How do I answer an IELTS writing task 1? To analyse this, we’ll look at a line graph. Look at the following question and the graph. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The line graph below shows changes in the amount and type of fast food consumed by Australian teenagers from 1975 to 2000. Summarize the information information by selecting selecting and and reporting reporting the main features features and make comparisons where relevant. Write Write at least 150 words.
There are three asi! things you need to stru!ture an IELTS writing task 1. 1.
Introduce the graph
Give an overview
Give the detail
"e’ll look at ea!h of these in turn.
1# Introdu!e the $raph %ou need to egin with one or two senten!es that state what the IELT %ou IELTS S writing task 1 shows. To do this, paraphrase the title of the graph, &aking sure sur e you put in a ti&e fra&e if there is one. Here is an e'a&ple for the ao(e line graph) The line graph illustrates the amount of fast food consumed by teenagers in Australia between 1975 and 2000, a period of 25 years.
%ou %o u !an see this says the sa&e thing as the title, ut in a different way.
*# $i(e an +(er(iew %ou also need to state what the &ain trend or trends in the graph are. on’t gi(e detail su!h as data here - you are ust looking for soðing that des!ries what is happening o(erall. +ne thing that stands out in this graph is that one type of fast food fell o(er the period, whilst the other two in!reased, so this would e a good o(er(iew. Here is an e'a&ple) !erall, the consumption of fish and chips declined o!er the period, whereas the amount of pi""a and hamburgers that were eaten increased.
This !o(ers the &ain !hanges that took pla!e o(er the whole period. %ou &ay so&eti&es see %ou s ee this o(er(iew as a !on!lusion. It does not &atter if you put it in the !on!lusion or the introdu!tion when you do an IELTS writing task 1, ut you should pro(ide an o(er(iew in one of these pla!es.
/# $i(e the etail %ou %o u !an now gi(e &ore spe!ifi! detail in the ody paragraphs. paragra phs. "hen you gi(e the detail in your ody paragraphs in your IELTS writing task 1, you &ust &ake referen!e to the data.
The key to organi0ing your ody paragraphs for an IELTS writing task 1 is to group data together where there are patterns. To do this you need to identify any similarities and differences. Look at the graph - what things are si&ilar and what things are different? s we ha(e already identified in the o(er(iew, o(er(iew, the !onsu&ption of fish fish and !hips de!lined o(er the period, whereas the a&ount of pi00a and ha&urgers that were eaten in!reased. So it is !lear that pi00a and ha&urgers were following a si&ilar pattern, ut fish and !hips were different. +n this asis, you !an use these as your 2groups’, and fo!us one paragraph on fish and !hip and the other one on pi00a and ha&urgers. Here is an e'a&ple of the first paragraph) #n 1975, the most popular fast food with Australian teenagers was fish and chips, being eaten 100 times a year. This was far higher than pi""a and hamburgers, which were consumed appro$imately 5 times a year. %owe!er, apart from a brief rise again from 19&0 to 19&5, the consumption of fish and chips gradually declined o!er the 25 year timescale to finish at 'ust under (0 times per year.
s you !an see, the fo!us is on fish and !hips. This does not &ean you should not &ention the other two foods, as you should still &ake !o&parisons of the data as the questions asks. The se!ond ody then fo!uses on the other foods) #n sharp contrast to this, teenagers ate the other two fast foods at much higher le!els. )i""a consumption increased gradually until it o!ertoo* the consumption of fish and chips in 1990. #t then le!eled off from 1995 to 2000. The biggest rise was seen in hamburgers, increasing sharply throughout the 1970+s and 19&0+s, e$ceeding fish and chips consumption in 19&5. #t finished at the same le!el that fish and chips began, with consumption at 100 times a year.
3ull 4odel nswer)
The line graph illustrates the a&ount of fast food !onsu&ed y teenagers in ustralia etween 1567 and *888, a period of *7 years. +(erall, the !onsu&ption of fish and !hips de!lined o(er the period, whereas the a&ount of pi00a and ha&urgers that were eaten in!reased. In 1567, the &ost popular fast food with ustralian teenagers was fish and !hips, eing eaten 188 ti&es a year. This was far higher than 9i00a and ha&urgers, whi!h were !onsu&ed appro'i&ately 7 ti&es a year. Howe(er, apart fro& a rief rise again fro& 15:8 to 15:7, the !onsu&ption of fish and !hips gradually de!lined o(er the *7 year ti&es!ale to finish at ust under ;8 ti&es per year. In sharp !ontrast to this, teenagers ate the other two fast foods at &u!h higher le(els. 9i00a !onsu&ption in!reased gradually until it o(ertook the !onsu&ption of fish and !hips in 1558. It then le(eled off fro& 1557 to *888. The iggest rise was seen in ha&urgers, in!reasing sharply throughout the 1568’s and 15:8’s, e'!eeding fish and
!hips !onsu&ption in 15:7. It finished at the sa&e le(el that fish and !hips egan, with !onsu&ption at 188 ti&es a year. <151 words#
IELTS Writing Tas 1 Ta!le You You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The table shows the Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School Types Types Between Between Between !!! !!! and !!" !!" Summarize the information information by selecting selecting and and reporting reporting the main features features and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
Secondar" School #ttendance 2000
Specialist Schools
12 %
10 %
Grammar Schools
24 %
19 %
12 %
Voluntary-controlled Schools
52 %
38 %
20 %
Community Schools
12 %
32 %
58 %
$odel #nswer The tale illustrates the per!entage of s!hool !hildren attending four different types of se!ondary s!hool fro& *888 to *885. It is e(ident that the spe!ialist, gra&&ar and (oluntary=!ontrolled s!hools e'perien!ed de!lines in nu&ers of pupils, whereas the !o&&unity s!hools e!a&e the &ost i&portant pro(iders of se!ondary s!hool edu!ation during the sa&e period.
To egin, the proportion in (oluntary=!ontrolled s!hools fell fro& ust o(er half to only *8> or one fifth fro& *888 to *885. Si&ilarly, the relati(e nu&er of !hildren in gra&&ar s!hools == ust under one quarter == dropped y half in the sa&e period. s for the spe!ialist s!hools, the relati(ely s&all per!entage of pupils attending this type of s!hool <1*># also fell, although not signifi!antly. Howe(er, while the other three types of s!hool de!lined in i&portan!e, the opposite o pposite was true in the !ase of !o&&unity s!hools. In fa!t, while only a s&all &inority of 1*> were edu!ated in these s!hools in *888, this figure in!reased to well o(er half of all pupils during the following nine years. Words 170
IELTS Writing Tas 1 Sample 2 You You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The pie chart shows the amount of money that a children#s charity located in the $SA spent and received in one year. Summarize the the information information by selecting selecting and reporting the main features and and make comparisons comparisons where where relevant. relevant. Write Write at least 150 words.
%evenue Sources and E&penditures of a 'S# (harit" in one "ear.
$odel #nswer The pie !harts show the a&ount of re(enue and e'penditures o(er a year of a !hildren’s !harity in the S. +(erall, it !an e seen that donated food a!!ounted for the &aority of the in!o&e, while progra& ser(i!es a!!ounted for the &ost e'penditure. Total Total re(enue sour!es ust e'!eeded outgoings. In detail, donated food pro(ided &ost of the re(enue for the !harity, at :@>. Si&ilarly, with regard to e'penditures, one !ategory, progra& ser(i!es, a!!ounted for nearly all of the outgoings, at 57.:>. The other !ategories were &u!h s&aller. Ao&&unity !ontriutions, whi!h were the se!ond largest re(enue sour!e, rought in 18.;> of o(erall in!o&e, and this was followed y progra& re(enue, at *.*>. In(est&ent in!o&e, go(ern&ent grants, and other in!o&e were (ery s&all sour!es of re(enue, a!!ounting for only 8.:> !o&ined. There were only two other e'penditure ite&s, fundraising and &anage&ent and general, a!!ounting for *.@> and a nd 1.@> respe!ti(ely. The total a&ount of in!o&e was B7/,7@1,7:8, whi!h was ust enough to !o(er the e'penditures of B7/,**;,:5@. "ords 1@;
IELTS 4ap = "riting Task 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
Below is a map of the city of Brandeld. !ity planners ha"e decided to build a new shopping mall for the area# and two sites# $1 and $2 ha"e been proposed. Summarize the information information by selecting selecting and and reporting reporting the main features features and make comparisons where relevant. Write Write at least 150 words.
$ap of )randfield with two proposed sites for a shopping mall
4odel nswer The &ap illustrates plans for two possile sites for a shopping &all in the !ity of Crandfield. It !an e seen that the two sites under !onsideration are in the north and the south east of the town. The first possile site for the shopping &all, S1, is ust north of the !ity !entre, ao(e the railway line, whi!h runs fro& the south east of the !ity to the north west. If it is uilt here, it will e ne't to a large housing estate, thus pro(iding easy a!!ess for those li(ing on the estate and in the !ity !entre. It will also e ne't to the ri(er, whi!h runs through the town.
The site in the south east, S*, is again ust y the railway line and fairly !lose to the !ity !entre, ut it is near to an industrial estate rather than housing. There is a &ain road that runs through the !ity and is !lose to oth sites, thus pro(iding good road a!!ess to either lo!ation. large golf !ourse and park in the west of the town pre(ents this area fro& eing a(ailale as a site. 158 words
IELTS "riting Task 1 = E'a&ple 7 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bric%s for the building industry. Summarize the information information by selecting selecting and and reporting reporting the main features features
and make comparisons where relevant. Write Write at least 150 words.
The Cri!k 4anufa!turin 4anufa!turing g 9ro!ess
IELTS 9ro!ess 4odel nswer The diagra& e'plains the way in whi!h ri!ks are &ade for the uilding industry. +(erall, there are se(en stages in the pro!ess, eginning with the digging up of !lay and !ul&inating in deli(ery.
To egin, the !lay used to &ake the ri!ks is dug d ug up fro& the ground g round y a large digger. This !lay is then pla!ed onto a &etal grid, whi!h is used to reak up the !lay into s&aller pie!es. roller assists in this pro!ess. 3ollowing this, sand and water are added to the !lay, and this &i'ture is turned into ri!ks y either pla!ing it into a &ould or using a wire !utter. De't, these ri!ks are pla!ed in an o(en to dry for *; - ;: hours. In the susequent stage, the ri!ks go through a heating and !ooling pro!ess. They are heated in a kiln at a &oderate and then a high te&perature
#-T /riting Tas* 1 $ample You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The chart shows components of &'( in the )* from 1992 to 2000. Summarize the information information by selecting selecting and and reporting reporting the main features features and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
$ross o&esti! 9rodu!t in the
4odel nswer The ar !hart illustrates the gross do&esti! produ!t generated fro& the IT and Ser(i!e Industry in the fro& 155* to *888. It is &easured in per!entages. +(erall, it !an e seen that oth in!reased as a per!entage of o f $9, $9, ut IT re&ained at a higher rate throughout this ti&e.
t the eginning of the period, in 155*, the Ser(i!e Industry a!!ounted for ; per !ent of $9,, whereas $9 whereas IT e'!eeded this, at ust o(er @ per !ent. +(er the ne't four years, the le(els e!a&e &ore si&ilar, with oth !o&ponents standing etween @ and ust o(er : per !ent. IT was still higher o(erall, though it dropped slightly fro& 155; to 155@. Howe(er, o(er the following four years, the patterns of the two !o&ponents were noti!ealy different. The per!entage of $9 fro& IT in!reased quite sharply to 1* in 155: and then nearly 17 in *888, while the Ser(i!e Industry stayed nearly the sa&e, in!reasing to only : per !ent. t the end of the period, the per!entage of $9 $9 fro& IT was was al&ost twi!e that of the Ser(i!e Industry. Words 182
E'a&ple 6 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The bar chart shows the scores of teams A# B and ! o"er four di+erent seasons. Summarize the information information by selecting selecting and and reporting reporting the main features features and make comparisons where relevant. Write Write at least 150 words.
IELTS Car $raph = 4odel nswer The ar !hart shows the s!ores of three tea&s, , C and A, in four !onse!uti(e seasons. It is e(ident fro& the !hart that tea& C s!ored far higher than the other two tea&s o(er the seasons, though their s!ore de!reased as a whole o(er the period. In *88*, the s!ore of tea& C far e'!eeded that of the other two tea&s, standing at a &assi(e :* points !o&pared to only 18 for tea& A and a (ery low 7 for tea& . +(er the ne't two years, the points for tea& C de!reased quite !onsideraly, dropping y
around half to ;/ y *88;. In !ontrast, tea& ’s ’s points had in!reased y a &assi(e @88> to rea!h /7 points, nearly equal to tea& C. Tea& Tea& A, &eanwhile, had &anaged only a s&all in!rease o(er this ti&e. In the final year, tea& C re&ained ahead of the others as their points in!reased again to 77, while tea& and A saw their points drop to : and 7 respe!ti(ely. r espe!ti(ely.
4odel $raph : You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The pie charts show the electricity generated in &ermany and ,rance from all sources and renewables in the year 2009. Summarize the information information by selecting selecting and and reporting reporting the main features features and make comparisons where relevant. Write Write at least 150 words.
Sample *ie (hart + $odel #nswer
The four pie !harts !o&pare the ele!tri!ity generated etween $er&any and 3ran!e during *885, and it is &easured in illions k"h. +(erall, it !an e seen that !on(entional ther&al was the &ain sour!e of ele!tri!ity in $er&any, $er&an y, whereas nu!lear was the &ain sour!e in 3ran!e. The ulk of ele!tri!ity in $er&any, whose whose total output was 7@8 illion k"h, !a&e fro& !on(entional ther&al, at 75.@>. In 3ran!e, 3ran!e , the total output was lower, at 718 illion k"h, and in !ontrast to $er&any, !on(entional ther&al a!!ounted for ust 18./>, with &ost ele!tri!ity !o&ing fro& nu!lear power <6@>#. In $er&any, $er&an y, the proportion of nu!lear power generated ele!tri!ity was only one fifth of the total. 4o(ing on to renewales, this a!!ounted for quite si&ilar proportions for oth !ountries, at appro'i&ately 17> of the total ele!tri!ity generated. In detail, in $er&any, $er &any, &ost of the renewales !onsisted of wind and io&ass, totaling around 67>, whi!h was far higher than for hydroele!tri! <16.6># and solar <@.1>#. The situation was (ery different in 3ran!e, where hydroele!tri! h ydroele!tri! &ade up :8.7> of renewale ele!tri!ity, with with io&ass, wind and solar &aking up the re&aining *8>. <"ords 1:/#
#-T /riting Tas* 1 $ample 9 You You should spend spend about 20 20 minutes on this this task.
The chart shows British %migration to selected destinations between !!& and !!'.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons comp arisons where releant. Write Write at least 150 words.
IELTS IELT S )ar (hart $odel #nswer
The ar !hart shows the nu&er of Critish people who e&igrated to fi(e destinations o(er the period *88; to *886. It is e(ident fro& the !hart that throughout the period, the &ost popular pla!e to &o(e to was ustralia.
E&igration to ustralia stood at ust o(er ;8,888 people in *88;, whi!h was appro'i&ately @,888 higher than for Spain, and twi!e as high as the other three !ountries. part fro& a u&p to around 7*,888 in *88@, it re&ained around this le(el throughout the period. The ne't &ost popular !ountry for Critons to &o(e to was Spain, though its popularity de!lined o(er the ti&e fra&e to finish at elow /8,888 in *886. espite this, the figure was still higher than for the re&aining three !ountries. ppro'i&ately *8,888 people e&igrated to Dew Fealand ea!h e a!h year, while the S flu!tuated etween *8=*7,888 people o(er the period. lthough the nu&er of (isitors to 3ran!e spiked to nearly /7,888 in *887, *887, it was the !ountry that was the least popular to e&igrate to at the end of the period, at ust under *8,888 people.
IELTS Line and )ar (hart This is an e'a&ple of two graphs together = = a line and ar !hart. Giew this lesson for lesson for tips and ad(i!e on how to des!rie two graphs together, using the e'a&ple fro& this page. You You should spend spend about 20 20 minutes on this this task.
The line graph shows visits to and from the $( from )"'" to )"""* and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by $( residents in )""".
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons comp arisons where releant. Write Write at least 150 words.
IELTS IELT S Line and )ar (hart + $odel #nswer
The line graph illustrates the nu&er of (isitors in &illions fro& the who went aroad and those that !a&e to the etween 1565 and 1555, while the ar !hart shows whi!h !ountries were the &ost popular for residents to (isit in 1555. +(erall, it !an e seen that (isits to and fro& the in!reased, and that 3ran!e was the &ost popular !ountry to go to. To egin, the nu&er of (isits aroad y residents was higher than for those that !a&e to the , and this re&ained so throughout the period. The figures started at a si&ilar a&ount, around 18 &illion, ut (isits aroad in!reased signifi!antly to o(er 78 &illion, whereas the nu&er of o(erseas residents rose steadily to rea!h ust under /8 &illion. Cy far the &ost popular !ountries to (isit in 1555 were 3ran!e at appro'i&ately 11 &illion (isitors, followed y Spain at 5 &illion. The S, $ree!e, and Turkey were far less popular at around ;, / and * &illion (isitors respe!ti(ely.
IELTS Line Graph E&les Aontinuing with the sites IELTS line graph e'a&ples, this is an e'a&ple of a line graph gra ph !o&paring !ar theft.
You You should spend spend about 20 20 minutes on this this task.
The line graph shows thefts per thousand "ehicles in four -uropean countries between 1990 and 1999. Summarize the information information by selecting selecting and and reporting reporting the main features features and make comparisons where relevant. Write Write at least 150 words.
IELTS IELT S Line Graph E&les + $odel #nswer
The line graph !o&pares the nu&er of !ar thefts per thousand of the population in four !ountries fro& 1558 to 1555. +(erall, it !an e seen that !ar thefts were far higher in $reat Critain than in the other three !ounties throughout the whole ti&e fra&e. To egin, !ar thefts in Sweden, 3ran!e and Aanada followed a fairly si&ilar pattern o(er the first fi(e years, all re&aining at etween 7 and 18 per thousand. The general trend though for 3ran!e and Aanada was a de!line in the nu&er of (ehi!les stolen o(er the period, with oth at around @ in 1555. In !ontrast, Sweden e'perien!ed an upward trend, starting the period at appro'i&ately :, and finishing at ust under 17. Interestingly, !ar thefts in $reat Critain started at 1: per thousand, whi!h far e'!eeded that of the other !ountries. It then flu!tuated o(er the ne't nine years, rea!hing a peak
of *8 thefts per 1888 in 155@, and ending the period slightly lower than where it egan, at appro'i&ately 16 per thousand. (Words 173)
4odel $raph 1* You You should spend spend about 20 20 minutes on this this task.
The pie chart shows the percentage of persons arrested in the five years ending )""& and the bar chart shows the most recent reasons for arrest.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons comp arisons where releant. Write Write at least 150 words.
IELTS IELT S *ie and )ar (hart + $odel #nswer
The pie !hart illustrates the per!entage of &ales and fe&ales who were arrested fro& 15:5 to 155;, while the ar !hart !o&pares the &ain reasons that the different genders were arrested &ost re!ently. It is e(ident fro& the !harts that &ales were arrested &ore than fe&ales and that puli! drinking was the &ost !o&&on reason for arrest for oth. To egin, the proportion of &ales &ales arrested was &u!h greater than for fe&ales. /*> were arrested !o&pared to only 5> for wo&en. Turning to the reasons for the &ost re!ent arrests, there were so&e !lear differen!es etween &en and wo&en. 4en were
twi!e as likely to e arrested for drink dri(ing than wo&en, at *@> and 1;> respe!ti(ely. Crea!h of order, assault, and other reasons were also slightly higher for &en, all standing at around 1*=1:>. Interestingly though, though, wo&en e'perien!ed a higher per!entage of arrest rates for assault and puli! drinking. The figures for assault were fairly si&ilar at appro'i&ately 1:>, whereas puli! drinking represented the &ain reason for arrest, with wo&en at a &assi(e /:>, !o&pared to /1> for &en. <180 Words#
4odel $raph 1/ You You should spend about 20 minutes on this this task.
The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in in one %uropean %uropean city in )"+!* )",! and and !!!.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where releant. Write at least 150 words.
IELTS IELT S )ar (hart + $odel #nswer
The ar !hart shows the !hanging patterns of transport use in a European !ity during the period fro& 15@8 to *888. In rief, the !hart shows that the use of the !ar as a &eans of transport dra&ati!ally in!reased o(er the period shown, while the others fell. In detail, in 15@8 the &otor !ar was used least as a ðod of transport with only aout 6> of the population using this ðod ut !ar use grew steadily and strongly to finally rea!h aout /6> of the population y *888. This was a &assi(e 7=fold in!rease in use. +(er this sa&e period, howe(er, the popularity of walking, whi!h had een the &ost popular &eans of transport with /7> of the population in 15@8 ha(ing it as their preferred way of getting around, fell to 18>. Ci!y!le use also fell fro& a high of aout *6> in 15@8 to ust 6> in *888. +n the other hand, us use was &ore errati! eing popular with al&ost *8> of the population in 15@8 and rising to a peak of aout *6> in 15:8 efore falling a!k to aout 1:> in *888.
(188 Words)
4odel $raph 1; You You should spend spend about 20 20 minutes on this this task.
The table illustrates the proportion of monthly household income five %uropean countries countries spend on food food and drink* drink* housing* housing* clothing clothing and entertainment.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons comp arisons where releant. Write at least 150 words.
*roportion of household income five European countries spend on food and drin, housing, clothing and entertainment. -ood and drin
IELTS Ta!les + $odel #nswer
The tale shows the a&ount of household in!o&e that fi(e !ountries in Europe spend per &onth on four ite&s. +(erall, it is e(ident that all fi(e !ountries spend the &aority of their in!o&e on food and drink and housing, ut &u!h less on !lothing and entertain&ent. Housing is the largest e'penditure ite& for 3ran!e, $er&any and the , with all of the& spending around one third of their in!o&e on this, at /8>, //> and /6>, respe!ti(ely. In !ontrast, they spend around a quarter on food and and drink. Howe(er, this
pattern is re(ersed for Turkey and Spain, who spend around a fifth of their in!o&e on housing, ut appro'i&ately one third on food and drink. ll fi(e !ountries spend &u!h less on the re&aining two two ite&s. 3ran!e and Spain spend the least, at less than 18>, while the other three !ountries spend around the sa&e a&ount, ranging etween 1/> and 17>. t 15>, $er&any spends the &ost on entertain&ent, whereas and Turkey spend appro'i&ately half this a&ount, with 3ran!e and Spain etween the two. <175 Words#
IELTS 9ro!ess = Aho!olate 9rodu!tion You You should spend spend about 20 20 minutes on this this task.
The illustrations show how chocolate is produced.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons comp arisons where releant. Write at least 150 words.
IELTS IELT S Tas 1 *rocess *roces s + $odel #nswer
The diagra& e'plains the pro!ess for the &aking of !ho!olate. There are a total of ten stages in the pro!ess, eginning with the growing of the pods on the !a!ao trees and !ul&inating in the produ!tion of the !ho!olate. To egin, the !o!oa !o&es fro& the !a!ao tree, whi!h is grown in the South &eri!an and fri!an fri!an !ontinents and the !ountry of Indonesia. +n!e the pods are ripe and red, they are har(ested and the white !o!oa eans are re&o(ed. 3ollowing a period of fer&entation, they are then laid out on a large tray so they !an dry under the sun. De't, they are pla!ed into large sa!ks and deli(ered to the fa!tory. They are then roasted at a te&perature of /78 degrees, after whi!h the eans are !rushed and separated fro& their outer shell. In the final stage, this inner part that is left is pressed and the !ho!olate is produ!ed. <152 Words#
E'a&ple of a ar !hart You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the )$A on three items in 2010. Summarize the the information information by selecting selecting and reporting the main features and and make comparisons comparisons where where relevant. relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
$odel #nswer
The ar !hart depi!ts the &onthly e'penditure on food, gas and !lothing of a fa&ily li(ing in the S in *818. +(erall, it !an e seen that le(els of o f e'penditure flu!tuated o(er the period. To egin, in anuary the &ost &oney &one y was spent on food, at appro'i&ately B788 per &onth. lthough e'penditure on food in!reased slightly the following following &onth, it then fell to a!!ount for the lowest e'penditure of all the ite&s at the end of the period at ust o(er B/88. $as appeared to follow the opposite pattern to food spending. It started lower at aout B/78 per &onth, falling in the following &onth, and then in!reasing signifi!antly to finish at ust under B@88 in pril. Alothing, whi!h at ust o(er B*88 a!!ounted for the lowest e'penditure at the eginning of the period, flu!tuated dra&ati!ally o(er o (er the ti&e fra&e. fter rea!hing around the sa&e le(els as food in 3eruary
IELTS 9ro!ess = Tea 9rodu!tion You You should spend spend about 20 minutes on this this task.
The diagram shows how tea leaves are processed into five tea types.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where releant. Write at least 150 words.
IELTS IELT S process writing sample answer
The diagra& presents the &anufa!ture of fi(e different types of tea. It is i&&ediately apparent that although all the teas are produ!ed fro& the sa&e leaf, the differen!es in the &anufa!turing pro!ess result in fi(e different types of tea. The first three stages of &anufa!ture are the sa&e for all of the fi(e teas. The lea(es are grown, they are then plu!ked, and following this withering of the lea(es o!!ures. The final stage is also the sa&e, whi!h sees all the lea(es dried in an o(en. Howe(er, in the stages in etween this, differing ðods of produ!tion are e&ployed. To egin, white tea is unique as it in(ol(es no other pro!essing. p ro!essing. In !ontrast, green, oolong and large leaf la!k tea are all rolled as part of the pro!ess. Howe(er, while green tea is stea&ed efore eing rolled ut is not fer&ented, the other two teas are
first rolled and then oth fer&ented
4odel 1: = IELTS 9ie and Car Ahart You You should spend spend about 20 20 minutes on this this task.
The pie chart shows the percentage of women in poverty and the bar chart shows poverty rates by se- and age. They are from the $nited States in !!,. !!,.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons comp arisons where releant.
Write at least 150 words.
$odel #nswer
The pie !hart ilustrates the proportion of wo&en in po(erty y household !o&position in the nited States in *88: and the ar graph indi!ates the differen!es in rates of po(erty y se' and age. t first glan!e it !an e seen that single wo&en with no dependent
!hildren &ade up the largest group in po(erty and that po(erty was highest for wo&en and !hildren. The pie !hart shows that single wo&en suffered fro& po(erty the &ost. Single wo&en without !hildren represented 7;> of the total in po(erty, and po(erty for those with dependent !hildren stood at ust o(er a quarter. 4arried wo&en with and without !hildren a!!ounted for the re&aining fifth, or *8>. Turning to the ar !hart, po(erty rates were highest a&ongst !hildren, and the rates were roughly equal for &ales and fe&ales, at around *1> for under 7s and 17> for 7= 16 year olds. Howe(er, fro& ages 1:=*;, the gap etween &en and wo&en widened signifi!antly,, with appro'i&ately 1;> of &en in po(erty !o&pared to o(er *8> for signifi!antly wo&en. 9o(erty de!lined throughout the adult years for oth se'es, ut a gap re&ained and this gap al&ost douled in old age.
IELTS Line $raph and 9ie Ahart uestion
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The line graph shows the number of boo%s that were borrowed in four di+erent months in 201 from four "illage libraries# and the pie chart shows the percentage percentag e of boo%s# boo%s# by type# type# that were were borrowed o"er this time.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where where releant. Write at least 150 words.
$odel #nswer
The line graph depi!ts the nu&er of ooks that were loaned out fro& four liraries o(er a four &onth period and the pie !hart illustrates the proportions of ooks orrowed in ter&s of genre. It is i&&ediately apparent that the orrowing patterns for ea!h lirary were quite (aried, and that fi!tion was y far the &ost popular type of ook. The orrowing of ooks at Sutton "ood and Jyeslip egan fairly high, at *78 and /88 per &onth in une respe!ti(ely. Howe(er, while while ook orrowing at Jyeslip fell steadily to around 167 at the end of the period, orrowing at Sutton "ood followed a &u!h &ore errati! pattern. It plu&&eted to 188 1 88 in ugust, efore then rising steeply to finish at /88, whi!h represented the highest le(el of orrowing of the four. Corrowing at "est Eaton and Ahur!h 4ount, &eanwhile, followed (ery si&ilar patterns, with oth starting quite low at 78 per &onth, ut then gradually in!reasing to finish at 178. 4o(ing on to the types of ooks orrowed, fi!tion was in de&and the &ost, at ;/>. The ne't &ost popular ooks were iographies, a!!ounting for around a fifth of the total. The orrowing of s!ien!e and history were identi!al, at 1;> ea!h, lea(ing self=help as the least popular at 18>. <211 Words# KKKKKKKKKK