostdogs. play vollegballin thepork. I sometimes
We usethe postsimpleto tolk oboutoctions thot orefinished.Weofien useit with time Likethis morning,gesterdog, tost expressions geor,of 10 o'clock. Wewent to the park gesterdag.
Write the words in the correctorder. e s/ I / w i th mgfri e n d s/ g o swim m ing 1 sometim
2 she's/todog / o redskirt/ weoring
I s o m e t i me sg o s'w rrn mL nwgtth my Jr iend.s 3 s h o p p i n/gMu mo n dD o d/ o re/o t the m oment
4 ever gm or ning/ I /to schoo[ / wol k
5 u s u o l l g/ s h e/o b l u ed re ss /w e o rs
6 wolking/ rightnow/to the shops/ Mum's
Completethe sentences. Usethe presentsimpleor presentcontinuousof the verbsin brockets. I
Dod wotches
(wotch)TV mostevenings. (ptog)with gourfriends mostdogs.
2 You
3 GrondmoondGrondpo
(Listen)to the rodioot the moment.
(do)her homeworknow.
4 She
(be)in thefootbot[teomthis geor.
6 Mu m
7 Theg
(hove)homeworkot weekends.
(stick)picturesin her bookot the moment.
Mg sister
(go)ono summerhol.idog evergAugust.
9 We
r0 I
(l.eorn)to pl.ogtennisin schoolot the moment.
Lookof exercise 2.Writesentences. Usethe postsimpleondthe time expression. 1 gesterdog evening 2 gesterdog 3 lost night 4 of the weekend 5 lost geor 6 two hoursogo 7 lost weekend 8 t h ism o r n i n g 9 lost geor 10 thisweek
+ Lookof the toble.Circlethe correctonswerin the sentences below. Lostnight
TheCoseg fomiLg
worksoso teoche,
i so sch o opLu p il
pupil is o schooL
o restouront openins o po,...r o restouront
l|:;t wotchedo DVD plogedwith dol.l.s
toLking to ngon usinghiscom pute r toLkingto ood
-->-\ is workingot the hospitoL. 1 Dodfovorks)/ ot o school. 2 Mum isteoching/ teoches \J
3 D o do p e n s/ 's o p e n i n go p o rceol f th e m oment. 4 Rgonwotched/ did wotcho DVDLostnight. 5 DoesMumtoLk/ Is Mumtol.kingto Rgonrightnow? Lostnight? 6 DidMum eot/ DidMum ote of o restouront 7 DidDodwotcho DVDlostnight?No,hedidn't./ No,hewosn't. Yes,heis./ Yes,is. 8 Is Rgono schoolpupil.? 9 Is Rgontotking/ WosRgontotkingto Mum rightnow? with Mum Lostnight?Yes,theg did./Yes,hedid. 10 DidDodeot ot o restouront i
Write sentences. Usethe presentsimpte,the presentcontinuousor the post simpleof the verbsin the box. stort listen wotch ptog Like visit eot be
toLk 4d
to schoolmostdogs.
1 lock, .q-oe: 2 M u mo n dDo d
C h i nesefood Lostnight. o doctor.
3 Mum -4 Ienngofien-- - 5 S o l . Logn dMu m 6 Louise 8 Edword
h e rsch o o l . to useo computer threegeorsogo. porklostweekend. the odventure
9 We
to Gr ondmo r ightnow o DVDot the moment.
7 Eric
10 I --
with dotls.
to mg MP3plogerot the moment.
Writenegotive sentences. Usethe present simple,the present continuous or the postsimple. 1 Mum/ notwork/ rightnow. Mum isn'tworking_nght now. 2 Rgon/ noteot/ oto restouront / Lostnight. 3 Dod/ not be/ o teocher. 4 Dod/ not use/ the computer/ of the moment. 5 lulio / not wotch/ o DVDLostnight. 6 DodondMum / notgo/tothe cinemo/ tostnight. 7 Grondpo/ not eot / icecreom/ of the moment. 8 Dodond Rgon/ not wosh/ the cor/ Lostweekend.
Writeguestions ondshortonswers. Usethe present simple,the present continuous or the postsimple. 1 Rgon/ goto school/ most dogs / 2 Mum / pLogwith doLls/ lost night )f 3 be/ Dod/ ot the hospitol/ Lostnight / 4 Tutio/ pl.ogwith dol.l.s /otthe moment I 5 be/ Mum / oteocher / 6 Rgon/ wotch / o DVD/ right now tr 7 Grondmoond Grondpo/ Listento the rodio/ gesterdogtr 8 Mum ond Dod/ woshthecor/ rightnow /
The presentperfect(1):ever and never The presentperfect(2):for and since
we'vedecidedto uiiilda doll'shouse s mew ood. f o r1 u l ia D . a d 'sg i ve nL 4so Haveyou broughtthe paint,Martin? Yes,I have.
Doyouwantto helpus,Tommy? Haveyou evermadea doll'shouse? No,I haven't.I'venevermade anything outof wood!
I '.:+".?,"
, ''i':'tt
R W. usethe presentperfectto to[k oboutoctions $ in tf r ep o s t h o t o resti tLtru en o w . We'vedecidedto build a doll's housefor Iulia. Wemakethe presentperfectoffirmotivewith hove+ postporticiple. We normo[[gusethe shortformof hove,especioL[g in conversotion. Dad'sgivenussomewood. g e so m e ry T h ep o s tp o rti ci p lies u su o [Lth o Jth eve rbbut , t o st h e p o s tsi mp l e Jo rm someverbsoreirregu[or. Thereis o Listof r rb so n p o g e9 6 . c o m m o ni r re g u [ove
U n i t1
Thewordevermeons'in gourLifeupto now'. Weconuseit with the question Jormof the presentperfectto oskobouto person's [iJe experience. Havegou evermadea doll'shouse? We useneverin the presentperfectto to[k obout something thot we hovenot donein our life up now. to Weolwogsuseon offirmotiveverbwith never. I've nevermodeangthingout of wood.
Writesentences. Usethe presentperfect. 1 We / decide/ to mokeo dotl'shouse.
Wd v-edeei-de-dro-nnake-cdolLshouse2 Rg o n/ J i n d/ o ho mme r. 3 Tommg/ meosure of wood. / the pieces 4 Do d/ b u g/ s o m ep o i n tJoth r e d o l l 'sh o use. Mortin/ point/ the wo[Ls. B e t h / m o k e / o mi sto ke . 7 Rgonond hisJriends / finish/ theirwork. 8 Thefriends/ give/ the doll'shouseto lutio.
2 Lookof the [ist.Writesentences with the presentperfect.
l'v e d o n e m')u h o me w o rk.
Uni t1
3 Completethe questionsond shortonswers.Usethe verbsin brockets. 1
gou €otet-
(eot)thecoke?No,I hoven't (l.ose) hisbosketbolt?Yes,he (hove)onemoilfromthem? Yes,we
3 ----------
we -
R o bo n dA mg-
5 -6
7 -
he -
(give)Mumthe doorkegs?No,I gou(coLL) gouondMum Grondmo to sogthonkgou?Yes,we
( see) thefiLmNo, ? theg (buil.d) o sondcostle? Yes,she (find)gourfootbolt?No,I (turnoff)the DVDploger?Yes,he (eot)Lunch?No,she
with neverond questionswith ever. 4 Write the wordsin the correctorder.Mokesentences 1 Louise / hos/mode/ ever/ o do[['shouse Hos Loulseevermodeo dott'shouse? 2 never /I / hove/oneLephont/seen 3 ever/ octed/ in o pLog/ gou/ hove 4 been/ hos/ to Chino/ Hel"en / ever ond lockf never/ visited/ on oquorium/ hove 5 Bif.l.g 6 orgued/ with mg porents/ hove/ never/ I 7 hove/ eoten/ Chinesefood / never/ myfriends 8 theg / swum/ in the seo/ ever/ hove 9 o fiLm in Engl.ish / seen/ hove/ youf ever 10 we / eoten/hove / lemonicecreom/ never
t lYriteguestions with everondshortonswers. Usethe presentperfect.
1 lulio / soito boot?
HosJutiaeversoitedo boot?
2 Mum ond Dod/ goto o desert?
No,theu hoven't. 3 Mum/ seeo giroffe? 4 Rgon/ swimin the seo? 5 Rgon/gotoAmerico? No, 6 Mum / seeo polorbeor? No, 7 Mum ond Dod/ cl.imbo mountoin? 8 Rgon/ go to Austrolio?
6 look of exercise5.Write sentences. Useneverin the negotivesentences. 1 ]ulio 's soltedo boot. 2 MumondDod hoveneverbeento o desert. 3 Mum 4 Rg o n 5 Rg o n 6 Mum 7 M u m o n dD o d 8 Rg o n-
Coro Whiteond her dod Williomhove on unusuol hobbg.Thegore tog collectors ond theg ore the owners of o tog museumneor London. Englond.
a l .'
hos beeno tou collectorfor morethon 20 ueors. Witl.iom He stortedcotlectingtogs in 1986whenhe boughto teddg. hove hod theirmuseumsince 2000.Theghove Coro ond WiLLiom cottectedo hugenumberof togsond lotsof peoptehovevisited since it opened.Theghovedo[[sond dotls'houses,teddgbeors,troins, booksond togsfromTV progrommes ond fitms.Visitors otsobringtoUSto the museum,ond in 2002Coro ond Wittiomopenedo museumshop
Weconusethe presentperJectwith for to tolk obouthow longsomethinghoslosted. We useforwith o periodof time.Theperiodof time conbe long or shorte.g.2Ogeo]s,o week, four hours,threeminutes. WiIIiamhasbeena toy collectorformorethan 2Ogears. Thismeonsthot Wil.l.iom stortedto coltecttogs morethon 2Ogeorsogoond hestiLL coltects togs todog.
Weconusethe presentperfectwith sinceto tolk oboutwhensomethingstortedif it is stitL hoppening. We usesincewith o stortingpoint.Thestorting pointconbeongtime e.g.1,998, lost geor,in Morch,ho$-postnine. Theghavehad their museumsince2O0O. Thismeonsthot WittiomondCorostortedthe museumin 2000ondthegsti[[hoveit todog.
the sentences. Usefor or since. ? Complete 1 WiLliom o n dC o roh o veh o dth e mu seum - - f or
neor lgL0geor s.
ho scollectedtogs 2 Wi l .L io m
shewos o LittlegirL.
4 Lorgenumbersof peoplehovevisitedevergUeor .
5 Vi s i t o rfsr o m o t[ o ve rth e w o rtdh o vebr oughttogsondgom esto the m useum
ueors. 6 Th em u se um hoshodo s hop 7 Pe o p l e h o v eg i ve nto g sto th e mu se um 12
U n i t1
2002. it openedin 2000.
3 Lookof the pictures.Writesentences with the presentperfect. 'I
.rii".;1;,., "nJ
theg/ befriends/for Theu' vebeenfr Lendsfor thr ee Lieo r s J__--__r) Todo9 -x
G ro n d mo/ b e o n h o L id o gin A u s t ro lio/ s i n c e
he/ hoveon MP3pl.oger /for
Co t h g/ L ik ec h o c o lo t e/ s in c e
theg/ Livein theirhouse/ for s o I F i v eU e o rog ll l u - - i - r s H r
Writesentences. Usethe presentperfect. 'l be/ ot thisschool / for/four geors ' ' hor - n t'
' " 1 .( ,r h u ,
2 studg/ EngLish / since/ I wossix
3 know/ mg bestfriend/ Jor/ Jivegeors
4 Live/ in mg house/ Jor/eight geor s
5 hove/ mg Jovourite tog / since/ Lostgeor
6 plog/ vollegboll / since/ lostsum m er
On fhe stoge
Ryan At fastl'm goingto seeDadpefiorm in a play.I've beenexcitedall day. Mum Yes.I scw Dadact in hisfrst play 20yearsago.He'sber;nin foBof playsand he'sgreat.
ft W" usethe presentperJedto toLkobout nergrecentlg. I somethingthot hoppened Thelights have gorrcbvun. Weolso usethe presentperfectto totk obout on octionin the postthot is stitLtrue now. I've beenexcited all dog-
The presentperfector past simple? The present perfect (3):already,yet, just and before
Julia Thetightshavegonedown.ft's tirme for the playto start. l'veturned off my mobilephone. Beth I turnedoff my phonewhenwearrived.
perfectto tolk obout Weolsousethe present eventsfrom ourlifethot hovehoppened upto the present time.It doesn'tmotterwhentheg hoppened. He'sbeenin lotsof ptags. Weusethe postsimpleto tolk oboutoctions thot stortedondfinishedin the post.Weofien sogwhentheghoppened. I sowDadactin hisfirstplag20yearsago.
L T ick( / ) t h e c o rre ctse n te n ce . 1 HoveUoueverseeno plogbgShokespeor@ "? Hovegoueverseeo plogbg Shokespeorel [-l
Hovegoueverbeento the theotre?[--l
3 I sowmgfirstplogin 2003. D
Sheneverbeento o dromoctoss.[-l
I ' v es e e nm gfi rstp l o gi n 2 0 0 3 D . 5 Theoctorsteorntthe scriptLostweek.[_l
nJ:."rr 14
U n i t2
hoveLeornt thescript tost [-l
Didgoueverbeento the theotre?[-l
She'sneverbeento o dromoctoss.[-l 6 Yesterdog we wotchedo JiLmot the.inemo.[_-l
wehovewotched ofiLmotthe
2 Motch 1-5 with o-e. 1
, --
Hovegoueverbeento the theotre?
a Yes,I did.I woso detective.
Didgou Likeit whenthe Lightswent out?
b Yes,I hove.I fel.tcol.d.
H o v eg o uc o u g h tfL u ?
c No,I didn' t.Ihotethe dor k!
4 -.. .- - Didgouoct in the lost pLog? 5 -
* Hovegouput gourcooton?
d Yes,I hove.I lovewotchingpl.ogs. e Yes,I hove.I feel.iLt.
3 Circlethe correctonswers. '*" @ / f i n i s h e d o u r h o me w o rk.C o n We 9 ooutsidenow? 2 Whenhewos/ he'sbeensix,hewent / he'sbeento schoolin NewYork. 3 Amgdidn'treod/ hosn'treodthethird bookin the seriesget. teocher? 4 Hovegoumet / Didgoumeetthe newscience twicein mg Life. 5 I went/'ve beento London 6 Leoond Freddidn'tknow/ hoven'tknownthe onswersothegoskedtheirDod. 7 WereVou/ Hovegoubeenof homeLostFridogmorning? todog?Yes,I did./ Yes,I hove. 8 Hovegouspoken to Grondpo : Completethe text. Usethe presentperfector the post simple. ond he'sgot lotsof Jriendswho plogit with Brionis reottggoodot vol.l.egboLL him.Het 's-k[etln- (know)some of themJorfivegeors.WhenBrion 3 (notknow)howto pLog. ' .-. -=- - (meet)hisfriends,he (te L Lh)i mto g o w i ththemto theircLubondtheg Hisf rien d si * (wont)him Soon,evergone - (teoch)him howto pl.og. (be)on the teomfor threegeorsond to beon theirteom.NoWBrion1-t he ,-- (ptog)in totsof motches. ! Lookof exercise4. Answerthe questions.Useshort onswers. georsogol - Y-e--s,he did.1 DidBrionmeethisfriendsfive
2 DidBrionteochhisfriendsto pl.ogvoLtegbol.l.? 3 Is Briono goodvoltegbo[[ploger? 4 HosB r i o ne v e rp Lo g eodnth ete o m? 5 HosB r i o ne v e rp Lo g eidn o n gmo tch e s?
Detective Wherewereyouat twelveo'clock
lastnight? Srdspect You'vealreadyaskedmethqt qustion. Detective Andyou haven't answeted
get,just ond beforecono[[ meon'ot ft ALreodg, I sometime up to now'.Weofien usethem with ' the presentperfect.
Suspect I'm nelotts.I haven'ttalkedto o detectivebffOrz. DetectiveWell,you'vejusttalkedto me, and t'm a detective. Sonowyou havetnlkedto a detective.
We useolreodgto sogthot we oresurprised hoshoppened soonerthon we thot something expected. You'vealreodgaskedmethat question.OR You'veaskedme that questionalreadg.
We useget to tolk oboutsomethingwe expect. We It oJtencomesof the end of the sentence. onlg useget in questionsond negotivesentences. Iust meons'vergctoseto the time now'.Wecon useit to totk oboutsomethingthot hoshoppened Youhoven'tansweredit get? Theoffirmotiveform is subject+ verg recentl.g. Havegou answeredit get? just + post porticipl.e. + hove/hos Beforemeons'ot ongtime up to the present'. justtalked to me. You've It oJtencomesot the endof the sentence. Weformquestions with hove/hos+ subject+ I haven'ttalkedto a detedivebefore. just + postporticipLe. Haveyoujusttalked to him?
Circlethe correctonswers. I
get goneup. ThecurtoinhosQust)/
Hehosn'tpLogedchessbefore/ olreody.
pointedjust / just pointedthe set. 3 Theg've 4
Hovegoushownthe scriptto him get/ getthe scriptto him?
5 Youhoven'tgiventhe booksto themjust / get. 6
Hovegoueveroctedbefore/ just? U n i t2
7 Complete Usethe presentpertect. the sentences ondquestions. I
gou/ go /to Americo / before/7
2 gou/ oLreodg / oct/ in four pl"ogs
3 I /see/thefil.m/ beJore 4 I / oLreodg / go/ tolivedifferentcountries person/before/ ? 5 gou/ speok/toon Engl.ish 6 gou/ eot breokfost / oLreodg / ? 7 I / ne v e r / o d / b e fo re 8 theg / olreodg/ point / thestoge / 7
! Completethe questionsond onswers.Useget ondjust. 1 she/ meethernewdromoteocher Hosshemet her new dromoteocher
ys5,she'sjust m€t
theg / speokto the octors to them. 3 she/bugthe costumes Yes,
4 the children/ pointthe stoge
Yes,theg 5 the octors/ finishtheir costumes Yes,
6 she/ woshedherhoir Yes,
7 theg / openthe curtoins Yes,theg 8 the pl.og/f nish Yes,it
9 Lookof the text. Writequestionswith the presentperfector postsimple.
1 (Tom/ go) Drd Tom go---- - , to schoolin London from 1985to 1998?
( h e/ g o )- 3 I n 1 9 9 8(, T om/o ct )
to h isfir stdr om oclossin 1990?
(he/ Live) 5 (Tom/ won) - -6 (he/ stort)
(he/ just stort) 8 ( T o m/ h o v e ) 7
U n i t2
- --
in Por is? ..-.-.in Spoinsince2000? . o prizefor octingget? in 1990? to LeornFrench --to leornltolion? otr eodg? --thr eechildr en
10 Lookof exercise 9. Answerthe guestions. 1
Yes.he did. He went
to schoolin Londonfrom 1985to 1.998.
to hisf rstdromoclossin 1990.
in Londonin 1998.
in the USAsince2000.
o prizeforoctingin 2009.
to leornFrench in 1990.
to leornItolionlostmonth.
Write negotivesentences. Usethe presentperfector the postsimple. (notgo)toschoolin Coirowhenhewoso chil.d.
1 Andg-dddlgo
2 Mondg
3 Kote 4We
(notLive)in Londonsince1996. (notgo)to hisf rst pointingclossin 1989.
5 Mox
(notjust stort)toleornGermon.
6 M u m o n dD o d
(notfinish)mg homeworkget.
8 You
(notmiss)thebusoncelostweek-we[[ done. (nottrg) to skoteboord before.
9 Iomieondlock l0 Lil.9
(nottoke)hermobi[ephonewith hergesterdog.
U Writeshortonswers. I HosCorooctedin o pl.ogbefore?./Yes,shehos. 2 HosTedjust hodo PElesson? I 3 Hovegou met o fomouspersonbefore?/ 4 Hovegouotreodgdoneong homeworktodogTX 5 Hovetheghodlunchget?/ 6 HosEricpLoged otreodgtodog?I footbol.l. 7 Hovegouhodon Engtish testtodog?/ I
HoveI oskedgouto bringgourtroiners? I
9 Hovetheg written o letterto the Queen?/ l0 HosCorriemodesomebreod?{
; Thosedecorations are the most beautiful in the carniu'al! i 'e n 'i o u d . T h em u si c's
Comparativeand superlativeadjectives Ioo and enough
ju-lire I can't believeit. Thesedecorations are prettier than the others! {*V*t= Thisband'sas loud as the lastband! Iler# lt's louder! :i$i.'91'4,i;iiiill;1i1i,
ft Cornporotiveodjectives with thonto odjectives Weusecomporotive onepersonor thingwith onother. compore hoveoneor two sgl"LobLes. Shortodjectives Loudhosonesg[tobte.Prettghostwo sgltob[es. Ioud + louder prettg < prettier Wedon'tchongethe endingof odjectives Weput more with threeor moresgllobtes. beforethe odjectiveinsteod. Thisbookis moreinterestingthan that book. Theoppositeof moreis [ess.We uselessin the somewog osmore. Thatbookis lessinterestingthan thisbook
U n i t3
Supertotiveodjectives We usesuperlotive odjectives to comporeo person or thingwith o groupof otherpeopleor things. loud + the loudest pretty + the prettiest with three Wedon'tchongethe endingof odjectives We put mostbeforethe odjective. or moresgltobtes. the mostbeautiful Theoppositeof the mostisthe leost.We usethe leostin the somewog osthe most. the leastbeautiful
As...os... ondnotos...os... IJtwo peopleor thingsoreequolwe use os...os....W henthegor enotequot,we s ou not os ...os .... Thisband'sasloudasthe lastband!(Bothbondsore Loud.) equol.Lg Londonis not asbig asCairo.(Coirois bigger.)
I Completethe toble.
the thinnest
2 3
the mostinteresting
the eosiest
5 6
the mostexciting
2 lookof thetobteondreodthe sentences. Trueorfotse?WriteT or F. Price Beoutiful Sofe
1 Thesporklers orecheoper thon the streom.tr.I 2 TheboltoonsoremorebeoutifuL thon thefoirg
f3.80 *
Lights. 3 Thestreomers orethe leostbeoutiful.. 4 ThefoirgLights oreoscheoposthe bolloons.-
f4.50 **/
5 Thesporklers oren'tos sofeosthe boltoons. 6 Thefoirg Lightsorethe mostbeoutifuL.--7 Thestreomers orethe leostexpensive.-
8 ThefoirgLights oreos sofeosthe streomers. 9 Thebolloonsoreos sofeosthe streomers. --1 0 Theboltoonsorethe mostexpensive.
f3.ooI >f.*
Completethe sentences. Usecomporotiveor superlotiveodjectives. q1s cheoPer thon the Joirglights 1 Thesporklers
. (cheop)
2 Thefoirglightsore
-. (expensive)
3 Thestreomers ore
the foirg Lights.(soJe)
1 Thefoirglightsore 5 Theboltoonsore 6 Thesporkters oren't 7 Thebolloonsore
(beoutiful.) . (expensive) (sofe) the boLLoons. (cheop)
Rewritethe sentenceswith the oppositemeoning.Usethe odjectivesin the box. pW
short hoppg boring cotm big interesting expensive
1 Mr Johnson isthe goungest teocherin the school. M r J o h n s o ni s th e o td e stte o ch eri.nthe schoo[. 2 Ourclossroom isthe smoltestin the school. isthe soddest of mUteochers. 3 MrsRogers 4 Yosministhe toltestpersonin the closs. 5 EngLish isthe mostboringlesson. personI know. 6 Mg ort teocheristhe moststressed 7 VoLLegbol.t isthe mostexcitingsportof school. I
A sportscorischeoper thon o normolcor.
Writesentences. or superlotiveodjectives. Usecomporotive 1 Theo/ old/ bog/in thecloss. 2 Birds/ beoutiful. / etephonts. 3 Mg sister/ toLt/ girL/ in hercloss. 4 Geogrophg lessons lessons. / Long/ French 5 Mg school/ big/ in the town. 6 Februorg / short/ September. 7 Februorg / short/ monthof the geor. 8 Mg dod/ drives /fostl mg mum.
U n it3
Completethe sentences. Useos ...os ...o r not os ...os ... cteon long curlg Jett- new tol"t short
1 T h e f o o t b o L Li se r o s tq [[ q s
the r unner .
2 T h er u n n e r 'hso i ri s - -
the bosketbo LLploger's.
3 T h eb o s k e t b opl o re tl o g e r's tro i n e rs
the r unner ' s.
4 T h er u n n e irs n 't
ploger . the bosketboLL
5 ThefootboLler's hoiris 6 T h er u n n e r 'hso i ri sn 't
the r unner ' s. the bosketbo [Lploger's.
7 ThefootboL[er's shortsoren't
the bosketbo L[ploger's.
Complete the sentences. Useos...os...or not os...os.... 1 FootboLL isnotvergpopuLor. isvergpopu[or. Rugbg Rugbglsn'tos populorasJootbotl . ( poputor ) 2 FootboLLs costfour pounds. BosketboL[s olsocostfour pounds. BosketboLLs - . (c h e o p ) 3 Pl. o g i ncgh e s iss so feR . iding o h o rsei s n ot. PL o g i ncgh e s s
. (d o n g e ro u s )
is o n e w g o me . - 1 Foo tbo [[is o ve rgoLdgome.V oLlegboLL
FootboLL 5 Menrunfost.Horses runfoster. Men
. (n e w)
. (fost)
5 Y o uc o nr u nf o st.I co no L soru nfo st. I
Uni t3
',,I \r
Mother's Doy in Englond started more thon 4oo years ogo.Youngmen ond women went home once o yeor to vrsit theu families ond show their love for their mothers.Now peoplecelebroteMother's Day oll over the world, i.ncludingin Greece,Irqn, Chino,Japonond the USA.Sonsand doughtersusuoily sendo cord or someflowersond o presentto their mothers. Peoplewho think that flowersore too expensiveor who hoven't got enough money to buy o present con moke somethinginsteod.The ingredientsto moke o coke,for exomple,ore cheopenough for children to buy. Cokesaren't too difficult to make ond they're good enough to give to ony mother.
I[ W. conuseenoughbeforenounsor ofier I odjectives. It showsthot something is os muchos " we need. There'senoughcakeforeveryone. It smellsgoodenoughto eat!
Weconusetoo beforeodjectives. It showsthot something is morethon enough. Thathat is too bigfor you!
& Comptete the sentences. Writetoo or enough. 1
He's i OO
old to be in t h e t e o m.
2 The sesho e soren'tbig
--- Jor me. to Lifithot bog?
3 Ar eg o us t r on g 4 U n f o r t u n ote l mo g , n gri ve rs o re 5 Thoseclothesore 6 Isthere 24
U n i t3
pollutedto swimin.
bigfor meto weor. JoodJorevergone?
t Writethe wordsin the correctorderto mokesentences ond questions. I
t h e p o r t g/ i s / L o u d/to o T h e p q r t u l s t o o [o u d .
2 enough/isn't /the room/big
3 the Lights / bright/ ore/enough/ 7
4 the Jood/ is / expensive / too
5 the decorotions / too / heovg/ ore/ 7
6 ore/ botloons / enough / there/ ?
7 isn't/ there/ enough/ Light
is/Loud/the music/too /7
D Lookof the picture.Writesentences with too or enough.
Themusic / Loud. The music's too [oud. Themon'sstitts/ Long.
2 Thewomon'sstiLts/ short.
4 Thestoge/big.
5 Theclown'scostume/ smol.l..
6 Thedoncer's costume/big.
7 Themicrophone / toLL.
8 Thegirls dress/long.
Un it3
ReviewI I
Writethe wordsin the correctorder. 1 tidied/ mg/bedroom / I've I'vetidiedmU bedroom.
2 been/ she's/ never/to /Fronce
3 sentf Eric's / onemoil/hisJriend /to
4 sister's/ been/ shopping/ mg
5 he's/ridden/never/ohorse
6 stuckf I've/ the photo/ in / the olbum
7 thefridge/ put/ in / Mum's/ o smoothie
8 uncle's/ mV/o newcor/ bought
9 never/ we've/ to Engtond/ been
l0 seen/ I'vef thot newfilm
Write guestions with ever.Usethe present pedect. 1 gourbrother/ speoktoon Englishperson H o su o u rb ro th e re ve rso cK e nto on Enqtshper son? J
2 gou/breok gourorm r o u rJo m iLg 3 g o u rD o d/ co o kd i n n e rfo g 4 gou/ weoro suit 5 SoLl,g / wokeup ofier 9 o'clock to do theirhomework 6 theg/ useo computer 7 gourbrother/ win o trophg 8 g o u/ s w i m i n th e se o
2.Writeshortonswersto the questions. 3 Lookof exercise t
Yes,he hqs.
8 ,/
L Review
I Write sentences. Usethe presentperfectwith for or since. 1 He- ptogfootbol.L - hewoso bog. 2 Mg grondpo- beo policemon - morethontwentggeors. 3 I - hoveo heodoche - hoLfpostninethis morning. 4 We- livein this town - 2003. 5 MUfriends- beot thisschool-five geors. 6 Dod- knowMum-theg werechildren. 7 TheTV- be broken- gesterdog. 8 She- ptogthe piono- o longtime. 9 I - hovemg own bedroom -three geors. l0 You- hovethot mobilephone- lost week.
t Completethe sentences ond questions.Usethe presentperfector postsimple of the verbsin brockets. I
2 3
Mg porents
(wol.k)on the moonin 1969. (go)outLostnight. (gouevereot)Indionfood? (gousee)thefil.m onTVLostnight?
5 6 7
(finish) mghomeworkon hourogo.
(nevermeet)the newteocherbefore.
r0 Howtong
(gouhove)thot book?
6 Circlethe correctonswers. I
get / beforepointedthe stoge.
just / never/ get? 2 Hovegoudonegourhomework 3 Theg'vejust / everf beforeeotenbreokfost. just / okeodg/ betore. 4 I've neversento text messoge get/ olreodg/before. the costumes 5 Theghoven'tfinished 6 Hovetheg before/ get/ justcomebockfromholidog? 7 I've before/ otreodg/get tidiedmg room. 8 He hosn'tptogedJorthe teom before/ never/ just. 7 Completethe sentences.Usethe presentperfect ond the words in brockets. 1 I cleonedmg teethtwo minutesogo.
cleanqdmU:e€:lt lv,e-1urt
2 Suzgwon o trophglostgeor. (before)
Suzg-stortedlostweek. 3 ThehoLidogs
The h o lid o gs
4 T h ep r o g r omme fi n i sh e do sh o rtti meogo.
T h ep r o g r omme 5 Theggoveme o presentlostweek.
Theg 6 I r e o dt h i sbo o k[o stg e o r.
(beJore) 7 We boughtthe bolloonsLostweek. We
8 W ep u t u pt he d e co ro ti o nosmo me ntogo. We
8 Circlethe correctonswer. I
Somepeoplethinkhe'sthe better/@f"otboLLer
in the world.
2 Herbrotheristoller/ tott thon her. 3 Is shefriendlier/ friendl,ger thon hersister? 4 Thecountrgside is morebeoutiful/ beoutifutler thonthe town. 5 He'sthe lessgenerous / teostgenerouspersonI know. 6 Thisisthe mostinterestingf moreinterestingbookin the l"ibrorg. 7 losperisthe toller / tol.lestpersonin our closs. 8 Youdo lots oJexercise. Aregoufitter /fiter thon me? 28
I Rewritethe sentences. Useos...os...or not os...os...ondthe wordsin brockets. 1 DVDscostmorethonbook. Booksoren't os expensiveos DVDs.
2 BrionondTongoarebothll georso[d. Brion
3 TheRiverThomesis shorterthon the RiverNi[e. TheRiverThomes
I weigh45U,9. Mg brotherweighs53kg. I
5 Thereddressis prettierthon the blue dress.
Thebluedress (prettg) 6 Mg househosfiverooms.Your househosJive rooms. Mg house
7 Footbo[[is exciting.Vol.tegboil. is exciting. Footbo[[
8 Iock is 1.30m to[[. Lewisis 1.40m to[[.
9 Thebluecoris 2 m wide.Theredcoris 2 m wide. Theredcor
t0 Thot bookis interesting.Thisbookis moreinteresting. Thot book
Comptetethe sentences. Usethe wordsin the box.
TheLights costft5!Theg're toQ exPensive for me!
2 Thesebolloonsoreon[gf1.50.Theg're 3 TheTVt
Amg got o bodmorkin the test.It wos
for usto bugtwo. to heorit upstoirs. for Grondmo for her.
5 Those trousersJit we[[.Theg're 3 Those trousers don'tfit gou.Theg're 7 We otl scoredLOO% in the exom.It wos I
to pLogfootbol.l.It's
to go to the beoch.
?"fuewdlrf;d#rtrexmd L*s ,. C:,
The past continuousand the past simple Used to
ityr*+'rWe were walking homewhen we found a bag of rubbish. t-rmefI saw somethinggood! I was cyclinghomewhenI s4w a new house.I thinkit's an ecohome.
with the n W. ofienusethe postcontinuous post simp[e.Thepostcontinuous tolksobouto I ' tongeroctionwhichstorted rst. f Wewerewolking homewhen we saw a bag of rubbish. Thepostsimpletolksobouto shortoction wh i c hh o p p e n eddu ri n gth e l o n g e o r cti on. Wewerewalkinghomewhenwesawa bagof rubbish.
Weconmoketwo octionsinto onesentencebg connecting themwith when. I wascgclinghomewhenI sawa newhouse. Weconmokeeitherthe postsimpleor the postcontinuousport of the sentence into o question.We usethe motchingshortonswer. Wereyou walkinghomewhenyou sawo bag of rubbish?Yes,we were. Whenyau werewalking home,did gou seea bag of rubbish?Yes,we did.
3 Complete the sentences. Usethe postcontinuous of the verbsin brockets. 1 M r Sm ith
(w o tcho) DVDon mg com puter whenit stopped wor king.
2I 3 We 4
Who t
5 Sh e
(trovel.) on the buswhenwe sowthe newshops. (g o udo) whenthe phoner ongl (sh o p) when shelostherpur se. (g o ure o d)o bookwhengourheodoche stor ted?
(wol"k) outsidewhenit stortedto roin.
(g o up L o g) footboLL whengouhur tgourLeg?
8 30
( dr ive) hom ewhenthe stor mstor ted.
U nit 4
Reodthe sentences. Tickthe octionthot stortedfirst. 1 I woswotching television whenthe tightswentoff. I woswotching teLevision. [Z 2 It wosroiningwhenI wentout. It wosroining.[_l
rheLights went O "ff. I went out.
3 Wewerewotkingthroughthe town whenI sowthe newshop.
I sowthe newsrrop.[--l
WewerewoLking throughtown. [_l
4 Mumwosshopping whenshemetonoldJriend. Mumwosshopping. Shemethero[dJriend.[-l D 3 Completethe sentences. Usethe postcontinuous or the postsimpl.e of the verbsin brockets. 1 I
wos gAntng--
2 George 3 Penng
whenmg mobite Iong - (point)opicture *- (use) o hommer whenhe (hel.p) uswhenMum
4 Mr ond Mrs Feothers 6 I . .**. . - 7 Theg 8
(coLt). __(see)her.
(w o tch )T V w h e nM um ond Dod (eot)breokJost whenI
.--(hit)hishond. (come) in.
( get)r eodgto go out whentheirson (wol.k)toschoolwhenwe - .
en ptog - (sl .e e p )w h the
( com e) hom e. (orrive). ( finish) .
Lookof the picture.completethe sentences with the wordsfromthe box.
W hotw e r et h e c h i [d re d n o i n gw h e nth e progromme storted? his hornework. 1 Rgon wq-s--doLl9 2 I ut io 3 To m m g a Mod d go n dBe t h 5 Mortin
Uni t4
An eco home Fromthe outside,SimonondAlice'shouselooks normol.Buton the insideit'svergdifferent theirMumond Dodhovechongedit since thegmovedin.Whg?Thegwontedto hetp the environment ond wostelessenergg. Alsothe energubitlsused to be expensive ond thegwontedto sovemoneu. Theseore someof the chongestheg'vemode: SimonondAlice'sfomiluused to useo lot of Nowthegget energgfromsolorponelson etectricrtg. the roof. Thegused to throwo lot of rubbishowou.Nowtheg recgctelotsof rubbish T h eo l.downerof the h o u sedidn' t use to growvegetobtes. Now th e reor efr uittr eesond gr owingin ve g e tobles th eo o r den.
We useusedto to describepostsituotionsor hobits.Theseoctionsor hobitsorefinished. Wedo not do themonUmore. Theenergybills usedto be expensive. We useusedto + boseformto mokethe offirmotiveform. Weusedto spenda lot of moneg.
We usedidn't + useto + boseformto mokethe negotiveform. Theold ownerdidnl useto tookofter the garden. We mokequestionswith did + subject+ useto + boseform.We mokeshortonswerswith did or didn't. Did they useto usea lot of energg? Yes,theg did. / No,theg didn't.
Tick(/)the correctonswer. 1 Mumused to goto o dromoclub. Mum goesto o dromocLubnow.[_l
In the post,Dodwoso police m onD
Mum doesn'tgo to o dromoclubnow.[Z
In the post,Dodwosn' to poli c em o"D
3 Peopleusedto dropo Lotof rubbishin the pork.
2 Doddidn' tuseto beo police m on.
4 I usedto dr inko lot of fr uitjui c e.
Peopledropolot of rubbishin the porknow.[-l
In the post,I dronko Lotof Jruitjuice.[-l
PeopLe don'tdropo LotoJrubbishin the port no*. [--l
I drinko LotoJfruitjuiceno*. [--l
U n i t4
llotch 1-6 with o-f. +" o I Ir i d e o b i k enow .
a I usedto wolk evergwhere.
Grondmo's hoirisgreg.
b Heusedto beo pitot.
Wegoto Froncefor our hotidogs. Mg unclehodon excitingjob.
d Heusedto bevergheolthg.
WhenGrondpo wosgounghedido lot of sport.
e It usedto beuntidg.
Mg brotherkeepshisbedroom tidg now.
t Weusedto goto Spoin.
It usedto beblock.
Completethe sertences.Usewordsfrom the boxondusedto.
Dodtokesthe busto worknow.Dod usedto drive the car
2 Mumdrinksteonow.Mum 3 Wehovesolodfor dinnernow.We 1 Theporkisverucleonnow.Peopte 5 Ourtown hoso win! form now Al.l. the energg 6 Theporkdoesn't hovemonuwild onimotsnow.There
Weptouo lot of sportnow.We
I reodo tot now.I
look of the underlinedsentences in exercise 7.Writenegotivesentences. I
Dod didn'tuseto toke the busto work.
2 3
a 5
a 7 I
Write questionsond short onswers.Useusedto 1 MrThompson /driveocor/ juiceI 2 the children/ drinkoronge 3 we / eot cheese/ / 4 the swimmingpooL/ be cLeon 5 Cothg/ hovelong hoir)r 6 the zoo/ hoveLotsof onimolsI 7 Mox ondlock/ pl.ogLotsof tennis/ 8 you/wotch TVevergdogX
ond questions.Useuseto or usedto. 1O Writethe wordsin the correctorderto mokesentences 1 theg/ eotlotsof fruit? 2 he/ pLogbosketbolt/evergdog. 3 gou/ not/reod book. 4 I / livein the citg. 5 she/ recgclerubbish? 6 we / tokethe bus/ to the supermorket? 7 theg / wotk/to school. 8 gou/ not / studghord.
with usedto or -: Lookof the pictureof the Coseg fomil.gtwo georsogo.Writesentences didn'tuseto .
. 1 Theg/ hoveo TV. 'r':,-,.- ,' 2 Mumf w e o rg l o sse s. 3 Th ec h i l d r e /n h o veo n g h o me w o rk. 4 Th eC o s eJgo m i tg/ h o veo g o rd e n . 5 Dod/ do Lotsof sport. 5 Thetown / bepotluted. 7 lulio / reodbooks. 8 Th e g/ r e c A c lreub b i sh . 9 Rgo n/ e o tf r u i t .
Answerthe questions oboutgoursef.Useshortonswers. ,i hengouwerefivegeors oLd... '
. . .d i dg o uu s et o [i kesch o o l ?
. . .d i dg o uu s et o ti d g g o u ro w nro o m?
3 . . .di dg o uu s et o w o tchD V D s? t
. . .d i dg o uu s et o p L o gw i th d o [[s?
. . .d i dg o uu s et o e o tJru i t?
. . .d i dg o uu s et o L i ked ro w i n gp i ctu re s? Unit4
r?frwre€ Kfoe,€ffiw$EarT
Will and won't The presentcontinuouswith futuremeaning
-L, ' ( J C
6 .a
fiy#$ Doyouthinkthe earthwill bea betterplacein Mr cfi$ey thefuture? i',4rs iiis€ry Yes, it will.rhestreets will becleaner. aysi=
Weconusewitl to tolkobouttheJutureto moke predictions. A prediction issomething wethink Weusetheboseformof theverb wil.[hoppen. ofierwil.t. Thestreetswilt becleaner. Weofienusethecontrocted form'l[ ofier Pronouns. moreglassandplastic. We'lIrecycle
Co m p l e t et h e te xt. U se L [,,,^ rtIo r r,vott' t. I n t h ef u t u r e. . . . . .w e - -- w r l l l - ri u sesomu che n e rg gM. um 2 s t opd ri vi n gth e co rto w o rkond i nsteo dsh e '
growmorevegetobles in the go r d e nM. g f r i en d so n dI' bottlesowog- insteodwe t he m .I7
U n i t5
p ri n tmg e mo i L-sth ot wog sovepoper.
thro w
Whatwill wedo differentlyz we won't drivebig carsthat use lotsof energyand'wdllrecycle more glassand plastic.
We usethe subject+ won't + boseformto moke the negotive. Wewon't drivea big car. We usewi[[ + subject+ boseformto moke questions.Inoffirmotiveshortonswers, we olwogsusetheJuU.form witL. Willwe do angthingdifferentlg? Yes,wewitl. OR No,wewon't.
2 Completethe sentences. Usesubjectpronouns,'[[ ond o phrosefrom the box. Rgon
N ow
I n t e n g e o rs'ti me
%E Now
I n t e n g e o rs'ti me
I n t e n g e o rs ' t ime
#4 Now
In ten geor s 'ti m e IuIio
In ten geor s' tim e
like reodingbooks live in o big house Jeor-e.iuif I
In ten geor s 'ti m e
beon octor go to universitg mokebrocelets
weor o suit Rgonweorsjeons.In ten geors'time- -h-e]|.L
2 Mortingoesto school. In ten geors'time 3 T o m m gg o e st o d ro mocl o ss. In te n g e o rs' tim e 4 Bethl i v e si n o s m o [[h o u seIn . te n q e o rs' tim e 5 M o d d gp o i n t sp i ctu re s. In te n g e o rs'ti me- 6 Iulio likeswotchingTV.In ten geors'time - --
Lookof exercise 2.Writequestionsond shortonswers. in t en g e o r s ' t i m e ... I
lutio / Likereodingbooks
she wrll,
2 Rgon/ weorjeons - --3 Mortin/ goto univers i tg --1 T o m m g/ b e o n o cto r 5 Beth/ tivein o smot[house 6 Moddg/ pointpictures
4 Lookof the pictures.Writeguestionsond shortonswers.
c o rf u s e / c l e o n e rfu e/ l u se
WILL cors_.rs-e_ql€Eg Jqet? @ morepeopl.e / ride/ bicAcles 3 peopLe / drop/ Litter 4 p e o p l e/ r e c A cte / th e i rru b b i sh 5 shops/ selL/ heol.thier food 6 t h et o w n/ use/w i n d e n e rg g pol.Luted 7 the oir/be / Less 8 the streets/ be/ cleoner
4. Completethe sentences. 5 Lookof exercise I
Cors witl usecteone_r*fuet.
3 People
5 Shops
7 T h eo i r
Unit 5
6 Write questions1-10 ond onswerso-j. Motch 1-10 with o-j. 1 -J-
How witl Peopte get to work? How/peopl.e/gettovvell
Where/ energg/comefrom
therebe/ morebuses peopLe / Lookofter/the environment
people/ recActe / morerubbish whot / peopLe / do /ot weekends
people/ eot/l.otsoffostfood
birds/Live/ in the trees
the seo/ be/ cleoner
10 a
t h e J i s hi n th e se o/b e /i L L People/ exercise / muchmore/ot weekends
b Energg / comeJrom /windforms
Yes/the seo/ be/ lesspoltuted d Yes/ birds/ return/ to the trees c
e Yes/ peopLe / Lookofter/environment
Yes/ theg / recAcle / bottl.esNo/ thefishin the seo/ be/ heotthier
I h No/ theg / eot/ heoLthg food I Yes/there / be/ Lotsof buses j
T h e g / g e t t o w o rk/ b g b i cg cL eT h e g 't[get to wor k bU bicgcle.
I Answerthe questionsoboutgoursef.Useshortonswers. I
2 WiLL goudo sporttomorrow?
goubeof schoolin o month'stime? 3 Wil.L 4 WiLL gouwotcho DVDtonight? 5 Wil.l. goubugon MP3pLoger this geor? 6 Wil.l. gouuseo computer thisevening? 7 Wil.l. gougo homebg busofierschool? 8 Witl.you hoveo holidogsoon? 9 WiL g L o u rM u mco o kg o u rd i n n e th r i se vening? l0
Wil.L gougo to bedeorlgtonight?
Unit 5 ':-'l$[
Holidogs ore good for gou! This geor, oll t{rese people plon to hove holidogs ttrot protect the environment \'^.'e'regoing on o ,'.c < ro lolido.,
We're riding our b ike s fr o m home t o ou r un cle 's house
-r'f ! I I
. ' .e o re n ' t f lg in g - we ' re
I oin
." i
t n ti n u o uto to do in thefutur e. s tolk oboutthingswe hoveor r onged W ec o nu s et he p re se nco p e rso n ol plons. u\W e u s ei t m o stco mmo n Lfog r Wearen'tflging. We'regoingon a walkingholidag. We'reridingour bikes.
verbsthot oreoboutthefuture.Writethe boseformsbelow. continuous Circlethe present I ' m Wi l Lio m I'm . twelve cnd I rn o pupiLof F e n t o nS c h o o t . I ' ms t u d g in go L l, t h eu s u o I s ub je cts:En g Iish,moths,historg,ond so o n .We ' reg o in g o n o u r h o I id o gn e x t we e k o n d w e'r edo in g somethingdilJerent.Mg Dod o n d I o re t ro v e I L in tgo mg g ro n d mo ' sh o u s e ,b u t w e tokesus on h o u rt o g e t t o mg g ra n d mo ' sh o u s e .Ne x twe e k o r e n 'tdr ivin gbgcor.It usuoLLg i t w i LL tokeu s Longerbecousewe'rewoIk in gt h e re .I L ik ewo L k in go n d s o d o e smg d o d . in th e mo rn in g .We ' rewo t k in go L Ld o g , b u t I ' m n o t g iv i n gu p ! W e 'r e[eo vin gour houseot 8 o'cLock 1
U n i t5
9 Comptete the diologue.Usethe presentcontinuous ondthe verbsin brockets. Rgon
Whot1-ore Uoudorng ---
To m m g M o r t i no n dI1 Rgon
(wotch)o fil.m.Whotoboutgou? (stog) othome.
I3 - -
Tommg i-- Rgon Yes,l-
.--(gou do)gourhomework? 6 . Where
ofierthefiLm? Tommg We1 ---
(notgo)too restouront. (hove) dinnerot m g house.
l0 Lookof Rgon'sdiorg.Writequestionswith presentcontinuous. 1 W hot/do/ 9o' clock W hot' s Ruandoino ot 9 o' ctock? 9 o'clock arriv€ at school
2 Who/ meet/ otLOo'ctock
10 o'clock
me€,fthe new Enllish feacher
3 W hen/ eotlunch
12 o'clock eaf l*nch wifh Ma.dJy od
4 Wh o t / d o / 1 o ' c lo c k
1o'clock play {ootball
5 W hot/leor n/2o' cLock
2 o'clock learn ma,ths
6 W hen/ go/hom e
4 o'clock 3o home 6 o'clock
7 W hen/dohis hom ewor k
do hom9work 7 o'clock ' wafch
8 Whot/ do /7 o'clock TV with Jt.r'lia
9 Who / wotch TV with
Lookof exercise 10.Writethe onswersto the questions.
Her -e:r!virtg-q! {hed,
2 4
5_6 78 9_
Uni t5
ffuy srsp
Be going to
whot are you goingto do f,rst? r:,rte#& j t'm goingto visittheelephant housefirst. Ryoll: well,l'm goingto seethe reptilehouse. They'regoingto feedthe snakes soon. Marci:, I'm not goingto visitthe reptilehouse. I'm goingto seethe lions.
j& *. con usebe goingto to totk obout plonsor intentions.We hoveolreodgdecidedwhot to do. I I'nr going to visitthe elephanthouse. I'm going to seethe reptile housefirst. We usebegoingto + boseJorm. Weofien usethe controcted forms'm,'reond's in the offirmotive ond negotivebut not in questions. Theg'regoing tofeed the snakessoon. And I'm not going to visitthe reptilehouse. What are gou going to dofirst? in offirmotiveshortonswerswith be goingto. We don't usecontroctions Are you going to visitthe reptile housefirst? Yes,we ore.
plonondM if it is Mortin'spton. 3- Lookot the picture. WriteRif it is Rgon's 1 I ' m g o i n gt o vi si tth e re p ti Lheo u se . fl
I' m goingto seethe lions.
3 I ' m g o i n gt o l e o rnw h o t re p ti L eeso t.
I' m notgoingto seethe Lions.
5 I ' m n o tg o in gto se eth e sn o ke s.
hous e. I' m not goingto visitthe r eptiLe
U n i t6
2 Reodond circlethe correctonswer. I
I'm go to
ot the monkeyhouse. @ook 2 Aregougoingto / goingvisitthe oquorium? 3 Weoren'tgoingto meetingup / meetup of the lionenclosure. 4 Are/'Re gougoingto workon goursnokeprojecttodog? 5 Shenot go / isn'tgoingto lookot the oviorg. in the reptilehouse? 6 Aretheg goingto toke/ goingto toking photogrophs 7 I'm goingto / lgo to heLpthe elephontkeeperloter. 8 Aregougoingto eot/ goingtoeoting[unchin the picnicoreo?No,I not / I'm not. 3 Completethe sentences.Use be going to ond the verbsin brockets. A r e g o u g o i n g to w o tch
2 Al.isonond Leo
- (gouwotch) theDVDwith me loter ? ( eot) withustonight.
3 I-
(noteot)ongchipsnextweek. ( heLp) M um in the housetonight.
4 We
(thegmoke)o dolt'shouseloter?
(nottoke)on umbretloto the pork.
(gouspeok) to the teocherloter?
7 I
4 Rewritethe sentences. Usebe goingto. I I'vedecided to plogfootbol"l. tonight. 2 Weplqnto cleonthe houseloter. 3 Lewisond Ethonhovedecided to wotcho fiLmot the weekend. 4 Th e gp l o nt o m o keo co ke fo rD o d 'sb i rth dog. 5 F re dp l o n sn o t t o h o veo b u rg e rfo[u r n ch. 6 Weplon notto droplitter in the pork. 7 Coroond Horriethovedecidednotto visitthe museumon Soturdog.
Unit 6
Writequestions.Usebe goingto. 1 Oscor /surf Is Oscorgoi.ng to surJ
theInternetthis evening?
2 Lindo/be o doctorwhenshegrowsup? 3 Andreoond Morion/ ptog on the beochthissummer? 4 Fin/ leorn Russion? 5 Seb/ bug somenewtrousers? 6 Iudg / see o pLogtonight?
6 Lookof exercise5.Write shortonswenr. 1/
Ye s he Ls
2x 3/
4x s/ 6r/
Whot ore Uougoingto do this evening?Write sentences obout goursef. 1 wotchTV 2 h e L pm g M um 3 do mg homework 4 usethe computer 5 pl.ogin the pork 6 meetmgfriends 7 eotpizzo 8 seemg Grondmo 9 eotdinnerof mg friend'shouse 10 woshthe corwith mg Dod
Wrltequestionswlth begoingto 1 Whot/MumI doI onMondog Whot'sMum goi.ngto do on Mondou? 2 Whot/thefomil.A I dolonTuesdog 3 How/ Dod/ trovelto Newcostl.e / on Wednesdog 4 Whotkindoffood/ MumondDodI ecII onThursdog 5 Where/Rgorit goI on Fridog 6 Who/ Iutio / vistt/ on Fridog
Lookof the tlmetobLe. to tte questionsIn exercise 8. Writeshorton3went
Mum'sgoingto buuctothes Jor RUonandJulia.
The dolphin's going to eot the fish.Dolphins The eogle's going to cotch the fish. Eogleshove very need to eot o lot of fish to sto/ heolthy ond strong. shorp clows on their feet to cotch food with.
Weconolsousebegoingto to predictthefuture,bosedon presentevidence. Weseesomething nowthot mokesusthinko porticutorthingwil.l.hoppenin thefuture. Now
Thekeeperis throwingf sh to the dotphins.
Thedolphinsaregoing to eat thefish.
Theeagle'sflging towardsthefish.
Theeagle'sgoing to catchthefish.
1tr Motch sentences1-8 with predictionso-h. 1
Theg'vegot o footbol.L.
a It' sgoingto r oin.
b 5heisn' tgoingto bugit.
T h e r eo reb l o ckcl o u d si n th e skg.
c He'sgoingto hoveo shower.
T h i spro g ro mmeb'so ri n g .
d He' sgoingto sitdown.
M u m'sco o ki n g .
e It isn' tgoingto r oin.
T h i sd re ssi se xp e n si ve .
H e ' sd i rtgo fi e rp L o g i nign th e gor den.
g She'sgoingto turn off the TV.
T h e reo re n 'to n gcl o u d s.
h Theg'regoingto pl.ogJootboLL.
U n i t6
W e' r egoingto hovedinner .
Lookqt the pictures.Write sentenceswith be going to ond the words in the box. Jok€€"hold eot on icecreom toke Mortin'sbonono woshthe elephont drinko cupof teo col.l. hisdod bugo postcord lookof the zebros
1 Rg o n s g o i n g to to ke o p h o to
2 Mr Coseg
3 Mr sC o s e g
4 Thezookeeper
5 I uti o
6 Tomm g
7 Th em o n k e y
BethondM oddg
:2 Lookof exercise11.Write questionsond short onswers. 1 Rg o n/ t o k e o p h o to -:
to toke ci pr^Loto?I e s , n € L S ls_ RUq n _ q _q_jnq -
- ::|..
2 Mr Coseg/ Lookotthe zebros 3 Mr sC o s e g / b u g o p o stco rd 4 the zookeeper/ woshthe etephont 5 I u l i o/ t o k eM o rti n 'sb o n o n o 6 Tommg/ coll.his Dod 7 the monkeg/ eoton icecreom Bethond Moddg/drinko cupof teo
Uni t 6
Review2 1 Writesentences. Usethe postcontinuous.
rong, ... when thephone
1 I /wotch TV
I wos wotchinoTV, m g m u m/ c o o kd i n n e r 3 mg brother/dohis homework 4 mg sister/ pLoywith hertogs 5 mg dod/work in the gorden 6 mg grondporents / ploVchess
2 Complete Usethe postcontinuous or the postsimpleof the verbsin brockets. the sentences. 1 1 w o s P l ck.n g
(p i ck)u p L i tterin the por kwhen11 stor ted
(stort)toroin. (rin9).
(moke)dinner,the tetephone
2 W h e ns h e 3W e
(shop)in the citgwhenwe
4H e
(reod)o bookwhenthe Lights
(go)off. ( see) oshor k .
(swim)in the seowhentheg
5 Theg
: (foLl.)over.
(run)ol.ong the roodwhenshe
6 Annie
of the or the postsimpLe ondquestions. Usethe postcontinuous the sentences Complete verbsin brockets. 1 Whot were gou doing 2 Where 3 Whenthe teocher 4 W h e nh e
(g o u d o) whenthefiLmstor ted (h eg o )whenhe
( stor t) ? (meet)gou?
(gouLook)outof the window.
( com e) in, (do)hishomeworkon the computer,it
working. (i t ro i n )w h e ngou
5 6 Whentheg
( meet) them ? (thegbecome)iLL?
t Rewritethe sentences ond sothe meoningisthe some.Useusedto, o verbfromthe sentence o wordor phrosefromthe box. '4*-t* ""fforenq{n moep+St less evergwheru.
legrolternutlveeneqg cotderilMffi
1 People don'tdropo tot of litter now. Peopl.eusedto drop o lot oJ litter.
2 Corsusetesspetrolnow.
3 Peopte trovelmorenow.
4 Thereis moreolternotiveenerggnow.
Peopte 5 Wintersin Englondorehotternow. Wintersin Eng[ond Porksore cleonnow. Pork
Cors There 6 Thereis lessroinin SouthernEuropenow. There now. 8 MUdod doesn'tdriveerrergwhere Mg dod
Writesentences. Usewi[[ or won't. 1 Mg ount / trovel/ to Indio/ nextgeor.
2 Thefl.ight/ toke/ ten hours.
3 She/ not hove/ oLotof Luggoge.
4 She/tokef ocomero.
5 She/ visit/ Lotsof ploces.
6 Theweother /be/ good.
7 It / not roin.
8 She/ send/ meo postcord.
look of exercise5.Write guestionsond shortonswers. 1 2 3 1 5 6 7 t
7 Completethe diologue.Usethe presentcontinuousformof the verbsin brockets. t (thechiLdren do)nextweek? Iosper Whotpl.og ore the childrendoing Tobg
(thegput)on o ptogoboutrecAcling.
( gougo) ?
Iosper :
( goucome) wit hm e?
I1 Tobg Yes,
(go)to the
ondI1 someJriends Iosper Yes,but on Wednesdog cinemo. Tobg
(ptog)footbol.l. for theschoo
I1 Thot'sOK.OnWednesdog teom.
Iosper : Tobg
No,I 1
( goudo)ongthingonThur sdog? t: . Let'sgo then.I
proctice of hoLfpostfve,soweconmeetof sixotlock. Usebe goingto ond the verbsin brockets. 8 Competethe sentences. 1 MongpeopLeore 9o,ngto change 2 Theg 3 Mg friends 4 We
5 M g m u m- 6
M g do d
7W e 8 ThefomiLg
(hel.p) protectthe environment.
(recacLe) ptosticondgtossbottles. (tidgup)litterin the pork. (bug)heol.thg food. (woLk)towork. (grow)vegetobles in the gorden. (use)lessenergg.
Usebe goingto ond the verbsin brockets. Lookof exercise 8. Completethe negotivesentences. 1 The g * - sr pn't going to wostp
2W e 3 Mg friends 4 Theg 5 M Um u m- 6
Mg dod
7We 8 Thefomil.g
(chonge)thewogtheg Live.
Review 2
(n o t wo s t e )wo t e r.
(not pol,Lute) the environment. (notthrowowog)plosticondglossbottles. (notdrop)litter in the pork. (noteot)unheolthg food. (notdrive)towork. (notbug)vegetobles from the supermorket. ( notuse) osm uchener gg.
Reportedspeech(1) Repodedspeech(2).said and told and time words
What'shappened to yourar m? Thedoctorsaid itwas br oken. Oh not Willyou haveto : stayoff school? No,l' m nots tay i ngat home.Dad totd me I had to go to school!
_: . t : :
.. :, _: . I : 4. r i:
S o m e t i m ewse w o n tto te l l so me b o dw g hotonotherper sonsoid.W eco[Lthisr epor ted spe ec h. wordsor our own words. Weconreportonotherperson's W e u s u o [ [ gc h on g e th ete n seo f th eve rbfr omthe pr esent to the post,Likethis: + p r e s e nsti m p t e p o stsi mp te p re se nt continuous - r postcontinuous Directspeech
It's broken. I'm not stayingat home.
Thedoctorsaidit wasbroken. Tommysaidhe wasn'tstoyingat home.
I n r e p o r t e sdp e e ch w e u su o L tg n e e dto c honge the pr onoun. Youhaveto go to school.+ Dadtold me I hadto go to school.
Tick(/)the correctboxes. 1 Wh o fe LiLL? t
'.o D
2 Wh o s o i d ,' I f e e I i L [ ' ?
The nu r
T h e n u rs e
Theg ir L
Who wo s hungrg? The
( Jr 0 n o p o L- J
Ln L tT
Wh o s o i d , ' I ' mh u n g r g T h eb o g
Circlethe correctonswers. 1 There's somejuice.
I hoven'tgot o heodoche.
Shesoidthereis/6ilbsomejuice. 3 We'revisitingIess.
Hesoidhedoesn't/ didn'thoveo heodoche. I'm doingmg homework.
Thegsoidtheg visited/ werevisitingless. 5 It's nice.
Shesoidshewosdoing/ didherhomework. I'm not i[[!
Thegsoidit is/ wosnice.
Hesoidhewosn't/ isn't iLL.
Cho4gethe reportedspeechto direct speech. 1 Theteochersoidshelovedteochinq. I In r r ptpn r h inrl-
2 BiLl.g soidhe Likedpl.oging footboLl.. 3 Mr El.Liott soidhedidn't[ikewotchingJootboL[ on TV. 4 GrondmoondGrondposoidthegweren'tlisteningto the rodio. 5 MitLgsoidshedidn'tsurfthe Internetvergoften. 6 lomiesoidhewosgoingto Fronce. 7 Amgsoidshewosgoingto o restouront. 8 Mrs Clorkesoidshehodto go to the office.
comptete the reported speech sentences. useinformotion fromthe box. Th et roinis v e r g [ o t e . W I o f t e n t r ove [to th e r o in fo r e st. I inventmochines. I needsomebondoges. I tikeEngLish best. I
Thewoitress soid the food wos comrrc-
2 Thedoctorsoidhe 3 Theprofessor soidhe 4 Thepupil.soidshe 5 Theexplorer soidhe 6 Thepossenger soid
Unit7 -
poolclosed Swimming Showston swimming Pool wos closed ofter o young swimmer hod on occident during o school visit lost week. Fiono Thompson, oged 13, hurt her heod when she dived to the bottom of the Pool. Her swimming teocher looked ofter her ond gove first oid before the ombulonce orrived to toke Fiono to hosPitol.
Fiono told me she rvos resting in hospitol ond soid she wos hoppy obout going home the next doy. Fiono's\Ium ond Dod told me thev rvere groteful to the teocher rtho helPed her. Heod teocheroi Fionos school. Oliver Mocdonold. soid the occidentshowedhort imPortont it wos to hove first oid troinlng. By Steven Ross
Soidondtotd Weconusebothsoidondtold in reportedspeech. We usesoidif we do not sogwho the person wostolkingto. Fionosaidshewasrestingin hospital. Weusetold whenwe mentionwhothe personwostolkingto.Weusuollgput o nomeor on objectpronounofier tett. Fionatold StevenRossshewasrestingin hospital. Fionatold me shewasrestingin hospital. Remember the objectpronounsoreme,gou,him,her,it, us,gou,them.
fimewordsin reported speech
I Whenwe usereported speech, time wordsolsochonge. Directspeech Fionasaid, 'I'm happgaboutgoing hometomoftow'. Reportedspeech Fionasoidshewashappgaboutgoing homethe nextdag.
Reported speech
tonight todog th is week/month/geo r/eveni ng tomorrow nextweek/month/geor now
th ot night th ot dog th ot week/ month/ geor/eveni ng the nextdog the nextweek/month/geo r th en.
U n i t7
5 Circlethe correctonswers. Fionowoswe[[. 1 Thedoctorsoid/6oi)'freporters 2 Fionosoid/told shewos plonningto go swimmingogoinsoon. 3 I told / soidhershewosvergLuckg. 4 Themonogertold / soidthe swimmingpoolwosopenogoin. 5 Fionosoid/told shewontedto go bocktoschoolsoon. 6 Fiono's mum onddodtol,d/ soidFionoshehodto stogin bed. 6 Comptetethe sentences.Write soid or tol.d. me shewoswotchingo film thot evening.
1 Tongo----!QLd-2 7oe
the weotherwostoo bodto go out.
3 Ourporents
u sw e w e reg oingon holidoy.
4 Theteocher
wosverggood. LiLgherhomework
5 She
shewosgoingout loter.
6 Theg-7
8 Mu m
thegweren'thungrgget. Dorowosi[[. Edwordhe lookedbetter.
7 Completethe sentences. Chongethe tenseond usethe right time words. 1 There's no moreworktodog. Hesoid thqfe lyqs no more ,"vorlf'rot -doq. 2 T h ep r o g r o m me i so nto n i g h t. S h es o i d 3 Thetroin is leovingnow. T h em o ns o i d4 lt's o hot summerthis geor. T h eT Vo n n o u n ceso r i d -5 I'm goinghomenextweek. He t e ns o i d6 Thesun'sout now. D o d soid
Reodthe sentences.Complete the toble. 1 Mum told me to givethe coketo her. 2 locksoidTobgwosfosterthonhim.
3 Oscortoldmethe teochergovehimo goodmorkforhomework. betterthon Bil.l.g. 4 Suzg'smumtold Tedhe pLoged footboLl. wostolkingto him. 5 HorrgsoidBiLLg thon them. 6 Fronkond Josontotd Gorghewos betterot EngLish 7 Youtold me I wos pLogingwel.l.. with him. 8 RobsoidIosperwosgoingto pLogfootbol.l. Directspeech Gi ve th e coke to m e.
9 Reodthe text. Write directspeechsentences. A fuy wilh an anAuJane d.river I warrled 1o {;nd ou} uthal i1 is lixe 4a k an anhlanu. driver, s lasl Tuz.day I wenl 4o sga.k 4o Garf Chaqnaa,tC*.ry said.hz rcrnalty g"f ry al 7 o'clock,h.c} u4 a4 haJ+pas+ {au arcty nnrningthat wezx.t 6ory hold.ne il 'he was g?-++ing was hrsy t/w+ day. oHe said lteattaslird" htt 5lE was goinglo steq well hha] night.' He.said.he liked.tvtpingF.ode- and.7/v.1old, nz hz torcd.hislob.t I +old hin I |lnu.ghl f wanld 1o Le att anh'Janu. d.rivzr!
I normaltuqet up ot 7 o'ctock.
Writesentences with reportedspeech.
Lewis sald ira !"*ciiqu-ng to pleL4for- iri* JoorbciliLeorntiran-ext lveek.
T o n g oo n d He le n
I'm startingmy homework now.
It'sstartingto rain.
I'm goingto the beachtomorrow.
I havea guitar tonight. lesson
Io son
l ' m g o i n go n h o l i d a y nextmonth.
I' m goingon holidaynow!
H eidi
It'sRyan'sbirthdaytoday.lfwe buy somebiscuits,we'll have somethingto taketo his par\ this afternoon. Ready-made biscuitsare full of sugarand additives. lf we take a home-mqde cake, we won't fruit haveto eat unhealthyfood. Coodidel. we'll havetime to mdkea cakeif we go homenow.
I .:;.1:-i i.
Weu s et h ef i r s tco n d i ti o n otoLto l " ko b o utthingsthot wiLlhoppenin theJutur e. W euseit whenone s o n o th eor cti o n . oc ti o nd e p e n don If we buy thesebiscuits,we'll havesomethingto taketo hispartg thisafternoon. hostwo ports(coLLed Afirst conditionol sentence clouses). Weuseo present tenseverbin the if-clouseondwi[[ or won't + boseformin the wilt/won't-c[ouse. if-cLo use
wi[[/won't-cLo use
If we buy somebiscuits,
we'll havesontething to taketo hisparty thisafternoon.
Weconolsoputthe wilL/won't-clouse first. wi[[/won't-cLouse
We'lIhavetime to makeo cake
if wego homenow.
Whenthe if-clouseisf rst,we oddo commo.Whenthe wil,t/won't-clouse isfirst,we don'toddo commo. If wego homenow, we'll havetime to makea cake. We'll havetime to makea cakeif wego homenow. Un d e r l i n et h e , i -c[q u se s. Heolthg childreneot heolthg food l f g o u e o t h e q l th g fo o d , g o u w i l l be str ong ond hove lots of ener gg.Heolthgfo od d o e s n ' th o ve mu ch su g o r,so l t o r fot ond it isn' t m ode with odditives.lf gou eot w el l , U o uw o n ' t g e t i l l ve rg o fte n o n d i f gou hove lots of fr uit ond vegetoblesever gd og, g o u ' l l g e t ol l th e vi to mi n sg o u n e ed to gr ow. But gou' ll gettir ed eosilgif gou eottoo m u c hj u n k fo o d , o n d i f g o u 'reti red, Uouwon' t do os well of school. U n i t8
2 Motch1-5 witli o-f. 1
If goueot heolthgfood,
a gouwon'tleornquicktg.
If gougo to bed[ote,
b gouwon'tget up eorlg.
IJ goubreoko teg,
If goudon'teottoo muchsugor,
d gou'[[hoveto pLogo Lotof footbol.l..
If gouwont to beo goodfootbotler,
If goudon'tlistento gourteocher,
e Uourteethwil.l.stogheotthg. f gou'[[hovelotsof energg.
gouwon't hoveto goto school!
Circlethe correctonswer. 1 Theg'[[ gobgtroinif theco
won't beworking.
2 If goudon'tgoto the cinemo,gouwon't/ don'tseethefi[m. 3 If gouoddtoo muchso[t, the Joodwitl.toste/ istostingbod. 4 IJ mg sisterwontsto, we / we'[[ go to the pork. 5 Thehol.idog wiLLbegreotif the weotherwil,l.be/ the weother'sgood. 6 If Tongdoesn'tptogfor the teom,he't[be/ he'sbeingunhoppg. 7 Wewon't go shoppingif gouwon't / don'twontto. 8 We'[[go outsideif it isn't/ it won't be roining. Completethe first conditionoIsentences.Usewords in the box. pf.ogfootboLL workinthegorden eoticecreom buiLdotreehousegorunning jg-sffitr.1
If it'ssunngof theweekend, ... 1 Rgonwitl go swimming. 2 Mortin 3
Bethond Moddg
4 To m m g 5 Mr C o s e g 6 MrsCoseg If it roinsof the weekend, ... 7 Rgo n 8 Mortin 9 Betho n dM o d d g 1 0 To m m g 11 Mr Coseg 1 2 M rsC o s e g
Completethe first conditionoI sentences.Usethe verbs in brockets. 1 If we -leh2 Gemmo 3 If gou4 Thecoke 5 If gou6 If gou 7 Plonts 8 Children
(heLp)Mum mokethe coke,she '[[ be (bug)on oppleif she
(odd)Lotsof sugor,thecoke
(toste)goodif gou-
(use)enoughfruit. (bug)reodg-mode (be)Lotsof odditives. cokes, there (odd)enoughso[t,the breod
(grow)quickl.giJthere (be)heoLthg if theg
(be)lots of roin.
(eot)enoughvegetobles ondfruit.
4 . Writesentences. Lookof exercise Mokeboth clousesnegotive. 1
___ _-__
3 ____
Writethe wordsin the correctorderto mokefirst conditionolsentences. tf / gou/ notleornquickLg 1 gou/ notdo gourhomework/
rf S i d n e /g he / pl.ogfootboll evergdoV/ be o better pLoger/ iJ Sidneg hovemoreenergg / gou/ iJ/ eot heol.thgJood/ gou
rf 4
b u go newMP3pLoger /if /sove herpocketmoneg/ she/ Pol.l.g
rf_ s if/she / go to London words/ SoLLg for o week/ LeornsomeEngLish 5oLl.g gou/ notgetgoodtestresults 6 U o ur brother / if / gou/ do yourhomeworkJor You
U n i t8
p Write the words in the correctorderto mokequestionswith be going to. I ore/ gouI to I whot/ do/ going What are Uougoingto do? 2 tonightI oreI gouI pLog/going /footbol.l./to 3 tothemI oreI goingI spoklto I gou 4 whg/going I gouI oren't/ bug/ to / thotCD 5 the insecthouse/visitI weI to I goingI ore 6 going/ meet/ where/ we I ore/ to 7 orelwhenI seeltheg lto I going/theptog 8 Seb/ brg I o newbicacteI isI to / going
Reodthe statementsondwrite sentences. Usebegoingto ondwodsfrom the box.
Mg sonisreollggoodotfootbol,l..
Mg son 's gotngto be a Jootbolter. 2 Theg've decided to goononecohotidog. Theg 3 SidnegondAtisonoreinterested in snokes. SidnegondAlison I
Pol.tgreollg likesleorningEngtishond French. Pol.[g
5 We'vedecidedto decorotetheroomprthe portg.
Mg cousinwontsto wotcho film. 5he
Penng's boughtsomepoints. She
8 Lookof the chort.Completethe first conditionoIsentences.
My pfons
s:Qme,foek€Lnaneg.* -- - - 1 If TheoheLpswith the housework,hel.t-L hqv-ego t-oLhe-curemq-2 IJTheohossomepocketmoneg,Jr-e-tl 3 If Theogoesto the cinemo 4 If Theodoesn'thovetimeto do hishomework 5 If Theogetso bodmorkin the test, 6 If Theodoesn'tgo to the cinemo, 7 If Theohostimeto do hishomework
I' I
If Theogetso goodmorkin the test,Unit8
iq ;:'
tiu,'f6 i -l ;' -
ANToNLEGASToN :c: Q: Anton, you trovel oil over the v,-ci-i.i your TV progromme.Whereorr \..,.r ,;. .r-next? A: Next rvtek ['rn q(,r]r.i: '::. . : tlten to tlrr L \ \ Li;.:' Q: Thcrt'so lot oi t:c','e do if you get ti:'ej' A: t)l:, :r . :
: ',',':-.,,: rt-ill
.\.ti. : : ' l.-.:-:, If vOU gO Q: \\-h,l: ir' -. -:-..,:-.,.:'::r-. shopping .:. ,.-..',- n'ill vou find i',t---.. '. .. .-.=:..
Weusuol'[g mokequestions in thefirstconditionoI bg chonging the wil.l./won't-ctouse. Theif-cl"ouse stogsthe some. if-c[ouse
If you go shoppingin supermarkets,will goufind what you need? Weconotsoputthe will./won't-clouseJirst. witt/won't-c|.ouse
Shor onswer t s
Will gou go to sleep
if yougettired?
Yes,Iwill. / No,I won't.
Wedon't usecontroctions in questionsor offirmotiveshortonswers.
U n i t8
9 Writefirstconditionolquestions. Usethe wordsin the someorder. 1 MrThompson/ leovetheschool/ if / he/ geto newjob Wi[ Mr Thomosonleovethe school!f he getsa newjob? 2 if / it roin/ we/go to thepork 3 theg / go /to the cinemo/ iJ/ theg/ not hovehomework 4 if / I eotl enoughvitomins/ I becomeheolthier 5 if / it not besunng/ this weekend/ theg go to the beoch 6 where/ gougo /if /the weotherbegood 7 whot / goudo /if /gou get up eorlg 8 how / Dodget to work/ if / the cor not beworking
Writeshortonswers. Completethe first conditionolguestions. 1 Mortin/ gototheLibrorg /bug o book){
rf 2 Beth/ go shopping/bug someDYDs/
DVDsif she
? Yes.shewi[t.
3 Iulio / goto the portg/hove o goodtimeI
rf 4 it roin/Tommgond Mortin/ gotofootbotl.procticeI
rf proctice/ seeo fil.m)r 5 Tommg/ goto Jootbol.t
wil.l. 6 Moddg/ eot heolthgfood / be heol.thgond strong/
rf 7
Dod / wotcho fiLm/fol.Losl.eep,Y
wiu. 8 Mum ond Dod/buV uspresents /we be good/
wil.l. Unit8
Modalsfor possibility Have to
Kyan Tommy's a really goodskateboarder! Maddy Yes, heis.I think A/\ he might win the competitiont nnarurilue couldbecome a famoussportsman oneday.
/-- a
aI' (- c->
Mog,mightond couldore modolverbs.We usethem to tol.koboutthingsthot orepossibtenow or in thefuture. Hemight win! Hecouldbecomeafamous sportsman. Thereis no importontdifferencebetweenthe useof thesethreemodots. It mog roin. = It might rain. = It couldrain. Wedon't needto odd on 's'to the third personform of modol.verbs.We usethem likethis:
Affirmotive modoIverb+ boseform It mightrain.
Negotive modoIverb+ not + boseform It might not roin.
Weconolsousemog,mightondcouldwith thef rstconditionoI to to[k oboutthingsthot ore possibte in thefuture.Ifthefirstoctionhoppens, the second octionis possible. If gou do lotsof running,you could win the race. Usewi[[ ond won't oboutto to[k oboutthingsthot wiU.betrue in thefuture.If thefirst oction hoppens, the secondoctionwiL[hoppen. If gou do lotsof running,gou wilt be very healthy. I
Reodthe text ond circlethe modol verbs. H i !Mg n o me 's S o L l.g Megson. I' m 10ondI goto school, s edr ow i ng ondmg hobbieor
o n dp o i n ti n gI .th i n kI' m quitegoodot or t,ondnextgeorI6- oEstudgor t ot o s pec i oL ort school. Theschoolis o Longwogfrom mg homesoI mighthoveto tokethe busto getthere.I coutdbebetterof ort if I hodmoretimeto proctise, ond mg ort teocher so g sI mo gw i n o n o wor dfor mg dr owings whenI' m olderI. mightnotwi n i t thi s geor,butthingscouLdbedifferentnextgeor! 64
U n i t9
Motch situotions1-8 with modol verb sentenceso-h. e
a Theremog beo testnextweek.
2 -
It's co[d.
b I couldget somenewones.
3 4
O[[gwontsto bemoreheotthg.
c Thegmightget somenewplogers.
Theg'redoingo Lotof homework.
d It mog be hottertomorrow
5 -
Theteom'slost everggomethis geor.
e I mightgoto the doctor.
Thesetroinersoretoo smo[[forme.
Write the words in the correctorder. 1 I / pLog/the schoolteom / mog/ for n e x tS o t u r d o/Vn o t / mi g h t/ g o sw i mmi ng / we the goolkeeper /could / cotch/thefootbol.L Thegoolkeeper 4 m ight /leorn /to swim/I / nextgeor I
s he/ mog/o goodploger/ not/be He 6 could/ choose / the coptoin/ o newteom Thecoptoin
7 o newcoptoin/ next geor/ not / the teom / might/ hove Theteom
II ll I
m g do d / stort/ mog/ nextgeor/running Mg dod
Rewritethe sentences. Usethe modolverbsin brockets. 1 We'[[goto Fronce nextgeor.(might)
o to fronc_en€X! ueor.
(coul.d) 2 I'[[ run morein summer. 3 I won't getLOO% in the mothstest.(mognot)
4 I'[[ reodtwo booksin o dogthis geor.(might) 5 Dodwon't pl.ogfootbollevergdog.(mightnot) Unit9
true or folse?WriteT or F. Arethe sentences 5 look of the pictures.
Itotg , I Jw eg ot o I t o L g... se eso mew i L do n i mo L s. 1 . . .w e c o u Ld
2 ...we m ighttokeourbicacles.
3 . . .w e m o ge o ti cecre o m.-*
4 ...we couLd couldstogin o tent. - ,
5 ...we mightLeornItoLion.------
6 ...it mightr oin.
7 ...we mighteoto Lotof cheese.
moutrovelbg bu plone. 8 ...we mog
6 Lookof the pictureof Froncein exercise5.Write sentenceswith the words in the box ond ffiog, m i g h t ,m o g n o to r mi g h t n o t. besunng gowolking eot lotsof posto @ leornFrench fLg stogin o hotel seesomewild onimots ... If we go to Fronce, 1
we m L o h t co to tne mourltclrfts. _- . - . - . - " 7 -
U n i t9
7 Circlethe correctonswers. we@/ mog not pLogoutside. 1 If it'ssunngtomorrow, 2
EdwordondIomiecould/ won't go to the cinemoif theirmumtookthem.
3 We msg /'Ltgo to the pork.We'[Ldecidetomorrow. 4 If the schoolis closedtodog,we might/ mognot hoveto go to schooltomorrow. 5
Poppg's clever.She'lt/ mightnot do wetl in the test.
Mum ond Dodwon't / mightbe pleosedif I don'ttidg mg room.
7 Iosonmight/ couldn'tdo welt in the test. 8 Thegmightnot / wil,theLpusif we don'theLpthem.
oboutgourself.Usemight,mightnot,wit[ or won't. Writesentences Lookof the pictures. eotmorefruit gojogging swimmore wotchlessTV geto newbike eotlessfostfood geor...
Ahmedlivedwithhisfomilgondhetrovelled 50 kmevergdogto plog footbollforo locolteom.Heplogedin o motcheveryweekend.
Ahmedtroinsfourdogso weekondplogstwiceo week.Heeots heolthgfood(nopizzoor burgers)ond goesto bedeorlgbeforeeveru motch.Helivesneorthestodium.
Ahmed didn't hove to trove[
(troveL) muchwhenhewos15. whenhewos16. - (eot)speciotfood (l.ive) in Engtond whenhewos1.8.
2 3 4
(proctise) evergdog now.
(pLoU)footbol.t threetimeso weeknow.
(troveL) 50 km evergdogto proctisenow.
Look of exercise10. Write questions with hove to. t
Did Ahmed have to trovel
(troveL) 50 km evergdogto troinwhenhewos16?
(eot)speciol.food when hewos 19?
3 4
(pl.oU)footbol.l. everudog when hewos 19?
5 -
(proctise)everg dogof the weeknow?
(goto bed)eortgbeforemotchesnow?
Look of exercise11.Write short onswers. I
Yes. he did
Review3 I
Chongethe reportedspeechto direct speech.Chongethe pronounsif necessorg. 1 A[exsoidit wos goingto snow. It's oolno to snow. 2 Shesoidthe monwoswoitingto seethe doctor. 3 Thegsoidthe troinwos [ote. 4 Hesoidit wostimeto chongethe bondoges. thef l-m. 5 Mum soidsheLiked 6 Thegsoidthegweregoingto bugo first oid kit. 7 Tongosoidshewos mokingo smoothie. 8 TobgondOscorsoidthegwontedto go out to p[og.
Chongethe directspeechto reportedspeech.Chongethe pronounsond time words. 1 Herormisbroken. Thedoctorsoid her orm wos broken. 2 I'm cooking chicken Jordinnertonight. Shesoid 4 We'regoingon holidognextweek. S u z go n dAmgso i d 5 Ourbogsoreheovg. Theysoid I'm goingto the zoothis ofiernoon. Yousoid I don't [ikethe coketodog. Robsoid It isn'tgoingto rointomorrow. Em m os o i d
Review 3
Completethe sentences.Write soid ortol.d. 1 You
soid- gouhodo heodoche.
2 You
the doctorgourthrootwossore.
3 Theg 4 Theg--
-thefil"mwosgreot. herthegweregoingto the portg.
5 We
we wontedto go cAclingogointomorrow.
6 Th e t e o c h e r - t h e mth e g w e re [e o rn i n 9 ver gquick[g. u sh i sp h o n en u mb er .
7 Heh o s n ' t 8 You
whenthe shopping centreopened. -* gouwereon hoLidoy
Completethe first conditionol sentences. 1 goupLogLotsofsport- goubeheolthier
If gou ptoglotsoJsport,Uou'[[is heotthier. you 't[ be heotthierif uou ploqlqls_af-spql!2 thegeot heolthgJood -theg hovelotsof energg If theg Theg gouhurt gourfoot-the doctorput on o bondoge
If gou Thedoctor getgoodtest results the students workhord- the students If the students Thestudents the ptogersproctise o lot - the teomwin If the plogers Theteom we droplesslitter-the porkbe muchnicer
If we Thepork he notworkhord- he not possthetest
If he He theg eot Lotsof pizzo- theg betired If theg Theg
Correctthe first conditionolsentences. 1 If it roinsthegstoginside. If it roins.theu'[[stou lnslde. 2 IJ gouwi[[ be niceto me,we'[[ befriends. 3 If I pl.ogfor the teom,I'm doingmg best. 4 Youwon't leornquickLgif gou'|.[not listento gourteocher. 5 \ gouget up eortg,gouorehovingo longerdog. 6 Wewon't wotchthef Lmif the DVDpLogernot works. 7 ThefoodwiLLbe betterif the cookwi[[ put in lesssugor. 8 Thegwon't get goodmorksif theg won't do the homework. 9 If I't[ sovemg moneg,I'[[ bugo newcomputergome. 10 If I go to the pork,I'[[ sowmg friends.
questions. Complete thefirst conditionoI (wego)outif theweotherr.s 1 Wi[[we go 2 If she
(goubug)o CDif gou (stop)working,
4 If thecomputer
(goueot)Lotsof burgers if gou
( be) 9ood? (sheget)il.t? (9o)tothe shop? (goubug)onotherone?
energg? 6
If gou
(wehove)opicnicif the weother
7 8
(notgo) home,
(goucome)tothe cofdwith us? ( be) 9ood? (goustog)othomewith me?
(Mumond Dodbe)hoppgif I get goodgrodesot school?
Yes, 10 You
(stog)heol.thg ,f gou
look of the pictures.Writesentences with the wordsin brocketsond o phrosefromthe box. beo doctor repoircors become sportsmen goto NewYork$r,rdg5pcrfl3h-beo zookeeper (moU)Mil.Lg mog studuSponish.
(co u L d )Goorg n dIo mi e
(mi g h t)A mg o n dC l o re
(mo g )Go rg
8 Completethe questions.Usehoveto. Completethe shortonswers. t
2 -gou
studgGermonwhengouwereof schoot? No,I
3 -t h e g Yes,
stogof homeof the weekendbecouse thegwerei[t?
4 -
6 --
7 WhengouwereUounger, 8
eoto lot of food?yes,theg do
hove to footbol.Lers
studghordwhenhewosof schoot? Yes, work [ote?Yes, proctiseo lot?Yes, gou
do lots of homework.No,I dothe cookingot home?No,I
in the post fi"frfe
Indefinitepronouns Questiontaos
Weryone'sgot a ticket. D{rrl what wouldyou liketo seefirst? trlyan t'd liketo seesomethingabout lifein ancientRome. jutit, I don'tmind.I'm interested in everythingtodo with history. Maddy ls thereanythingfromancient Egypt? fr,,ltt t?:
We useindefnite pronounsto tolk oboutpeople,thngsond plocesthot we don'tnome.We use indefinitepronounswith some,evergond no in offirmotivesentences. got a ticket. No one'smissing. I'd liketo seesomethingabout life in ancientRome. Evergone's ond questions. We useindefnite pronounswith ong in negotivesentences Is thereangthingfrom ancientEgypt? I haven'tseenangthingasinterestinqss thisbefore. Negotivesentences ond questions
Aff rmotivesentences
Ploces somewhere evergwhere nowhere ongwhere Things something evergthing nothing ongthing People someone
no one
3. Tick(/)the correctsentences. 1 H o so n g o neb e e nto th i smu se u r, @ H o so n g t h i n gb e e nto th i sru se u r? [- l 3 Angonesowthe .oruings.[--l Noonesowthe .oruings.[-l 5 I've lookedevergwhere Jorthe stotues.[-l I've Looked somewhere for the stotues.[-l 74
U n i tL 0
2 Wecouldn'tseeMoxevergwher"O Wecou[dn'tseeMoxong*here.[-l missing.[-l 4 We'reoL[here- ongon.e's We'reoL[here- noone'smissing.[-l 6 Wosthereongoneot the porki [-l ot the porkl [-l Wosthereevergone
2 Lookot the picture.Motch1-8 with o-h.
-q -
a evergwhere.
T h e r eo r e n 'to n gp i ctu re s
b hoppg.
c unhoppg.
There's nowhere
d under thetoble.
There's someone
e ongwher e.
There's nothing
g to sit.
There's something
h behindthe door.
on thetoble.
3 Writeonswers to the questions. UseNoone,Nothingor Nowhere. Wh o t , sb e h i n dt he d o o r? N o th L n g . Thotr oomisemptg. Who'sin thot room?
Evergbodg's here.
He'sstoginghere. -----..
Who'sgotthe tickets? Wh e r eo r eU o ug o i n gth i se ve n i n g ? Wh o th o v eg o ug o tfo rl u n ch ?
. We hoveto bugthem. . . I' m goingto stogof home. -.,....I' m goingto bugsom esondwiches. UnitL 0
the indefinitepronouns. 4 Complete to do here.
1 Thereisn'tongthlng 2
hosbeento the newmUseumget.
3 M u s e u m s o re so me -fo rp e o p [e togointheho|.idogs. 4
Is thereong---to
seein thot room?
5 I'm thirstg.Let'sget some-to
drinkin the cofe.
6 Yo u c o n ' t b u g o so u ve n i r-n o -i swor kinginthem useum shoptodog. 7 W e , r e c o r r g i n g o u rco o tsb e co u s ewecou[dn,tfindong- to[eovethem . 8
I r e o [ [ 9 | . i ke th e mu se u m.E ve rg -gou|.ookther eor einter estingthingstosee.
Completethe indefinite pronouns. t
No onewentto seethe gome- we o[[ went homeinsteod.
2 Thereisn't -.-..--one
3 It woso reollggoodfil.m.
4 It's so boringhere- there'sobsolutelg 5 -one's 6 I hoven'tgot
lefi o book- it'sthere,on the desk. thing to weorforthe portg.
7 Seb'strovellingroundthe world - he's 8
hingto do.
wherein Austrolio.
whereUougo,peopleoretrgingto protectthe environment.
Rewrite the sentenceswith o different indefinite pronoun. Thereisn'tongthingto do here.
There'snothi.no to do here. There'sno oneto tolk to. 3 Thereisn'tongwhereto eot. nothingin the kitchen. 4 There's 5 Thereisn'tongonein the ticketoffice. nowhereto bugsouvenirs. 6 There's
7 Circlethe correctonswers. 1 Where oremgglosses? I con'tseethemGnFhEib/nowhere. 2 There's I conheoro voice. someone / ongonedownstoirs.
in old cities.There's somewhere differentto go evergdoy. 3 I lovehoLidogs / evergwhere 4
Evergbodg's busg.Thereisn'tevergone /onuoneto to[kto.
5 There'snofood lefi. You'veeotensomething/ evergthing.
. h e re 's n o thing/ ongthingto dr ink! 6 T h e r e 'nso w o t e ro n dn oj u i ceT 7
If it roins,thereisn'tevergthing Sometimes I get boredof the seoside. / ongthingto do.
I've lost mg dictionorg! but I con'tfindit. I've lookedsomewhere / evergwhere
Evergone tovedthe visit.ThegoLl.soidhow niceit wos. / Someone
hosswitchedit off. 1 0 TheTV'ssti[[ on.No one/ Evergone
Completethe text. Usethe indefinitepronounsin the box. ongwhereglnet+lr-- noone evergwhereEvergoneevergwhereongthing something
t I 'm g o i n gt o t e [ [ g o u so mq th i n g
in 1665.Lifewoshor dthen. oboutLifein Eng[ond 2 Somepeoplein someploceswererichbut therewerelotsoJvergpoorpeople 3 T h ew o r s t h i n gw o sth e d i rt- g o uco u td n'get t owoufr om it , ondther e o wererots wosofroidof gettingi[[.Therewosn't -.- --g o uco u tdd o to g e t betterif gougot iLt,ond becouse t ther ewer en'eno ugh t--doctors,therewos to helpgou.Mongpeopledied,but in 1666 t - ther ewoson enor mous d ch o n gethe situotion - h o p p e n eto fir e in Lon don
:- -
ond lotsoJtherots,whichcorrgiLlness, wereki|'Led. Afierthot,fewerpeopledied.
Jomie:TodogI met on orchitect.He wos rebuitding on old house,ond I hetped him.Here'so photo. Henrg:Greotphoto!But it isn'teosgto buitdo house,is it? this Jomre:No,it isn't!We werebui[ding peopte housewiththe somethingsthot of Ueorsogo.lt wos usedthousonds hordwork,but it'so nicehouse,isn't it? Henrg:Yes,it is. lt'squitesimple,but it looks just tikeq stoneoge house,doesn't it? We con see how peopleusedto tive,con't we? Jomie:Yes,we con.Andthisone is o big house,isn't it? lt'slikeo housethoton personusedto livein. In thosedogs,the impofiontpeopletivedin big importont houses.Mosthousesweresmollerthonthisone.
Henrg: wow,whqto greotexperience! H
Questiontogsoreshortquestionsot Weoften use the end of sentences. them to checkthot the personwe ore to ogreeswith usor to check speoking that we ore right. If the sentenceis off rmotive,we useo negotivequestiontog. It's a nicehouse,isn't it? is negotive, we useon If the sentence offirmotivequestiontog. It isn'ta nicehouse,is it?
Unit L0
Theverbwe usein the questiontog dependson the verbused in the sentence. Mostverbsusedo. don'ttheg? Mostpeople |ivein bigger houses, If the moinverbis be or o modolverb,we repeotit in the questiontog. Thisis a big house,isn't it? Wecanseehow peopleusedto live,con't we? Thequestiontog for I'm is oren't I? I'm a goodptager,arenTI? Thereis clwogso commobeforethe questiontog.We usuollg in the negotiveform. usecontroctions You'reverg excited,aren't gou?
frffiffiking tr film
The passive(1):presentsimple With and bv
Maddy Herewearein London. Oh look,
theroad'sclosed. Beth LooklThey'remakinga fllmt ,tl4affin Lotsof filmsare madein London. "rQ{#r73y Whoare the actors? fty*r: Theactors'namesare wrifren on thisposter!
we usuollgputthe thingwe h tn EngLish f wont to tolk obout(thesubject)ot the " beginning of the sentence. We usethe possiveif we don't knowwho or whot is doingon octionor if it isn'timportontwho or whot isdoingit. Thisison octivesentence. They'remakingafilm! Thisis o possive sentence. Lotsoffilms are madein London.
Weconolsousethe presentsimpleformof the possive to totk oboutthingswhichoregenerollgtrue. Frenchis spokenhere. Ourclothesare madefrom moremodernmaterial. We mokethe presentsimplepossive with om/is/ ore (not)+ postporticiple. verbsisthe some for reguLor ,p., fhe postporticipLe \i osthe postsimpleform. Thepostporticiple ' Jorirregu[orverbsis ofien differentJromthe postsimpleJorm.Lookot poge96Joro toble of irregutor verbs.
L Compl,ete the tobtewith the correctform of the irregu[orverbs. Boseform
'sp o ke
mo d e
sp e 0 K
9row tg
cu t buiLd
U n i tL l
io l2
2 Circlethe possiveverbs.
Fivefqcts obout television 1T he w o r d .te [ev i s i on'meons .s e e in g o lo n g wq U' . E v e n if p ic t u r e s ( @ o long wcrgowog,we con still seethem with o television. In the 1920s,thefirst television imogeswere modebg JohnLogieBqird, o Scottishmon. Wotchingtelevisionis o populoroctivitgfor peopleqtl over the world. Thereore thousondsof TV chonnelsin hundredsof countries. 4 Over 150 mittionTVs ore boughteverggeor! 5 Todog,lots of televisions ore recgcled.Thousonds of old televisionscreens ore recgcledevergdog to mokenew televisionscreens. :......,'*.,4!ffillnnr
3 Complete the sentences. Usethe presentsimplepossive of the verbsin brockets. Lots of teo t !s dtunk
(drink)evergdog in Britoin.Do gou know how it 2 - - (moke)l Teol (grow) o[[ over the wortd in
countries like Indiq,Sri Lqnkqond Kengo.Then it 4
(bring)to foctories
where it s thot 1-7
(sett)in shops.Thepockets (toke)to shopswheretheg
(bug).Hotwqter,milk ond
sugor- _ o
(turn) into the teq
(odd).And teo (drink)ot ong time of dog
Unit1 1
4 Completethe negotivepossivesentences. I Strow isn't eoten
(noteoten)bgchildren. notmoke)from ptostic. (notbuil.d)on mountoins or beoches.
2 Poper 3 Houses
(not recAcle) get.
poper 4 In somecountries 5 Teo
(notpl.ont)in NorthernEurope. (n o tpLog) in museum s.
6 Footbol.l. 7 Lemon
(notodd)to teo in Britoin.
8 Teoondcoffee
(notdrink)on[got breokJost.
usingthe presentsimplepossive. 5 Rewritethe sentences growcoffeein Brozil. 1 People Coffee is grown in Brozit. Eost. 2 Youfind oil.in the MiddLe oil. of corsin Germong. 3 ThegmokeLots Lotsof cors 4 Youseeodvertson TV. Adverts in SouthAmerico. 5 PeoplespeokSponish Sp o n i s h 6 In Indio,peopteeot rice. Rice oLLoverthe wortd. 7 PeoplepLogfootboLL Footbo[[ I
ShopsseLl.fzzg drinksevergwhere. Fizzgdrinks
9 Thegshowthe newsofter mg fovouriteTVshow Thenews 10 Peoptesendlots of emoitsevergdog.
Lotsof emoils
Unit 11
5 Lookof the picture.Answerthe questions with the presentsimplepossive.
The working doy oi tt eorly morning
,oo " cleonthe onimols'houses
9 o'clock
open the zoo
show visitorsinto the reptilehouse
rr o'clock
feed the monkeys
rz o'clock
wosh the elephonts
5 o'clock
photogroph the lions
closethe zoo
give tolks in the Visitor Centre
Soturdoy : .,r"ry -onth
poy the zoo keepers chongethe disploy in the Visitor Centre
Wh o th o p p e nisn th ee o rl gmo rn i n g ? T-he-qnlrnqts. housesqrc creonecr Whot hoppens of 9 o'c[ock? Wh o th o p p e nost 9 .3 0 ? Wh o th o p p e nosf 1 1 o 'cto ck? 5 Whothoppens of L2o'c[ock? 6 Whot hoppens ot 5 o'clock? Wh o th o p p e nosf 6 o 'c[o ck? Wh o ti sd i f f e r e not n F ri d o g s? Whotis differenton Soturdogs? 1 0 Wh o th o p p e nesve rgmo n th ?
Holllwoodffl,ns is in Ar.,erico'Lots of frl*s Hollqwood ore rqodein Holllwoodond it is frlled
people'Lots ol octors with fornous -[ht'r ond octresseslive in Holllwood' housesore built closeto the fornous HolllwoodsiSnond decoroted with old frlrn souvenirs. of Holllwoodis visitedbl thousonds toucistsevecl 1eoc. lhel wont to see the lornousf\lrn studiosond octocs' The .oin streets oce decoroted with bright lights ond everl evenin3shows ore put on b1 doncersond musicions' t. It s on excitinSPloce!
we conusebgto sogwho or whot doesthe oction. tn possive sentences i\ I Uotlgwoodis visitedbg thousandsof touristseverygear. - Eveningshowsareput on bg dancersand musicians. Weconusewith to totk oboutwhot is usedto do the oction. Hollgwoodisfi lled withfa mouspeople. Themoin streetsare decoratedwith bright lights. 7 Completethe sentences. Usebg or with. 1 G u i t o ro s r ep l o g e d
orefiLted 2 Librories 3 T e n n iiss p l og e d 4 T h e f o o di s b ro u g h t 5 B r e o di sc u t 6 AncientplocesoreJound 84
U n i t1 1
mu s ic io n so [ [ o v e rt h e wo rld . books. rocketsond o bo[1. o woiter. o knife. orchoeoLogists.
Rewritethe sentences. Usethe presentsimptepossiveond bg or with. 1 Fishermen cotchfish. Fishore coughtbg fishermen. 2 Youuseo rocketto pl.ogtennis. Tennis 3 Youuseo lot of vegetobles to mokeo solod. A solod 4 Childrendrink o lot of mil.k.
A Lotof mil.k 5 Thechildrenplontlotsof trees. Lotsof trees
6 Tourists tokeo LotoJphotogrophs. A Lotof photogrophs 7 Footbollplogersweorfootbo[[boots. FootboL[boots 8 We useflourtomokecokes. Cokes
9 Write sentences. Usethe presentsimplepossiveond bg or with. 1 footbol.[motches/ wotch/ thousondsof people
Footbollmotchesqre wotchedbu thousonds
2 London/visit/thousondsof touristseverggeor
3 the citg/fil.L/ touristottroctions 4 streets/ decorote/ Lights 5 pies/ cook/ meot ond pototoes
6 rugbg/ pLoVlchiLdren ondodutts 7 vegetobles/ grow / formers I
pl.ogs/ wotch/ schooL children
Fom ousI nv e n f r o n l
The passive(2):past simple The passive(3):questions
Today inventions. our showisaboutfamous rhe firstaeroplane was flown by oville andWilburWright.Television was invented in 1927by JohntogieAaird,thefirstcar wasmadeby xarlBenzin Cermany and the call was madebyAlexander flrsttelephone CrahqmBellon 10thMarch1876.
Ryan These inventions areamazingl Martin I wantto bean inventor!| want to inventsomethinguciting too.
We usewos/were(not)+ postporticipLe to mokethe postsimplepossive. Thefirstaeroplanewasinventedby Oruilleand Wilbur Wright. Thefirst aeroplanewasn't inventedbg lohn LogieBaird. Thereis o list of irregulorpostporticiptes on poge95.
Write P or -. Which sentencesore possive? 1 T h eJ i r s te x pl o rewr o so n o n ci e nE t g gption. 2 F e r d i n o nMo d g e L L owno sth efi rstp e rson to soilor oundthewor ld. c o nw o sn o me db g F e rdinond 3 T h ePo c i f iOce MogeLLon. 4 TheexplorertroveLled ondAfrico. for georsin Europe t opo f A u stro l i w o o sd ro w nbg Coptoin 5 T h e f i r sm Jom esCook. wosfirst visitedin 19L1.. 6 TheSouthPoLe 7 Thefirstrocketwossentto the moonin 1969. w o sp o i n te dw i th o i Lp o i nts. 8 T h ep i c t u r e
Un it1 2
2 Reodthe test. Circlethe correctonswers. Th e v e r g f i r s t c o mp u te rs1 i n ve n te d l @ out25009eor so9o. obocuses'mode mochines col.[ed SimpLe f weremodebgthe oncientEggptions. of geors.A computer Thesemochines 'used/ wereusedfor thousonds a invented/ wosinventedneorlg500georsogo bg BtoizePoscolbut it onLg 6 5 ALonTuring mode/ wosmodeo different odded/ wosoddednumbers. mochine80 georsogo.It' dia/ wosdonemorethon ong personcoulddo. 8 Thenoboutthirtg georsogo,the first personoIcomputerssold/ wereso[d. e Now,of course,theg were bought/ oreboughtol.l.overthe world.
Writethe wordsin the correctorder.Usethe postsimplepossive. 1 thewheel/ 6000georsogo/ invented / wos e o rs ooo. 2 soilingboots/ bg / were/the oncientEggptions / mode of roods/ buiLt 3 were/ bgthe Romons / thousonds 4 were/ corried/ importontRomons / on choirs 5 the first/ wos/troin stotion/ 2OOgeorsogo/ opened 6 the first bicAcles / mode/ were/ in Fronce 7 sold/ thef rst cors/ in Germong/ were 8 the Eiffel.Tower /wos / in 1889/ buiLt 9 wos/ this song/ sung/ ofomous singer/ bg 10 in Oxfordin Englond/ thot dictionorg / wos/ written
4 Completethe sentences. Usethe postsimplepossive. gomes wereinvented 1 TheOl.gmpic
(invent) bgtheoncient Greeks.
(ptog)thousonds of georsogoin SouthAmerico.
2 Footbol.t
3 Thechi[dren
(teLL) to chooseo newteom.
4 Thefootbo[[coptoin 5 Horses
(ride)forsportin oncientIndio. (wotch)bg Lotsof peopl.e.
6 Thetennismotch 7 Themoneg I
T h ec i n e m o
(give)to the chi[dren's schoot. (open)bgthefomousoctor.
5 Rewritethe sentences. Usethe postsimplepossive. 1 Someone invented tetevision inL927. Televisionw o s l n ve n te di n 1 q 2 7 . interviewed 2 Somebodg mgfovouritesingerLostnight. Mg fovouritesinger 3 Thegpoidherforthe interview. Sh e-
4 Somebodg oskedoboutherJovourite music. 5he tookphotogrophs 5 Somebodg of her. Photogrophs of her 6 PeopteboughtLotsof hermusiclost geor. Lotsof hermusic
6 Writesentences. Usethe postsimptepossiveond bg if necessorg. 1 Chess Persio. / pLog / in oncient Chesswos ptauedtn o n cl e n tP e rsia. -
2 Mongfomouspictures doVinci. / point/ Leonordo 3 ThepLogHomtet/ write/ WiLLiom Shokespeore. 4 Thepgromids of georsogo. / buiLd/ thousonds 5 Thefirstoeroplone At[ontic/ALcockond Brown. / fLUf ocrossthe
Usethe postsimp[e. 7 Lookof the tob[e.Completethe octiveond possivesentences. A tife in music:Iomiefohnson,singer
Helivesin Londonwith hisporents. Hegoesto schoolin the countrgside. H eL eo rnto s p l o gth e p i o n oo n dguitor . ore Goesto musicschool.Histeochers professiono I musicio ns. He leovesschoo[. j HemokeshisfirstCD. interviews i A mogozine i Iomiewinso songwritingcompetitio (beborn)in 1984.
Jomie -wqr-bo.r-n-. .*-
(Live) in London.
From1987to L996he
(send) to schoolin the countrg.
I n 199 6h e
From1996to 2003he
( Leor n) to pl.ogthe pionoondguitor .
From1996to 2003he---*-
(teoch)bg proJessionol musicions.
In 2005he----. -,-
(l.eove) school. -- (moke).
In2OO7hisfirstCD -
bgo fomousmogozine. -- (interview) (win)osongwritingcompetition.
8 In 2008he he 9 In 2OO9
Completethe sentences. Usethe presentsimplepossiveor the postsimplepossivewith the verbs in brockets. (osk)tooctinthepLog. 1 She-wq-5-qs,kgd(open)of 9 o'clockon Soturdoys.
2 Thegotesto the pork--" 3 You
(born)twogeorsofterme. -: (give)o newcomputer.
4 OnWednesdog, I --5 Bil.l,g 6 We
ot hisschool. - (notteoch)French (hel.p) in our schoollessons evergdog.
7 Youmustn'twotk on the gross.It - -
(write)on the sign.
questionswith be+ subject+ postporticipLe. *" mokepossive fr ! Aremonkegsfoundin England? We put bg ond with ot the endof the questions. Whowasthefirst plane inventedbg? Weconput wh- questionwordsot the beginningof the question.If we usewho, whenor where,the wordorderdoesn'tchonge. Whenwastelevisioninvented? questionsLikethis:whot + be + postporticipl.e. If we usewhot,we mokepossive Whotwas inventedon 10th March1.976? g Circlethe correctonswers. 1 t s / @/ W o s fi l .ms mo d ei n th e U n i tedKingdom ? 2 Wos/ Is / ArethefiLmmodelostgeor?
bg? 3 Where/ When/Who wosthefiLmdirected Who/Whot / Whenwosthe ptogwrittenbg? 5 W h o/ W h e re/ Wh o tw o sg i ve nto 5 o m' sfr iends?
6 W h e r e/ W h o / Wh o tw o sth e fi L mmode?
U n i t1 2
10 Writepostsimplepossivequestions. 1 onemoi[/ send/ gesterdog Wolon emoilsentSesterdqg?
gourhouse/ paint/ Lostgeor
3 who/the book/write/bg
the printer/ switchoff / thismorning
5 where/ the tigers/ see/ gesterdog
wh o t / Ro mo nh o u s e s/ mo k e/ wit h
7 when/ the historgmuseum/ buil.d
/ 100georsogo / pl.og/ evergwhere footbol.l.
9 who / gourbedroom/ cteon/ bg
10 where/ goLd/ find/inL849
guestions. UseWhen,Where,Whoor Whot. Reodthe text.Writepostsimplepossive
V,/tlltanShtkuspuoru Shakuspuare is the most {omout Eryltsh wtter in htstory.He went to schooltn Strat{ord, England,ond rrtovedto London to becotrtean o.ctor.then he started to wtte plays.)nu ol ks best playsts calledHanlet. He wote Hanlet n leoo or 1e01. lhe nain character,who is calledHomlet, speakst ,ury {amous line: 'To be or not to be'. worked i.n a theaire calledthe \lobe Shakuspuare tn lsqq, whtch wu rrtadewith wood, It was onu o{ the rnost lomous butldLrystn London untLl tt was closedin \e'll. A ,opy ol thu \lobe was openedto tourLsts i-n llql, Shokespeore wroteHomletin London. Wh e r e w o s H o ml e t r,vrL tte n ?
wos 2 Shokespeor e toughtin Str otJor d.
Homletwoswrittenin 1600or 1601.
bg Hom[et. 4 Thefomous Lineisspoken
The Globewos modewith wood.
6 T h eG L o b ewo s b u iL tin 1 5 9 9 .
TheGtobewosctosedin 7644.
8 Tour ists visitTheGLobe.
UnitL 2
1 Completethe onswers.Usethe indefinitgpronounsfrom the box. ongwhere Jo€rr6 ongthing EvergoneNowhere evergthing Someone Nothing 1 Who'sthere? "No one 2 W h e r eo r eU o ug o i n g ? 3 Whot'sthot noise? 4
, istoLkingin the gorden.
5 Who'sgoingto bethere?-6
-- niceto weorforthe portg.
Whgoregousod?I hoven'tgot
. --,the whotectoss.
Whot'sonthe TV?-
7 Aregou reodg?Yes,I've pocked I
It's boringhere.Thereisn't
to go.
2 Circtethe correctonswers. 1 T h e f o m o u s e xp [o re rh o stro ve [[edo[m ostsomewher e/nowher "/@inAfr ico. 2 Wesowsomething / ongthingvergexcitingot the zoogesterdog. / evergthing
morning.Therewosno one/evergbodg/ somebodg there. 3 It wosvergquietof the porkgesterdog 4
Evergthing wosvergquietbeforethe storm. / Evergwhere / Something
reo[[gcold. 5 I've neverbeenongwhere/nowhere/ somewhere 6 I lookedfor the kegssomewhere / evergwhere / ongwhere,but I cou[dn'tfind them
somewhere / evergwhere / ongwhere. 7 Evergone / Someone / Angonehodo greottime of Zoe'sportg. 8
Is thereongwhere / no one/ ongonethere?
Usequestiontogs. 3 Comptetethe sentences. 1 Youwerehoppgof schooltodog,weren't gou?-
tuckgto seethe pgromids, 2 Theg're -m useumnextweek, 3 T h ec l o s si svi si ti n go n o rch o e o l .o g icoL 4 Theghoven'tvisitedthe schooIbefore, -5 W ed i d n ' tm o keo n gsmo o th i e -s, 6 Youknowthe test istodog,-"
lostgeor, 7 Youdidn'tgo on hol.idog 8 Anniedidn'tlivein Rome, E n g [i sh , 9 H e rs i s t esr p e o ks goingto reodthot book, 10 You're 1r2
Write presentsimplepossivesentences. geor,millionsof cords/send/for Mother's Dog. 1 Everg eor. millionsof cordsore sentfor Mother's 2 Ftowersond chocolotes / send/ o[[ overthe world. 3 Presents /bug. 4 Somepresents / moke. 5 Theg/wrop / in poper. 6 Thentheg/ give/to mums. 7 Thepoper/ throwowog. 8 Thepresents / keep.
5 Chongethe octivesentences into presentsimptepossivesentences. 1 ThegspeokTurkish ondArobichere. Arobicond Turkishore spokenhere. reodbook evergwhere. 2 People in the museumshop. 3 Wese[[postcords on TV. 4 Thegshowgoodprogrommes 5 Thegsetlteootthot cof6. 6 Peopledrinko lot of teo in Britoin. 7 ChiLdren evergdog. sendmiltionsof text messoges in mongcountries. 8 Lotsof peopteplogvoLlegbol.l.
Usebg or with. 6 Completethe sentences. ismode--!g1 ThefiLm
2 Thepointingis photogrophed 3 Homtetis pLoged
=- specioIcomeros. o goungoctor.
4 ThehouseisfiU.ed
is pl,oged 5 FootboLl.
chi[dren ondodu[ts.
6 Thebookwoswritten
o fomouswriter.
ondbgor with if necessorg. Usethe postsimplepossive Writesentences. in Rome 1 Houses / buiLd / corefutLg. Housesin Romewere built corejutlg. ondstotues. 2 Thehouses / pointings / decorote 3 A Romonhouse/ f.nd /three georsogo/ orchoeologists. 4 Thehouse/ Livein / on importontRomon.
5 A Lotof things/ put/in the museum. 6 Lostgeor,/ the museum/ visited/ thousondsof people.
ond or the present simplepossive Writesentences. Usethe postsimplepossive bgor with if necessorg. 1 Coffee/ drink/ o[[ overtheworld. 2 Austrolio/ discwer/ CoptoinCook. 3 MountEverest / cl.imb/Tensingond Hitorg. 4 Thefirstpototoes/ grow/ in Americo. 5 Pototoes/ grow/ evergwhere/ now. 6 Portsof London/ buiLd/ the Romons
9 look of exercise7.Write possivequestions. t
Is co#eedrunk a[[ overthe world?
3 4 5 6
lO Completethe wh- questions.Usethe postsimplepossive. 1 Shokespeore wroteRomeo ondIuliet. Who wos Romeoond JutietwrlttenbU?
poperin oncient Chino. 2 Theginvented Where 3 Thegsoldthe houseo weekogo. Wh e n 4 Thegusedto mokecoinswith go[d. Whot
5 Afomousortistpointedthe picture. Wh o 6 Thegfound gol.din the river. Where 7 Corswere invented100 georsogo. Wh e n 8 Thegusedto mokefootboltswith onimolskin. Whot 9 Chortiewon the voLLegbol.l. trophg. Who 10 T h ep op concertwos hetdin o bigfiel.d. Where
cg:ed: Grcrmrnog:q.gferen -
IrreguLor verbs Boseform be become breok bring buitd bug cotch come do drink drive eot feed feeL find
fl's get give 9o 9row hove hit hurt know leorn [eove Lie tose moke meet Pog put reod ride ring run so9 see se[[ send
P o stsi mp l e wos/were become broke brought buiLt bought co u g h t come did d ro n k drove ote fed feLt found ftew got 9Ove went 9rew hod hit h u rt knew Leornt Left
Lou Lost mo d e met poid put reod rode ro n g ron so i d 50w
so[d sent
P o stpor ticiple been become broken brought buil.t bought co u ght come done d ru n k driven eoten fed feLt found fLown got given gone/been 9rown hod hit h u rt known [eornt Left [o i n Iost mo d e met poid put reod ridden ru n g ru n so i d seen so[d sent
Boseform send show sit sleep speok steoI stick swim toke teoch teLL think throw wokeup weor win write
Postsimpte sent showed sot s[ept spoke sto[e stuck
PostporticipLe sent shown sot sl.ept spoken sto[en stuck
S W Om
took tought tol.d thought threw wokeup wore won wrote
token t ought tol"d t hought thrown wokenup worn won written
Forstudentspreparingfor the CambridgeESOLYoungLearner'sexems. l ond 2 Storters: GrommorFriends Movers:GrommorFriends3 ond4 5 ond 6 Flgers: GrommorFriends
OX FOR D E N GLIS H lsBN 978-0-19- 478016-2