LINK FOR ALL QM DATA: DATA: The link between master inspection characteristics and class characteristics enables the automatic transfer of inspection results to the batch classification, provided that you inspect with a material specification or task list. The class characteristics from the batch class are automatically valuated at inspection completion, on the basis of the inspection results.
When you change a master inspection characteristic, if you you want to create a link to a class characteristic with the format "NUM "NUM": ": o o
The master inspection characteristic must be quantitative The unit unit of measurement for the master inspection characteristic must match that for the class characteristic. In the master inspection characteristic, characteristic, the control indicators for the upper or lower specification limit (or both) must be set. The interval interval limits of the class characteristic characteristic must be entered to correspond with the control indicators for the specification limit of the master inspection characteristic:
Specification Limits of the Master Inspection Characteristic
Interval Limits of the Class Characteristic
Lower specification limit only
Lower limit, no upper limit
Upper specification limit only
Upper limit, no lower limit
Both specification limits
Both upper and lower limit
When you change a master inspection characteristic, if you want to create a link to a class characteristic with the format "CHAR": o o
The master inspection characteristic must be qualitative. In the master inspection characteristic, the control indicator for characteristic attributes must be set. A selected set of catalog type 1 must be assigned to the class characteristic.
You can only have a 1:1 relationship between a class characteristic and a master inspection characteristic (that is, you cannot reference the same class characteristic in several master inspection characteristics). If you create a link from an existing master inspection characteristic to a class characteristic with the format "NUM", the system automatically makes the following changes: The Quantitative charac. indicator is set. The master inspection characteristic is marked as a reference characteristic. o For the results confirmation, the Summarized recording indicator is set. If the control o indicator was previously set for Classed recording, all relevant data (for example, class width) is initialized. The control indicator Check target value is canceled. o The Confirm values indicator is set (class characteristics with the format "NUM" can only o be valuated using numerical values). If the Entry required indicator is set in the class characteristic, the master inspection o characteristic is a required characteristic, otherwise, it is an optional characteristic. o
When you maintain general characteristics in the Classification system, you must set the Interval vals allowed indicator, so that an interval can be entered in the configuration. If you valuate a class characteristic in the configuration over several intervals (for example, intervals 1-2m and 5-6m for the characteristic "length", the system copies either one of these intervals, when the inspection lot is created. To avoid this scenario, you should not valuate a characteristic with several intervals. o o o
The number of decimal places is taken from the class characteristic as a proposed value. All pairs of limits (except the tolerance limits) are initialized. Default values for the upper and lower specification limit are taken from the interval limits of the class characteristic. (For an inspection with a material specification, the values entered in the class characteristic are used if the master inspection characteristic in the
material specification is linked to the class characteristic). However, for an inspection with a task list, the values specified in the task list for this master inspection characteristic are relevant. o o
The short texts are taken from the class characteristics and proposed as default texts. In addition to the short text, the search field is also taken from the class characteristic and proposed in the logon language as the default.
If you create a link from an existing master inspection characteristic to a class characteristic with the format "CHAR", the system automatically makes the following changes: The Qualitative charac. indicator is set. You must completely maintain master inspection characteristics that are linked to a class o characteristic (master inspection characteristic is marked as Reference characteristic or Complete copy model ). If you make this link to use the batch classification, you must set the Summ. recording o control indicator, so that classification can take place. The control indicator Charac. attribute can no longer be changed. o The selected set from catalog type 1 that is defined in the class characteristic is assigned o to the master inspection characteristic. If method-dependent selected sets from catalog type 1 are assigned to the master o inspection characteristic, they are canceled. If the Entry required indicator is set in the class characteristic, the master inspection o characteristic is a required characteristic, otherwise, it is an optional characteristic. The short text is taken from the class characteristic and proposed as the default text. o o
In addition to the short text, the search field is also taken from the class characteristic and proposed in the logon language as the default.
1.Create MIC's in QS21 2.Create Material specification in QS61 ,assign MIC's in Material specs. 3.In Material Master active QM view -->inspection type-->material specs You can use material specs along with Task list a well. 4.Create Inspection lot & Material specs will get asssign to the Inspection lot as a Inspection plan. 5.Do RR, & take UD.
1.Create MIC using QS21
2.Create material specs in QS61 & use MIC in material specs. 3. Activate material specs in QM view along with check char & auto assignment.(do not active inspec with task list) 4.Now create inspection lot & check the status as REL. Now do RR & take the UD
Check the Customizing table for inspection type 08(error while qm view assigning) Hi Team, I am trying to customize inspection type 08 for material specification only & NO task list. We are using only material specification, hence need to maintain it in inspection type customization. However I am asked to do " For this reason, a control key must be maintained in Customizing for the inspection type." Pls suggest me where to maintain this. ANS: Hi However I am asked to do " For this reason, a control key must be maintained in Customizing for the inspection type." As per my knowledge there is no such a customization need. only thing you need to maintain is default values of inspection type Qcc3>Q inspection>Maintain inspection setup default values. In Inspection 08 maintain Material specification tick & remove tick of Inspection with task list. Regards Sujit
The system does not allows you to deselect the Inspection by task list until you will do the below.
Mmo1: Create material by below qm view.
Upload initial stock, extend storage location and transfer the some qty to that storage location. The inspection lot will goes to creat.