Homeopathic Mineral Remedies Homeopathic Mineral Remedies and the Periodic Table Homeopathic Mineral Remedies are generally suited to people who are focused on and centered in the world of structure and organization. Their issues and problems center around the structure (building or collapsing) of identity, relationship, family, finance, work, performance and defense. Jayesh (an Indian homeopath) has said that mineral types have issues around being “somebody.” They ask, “How much am I worth? Do I measure up? Can I make it? Am I losing my foothold? Am I on my way out?” This group experiences things as either whole and complete or deficient. They need to experience everything as being complete and whole. In a negative sense this is a sensation of being incomplete or depleted or having a lost or missing part. For this person to feel in balance things have to be in place, as he expects them to be, for both his life and for others. All buildings blocks should be in place—money, home, job, partner, car, fame, respect, and so forth. If not, he will see himself as incomplete in one of these areas. Homeopathic Mineral Remedies are grouped in various ways—by rows and columns on the periodic table (by weight) and by category or type. Jan Scholten and Rajan Sankaran have created systems by which to understand the mineral kingdom and the homeopathic mineral remedies using the periodic table. Their observations are similar but differ slightly. All of this information is summarized from their brilliant work. These themes correspond to the rows of the periodic table: THE ROWS: (of the Homeopathic Mineral Remedies on the Periodic Table) Conception or existence (Row 1), Separation, individuation from the parent, ego development(Row 2), Identity or relationship (Row 3), Security, work, duty (Row 4), Creativity, performance (Row 5), Responsibility, power (Row 6), Duty and responsibility beyond human terms, Pressure to break free, disintegration, isolation (Row 7). Row One has only two remedies Hydrogen and Helium. Hydrogen is the potential for existence and helium is the other pole of this potential--when the potential struggle to exist has reaches the other extreme and not longer cares about existing, or has been damaged to such an extent that it cannot care, it becomes neon. Here we find a question of existence, a feeling of intangibility like a gas—you can’t grab hold of it. Am I here or not? The ethereal energy, the potential for consciousness, but not yet manifest as substance. Helium is one of the homeopathic mineral remedies being used to help autism, so it is a far-distant soul, uncertain of whether or not they are here. Hydrogen is an active gas, the lightest of all substances and highly flammable. It is the most basic element, not found in the human body on it’s own, but found in the moon and the stars. It is pure energy in a sense. It was proven by Jeremy Sherr. It has a characteristic symptom: perception altered; being out of balance, absent-minded, spacedout. The person is detached, likes to be alone and is depressed, even suicidal, weepy with a
rush of ideas in their head. There is a volatility in the temper and heat in the sacrum and back. Otherwise there is mainly coldness. The person is likely pale and light, with nausea symptoms and a craving for spicy food. Worse from touch with an aversion to the partner and numbness, limbs feel swollen, time feels warped. Row Two of the homeopathic mineral remedies has to do with separation as an individual being. The Carbon series has to do with ego and individuation. "Am I a part of my mother or am I separate?" There is insecurity and dependence. With Carbon, the elastic/plastic element, things take form; carbon holds a memory of identity, it shapes and sculpts the physical world; along with Oxygen and Nitrogen separation develops; Flourine feels the need to break these bonds of attachment and separate from motherly attention and warmth. These are archetypal elements (according to Steiner) along with sulphur and phosphorus, the building blocks of human life. Lithium, as second row remedy has some archetypal elements too. It is known as a remedy for schizophrenia, and is the lightest of the 2nd row elements and a silver-like metal. As a first row element it has to do with beginning, just starting out on a path, so maybe it has to do with incarnation and separation from past or other potential identities. It has to do with every system of the body. Affecting cell membranes, impulse transmission, hormones and metabolism. Several Lithium salts are used as medicines. Lithium Benzous: for gallstones, uneasy loins extending to bladder; irritable states of the neck of the bladder; insoluble uric acid deposits; desire to urinate too often.Lithium Bromide: strong sedative and sopoforic; for epilepsy; cerebral congestion threatening strokes; insomnia Lithium Salicylas: for rheumatism and gout (true gout); uric acid deposits; for amphetamine poisoning Lithium Carbonica: for secretion of gouty concretions; burning stitching pains; itching and bone pain; inolerable pressure; Arthritis with heart or eye symptomsInflammation of the small jointsHead, heart, eyes, and urinary organsRheumatism with heart lesions Row Three of the homeopathic mineral remedies has to do with Identity and relationship with others. There are problems in the relationship sphere because of confusion about identity. It is like the adolescent, pubescent stage where you’re not quite sure who you really are yet and so you struggle to descover it and define it. It’s about developing and asserting choice and the ability to do things for yourself. As we have recently seen three Alumina cases, there’s something in the air about the third row. I’ve seen cases from the earlier columns, so I looked at Chlorine (column 17) to see something on the other end. The Halogens of this column have a feeling of dissolving and crumbling; being betrayed and let down; tied down and want to escape; confined and wanting to be free. Clorine is a yellowish-green halogen gas, very reactive and never appears free in nature, only in combinations (relationships). It is highly irritative and has strong, noxious fumes. It is a primary constituent of intercellular material and forms lots of compounds. It is seen as an agent in antibiotics, antifungals, hypnotics and anti-psychotic medications. As a remedy it affects mucous membranes, nerves, skin and glands. Used as a remedy for spasms of the glottis, laryngeal spasms and affectations of the respiratory organs. We see a strong fear of going or becoming crazy in this remedy with lots of apprehension and
irritability (mind and relationships dissolving and crumbling). Other symptoms include:Memory lossA desire for open air and to walk—to escapeDisposition to angerCold perspirationLoss of voice/hoarsenessDesire for music (to play piano)Sooty look to the nostrils and lower lip; blue face (coldness, deterioration) Row four has to do with work and duty, coming into adulthood and taking responsibility. Named the Ferrum/Iron series this series has the feeling of needing shelter and home and protection. They wake up thinking about their security and their ability to protect themselves. They are focused on security and the task at hand. Like many of the metals in the series, they are useful and hard-working, but not very flexible in their approach to life. Ferrum is stiff and rigid; obstinate with a disposition to contradict. They feel compelled to do something often dictated by the parents and feel guilty if not obeying these wishes. They have anxiety of conscience about not doing their duty and an aversion to company. Manganum is in the fourth row, column seven. It is a metal, very prominent in the earth’s crust, like Ferrum. It was used as a trace metal in weapons and in glass-making and so it has a history of usefulness and a basic earthy, hard-working nature like the fourth row. It is toxic and produces poisoning symptoms from too much exposure—such as Parkinson’s symptoms, with HBP, learning disorders, speech disorders, tiptoe or shuffling gait. Return to Homeopathic Remedies from Homeopathic Mineral Remedies Column Seven subjects have built up some kind of a structure which is enough under regular circumstances but needs support in difficult times. They are always refining and improving on its structure. Manganum is a brooding remedy. He thinks constantly about himself—trying to improve upon the structure. This is for the shy child of domineering parents (but not in the Cancer miasm). They have a great deal of sadness, bitterness and a lack of self-confidence. They are weak and nervous and can’t concentrate. They can be quiet, reserved and morose. Other symptoms include: Frightened and anxiousRelieved by sad music, sulkySympathetic/sensitive/ yieldingIsolated ,conversationSupressed violence/wants to attackHas to be strong to put up with thingsTimid and bashfulEager to please and get recognitionfresh air Row five has themes of creativity and performance. There is a need here to explore and create something new, a need to be appreciated; to conclude, analyze, improvise and invent. The questions are: “Can I do it? Can I maintain a certain level of it, or will I fail?” Named the Silver series, Argentum represents this series with it’s desire to achieve and shine, with a tendency toward damaging and deteriorated diseases of the tissues—arthritis, loss of voice, etc. From this series I chose Stannum or tin, from Column 14. This column marks the point where the destruction process has come. Failure has begun and destruction and ruin are inevitable. Stannum is one of the heavy metals. It is known to have a strong affinity with the nervous system, the respiratory organs and the liver. It causes weakness in the chest, throat, stomach, upper arms and thighs. Talking causes a weak feeling in the throat and chest. There is a paralytic heaviness in the extremities and there are neuralgias of all sorts. It is also an anti-spasmodic. The pains come and go gradually and this is a keynote of the remedy. Physically the voice is weak and husky and there is distention and flatus. Mentally Stannum is sad and discouraged (14th column), has a dread of people and society, and is very sensitive to what others say about him. He might be fruitlessly busy trying to
maintain some semblance of an impression. He actually likes being fruitlessly busy. His survival depends upon high performance and creating a good impression for others. He is referred to as the “consumptive type” who burns out with all of this activity. He is falling apart and yet must remain buoyantly hopeful thru a long tedious illness. Low spirited and sad in general, the stannum type is just simply exhausted from trying to maintain. Row Six is known as the gold series. The themes are responsibility and leadership on a high level. Patients in this series feel that they must take responsibility. They have a need for power and can withstand a lot of pressure--which they inevitably feel. There is the learning phase, gaining more ability or responsibility, and then there is the eventual loss of this ability or the threatened loss of this power and high position. Bismuth is a brittle reddish-white metal in the 14th column of the sixth row. Again we see a man at the point of collapse and downfall. Bismuth has a feeling of isolation and yet desires company. He has dreams of failing and an anguish which drives him from place to place. He has a strong need to achieve and yet a weak will. He knows his time is past, and that he is past his prime. He is lamenting and clinging, hard-hearted with a want of moral feeling. He can also be independent and strong-willed, at times showing courage—the opposite polarity. Bismuth has an affinity for the stomach and bowels. Physical symptoms include stomach cancer, nausea after stomach surgery, pain between the shoulder blades, dry palms and soles, vertigo and winter headaches. They are better for motion and most pains disappear with motion. Row Seven has to do with magic and transformation; or it is the end of the life-state, moving toward being reborn. It has a feeling of being beyond humanity and also a strong sense of responsibility to mankind. This group is overburdened and under tremendous pressure to break free (of this weight, this life), a desire to get loose. There is great detachment and isolation. These are the heaviest elements and their issues and feelings are very heavy as well. There are not many proven remedies in this category but we can learn something from the Plutonium or Radium provings about these remedies beyond the gold zone. Plutonium is a Lanthanide,5-10 times as toxic as Radium. Plutonium Nitricum was proven by Jeremy Sherr. The dreams of Plutonium are apocalyptic—wars, death and after-life, fighting and battles, blood in the mouth, fallen angels, Neanderthal existence, being half-human, half- animal. They have delusions that the earth is exploding, that they are newly born and deep despair for the world. They have deep feelings of suffering from the past. The heaviest elements radiate the lightest elements like Helium. The polarity to these feelings is the feeling of a magical prophet, shaman, or witch. They seek transcendent experiences, are in touch with unseen power, possess intuition and clairvoyance. They seek tantric and transpersonal experiences. They express feelings of great love and great pain. Plutonium is used for manic depression. These people have hold deep feelings of suffering. They are heavy and full of despair. They feel very isolated. These people may feel that they are trapped in the underworld and that their emotions are inherited from their ancestors. Physically, they have a feeling that the top of the head is open or drawn out to a long point (a sorcerer’s hat). There is a delusion of being long or stretched out. They have a lot of
bone pain, sexual urges, primitive urges, a love of movement and dance (with spiral motions). THE COLUMNS The columns have been grouped according to the advancement of structure and the resulting delusions or feelings. The first nine columns have to do with a developing structure, first non-existent and then building in strength. The establishment of strength comes in Column 10, but then the structure must maintain its solidity, resist attack, and inevitably collapse. In column one the structure has not started to form. As with Natrum, it is weak and dependent upon somebody. This is the nature of the element and the nature of the person needing the remedy. He then feels that the structure of the other is his own (can’t exist without the relationship). In column two there is a provisional structure, but the person still needs protection and backing, as with Magnesuium (the orphan). Column three, as we see in Alumina, wants his own structure but doubts his capacity. With column four, some doubts have been resolved, and as with Zirconium--this person is always commencing and beginning, trying to establish herself. In Column five, the structure is complete, but the foundation is not yet strong. The question is “do I have the ability or not?” With Column six, the structure is complete but not tested yet. This person must go ahead and try. They want to prove themselves and therefore take risks and rush into things. By Column seven, the structure is sound, but still needs some support. They are trying to fortify and rectify everything. At Column eight, the structure is strong, as with Ferrum, but must resist high pressure. By column nine, there is little resistance. The question is absolute failure or absolute success. At Column 10, the tables are turned. In the first columns the seeds are sewn; in the last they are reaped and consumed. We see Platina at this level of fulfilled structure. We see Aurum at the next level (col. 11), where she must maintain her position—maintain and defend. The 12th row, one is under constant attack. The 12th row—the structure is under constant attack, the 13th row under severe attack. As in Plumbum, super=human efforts are required in order to just maintain the health of the body or the structure. After Column 14, we see the structure falling apart, as in Germanium the structure has failed. Then in column 15, as in Nitricum it has eroded. By column 16, as in Oxygen, the structure has lost it’s utility completely. At column 17, it is dissolving and crumbling, and at level 18 (the Halogens) it is completely dissolved and is no issue any more. Mineral Remedies are grouped in many different ways; as acids, gases, radioactive elements, calculis, marinums, waters, causticums, metals and synthetic drugs. There are mini groupings such as metals (performance and defense), salts (important union of two qualities), anions (need to break off or end a relationship) and cations (need to form a relationship), acids (struggle followed by collapse).
Argentum nitricum Argentum nitricum, also known as devil's stone, silver nitrate and lunar caustic, is formed as a mineral homeopathic remedy when pure crystals of silver nitrate are pulled from the mineral and dissolved in alcohol. Homeopaths recommend Argentum nitricum for specific phobias, such as fear of crowds, airplanes, enclosed places and darkness. It is also used to treat digestive complaints. Sponsored Links
Homeopathic wiki for youFree resources for homeopaths. Get involved in exciting projects!www.legatum.sk Arsenicum album Arsenicum album, also called arsenic oxide, is one of the most frequently used mineral homeopathic remedies. According to elixirs.com, Arsenicum album is a polycrest, meaning that its indications can include every organ and every system in the body. Homeopaths prescribe it to treat anxiety caused by insecurity, panic attacks, allergies, Crohn's disease, food poisoning, alcoholism, inflammation of the digestive tract membranes, septic infections and burning sensations. Calcarea carbonica Calcarea carbonica, also called calcium carbonate, is made from the calcium in oyster shells. Vitalitymagazine.com identifies it as a constitutional remedy, meaning it is deep-acting and treats many underlying issues of body and mind, and recommends it for chronic fatigue. It is also used as a mineral homeopathic remedy to treat bone, teeth and joint problems, anxiety and phobias, constipation, indigestion, headaches and ulcerating skin. Graphite Graphite is a form of carbon from which pencils are made. According to Herbs2000, graphite came to the attention of Dr. Christian Hahnemann, the developer of homeopathy, when he noted that workmen in a mirror factory were using graphite to heal cold sores. Homeopaths prescribe graphite for the treatment of weeping eczema, psoriasis, infected cuts, metabolic imbalances and ulcers. Mercurius solubilis hahnemanni Mercurius solubilis hahnemanni, also known as quicksilver, is made from mercury, commonly used in thermometers and batteries. Although mercury is poisonous, the extreme dilutions used to prepare homeopathic Mercurius solubilis render it harmless. Mercurius solubilis is valued by homeopaths to treat a wide range of conditions, including sensitivity to heat and cold, mouth ulcers, gingivitis, colds, eye and ear infections, fever, headache, aching joints, allergies and thrush. Natrum muriaticum Natrum muriaticum, also known as table salt or sodium chloride, is used by homeopaths to treat emotional problems, particularly anxiety and depression caused by suppressed grief. It is also used for colds, headaches, skin conditions, mouth ulcers, constipation, and gingivitis. Phosphorus Phosphorus occurs naturally in the human body and is found in the bones, teeth, DNA and bodily fluids. The homeopathic phosphorus remedy is made from the phosphorus in bone ash. It is prescribed for anxiety and fear, circulatory problems, digestive disorders, respiratory complaints, influenza, burning pains and laryngitis. Silica Silica is the fundamental ingredient of sandstone, and is also found in human and animal tissue. Beneforce.com notes that the mineral homeopathic remedy was initially prepared from mountain quartz; today, chemically prepared silicon is used in the remedy. It is prescribed for undernourishment, skin disorders, bone problems, nervous system problems, recurrent colds, ear infections, headaches, dizziness and coughs. Sulfur Sulfur, also known as brimstone, is used commercially in the production of dyes, fungicides, and gunpowder. The mineral homeopathic remedy made from sulfur is prescribed by homeopaths for eczema, digestive disorders, gynecological problems, mental stress and respiratory infections.