Descripción: A list of practical tips for preparing for the IOC. Disclaimer: This is not my piece of work.
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IOC Commentary Structure The Wholly Innocent
Intro -
‘The poem that I have been given is…’ Give a very brief summary of the poem, context and its message (don’t compare to
Dawe poems except for ‘this is exemplary of Dawe’s style) Explain the voice/speaker and the effect created Finish with your thesis
The poem I have been given is The Wholly Innocent. This poem is typical of Dawe’s subject matter in that it aims to give a voice to a ‘silent victim’, in this case an aborted fetus. As Dawe is a devout
Catholic, the poem takes an accusatory and passionate tone that serves as a call to action for readers to oppose abortion.
Structure -
‘Firstly, the str uctural features of the poem include…’
Provide reference points/examples/discuss in relation to your thesis
The poem takes a more rigid structur e compared to many of Dawe’s poems, with a strict rhyme structure giving the poem a songlike quality.
Style Language -
‘Additionally, Dawe uses various sound devices in his language choices…’
Provide reference points/examples/discuss in relation to your thesis
Techniques -
Finally, Dawe employs imagery and figurative language to…’ Provide reference points/examples/discuss in relation to your thesis
Conclusion -
Not just a summary Reflective – shows that you have thought about the poem – use first person Make a personal comment about its im pact on you and the conclusions that you’ve come to
Doctor to Patient Intro -
‘The poem that I have been given is…’ Give a very brief summary of the poem, context and its message (don’t compare to
Dawe poems except for ‘this is exemplary of Dawe’s style) Explain the voice/speaker and the effect created Finish with your thesis
The poem I have been given is The Wholly Innocent. This poem is typic al of Dawe’s subject matter in that it aims to give a voice to a ‘silent victim’, in this case an aborted fetus. As Dawe is a devout Catholic, the poem takes an accusatory and passionate tone that serves as a call to action for readers to oppose abortion.
Structure -
‘Firstly, the str uctural features of the poem include…’
Provide reference points/examples/discuss in relation to your thesis
The poem takes a more rigid structure compared to many of Dawe’s poems, with a strict rhyme
structure giving the poem a songlike quality.
Style Language -
‘Additionally, Dawe uses various sound devices in his language choices…’
Provide reference points/examples/discuss in relation to your thesis
Techniques -
Finally, Dawe employs imagery and figurative language to…’ Provide reference points/examples/discuss in relation to your thesis
Conclusion -
Not just a summary Reflective – shows that you have thought about the poem – use first person Make a personal comment about its im pact on you and the conclusions that you’ve come to