Mohammed Ali once said, "what keeps me going is goals", i believe that this is true for myself as well, if you have nothing to aim for, you have no motivation, no dreams and no desire, i would not be standing for this respected role of Head Boy if i did not have these three things. Salutation !rincipal Stubbs, ice principals #ard and $r. Mortimore, %espected &aculty Members, !arents, 'uardians, $istinguished 'uest and students of (ack Haywa Hayward rd High School. ) bid you not only a pleasant but also a cordial 'ood Morning. My name is *rishawn $ +ubin upcoming 'raduate of the class of --, aspiring entrepreneur,, future visionary and more pressingly your ne/t H0A$ B123 entrepreneur ) originally came up here this morning to convince you as to why ) should be your leader,, but ) find it unimaginable that as your leader ) think only of myself leader myself.. )nstead ) have come here to convince you, why we all should become leaders. +eaders in our home, +eaders on our 4obs, +eaders in our 5ommunity 5ommunity,, +eaders in society. 6herefore 1n speaking to you this morning )7ve selected for my theme #0 A++ A%0 +0A$0%S Body ) start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers 8%alph 9ader (ack Hayward High School, contrary to popular belief. ) see not before me the underprivileged, the deprived, the lower class of society. ) see before me the class of --, -:-, -:: and beyond. ) see before me leaders. Anthony (. $7Angelo once ;uoted 7that you do not have to hold a position to be a leader. 7 6hus ) am inclined to ask, what is a leader. +eadership +eadership consists not in degrees of techni;ue but in traits of character< it re;uires moral rather than athletic or intellectual effort, and it imposes on both leader and follower alike the burdens of self8restraint. self8restra int. )t is said that anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm, but in the face of adversity adversity,, true leaders are born. ) stand before you not seeking to defame my fellow candidates, but to challenge you to choose a leader that can take you from where you are, to where you have never been. 6he ;uality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves. #ith this ) must ask, how can ) allow myself to become influenced by the ideals of my peers= )f ) want to lead the orchestra ) must turn my back on the crowd. Always looking forward and never behind, taking with me the dreams and aspirations of those that support a vision that will ultimately be for the betterment of the people. ) must not tip the scale of 4ustice because of influential standing, but weighs the scale because of an inner desire to do what is morally correct. (ack Hayward Hayward High School as your future leader ) am not only obligated but find it indigenous upon me to be the voice, as one, crying in the wilderness. 6he eyes seeing past doubt and indecision, focusing only on hope and possibilities. 6he ears that re4ects the hum of negativity, yet promotes a positive mindset. 5lass of -- and beyond we know not what tomorrow brings, but be ever certain that tomorrow begins with us. 6he only way to correct the past is by not repeating it in the future. As your leader ) challenge you not to become a statistic but rather an e/ception to the rule. ) challenge you not to fit into anyone7s bo/ but rather to think outside the bo/. As your leader ) vow progression not digression. As your leader ) vow to seek avenues to implement and sustain a better learning system not only for the class of -- but also for those that will be threading behind. As you leader )
vow to dedicate my time, my intellect and my manpower to any cause that will empower us all to become leaders. #e must take a stand for what is right. #e must not waiver or falter in our beliefs. #e must pave the road of destiny, that those who follow may have a shinning e/ample of the endless possibilities that await them. 1n reflection ) think Mahatma 'handi said it best and ) ;uote we must become the change we want to see. (ack Hayward High School, 5lass of -- and beyond #e Are All +0A$0%S.
Hi everyone, my name is ******. I’m applying for head boy for two main reasons. Number one is that I appreciate how much this school has done for me and genuinely want to give something back, secondly I want to have a positive impact on St oseph’s and leave ne!t year knowing I did something worthwhile for the school. Some of the things I’ve thought about for the school are" #$ I want the students to have a voice in St oseph’s. %or that we have a pupil council. &he thing is, many pupils have told to me that the pupil council could be better. ' lot of important decisions have been made in the school by the teachers and though the pupil council is called to meet and discuss these decisions, what we say doesn’t matter as much as it should. If you vote for me as Head (oy, I will do my best to change this and make the council more about making our opinions and thoughts matter. )$ ' lot of people have told me that there isn’t much to during lunch, apart from going to one of the shops like +’s or Heathers. -upils have told me it would be good if there were more clubs, tournaments or competitions during lunch. If that’s the case then I would definitely try and get some more of these things up and running. &hese could be lunchtime sports clubs like basketball or badminton or even groups like a debating group or a gaming group. ust chatting during lunch is cool but it would be nice to have other options. $ If there is enough interest, we could even have tournaments as well the new clubs which would be on offer. %or e!ample a /uro )0#) themed football tournament, or badminton, basketball, dodgeball, competitions. 1e could have art competitions or photography contests. If there is enough interest in any activity I would love to organise these for you. 2$ 3oming back to the gaming group, we could form a group of people who know a lot about computers and gaming to maybe become a gaming group which could even develop some small, free computer games for the school. 'part from what I’ve said, if any of you have any concerns or problems then I will be here for you. I’m 4uite approachable and would be happy to hear about anything that’s bothering you or any ideas or concerns you may have. If you don’t want to talk to me personally for whatever reason then I could set up some sort of communication system. &he point is that I will be here for you. I realise that, being Head (oy isn’t about being better than anyone else. It’s about having the trust of the student body to organise and represent them with honesty and enthusiasm and hopefully I will earn your trust in time. I have the willingness and desire to listen, the ability to always work hard, yet hopefully still have a good sense of humour. 5ote for me if you want your voice to be heard, your ideas to be considered and your e!perience in your ne!t year at school to be the best it can be. &hanks for listening everyone.