House Rules & Regulations --- Edition: January 2015 Page 1
First of all, the Building Management, on behalf of the Residential Apartment Tenants Association Association (PPRSH) of The Pea at Sudirman !ould lie to e"tend our gratitude gratitude to all Residents of The Pea at Sudirman# $n order to achie%e collecti%e order at the residential area and based on the Articles of Association Association of PPRSH The Pea at Sudirman Sudirman &hapter ' on the Appointment, Appointment, uties, Rights and Authorit of the Management Board, Article *+, paragraph , this House Rules - Regulations is established, based on the principles principles of fairness and order, to ensure an orderl, comfortable, safe and !elcoming atmosphere for all Residents of The Pea at Sudirman# Residents are re.uired to compl !ith this House Rules - Regulations, according to the Bla!s of PPRSH The Pea at Sudirman &hapter $' of the Residents &ode of &onduct Article // // paragraph paragraph # The Building Management !elcomes an suggestions, ideas, criticism and proposals, to achie%e our shared goal at The Pea at Sudirman# $t is import importan antt for for all all Resid Residen ents ts to unde underst rstand and and adhe adhere re to the the Hous House e Rules Rules and Regulations of The Pea at Sudirman#
Than ou,
House Rules & Regulations --- Edition: January 2015 Page 2
Apartment units can onl be used as residences onl and not for other commercial or illegal purposes#
0ach unit is supplied !ith * (t!o) access cards for the pri%ate ele%ator to the floor of each unit and other facilities#
$f an access cards are lost, the Resident is re.uired to report this to the Building Management no later than *+ (t!ent1four) hours after the loss occurs# 2ost access cards !ill be bloced b the Building Management# The charge for replacing a lost access card is Rp.200,000.
3nit 4!ners are re.uired to inform the Building Management of an lease agreement or sale of apartments o!ned, complete !ith the follo!ing data5 the name and address of the ne! occupant6o!ner, the term of the lease or sale agreement and an other supporting documents such as $s6Passports and 7$TAS6 8or Permits and a cop of the 2ease Agreement or cop of the 9otarial Sale and Purchase agreement
Residents are prohibited from maing an noise or conducting acti%ities that create noise potentiall annoing to other Residents, either in the unit or the common areas#
Residents are prohibited from hosting a parties or social gatherings in the units and ma instead use the Multipurpose Hall facilities, b pro%iding prior notice to the Building Management#
Residents are prohibited from installing additional canopies, glass !indo!s, shutters, grilles, radio antenna, tele%isions or other electronic e.uipment, and from dring laundr in the balcon area# The Building Management is authori=ed to remo%e all the items listed abo%e#
Residents are prohibited from perforating the !alls or ceilings and adding de%ices or other ob?ects that could affect the structural integrit of the building !ithout the permission and appro%al of the Building Management#
Residents are re.uired to be familiar !ith the emergenc procedures, as !ell as acti%el participate in emergenc response e"ercises carried out b the Building Management# The Pea at Sudirman apartment building is e.uipped !ith fire protection sstems and fire1fighting e.uipment#
Residents are prohibited from storing firearms, ammunition, flammable or e"plosi%e materials and to"ic or dangerous chemicals !ithin the apartments#
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Residents are re.uired to maintain the cleanliness of the apartments and common areas# Household garbage in sealed plastic bags must be placed in the garbage chute pro%ided on e%er floor# After dumping the garbage, the door of the garbage chute must be closed#
Residents are prohibited from thro!ing a!a the follo!ing tpes of garbage glass!are, rotten food and garbage from reno%ations that ma cause damage to the garbage sstem# Please inform the receptionist so that this tpe of garbage can be immediatel remo%ed b a ?anitor#
Residents are prohibited from dumping, thro!ing or dropping anthing from the balconies, !indo!s or open spaces of their apartments#
Residents are prohibited from storing or placing personal belongings in the common areas and emergenc stair !ells#
0mergenc e"its must remain closed#
;# Residents are re.uired to close all the doors and !indo!s of their units# <# Residents !ho ha%e plants in the unit are re.uired to ensure that these plants are !ell maintained so as not to disturb or harm others# >#
Permission from the Building Management is re.uired for each placement of brochures, ads, flers and other similar materials#
Biccles, childrenCs tos or other similar items must placed in the corridors, emergenc staircases, lobb or ele%ators#
Dambling, e"cessi%e drining of into"icating li.uor and immoral conduct in the common areas is prohibited#
Residents are prohibited from engaging in sports acti%ities in the corridors and emergenc stairs# Please use the sports facilities pro%ided b the Building Management#
**# amaging or mo%ing furniture, fire1fighting e.uipment and medical de%ices, as !ell as common items of propert is prohibited# */# An accidental or negligent damage of common areas caused b the Residents or ResidentEs guests is the responsibilit of the Residents# *+#
Residents are prohibited from bringing pungent foods or ob?ects into the apartments#
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An apartment o!ners renting apartments to foreign nationals are re.uired to pro%ide the Building ManagementEs 4ffice !ith a completed registration data form and a cop of the rele%ant passports and 7$MS67$TAS#
*;# Residents !ho emplo household assistants, nannies and dri%ers are obliged to pro%ide these household staff !ith an $ card obtained from the Building ManagementEs 4ffice# Household assistants, nannies and dri%ers are re.uired to use these identification cards at all times !hile at the apartment building# 4nl household assistants, nannies and dri%ers !hose names are registered !ith the Building Management are permitted to enter the apartment building# *<#
Residents are re.uired to fill in a letter of permission for outgoing goods !hen gi%ing goods to household assistants, nannies or dri%ers# Securit officers ma conduct an e"amination of staff belongings !hen the lea%e the apartment building#
*># Residents are re.uired to report an replacement of household assistants, nannies or dri%ers to the Building Management# *@# Household assistants, nannies and dri%ers ma not sit or !ait in the lobb or other facilities, but the ma do so in the !aiting rooms pro%ided b the Building Management# /#
Residents are re.uired to report an guests staing at their apartments to the Building Management no later than *+ hours after arri%al#
Residents are re.uired to inform the Building Management !hen lea%ing the apartment for an period of greater than *+ hours b filling out the form a%ailable from the Building ManagementEs office# This information is re.uired related to the pament and6or deli%er of electricit, !ater, telephone ser%ices, drining !ater, ne!spapers6maga=ines, etc#
/*# Pets are not permitted at The Pea at Sudirman# //# Smoing is prohibited in areas displaing 9o Smoing signs# /+# Residents are prohibited from cleaning balconies !ith running !ater or bucets of !ater# &leaning balconies !ith a mop is permitted# /:#
The Building Management is not responsible for the contents of an letters or pacages addressed to Residents recei%ed b the receptionist or placed in the mailbo"#
/;# Residents !ith dail needs pro%iders are re.uired to report each deli%er made to the Building Management# House Rules & Regulations --- Edition: January 2015 Page 5
Residents are prohibited from entering the roof area and the engine room, electrical or other e.uipment rooms !ithout the permission and consent of the Building Management#
/># uring an emergenc situation, or to repair a lea in another apartment caused b the related apartment, the Building Management has the authorit to enter the apartment !ithout prior notice# The Building Management !ill notif the apartment o!ner6occupant b !ritten notification or email on the occurrence of such an emergenc# /@#
Residents are encouraged to conduct A& ser%icing e%er three (/) months# The Building Management !ill pro%ide A& maintenance ser%ices at the ResidentsE e"pense#
+# The Building Management or its securit officers ma at an time as an person found in an common area or facilit to produce proof of his or her identit and state the purpose of their %isit#
0ach to!er is e.uipped !ith pri%ate ele%ators leading to each apartment#
0ach apartment ma be accessed !ith the access card programmed according to the respecti%e floor#
Pri%ate ele%ators measuring #: m (!idth) " #: m (length) " * m (height) ha%e a capacit to carr g or a ma"imum of persons#
Pri%ate ele%ators ma onl be used b Residents# &ontractorEs !orers, household assistants, nannies and dri%ers are prohibited from using the pri%ate ele%ators unless !ith the permission of the residents#
Residents and their guests are prohibited from littering, damaging, !earing !et clothing, smoing, drining or eating inside pri%ate ele%ators or at ele%ator lobb#
&hildren under age : must be accompanied b an adult#
Ser%ice ele%ators measuring *# m (!idth) " *#+ m (length) " *#/ m (height) !ith a capacit to carr /: g or * persons are a%ailable for To!ers A, B, & and #
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Ser%ice ele%ators ma be used b household assistants, nannies, dri%ers and Building Management emploees, but contractor !orers ma not use the ser%ice ele%ators !ithout the permission of the Building Management#
$t is prohibited to litter, damage or !earing !et clothes, smoing, eating or drining inside ser%ice ele%ators or at ele%ators lobb#
The use of ser%ice ele%ators to transport building materials, furniture, e.uipment and hea% machiner, etc# is limited to the ser%ice ele%ator assigned b the Building Management# These acti%ities are onl permitted from Monda to Frida from @5 to <5#
&hildren under age : must be accompanied b an adult#
Residents are re.uired to inform the Building Management at least *+ (t!ent1 four) hours in ad%ance of the date and time of an deli%er or remo%al of furniture or other hea% items in order to arrange the use of the ser%ice ele%ator b filling out the form a%ailable from the Building ManagementEs office#
0ach unit is entitled to the amount of paring space as stated in the SPA (Sale and Purchase Agreement)# All %ehicles must be registered !ith the Building Management b submitting copies of %ehicle o!nership documents#
4nl the cars of Residents !ith registered paring cards are permitted to par in the DF, B and B* paring areas#
Gehicles are prohibited from paring in areas not designated for paring, including the lobb area, the emergenc meeting point areas and areas !here paring !ould disrupt the traffic flo!#
3nregistered %ehicles entering The Pea at Sudirman area must tae a guest paring card#
The paring space belonging to an apartment, !hen that apartment is leased or rented out, is transferred to the tenant# The apartment o!ner is re.uired to pro%ide the tenant !ith the paring card#
Gehicles must al!as be loced# Residents are prohibited from lea%ing %aluables in %ehicles# The Building Management is not responsible for an loss, damage or theft of belongings from %ehicles#
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Residents are re.uired to report lost paring cards no later than *+ (t!ent1four) hours after the loss, and file a report form for an lost cards# An Resident !ho loses a paring card !ill be charged for a ne! card#
Gehicle o!ners are re.uired to report an changes in license plate numbers or %ehicles to the Building Management#
Mo%ing trucs or trucs taller than * cm ma not enter the basement apartment area# The transportion of goods to the apartment must be carried out using a trolle or pic1up %ehicle#
8ashing %ehicles is onl permitted at the car!ash area in Basement *# Residents are re.uired to be responsible for the cleanliness of this area#
Maintenance6repair of %ehicles is not permitted !ithin the apartment area, e"cept in an emergenc situation and after obtaining permission from the Building Management#
Residents and dri%ers are re.uired to compl !ith all the paring rules# Penalties !ill be applied for an %iolations of the rules#
Gehicles pared not at their allocated paring space !ill recei%e Paring 8arning 9otice and a letter of reprimand sent to the respecti%e unit# $f the offence is repeated, then the %ehicleCs !heels !ill be chained# The charge for each instance of chain remo%al is Rp.00,000.
The Motorccle paring area is reser%ed for %ehicles registered at the Building ManagementEs office and belonging to Residents, emploees of the Residents (houseeeping assistants, nannies and dri%ers) and outsourced emploees#
Residents are onl charged for the fee of their motorccle paring card# The emploees of Residents (household assistants, nannies and dri%ers) and outsourced emploees must pa for their o!n paring card and monthl paring fees#
# All recreation facilities6gms are e"clusi%el for the use of Residents and their guests# 0ach facilit has its o!n rules that must be obeed#
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*# Residents are permitted to in%ite a ma"imum of t!o (*) persons to use the a%ailable facilities# Duests are re.uired to be accompanied b Residents !hile using the facilit# /# 3se of the facilities is based on the access card carried b the Resident# The access card is used as the entr card to the facilities# 4nl Residents !ith acti%e access cards ma use the facilities# +# Residents are responsible for guest or famil compliance !ith the applicable regulations, and must notif the Building Management of an damage to the facilit due to the improper use of the facilit# :# Dadgets or audio6%ideo de%ices in use at the facilities must be set at a lo! %olume to a%oid causing interference !ith6incon%enience to other Residents# ;# Acti%ities and games such as football, roller sating, sateboarding, etc# are prohibited in or around the facilities# <# Residents and their families and guests are re.uired to maintain the cleanliness of the facilities the use# All trash must be placed in the bins pro%ided# ># Residents and their families and guests are re.uired to dress properl and in a manner appropriate for the tpe of the facilit used# @# Residents and their families and guests are re.uired to loo after their belongings !hile using the facilities# The Building Management is not responsible for an loss or damage to belongings# # Household assistants, nannies and dri%ers, and the emploees of Residents are prohibited from using the facilities# # The Building Management is not responsible for an accidents caused b the negligence or carelessness of Residents using the facilities#
# Tennis court operating hours are ;5 to *5# *# Tennis courts ma onl be used b Residents accompanied b a ma"imum of / (three) guests# /# To re.uest a tennis court reser%ation, please contact the facilit officer no later than *5#
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+# Reser%ations are not transferable to other users# $f person !ho booed the court does not arri%e !ithin (ten) minutes of the booing time, then the opportunit is offered to other users on a first come first ser%ed basis# :# The tennis court is onl to be used for plaing tennis, other games are not permitted# ;# Tennis coaches are re.uired to obtain appro%al from the Building Management# <# &hildren under the age of > (eight) ears are not permitted to be on the tennis court !ithout their parents or an adult# ># The Building Management is not responsible for an accidents caused b the negligence or carelessness of Residents plaing tennis#
# S.uash court operating hours are ;5 to *5# *# The s.uash court ma onl be used b Residents accompanied b a ma"imum of t!o (*) guests# /# To re.uest a s.uash court reser%ation, please contact the facilit officer no later than *5# +# Reser%ations are not transferable# $f !ithin ten () minutes the person !ho booed the court fails to arri%e, then the opportunit !ill be offered to others on a first1come first1ser%ed basis# :# The s.uash court ma onl be used for plaing s.uash, other games are not permitted# ;# S.uash coaches must recei%e appro%al from the Building Management# <#
&hildren under the age of > (eight) ears ma onl %isit the s.uash court !hen accompanied b parents or an adult#
The Building Management is not responsible for an accidents caused b the negligence or carelessness of Residents plaing s.uash#
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# Baset ball court operating hours are ;5 to *5# *# The baset ball court ma be used b Residents accompanied b a ma"imum of three (/) guests# /# To re.uest a baset ball court reser%ation, please contact the facilit officer no later than *5# +# Reser%ations are not transferable# $f !ithin (ten) minutes the person !ho booed the court fails to arri%e, then the opportunit !ill be offered to others on a first1come first1ser%ed basis#
. :# The baset ball court ma onl be used for plaing baset ball, other games are not permitted# ;# Baset ball coaches must recei%e appro%al from the Building Management# <# &hildren under the age of > (eight) ears ma onl %isit the baset ball court !hen accompanied b parents or an adult# ># The Building Management is not responsible for an accidents caused b the negligence or carelessness of Residents plaing baset ball#
# The ?ogging trac ma onl be used b Residents accompanied b a ma"imum of t!o (*) guests# *# The ?ogging trac ma onl be used for ?ogging and pets are not permitted at this facilit# /# 3nreasonable or immoral actions in the ?ogging trac area are forbidden# +# &hildren under the age of > (eight) ears are not permitted to be in the ?ogging trac area !ithout their parents or an adult# :# The Building Management is not responsible for an accidents caused b the negligence or carelessness of Residents ?ogging at the trac#
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# S!imming pool - acu==i operating hours are ;5 I *5# *# The pool - acu==i are reser%ed for the use of Residents and a ma"imum of t!o (*) famil members or guests !hose identit has been made no!n to the facilit officer# /# &hildren under the age of > (eight) ears must be accompanied b parents or an adult# +# Residents !ho use s!imming coaches are re.uired to obtain the permission and appro%al of the Building Management# :# S!imming is forbidden !hile the pool - acu==i are being cleaned# ;# 8ater sports and other similar acti%ities are not permitted in the area in and around the pool - acu==i# <# angerous or rough games that cause a commotion in the pool - acu==i are forbidden# ># 3sers !ith a bandaged !ounds, open !ounds, infections or infectious diseases are prohibited from s!imming# @# 3sers must dr themsel%es off before lea%ing the pool and changing room area# # S!imming during rain and storms is forbidden# # $t is forbidden to conduct social acti%ities, parties, barbe.ues and others e%ents in the pool - acu==i area# *# 0ating, drining or smoing are forbidden in the pool - acu==i and the surrounding area# /# $t is forbidden to remo%e the a%ailable furniture from this area# +# 0.uipment in the pool - acu==i area ma not be mo%ed or remo%ed# :# S!imming pool - acu==i users must !ear proper and appropriate s!im!ear# ;# 3nreasonable or immoral actions in the s!imming pool area are forbidden# <# Scuba gear, large flotation de%ices and other similar items ma not be used in the pool# 4nl s!imming goggles and childrenEs small pool tos are permitted# House Rules & Regulations --- Edition: January 2015 Page 12
># The Building Management is not responsible for an accidents that occur due to negligence or carelessness !hile s!imming#
# 8hirlpool operating hours are ;5 I*5# *# The !hirlpool room is reser%ed for the use of Residents and a ma"imum of t!o (*) famil members or guests# /# 0ating, drining, smoing or other inappropriate acti%ities are forbidden !hile using the !hirlpool# +# The use of soaps, detergents and similar items in the !hirlpool is forbidden# :# 3sers must !ear proper and appropriate s!im!ear !hile using the !hirlpool# ;# 3sers must sho!er before using the !hirlpool# <# 3sers !ith a bandaged !ounds or open sores, infections or infectious diseases are not permitted to use the !hirlpool# ># &hildren under the age of > (eight) ears must be accompanied b parents or an adult# @# The Building Management is not responsible for accidents due to negligence or carelessness !hile using the !hirlpool#
# Fitness room operating hours are ;5 I **5# *# The fitness room is reser%ed for the use of Residents and a ma"imum of t!o (*) famil members or guests# /# 3sers are re.uired to bring their access card !hen using the fitness room and register !ith the facilit officer# +# 0ating, drining, smoing or other inappropriate acti%ities are forbidden in the fitness room# :# rining !ater is a%ailable onl for users of the fitness room# House Rules & Regulations --- Edition: January 2015 Page 13
;# The use of fitness room is prioriti=ed on a first come first ser%ed basis for (one) hour# <# &hildren under the age of > (eight) ears must be accompanied b parents or an adult# ># Fitness room users are e"pected to suppl their o!n to!els# @# Dadgets or audio6%ideo de%ices in use at the fitness room must be set at a lo! %olume to a%oid causing interference !ith6incon%enience to other Residents# # 3sers of the fitness room are re.uired to !ear proper and appropriate clothing and sports shoes# #
8hile using the fitness room Residents are re.uired to be responsible for an damage or loss of fitness e.uipment due to negligence or carelessness#
*# $f an e.uipment in the fitness room is not !oring properl the user is re.uired to inform the facilit officer# /# 3sers must e"ercise caution !hile using e"ercise e.uipment# 0.uipment that has been used must be returned to its original place and users are prohibited from taing e.uipment out of the fitness room# +#
3sers are prohibited from holding fitness classes !ithout the permission and appro%al of the Building Management#
Fitness trainers or coaches are re.uired to obtain appro%al from the Building Management#
The Building Management is not responsible for an accidents caused b the negligence or carelessness of Residents !hile using the e.uipment in the fitness room#
Sauna and steam operating hours are ;5 to *5
The sauna and steam can onl be used b residents, famil residents and guests occupants ma"imum of * (t!o) people#
o not eat, drin, smoe and do things not appropriate in the sauna and steam room area
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To be able to use the sauna and steam please submit a reser%ation through the concierge facilit# 2ast booing at *5 pm#
oors sauna and steam must be closed but not loced#
&hildren under the age of > (eight) ears of age must be accompanied b a parent or adult#
The Building Management shall not be liable for accidents that occur !hile using the sauna and steam room#
&hildrenCs plaroom operating hours are ;5 to *5#
&hildren under the age of : (fi%e) ears must be accompanied b a parent or adult# This facilit ma onl be used b children up to < (se%en) ears old#
Residents, household assistants, nannies6bab sitters are re.uired to ensure the childCs safet# The Building Management is not responsible for an accidents caused b negligence or carelessness occurring !hile a child is using the plaground#
Residents, household assistants, nannies are re.uired to maintain the cleanliness of the plaroom area#
$t is forbidden to bring food or drin into the childrenCs plaroom area#
3sers are responsible for an damage to or loss of e.uipments due to negligence or carelessness !hile using the children plaroom#
&hildren plaground operating hours are ;5 to *5#
&hildren under the age of : (fi%e) ears must be accompanied b a parent or adult and the facilit ma onl be used b children up to * (t!el%e) ears old#
Residents, household assistants and nannies6bab sitters are re.uired to ensure the childCs safet# The Building Management is not responsible for an accidents
House Rules & Regulations --- Edition: January 2015 Page 15
caused b negligence or carelessness occurring !hile a child is in the plaground area# +#
Residents, household assistants and nannies are re.uired to maintain the cleanliness of the plaground area#
$t is forbidden to bring food and drin into the plaground area#
3se of the plaground area for an other undesignated purpose is forbidden#
3sers are re.uired to be responsible for an damage to or loss of e.uipment due to negligence or carelessness !hile using the plaground e.uipment#
Multipurpose hall operational hours are from ;5 to *5#
The Multipurpose Hall ma be used b Residents and apartment o!ners for %arious e%ents for periods of time based on demand#
Residents !ishing to use the Multipurpose Hall are re.uired to submit a reser%ation * re.uest (t!o) !ees before the e%ent to the Building ManagementEs office#
The use of the Multipurpose Hall is sub?ect to a rental fee of Rp#,,,1 as !ell as a guarantee fee of Rp#,,,1 !hich !ill be returned after the e%ent, dependant on the roomEs condition and absence of an damage, according to the applicable regulation#
All costs for the use of the Multipurpose Hall are re.uired to be paid at least (one) !ee before the e%ent#
Audio or other musical e.uipment must be operated at a reasonable %olume to a%oid creating e"cess noise and disturbing other Residents#
Residents are re.uired to maintain the cleanliness of the Multipurpose Hall the use#
Residents using the Multipurpose Hall are re.uired to be responsible for an damage or loss of e.uipment due to the carelessness or negligence of the Residents or their guests# The Building Management !ill deduct an repair or replacement costs from the guarantee fee#
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$t is forbidden to lea%e %aluable belongings in the Multipurpose Hall# An damage or loss is not the responsibilit of the Building Management#
The librar room is reser%ed for the use of Residents and a ma"imum of * (t!o) guests#
$t is forbidden to bring food and be%erages into the librar room, or to smoe in the librar room#
&hildren under the age of * are re.uired to be in the compan of their parents or an adult#
3sers are re.uired to maintain the boos, cleanliness and silence of the librar room#
3sers are forbidden from taing the boos outside of the librar room#
The librar room must be used according to its purpose#
An damage to e.uipment caused b the carelessness or negligence of users is their o!n responsibilit#
ri%erCs !aiting rooms are pro%ided on the DF floor and Basement #
ri%ers are re.uired to read and adhere to the !aiting room rules and regulations#
Dambling, consuming alcohol or narcotics and o%erstaing are forbidden# 4ther !ritten rules and regulations ma be found in the dri%erCs !aiting rooms#
$t is forbidden to lea%e %aluable belongings in dri%erEs !aiting rooms# An loss or damage to belongings are not be the responsibilit of the Building Management#
ri%ers are re.uired to maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the dri%erCs !aiting rooms#
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A%ailable on the Basement floor, near the public toilet#
The praer room (Musholla) ma be used b Residents, emploees or guests of Residents#
$t is forbidden to sleep, eat, drin or smoe in the praer room#
3sers are re.uired to maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the praer room to eep the room in a suitable state#
3sers are re.uired to pa attention to their belongings# An loss or damage to belongings is not the responsibilit of the Building Management#
The public toilet or restroom is reser%ed for Residents, emploees of Residents, and emploees of the Building Management and located on the DF floor (near the dri%erCs room) and on the Basement floor (near the praer room)#
Smoing in public toilet is forbidden#
3sers are re.uired to maintain the cleanliness of the public toilet#
3sers are re.uired to pa attention to their belongings# An losses or damage to belongings are not the responsibilit of the Building Management#
The car!ash is operational *+hours#
A ma"imum of * (t!o) %ehicles o!ned b Residents or operated b dri%ers ma use the car!ash area#
3sers of the car!ash area are re.uired to maintain the cleanliness of the car!ash area, including the remo%al of an trash, mud and oil6grease after !ashing cars#
3nreasonable or immoral actions in the car!ash area are forbidden#
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An damage to e.uipment at the car!ash area caused b the carelessness or negligence of Residents or dri%ers of Residents is the responsibilit of the Resident#
$t is forbidden to lea%e %aluable belongings in the car!ash area# An damage or loss is not the responsibilit of the Building Management#
An accidents occurring at the car!ash area due to the carelessness or negligence of Residents or the dri%ers of Residents is not the responsibilit of the Building Management#
Residents are re.uired to fill in the reno%ation permit form pro%ided b the Building Management !hich e"plains all matters of compliance and completion in detail# This application form is a%ailable from the Building ManagementEs office#
# Resident(s) of apartments are re.uired to pro%ide illustrations of the planned !or in A si=e, or other appro%ed si=es# All illustrations must include the name(s) of apartment o!ner(s)# •
T!o sets of laout plans !hich include details of the re.uired materials and laout changes# T!o sets of electrical installation illustrations !hich demonstrate the re.uired capacit and M&B (onl for plans re.uiring electrical installation changes)#
*# All illustrations must be signed b apartment o!ner(s)# 4ne cop of the illustration !ill be returned to the o!ner(s) as a record of the plan and the other illustration !ill be stored b the Building Management#
# 4!ners are re.uired to finish the reno%ation !or !ithin a period of / (three) months from the time the recei%e appro%al to carr out the !or# *# The permitted !or periods are as follo!s5 House Rules & Regulations --- Edition: January 2015 Page 19
• •
Monda 1 Frida at >5/ I ;5/# 8or ma not be carried out on Saturdas, Sundas or national holidas#
# Apartment o!ners are re.uired to pro%ide a guarantee fee of Rp# :,,,1 (fi%e million Rupiah) to the Building Management !ith the submission of the reno%ation re.uest# This fee !ill be returned once the !or is finished if there has not been an %iolation of the e"isting regulations or an damage to e.uipment o!ned b the building# *# Apartment o!ners are re.uired to pa a cleaning fee of Rp# /,,1 (three thousand hundred Rupiah)# /# Appartment o!ners or designated contractors are re.uired to re.uest proof of the pament of the guarantee fee and !or e"ecution permit from the Building Management after the final chec of the apartment and an rele%ant areas, such as the lobb lift, has been conducted, !hich is is re.uired before Residents ma reclaim the guarantee fee#
Apartment o!ners or contractors are re.uired to report the numbers of !orers in an apartment to the Building Management, pro%iding photocopies of $ cards to the Building Management, and !orers must be pro%ided !ith &ontractor $ &ards# All !orers are re.uired to !ear and displa the cards to the securit officers !hen entering or e"iting the apartment building area#
Apartment o!ners are re.uired to guarantee the safet of !orers during an reno%ation !or# The Building Management are not responsible for an accidents
9ails used in the !alls ma not e"ceed : mm# &ontractors are re.uired to ensure that the integrit of !all structures is not compromised#
House Rules & Regulations --- Edition: January 2015 Page 20
Spra painting ma not be conducted !ithin the apartment (must be conducted at the factor)# 2ight painting !or appro%ed b the Building Management ma be carried out from Monda 1 Frida at 5 1 :5# 8or ma not carried out on Saturdas, Sundas and national holidas#
**G electrical outlets must be a%ailable in e%er apartment#
The use of electricit e"ceeding **G re.uires appro%al from the Building Management#
3sing %oltage e"ceeding that appro%e b the Building Management is forbidden#
An !ater supplies re.uired !ithin apartment must be pro%ided b the apartment o!ners#
$t is forbidden to tae !ater from the collecti%e areas#
&ontractors are forbidden to !or o%ertime#
Apartment o!ners are responsible for all losses, !oring methods, damages, costs, charges and e"penses, accidents (fatal or other!ise) or an other tpe of accident that occurs due to reno%ation !or#
$f contractors of apartment o!ners conduct an %iolation of an rules and regulations the Building Management has the authorit to halt the !or, disconnect the electrical suppl and, if necessar, remo%e the contractor# A permit to re1enter the building to finish the !or and resume electrical suppl ma be granted after a !ritten statement from apartment o!ners of their compliance !ith the rules and regulations of the Building Management is accepted# House Rules & Regulations --- Edition: January 2015 Page 21
# 8orers are re.uired to use the ser%ice lift for the transportation of construction materials# *# The permitted period for use of the ser%ice lift does not e"ceed * (t!o) hours# /# The Building Management has the authorit to regulate the use of the ser%ice lift for carring construction materials# +# The ma"imum load capacit is ,/: g# &onstruction materials that e"ceed the load capacit must transported %ia the emergenc stairs or an other method appro%ed b the Building Management# :# The pri%ate Residents lift ma not used b contractor !orers#
# An changes to the appro%ed illustrated plans must be re1appro%ed b the Building Management# *# The o!ners or appointed contractors are responsible for an %iolations of the agreed rules and regulations# /# Darbage or lefto%er construction materials must be immediatel cleared a!a and all areas must be cleaned e%er da, as !ell as free from an ha=ardous materials# +# Flammable materials ma not be stored !ithin the apartment# The Building Management has the authorit to remo%e an material deemed ha=ardous, and all remo%al and storage costs incurred !ill be borne b the apartment o!ners# :# 8elding !or !ithin the apartment is forbidden# ;# &ontractors or apartment o!ners must put do!n : mm multiple" boards to protect the ser%ice ele%ator lobb floor and the ser%ice corridor floor !hile the !or is in progress# <# &ontractors or apartment o!ners are to designate (one) person to super%ise the !or and he6she is re.uired to be on site all the times# ># &ontractors or apartment o!ners are re.uired to mae at least * (t!o) fire e"tinguishers (APAR) a%ailable !hile the !or is in progress#
House Rules & Regulations --- Edition: January 2015 Page 22
# Materials ma be carried into or out of the apartment building on Mondas 1 Fridas from @5 to <5 after the permit form for this process filled out b the Resident is appro%ed b the Building Management# *#
Residents are re.uired to mae a re.uest for the use of the ser%ice lift (stating date and time) to the Building Management at least *+ (t!ent1four) hours in ad%ance b filling out the form a%ailable at the Building ManagementEs office#
The ser%ice lift located in each to!er ma be used to carr large and hea% goods according to the permitted capacit#
The ma"imum load is ,/: g# Doods that e"ceed this !eight ma not be transported %ia the lift#
The billing of ser%ice charge - sining fund is issued on the st of each month, e%er / (three) billing months#
Apartment o!ners are re.uired to pa the bill on time# Paments must be settled b least the * th of the month# Should this due date occur on a holida, then paments ma be made (one) !oring da after the holida# $f b the due date the Building Management has not et recei%ed the pament, then a late pament fine of a :J (fi%e percent) of the billing amount !ill be imposed#
The First 9otice !ill be deli%ered on the * st of the month and include a :J fine# The Second 9otice !ill be deli%ered on the *@ th of the month and include a :J fine# The Third 9otice !ill be deli%ered on the > th of the follo!ing month and include a :J fine# A letter confirming the temporar se%erance of electricit and !ater supplies, as !ell as the deacti%ation of an access cards, !ill be deli%ered on the ;th of the follo!ing month#
The reconnection of electricit and !ater supplies, as !ell as the reacti%ation of an access cards suspended due to arrears, !ill be conducted after the pament b the o!ners6Residents of the total amount billed and an fines, as !ell as an administrati%e fee of Rp :,,1 (fi%e hundred thousand rupiah), is recei%ed#
The Building Management must be informed in !riting, enclosing an supporting document(s), of an changes in the address or the apartmentEs occupants6tenants#
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Bills for electricit and !ater use are deli%ered on the st of each month# 0lectricit and !ater use figures are based on readings of the electricit and !ater meters on the *th#
Apartment o!ners6Residents are re.uired to pa the bills on time# Paments are to be settled b at least the th of the month# Should the due date occur on a holida, paments must be made (one) !oring da after the holida# $f b the due date the Building Management has et to recei%e the pament for the billing, then late paments !ill incur a fine of :J (fi%e percent) of the billing amount#
The First 9otice !ill be deli%ered on the th of the month and include a :J fine# The Second 9otice !ill be deli%ered on the @ th of the month and include a :J fine# The Third 9otice !ill be deli%ered on the *< th of the month and include a :J fine# A letter confirming the temporar se%erance of electricit and !ater supplies, as !ell as the deacti%ation of an access cards, !ill be deli%ered on the : th of the follo!ing month# $f after the Third 9otice there is no pament b the due date, then on the : th of the follo!ing month a letter of confirmation !ill be deli%ered to notif the Resident of the disconnection of the electricit and !ater supplies, as !ell as the deacti%ation of an access cards#
+# The reconnection of electricit and !ater supplies, as !ell as the reacti%ation of an access cards suspended due to arrears, !ill be conducted after the pament b the o!ners6Residents of the total amount billed and an fines, as !ell as an administrati%e fee of Rp :,,1 (fi%e hundred thousand rupiah), is recei%ed# :# The Building Management must be informed in !riting, enclosing an supporting document(s), of an changes in the address or the apartmentEs occupants6tenants# C. BILLING DELIVER%
# Billing eli%er to apartments ma be conducted %ia5 a# Mailbo" b# &ourier6eli%er ser%ice c# 01mail d#SMS blast *# 4!ners6Residents are forbidden from entrusting the pament of bills to emploees of the Building Management# House Rules & Regulations --- Edition: January 2015 Page 24
# Phone bills ma be paid %ia T0274MEs ban branch, namel P2ASA T0274M, !hich specificall handles phone paments# Phone paments are re.uired to be settled b least the *th da of each month# All fines resulting from late paments or phone line disconnections due to a failure to pa phone bills are full the responsibilit of o!ners6apartment tenants# *# Phone bills (T0274M) ma currentl be paid %ia the internet# T0274M suggests customers self1chec their phone bills %ia %arious alternati%es such as the internet, to a%oid late paments#
# All communications and billing to o!ners6Residents b the Building Management are addressed or deli%ered %ia e1mail, SMS blasts, or to their respecti%e mailbo"es, e"cept !here other addresses ha%e alread been pro%ided in !riting# $f deli%er is %ia courier, all courier costs for mail or billing deli%eries are the responsibilit of the o!ners6Residents# *# The notice board pro%ided ma onl be used b the Building Management#
The Building Management pro%ides the House Rules - Regulations, as !ell as procedure guidelines for emergencies to e%er ne! Resident#
0%er !ritten agreement pro%ided based on the House Rules - Regulations ma be added to, modified or annulled an time b the Building Management based on the agreement of 4!ner Association PPRSH Building#
Should an member of a ResidentEs famil pass a!a !hile in the area of The Pea at Sudirman, Residents are re.uired to immediatel report this to the Building Management#
$f necessar, the 4!ner Association (PPRSH) is entitled to modifing the House Rules - Regulations !hich !ill then be legali=ed during the annual general meeting#
House Rules & Regulations --- Edition: January 2015 Page 25