Descripción: Solution to a homework of graph theory
[ T ypehe r e ]
1. Provide Provide at least five additional additional examples examples of how the the law of unintended unintended consequence consequencess applies to computer software. Internet dating: Mobile applications change the way of dating. • Communication: isual communication through software. • !ar: "se of computers in every field changes the strategies and weapons. • #ntertainment: $ change in the habits of how people p eople have fun. • %ealth: $ diagnosis of diseases. • &. Provide Provide a number of examples examples 'both positive positive and negativ negative( e( that indicate indicate the impact impact of software on our society. Positive )et things done easily • $bility to do research without going to a library • *nline mar+eting • ,egativ ,egativee *nline gambling • "nable to communicate with people in person • %ac+ing • -. Consider Consider the seven software categories categories presented in ection 1.1.&. /o you thin+ thin+ that the same approach to software engineering can be applied for each0 #xplain your answer. he he appr approa oach ch of soft softwa ware re engi engine neer erin ing g may not not be appl applie ied d beca becaus usee soft softwa ware re • engineering is concerned with the practicalities of developing and delivering software where computer science is concerned with theory and fundamentals.
2. 3igure 3igure 1.4 places places the three software engineeri engineering ng layers on top of a layer layer entitled entitled 5a quality quality focus.6 focus.6 his his impl implies ies an organi organi7at 7ation ional al qualit quality y progra program m such as total total qualit quality y manag manageme ement. nt. /o a bit of resear research ch and and develop develop an outl outline ine of the +ey tenets tenets of of a total total qual quality ity manag managem ement ent program program.. otal quality management '8M( is the organi7ation wide management of quality. • Management consists of planning9 organi7ing9 directing9 control and assurance. otal quality is called total because it consists of two qualifies: quality of return to satisfy the needs of the shareholders and quality of products.
[ T ypehe r e ]
11. $dd two additional myths to the list presented in ection 1.2. $lso state the reality that accompanies the myth. Myth: • $ll programmers are the same. $ll experienced programmers are equally s+illed. eality: ac+man9 #ric+son9 and )rant;s 1<2- experiment to show that interactive programming was more effective than batch programming failed to produce significant results because the effect of the independent variable 'use of interactive vs. batch submission of the =ob( was drowned out by individual differences in programmers of equal experience. Myth: • >ig teams are better. !e have a staff of thousands wor+ing on your program? eality: he first ",I@ system was built by a team of three people9 /ennis itchie9 Aen hompson9 and >rian Aernighan.