How do you motivate yourself - 12 questions: # 1: To what extent do you find what you do interesting? # 2: To what extent is what you do meaningful? # 3: To what extent is what you do nee…Full description
In this paper, we design controller that combines an observer and a control to handle systems subject to actuator or sensor degradation including complete failure . The observer contains a pre filter, an adaptive law, and a modified Luenberger observ
sweets and chocolate recipesFull description
MOrde, chocolates, choco, coco
sweets and chocolate recipesFull description
ProductosFull description
sweets and chocolate recipesFull description
How do you detect presence of nickel in chocolates? v Take a small piece of the chocolate and crush it into fine powder. Put it into a test tube and add a little hydrochloric acid . v Add some water and boil it till the chocolate melts to form a solution. v To the solutions obtained, add ammonium chloride and ammonium hydroxide. v Now take a l ittle amount of the solution and pass hydrogen sulphide gas through it using kipp's apparatus . Formation of a black colour indicates the presence of group four cations. v Now to the filtrate, add small amount of dimethyl glyxime. If a rose red coloured precipitate is obtained in a scarlet red solution, then presence of Nickel (Ni