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Bring all your fingertips on both hands together and aim them at the specific healing centre and hold them 5-7 cm away from your face. It doesn't matter matter if your fingers are straight or cured! only that the tips of your fingers are aimed at the the area surrounding surrounding the healing centre. "recise aim is not necessary for healing# Haing the fingertips this distance away from the face is seeral times more effectie than touching touching the s$in. It creates an an energy field oer the entrance of the healing centre that allows the body to automatically produce the precise positie%negatie energy pattern needed for healing.
This healing centre is located between the eyebrows
. )esting your arms on your chest! aim your fingertips at the base of your throat
*. (im your fingertips at the bottom bac$ corner of your ,awbone under your ear
. (im your fingertips at the temple area
I pray%reuest that all $nown and un$nown negatie images! unhealthy beliefs and destructie cellular memories! and all resulting physical issues related to /0... i 0.. 1 be found! opened and healed by filling /0.. 0..1 with the loe! life and light of 2od. I also as$ that the effectieness of this healing be increased by one hundred times or more.
I moe ,oyfully towards whateer creates health and balance in my life. I can play my part in the balance of life by liing a balanced life. I am able to moe forward with openness! confidence and ,oy. I can step out to accomplish things and life will support me. 4hen I ma$e my own choices and ta$e care of my needs! life feels good. I am as strong and capable as I beliee I am.
6ind a uiet place to sit! stand or lie down where you will not be disturbed for at least &5 minutes. ecide which issue you would li$e to wor$ on for yourself or another loed one. 2ie it a 33 8sub,ectie unit of distress9 rating of how much it bothers you between &-&: with &: being the worst. ;emory 6inder< Thin$ bac$ to see if there was another time when you were younger when you felt the same way! e.g. pain! an=iety! resentment etc.! een if the circumstances were different. 2o for the earliest and strongest memory and focus on healing that first. )ate this earlier memory and use this rating to ealuate any change after the session. >4hat bothers us now tends to be troublesome precisely because it's attached to or triggered by an unhealed memory.?
Choose a Truth 3tatement which ma$es you feel peaceful! happy and secure. 6eel free to ma$e up your own.
6amiliarise yourself with the prayer and the hand positions as described aboe. 3ay the prayer out loud 8or to yourself9 filling in the gap with your chosen issue as well as the issue from your earlier years. Hold your hands with fingertips together starting with the Bridge "osition and hold this position for about *: seconds before moing on to the the ne=t position. ;oe through each of the positions spending appro=imately *: seconds at each and then scroll through from the beginning again repeating each position twice while reciting the Truth 3tatement. If doing a healing for someone else! end by saying >I release the full effects of this healing to /0.. 0.. 1! in loe?. 6or improed results it is recommended that The Healing Code be and repeated if the desired result is not attained. Be consistent! be persistent! be patient! be willing to heal. 3hare your results with friends and family and encourage others to ta$e bac$ their power and be their own healer. >4e are powerful beyond measure.? isclaimer< This information is proided as a self-help techniue to be used for rela=ation! stress reduction and energy balancing purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for medical care. If medical issues are a source of concern! please consult your health care proider. 1 http://thehealingcodes.com/what-are-the-healing-codes/ 2 Images from “The Healing Codes Manual !" #r. $le%ander &o"d' (h#' )#