CONTRACT’S PARTICULAR TERMS & CONDITIONS The following to be extracted, collected & evaluate its effect on Preliminary at the Tender stage:
A. PROJECT INFORMA INFORMATION TION & DA DATA A.1 Nature of co!e of "or#s $.1 Pro%ect ocation '.1 Access to ite (.1 Pro%ect )estrictions *.1 +se of the ite .1 .1 ta#eholders of Pro%ect
B.CONTRACT AGREEMENT PARTICULARS A.1 Ty!e of 'ontract $.1 *m!loyer )e!resentative '.1 'onsultant -istory & (ecline (.1 Pro%ect Period Program & cheduling *.1 $an# /uarantees & commitments .1 .1 inancial 0bligations 'onstruction ethodology ethodology im!lementatio im!lementation n /.1 A!!licable 'ode & 'onstruction -.1 'ollaborative "or#ing with *m!loyer Nomination 2.1 -ealth, afety, *nvironmental re3uirements 4.1 )estriction of 'laims 5.1 6alue *ngineering Policy .1 ustainable develo!ments and environmental considerations .1 'hange of )ules & regulations N.1 Performance indicators and monitoring 0.1 i3uidated (amages & Pro%ect milestones P.1 P.1 )etention !ercentage & release 7.1 2nsurance )e3uirements liability of em!loyer ).1 ubcontracting )estrictions .1 (is!utes & Arbitration T.1 T.1 A!!licable aw +.1 Termination & 'onse3uences 6.1 6.1 7uality 'ontrol )esources
C.OUTLINE CONSTRUCTION PHASE PLAN 1. (etails of the management structure and res!onsibilities. res!onsibilities. 8. Arrangements Arrangem ents for issuing health and safety directions. 9. ;. =.
Procedures for informing other contractors and em!loyees of health and safety haards. election electio n !rocedures !rocedures for for ensuring ensuring com!etency com!etency of of other contracto contractors, rs, the self
>. Procedures for carrying out ris# assessment and for managing and controlling the ris#. ris#. ?. Arrangements Arrangem ents for welfare facilitie facilities s. @. Arrangem Arrangements ents for consulting with and ta#ing the views vie ws of !eo!le on site site.. . Arrangem Arrangements ents for !re!aring site rules and drawing them to the attention of those affected and ensuring their com!liance. 1B. onitoring !rocedures to ensure com!liance wi with site r ules ules, selection and management !rocedures, health and safety standards and statutory re3uirements. 11. ustainable develo!ments and environmental 'onsultant
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D.PROVISIONS EFFECTING PRELIMINARI PRELIMINARIES ES 1. 'ommu 'ommunic nicati ation on & Trans Transmit mittal tal yste ystem m 2. Site ite Equ Equipm ipment 9. (efinition: All a!!liances a!!liances or things of of whatsoever whatsoever nature re3uired re3uired in or about the the construction construction for com!letion of the "or#s but not materials or other things intended to form or forming !art of the Permanent "or#s. 2ncludes: 'onstruction a!!liances, vehicles, consumables, tools, tem!orary tem!orary wor#s, scaffolding, scaffolding, cabins and other site facilities. 4. Drawings =. (efinitions: A design framewor# framewor# for !ro%ect !ro%ect services. (esign activities activities and drawing definitions. ho! drawings, As built drawings, detailed design drawings 6. Cont Contra ract ctor or's 's Desi Design gn eaning: (esign to be carried out or com!leted by the 'ontractor and su!!orted by a!!ro!riate contractual arrangements with 'onsultants Third Parties, to corres!ond with s!ecified re3uirements. 7. Vend Vender er List List & Subs Substit titut ution ion o o List List aterial: 2f an alternative !roduct to that s!ecified is !ro!osed, obtain a!!roval before ordering the !roduct.
E. COMMON PRELIMINARIES PRELIMINARIES B% CATEGORIES CATEGORIES !. E"#L$%ES E()*E"E+,S !.! Site accommodation 1.1.1 ite accommodation 1.1.8 urniture and e3ui!ment 1.1.9 Telecommunications and 2T systems !.2 Site records 1.8.1 ite records !.- Competion and post/competion requirements 1.9.1 -andover re3uirements 1.9.8 0!eration and maintenance services 2. "0*+ C$+,0C,$S C$S, *,E"S 2.! "anagement and sta 8.1.1 Pro%ect s!ecific management and staff 8.1.8 6isiting management and staff 8.1.9 *xtraordinary su!!ort costs 8.1.; taff travel 2.2 Site estabis1ment 8.8.1 ite accommodation 8.8.8 Tem!orary Tem!orary wor#s in connection with site establishment 8.8.9 urniture and e3ui!ment 8.8.; 2T systems 8.8.= 'onsumables and services 8.8.> $rought
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8.;.8 ecurity e3ui!ment 8.;.9 -oardings, fences and gates 2. Saet and en3ironmenta protection 8.=.1 afety !rogramme 8.=.8 $arriers and safety scaffolding 8.=.9 *nvironmental !rotection measures 2.6 Contro and protection 8.>.1 urvey, ins!ections and 8.>.8 etting out 8.>.9 Protection of wor#s 8.>.; am!les 8.>.= *nvironmental control of building 2.7 "ec1anica pant 8.?.1 /enerally 8.?.8 Tower cranes 8.?.9 obile cranes 8.?.; -oists 8.?.= Access !lant 8.?.> 'oncrete !lant 8.?.? 0ther !lant 2.5 ,emporar wors
[email protected] Access scaffolding
[email protected] Tem!orary wor#s 2. Site records 8..1 ite records 2.!8 Competion and post/competion requirements 8..1 Testing Testing and commissioning !lan 8..8 -andover 8..9 Post
/uarantees 9.1;.? "arranties
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