: the following weeks on a daily &asis0 after that on a (onthly &asis. hat is the &est way to do this? A: Use the auto#atic auto#atic &eriod s&lit s&lit function. $%P Q: e have a lot si8e procedure here which is creating (ore order proposals. How do you set the li(it value for (a>i(u( nu(&er of $%P order proposals per date in I$@? A: Under custo#ization3 custo#ization3 try #aterials #anage#ent%consu#&tion #anage#ent%consu#&tion (ased &lanning%#aintain all &lants &lants
Q: hat is the difference &etween planned consu(ption and Bnplanned Bnplanned consu(ption? 2an safety stock calculation &e done on either of these? A: 0hile custo#izing custo#izing #ove#ent ty&es ,M/ ,M/ it is defined as to which set set of consu#&tion consu#&tion values gets &osted &osted during the #aterial #ove#ent. 1or so#e it #ay al ways (e the total consu#&tion and for so#e it is always the un&lanned one and for so#e it is de&endent on whether the issues were done with reference to a reservation ie.3 a &lanned consu#&tion. The way these consu#&tion values are taken into account in M$) is defined in the custo#izing of M$) ty&es. 1or $eorder &oint &lanning ,7M/ the total consu#&tion is used to calculate the safety stock and the reorder &oint. 1or 1orecast (ased &lanning ,77/ the total consu#&tion is used to (uild the forecast which will (e used to co#&ile the order &ro&osals. 1or Deter#inistic M$) ,)D/ the un&lanned consu#&tion is used to calculate the forecast which in turn is added to the actual de#and. Q: e want the syste( to run a single level $%P auto(atically on receipt of sales order. How to configure triggering event &ased $%P? A: This can can only (e run if #aterial #aster has &lanning strategy "= ,#ade%to%order/ in the M$)2 view. view. 0e need to run for other M$) ty&es. 0e have to create a user e>it in the sales order &rocessing ,7A;=/ ,7A;=/ to start M$) (ased on data fro# our sales transaction. Q: e have an asse(&ly *A* using a su&asse(&ly *)*. *)* in turn uses raw (aterial *2*. Ite( *A* is an $P5 and is duly (arked in $aterial $aster. Ite( *)* and *2* are (arked as *P=*. hen de(and for *A* is entered and $P5 is run 0 upto which level the require(ents are taken care of? A: M$) can can (e run de&ending on your your re+uire#ent. 1or e>a#&le: e>a#&le: ingle !te# * ingle 4evel fro# M) % Transaction Code MD"2 % nly the to& M) ite# , A in this case/ is &lanned and de&endent re+uire#ents will (e &assed to M$) ite# , ' / . $un M$)3 M$)3 Transaction MD;2 on ' to &lan it and all M$) ite#s (elow . ingle !te# * Multi 4evel fro# M) % Transaction Transaction Code MD"= % All levels are &lanned % A 3 ' C Total )lanning fro# M) online or (ackground % Transaction Code MD"; or MD' 0ithout #arking the check(o> @ )rocess M$) #aterials@ is like case , =/ a(ove and with the check(o> #arked is like case ,2 /.
Production !rders Q: e get an error (essage 2ontrol para(eters for scheduling not defined while creating test production !rders. hy? A: 'efore you you atte#&t creating creating )roduction orders3 configure your rder ty&es% Transaction Code )9 rder ty&e De&endent &ara#eters % Transaction Code )4E 'ackorder cheduling % Transaction Code M!9 cheduling 4evels % Transaction Code M!1
Q: e are trying to create Purchase %equisition fro( $%P run. e have (aterial 0 info %ecord0 5ource list 0 =e(and in place. $%P is always creating plan order. hy? A: Check the the &rocure#ent ty&e in M$) view of #aterial #aster. #aster. Check Check Create )urchase )urchase re+uisition indicator indicator while running M$). M$). !f you want &urchase re+uisitions to (e created in the o&ening &eriod3 select the for M$) control &ara#eter create &urchase re+uisitions as =.
Q: what is the option =ocu(ented goods (ove(ents on 5election of Individual !&Cect
Q: e would like to have a report4inquiry that would indicate variances 9(aterials0 (aterial quantities; &etween (aterial recipe and actual process orders. e tried $E$ &ut this gives us a list of purchasing docu(ents and not the consu(ption deviation. here can I get such consu(ption deviation 9(aster recipe Fs. ProcessG !rders;? A: Do a data collection collection first. Menu )ath % Accounting%Controlling%)roduct Accounting%Controlling%)roduct cost acctg%)rocess #fg%!nfor#ation syste#%Cost o(Fect hierarchy% data collection ,!f you are using order hierarchy you would select order hierarchy in &lace of cost o(Fect hierarchy in the #enu &ath./ Then3 Accounting%Controlling%)roduct Accounting%Controll ing%)roduct Cost Accounting%rder $elated $elated )roduction%!nfor#ation )roduction%!nfor#ation yste# Choose $e&ort )eriod Costing % Target*Actual Target*Actual &roduction variance
Q: e have two co(ponents 9 *+* 1 *,* ; in a production order in a process oriented production process. hen "/ nu(&ers of co(ponent *+* are issued0 we need the syste( to auto(atically issue // nu(&ers of co(ponent *,* &ased on ratio of to . here do I specify these ratios? A: 6ou 6ou can define the ratio in 'M and #aterial #ay (e issued issued with reference reference to 'M.
Q: e have two storage locations are *///* and */3//*. =efault storage location in Process order is always *///* hat deter(ines this default location? A: 4ook into notes: =;;B5B3 =;;B5B3 GH"IH3 IG2G23 EBE"H3 E2;HH3 E2;HH3 G"I"G. The torage location as configured in the u&&ly area has the highest &riority. &riority.
Q: e need to do @I of co(ponents to production order using )ack'flush. The co(ponent stock is (anaged in )atches. The )atch to &e &ack'flushed A: 0ith the following settings3 settings3 the (atches are selected the #o#ent #o#ent the &roduction order is released. =: et u& (atch deter#ination the way that the (atches in (atch selection are sorted the right way. way. e.g. sorted (y e>&iry date 2: Use auto#atic (atch selection in dis& view. H: nsure that the co#&onents are allowed to (e (ack%flushed ,#aterial #aster * work center/ is selected (y 1!1 fro# the issue storage location. 9ow can we set this u&J
Q: e want to report on several status co(&inations like each order that has status *ot deleted* and *ot technically co(pleted*. hat set up is required? A: Check transaction transaction C2E. !n the selection screen screen note the &ossi(le &ossi(le selection yste# yste# tatus tatus . 6ou 6ou can select TC for technically co#&lete an D4T for deleted fro# the list. elect the >cl. indicator also. 6ou #ay also try transaction C2G ,4ogistics % )roduction % )roduction control % Control % !nfor#ation syste#s % rder !nfo yste# % (Fect overview/. 'efore e>ecuting the transaction re&ort3 co#(inations of statuses can (e selected or e>clude the#.
Q: How can we shut off the auto(atic costing indicator and the auto(atic scheduling indicator indicator which go on when the production order is released? A: 1or @no auto#atic auto#atic costing@ follow the !M? !M? &ath )roduction % )roduction orders %Master data % rder % Define order ty&e de&endent &ara#eters elect the order ty&e for which u auto#atic costing is not re+uired. !n the controlling settings3 select @no auto#atic costing@ 1or @no auto#atic scheduling@ 3 follow the !M? &ath : )roduction %&erations % cheduling % Define control &ara#eters elect the order ty&e and go to details. Deselect @ auto#atic dates @ Alternatively3 Alternatively3 you can find indicators in the control key3 key3 which is in the the routing. Transaction Transaction )4E gives you costing costing indicators ,rder ty&e de&endent &ara#eters/3 and )U ,control ta(le for scheduling/ gives so#e scheduling o&tions.
Faria&le 5i8e Q: How can I use varia&le si8e ite(s? A: 1or e>a#&le3 consider an ite# A with with kg as (ase (ase Unit f Measure#ent,UM/ Measure#ent,UM/ and #H as stock kee&ing*issue kee&ing*issue unit. Conversion factor is =kg K 2." #H. !n the 'M of ' 3nu#(er of A re+uired are s&ecified ,say 5/. &ecify the H varia(le di#ensions i.e. length3 width thickness% say 2;;;## < H;;;## < "## K ;.;2" #H As &er 'M % ' 3 the +uantity +uantity of A re+uired is ;.;2" < 5 K ;.=2; #H !f a &roduction rder is released for =5 nu#(ers of ' 3 the +uantity of varia(le size unit will (e =.2; #H. 6ou can change the length3 width or thickness in the &roduction order check the resulting varia(le size ite# +uantity. +uantity. At the sa#e ti#e this re+uire#ent can (e seen in kg in stock*re+uire#ent stock*re+uire#ent list.
. 2an $%P &e carried out for one particular level of a &o( 9
http://www.saptechies.com/category/production-planning/page/0 )ill of (aterial 9)!$; A list list of all of the the ite#s that #ake u& a &roduct or asse#(ly. asse#(ly. The list is co#&lete for for its given &ur&ose3 &ur&ose3 has a for#al structure3 and states the na#e3 +uantity3 +uantity3 and unit of #easure for each co#&onent. A co#&rehensive )4M solution should offer su&&ort for the following categories of 'M: feature and re+uire#ents structures3 #aterial 'M3 docu#ent structure3 e+uient 'M3 functional location 'M3 sales order 'M3 and work (reakdown structure 'M. )!$ Transaction codes C;; 'M Menu C;= Create Material 'M
C;2 Change Material 'M C;H Dis&lay Material 'M C;5 Change Material 'M ?rou& C;G Dis&lay Material 'M ?rou& C;B Allocate Material 'M to )lant C;E Change Material 'M % )lant Alloc. C;I Dis&lay Allocations to )lant C== Dis&lay 'M 4evel (y 4evel C=2 Multilevel 'M C=H u##arized 'M C=" 'M Co#&arison C=5 ingle%4evel 0here%Used 4ist C2; Mass Change: !nitial creen C2= Mass Material Change: !nitial creen C22 Mass Docu#ent Change: !nitial creen C2H Mass Class Change: !nitial creen C25 Archiving for 'Ms C2G 'M deletion C2B $etrieval of 'Ms C2E Archiving for 'Ms CH= Create class 'M CH2 Change class 'M CHH Dis&lay class 'M C"; Create 4ink to Configura(le Material C"= Change Material Config. Allocation C"2 Dis&lay Material Config. Assign#ent C5= Create standard 'M C52 Change standard 'M C5H Dis&lay standard 'M CG= Create rder 'M CG2 Change rder 'M CGH Dis&lay rder 'M CB= Create 0' 'M CB2 Change 0' 'M CBH Dis&lay 0' 'M CB" Create #ulti%level 0' 'M CB5 Change #ulti%level 0' 'M CBG Dis&lay #ulti%level 0' 'M CE; Change Docu#ents for Material 'M CE= Change Docu#ents for tandard 'M CE2 Change docu#ents for sales order 'M CEH Change docu#ents for 0' 'M CE" Change docu#ents for class 'M CI; Material 'M -u#(er $anges CI= -u#(er $anges for tandard 'Ms CI2 -u#(er $anges for ales rder 'Ms
5AP Production variance %eport Check out so#e of the re&orting availa(le through Controlling K )roduct Cost Controlling K Cost (Fect Controlling K )roduct Cost (y rder K !nfor#ation yste# K u##arized Analysis K 0ith )roduct Drilldown K 7ariance Analysis. 1or so#e of these3 these3 you will want want to develo& a su##arization su##arization hierarchy and you will need to to run a data collection run ,(oth of these are found in the sa#e #enu &ath K Tools/. Tools/. Theres a variety of standard3 highly detailed variance re&orting availa(le. Another o&tion is to use C)A C)A % you you can #a& variance variance categories to different different value fields3 fields3 and do detailed variance variance re&orting fro# there.
In so(e of our proCects network activities gets the status $2- 9$anually confir(ed;. hat is triggering this syste( status and what is the consequence? MC-1 identifies that a Manual Confir#ation has taken &lace. i.e. in the )roFect 'uilder...through 'uilder...through ditActivityConfir# ditActivityConfir#
Confir#ations can also (e generated (y CAT CAT &ostings and in C-25 )C-1 #eans that a &artial confir#ation has taken &lace C-1 #eans that the activity has (een fully confir#ed