Syllabus - Science, Technology, And Society CHEDFull description
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Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS
A good book to improve vocabularyFull description
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A good book to improve vocabularyDescripción completa
IELTS Vocabulary list Science and technology. Essential vocabulary.
Genetic engineering Digital To invent To discover To develop Invention/ innovation Experiment To carry out (do) a researc To observe !rea"troug #cievement Scientist
IELTS Vocabulary list Shopping. Essenial vocabulary
To be cra$y about sopping To be "een on %ar"et place &pen mar"et 'urcasing
Entertaining roded Loud music
IELTS Vocabulary list Sport. Essential vocabulary.
ompetitive sports Disappointing results Training *acilities +ig,per*ormance coacing
IELTS Vocabulary list Studies. Essential vocabulary
To learn smt by eart To bury yoursel* in one-s boo"s To cram #n education system tat perpetuates ine.uality (Ill)Literacy Li*elong/continuing education Special needs education %ature students &ne,to,one/private education
To bully smb To ave a tirst *or "noledge
IELTS Vocabulary list Swimming. Essential vocabulary
!reaststro"e reestyle !ac"stro"e !utter*ly To "eep *it
IELTS Vocabulary list Traffic and driving. Essential vocabulary.
Exaust *umes/ emissions (0aste gases) 1oundabout 2unction 1ubber Spare tyre Veicle #ccident Tra**ic as been stuc"3
IELTS Vocabulary list Tourism. Essential vocabulary.
Indulgence *or te ealty #**ordable Tourist demand To provide income *or3 5atural attractions To be a magnet *or tourists Eco,tourism To create 6ob opportunities #ccessible 1apidly expanding sector Large,scale resort ivil in*rastructure &vercroded (cities7 beaces7 etc88) &verused par"lands Subse.uent economic bene*its *or te government Direct impact on te environment and indigenous popolations Tourism boosts *oreign investment and *oreign excange
IELTS Vocabulary list Walk. Essential vocabulary
Go *or a stroll #mble Get a breat o* *res air 1elaxing +ealty/1elaxing/!ene*icial/Interesting/exciting/ peace*ul
IELTS Vocabulary list Weather. Essential vocabulary
Torrential rain Donpour To put don Spit (rain ligtly) Soery Soa"ed Damp 9aterlogged (loting) aterproo*
IELTS Vocabulary list Idioms: uc" it don (0rain eavily) Get et 'ut o** (0 to cancel a planned activity)
lear up (0stop raining)
IELTS Vocabulary list Work. Essential vocabulary. I or" *or3 %y 6ob is3
I run3 %y main responsibilities are3 I-m in carge o*3 %a"e a living 9or"ing ours allenging Engaging 'rospects Training course Daily routine 'ay rise 9or"aolic Dream 6ob Sense o* accomplisment Sel*,employed +ierarcical To do a 6ob,sare To or" *lexi,time # si*t or"er 9or"mates/ colleagues/ co,or"ers 9or"*orce 9or"place To ave (good/bad) or"ing relationsip
To meet a deadline To "noc" o** (0to *inis or") To be stuc" beind te des" (0sitting in an o**ice all day) %onotonous 'aperor" %anual or" Vocational or" 1earding career Lucrative career To see" a career in3 2ob satis*action 'er"s/extra bene*its 9or"ing environment ommuting time To climb te career ladder +oliday entitlement To be overor"ed and underpaid 1apidly,canging/#mbiguous/ 4npredictable situations at or" To ave a bac"ground in 3 (some pro*essional spere7 e8g8 IT) To be money motivated Diverse range o* clients %otivated/ eager person To be out,o*,te,ordinary person