Mahavatar Babaji
Collective “Soul Level” Meditation on Every Sunday How to practice Kriya Yoga .. 1. Prepare psychologically to meditate as long as you can by unconditioning your mind. Remove all set of conditions within. Empty your mind as much as you can. 2. To practice this method “no need of formal initiation if any, no need of Sannyasa, even a child can practice. No need of conditioning the mind. 3. Married people have to treat the marital life as a sacred one. They should not treat the life as a miserable one. Instead have to make efforts to perfect their human love into divine love in this birth alone. 4. Treat the life as a serious one. Every wrong decision will have an impact on your future life in present birth as well as future reincarnation. 5. Once you decided to get married, prepare yourself psychologically to lead the decent and comfortable life as grihast. Maintain proper money reserves and resources. Always make efforts to keep on your toes rather than depending on somebody else. 6. Make efforts and pray to God to guide you always to take right decision at the right time and maintain appropriate communication when and where necessary. 7. If you fail to communicate properly in physical world, how you will communicate with God, who is invisible, even in deeper meditations. Learn and improve your communication skills. 8. Remember, we are all eternal travelers and in the middle of the journey. Our ultimate and eternal goal should be reaching “Original form of God before Creation ie. Kshetrajna only.” Never concentrate on any visible or invisible lokas. All of them will vanish at any time as per will of God. Kshetrajna alone is eternal, remaining all will vanish. 9. Think the life in two views .. 1. Life on earth and 2. Life after death before rebirth. If you had a very strong desire to do research on Life after death before rebirth, you can do it even as a grihast also. No need of Sannyasa. If you want to renunciate, if you receive any God guided intuitive instruction alone, then renunciate otherwise live like a grihast. Always try to implement divine will on this earth. 10. Food, shelter, clothing, education, health, transportation or vehicles, proper work and income to support you and your family, guaranteed monthly income, these are all essential to all human beings to lead decent and comfortable life on this earth. Never invite poverty or poverty like conditions. Always invite abundance and fill your body, mind and soul with it. 11. Never think about life as a childish one. Inculcate divine qualities within and wipe out all animalistic qualities and behaviour. ____________ You had complete freedom to meditate as long as you can. No restrictions.
For Sunday Meditation 1. If you are interested on any Yogasanas, want to practice mudras, bandhas, pranayama, or physical exercises if any, you can do . 2. Prepare yourself to practice Immortal White Light Kriya Yoga and uncondition your mind. 3. Prepare for meditation now ie. at 6.00 pm. 4. Follow steps 1 and 2 in main method; ie. Sit comfortably etc. 5. Recite beginning Prayers. Invite Babaji within, fill the heart with divine love and reveal all of your problems and seek his guidance.
Purifying and healing … 6.
Invite God in the form of pure, bright white light throughout your body, mind and soul to purify and heal your body, …. step 3
Heal all of your diseases. …
Purify and heal five elements….
step 4 step 5
Filling the body, mind and soul with divinity.. 9. Fill your body, mind and soul with divine love etc. step 6 10. Now experience the divine nature of God .. step 7 11.
Invite abundant cosmic energy within …
meditate for 30 mts. … Step 2 .. for 15 mts. 12. Now, Meditate to clean all of your past, present and future life bad karmas .. use special prayer .. from beginning prayer to .. I am immortal child of Babaji … recite it and meditate for 15 mts. maintain stillness… Step 3 … for 15 mts. 13. Now, use special prayer .. preparing psychologically for financial success .. recite the prayer from ..
begin to end .. maintain stillness for 15 mts.
14. Now, in case of Soulmates .. you can recite the special prayer from begin … to .. End and maintain stillness for 15 mits. 15.
Others can use anyone of the Three Universal Prayers .. or just observe your breathing in and out …
Step 4 for 5 to 10 mts. 16. At the end of the meditation .. PRAY FOR OTHERS is compulsory. Recite the said prayer (see step 9 in main method) and observe your breathing in and out for 5 minutes.
Then, You can send healing energy to anyone .. by inviting as .. abundant cosmic healing energy flowing through my entire body, mind and soul is purifying and healing all past, present and future life badkarmas, diseases, poverty, and all blocks of …… (tell the name of the person) now and forever and forever and say he/she is healed, healed, healed now. Ending the Sunday Meditation .. Step 5 17. At the end of the session .. recite Heavenly father .. ( prayer of beginning prayer and finally say ) .. Sarvesham ….
by this the session will come to an end.
If you have any serious problem or desire to fulfill, if you want to use any special prayer, you are allowed to do so. The above method is for more clarity. No conditions were imposed on you. For your daily meditations you can use Main method alone or use any of Special Prayers, it is your individual choice. I wish God will bless and show us the right path always. Attuning with either God or Babaji
COLLECTIVE SOUL LEVEL SUNDAY MEDITATION Prepare psychologically to meditate .. BEGINNING PRAYERS OF IMMORTAL WHITE LIGHT KRIYA YOGA OM Yoga raajaaya vidmahe Mahaa yogaaya dheemahi Thanno kriyaa yogaa prachodayat. Heavenly Father, Divine Mother Gayathri, Param Guru Premavatar Mahavatar Babaji and Sadgurus of all religions we bow to you all. Babaji, bless me, love me, protect me, guide me forever and forever. Babaji, be with us, bless us, guide us and make us as perfect kriyabans by sowing the seeds of divine love, joy, peace, prosperity, friendship, kindness and success in our hearts forever and forever and wake up us from maha maya. Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhihi.
METHOD:(1) To practice this method, gaze between your eyebrows, meditate by observing your breath in and out and feel in each step as prana or God in the form of pure, bright white light is flowing through my entire body, mind and soul. Experience the inner joy in silence. Practice stillness daily as long as you can. Learn to meditate for long time upto 3 to 5 hours or more as you like. During the process if you want to recite Babaji’s prayer as many times as you can, recite. ( 2 ) Sit in Padmasan or any comfortable posture, recite the beginning prayers, close your eyes, gaze between eye brows, open your heart, invite Babaji into your heart by saying, Babaji come and stay in my heart, and imagine as your heart is filling with divine love. (Maintain stillness). Then, reveal all of your problems. Pray for His guidance. (3) God in the form of pure bright white light flowing through my entire body, mind and soul is purifying and healing, each and every cell, chakra, organ and all of my past, present, future life bad karmas by removing all blocks within my body, mind and soul forever and forever. (You can feel the flow of energy within.) (4) God in the form of pure bright white light flowing through me is healing all of my diseases within my DNA,physical, mental, subtle bodies from my first birth to till now and energizing all of my chakras forever and forever. (Maintain stillness.) (5) God as pure, bright white light flowing through me is purifying and healing apus, pridhvi, vayu, tejas, akash, my home and all of my past, present, future bad karmas and around me upto 10000 (Maintain stillness.) Then say within as I am succeeding in all of my efforts, I am very happy, prosperous and peaceful now. (6) Then imagine, God in the form of pure, bright white light is filling my entire body, mind and soul with divine love, joy, peace, prosperity, friendship, kindness success and immortality forever and forever. (Maintain stillness)
(7) Then, you feel within as …. NOW I am experiencing as the divine nature of God is childlike, always celebratory, always joyful and unconditionally loving the moment. These moments are unconditionally loving moments. I am in touch with God. My human will is transforming into divine will, my human love is transforming into divine love, my sexual energy is transforming into divine energy. I am recognizing the unity with God now and forever and forever, I am transforming day by day from human being into a divine light being. [Fill your heart with such divine feelings and observe your breathing in and out in silence.] (8)
Imagine as abundant cosmic healing energy is flowing through my entire body, mind and soul and storing below my navel forever and forever.
Step 2.. Cleaning of Past, Present and Future Life badkarmas now … Next 15 mts.. continue …
Beginning prayer .. I am awakening the true Master resides within my heart. “Abundant cosmic healing energy flowing through my entire body, mind and soul is purifying and healing all of my past, present and future life bad karmas, my immortal and divine memory, anthahkarana and chitta and all of my sufferings, DNA, hidden pains, diseases, educational and all failures, poverty, troubles, marital problems, traumatic experiences from my first birth to till now.” and I am attracting abundance. now and forever and forever …. ( Continue to meditate by observing the breathing in and out as long as you can. You can clearly feel the flow of energy through your finger tips. At the end of the meditation
repeat the same as )
Ending … “Abundant cosmic healing energy flowing through my entire body, mind and soul is purifying and healing all of my past, present, future life bad karmas, my immortal and divine memory, anthahkarana and chitta and all of my sufferings, DNA, hidden pains, diseases, educational and all failures, poverty, troubles, marital problems, traumatic experiences from my first birth to till now and around me upto 1,00,000 kms..” Now, my entire body, mind and soul are filled by abundant divine love, joy, peace,. prosperity, friendship, kindness, success and immortality. I am perfectly hale, healthy, happy, prosperous and peaceful one now and forever and forever. God is guiding me every moment to take the right decision at the right time. I know that I am an immortal child of Babaji. ______________ Step 3 .. Filling the body with abundance .. Preparing psychologically for financial success .. Next … 15 mts. continue … I am awakening the true Master resides within my heart and attracting the Law of Abundance. I am a magnet for money. Money comes to me easily. I am aware of financial planning, how to plan, earn, save and expend cautiously. I feel abundance. It is all coming to me now and forever. I am attracting enough wealth, financially and emotionally. I create strong and powerful relationships with honest wealthy magnets. I am experiencing divine joy every day. My heart is always filled with abundant divine love. I am controlling my emotions. My greatest self becomes clearer and clearer day-by-day. My contributions to the world, my spouse and our family become clearer and clearer each day. I am clearly aware who am I and what I want to be in my life with perfect clarity. Every moment God is guiding me to take right decision at the right time. (maintain silence) Step 2.. I am a law abiding, hardworking, disciplined one. I am transparent, sincere, honest in all of my day to day activities. I have unlimited divine energy within now and forever. I always find new and creative ways to contribute to others. I am going to have enough resources. I can earn and share with all souls.. I can uplift all the needy souls. I can support them financially without expecting anything in return. I am not worried about my life now and in future. I am always perfectly hale, healthy and happy one. My focus on my financial goals is clear and I am confident that I can reach them. I am always living abundantly. I am very successful. I see myself being successful with all the many wonderful things what I and my family deserve in our life, such as the house in (place), the bank account of (amount) and my business (or profession or new company) doing very well. I am succeeding in attracting the abundance.I am always available to all of them, those who are in need of my services.I am succeeding in all of my efforts in my day to day life and going to lead the most peaceful immortal life with all comforts and enough resources forever. Babaji bless me, love me, protect me, guide me forever and forever. END Step 4 ..
for 15 mts.
Soulmates .. those who want to pray to God to show his/her spiritual life companion .. can pray …. “I am awakening the true Master resides within my heart. Oh God, I opened my heart before you now. Show me my soulmate. I am maintaining cordial relations with all souls and meet easily, effortlessly. Because I am self-confident, selfassured, and secure, I am irresistible. I am succeeding in all my efforts in my day to day life, I am very happy, prosperous, peaceful now. (Observe silence for few minutes) Step 2 .. “My human will is transforming into divine will. I am recognizing the unity with God. I know now that I am open to accept my soulmate into my life because he/ she is chosen by God basing on divine will. My spiritual magnetism is attracting my spiritual life companion into my life. I deserve divine love and compassion, ever loving divine joy, peace, prosperity, friendship, kindness, success and immortality. I deserve to give and receive divine love and joy now and forever. My heart is filled with abundant divine love. Oh God, I understand that I opened my heart before you. I am open to receive my soulmate into my life now, forever and forever as per divine will. We will invite enlightened souls to take birth on this earth. We are going to lead a very happy, prosperous, peaceful, spiritually long dynamic, intimate married life forever. We are going to have the most peaceful immortal life with all comforts and enough resources forever. I know our souls are immortal. We are immortal children of Babaji. Babaji, bless me, love me, protect me, guide me forever and forever. … ( End ) Step 5 … for 5 to 10 mts. At the end of the meditation “Pray for others is compulsory. Don’t avoid this prayer. PRAY FOR OTHERS : At the end of the meditation pray for 5 minutes as … “Heavenly Father, bless me and all of us, our family members, all friends, relatives, all Atmapathis and Atmapathnis or soulmates, all ATMAS, soldiers, our country and all children of Babaji, all immortal White Light Kriyabans across the universe provide us the most peaceful immortal life with all comforts and enough resources and wipe out all spiritual pollution, negative forces and vulgar culture now and forever and forever”
Optional For individual healing … If you want to send healing energy to anyone of your friends or relatives or to heal the earth or to send positive vibrations into cosmos, you can use this prayer .. .. by inviting as .. “abundant cosmic healing energy is flowing through my entire body, mind and soul is purifying and healing all past, present and future life badkarmas, diseases, poverty, and all blocks of …… (tell the name of the person or all of my family members from their first birth to till now ) now and forever and forever and say ( he/she is or they are ) healed, healed, healed now.”
For healing Mother Earth and for the welfare of humankind… .. Send the healing energy into Cosmos by inviting as ..
“Abundant cosmic healing energy is flowing through my entire body, mind and soul is purifying and healing this Universe, all atmas of all creatures across the universe, all past, present and future life badkarmas, diseases, poverty, emotions and all blocks and wipe out corruption, perversion, spiritual pollution, evil forces and vulgar culture around me upto 1,00,000 kms. and provide us the most peaceful immortal life with all comforts and enough resources now and forever and forever … (maintain stillness by observing … “the breathing in and out” … for few minutes and feel the flow of energy through your fingers and then say as ) All atmas of all creatures and this universe is totally healed, healed, healed now and forever and forever.” Finally, at the end of the session … just release a thought into cosmos or pray to God as … “Heavenly Father, bless me, show me the way to reach Original form of God before Creation after my death clearly . Now the Sunday Session is completed. __________ Note : The above method is meant to meditate Collectively to attune with Babaji or God at heart level (ie. Soul level). It is the wish of Babaji to see all of His Children at soul level. What Babaji wants to give to each and every of his Child nobody knows. In the beginning of this session .. all seekers are suggested to reveal all of your problems and begin your meditation naturally. The above segregation of time is meant for one or one and half hour meditation only. Those who want to meditate as many hours as you can, you had complete freedom to select your choice of Main method or anyone of Special Prayers to fulfill your specific desires. Attunement with God or Babaji is the most important practice and also this method is purely personal, meant to transform within. The entire process is going to take place at astral level and completely within. So by doing this meditation it is useful not only now but also forever and forever. Invisible Akashic Records will also be purified. Your Subconsciousness as well as Super Consciousness are also will be healed. By practicing sincerely, you can experience the inner joy in your day to day life and in all of your day to day activities. Wish God will bless us all and show the right path always. This above method is compulsory on the day of Guru Purnima, Avirbhav Divas of White Light Kriya Yoga (July, 25 of every year) and on every Sunday between 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm. practice the same on all important festive days as per your choice or if you are interested, you can do everyday also. You can meditate at your home also. No restrictions. _______________
You can
Wishing well and good to all with a smile on your face! That is living well. Living well is making the world a better place. It is gift for you and everyone! That is wisdom. .. Babaji LIVE WITH MEDITATION ...This method is called as KRIYA YOGA, directly revealed by Sri Mahavatar Babaji to a Kriyaban on the eve of His Smriti Divas to make your homes as places of peace. Billions can practice, print and share on your own. No restrictions. No need of Sannyas. No need of conditioning the mind. Fix your timings on your own to practice NOW. BASIS : Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi .. of Gayathri mantra means we should meditate on God as LIGHT.
i.e. in pure, bright white light form.
BEGINNING PRAYERS OF KRIYA YOGA OM Yoga raajaaya vidmahe Mahaa yogaaya dheemahi Thanno kriyaa yogaa prachodayat. Heavenly Father, Divine Mother Gayathri, Param Guru Premavatar Mahavatar Babaji and Sadgurus of all religions we bow to you all. Babaji, bless me, love me, protect me, guide me forever and forever. Babaji, be with us, bless us, guide us and make us as perfect kriyabans by sowing the seeds of divine love, joy, peace, prosperity, friendship, kindness and success in our hearts forever and forever and wake up us from maha maya. Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhihi.
METHOD:(1) To practice this method, gaze between your eyebrows, meditate by observing your breath in and out and feel in each step as prana or God in the form of pure, bright white light is flowing through my entire body, mind and soul. Experience the inner joy in silence. Practice stillness daily as long as you can. Learn to meditate for long time upto 3 to 5 hours or more as you like. During the process if you want to recite Babaji’s prayer as many times as you can, recite. ( 2 ) Sit in Padmasan or any comfortable posture, recite the beginning prayers, close your eyes, gaze between eye brows, open your heart, invite Babaji into your heart by saying, Babaji come and stay in my heart, and imagine as your heart is filling with divine love. (Maintain stillness). Then, reveal all of your problems. Pray for His guidance. (3) God in the form of pure bright white light flowing through my entire body, mind and soul is purifying and healing, each and every cell, chakra, organ and all of my past, present, future life bad karmas by removing all blocks within my body, mind and soul forever and forever. (You can feel the flow of energy within.) (4) God in the form of pure bright white light flowing through me is healing all of my diseases within my DNA,physical, mental, subtle bodies from my first birth to till now and energizing all of my chakras forever and forever. (Maintain stillness.) (5) God as pure, bright white light flowing through me is purifying and healing apus, pridhvi, vayu, tejas, akash, my home and all of my past, present, future bad karmas and around me upto 10000 (Maintain stillness.) Then say within as I am succeeding in all of my efforts, I am very happy, prosperous and peaceful now. (6) Then imagine, God in the form of pure, bright white light is filling my entire body, mind and soul with divine love, joy, peace, prosperity, friendship, kindness success and immortality forever and forever.
(Maintain stillness) (7) Then, you feel within as …. NOW I am experiencing as the divine nature of God is childlike, always celebratory, always joyful and unconditionally loving the moment. These moments are unconditionally loving moments. I am in touch with God. My human will is transforming into divine will, my human love is transforming into divine love, my sexual energy is transforming into divine energy. I am recognizing the unity with God now and forever and forever, I am transforming day by day from human being into a divine light being. [Fill your heart with such divine feelings and observe your breathing in and out in silence.] (8)
Imagine as abundant cosmic healing energy is flowing through my entire body, mind and soul and storing below my navel forever and forever.
(9) PRAY FOR OTHERS : At the end of the meditation pray for 5 minutes as … “Heavenly Father, bless me and all of us, our family members, all friends, relatives, all Atmapathis and Atmapathnis or soulmates, ATMAS, soldiers, our country and all children of Babaji provide us the most peaceful immortal life with all comforts and enough resources and wipe out all spiritual pollution, negative forces and vulgar culture forever and forever” … … from the depth of your heart. At the end recite above prayers and say Sarveshaam Santhir Bhavatu, Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu, Sarveshaam Poornam Bhavatu. Language is not a barrier. Purity of heart is required.. Understand the true nature of Divine Will, Free Will and acquire at Will and selection of Atmapthi or Atmapatni or immortal soulmates by God. To follow the footsteps of God both in visible and invisible lokas follow “Will of God” only. Pregnants, children and any seeker without any discrimination of age, gender, religion, spiritual path can follow the above method. No need to deviate from your regular worshipping methods. This system is purely personal and so natural to maintain eternal contact with God directly. You can spread, print, and share this method with any seeker of God. No need of secrecy. Become Deva Warriors and Light Workers. This pure knowledge is free. [Revised 1-5-2012] PRANA is the link between You and the Original form of God before creation. Set a goal to meditate for a minimum of 10,000 hours in a decade or two. The real transformation has to be made within your Heart only but not outside. Practice to awaken the “TRUE MASTER” resides within your heart. Unmarried ( everybody ) has to maintain physical and mental brahmacharya for purity within. Understand reality, never become a blindlamb, never follow the teachings of any Master blindly, perfect conceptual clarity is required. Be practical, live realistically and naturally in tune with modern times.
Mahavatar Babaji
LIVE WITH MEDITATION Real transformation has to be made within your heart but not outside
Meditation to Heal all of your Past, Present and Future Life Bad Karmas Now in this birth alone.
BEGINNING PRAYERS OF IMMORTAL WHITE LIGHT KRIYA YOGA OM Yoga raajaaya vidmahe Mahaa yogaaya dheemahi Thanno kriyaa yogaa prachodayat.
Heavenly Father, Divine Mother Gayathri, Param Guru Premavatar Mahavatar Babaji and Sadgurus of all religions we bow to you all. Babaji, bless me, love me, protect me, guide me forever and forever. Babaji, be with us, bless us, guide us and make us as perfect kriyabans by sowing the seeds of divine love, joy, peace, prosperity, friendship, kindness and success in our hearts forever and forever and wake up us from maha maya. Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhihi. METHOD:(1) To practice this method, gaze between your eyebrows, meditate by observing your breath in and out and feel in each step as prana or God in the form of pure, bright white light is flowing through my entire body, mind and soul. Experience the inner joy in silence. Practice stillness daily as long as you can. Learn to meditate for long time upto 3 to 5 hours or more as you like. During the process if you want to recite Babaji’s prayer as many times as you can, recite. ( 2 ) Sit in Padmasan or any comfortable posture, recite the beginning prayers, close your eyes, gaze between eye brows, open your heart, invite Babaji into your heart by saying, Babaji come and stay in my heart, and imagine as your heart is filling with divine love. (Maintain stillness). Then, reveal all of your problems. Pray for His guidance. Commence Now… Beginning prayer .. I am awakening the true Master resides within my heart. “Abundant cosmic healing energy flowing through my entire body, mind and soul is purifying and healing all of my past, present and future life bad karmas, my immortal and divine memory, anthahkarana and chitta and all of my sufferings, DNA, hidden pains, diseases, educational and all failures, poverty, troubles, marital problems, traumatic experiences from my first birth to till now.” and I am attracting abundance. now and forever and forever …. Continue to meditate by observing the breathing in and out as long as you can. You can clearly feel the flow of energy through your finger tips. At the end of the meditation
repeat the same as
Ending … “Abundant cosmic healing energy flowing through my entire body, mind and soul is purifying and healing all of my past, present, future life bad karmas, my immortal and divine memory, anthahkarana and chitta and all of my sufferings, DNA, hidden pains, diseases, educational and all failures, poverty, troubles, marital problems, traumatic experiences from my first birth to till now and around me upto 10,000 kms..” Now, my entire body, mind and soul are filled by abundant divine love, joy, peace,. prosperity, friendship, kindness, success and immortality. I am perfectly hale, healthy, happy, prosperous and peaceful one now and forever and forever. God is guiding me every moment to take the right decision at the right time. I know that I am an immortal child of Babaji. Then pray for others … for few minutes.. at the end … repeat the beginning prayer of white light kriya yoga .. Heavenly Father, Divine Mother Gayathri, Param Guru Premavatar Mahavatar Babaji and Sadgurus of all religions we bow to you all. Babaji, bless me, love me, protect me, guide me forever and forever. Babaji, be with us, bless us, guide us and make us as perfect kriyabans by sowing the seeds of divine love, joy, peace, prosperity, friendship, kindness and success in our hearts forever and forever and wake up us from maha maya. Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhihi. Sarvesham Santhir Bhavatu, Sarvesham Mangalam Bhavatu, Sarvesham Purnam Bhavatu.
( Whatever the religion or spiritual path you may follow, all dissatisfied souls are suggested to practice the above until you get perfect peace and transformed within without thinking about the time and other activities.)
Kriya Yoga Three Universal Prayers for all Children of Babaji
All children of Babaji and White Light Kriyabans or anyone those who are interested to pray for others are suggested to use these following SPECIAL PRAYERS as per your likes and dislikes, whenever you have time. Send more and more positive thoughts into cosmos throughout your life for the welfare of you and your family and for the welfare of humankind. METHOD : (1) Sit in Padmasan or any comfortable posture, recite the prayers, close your eyes, gaze between your eye brows, open your heart, invite Babaji into your heart by saying, Babaji come and stay in my heart, imagine as your heart is filling with divine love. Observe your breathing in and out. Bring your mind into silence. Maintain stillness. All White Light Kriyabans across the globe must Meditate on every Sunday between 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm to attune with Babaji or God 1. “God in the form of pure, bright white light flowing through my entire body, mind and soul is purifying and healing apus, pridhvi, vayu, tejas, akash, my home, my DNA, and all of my past, present, future life bad karmas in my immortal and divine memory .. (maintain silence and observe your breathing in and out for few minutes) then say, all of my sufferings, hidden pains, diseases, failures, poverty, troubles, educational failures, separation, marital problems, traumatic experiences from my first birth to till now and around me upto 10,000 are totally healed now and forever and forever.” Maintain stillness. Then say within as abundant cosmic healing energy is flowing throughout my body, mind and soul now and forever and all of my badkarmas are totally healed now and forever and forever. I am succeeding in all of my efforts, I am very happy, prosperous and peaceful now.” Maintain stillness as long as you can. _____________ 2. “God in the form of pure, bright white light flowing through my entire body, mind and soul is spreading divine love, joy, peace, prosperity, friendship, kindness, success, and immortality across the universe forever and forever.” Maintain stillness by observing your breathing in and out. _______________ 3. Pray for others .. “Heavenly Father, bless me and all of us, our family members, all friends, relatives, all Atmapathis and Atmapatnis (soulmates), ATMAS, soldiers, our country and all children of Babaji, provide us the most peaceful immortal life with all comforts and enough resources and wipe out all spiritual pollution, negative forces and vulgar culture forever and forever. Maintain stillness. Continue to meditate as long as you can wholeheartedly. At the end pray to God as Oh God, bless me, show me the way to reach Original form of God before creation after my death clearly We wish God will listen our heartful prayers for the welfare of humankind and always show us the right path. This pure knowledge is free billions can practice, print, share on your own. No secrecy.
Mahavatar Babaji
LIVE WITH MEDITATION HOW TO PRAY TO FIND YOUR SOULMATE ( FOR UNMARRIED ) All White Light Kriyabans or seekers of God, those who are interested to find their spiritual life companion or immortal soulmate as per the “divine will” are suggested to practice the undermentioned method. First, prepare psycho-logically to find your immortal soulmate in your deeper meditations. You will recognize your soulmate after opening up of your past life or immortal memory or divine memory either at deeper theta or delta level of consciousness.
Soul is immortal. Whether you are going to find your soulmate or not is depending on your sincere prayers and depending on your deeper level daily meditations particularly at theta and delta level. This method is optional, depending on individual choice, God and divine will only.. Method Step 1 .. Close your eyes and gaze between your eyebrows, relax yourself in your meditation and feel as you are happy, peaceful now. See and feel yourself becoming more confident, choosing to be and feel attractive, desirable, and irresistible. Follow the step 1. Step 2 …( i ) If you received any divine instruction in your meditations to marry so and so person, follow divine will as quickly as possible, after locating your soulmate inform the same by appropriate communication, in a dignified manner. If you are unable to locate your soulmate, go into your past life by adopting “past life regression method”and make efforts to locate him/her. You can pray to God or Babaji to enlighten you with perfect clarity. Make all efforts to clarify all of your doubts within. Never depend on the advices of others. Completely rely on either God or Babaji alone. God will respond to your sincere prayers. ( ii ) If you have not received any divine instruction.. Now, imagine the perfect mate. See the qualities you admire reflected in your perfect mate: hair, eyes, body, laugh, voice, outlook, philosophy, and interests. See your perfect mate now, and feel how good it feels to be with your perfect mate.) (Begin) .. Step 1.. Close your eyes and gaze between your eyebrows observe your breathing in and out, Pray.. “God in the form of pure bright white light flowing through my entire body, mind and soul is purifying all of my past, present, future life badkarmas. All of my sufferings, hidden pains, diseases, failures, poverty, troubles, marital problems, traumatic experiences from my first birth to till now are totally healed now and forever and forever.”
“I am awakening the true Master resides within my heart. Oh God, I opened my heart before you now. Show me my soulmate. I am maintaining cordial relations with all souls and meet easily, effortlessly. Because I am self-confident, selfassured, and secure, I am irresistible. I am succeeding in all my efforts in my day to day life, I am very happy, prosperous, peaceful now. (Observe silence for few minutes) Step 2 .. “My human will is transforming into divine will. I am recognizing the unity with God. I know now that I am open to accept my soulmate into my life because he/ she is chosen by God basing on divine will. My spiritual magnetism is attracting my spiritual life companion into my life. I deserve divine love and compassion, ever loving divine joy, peace, prosperity, friendship, kindness, success and immortality. I deserve to give and receive divine love and joy now and forever. My heart is filled with abundant divine love. Oh God, I understand that I opened my heart before you. I am open to receive my soulmate into my life now, forever and forever as per divine will. We will invite enlightened souls to take birth on this earth. We are going to lead a very happy, prosperous, peaceful, spiritually long dynamic, intimate married life forever. We are going to have the most peaceful immortal life with all comforts and enough resources forever. I know our souls are immortal. We are immortal children of Babaji. Babaji, bless me, love me, protect me, guide me forever and forever. … ( End ) (Unmarried ones may meditate on this concept as long as you can, until you get perfect answer. Leave the choice to God to select your soulmate.i.e atmapathi or atmapathni Forget freewill.)
Preparing Psychologically for Financial Success ( for all ) ( Begin ) Step 1.. Close your eyes and gaze between your eyebrows as usual.. Pray.. “God in the form of pure bright white light flowing through my entire body, mind and soul is purifying all of my past, present, future life badkarmas. All of my sufferings, hidden pains, failures, educational hurdles, diseases, poverty, troubles, traumatic experiences from my first birth to till now are totally healed now and forever and forever.” (Mediate for few minutes by observing the breathing in and out, bring the mind into silence.) I am awakening the true Master resides within my heart and attracting the Law of Abundance. I am a magnet for money. Money comes to me easily. I am aware of financial planning, how to plan, earn, save and expend cautiously. I feel abundance. It is all coming to me now and forever. I am attracting enough wealth, financially and emotionally. I create strong and powerful relationships with honest wealthy magnets. I am experiencing divine joy every day. My heart is always filled with abundant divine love. . I am controlling my emotions. My greatest self becomes clearer and clearer day-by-day. My contributions to the world, my spouse and our family become clearer and clearer each day. I am clearly aware who am I and what I want to be in my life with perfect clarity. Every moment God is guiding me to take right decision at the right time. (maintain silence)
Step 2.. I am a law abiding, hardworking, disciplined one. I am transparent, sincere, honest in all of my day to day activities. I have unlimited divine energy within now and forever. I always find new and creative ways to contribute to others. I am going to have enough resources. I can earn and share with all souls.. I can uplift all the needy souls. I can support them financially without expecting anything in return. I am not worried about my life now and in future. I am always perfectly hale, healthy and happy one. My focus on my financial goals is clear and I am confident that I can reach them. I am always living abundantly. I am very successful. I see myself being successful with all the many wonderful things what I and my family deserve in our life, such as the house in (place), the bank account of (amount) and my business (or profession or new company) doing very well. I am succeeding in attracting the abundance.I am always available to all of them, those who are in need of my services.I am succeeding in all of my efforts in my day to day life and going to lead the most peaceful immortal life with all comforts and enough resources forever. Babaji bless me, love me, protect me, guide me forever and forever. END _________________________________________ ( Meditate on this concept daily by observing your breathing in and out as long as you can until you reached the most peaceful immortal life with all comforts and enough resources. For how long you have to meditate daily is depending on your individual choice. No conditions were imposed on you..This pure knowledge is free, you can practice, print, share with any seeker of God. No secrecy.) 7.4.2012
God is immortal.
Soul is also immortal
Mahavatar Babaji
Come Children! Come to me! Meditate! Meditate! Meditate! I AM ALWAYS AVAILABALE TO ALL OF MY CHILDREN
[Message 30] “Brave ones see everything as [an] opportunity to grow and serve. They don’t say, “I cannot help you now; I am too busy.” Brave ones in spirit NEVER [are] too busy to serve”. Imagine if one of [my] children came and I said, “I NEED HELP,” AND I ANSWERED, “NO, I AM TOO BUSY . I have a couple of books to telepathically transmit to some of my children simultaneously in different time and space momentums!” Now? WOULD THAT MAKE ANY SENSE? WOULD MY TEACHING/ PREACHING MAKE ANY SENSE? The brave souls never get bored. They go with [the] seasons. They enjoy each moment. Boredom is not a word in their mind. How can one get bored on this planet? There is so much to create! So much good work to do! So many opportunities to serve for evolution, transcending the maya and lifting everyone in prema love, in Shakti love. Babaji All White Light Kriyabans are suggested to do meditation at your home either individually or as a group on every Sunday from 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm to attune with Babaji. No need of altar or pujas from Guru Purnima on 3.7.2012.
GUIDELINES TO ALL IMMORTAL WHITE LIGHT KRIYABANS Dear Ones, Those who want to practice White Light Kriya yoga for one hour are suggested to first begin to practice Main method morning and in the evening (30mts.) next 15 mts.“Meditation to clean all of your past, present and future life badkarmas in this birth alone and next Psychologically preparing for financial success. (30 + 15 + 15 mts.) At the end of meditation pray for others is compulsory. Those who want to meditate to select their soulmate are suggested to meditate as per your likes and dislikes.
You can use anyone of the special prayers to pray for others from … Three Universal prayers for all children of Babaji for the welfare of humankind You are having enough freedom to share this pure knowledge with all of your friends, relatives and with any needy seeker of any spiritual path. This pure knowledge is free. In general first preference shall be given to meditate to clean all of your past, present and future life badkarmas. Spend more time to clean them. Never forget to fill your entire body, mind and soul with abundant divine love, joy, peace and abundance. Recommended books to know the real heart of Sri Mahavatar Babaji : 1. Invitation to Love .. 108 Reminders for the Enlightened Ones 2. Sacred Messages for the Parents of the World.
both by Ivonne Delaflor. WHITE LIGHT KRIYABANS have to know as per the holy verses of Bhagavad Gita… 1. Urdhva moolam adhah saakham .. the origin of God is in the cosmos which is invisible. 2. Original form of God before creation and after the end of creation is one and the same. The said God is called as Kshetrajna. He is beyond genders, time, space, original source of all creatures, visible and invisible lokas. 3. All visible, invisible lokas and all creatures will vanish as per the Divine Will at any time. 4. Real transformation has to be made within your heart only but not outside. 5.
Every White Light Kriyaban has to pray to God for his/her very happy, prosperous, peaceful, spiritually long dynamic immortal, intimate married life.
6. To practice this method no need of Sannyasa. No conditions were imposed on you. 7. You had complete freedom to practice and quit as per your likes and dislikes. 8. You and your family have to live peacefully should experience the inner joy in every moment. 9. Instead of behaving like an animal inculcate the divine nature of God within.. i.e. Divine Nature of God is childlike (maintaining the purity of five years old child) always celebratory, always joyful and unconditionally loving the moment. Make efforts to experience the inner joy within every moment and always. 10. Transforming the human will into divine will to recognize the unity with God. 11. Transforming human love into divine love. 12. Transforming sexual energy into divine energy. 13. Treat marital relations as sacred. Legally married couple can decide their sexual activities as per their likes and dislikes. No conditions were imposed on you. 14. Make your heart as an hermitage of God and wear the robe of eternal divine love. So, sannyasa is not required.
15. Those who follow this method need not deviate from their regular pujas or homas or sandhya vandan. This method is purely personal meant for inner transformation only. You can safely follow all of your traditional family culture, customs and traditions. 16. You can attract immortality and law of abundance every day for peace and prosperity. 17. You can do good deeds as per your likes and dislikes and can uplift any seeker/s of any spiritual path. No conditions were imposed on you. 18. You have to reduce all of your bad karmas from your first birth to till date in this birth only. 19. Unmarried can select their spiritual life companion or soulmate by praying to God in an appropriate way. It is better to inform to your family members in advance. If you receive any God guided intuitive instruction, with the consent of your family members you follow divine will. Don’t rely on freewill. Follow the divine will as quickly as possible. 20. Seekers are suggested to avoid to enter into the privacy of others, should avoid to interfere into the personal affairs of others. 21. By watching the breathing in and out, the seeker can practice meditation as long as he/she can. No conditions were imposed. Ultimately you have to enter into silence and stillness. Then only you will begin to communicate with God or Guru. With restless mind you will never reach God. White Light Kriyabans are suggested not to follow the teachings of any Master blindly. Blindlamb culture is strictly prohibited. They are having complete freedom to study, read, analyze any teachings of any Master of any religious path. They have to use commonsense, discrimination and wisdom, when and where necessary. Remember no teaching is a new one. They have to remember from the date of creation to till the end of creation.. as per the metaphysical sciences .. the psychic experiences of any seeker or Master are only six types.. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Lucid Dreaming Precognition Telepathy Extra Sensory Perception Out of body experiences Near death experiences;
In rare cases there may be one or two more. So, the seekers should use commonsense while the reading any spiritual book. They should not deeply attach with teachings of any Master. They have to clearly know whether the said teachings of any Master of any religion are mere thoughts, mere direct experiences or supported by strong theory? If thoughts, direct experiences are supported by theory, then only they will be called as teachings. Never, blindly follow the mere thoughts of any Master. To avoid false teachers and blind lamb culture the seekers are suggested to read the following books for more clarity of thought; Never invite poverty into your life. Always pray to God to lead a very happy, prosperous, peaceful, spiritually long dynamic, intimate, immortal married life. Some useful books 1. Invitation to Love .. 108 Reminders for the Enlightened Ones .. Ivonne Delaflor 2. Sacred Messages for the Parents of the World.. Ivonne Delaflor 3. Happiness and The Art of Being … A layman’s introduction to the philosophy and practice of the spiritual teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana 4. Souls of Distortion Awakening A convergence of science and spirituality .. Jan Wicherink … July 9, 2009 Third Edn. 5. Destiny of souls … by Michael Duff Newton … 394 p. free pdf.
… Michael James … 650 P
6. The Gods who walk with us .. (This book analyzed the origins of early mythological God in 3 point of views .. The Euhemerus; New Age and Biblical point of views .. You can understand the relationship between RA, Seth, Osiris, Isis, Horus, Pharoh and Spinx Once you read the book, you will know the basics of “Theosophy” Isis Unveiled, Secret Doctrine etc. Who are following Christ and anti chrsit will be known to you. ) 7. Beyond The Himalayas ..
8. The Spiritual Man .. Watchman Nee 9. Many lives many masters .. Brian Weiss ..*ZEldS-r*iErEulaiz*U-g_/ManyLivesManyMastersBrianWeiss.pdf 10. The light within you … 11. The divine cosmos
12. The black box .. (on Psionics) 13. Opening of the mind
. .
14. Living in the fourth dimension 15. Introduction to the Practice of Buddhism and Zazen .. The Teachings of Gudo Nishijima Roshi.. 33p .. . 16. Past Life Regression .. free pdfs .. 17.Stripping the gurus 18. The life of milarepa 19. Be still 20. Lucid dreaming 21. Lucid Dreaming 22. Buddhist Fasting Practice … The Nyungne Method of Thousand-Armed Chenrezig … Wangchen Rinpoche 23. Healing belief
( This book gave details of meditation practiced by Gauthama Buddha ) 24. Past lives and future lives 25. Law of One 1 – 5
Books on Mediums and Channeling 26. Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons Mystic Knowledge Series Compiled and Written by Marilynn Hughes 27. The Mediums Book 28. A wanderer’s handbook 29. A Channeling Handbook 30. Secrets of UFO 31. THE LADIES' BOOK OF USEFUL INFORMATION ..