g ge et . powe power r -> to chec check k a al ll p po ower wer rela relate ted d para parame mete ters rs get get . feat featur ure e -> to chec check k all all feat featur ure e rel relat ated ed para parame mete ters rs get get . lice licens nse e -> to chec check k all all lice licens nse e rel relat ated ed para parame mete ters rs ge get 0 -> to to che chec ck No NodeB deB typ type e and and oth other get get 10 -> to chec check k node nodeSy Syst stem emCl Cloc ock k get . att -> to check attenation al -> to check alarms lga -> to check alarm history lgo -> to check operational history st st cell cell -> to to chec check k cell cell sta statu tus s st aux aux -> to chec check k Aux AuxPl Plug ugIn InUn Unit it stau staus s st ret ret -> to chec check k Ret Retu u Dev Devic ice e Gro Group up get get . noof noofrad radio io -> to monito monitor r RadioL RadioLink ink on on NodeB NodeB ge get re retdev tdevic ice e -> to chec check k RE RETU statu tatus s get asc -> to check RETU staus get . elect electric ricala alante ntenna nna -> to to check check e-tilt e-tilt get . sectorante sectorantenna nna antenna antennatype type -> to check specific specific NodeB NodeB parame parameter ter get . cqiAdjustmentOn -> to check specific NodeB parameter g ge et . hsScchMaxCodePower -> to to ch check sp specific No NodeB pa parameter get . queueSelectAlgorithm -> to check specific NodeB param get . eulMaxShoRate
-> to check specific NodeB parameter
ORNEK> get . featureState16Qam -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get get . featureStateHsdpaFlexible featureStateHsdpaFlexibleScheduler Scheduler -> to check specific specific NodeB param eter ORNEK> get . flexibleSchedulerOn -> to check specific Nod eB parameter ORNEK> get . supportOf16qam -> to check spec ific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . featureStateHsdpaDynamicC featureStateHsdpaDynamicCodeAllocation odeAllocation -> to check spec ific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . dynamicHsPdschCodeAdditio dynamicHsPdschCodeAdditionOn nOn -> to check specific Nod eB parameter ORNEK> get . eulMaxOwnUuLoad -> to check specific Nod eB parameter ORNEK> get . eulNoERgchGroups -> to check spec ific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . eulSlidingWindowTime -> to check specific Nod eB parameter ORNEK> get . maxEAgchPowerDl -> to check spec ific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . maxEAgchPowerDlTti2 -> to check specific Nod eB parameter ORNEK> get . maxNumEulUsers -> to check specific Nod eB parameter ORNEK> get . maxNumHsdpaUsers -> to check spec ific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . maxNumHsPdschCodes -> to check spec ific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . maxUserEHichERgchPowerDl -> to check specific Nod eB parameter ORNEK> get . maxUserEHichPowerDlTti2 -> to check specific Nod eB parameter ORNEK> get . steeredHsAllocation -> to check specific Nod eB parameter ORNEK> get . featureStateHsdpaIncremen featureStateHsdpaIncrementalRedundancy talRedundancy -> to check spec ific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . featureStateEul2msTti -> to check specific Nod eB parameter
ORNEK> get . hsIncrementalRedundancyOn ific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . dlLicFractBbPool2 eB parameter ORNEK> get . ulLicFractBbPool2 ific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . maxhsrate ific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . featureStateGrake ific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . eulMaxAllowedSchRate ific NodeB parameter
-> to check spec -> to check specific Nod -> to check spec -> to check spec -> to check spec -> to check spec