Apa yang diujikan? Sesi kedua, disebut juga sebagai sesi grammar , menguji kecakapan Anda terhadap standar formal aturan penulisan/grammar penulisan/grammar bahasa Inggris. Banyak aturan dapat berterima dalam percakapan (spoken) spoken) tapi tidak dalam penulisan (written (written). ). Anda harus menggunakan cara yang paling ekonomis (hemat aktu) dan matang (dengan baik) dan strategi yang terbaik dalam menjaab semua soal dalam sesi ini.
Skill apa yang harus Anda persiapkan? Anda harus betul!betul betul!betul mengetahui aturan aturan grammar yang benar dengan baik agar Anda dapat dengan cepat mengetahui jaaban mana yang tidak sesuai dengan grammar yang formal.
Pendekatan apa yang harus Anda gunakan untuk menjawab soal Part A Structure? ! "etahuilah baha petunjuk soal meminta Anda mengenali standar penulisan bahasa Inggris yang formal. ! "etahuilah baha Anda akan memilih satu jaaban yang paling benar untuk melengkapi jaaban. Boleh saja diantara beberapa jaaban bisa melengkapi kalimat tapi hanya ada satu yang paling benar.
Untuk pertanyaan Part A, Anda harus: #. $embaca semua kalimat, dan mencoba memasukkan pilihan jaaban yang tersedia. $isal masukkan terlebih dahulu pilihan jaaban A. %. &ika jaaban A tidak benar, cobalah untuk memikirkan kenapa tidak benar. '. &ika Anda sudah mengetahui kenapa jaaban A salah maka silahkan lanjut ke pilihan B, , dan . *. &ika masih saja tidak yakin, cobalah untuk mengingat rumus dari kalimat tersebut. +. &ika Anda tidak bisa mendapatkan jaaban yang paling benar, eliminasilah eliminasilah terlebih dahulu jaaban! jaaban yang jelas salah dan cobalah untuk menebak. menebak. Contoh: uring the aytona +, the lead car -----------, leaing the others far behind. A. forarded rapidly rapidly B. adanced rapidly . adanced forard rapidly . adanced in a rapidly manner Analisa soal 0al 0al yang pertama Anda lakukan yaitu yaitu mencoba memasukkan memasukkan jaaban A pada soal. Anda Anda dapat mengetahui baha jaaban A salah karena kalimat soal membutuhkan kata kerja sementara jaaban A tidak memiliki memiliki kata kerja. &ika &ika Anda Anda yakin baha kata kerja kerja advanced pada jaaban B sudah sesuai untuk mengisi kalimat di atas maka Anda tidak perlu lagi ke pilihan dan . 1api 1api jika anda kurang yakin Anda boleh lanjut ke pilhan . Anda melihat baha jaaban berlebih!lebihan karena terdapat dua kata yang mepunyai makna sama. Advance sama. Advance telah bermakna move bermakna move forward (maju). (maju). Sementara jaaban jaaban
kata rapidly (adverb) sebelum manner (noun) harusnya rapid (adjective) untuk membentuk suatu phrase (gabungan kata) yang benar. Ingat rumus (Adjectie 2 3oun) bukan (Aderb 2 3oun).
Pendekatan apa yang harus Anda gunakan untuk menjawab soal Part !ritten "#pression? ! 4agi, ingatlah baha Anda sedang mencari penulisan bahasa Inggris yang benar. ! Ingatlah baha Anda sedang mencari kata atau frasa (gabungan kata) yang salah, yang mesti diubah agar kalimat menjadi benar.
Untuk pertanyaan Part , Anda harus: #. $embaca seluruh kalimat soal. %. &ika Anda tidak menemukan jaaban yang salah dengan cepat. $aka ingatlah rumus!rumus yang Anda telah pelajari dan pastikanlah pilihan!pilihan jaaban yang benar. Contoh Soal $: In the united states, there are much holidays throughout the year. A B Analisa jaaban "etika Anda membaca kalimat secara keseluruhan Anda dapat mengetahui dengan cepat baha much tidak sesuai dengan kata holidays. $uch menandakan uncountable noun (benda tak bisa dihitung) sementara holidays dengan jelas merupakan kata benda yang bisa dihitung (countable noun). Contoh Soal $$: 1omatoes gros all year long in 5lorida A B Analisa jaaban &ika Anda menjaab dengan terburu!buru, hanya dengan melihat pilihan jaaban Anda bisa sja terkecoh dan memilih jaaban A dengan asumsi baha tomatoes ( plural /jamak) harusnya tomato (singular /tunggal) karena kata kerja grows berbentuk tunggal. 1api jika Anda membaca seluruh kalimat Anda akan mendapati baha konteks kalimat tidak mendiskusikan tentang satu tomat. 6lehnya jaaban yang Anda pilih yaitu jaaban B. Growsseharusnya grow .
Strategi %enjawab Soal &'"() Structure and !ritten "#pression Bacalah seluruh kalimat !!7 Ingatlah untuk menerapkan aturan!aturan grammar yang benar !!7 8liminasi jaaban yang jelas salah (9art A) atau benar (9art B)
Akhir kata, semoga soal 16854 Structure and :ritten 8;pression dan bahasan di baah ini dapat meningkatkan skor 16854 Anda.
Section * + Structure and !ritten "#pression 1his section is designed to measure your ability to recogni
Structure irections: >uestions #?* are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you ill see four ords or phrases marked A, B, and . hoose the one ord or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1hen, on your anser sheet, find the number of the =uestion and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the anser you hae chosen. 4ook at the folloing e;amples Example I @eysers hae often been compared to olcanoes ------- they both emit hot li=uids from belo the 8arths surface. A. due to B. because . in spite of . regardless of 1he sentence should read, @eysers hae often been compared to olcanoes because they both emit hot li=uids from belo the 8arths surface. 1herefore, you should choose anser B. Example II
uring the early period of ocean naigation, -------- any need for sophisticated instruments and techni=ues. A. so that hardly B. here there hardly as . hardly as . there as hardly 1he sentence should read, uring the early period of ocean naigation, there as hardly any need for sophisticated instruments and techni=ues. 1herefore, you should choose anser . 3o begin ork on the =uestions. #. 1he 3orth 9ole----------- a latitude of C degrees north. A. it has B. is haing . hich is haing . has %. 1he city of Beerly 0ills is surrounded on -------- the city of 4os Angeles. A. its sides B. the sides are
. it is the side of . all sides by '. -------- greyhound, can achiee speeds up to thirty!si; miles per hour. A. 1he B. 1he fastest . 1he fastest dog . 1he fastest dog, the *. $armots spend their time foraging among meado plants and floers or -------- on rocky cliffs. A. gets sun B. sunning . the sun . sunny +. 1he greenhouse effect occurs -------- heat radiated from the Sun. A. hen does the 8arthDs atmosphere trap B. does the 8arthDs atmosphere trap . hen the 8arthDs atmosphere traps . the 8arthDs atmosphere traps E. 1he Fose Bol, -------- place on 3e GearDs ay, is the oldest postseason collegiate football game in the Hnited States. A. takes B. it takes . hich takes . took . 8;periments -------- represent a giant step into the medicine of the future. A. using gene therapy B. use gene therapy . they use . gene therapy uses J. -------- off the 0aaiian coastline are liing, others are dead. A. :hile some types of coral reefs B. Some types of coral reefs . 1here are many types of coral reefs . oral reefs C. 3imbostratus clouds are thick, dark gray clouds -------- forecast rain. A. hat B. hich . hat they . hich they #. Some economists no suggest that home e=uity loans are merely a ne trap to push consumers beyond --------. A. they can afford B. they can afford it . hat is affordable . able to afford ##. 9eople ho reerse the letters of ords -------- to read suffer from dysle;ia. A. hen trying B. if they tried
. hen tried . if he tries #%. 5eatured at the 0enry 5ord $useum -------- of anti=ue cars dating from #JE+. A. is an e;hibit B. an e;hibit . an e;hibit is . hich is an e;hibit #'. Fubber -------- from ulcani
!ritten "#pression irections In =uestions +?#, each sentence has four underlined ords or phrases. 1he four underlined parts of the sentence are marked A, B, and . Identify the one underlined ord or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. 1hen, on your anser sheet, find the number of the =uestion and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the anser you hae chosen. 4ook at the folloing e;amples Example I @uppies are sometimes call rainbo fish because of the males bright colors A B
1he sentence should read, @uppies are sometimes called rainbo fish because of the males bright colors. 1herefore, you should choose anser A. Example II Sering seeral term in ongress, Shirley hisholm became an importantHnited States politician. A B
1he sentence should read, Sering seeral terms in ongress, Shirley hisholm became an important
Hnited States politician. 1herefore, you should choose anser B. 3o begin ork on the =uestions. #E. 6n the floor of the 9acific 6cean is hundreds of flat!topped mountains more than a mile A B beneath sea leel. #. Because of the flourish ith hich &ohn 0ancock signed the eclaratio n of Independence, A his name become synonymous ith signature. B
#J. Segregation in public schools as declare unconstitutional by the Supreme ourt in #C+*. A B #C. Sirius, the og Star, is the most brightest star in the sky ith an absolutemagnitude about A B tenty!three times that of the Sun. B
%. "iller hales tend to ander in family clusters that hunt, play, and restingtogether . A B
%#. Some of the most useful resistor material are carbon, metals, and metallicalloys. A B
%%. 1he community of Bethesda, $aryland, as preious knon as arcys Store. A B
%'. Alloys of gold and copper hae been idely using in arious types of coins. A B
%*. &. 0. 9ratt used group therapy early in this century hen he brought tuberculosis patients A B together to discuss its disease.
%+. 1he Hnited States has import all carpet ools in recent years becausedomestic ools are A B too fine and soft for carpets.
%E. Iring Berlin rote 6h 0o I 0ate to @et Hp in the $orning hile sering ina H.S. Army
during :orld :ar #.
%. Banks are rushing to merge because consolidations enable them to slashtheirs costs A B and e;pand.
%J. 1hat ater has a ery high specific heat means that ithout a large temperature change A B ater can add or lose a large number of heat.
%C. Benny @oodman as e=ually talented as both a ja<< performer as ell as aclassical A B musician. '. 1he state seal still used in $assachusetts designed by 9aul Feere, hoalso designed A B the first ontinental currency.
'#.>uarter horses ere deeloped in eighteenth!century! Kirginia to race oncourses short of A B about a =uarter of a mile in length.
'%. 3o longer satisfied ith the emphasis of the enishan School, $artha @raham has moed A B to the staff of the 8astman School in #C%+. ''. :illiam 0art as an act best knon for his roles as estern heroes in silent films. A B
'*. 9rior to an e;termination program earlier this century, alie oles roamedacross nearly all A B of 3orth America.
'+. uring the #CEs the Berkeley campus of the Hniersity of alifornia came to national
attention as a result its radical political actiity.
'E. Artist @ut
'. It is proing less costly and more profitably for drug makers to marketdirectly to patients. A B
'J. Sapphires eighing as much as to pounds hae on occasion mined. A B
'C. 4ike snakes, li
*. Banks, saings and loans, and finance companies hae recently been doinghome e=uity A B loans ith greater fre=uency than eer before.
Pembahasan awaban: Hntuk Part A -tructure kami tidak membahasnya melalui postingan ini mengingat akan sangat membutuhkan aktu yang tidak sedikit untuk menaganalisa soal atau pilihan jaaban satu persatu. 0anya saja Anda dapat melihat sedikit pembahasan untuk Part ! - "ritten Expression# &ika Anda ingin menanyakan pembahasan terkait soal!soal tertentu Anda boleh bergabung ke grup facebook Belajar @rammar 16854 (HI3 Alauddin $akassar).
Part A - Structure B AA BAA BA
Part - !ritten "#pression . Pembahasan #E. B ! are !!7 masuk dalam kategori Inersion. Subjek kalimat adalah hundreds of flat!topped mountains. #. ! became !!7 signed (past) paralel dengan became (past) bukan become ( present)
#J. B ! as declared !!7 9assie Koice (Be 2 KIII) #C. A ! the brightest star !!7 Ingat aturan omparison degree !Supelatie %. ! rest !!7 0unt, play, and rest together (0arus paralel) %#. ! materials !!7 kata kerjanya are jadi butuh subjek yang plural. Some of ... material menandakan plural %%. B ! preiously !!7 knon berbentuk sebagai adjectie. (Ad 2 Adj). %'. ! used !!7 hae been 2 KIII %*. ! their !!7 their merujuk ke patients %+. A ! imported !!7 has 2 KIII %E. ! the !!7 in the H.S. Army %. ! their !!7 their 2 3oun. 1hiers 2 3oun %J. ! amount !!7 heat menandakan uncountable noun. Amount (untuk uncountable noun) dan number (untuk countable noun) %C. ! and !!7 (both 2 and) '. B ! as designed by !!7 butuh kata kerja (as) '#. B ! short courses !!7 (Adjectie 2 3oun) bukan (3oun 2 Adjectie) '%. ! moed !!7 terdapat tahun di kalimat. $aka perlu kata kerja simple past (moed) bukan has moed (past perfect) ''. A !actor !!7 kalimat bermaksud pelakunya (actor) '*. ! lie !!7 alie terletak dibelakang kalimat. 4ie (adjectie) 2 3oun '+. ! result of !!7 result 2 of (berpasangan) 'E. B ! the project !!7 on the project (frasa yang sudah umum) '. B ! profitable !!7 co stly (adjectie) !!7 profitable (adjectie). 0arus paralel. 9rofitably (aderb) 'J. ! been mined !!7 hae been 2 KIII 'C. ! other !!7 other 2 noun. 6ther s 2 3oun *. B ! making !!7 pelajari perbedaan do dan make
Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences 1. Mother Theresa dedicated her life for those ---- were iii, poor and lived on the streets of Calcutta. A) where B) who C) when D) whom E) which . The television and motion picture industries fail ---- the dan!ers of dru! a"use accuratel#. A) to "e portra#ed B) havin! portra#ed C) to portra# D) "ein! portra#ed E) to have "een portra#ed $. % seem to remem"er that the last time w e met % did most of tal&in!, so perhaps % should let #ou ---- the tal&in! this time. A) to have done B) do
C) to do D) doin! E) havin! done '. Archaeolo!ists are plannin! ---- the mumm# of Tutan&hamen to solve the m#ster# of his death. A) removin! B) to "e removed C) havin! removed D) to remove E) "ein! removed (. lan to stud# #our most difficult or challen!in! classes durin! the time of the da# ---- #ou are most alert. A) which B) whose C) when D) whom E) who *. The anticipation ---- "iolo!ical and chemical weapons would "e used caused unprecedented stress for the troops. A) which B) that C) where D) wh# E) when +. The illness we call a cold is not related to ---- appropriatel# #ou dress for the outside temperature. A) what B) when C) how D) which E) wh# . %n ancient times, thieves were punished severel# "# cuttin! the hand ---- was used while stealin! from the wrist. A) whose B) which C) who D) when E) where . Ever#one needs ---- down "# havin! a famil# "ecause it is important for civili/ation to continue. A) to settle B) settlin! C) "ein! settled D) to settlin! E) havin! settled 10. %t is not ri!ht to "urden a friend with a pro"lem ---- #ou can solve #ourself. A) whom B) wh# C) who D) that E) whose
awaban Soal &es &oe/l 0ratis $&P1P& P& &elkom &erbaru 1. . $. '.
B) who C) to portra# B) do D) to remove
(. C) when *. B) that +. C) how . B) which . A) to settle 10. D) that