This contains both single and multiplayer, I wrote this for fun, not to gain any profit from it. :rolleyes: All Jedi Academy Cheats (For real! "ingle #layer $ersion "uccess rate: %&&.&&' ello there )oo*ing for cheats+ ell you-e hit the /ac*pot I am currently ma*ing a cheat manual for this game, and I thin* that I am almost finished. This guide pretty much coers eerything, so happy cheating "tar ars: Jedi 0night: Jedi 0night 1:Jedi Academy "ingle #layer Cheat 2uide ritten by 3rian "talemo This does not support anything, and is not copyrighted. Feel free to ta*e these cheats and do whateer you want with them. hat gamers are saying: 4This is the most most complete complete guide I� e eer seen online, online, it een een tells you how to find the cheat codes yourself, as well as other information I neer een *new4 $ersion %.& to %.%: There are two types of cheats, "I52)6 #)A768, and 9)TI;#)A768. 5ote that some of these may not wor* if you hae later ersions of Jedi Academy. 5ote that many of the cheats are not listed, only the important ones. These will be listed in alphabetical order. 0eep in mind that these codes are mostly only only ersion ersion %.& codes codes because I don� t *now the codes codes for the the newer ersions. I do howeer< hae the %.% ersion so some of these codes may only wor* on the %.% ersion. The 9ultiplayer section is at the end of the guide, =>1rds of the way through. Console "earching: In the console, type #A26;#, and #A26;?@5 to scroll up and down. Type a letter and type TA3 to see all the commands that begin with that letter. "ome of the commands may not be listed li*e 4taunt4 for instance. Type the # arrow to go to the last entered tet. This is the way I found cheats myself Type 4<4 to enter multiple cheats. 6ample: 4"aber singleB1< sabercolor % yellow4. Type 4Clear4 to clear all the tet in the console. pdates and 6tras: If you are loo*ing for updates, I got the %.% ersion on and there are also downloads that do cool things li*e ma*e your lightsaber a flashlight on www./* Anyway, good luc* with these things. And try going to for game demos, lin*s to the official sites, purchasing games, and more 2o to for cheat codes, and to search for anything relating to "tar ars.>products>/ediacademy> is the official site for the game, and there is a shorter way to spell it www.sw/, and it will go to the same site anyway. Also, you may go to to get a free download of winip, allowing you to unip the files that you-e downloaded online. 0eyboard Combinations: A)T D 65T68 E "witches the game between full screen and not full screen. A)T D TA3 E 2oes bac* to the des*top>game. 5@T6: This only wor*s once, unless you hae another application open. "IFT D - or E @pens the cheat console, allowing you to enter cheat codes. "I52)6 #)A768: To enter cheats push shift D tilde, (or whateer the button to the left of the 4%>4 *ey is.! and then type 4demapall4 to enable cheats. 5@T6: 7ou may actually type 4helpusobi %4 instead of 4demapall4. Table of Contents: se this handy part to guide you around the guide.
"ingle #layer Codes A;9 "ingle #layer Codes 5;G "ingle, and 9ultiplayer 9aps 5#C, Item, and "aber Codes "ingle #layer ints, and 2litches 9ultiplayer 8egular 9ap Codes 9ultiplayer Cheat 9ap Codes, and 9ultiplayer ints, and 2litches "ingle #layer Cheats: ;hat the Cheat ?oes: ;6tra Information: Addsaberstyle ("T7)6!;Adds a type of style to your lightsaber. "tyles are: Fast, 9edium, "trong, ?esann, Taion, ?ual, and "taff. 3ind (067! (C6AT!;3inds a certain *ey to a cheat code;This is incredibly helpful sometimes. Cinematic ($ideo File!;Type 4?ir roH4 to find ideo files. This plays the moies, but will eit the current leel you are on, or may restart it. CgBcrosshairsie (!;Changes the sie of your crosshair. CgBdebughealthbars %;?isplays health bars so that you may see your allies and foes health. CgBdrawcrosshair (;1 to !;Changes the crosshair type to twele different types of crosshairs. 4;14 is my faorite; 4CgBdrawcrosshair &4 disables the crosshair. CgBdrawbreath (%;=!;6nables foggy breathing. CgBdrawstatus &; Allows you to turn off the ud so that you can ta*e a screenshot li*e a leelshot without permanently disabling the ud. To turn it bac* on, type 4CgBdrawstatus %4. CgBdrawtimer CgBdrawtimer %;Tells %;Tells you you how long long you� e been playing. playing. CgBdraw=d &;?oes the same thing as CgBdrawstatus &. CgBendcredits %;#lays the credits song and displays credits with game running in bac*ground. arning:ill restart the game if you *eep this code actie till the end. CgBfo ; Far out mode. CgBshadows 1;6nables shadows. CgBsimpleitems (&>%!;= dimensional weapons and items that you can sometimes see through walls @FF>@5. CgBthirdpersoncameradamp &; Cinematic mode. ;Camera changes only when you disappear from sight. CgBthirdpersonrange (!;Changes the camera distance in third person iew. CgBthirdpersonertoffset ;K&; 9ouse mode. CgBthirdpersonertoffset %&& D CgBthirdpersonpitchoffset %&&; @erhead iew. CgBturnanims %; Twitching characters and player when you moe the mouse. Clear;Clears all the tet in the console. ClByawspeed %&&&;Allows you to spin around really fast by turning. 5ot much of a code in "ingle #layer though. Cmdlist;"hows you a list of some of the cheat codes. Control (5#C Target name!;Type 45pc score4 to find the target names of 5#C-s, this allows you to control other 5#C-s Type 4Control4 to regain control of your character. ;ith this, you can een control cutscene characters. Carlist;"hows you another list of more of the cheat codes. ?emap (9apname!;3rings you a certain leel with cheats actie. 9ap names are listed later.
?emapall;6nables cheats. ?emapall (9apname!;?oes the same thing as 4?emap4. 9ap names are listed later. ?emapbsp, mdl, snd (9apname!;?oes the same thing as ?emap, map names are listed later. ?ir ()etter! (Filename>FiletypeL@#TI@5A)L!;elps you search for particular files. ?B/ediAI %;+ ?BnpcAI %;+ ?Bnpcfreee (%>&!;Freees>nfreees non;player characters. ?Bslowmodeath (%>&!;Turns a slow;motion death @5>@FF.;4?Bslowmodeath 4 ma*es you always die in slow;motion. 6cho (T6MT!;?isplays tet on the console, or on main screen if bound. 6ntitylist;"hows you a list of some spawnable items, and other things. 2ie (Items, eapons, Armor, ealth, 6tc.!;Automatically gies you whateer item desired. 42ie4 commands are listed later. 2od;9a*es you inulnerable. (6cept to a rancor eating you and death drops.! 2BAIsurrender (%;!;Allows the 5#Cs to surrender sometimes. 2Bcorpseremoaltime (&;!;8emoes any dead bodies Huic*er, or slower. ;42Bcorpseremoaltime &4 ma*es it so that the corpse won� t go away at all. 2Bdebugdamage %;Tells you how much damage you� re bringing as well as how much damage you� re getting. 2Bdebugmelee %;Type this after you type 42ie eaponBmelee4 to perform combo moes. 2Bdebugmoe %;?raws lines when you wal* right net to something. 2Bdebugsaberloc* %;9a*es saber loc*s more probable. 2Bdismemberment (&;1!;9a*es dismemberment more>less probable, but it may only wor* in multiplayer. 2Bgraity (&;!;Changes the graity in the game. ;42Bgraity &4 allows you to fly around, but it� s hard to control. 2B*noc*bac* (!; Affects the power of some pro/ectile weapons, and force powers. 2B5#Cdebug %;+ 2Bsaberpic*uppabledroppedsabers %; Allows you to pic*up dropped lightsabers, and use them to your adantage ;#ic*ing up two 4"ingle "abers4 ma*es you enter 4?ual "abers4 mode. 2Bsaberanimspeed (.%;=!;?ifferent speed lightsaber 2Bsabermoespeed &;7our player stays put wheneer you push the 4Attac*4 *ey. 2Bspeed (&;!;Changes your players speed only. 2Bsps*ill (&;N!;Changes difficulty after Huic*sae>Huic*load or starting a new mission (If done out of leel!. &E#adewan %EJedi =EJedi 0night 1EJedi 9aster N and pEthis will progressiely increase the difficulty. 2Bsubtitles %; 9a*es it so that when you play cut scenes there will be tet at the bottom that tells you what they� re saying. In other words, it ma*e subtitles appear. andicap (!; 9ay decrease or increase game difficulty, but I don� t *now how. elpusobi %;6nables cheats /ust li*e 4?emapall4. elpusobi &;?isables cheats so that you can� t type them, or they will say 4n*nown C9?4. I*now*ungfu;6nables melee mode fighting (and;to;and combat!. ow to do Combos: Attac* D Alternate Attac* E 2rab D #unch D #unch D #unch Attac* D Alternate Attac* D Forward E Foothold D Floor "lam D Floor "lam
Attac* D Alternate Attac* D 3ac*ward E 2rab 3ehind D Cho*e D Throw Imagelist;)ists all the graphics. Ingamecinamatic (ideo file!;Type 4?ir roH4 to find ideo files, this will play the moie, than go bac* to the game. ;6ample: 4Ingamecinamatic ideo>/a%=4. 0ill;9a*es you perform suicide. ;se this if you are stuc* in an area, and can-t get out. )eelshot;This is li*e a 4"creenshot4, only without the ?. A85I52: 7ou will not be able to get the ? bac*, until net time you play. 9ap (map name!;se this li*e demap, only won-t hae cheats actie. 9aps are listed later. 9apname;Tells you the map that your in. 9odellist;)ists all models, I thin*. 9usic (music file!;Type 4?ir m mp14 to find music files, this will play a song from the game. ;6ample: 49usic /un14. 5a; 9ess with this code a little bit. 5a gotonum;This ta*es you to the center of the leel. 5oclip;Allows you to fly around, go through solids, and only a rancor can touch you, but not *ill you. 5otarget;9a*es you inisible to foes, but it won� t wor* on 3@Ts in multiplayer. 5pc *ill (Target name!;Type 45pc score4 to find the target names of 5#C-s, this *ills the 5#C. 5pc *ill all;0ills all the 5#C-s. 5pc *ill team (team name!;0ills a group of 5#C-s. 5pc score;Tells you names>targetnames of all the current 5#Cs. 5@T6:"pawned 5#Cs won-t hae target names. Team names are: #layer;0ills all your teammates, 6nemy;0ills all foes, 5eutral;0ills /awas, bartenders, and stuff, and 5onally;0ills all but your teammates. 5pc spawn;Allows you to spawn a certain 5#C. 5#C-s are listed later. 5pc spawn ehicle;Allows you to spawn a certain ehicle. $ehicles are listed later. #ano %;"hows camera shots in a full circle. Circle bullet time. #anonumshots (%;K&!;"ets the number of camera shots for the 4pano %4 code, the more the shots, the more you see. 5ote that you cannot do anything when the 4pano %4 code is actie. 7ou can do an infinite number of shots, but it is recommended that you do only up to K& shots, or else the 4#ano %4 code will ta*e foreer, not allowing you to play the game. #lay (sound file!;type 4dir s4 to find sound files, this plays a sound. #layermodel (9odel here later. #layersae (+!;+ #layerteam (player 5#C-s. #layer teams are: #layer;Against bad attac* them, Free;
name!;Changes your appearance, a list of player models will be
team name!;Changes your team so that you are against certain
guys, 6nemy;Against good guys, 5eutral;Against no one unless you (5ot listed! Against eeryone
Ouit;Ouits the game. 8Bambientscale (&;1!;?ar*er>3righter player and 5#Cs. 8Bambientscale ; ;"weet cheat 8ainbow colored, color changing 5#Cs, characters, and some world ob/ects. Type a smaller number for less color change. Too bad you can� t do this with your lightsaber. 8emember, that� s seen nines you must enter. 8Bambientscale ; ;This is another sweet cheat "hadow 5#Cs, player, and some world ob/ects. A few of the world ob/ects may be rainbow colored. 8emember, that�s eight nines instead of seen. 8Bdebugstyle %;?ar* 5#Cs and some dar* world ob/ects. 8Bdebuglight %;eird, sHuare, glitchy, siler bubbles will now follow your player. 8Bgamma (&;1!;Changes the contrast of the game. 8Bnobind %;3e sure to type 48Bnobind &4 when you want to go bac* to normal. "iler polygon world. 8Bnoghou)= %;9a*es eery 5#C and you inisible to you. 8Bshownormals %;Cactus world. 8Bshows*y %;9a*es eerything aboe you inisible. 8Bshowtris (%;=!;ire frame world. 8Bshowtriscolor (&;P!;se after the 48Bshowtris4 code. Changes the colors of the lines. 8Bwe (weather name!;Changes the weather, type 48Bwe4 to see all the weathernames. ;48Bwe clear4 clears all the weather. This cheat may ta*e freee the game for a few seconds howeer. 8BFasts*y %;9a*es the s*y dar*er. 8Bflares %;6nables spar*ly light. 8Bfullbright %;Flouresent lighted world D older game loo*. 8Blodbias (&;=!;9ay ma*e players muscular or wimpy. 8Blodscale (&;=!;9a*es players loo* less>more realistic. 8Bprimities 1;"urrealistic world. It is o*ay to mess with this code, as long as you don�t type any number aboe 1. 8Bnear %&&; ?isappearing player.;7ou may eperiment with the code if you wish. "aber ("aber>s!;"abers are listed later, changes your saber. "abercolor ("aber! (Color!;Changes your sabers color. Colors are: 8ed, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. If you want a double;bladed saber to be two different colors, type, 4"abercolor % (Color! (Color!4. "creenshot;Ta*es a screenshot, screenshot files can be found in C>#8@28A9 FI)6">)CA"A8T">"TA8 A8">2A96?ATA>3A"6>"C8665"@T". ;This wor*s best if it is bound to a *ey, since you may not want to ta*e a picture of the console too. Type 48Bdrawhud &4 to ta*e screenshot without the ?. 48Bdrawhud %4 changes it bac*. "etob/ectie (@b/ectie ! (?isplay "tatus! ("tatus!;6periment with this one, it may change your ob/ecties, but I don-t *now how. "etiewpos (M 7 G 7A!;Teleports you to indicated coordinates, use with the 4$iewpos4 code. ;4"etiewpos & & & &4 teleports you to the center of the leel. Changing 7our Force and "aber #owers: The following codes will change your stats to your choosing. "etsaberall (&;Q!;"ets all your stats that hae to do with saber combat to indicated . Type in 4"etforceall4 to see your force status. 9ay not wor* sometimes. "etforceall (&;Q!;"ets all your stats to indicated . "etsaberthrow (&;1!;"ets your saber throwing leel to indicated . "etsaberoffense (&;Q!;"ets your saber offense leel to indicated . "etsaberdefense (&;1!;"ets your saber defense leel to indicated . "etforce/ump (&;1!;"ets your /ump height to indicated . "etforceheal (&;1!;"ets your healing leel to indicated .
"etforcepush (&;1!;"ets your pushing power to indicated . "etforcepull (&;1!;"ets your pulling power to indicated . "etforcespeed (&;1!;"ets your force speed leel to indicated . "etforcegrip (&;1!;"ets your force grip power to indicated . "etforcelightning (&;1!;"ets your lightning leel to indicated . "etmindtric* (&;N!;"ets your hypnosis leel to indicated . ;Any aboe 1 allows you to control 5#C-s for a brief period of time by using mind tric*. "etforceprotect (&;1!;"ets your force protecting leel to indicated . "etforcedrain (&;1!;"ets your draining power to indicated . "etforceabsorb (&;1!;"ets your absorbing power to indicated . "etforcerage (&;1!;"ets your rage power to indicated . "e (m or f!;"et your oice in the cut scenes to be manly or girly. "nd (JadenBmle or JadenBfmle!;"et your oice to be manly or girly. "oundlist;?isplays a list of all the sound. "oundstop;"tops the sound and music, *eep in mind that some sound and music won-t stop. "pawn (@b/ect!;"pawns an ob/ect in front of you. @b/ects are listed later. "Bmusicolume (!;Changes the olume of the music. ; 4"Bmusicolume &4 mutes the music. "B$olume (!;Changes the olume of eerything but the music. "Bolumeoice (!;Changes the olume of 5#Cs oices, as well as your own. Thereisnospoon;3rief bullet;time. ;Compare with the 4#ano %4 code. Timescale (.&&%;!;Changes the speed of the game. Toggleconsole;Closes the console. 3ind to a *ey to instantly go bac* to the console by tapping that *ey. iBstatsB(TA3!;Type 4iBstatsB4 and then type TA3 until you find the stat you want to change for the current mission. hen the mission is complete, and you see your score thing, it will show you the stats. This may wor* only sometimes. nbind (067!;ill remoe the commands of that *ey. ;nbindall remoes all the commands from all the *eys. ndying;"ets your health to . ;Type, 42ie armor4 to set your armor to too. $iewlog (%>&!; @pens>Closes the actual console. $iewpos;Type this to see where you are. ;se with the 4"etiewpos4 code. $ersion;Tells you what ersion your game is, 6ample: I updated my game, so its ersion: %.&.%.&. eapon (L;&! Changes your weapon, type 4eapon4 to put away all weapons. here (Type of @b/ect!;Tells you where to find certain ob/ects. @b/ects are: Item, eapon, 9isc, Ammo, Info, )ightsaber, and #layer. se with the 4"etiewpos4 code. Goom;Allows you to use binoculars, but the battery wears out after awhile. Type 42ie itemBbattery4 to get more battery power for this thing.
Actions:Try doing these; 9editate;#layer 9editates. 2loat;#layer 2loats. Flourish;#layer Flourishes. 3ow;#layer 3ows. Taunt;#layer taunts. 9ap )ist:ere are the lists of maps to be used with the map, or demap codes. If you hae the %.% ersion, you may use multiplayer maps in single player, and ice; ersa. "ingle #layer 9aps 7ain%;%st leel. 7ain%b;This is the %st leel ecept you don-t hae to endure the long cut scenes. Academy%;here you first enter the academy, after the %st leel, and right before you train. 7ain=;Training area. T%Bsour;The %st mission. T%Bsurprise;Tus*en 8aider leel. T%Bfatal;the laeel where you hae to disable the bombs. T%Bdanger;"andcreature leel. T%Brail;Tram mission. T%Binter;=nd cutscene with 8osh in the academy. Academy=;The =nd cutscene in the academy leading up to the oth leel. oth=;The leel with the tauntauns and the snow. oth1;6cho base Academy1;The cutscene after the oth leel and before the %st mission group, this is also where you get to change lightsaber styles. T=Brancor;8ancor leel. T=Btrip;The leel where you get to ride the swoop. T=Bwedge;The leel where help the guy in the ;wing attac* the imperials. T=Brogue;Assassin droid leel. T=Bdpred;8a Joris leel. (8a is the guy that ta*es your lightsaber.! AcademyN;The one in the academy the =nd mission group, and right before the $/un leel where you trael with 0yle. $/un%;The one where trael with 0yle through the acid rain. $/un=;The middle leel in the 4$/un4 series. $/un1;The one where you beat up 8osh. AcademyK; The one right after you beat up 8osh. In this one you can also change your saber type. T1Brift;Crystal cae leel. T1Bstamp;The leel with the dreaded 9utant 8ancor. T1Bheil;5oghri leel. T1Bbyss; This is the mission that 8osh failed to complete. T1Bbounty;3oba Fett leel. AcademyR; This is the final academy map, leading up to the last four leels. Taspir%;This leel is li*e the Taspir one in 9ultiplayer. Taspir=; This is the leel where you ma*e a choice to go to the light side or the dar* side. 0or%; This is the second to last leel. 0or=;)ast leel where you fight Taion at the end. 9ulti;#layer 9aps (rite downloaded maps net to the ones I already typed.! 9p>ffa%;$/un "entinel 9p>ffa=;0orriban Tombs 9p>ffa1;Tattoine City 9p>ffaN;8ift "anctuary 9p>ffaK;Taspir ()i*e the one in "ingle #layer! 9p>due)%;3espin Courtyard
9p>due)=;2enarater 8oom 9p>due)1;Imperial "haft 9p>due)N;Imperial Control 8oom 9p>due)K;Taspir )anding 9p>due)R;7ain Training Area 9p>due)Q;8ancor #it 9p>due)P;Abandoned City 9p>due);oth Canyon 9p>due)%&;$/un Fuel #rocessing 9p>ctf%;Imperial ?rop Gone 9p>ctf=;oth asteland 9p>ctf1;7ain illtops 9p>ctfN;Courasant "treets 9p>ctfK;Factory 9p>siegeBdesert;?esert 8escue 9p>siegeBhoth;3attle of oth 9p>siegeB*orriban;4"top dar* Jedi from resurrecting 8agnos4 "uper "ecret Areas: I hae found some areas that you can only enter by using cheat codes< these are the coordinates of the areas. The ones with the L net to them are really cool. To get in these areas, /ust type 4"etiewpos ( &!4. The � s are listed here. 8ead the 9ap 5ames section to find out which maps these are in, and be sure you typed & at the end. 6ample: 4"etiewpos %NQ% ;NQK= 1=K &4 ae fun eploring all these areas. 7ou might een find some yourself because I didn� t list them all. 7ain%; (R==R ;=RN1 K=&! (%== %%%Q =%%! (=%&& 1PN& N=PL!, 7ain=; (%NQ% ;NQK= 1=K! (=&NR ;K&%Q RRQ! (;=K& ;KQQQ K1=! (;1PP ;=QN NQK! (N1R K%QN %&L!, T%Bsour; (1RN ;R1NQ 11=L! (%&& ;RN%R NRQ! (%&PK= ;NQ= %=R! (=NNP ;R&N ;%&K!, T%Bsurprise; (RQPR ;K&&1 Q1! (=Q=K %QPK %=N1! (RPQ1 P=R %NKR! (1RK K1PP QPN! (=Q= K%1P %NK!, T%Bdanger; (;%Q& ;K&RK =PPK!, oth=; (11& ;1K1P %Q! (;N&QQ ;K%R %1&N!, T=Brogue; (;1=&Q ;Q1&1 ;1Q! (PNNR ;QN Q1=! (NK1N ;R1&1 ;%=N%L!, T=Bdpred; (;%P%1 ;=KQ 1QL! (1=RK ;N%Q= &! (;=%KK ;%&Q1 =1P! T1Bheil; (K%& ;1NQ ;%R=Q! (K1P %PR% K1! T1Bbyss; (%1PR ;%=%Q =KP! 0or%; (R=P %N=% ;=NK! (=RP %N ;1R%&L! 0or=; (=%%P 1%%K ;%P%1! (%%KN ;NP ;%K=%! (%=R== %KK ;=PPNL! (%1=QR 1N%= ;=PRNL! (%1=KP 1PN ;=RPNL! 9p>ffaK; (%PK& ;%Q1N %=%QL! (=&RN ;%QR& ;N%1L! (;%Q% ;1=== %N1K! (;%& =&N% =%QNL!. 5pc )ist:ere are the 5#C-s, to be used with the 45pc spawn4 and 4playermodel4 command. "ometimes they may do weird things, other times some may spawn a different 5pc than it-s supposed to, this will be listed if it happens to me. If they hae a L net to them, than they can� t be spawned in multiplayer. Allies Jedi, Jedif, /edi=, /edimaster, /editrainer, /ediBrandom (8andom Jedi!, /ediBhf%, /ediBhf=, /ediBhm%, /ediBhm=, /ediB*dm%, /ediB*dm=, /ediBrm%, /ediBrm=, /ediBtf%, /ediBtf=, /ediBf%, /ediBf=, merchant, rebel, rebel=, see*er, )u*e, 0yle, *yleBboss, roshBpenin, roshBpeninBnoforce, Jan, lando, chewie, monmothma. ?ownloaded Allies:rite here a list of 5#C allies that you-e downloaded from the internet.
5eutral Characters 3artender, elder, elder=, gon*, /awa, mouse L, nulldrier, prisoner, prisoner=, protocol (C1#@!, protocolBimp, r=d=, r=d=Bimp, rKd=, rKd=Bnpc L, rKd=Bimp, roc*s (inisible!, test (e is supposed to be an ally, but he won� t do anything to help you.!, morgan*atarn, /awaBarmed (ill cause erorr< no /awa gun, it only wor*s in multiplayer!.
?ownloaded 5eutral Characters:rite here a list of 5#C neutral characters that you-e downloaded from the internet.
Foes (5#C-s with a 4(=!4 by them hae two types< 6ample: rebornBstaff, and rebornBstaff=! assassinBdroid, bespincop, bespincop=, cultist, cultistBdestroyer (This guy drains all surrounding health, and dissapears!, cultistBdrain, cultistBlightning, cultistBgrip, cultistBsaber, cultistBsaber=, cultistBsaberBthrow (=!, cultistBsaberBmed (=!, cultistBsaberBmedBthrow (=!, cultistBsaberBstrong (=!, cultistBsaberBstrong (=!, cultistBsaberBstrongBthrow (=!, cultistBsaberBall (=!, cultistBsaberBallBthrow %(=!, cultistcommando, gala*Bmech, glider, gran, gran=, granboer, granshooter, haardtrooper, haardtrooperconcussion, haardtrooperofficer, humanBmerc, humanBmercBbow, humanBmercBrep, humanBmercBflc, humanBmercBcnc, humanBmercB*ey, impcommander, imperial, impofficer, impwor*er, interrogator, minemonster, mar*%, mar*=, player ("pawns your eil twin, this guy is mar*ed as a bad guy, but won�t attac* unless you bother him.!, probe, reborn, rebornacrobat, rebornfencer, rebornforceuser, rebornboss, rebornchiss, rebornrodian, reborntrandoshan, rebornweeHuay, rebornBnew(=!, rebornBdual(=!, rebornBstaff(=!, rebornmaster, rebornmasterdual, rebornmasterstaff, remote, *othos, d*othos, roc*ettroper(=!, roc*ettrooper(=!officer, roc*ettrooperBer%, rodian(=!, saberBdroid L, saberBdroidBtraining L, saboteur, saboteurcommander, saboteurpistol, saboteursniper, sandBcreature, sandBcreatureBfast, sentry, snowtrooper, stcommander, stofficer, stofficeralt, stormpilot, stormtrooper(=!, swamptrooper(=!, taion, taionBnew, taionBscepter, taionBsithBsword, trandoshan (8andom colors!, tus*en, tus*ensniper, ugnaught, ugnaught=, weeHuay, weeHuay=, weeHuay1, weeHuayN (8andom colors!, ragnos, roshBdar*, rancor, rancorBmutant (unspawnable!, wampa, howler, shadowtrooper(=!, alora, aloraBdual, bobaBfett (undefeatable!, desann, gala*, lanni*Bracto, ra, noghri (8emember, these guys are against eerybody!, reelo. ?ownloaded Foes:rite here a list of 5#C foes that you-e downloaded from the internet.
$6IC)6": se these with the 45pc spawn ehicle4 command. AtstBehicle, lambdashuttle, rancorBehicle, swoop, swoopBcin, swoopBmp, swoopBmp=, swoopBred, tauntaun, template, tie;bomber, tie;bomber=, tie;fighter (only wor*s in multiplayer!, wampaBehicle, wildtauntaun, ;wing, yt;%1&& (may crash game!, ;K. ?ownloaded $ehicles:rite here a list of ehicle 5#Cs that you downloaded from the internet.
?ownloaded #layermodels:rite here a list of playermodels that you-e downloaded from the internet.
Item )ist:These are the Items, to be used with the gie, and spawn commands. "ome Items will not spawn, and some will freee up the game when you use them sometimes, so be careful. Commands that hae a L by them mean that they� ll wor* in multiplayer too. 28@#": These should only be used with the 4gie4 code All;2ies full armor, items, health, force power, and weapons, all of the ones below. L Ammo;2ies full ammo. L
eaponnum (&;%Q!;2ies you a random weapon based on that number. In multiplayer, type 4gie weaponnum %P4 to unloc* 43irdie 9ode4. L Armor;2ies you full armor. L ealth;2ies you full health. L Inentory;2ies you all the inentory. Force;2ies you full force power. eapons and ammo: 3e sure to type 4weaponB4 before these codes to spawn these, if they-re ammo, than type 4ammoB4 before them instead of 4weaponB4. 6A#@5": 5oghriBstic* (Freees game when used!, tus*enBrifle (9ay change crosshair!, scepter (old Alternate Attac* to fire rapid fire disruptor rifle shots!, tus*enBstaff (9ay also change crosshair!, roc*etBlauncher L, blaster L, repeater L, bowcaster L, thermal L, detBpac* L, disruptor L, saber L, melee L(Type 4gie ammo4 to use!, demp= L, flechette L, concussionBrifle L, biarBpistol L, tripBmine L, stunBbaton L. A99@: 8oc*ets L, blaster L, powercell L, tripmine L, metallicBbolts L, thermal L, force ("pawns a Forcegem, a forcegem will gie you =K' more force power, but only untill that =K' is all used up.!. Items: 3e sure to type 4ItemB4 before these codes to spawn these. IT69": 3acta (heals =K' of your health!, 3igBbacta, medpac*Binstant, shieldB)rgBinstant L, shieldBsmBinstant L, see*er L, binoculars (type in 4oom4 to use! L, datapad, battery (use to *eep the binoculars running!, goodieB*ey, securityB*ey. And the rest of these only wor* in multiplayer: Cloa* L, "ee*er L, "hield L, "entryBgun L, 3inoculars L. @thers: Try spawning these world items, be sure to type 4miscB4 before these codes to spawn these. 9@86 "TFF: Camera, modelBgunBrac*, modelBammoBrac*, eplodingBcrate, gasBtan*, ammoBfloorBunit, shieldBfloorBunit, atstBdriable, emplacedBeweb (9ust hae room to spawn!, BatstBdriable (Also needs room!. )I2T"A368":These are the different lightsabers, to be used with the 4saber4 command. 7ou can hae two of any saber by typing it in twice< 6ample: 4"aber sithBsword sithBsword4. @r you can /ust type something li*e � "aber yoda *yle� for two different types of sabers. 5ote that only some saber wor* in multiplayer. "A368 5A96;T7#6 @F "A368 "ingleB(%;!: ;A regular lightsaber. "ingleB(%;! "ingleB(%;!: ;Two sabers in both hands. ?ualB(%;K!: ;A double;bladed lightsaber. 6mpty: ;A weird small saber without a hilt. "ithBsword: ;A thin sword;type saber, with high damage. Taion: ;Taion-s lightsaber. 0yle: ;0yle-s lightsaber. 0yleBboss: ;(3est wor*ing saber! 0yle-s other lightsaber. ?esann: ;An oersied reborn master-s red saber. 8eborn: ;A reborn-s red saber. 7oda: ;5o saber 7our character may moe his hands, but he doesn-t do any damage se this only when you don-t hae to fight. 5one: ;7our character will put away his saber, when you return to your saber< you should hae a single red saber. 8ebornmaster;A red saber with a cool;loo*ing spi*ed ball on the hilt. )u*e: ;)u*e-s lightsaber. Training: ;A slightly smaller saber. ?roid: ;)arger ersion of the training saber. Jedi: ;Just li*e any other saber, the color is random. "ingle #layer ints: ere are some hints, coming from an epert, me Cheat Tip< Instant Allies:sing 45pc spawn4:sing this code to create allies such
as )u*e, 0yle, and 8oshBpenin will gie you a good adantage "ee*ers are especially helpful since you can� t lose them unless they die. se this code well, and use it often. 2litch, #lay as #ants:If a rancor grabs you, don� t fret Just Huic*ly type 4noclip4 in the console. (This wor*s better if noclip is bound to a *ey.! If he throws you than try again, but if he eats you than you will be able to come out of his mouth hen you do this, you will only be a lower half of a person. hen foes shoot at you, they will often miss because they are shooting at your non;eistent upper half To instantly be normal again, type 4#layermodel player4. Cheat Tip>2litch, 3igger, "maller and 2etting the "iler "uit:To be bigger, type 4#layermodel desann4, and than type 4#layermodel player4, and to become smaller type 4#layermodel /awa4, than 4#layermodel player4. The 4Jawa4 one will also change your running style when you deactiate your saber>s, and ma*e you a neutral character, and the ?esann one will ma*e you a bad guy. To be a good guy again, type 4#layerteam player4. To be normal sied, type 4playermodel /edi4, than 4#layermodel player4. To get the siler suit, type 4#layermodel4 to see what model you are, then type 4#layermodel (9odel!4 6cept type 4TorsoB%4 in place of the normal torso name. 7our clothing will turn siler A85I52: This may cause the game to crash at some points, if this is happening, then use 4noclip4 to go through the part where the game *eeps freeing up and it should not freee up. 2litch, 1 saber blades:There is a way to get a double;bladed lightsaber, and a single lightsaber, but you� ll hae to follow these instructions carefully. 5ow than, go to /un1 (the leel where you fight 8osh!, and type 4"aber singleB(%;! singleB(%;&!4 Actually wor*s with any saber besides dualB(%;K! because it won� t wor* with any other sabers. Then, complete the leel. 7ou should be as*ed shortly after what new lightsaber you want. "elect the double;bladed lightsaber, and go to any of the following missions. 5ow type 40ill4 and load chec*point. 7ou should hae to do this with eery mission. 7ou should now hae = lightsabers, one of them being a double;bladed one Type 4)4 (@r whateer button you bound to )ightsaber "tyle! to switch to double;bladed Cheat Tip, 3oba Fetts Features:If you type 4#layermodel bobaBfett4 to change to 3oba Fetts type model, than you could use his /etpac* to fly by repeatedly pushing /ump, and instead of force lightning, you will use a flamethrower. Tip, ?efeating 8eborns and Cultists: J If you are fighting an easy foe, try pressing attac*Dalt.attac* to do the super moe. If you hae a double bladed lightsaber, try *ic*ing them down, then stab their fallen bodies to finish them off. 9a*e sure you are used to a certain lightsaber style before you switch to it. (I prefer the fast lightsaber style! The more force powers you *now, the better off you are. If you are close to a ledge, use force grip leel 1 to throw them oer the edge. (This can ma*e defeating een reborn masters a piece of ca*e.! It is recommended that you *now at least the %st leel of force heal, as you� ll want to heal after battle. 8eborn masters often use the force against you so be sure you *now force absorb before you fight them. This is the same case with cultists. Cheat Tip, Instant Force>nlimited Force:Tired of waiting for your force bar to go up+ Just type, 43ind M gie ammoBforce4 ME hateer *ey you want 5ow all you hae to do to get loads of force power is press the *ey that you bound to 4gie ammoBforce4.
Too much force+ ?on� t worry, /ust type 43ind M gie force4 if you don� t want all the etra force. For unlimited force, type, 43ind F (@r whateer *ey you bound to Sse Force #ower! seforce1rds of the way down, the 0othos� will restore his health, so it is easier to /ust attac* the 0othos� %st. ere�s the easiest way to do this: %st, use force absorb so that the *othos won� t be able to hurt you, and then use force protect at the same time so that when 8osh attac*s you it won� t do as much damage. =nd, when you attac*, try and get them in a corner so that they won� t run away from you. 1rd, once you get both of the 0othos� out of the way, try attac*ing 8osh now. e�ll be much easier to beat without the 0othos restoring his health eery time you almost *ill him. Try using super combo moes found on your datapad. This is probally the safest way to defeat these guys without cheating. Tip, ?efeating 3oba Fett:In one of the last leels, you are pitted against this guy. 9y suggestion is that you don� t go near him or he� ll ta*e to the s*y. The easiest way to defeat him is by using force lightning. This wor*s best if it� s leel 1. If possible use force protect too. And when he fires at you try and deflect the lasers. If he shoots missles at you, then use force push to deflect them. se force heal to heal any damage he does, and remember, you can always use the cheats if things get really out of hand. Tip, ?efeating Taion twice, and 0yle 0atarn:I suggest not using force grip on any of these guys. hen facing Taion, try and predict her moes. If the scepter starts glowing, then duc*. If she twirls it in the air and it glows blue, then run away and /ump. hen she throws her lightsaber at you, try duc*ing, then *noc*ing it out of the air. se the pillars to hide behind when she does a missile;based attac*. "he usually won� t use the force, but if she starts to, then use force absorb. If you hae force heal, then all the better because you can heal all the damage she does to you. hen you are facing Taion again, with 8agnos in her body, try and not get into a saber loc* because I did and then she *illed me right away een though I had full health 5ote that the sword she uses does more damage and has more *noc* bac* power then any other saber. If she uses the force, use force absorb. I tried crouching and
attac*ing, and that wor*s better than any other I thin*. hen fighting 0yle, use force protect and force absorb. Try not to get in any of his combo moes where he punches you three times, or cho*es and throws you, or slams you on the ground twice. Just do as I say with the force absorb and force protect and it should be easier to defeat him. @f course, the easiest ways to defeat these guys are by using the cheats. 2litch, 3onus )eels:7ou *now the areas that are cut scenes+ ell, there is a way you can actually enter the cutscene area and play in it as a leel. To do this, follow these instructions carefully. %st, enter an area by typing 4demap (Academy%;academyR!4 in the console and type 4dBnpcfreee %4 also in the console. 5ow type 4sae (%;!4 in the console and then type 4)oad %;4 in the console. If it says, 4Failed to open saegame (%;!4 then you probably hae the wrong ersion. 5ote that this may only wor* with some of the maps. I thin* that this wor*s with the %.% ersion though. If it wor*s then you can enter these areas this way After entering the areas, type 4?Bnpcfreee &4 to unfreee the 5#C� s. "uggestion, 9a*e 7our @wn )eel:6nter any leel, enable cheats, then type 4?Bnpcfreee %4. After that type, 45pc *ill all4 and Huic*sae there in case you die. 5ow go around the map spawning characters, and pic*up items. ?on� t forget about the 6;web gun. 5ow go bac* to the beginning when you� re done and type 4?Bnpcfreee &4. "ae the game with the name you prefer to sae it as and now you can play it as a leel
=&&K.&N.&R All Jedi Academy Cheats (For real! 9ultiplayer $ersion "uccess rate: %&&.&&' ello there )oo*ing for cheats+ ell you-e hit the /ac*pot I am currently ma*ing a cheat manual for this game, and I thin* that I am almost finished. This guide pretty much coers eerything, so happy cheating 9)TI#)A768: To enter cheats push shift D tilde, (or whateer the button to the left of the 4%>4 *ey is.! and then type 4?emap (9apname!4 to enable cheats. 5@T6: In multiplayer, you may not enable cheats any other way than using this method, and you will hae to be a host to use some of the cheats. (7ou might hae to be the host of the game to use these cheats! 8egular 9ap Cheats: ; hat the Cheat ?oes: ; 9ore Information: (5@T6: 7ou can type these cheats een if you are on a regular map.! Addbot (3otname! ("*ill S%;K! (Team! % (5ic*name!; Instantly creates a 3@T without going to the menu, and you may nic*name the 3@T too. ith this, you can enter siege games with 3@Ts. CgBcrosshairsie (!;Changes the sie of your crosshair. CgBdrawammowarning %;Tells you when your ammo is out or low. CgBdrawtimer %;Tells you how long you� e been playing. CgBdraw=d &;Allows you to turn off the ud so that you can ta*e a screenshot li*e a leelshot without permanently disabling the ud. To turn it bac* on, type 4CgBdraw=d %4. CgBfo (!;Goom CgBfo =K;%st person iew in saber mode. CgBsabercontact &;"aber will go through walls and ob/ects without spar*s flying. CgBsabertrail &; ?isables your lightsabers blur. CgBspeedtrail &; ?isables your players blur when you use force speed. CgBthirdpersoncameradamp &; Cinematic mode. Camera won� t change unless you go behind something. CgBdismember ; 9ay enable dismemberment if you hae one of the later ersions.
CgB/umpsounds %; 6nables player grunting when you /ump. CgBshadows (&;1!; Changes your shadow to appear in certain predicaments. Clear;Clears all the tet in the console. ClByawspeed %&&&;Allows you to spin around really fast by turning. Color%, and = (&;R!; Changes your sabers color after respawning. ?ir ()etter! (FilenameL@#TI@5A)L!;elps you search for particular files. 6cho (T6MT!;?isplays tet on the console, or on main screen if bound. (Target another player! 6ngageBduel; Challenges the person to a saber duel. Follow ( or player name!;"witches to "pectator 9ode and follows another player. >gc; I don� t *now why, but if you type this, than you will say, 4hold you position4 twice in purple tet as if you were chatting. 2Bdismember (!; 9ay enable dismemberment if you hae one of the later ersions. 2Bdebugmelee %; 6nables melee combo moes. 5ote you must %st hae all saber force power stats to &, and type the 4%4 *ey after respawning. ow to do Combos: 2rab D Attac* D Alternate Attac* D Forward E 2rab D #unch D #unch D #unch Attac* D Alternate Attac* D 3ac*ward E Foothold D Floor "lam D Floor "lam 2Bforcepowerdisable (!;?isables certain force powers so that all players cannot use them. ere is a guide for disabling one force power: =E?isables force /ump. PE?isables force push. %RE?isables force pull. NE?isables force speed. %R=PNE?isables force sense>seeing. 1=QRPE?isables saber attac*. RKK1RE?isables saber defense. %1%&Q=E?isables saber throw. %&=NE?isables force absorb. %E?isables force heal. K%=E?isables force protect. 1=E?isables mind tric*. =&NPE?isables team heal. RNE?isables force grip. P%=E?isables force drain. %=PE?isables force lightning. =KRE?isables force rage. N&RE?isables team energie. 2Bforceregentime .%; 9a*es your force bar go bac* up ery Huic*ly. 2Bfriendlyfire (%!; Allows you to hurt your own allies with force powers or weapons other than your lightsaber. 2Bfriendlysaber (%!; Allows you to hurt your own allies with your lightsaber. 2Bgraity (&;!;Changes the graity in the game. ;2Bgraity & allows you to fly around, but it� s hard to control. 2B*noc*bac* (!; Affects the power of some pro/ectile weapons, and force powers. 2Bsaberdamagescale (!; Affects how much damage lightsabers do. ; 42Bsaberdamagescale &4 ma*es eeryone inulnerable. 2Bslowmoduelend %; 6nables a slow motion dueling end. 2Bspeed (!; Affects how fast players trael. ; 42Bspeed &4 stops players from going anywhere. 2Bpowerduelstarthealth (%;%&&&!; Changes your health at the start of a power duel if you are on the 4"olo team4. ; 42Bpowerduelstarthealth %&&&4 ma*es you inulnerable. 2Bpowerduelendhealth (%;%&&&!; Changes your health at the end of a power duel if you are on the 4"olo team4. ; 42Bpowerduelstarthealth %&&&4 ma*es you inulnerable. andicap (!; 9ay decrease or increase game difficulty, but I don� t *now how. 0ic* (player name!; 0ic* a certain player off the serer. 0ic* all; 0ic*s eerybody off the serer. 0ic* allbots; 0ic*s only computer players off the serer.
0ill;9a*es you perform suicide. ;se this if you are stuc* in an area, and can-t get out. 0illserer; Crashes the game, and may mess up computer. This is what 5@T to do. )eelshot;This is li*e a 4"creenshot4, only without the ?. In multiplayer, it will also cause a brief intermission. A85I52: 7ou will not be able to get the ? bac* until net time you open the game. 9ap (map name!;se this li*e demap, only won-t hae cheats actie. 9ap names are listed in the "ingle #layer section. 9apname;Tells you the map that your in. 9odel (9odel name!;Changes your appearance, a list of player models are in the "ingle #layer section. 9odellist;)ists all models, I thin*. 9usic (music file!;Type 4?ir m mp14 to find music files, this will play a song from the game. ;6ample: 49usic /un14 5ame (7our name here!; Changes your name in multiplayer, in "ingle #layer, all it does is change your name in the console. #lay (sound file!;type 4dir s4 to find sound files, this plays a sound. Ouit; 6its the game and returns you to your des*top. 8ecord (?emo name!; 8ecords a demo, you must type 42Bsynchronousclients %4 before you can record demos. 2o to the main menu and go to play, than go to demos to find your demo. To stop the demo type 4"toprecord4. If you Huit the game without doing this, than your demo won� t wor*. 8Bfasts*y %; 9a*es it nighttime. To change it bac* to daylight type 48Bfasts*y &4. Also disables 45oclip 2litchy "creen4. 8Bflares (&;%!; Turns light beacons @5>@FF. 8Bgamma (&.K;1!; Changes the contrast in the game. 8Bprimities (!; ?@ 5@T 96"" IT TI" #)6A"6 I had to uninstall, than reinstall my game because of this 8Bprimities 1; ?on� t type any number aboe 1. This may ma*e your world more surrealistic. It only wor*ed for me once. 8Blodbias (&;=!;9ay ma*e you muscular or wimpy. "aber% ("aber!; Change lightsaber after respawning. "abers are: 5one, "ingleB(%;!, and ?ualB(%;K!. "aber= ("aber!; Change secondary lightsaber after respawning. 9ust be 5one, or "ingleB(%;!. "ay (T6MT!; "ay indicated tet. "creenshot;Ta*es a screenshot, screenshot files can be found in C>#8@28A9 FI)6">)CA"A8T">"TA8 A8">2A96?ATA>3A"6>"C8665"@T". ;This wor*s best if it is bound to a *ey, since you may not want to ta*e a picture of the console too. "eBlanguage computerB/argon; Type this and see how the tet changes. To go bac* to normal, type 4"eBlanguage 6nglish4. "iedown, sieup; Changes the screensie.
"*inlist;+ "oundstop; "tops all sound, note that some sound may not stop. "plose, spwin; ?iy 9ode. arning: 7ou will hae to restart the map to switch bac* to normal. Just type 48econ4 to reconnect. "Bhostname; se this to see what your serer is called. se this to also change the name of your serer while in the game. ;This will not tell you the name of the current serer you are in, /ust 7@8 serers name. Tell (#layers name! (T6MT!; Allows you to chat priately with a particular player in purple tet. TellBattac*er (Tet!; Allows you to chat priately with the player who is attac*ing you in purple tet. (Target a person! TellBtarget (T6MT!; Allows you to chat priately with the targeted person in purple tet. Timelimit (!; Allows you to change the time limit. nbind (067!;ill remoe the commands of that *ey. ;4nbindall4 remoes all the commands from all the *eys. $ersion;Tells you what ersion your game is, 6ample: I updated my game, so its ersion: %.&.%.&. $iewpos;Type this to see where you are. ;se with the 4"etiewpos4 code. ait;+ Actions: Try doing these if you are in the duel multiplayer game types; U9editate;#layer 9editates. U2loat;#layer 2loats. UFlourish;#layer Flourishes. U3ow;#layer 3ows. UTaunt;#layer taunts and does a certain oiceoer depending on the character chosen. The following codes can only be preformed in 4demaps4. At the beginning of the multiplayer section, we eplain how to enable demaps. 5ote that real people may not be able to /oin your demap, sometimes, only computer players can play with you. ?emap Codes: ; hat the code does: ; 9ore information: 3otBhonorableduelacceptance %; Allows you to duel 3@Ts by turning off your saber, standing still, waiting for a 3@T to come and than pressing 404 when they turn off their saber and stand still. I� m not sure, but you may hae to hae ersion %.% or higher for this to ta*e effect, but I thin* that it wor*s with any ersion. )oo* at the 9ultiplayer ints for more info on saber dueling. CgBanimspeed &;"tatue mode. CgBnoplayeranims %;"tatue mode. CgBthirdpersonertoffset %&& D CgBthirdpersonpitchoffset %&&; @erhead iew. ?Bnpcfreee %>&; Freees>nfreees 5#Cs that you create.
?Bslowmodeath %; 6nables a slow motion death. 2ie (Items, eapons, Armor, ealth, desired. 2ie commands are listed in Commands that don� t hae a L by them hae a lightsaber, type, 4gie weaponBmelee4 to get the melee type< 4gie weaponBsaber4 to get the
6tc.!;Automatically gies you whateer item the single player section. won� t wor* in multiplayer. TI#: If you already weapon, and if you hae the melee weapon, lightsaber.
2od; 9a*es you inulnerable. (6cept to a rancor eating you and death drops.! 2Bsaberrestrictforce %; 9a*es it so that all players (Including you! may not use the force when wielding a lightsaber. 5oclip;Allows you to fly around, go through solids, and only a rancor can touch you, but not *ill you. 5otarget;9a*es you inisible to 5#C foes, but it won� t wor* on 3@Ts in multiplayer, or other players. 5pc *ill all; 0ills all the 5pcs you (or other people! created. 5pc spawn;Allows you to spawn a certain 5#C. 5#C-s are listed in the "ingle #layer section. 5pc spawn ehicle;Allows you to spawn a certain ehicle. $ehicles are listed in the "ingle player section. 8Bdrawentities &;9a*es eleators, pic*up items, and players inisible. 8Bdrawstatus &;Allows you to ta*e a screenshot without the ? without permanently disabling the ?. 8Bdrawtimer %;Tells you how long you� e been playing. 8Bdrawworld &;9a*es eerything but players, eleators, and pic*up items inisible. 8Bdraw=d &;?oes the same thing as 8Bdrawstatus &. 8Bnosererghoul= %;9a*es all players inisible, but not their weapons. 8Bshowtris (&;=!;"hows a wire frame model. 8Bwe (weather name!;Changes the weather, type 48Bwe4 to see all the weathernames. ;48Bwe clear4 clears all the weather. 8Bambientscale (&;K!;3righter>?ar*er players, and some world ob/ects. 8Bambientscale ;8ainbow, color changing players, and some world ob/ects. 8Bambientscale ;"hadow players, and some world ob/ects. 8Bfullbright %;Flouresent lighted world. This also ma*es it loo* li*e one of the older "tar ars games. 8Bnobind %;3e sure to type 4rBnobind &4 in the console when you� re done with this code. "iler polygon world. 8Bnear .&&&;6il M;ray ision. 8Bnear ;6il farsightedness. "etiewpos (M 7 G 7A!;Teleports you to indicated coordinates, use with the 4$iewpos4 code. ;4"etiewpos & & & &4 teleports you to the center of the leel. Timescale (.&&%;!;Changes the speed of the game. Goom; 6nables binocular mode. 6cept since you� re in multiplayer, the batteries don�t wear out 9ultiplayer ints: ere are some hints for multiplayer. This is the end of the cheat guide, hae fun with the cheats. 2litch, 3ecoming Inisible in 9ultiplayer ithout 6nabling Cheats:5ow follow these instructions carefully, %st go to a map with a rancor in it. 9aps with rancors are usually siege maps unless of course you get a person to
somehow spawn the rancor. Than go to the rancor and be sure you *now the moe 4Force #rotect4. 5ow, when he grabs you, use force protect and if he eats you, you will still be alie Than you will hae to slash your way out of his stomach, and when you do, you will be inisible oweer you may hae lost some health, and you won�t be inisible to 3@Ts. That� s all there is to it. 0eep in mind that it may not wor* if you hae a later ersion of Jedi Academy. If you hae cheats actie, type 4noclip4 instead of Force #rotect, and you won� t lose any health for doing this. Tip, Admins and osts: Try to ma*e friends with admins and hosts, because they can do stuff that other people can� t do. 3eing a host is cool, but being an admin is better. Admins can teleport people and do lots of other cool stuff. 3ut for some things you may hae to enable cheats. "uggestion, ?ifferent 9usic: Tired of the same old music+ Try using the 49usic (9p1 file!4 command listed in the regular map cheats section. 7ou can play one of my faorite mp1 files by typing 49usic music>artusBtopside>impbasedBaction4. ?on� t worry< most of the mp1 files are not this long to type. 2litch, 5o lightsaber disable needed to duel: J There is a way that you can duel people without disabling your lightsaber. %st, get either a double bladed lightsaber, or two lightsabers, than type 4)4 (@r whateer button you bound to lightsaber style! so that you only hae a single saber. 5ow you may duel people without deactiating your lightsaber. This wor*s on 3@Ts too if you *now how to duel them ("ee 4botBhonorableduelacceptance %4 cheat code!. If you do this while you are riding a swoop, then you can shoot and slash your lightsaber at the same time. Cheat "uggestions, Instant #oints>6asy 0illing: J ere are some ways to get instant points in multiplayer, the only drawbac*, is that you hae to enable cheats for most of these: FFA or T6A9 FFA: If you� re playing in 4Free For All4 mode, than all you hae to do to get points is *ill people. "o try this, spawn a bartender or /awa. 5ow *ill the bartender or /awa. 7ou also get points for *illing 5#Cs ?6) or #@68 ?6): If you are a host in #ower ?uel, then 7@ ?@ 5@T 566? C6AT" 65A3)6? for easy points. %st, ma*e sure that you are the host of the game, and ma*e sure that it is #ower ?uel. 5ow, go to the cheat console when you� re up net, and enter 42Bpowerduelstarthealth 4, and then enter 42Bpowerduelendhealth 4, and /oin the "olo ?uelists. After that, when you respawn, you will be inincible, so now let them hae it If you want to be on the #aired ?uelists team, then type 42Bpowerduelstarthealth %4 and then 42Bpowerduelendhealth %4 instead so that the lone duelists will all hae only % health point, and you, and the person you� re fighting with will easily *ill them with one hit until the game restarts itself 86969368 to type this when you are up net. If you are in regular ?uel mode then you� ll hae to enable cheats. %st, type 4notarget4 and spawn a rancor. Then let the rancor eat the person. It won� t attac* you because you hae 4notarget4 on Just don� t get in the rancors way. CTF: In Capture The Flag, you� ll hae to enable cheats. 3ut this is my faorite way to get instant points. 8ead the coordinates below and type 4"etiewpos (8ed base coordinates!4 and get the flag, then type 4"etiewpos (3lue base coordinates!4 and bring it bac* to your base where you put the flag. @r ise ersa if you are on the 8ed team. 3ind *eys to these so that you only hae to push that *ey to get there 0eep doing this to score a load of points. ere are the coordinates:
9A#: ;;;;;;;;;; 86? 3A"6: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 3)6 3A"6: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 9p>ctf%: (;RK1& %% %&P= &! (KPR ; %&% &! 9p>ctf=: (%P1K KRP& =P1 &! (;%=KR ;%R&% N%= &! 9p>ctf1: (%QK& K= QQR &! (;1RP% ; K&%% QKK &! 9p>ctfN: (NKPN ;=K& K &! (;K1 =R=K %&Q &! 9p>ctfK: (Q%Q =K&& ;==1 &! (%NQ= =RKR ;==1 &! "I626: ith siege, you� ll be using the 4"etiewpos4 and other cheat codes, so cheats must be enabled. If you are on the attac*ing team in the oth snow mission, use this cheat code: 4"etiewpos ;%=NQ ;%N KNQ &4. ere�s how you can use cheats for any of the missions. se 45otarget4 "o that rancors won� t see you, and only attac* others. se 42od4 to be inulnerable, *eep in mind that you are still affected by rancors and death drops. se 45oclip4 to go through barriers, and to go faster. se 42ie all4 to get better weapons, and items, and to restore health, and armor, and get a /etpac* 8emember, that on some missions, you may need to complete all the ob/ecties. Type 4>npc *ill all4 to get rid of the rancors. If you are on the defending team, spawn rancors, rebornmasters, shadowtroopers, and other 5#Cs to slow the other team down. "ecret, Chat Colors:"ometimes you may see other people chat in different colors. ow do they do this+ It� s easy, /ust type 4V(%;P!4 before the tet to chat in different colors. %Ered, =Egreen, 1Eyellow, NEblue, KElight blue, REpurple, QEwhite, and PEblac*. That�s all there is to it. 3y the way, you can� t type W4X because the W4X will come out as inisible tet Codes, "pecial "erers:"ome serers hae special codes< here are the codes that wor* with these serers. >Toggleflame;Changes force lighting to a flamethrower. I don-t personally li*e this cheat that much, but you might 9odel yoda;"mall ersion of 0yle. >/etpac*;2ies you a free /etpac*. 3ind Dbutton%=;6nables 42rappling 9ode4, when you push the *ey, a bullet will shoot out, and when it reaches an ob/ect, you will be pulled towards that ob/ect. 7ou can download a grappling hoo* online so that the bullet becomes a grappling hoo*. 7ou can push 465T684 to cut the grappling hoo* line I thin*. >amatease;9a*es player put their hands behind their bac*. >ammotd;8eiew serer intro tet. >amaltdim;9ay transport you to an alternate dimension oweer, this only wor*s on some serers only. In an alternate dimension, you cannot use >/etpac* or 42rapple4, and you can go through people in the regular dimension, thus allowing you to fuse together by standing where they are, and typing >amaltdim again. >amsay (Tet!;"ends a message to all admins. >ammap (2ametype! (9apname!;Type 4>ammap4 to see game types. Ta*es you to a certain map with the desired gametype. >ambeg;9a*es you get on hands and *nees. >amsit;9a*es you sit down in the air. >amsit=;?oes a similer thing as >amsit. >amsit1;"it>)ay on ground. >amsitN;"its you down on the ground, and you get up slowly, thus enabling you to hoer for K seconds. >amictory;#reforms a secret taunt, and does a oiceoer. >amnod or >amsha*e;5ods your head. "ha*es your head. >amcomeon;aes your arm in a -come on- moement. >ambeg;#erson gets on hands and *nees. >amflip;Flips your light saber, and turns it off>on. >am*neel;9a*es you 0neel. >amsurrender;#uts your arms up in the air.
>amwait;9a*es person lean against wall, or air if not done by wall. >amhug;ugs a person if the person is right in front of you. >aminfo;Tells you something about your serer. >amnoisy;#layer coers ears as if there is a loud noise. >ammoe;9ay tell you new moes that can be preformed in some of the special serers only. >amhelp;9ay gie you information about the current serer. "pecial 9oes:I found that these moes can be preformed if the 4>Am4 commands are bound to *eys, but when binding, don-t type > before the command or it won-t wor*. 6MA9#)6: 43ind O amsit4. amsit1Dwal* or run;Feminine wal* or run. Funny if done by male. amsitDwal*;Crossarms wal*. amsit= or amsitNDwal*;I don-t *now what to call this one. amnod or amsha*eDwal* or run;Fruity run. crouchDambeg;"traighten up. ambegDwal*;unchbac*. ambegDrun;Charge. AmdieDcrouch;#ushups. Amdie=Dwal*;9ummy wal*. amsurrenderDcrouch;?o 4The ae4. amwaitDwal*;3etter crossarms wal* than the amsitDwal* bind. 3inding 4%>4 to amflip;Instead of simply actiating your lightsaber, you will flip it as well if this code is actie sing >amcommands on fire ma*es you inulrable to the fire 2litches>Codes, "ecret 9odels:ere are some player models that you can only unloc* by using cheat codes. Jawa;This has the oice, and appearance of a /awa, cannot get this any other way. #rotocol;2ies you the oice of C1po, while you play as 0yle 0atarn. 8=d=;2ies you the oice of 8=d= while playing as 0yle 0atarn. aardtrooper;2ies you the oice of a aard Trooper while you play as 0yle 0atarn, you also get a different taunt too. #robe;6plosion sound while you die and weird oice, play as 0yle 0atarn. 8ancor; 2et a rancors oice while playing as 0yle. ampa;ampas oice playing as 0yle. owler;owlers oice, again, playing as 0yle. 2on*;2on*s oice as 0yle. 8oc*ettrooper;8oc*et Troopers oice, yet again, playing as 0yle, but with a different taunt. Tauntaun;#lay as 0yle with a Tauntauns oice. "andBcreature;The last oice changer model playing as 0yle, you will hae the "and Creatures oice this time. JediBhm;uman male in clothes that you can� t get in the appearance window, I thin* that these are the oth mission clothes. JediBrm;8odian male in the special clothes. JediB*dm;0el ?or male in those clothes. JediBhf;uman female in the special clothes. JediBf;Gabra* female in oth clothes. JediBtf;Twile* female in the special clothes. ae fun with these cheats