Book Summary What They Teach You at Harvard Business School
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Descripción: Harvard 2011
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Descripción: caso harvard
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Homeless to Harvard is a non-fction flm written by Ronni Kern Kern and directed by Peter Levin. This movie relates the Elizabeth Murrays real story. Elizabeth is a !irl who has always lived throu!h di"cult di"cult situations in her li#e but she does not !ive u$ and overcomes all adversities. The story be!ins relatin! the di"cult childhood o# Elizabeth who lived in a world surrounded by many social $roblems such as dru! addiction and ne!lect o# her $arents% hun!er and $overty. Elizabeth was a very intelli!ent !irl and always $assed her e&ams but she had little interest #or her education and she did not attend classes. Her mother besides bein! a dru! addict is schizo$hrenic schizo$hrenic and contract '()* because o# $rostitution to !et money to buy dru!s. +hen Elizab Elizabeth eths s #amily #amily ,nows ,nows about about this this terrib terrible le news% news% it dis disint inte!r e!rate ates s and her mother and sister !o to live where her !rand#ather% althou!h Elizabeth stays with with her #ather #ather.. n#or n#ortun tunate ately% ly% his his #ather #ather is a carele careless ss man and does does not educate his dau!hter in the best way #or which she is sent to an or$hana!e. '#ter a #ew years Elizabeth leaves the or$hana!e and !oes to live with her mother% sister and !rand#ather. ow Her mother is an alcoholic woman and her illness has only worsened every day. Elizabeth cares her mother and !oes bac, to school where she meets /hris who becomes her best #riend. Then she has $roblems with her !rand#ather and decides to leave home and live in the street with her #riend where she lives in a world o# crime% leisure and indi!ence. )ays later her mother dies and Elizabeth is devastated by the news so she re0ects on the uncontrolled li#e she was carryin! and decides to return to school. Than,s to her re0ection% e1ort and dedication she becomes the best student o# the school and obtains a scholarshi$ in the ew 2or, Times and Harvard university. This story teaches us to be $eo$le who must f!ht to achieve our dreams% no matter what obstacles we encounter on the way. +e are humans and we have our own $roblems but o# each one de$ends to trium$h in li#e or to !ive u$. +e decide the course o# our li#e.