Progress test 2 Units 7–12 Exercise Exercise 1 Present Present Perfect Perfect and and Past Simpl Simplee
to $o.
Complete the text with the Past Simple or the Present Perfect form of the verbs in brackets. Carla Brown (1 ) has worked (worked) in marketing for 10 years. She (2) ________ (study) marketing at college, and then () ________ (find) a !o" with a small ad#ertising agency in $anchester. Since then she (%) ________ (change) her !o" se#eral times and she (&) ________ (li#e) in many different 'lac 'laces es.. hree hree year yearss ago, ago, she she () () ____ ______ ____ __ (sta (start rt)) work workin ing g for for *erome and *erome, a "ig com'any with offices all o#er the world. She (+) ________ ("e) a manager with the com'any for eighteen months. he com'any has clients in the S-, and Carla () ________ ("e) there se#eral times on "usiness. /ast year she () ________ (s'end) si months in their ew 3ork 3ork office. 1 point for each correct answer
Exercise 2 for and and since; ever and and never Tick ( ) the correct correct sentence. 1 a I’ve I’ve know known n av avi! i! sinc since e I was was a chil chil!. !. b I’ve known known avi! avi! for I was was a chil!. chil!. " a I hav have e live live! ! in #ri$ #ri$ht hton on for for %ve %ve &ear &ears. s. b I have live! live! in #ri$h #ri$hton ton since since %ve %ve &ears. &ears. ' a e hav haven en’t ’t neve neverr bee been n to to Chi China na.. b e haven’t haven’t ever ever been been to China. China. a I’ve I’ve been been a tea teach cher er befo before re I lef leftt *niversit&. b I’ve been a teacher teacher since since I left *niversit&. + a I went went to to #ris #risto toll ,niv ,niver ersi sit& t& six six &ea &ears rs a$o. b I’ve been been to #ristol #ristol ,niver ,niversit& sit& six six &ears &ears a$o. - a e’s e’s st* st*!i !ie! e! /n$ /n$li lish sh sin since ce a lon lon$ $ time time.. b e’s st*!ie! st*!ie! /n$lish /n$lish for for a lon$ time. 0 a I’ve I’ve eve everr been been to to *s *ssi sia2 a2 b*t b*t I’! I’! lik like e to $o. b I’ve never never been been to *ssia *ssia22 b*t I’! like like
8 a ave ave &o* &o* ev ever won won a pri3 pri3e4 e4 b ave ever &o* won a pri3e4 pri3e4 5 a ow ow lon lon$ $ hav have e &o* &o* live live! ! her here4 e4 b ow lon$ lon$ time time have have &o* live! live! here here4 4 1 point for each correct answer
Exercise 3 have to/don’t have to; should /must Complete the sentences with the correct form of the pairs of verbs in the box. have to / go to school should / take up must / forget should / wear have to / train have to / study must / go to bed should / have have to / work
1 6o* should wear travellin$.
comfortable clothin$ when
" 7 !octo !octorr for man& man& &ears &ears.. ' e s9*a s9*ash sh to tr& tr& an! an! $et %t. %t. 6o* earl& earl&.. e e have an earl& start start tomorrow. + e to b*& b*& :ack :ack a birth!a birth!a& & car!. car!. - To!a& o!a& is a holi!a holi!a&2 &2 so the the chil!r chil!ren en . . 0 I anothe anotherr cake. cake. I’m tr&in tr&in$ $ to lose lose wei$ht. 8 e’re e’re so b*s& b*s& in the the o;ce o;ce that I late ever& ni$ht last week. 5 &o* &o*
Exercise Exercise 4 Narrative Narrative tenses; tenses; oining oining senten sentences ces Choose the correct wor!s. I (1) heard / have heard a a f*nn& stor& the other !a&. 7 =erman woman (") refused / was refusing to serve a co*ple (') while / when the& aske! for a table in her resta*rant. () So / But she she !i!n’t reali3e that the man an! woman were the kin$ an! 9*een of Swe!en> The woman (+) had / had had no no free tables beca*se a bi$ $ro*p (-) was enjoying / enjoyed Editable
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Progress test 2 !ontin"ed a we!!in$ reception in the resta*rant. She a!mitte! that she !i!n’t reco$ni3e the kin$ an! 9*een (0) because / although the& (8) didn’t wear / weren’t wearing ro&al clothes or a crown> She was sorr& b*t the co*ple (5) hadn’t / didn’t booke! a table an! there was nothin$ she co*l! !o. (1?) As soon as / Until she reali3e! her mistake2 she (11) had decided / decided to sen! a letter to the kin$ an! 9*een to apolo$i3e. (1") After / Before the kin$ an! 9*een left the resta*rant2 people sa& the& (1') managed / had managed to $et a pi33a> 1 point for each correct answer
- People !on’t *se che9*es ver& often now. 0 Someone has scratche! m& car. 1 point for each correct answer
Exercise # $ctive or passive% Choose the correct verb forms. 1 Port*$*ese speaks / is spoken in #ra3il. " That’s the thir! time he has failed / has been failed the exam. ' @The a Ainci Co!e’ wrote / was written b& an #rown. 7 lot of trees cut down / were cut down to b*il! that ho*se. + The& don’t grow / aren’t grown bananas in Scotlan!. - Some pict*res have taken / have been taken from the m*se*m. 0 Someone has stolen / has been stolen m& bike> 1 point for each correct answer
Exercise & Passives rite the sentences in the passive. 1 Someone interviewe! the politician on TA. The politician was interviewed on TV.
" The& !i!n’t !eliver the post *ntil mi!!a&. ' The& have ma!e n&lon since 15'". e throw awa& tons of r*bbish ever& !a&. + hen will the& b*il! the new s*permarket4 Editable
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Progress test 2 !ontin"ed Exercise 7 Present Perfect Simple and !ontin"o"s
e’ve been takin$ abo*t 1?? photos. + She love to be an actress one !a&.
Tick ( ) the correct sentence.
- *rr& *p> I’ve waite! a$es for &o*.
1 a ow lon$ have &o* been learnin$ /n$lish4
0 The&’ve move! ho*se two months a$o. 8 I alrea!& spent half m& salar& this month.
b ow lon$ have &o* learnt /n$lish4 " a ow lon$ have &o* known en!&4
1 point for each correct answer
b ow lon$ have &o* been knowin$ en!&4 ' a I saw her %ve min*tes a$o. b I’ve seen her %ve min*tes a$o. a ow lon$ have &o* waite! for the b*s4 b ow lon$ have &o* been waitin$ for the b*s4 + a She’s been b*&in$ a new car. b She’s bo*$ht a new car. - a I’ve plante! three trees this mornin$. b I’ve been plantin$ three trees this mornin$. 0 a e is waitin$ to see the !octor since nine o’clock. b e has been waitin$ to see the !octor since nine o’clock. 8 a ow lon$ have &o* been tr&in$ to sell &o*r ho*se4 b ow lon$ are &o* tr&in$ to sell &o*r ho*se4 5 a I’ve r*n in the park2 so I’m tire!. b I’ve been r*nnin$ in the park2 so I’m tire!. 1 point for each correct answer
Exercise ' (ense revie) Bin! one mistake in each sentence an! correct it. 1 I am a teacher for 1? &ears. have been " I work here since last s*mmer. ' I !i!n’t born in hospital. Editable
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Progress test 2 !ontin"ed Exercise * +irst conditional
0 Perhaps the& !on’t live there an&more.
P*t the wor!s in the correct or!er. 1 hear if I news an& &o* I phone will
1 point for each correct answer
I will phone you if I hear any news.
" b*& she if passes test she car !rivin$ her a will ' weather $o if we won’t ba! o*t the is &o* feel stop better if will &o* smokin$ + m& her won’t !oesn’t we!!in$ she if apolo$i3e I invite to - problem help I &o* have &o* a will if 0 anno&e! fans win !on’t the& be if the will ver& 1 point for each correct answer
Exercise 1, might ewrite the sentences with might or might not . 1 Perhaps we won’t have a holi!a& this &ear. We might not have a holiday this year.
" Perhaps I’ll see &o* later. ' Perhaps &o* won’t nee! to borrow the mone&. Perhaps she isn’t at home to!a&. + Perhaps she’ll call &o* at the weeken!. - Perhaps he’ll be a bit late. Editable
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Progress test 2 !ontin"ed Exercise 11 Second conditional
Exercise 13 ord formation
Dake %ve sentences from the chart. ,se each verb in B once onl&.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the wor!s in brackets.
"f "
1 on’t be nervous (nerve) abo*t &o*r exam. 6o*’ll be %ne.
a dictionary
look up the word!
in $ra%il
" wouldn#t
marry &eorge!
more money
" The& came back to /n$lan! from 7*stralia beca*se the& felt (home).
go to see her!
learn Portuguese!
were 'aria#s address
There’s a lot of (compete) for places at the best *niversities. + She’s trainin$ to be an (emplo&) law&er.
save it!
1 " ' + 1 point for each correct answer
' She was (!isappoint) when she !i!n’t $et her !ream Eob.
- The& r*n a (s*ccess) online b*siness. 0 I !on’t rea! her blo$. It isn’t ver& (well write). 8 on’t be (ba! !ress) for &o*r interview F wear a s*it. 1 point for each correct answer
Exercise 12 ords t0at go toget0er Cross o*t the wor! or phrase that !oesn’t $o with the verb. 1 play
games / a part / karate
" get
engaged / single / divorced
' miss
someone who died / the bus / your wallet
a tough time / a baby / pregnant
+ wear
an umbrella / aftershave / sunglasses
- do
a photo / exercises / the shopping
0 make
a discovery / a phone call / the housework 1 point for each correct answer
Oxford University Press 202
Progress test 2 !ontin"ed Exercise 14 oca"lar Choose the correct wor!s to complete the sentences2 a2 b2 or c. 1 ave &o* E*st sent me a G 4 a text messa$e b website c phone call " Thank &o* for &o*r G . a kin!l& b kin!ness c kin! ' H*r network is f*ll& protecte! a$ainst comp*ter G . a vir*ses b $ames c waves on’t be G of her. She’s worke! ver& har! to be s*ccessf*l. a scare! b pro*! c Eealo*s + The !ress co!e at work is cas*al2 b*t I *s*all& wear a G . a skirt b scarf c s*it - ow lon$ have the airport sta been G strike4 a on b in c at 0 The %re ca*se! a lot of !ama$e G the area. a b& b to c for 8 h& !i!n’t &o* wait G 4 a for me b me
c to me
1 point for each correct answer
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